Mar. 8. Envoy, Kaela and Janus witness evidence that the Priest-King is finding ways to circumvent the magical barrier that confines him.
(Envoy) (City of Hands) (H'rral) (Kaela) (Savan)

At the City of Hands base camp, located on a rocky shelf about halfway down the canyon, things are pretty slow right now. Vielanika the brown bat bard plays a melody on her flute, to the accompaniment of a Vykarin drummer … and the lovely pair of voices possessed by a creature known as Envoy, to the enjoyment of those gathered around.

Envoy tries to create a chorus for the double-voiced flute of Vielanika, tapping out extra tones on her dulcimer as needed.

Janus listens to the music from nearby, leaning against something, as he always seems to be doing.

It's leaning toward evening now, though it's never terribly bright anyway, thanks to this ever-dreary weather. At least it hasn't rained, though the sky perpetually threatens to do so.

Envoy watches the audience as well as the people still moving about on errands, so she can see who is new from the replacement crew.

Janus doesn't have to try very hard to pretend to be interested in the music – indeed, he acts like he's trying to be indifferent.

Vielanika continues playing, making small steps in rhythm to the music in something that subtly borders on dancing, but mostly serves to shake some bells and jangles on her costume as additional accompaniment.

Janus gives up staring at the surrounding flora and turns his full attention to the music, tail swishing idly to the beat.

And then, the flute-playing stops. And the drums. And the jangles. Only Envoy's voice and her dulcimer is left to carry out the remaining notes of the song. Vielanika looks at the "Aeolun" appraisingly.

Envoy's double-flute voices fade into a whisper.

Janus nibbles on his lower lip, "I could get to like it here."

Rawrii's tongue lolls, as he looks up to Envoy, his ears perked to catch the last whispers of the song.

Envoy rubs her throat. It's not easy keeping up with Vielanika's fingers when it comes to creating a tune.

Vielanika smiles when it appears the song has completed. She smiles even more at the applause.

Janus scans the assembled group again, seeing that some show signs of the dangers of exploration and mutters quietly, "Do I know what I'm getting into here?"

Envoy stands up and scritches Rawrii behind his ears.

"Well!" Vielanika says, "I think you're coming along commendably. Of course, you were already talented to begin with… "

Rawrii's thick tail slapslapslaps against the ground. He grins. "Rnroy!"

Janus's eyes widen, "She's just learning?"

Vielanika shrugs. "You're never too old to learn," she says with a smile.

Janus halfsmiles, "Seems I've heard something like that before."

Envoy smiles and waves to Janus, "Hello again, Janus. This is my mentor, Vielanika."

Envoy says, "And this is Rawrii!"

Janus smiles and nods to both, "Good evening, and better playing."

Vielanika smiles and makes a bow. Rawrii barks, "Rawrii!" just in case Janus didn't hear Envoy the first time.

Janus chuckles, "Rawrii it is, then."

Envoy says, "How do you like the expedition so far, Janus? Have you explored the ruins yet?"

Janus shakes his head, "Not yet. I haven't had any luck getting on any of the teams. I'm half-tempted to go in on my own, but I'm not quite that stupid.

Vielanika nods to Janus. "If you'll pardon me, I'll put our things away." She looks to Janus and Envoy and says, "And I'll let you two talk, yes?" She winks to the cat, then walks away, tugging Rawrii along.

Janus smiles a little and watches Vielanika go.

Envoy watches Vielanika go. "I hope she hasn't contracted an eye infection."

Janus hmms? and looks back. "Eye infection?

Envoy says, "One of her eyes was blinking more than the other."

Janus looks confused, "More th… " He suddenly chuckles softly, "Perhaps she had a bit of dust, or pollen in it."

Envoy turns back to Janus, "If you want to do real exploration, stay out of any groups that the mage Isstan is going with. Those are just pretend explorations."

Janus looks around and nods, "He was the mind-mage?"

Envoy nods, "He records the memories of the actors, and then transfers them to Titus."

Envoy smiles, "Why did you come on this expedition? Are you a scholar?"

Janus narrows his eyes, "I'll be sure to stay clear of those, then.

Janus chuckles, "Only recently.

Envoy says, "What do you study?"

Janus grins a bit, "Everything I can. People, history, geography. I like people most of all, because they are the most challenging."

Envoy says, "I study people too. Have you been studying me?"

Janus shrugs, "Yeah… Trying.

Janus leans his back against a convenient obstruction and adopts his usual relaxed pose.

Envoy says, "What do you hope to learn here? I came to talk to the living buildings… but it wasn't what I was expecting."

Janus tilts his head back and looks to the sky, "I don't really know all that I hope to find here. I want to learn what motivates some people to come to places like this. I would like to know what happened to the people that used to be in the remains of the village near here. Lots of things, I suppose."

Envoy says, "We were told they were killed in a tribal war. There weren't many remains to examine though."

Janus shakes his head, "That doesn't sound right, though I suppose it's possible."

Envoy blinks three times. "You are a scholar of Savanites?"

Janus shakes his head, "No… I'm not. What I know really just came from my time with my teachers, the ones who taught me the signing toungue.

Envoy says, "What do you know of their history? Do any of them remember that they were once masters?"

Janus shakes his head, "I doubt it. At least, none of them that I knew seemed to have any idea of that."

Some of the workers turn in for the night, to get what rest they can, since they'll have to get up early in the morning. There are still a few here and there, but it's very sparse now.

Janus looks toward the ruins and chews on his lower lip.

Envoy says, "What do you think they will do when the truth about this place is widely known?"

Janus shakes his head, "Depends. My guess is that the truth won't become widely known. Either that, or the powers that be will discredit any notion that what's been seen is really what we think it is.

Envoy blinks three times. "But that's… not right."

Envoy says, "They can't… HIDE a whole city."

Envoy looks worried. "Can they?"

Janus shakes his head, "Not the city. They don't have to hide the city."

A guard at the perimeter, past the tents, calls out, "Who goes there?"

Envoy blinks. "I don't understand."

Janus looks up at the shout for a moment, then looks back at Envoy. "There is a saying that any secret that more than one person knows is one that will get out. If you want to keep something secret, you make sure only one person knows it."

Envoy says, "But more than one of us knows the truth here."

Janus smiles a little bit, "That must be what I like about you. You are so innocent. Maybe I'd better shut up before I say something to change that."

Envoy blinks three times. Then blinks three more times.

Envoy says, "There is a Temple Inquisitrix in our expedition. I don't think anyone will convince her not to report the truth to the Temple."

Janus lowers his head and smiles, "What's to say she'll tell the whole truth?

The guard can be heard again, "Petty Officer Leftomanus? Thank the First Ones! We thought you were – "

Janus flicks his ears toward the speakers.

It's quiet now.

Janus narrows his eyes. "That's odd."

Envoy says, "Of course she'll tell the truth. My own report will corroberate things."

Envoy looks around, "What is odd?"

Janus stands up straight and starts to walk toward the perimeter, where the guard was speaking. "Shh… That didn't sound right."

The lantern that should be there is out. Beneath the pole, a shadow can be seen on the ground.

Envoy follows Janus, otherwise she'd lose sight of him in the darkness.

Janus looks around, scanning the area for anything else out of place. "Envoy… go get some guards… NOW."

Janus pads slowly toward the shadow on the ground, scanning the area slowly.

A body of a lupine guard lies on the ground, his body angled oddly and broken, his eyes still open, a look of surprise frozen on his face. His weapon isn't even drawn.

Envoy runs back to the camp and yells for a guard.

A couple of wolves look up. One barks, "What is it?"

Envoy says, "Janus needs guards at the perimeter."

Janus draws his knife and looks around, acting skittish. "Who's there."

A rasping voice laughs. "Show proper respect for an emissary of the King."

The wolves at first look incredulous – but then they hear that voice. Swords are drawn.

Janus grins lopsidedly and throws his knife with a quick motion, drawing the other, "Respect hasn't ever really been a strong suit of mine."

The knife shatters as it hits its target.

The voice laughs. "That is not proper respect. An example must be made of you."

Envoy follows behind the guards. "Do you mean the Priest-King?"

Janus blinks and hops back. "Oh… great. Now you're going to teach me respect, right?

As the lanterns approach, the figure that Janus is facing is illuminated. It looks canine. A poodle. Or … perhaps it once was.

Envoy says, "Janus, keep back! It's a remote! It'll be made of living STONE, not flesh!"

Janus moves back further, keeping a distance from the poodle, "Yeah… I noticed."

Janus signs as he moves away, " I'd really rather not be made an example of… I'm a terrible student."

The figure looks like a humanoid poodle, but the features are dull gray, with marbleizations that run along where veins would normally be under the skin. The figure looks gaunt … or as if his exterior had rippled to mimick the bones which should be underneath.

The hands flash in response to Janus, as the poodle's expression shifts, " Perhaps you are not so much the savage after all. Drop your weapon and show proper respect, and you might yet be forgiven, if it pleases my master. "

Envoy says, "I wonder how it is maintaining communication? My ansible doesn't function at this altitude… "

Envoy approaches the stone-zombie.

"Stone?" barks one of the guards. "How in blazes do we fight sto – NO! Don't walk UP to it!" The wolf tries to grasp for Envoy's wing.

Janus drops his knife to the ground, "Umm… Envoy, do you know how they showed respect to the Priest-King way back when?

Janus waves the wolves back, "Get back! You can't fight a rock!"

The Emissary's hands flash again. "I have no time to deal with slaves. Where is your master?"

As the hands move, the veins upon their surface glow , making them clearly visible even in the diminished light.

Janus signs quickly, I am no one's slave… and I doubt you'd care much for the person in charge, either.

Envoy pulls her wing free, leaving the guard holding some long feathers. "I don't know what the old rituals were, Janus."

Envoy says, "How did it get past the wards?"

The crystalline eyes of the once-poodle gaze at Janus, as if boring through his very being. The hands move again. "You are not as you appear. Why this shameful charade?"

The wolf guard dumbly looks at the feathers he's pulled free. He makes to move closer – but he is not so heroic as to dare approach that … thing.

Envoy suddenly turns back towards the guard, "Bring all the Eeee here."

Janus lowers himself to one knee before the Emissary and signs, "Because I will not be a slave, and that is the fate that waits for the people who once lived here."

"What's it SAYING?" the wolf whimpers. "I – Isstan!" With that, he bolts off, shouting, "ISSTAN! Wake up the mage!"

The Emissary's form shakes, the apparently fluid motions of the stone seeming to crack and jolt just a bit. The hands tremble and contort as the muzzle emits a shivering snarl.

Envoy says, "I think you've upset it, Janus."

Janus mutters, "Yeah… I noticed."

There are more shouts as word gets around the camp. More lanterns are lit, and the tents expel their occupants.

Janus signs again, "You can't change that by killing anyone here. You can't change it with your anger."

The Emissary's contortions smooth themselves out. Where the stone has cracked, it forms back into relative solidity again. The hands sign, "This is a disgrace. The Priest-King should purge all here in his fury. But he will show mercy for now. He shall stay his hand. For now."

Envoy signs, "I am also an Emissary like you."

The snake slithers into view, looking quite annoyed. He almost bites off his tongue, however, when he sees the "resurrected" poodle.

The crystalline eyes focus on Envoy now.

Janus bows his head in aquiesence.

Janus relaxes… just a little.

Envoy signs, "My function is to gather information for my … Queen. What is your function?"

Janus remains kneeling on the ground, watching to see if Envoy is as good at irritating long-dead people as he is.

The crystalline eyes keep focused on Envoy. A few cracks appear, but they subside and smooth out again. "The Priest-King was betrayed by his disloyal followers. But he has found his means of deliverance. The Palace shall be rebuilt, and the Priest-King shall extend his rule over the land, mightier than ever before."

Envoy signs, "And then what?"

Janus chews on his lower lip and mutters to himself, "That doesn't sound promising."

The Emissary's hands sign, "Then he shall do as he pleases, as is his right. His people will serve him and join him in immortality. And all his enemies, those who have subjugated his people, shall be eradicated."

Envoy blinks three times, then signs, "Why does the Priest-King need servants?"

The Emissary pauses for a while, then the face shifts a bit, cracking into a lipless smile. "The Priest-King needs none. But such is his pleasure."

Envoy pauses to consider…

Meanwhile, in the background, there is much gawking, shuffling around, arguing. Some look like they're ready to attack, but they're held back by their superiors. The mage is hurriedly working on some sort of magic circle, protected by a shield of guards.

Envoy signs back, "It will not be allowed. He would replace one injustice with another."

Janus closes his eyes and mutters, "Oh great… don't do that… please – don't make it mad."

Cracks form on the Emissary, as the body shifts and shakes. All the veins begin to glow from within. The hands shake, "How dare you!"

Janus opens his eyes, "Great… "

With that, a stone hand swings out, aimed toward the "Aeolun".

The guards are held back no more, upon seeing a woman struck at. With several howls and barks, the wolves rush forward, swords and polearms out.

Janus yells and jumps forward with his arms outstretched. He slams into Envoy with a painful-sounding *WHAP* and bears her to the ground several feet from where she was standing.

The stone fist swings through empty air. The poodle is borne down on by several snarling wolves.

Envoy ooofss as all the air is knocked from her lungs…

Janus looks down at Envoy. "Be careful who you irritate."

In the flurry that follows, there are soon many yelps and snaps of breaking weapons and armor. In a matter of moments, the poodle still stands, with the wolves sprawled about him. The stone Emissary's veins seethe and pulse.

Envoy blinks, "Did I irritate it?"

Janus rolls to the side and to his feet, looking at the poodle. "I think so… Why don't you do me a favor and run away?"

The remaining guards stand at bay, eyes wide, ears flattened back, unsure just what to do against this blasphemy that is not even touched by their weapons.

Janus signs, the sarcasm on his face plain to read, "That certainly was impressive."

Envoy stands up and shakes her head. "We need to ward it. The hands in the ruins used this gesture… " She makes sign at the Emissary.

The guards in front of the snake part ways, revealing the mage, whose own eyes glare balefully at the stone figure. Isstan chants and gestures menacingly.

The Emissary jolts at Envoy's gesture, then turns toward her. He signs, "That will do you no good… "

Envoy says, "Maybe it only works if Savanites use it… "

Envoy turns to Janus, "Can you think of any way to launch the Emissary into the air?"

Janus watches Envoy out of the corner of his eye. "Into the air? It's probably a bit too heavy for that… "

Envoy hmms. "Maybe we could roll it into the river then."

Isstan shouts some sort of "power word" and flings his hand in a gesture toward the stone figure.

Nothing happens.

Envoy shakes her head at the mage, "Remotes don't have minds to affect… "

The snake's jaw drops.

Janus tries to copy Envoy's warding gestures.

Envoy looks around, trying to find a good tree within 30 feet that might be dropped on the golem.

The poodle's attention shifts to Janus. His face contorts, looking annoyed. He signs, "Stop playing such games!"

There are plenty of trees within thirty feet. Now, how to drop them might be another matter.

Janus signs back, "Why? Does it bother you?" He repeats the gesture… several times.

Envoy says, "Try with both hands… "

"That sign serves as a warning to those outside to not come in – but, behold! It does nothing against the will of the Priest-King! Your mockery shall be repaid in blood!" the poodle snarls, swinging at Janus with a stone fist.

Janus jumps backward and out of range. "Would I do a thing like that?"

Envoy runs to the nearest tent, and starts pulling up the stakes that tie it down.

The stone poodle snarls, and starts slowly, deliberately, marching toward Janus, one step at a time.

Envoy calls out, "We need a battering ram!"

Envoy gets the tent uprooted finally, and tries to fly while dragging the bulky canvas.

Janus backs away from the golem, moving in a wide circle. "You know… your face will stick like that."

Janus makes the warding gesture with both hands.

Several wolves look about. "Do it!" one of the officers snaps, lacking for any better idea. Wolves scramble about. The cheetahs are roused as well, and tend to the task. At the sight of the cheetahs, the poodle seems even more infuriated.

Envoy gets about 20 feet up, not daring to fly higher. The tent dangles down another ten feet though, hopefully out of range of the remote's arms. She flies towards the golem.

The poodle snarls and barks, its jaw cracking as its face contorts, seemingly having trouble holding its own shape, such rage as it displays at Janus' mockery.

Janus laughs (or tries to), and signs, "That's good! Can you sing too?"

The poodle stomps up toward Janus, bringing back a fist for another punch.

Envoy drops the tent over the not-poodle.

Janus waits til the last second and dives away from the fist, rolling to his feet.

Janus calls out, "Oops. I guess we've got you covered."

Just as the fist swings through open air, the heavy fabric of the tent falls over the once-poodle, completely covering him. The fists sway about, while the creature roars angrily. Meanwhile, there are several cracking noises emitting from the base of a nearby tree as wolves and cheetahs work furiously to fell it.

Janus looks up at Envoy and yells, "Is it mad?"

The workers make good time. *CRACK* "TIMBER!!!"

Envoy signs to Janus, "We need to knock him over." She swoops back down and away from the falling tree.

Janus looks at the flailing tent, "Knock it over… right."

The tree falls – It's not as big as most of those around here – and it's quickly hefted up. One of the guard captains barks an order, and the hasty battering ram makes its way toward the tent.

Janus picks up a rock. "I hope that this is a good idea."

Janus makes sure he is well out of the way of the battering ram.

*WHOCK* The battering ram impacts the flailing form. The form goes down.

Janus blinks and nods. "Now what?"

The wolves yelp as the tree is flung to one side, sending them (and the much quieter cheetahs among them) sprawling.

Janus yells out, "Hey, Emissary. Was that a proper form of respect?"

Envoy says, "Hit it with something hard… like a boulder."

With several quick tearing motions, the tent is ripped to shreads. Long, spiked extrusions from the arms of the stone construct make fragments of the material. The once-poodle is looking hardly recognizeable as such now, as it stands there, glowing and seething.

Janus looks around for any convienent and large rocks.

Envoy thinks about the dug up tiles around the ruin… "Don't let any stone actually TOUCH it though, just what's covered by the tent."

Janus looks up at the ripping noise. "Oops."

Envoy frowns. "I wish we had a big tuning fork… "

Janus throws his rock at the rather irritated statue. "I don't suppose you can sing that high?"

Vielanika flaps up. "Oh my! What's going on here? And what happened to you, Envoy? Are you all right?" The bat looks Envoy quickly over for bruises or scrapes.

Envoy also looks a little wistful at the poodle-things ability to modify its body.

The rock bounces off, having no more effect than the chitin blades did.

Envoy tries, singing as high as she can with one voice and as low as she can with the other.

Several of the wolves cringe in pain, and start howling.

Janus looks around and snags one of the wolves, "Is there a big drop-off near here? Something we can knock it over?"

Janus winces and flicks his hears back… "ouch."

The wolf points toward the edge of the shelf. "That way. But we weren't able to knock it very far last time. OOooOGH. Is that supposed to HELP us?"

Janus grimaces, "Don't have to knock it far, if I can lead it right to the edge."

Envoy stops the noise, her own semi-crystal skull vibrating from the attempt.

The statue looks toward Envoy … and then there's a tinkle and crackle, as its crystalline eyes explode. It bellows in anger.

Janus throws another rock at the Emissary and says, "You really are hard-headed."

Janus looks at Envoy, "You don't suppose it's blind now, do you?"

Envoy blinks at the Emissary. "For a little while, probably. It may regrow the eyes though soon."

Envoy picks up a broken spear and prods at the Emissary…

For the time being, though, the once-poodle seems to be flailing around in a rage, blindly. Everyone who can is keeping a wide berth, and the fallen wolves from earlier (dead or merely wounded) have been dragged clear from its rampage.

Janus signs at the statue, You are nothing. You aren't even worth the time it would take to destroy. Why don't you go back to your senile master and wipe the spittle from his lips."

Janus mutters, "I really hope it's blind."

Envoy says, "I blinded you, Emissary. Come and get me… "

Envoy continues to poke at the monster while backing towards the canyon dropoff.

The spear appears to have little effect on the Emissary other than to prompt it to swing a thick fist, shattering the wood. It still moves a few steps toward the shelf edge before it does so, though.

Janus throws another rock at the statue, moving with Envoy. "With servents like you, Emissary, it's no wonder that your master was betrayed."

Envoy says, "You missed me," to the Emissary. "Stone can't beat flesh. You aren't a very well made remote."

Some of the other wolves get the idea, too, barking whatever insults they can think of, and hurling rocks, broken weapons and whatever they can to lure it toward the shelf edge.

As the Emissary starts getting CLOSER to the edge, though, they don't seem to like being between it and a drop-off, though, and quickly spread aside.

Envoy wonders how much of Eustace was used to make the Emissary. Eustace wasn't very bright.

Janus stands directly between the Emissary and the edge, "Your master must really be pathetic to have to rely on trash like you."

The poodle-thing's body is cracked and contorted, most of the features lost in a jumble of shifting rock, as it charges steadily toward Envoy and Janus.

Envoy steps off the ledge and flaps her wings to hover ten feet from it. "I'm over here, Emissary."

The stone poodle-thing lets out another roar, and stomps toward Envoy and … empty space.

Kaela makes her way over from the camp, peering towards the big stone… whatever it is… with a rather large deal of trepidation and worry.

A foot goes out into the open air. And down. The rest of the stone poodle-thing follows suit.

Janus steps to the side and lets out a long breath. He pads over to the edge of the cliff and looks down.

Over the edge, the thing hurtles. As it does, the glowing veins darken. It flips downward, landing with a loud splash in the river below.

Janus winces. "That's probably not going to stop it, folks."

Envoy lands back on the ledge, next to Janus.

Janus lifts his head and looks around, "I believe that it was a bit irritated."

Envoy blinks at Janus. "If you were eaten and remade into stone with no mind of your own, wouldn't you be irritated?"

Several look over the edge. "Is it gone?" one murmurs, with similar words echoed down the line either in voice or hand-sign.

Envoy says, "When one arrives that CAN'T be irritated, we will be in trouble."

Janus waits until Envoy is safely on the ground and grabs her shoulders, "If you ever try to get me killed like that again… " He shivers and lets her go, turning back to the camp and walking off, muttering to himself the whole way.

Envoy walks back to camp, and retrieves her dulcimer. It wouldn't do to leave it out all night.

A wolf nearby murmurs, "That – that used to be Eustace kah Leftomanus, didn't it?" "Yeah," another nods. "Lord Titus is NOT gonna be happy… "

"Yeah?" retorts the first one. "You think I'm happy? This does it! I'm LEAVING this place! I don't CARE if I don't get paid!"

Envoy wonders out loud, "Did Isstan remember to record all of that?"

Janus brushes by Kaela. From the look on his face, the stone poodle isn't the only thing that was irritated.

Envoy waves to Kaela, "Hello Kaela! Did we wake you?"

Kaela quietly makes her way over to Envoy, swallowing. She signs, "What was that?"

Envoy signs back, "An emissary of the Priest-King, made to look like the poodle that went with you into the ruins."

Janus finds a tree somewhat near the camp and climbs up into it. When he reaches one of the highest stable limbs he can find he sits down with his back to the trunk and wraps his arms around his legs and buries his nose. "What kind of madness have I got myself into this time?"

Kaela's eyes widen. She nods a little bit, looking particularly worried. She signs, "It shouldn't… have been able to leave the circle of warding hands… "

There are some voices from the edge of the group, "Oh no!" "LOOK!" "You've GOTTA be kidding!" "I'm getting OUT OF HERE!" There's a sudden rush of movement prompted by another shadowy shape approaching the edge of the camp.

Janus perks his ears and looks up. "Another… ?"

Envoy signs, "The ward may be broken, or allow the emissaries to pass if they have some life left."

The shadowy form is very thin and serpentine. It looks like a Naga … or a mere husk of one that dances with each movement of the breeze.

Janus swallows and closes his eyes. "No… can't be. … I hope… "

Isstan looks at the approaching spectre. He hisses angrily.

Envoy glances at the edge of camp. "The other one, Raysse, was a Naga. I think the Priest-King is using him now too, Kaela."

Janus chews on his lower lip. "I'm gonna get myself killed like this someday."

Envoy wonders who else has gone missing. She hasn't seen the nervous fox for awhile.

A pair of glowing red dots indicate where the eyes should be. Spindly, bony, ebon hands flick in the glow cast by the eyes.

Janus swings out of the tree and runs across camp back to where the first Emissary came from.

Envoy signs to Kaela, "Savanite magic hold back the Priest-King. Which Savanites here know magic?"

Kaela nods faintly, moving nearer to Envoy. "I… someone will have to stop the Priest-King… "

Janus slides to a stop near Envoy, "Please tell me that isn't another one."

Kaela shakes her head to Envoy. "No Savanites here know magic. Only Shamans. None here, and none with power like Priest-King's, anyway."

Envoy says, "There was a Naga that died in the ruins. It may be another reconstruction."

The spindly hands of the spectral Naga sign, "Do not think you can escape the wrath of the Priest-King."

With that, the thin, wispy creature turns and slither-glides away, melding with the shadows.

Janus whimpers softly. "I was afraid you were going to say that, Envoy."

Envoy signs to Kaela, "Can you try to make the warding gesture at it? It almost reacted before, but no Savanite was there to try it."

Janus looks around, trying to find some sign of the creature.

Envoy turns to Janus, "I don't think anyone is going to sleep tonight now."

It's gone. There's no sign of it now. Nor of most of those who were out here. Sounds from camp attest to some hasty packing and disassembling.

Kaela blinks as the creature vanishes.

Janus retorts, "Oh… certainly not. I'll be shocked if there is even a camp here in the morning."

Kaela looks to Envoy. She signs, "I would like to see the warding hands… Whether the Priest-King has escaped, or can only send out his golems."

The mind-mage Naga slithers off to his own tent, hastily seeing to HIS packing as well. By the look of things … the general mood seems fairly unanimous.

Envoy nods to Kaela, "We'll need torches or lanterns."

Janus pinches his nose between two fingers. "You are going down there… right now?"

Envoy says, "There may be another golem, but for sure there is one nearby. It should be safer in the city than in the camp."

Janus rubs his forehead. "If we are still alive in the morning… remind me to hate you? I get so forgetful sometimes."

Envoy blinks at Janus, "Perhaps you need to supplement your diet then."

Janus looks around and signs to Kaela, "Do you know where the lanterns are kept?"

Kaela nods, and hurries back to the camp to fetch some lanterns.

Janus looks at Envoy. "What would you suggest? Roast bard?"

Kaela bounds back after several minutes, bearing two lanterns, which she offers to Janus and Envoy.

Vielanika rushes back into view. "I've got everything packed up, Envoy. But they're saying that they can't really take off until it lightens up. We may be in real danger here … but it would be real danger THERE, too trying to make it up to the jungle again … and all the way back to the village!"

Envoy shakes her head, "Broccoli."

Envoy smiles to Vielanika. "That's okay. We need to go check the ward line in the City before we go anyway."

Janus takes one of the lanterns, "Don't worry, Vielanika. If Envoy has her way, they'll be too busy killing us to worry about the camp."

Vielanika's jaw drops. "You – YOU! MELCHIZEDEK IS GOING TO KILL ME!"

Janus checks the fuel in the lamp absently and hands it back to Kaela. "I'd rather have my hands free."

Vielanika looks around. "No, Envoy isn't going to go anywhere, really? No … I'll … I'll be right back. RAWRII!" She goes running off, back into the chaos that the camp has become.

Envoy says, "If the wards are broken, the Priest-King will take over the world anyway."

Kaela nods to Janus, and takes the lamp. That's also what had been on her mind, but…

Janus sighs softly. "Wonderful. He looks down at Kaela. If you don't want to carry it… don't. Just don't drop it in the jungle unless I tell you to.

Kaela flushes lightly, but nods. She holds on to the lantern quietly.

Janus looks at Envoy. "You know the way. Lead on."

Envoy heads for the edge of camp, and trail down the canyonside to the palace.

Janus lets out a long breath and gestures for Kaela to follow immediately behind Envoy. He brings up the rear.

The rope bridge leads across the river and to that rocky trail. Not long after (though the moments may seem to stretch on) the other part of the city ruins is in view.

Kaela nods faintly, and mentally kicks herself as she follows along. All this talk about being special… important… and royalty. And still she's a slave… does everything she's told… and doesn't even dare meet the gaze of those who give her orders.

Envoy says, "We'll probably have to cut down the bridge on our way back."

The palace doesn't look quite the same. Rather than being sunken into the earth, even from here, it can be seen above the level of the other buildings, topped by a dome with five minerets that poke upward like fingers of a grasping, clawing hand.

Envoy pokes her head through the archway, to see if anything is moving in the courtyard.

Kaela bites her lower lip, looking upon the palace. This is not good.

Janus tries to ignore the fact that Envoy is basically calm about this whole thing… he's wound up as tight as a spring, practically vibrating with suppresed energy.

Janus looks at Kaela and signs (shakily), "Your dreams. Don't suppose you've seen anything about this?"

Envoy asks Kaela, out loud, "What should we do now?"

Kaela's eyes widen at Janus, and she fumbles a bit. "Dreams? Wh-what dreams?" How does he know about those?

Janus grimaces and shakes his head, "You told me you had a dream about that monastery. Have you had any others?"

Janus signs, "Anything about this?"

Ahead is the archway, with the veil of vines. Just through there is the circle around the palace.

Kaela blinks softly. Then shakes her head. She signs, "We need to check. To be sure the hands are intact."

Envoy steps through the archway.

Janus mutters something unintelligable and looks around the courtyard again before moving over to the archway.

Kaela hurries after the other two, pushing through the vines.

Through the vines, then. And beyond can be seen the broken tiles surrounding the ring of hands, which in turn surrounds the palace … which is a nightmarish version of its former, ancient grandeur. From within windows can be seen faint light, pulsating, of a reddish hue.

Janus raises a finger, "You know… I think someone is really mad."

The hands around the ring are in different positions. "Failed" "Flee" "Beware"

Kaela signs, "We woke it. It was asleep before. It has always been mad. " Though the connotations of her 'mad' are subtly different from those of Janus.

Envoy eyes the ring of hands… "Can we fix the ward?"

Those hands facing toward the palace, however, still have the same signs of warding. Only those facing out have changed their message. None appear to me missing or out of place.

Janus looks at the hands. "You know what? I'm really starting to get a bad feeling here."

Janus points at the hands, "I take it this is wrong?"

Something moves from within the entrance. A shadowy form, with two points of reddish light spelling out a pair of eyes. It sways faintly, jerkily, as it slithers along.

Kaela frowns a bit. She signs, "I'm not sure. Something has gone wrong. But perhaps the Priest-King is still – " she trails off as the golem re- appears.

Envoy says, "The hands still ward, but claim failure. It may not be strong enough. Hello, who's there?"

Janus pads closer to the ward… and stops when he sees the glowing eyes. "Wonderful."

As the snake-thing passes between the ring of hands, there is an interplay of blue sparks that spell out a barrier that it passes through without hindrance – and then the sparks vanish again once it is past.

Janus takes a few steps back, "Why are they turned in different directions?"

Envoy says, "Raysse?"

Janus signs to the golem, "Hello?"

The snake thing turns toward Envoy, then signs, "Have you come to repent of your foolishness and pay homage to the Priest-King at last?"

Envoy blinks, and signs back, "What is 'homage'?"

Janus looks at the ring of hands again, keeping the golem in view. "Oh no… "

Kaela looks to Janus quickly.

"That is answer enough," the snake signs.

Janus says, "Envoy… I told you not to do that… "

Envoy blinks at Janus, "Do what?"

Janus takes a few backward steps toward the circle of hands. "Make it mad."

The snake, however, shows no signs of going into a fury. It simply turns toward the circle of hand and slithers back from whence it came.

Envoy signs to the Naga, "Are you mad?"

Janus lets out a long breath.

With another display of sparks as it passes between the stone hands surrounding the palace, the snake continues slithering onward, up the steps and into the palace entrance.

Janus walks right up to the edge of the ward and kneels down in front of one of the out-ward turned hands, looking at it carefully.

The hand is fashioned of a dull gray stone, smooth, without any sign of weathering, moss growth, crack or chip.

Envoy asks Kaela, "What do you think of the situation?"

Janus reaches out toward the hand.

No sparks play. Nothing opposes Janus as he reaches for the stone.

Kaela shakes her head, signing, "I don't know what to think. It's bad. We cannot leave the Priest-King awake. He is sure to find an escape from the ward."

Janus tries to rotate the hand so that it's facing inward again.

A valiant effort … but the stone hand is quite firmly rooted and apparently immobile.

Envoy nods to Kaela, "How do you think he can be put to sleep?"

Janus makes a face. "That didn't work."

Kaela shakes her head to Janus quickly. "It is meant to face outwards," she signs.

Janus looks over his shoulder at Envoy, "I don't suppose you remember what these signs used to be?

Janus ohs at Kaela. "Oops."

Envoy says, "Yes, I do. We can't change them though."

Envoy looks up at the top of the palace, and beyond to the unnatural storm.

Janus rocks back on his heels. "You are SOOO full of good news."

Envoy says, "It almost looks like a hand reaching up for the storm, doesn't it?"

Janus looks up. "Yeah. Sorta. Reaching for something.

Kaela's eyes widen. She swallows and signs, "It's as though… he… it… wants to escape out the top… "

Janus turns around, "Anyone got a really big cork?"

Envoy hmms. "The storm shoots down anything flying over the treetops. Would it shoot down the Priest King too?"

Kaela shakes her head to Envoy. "The Priest King summoned it," she signs.

A dark snake-form slithers through the veil of vines, drawing toward the group slowly from behind.

Janus looks up, then moves aside, "Golem, coming through."

Envoy says, "There shouldn't be two, though… "

Isstan glares at Janus, then straightens up. "This is a matter for a wizard of the Sphere of Spirit," he says in a voice that sounds like he's been rehearsing the line.

Envoy says, "Do you know of one, besides the Priest-King here?"

Kaela phews softly. And lets Isstan handle it.

"YOU," the snake says, "should be helping in the moving of the camp."

Janus gives the Naga an extremely unimpressed look, "Not to be too honest, but I saw how you fared before."

The Naga narrows his eyes. "That was hardly more than a cantrip. I shall unleash the full fury of my Sphere upon this disruption in the Order."

Kaela gives the Naga his room. But doesn't leave.

Janus looks from the Naga, to Envoy, to Kaela, to the palace. "Fine. You do that. I'll just sit here and make a nuisance of myself."

Janus retreats beyond the archway, "… from out here… maybe."

Envoy watches Isstan. "I suppose we should keep Raysse away while you cast your spell."

The snake nods, and begins scribing a circle around himself. He is carrying a bundle of supplies. Candles. A heavy tome. Containers filled with unknown substances.

Isstan sets up the candles and lights them, making a magical circle about himself and arranging his components. He starts chanting and gesturing as he completes the connections.

Kaela frowns, but watches quietly.

The canyon is quiet now – not even the sound of insects or of chirruping Creens – save for an occasional breeze and the sound of the rushing river.

On goes the ritual. It does not seem like the snake's spell will be completed any time soon.

Envoy spends the time studying the castle, so alien from the soft organic shapes she's used to.

Kaela moves over near to Envoy and looks up at her nervously. She signs, "I hope this works. I don't know what else to do."

Envoy signs to Kaela, "If the Priest-King hadn't transformed himself, what do you think the world would be like today?"

The palace has a tiered structure, the lowest level the widest, and with successively smaller tiers toward the topmost dome. It is overrun with raised textures that could suggest veins and bony protrusions.

Kaela blinks? Then flushes and lowers her eyes, shrugging faintly. She keeps her gaze firmly upon the ground.

Envoy files away Kaela's reaction for review when she understands body language better.

On goes the chanting. Nothing moves in the darkness … until a slithering form appears in the entrance once more.

Coming down the palace steps can be seen the spectral Naga once more, shifting along, toward the barrier of hands.

Envoy signs to Raysse, "Stay back."

Kaela echoes Envoy's sign.

The spectral snake turns its glowing gaze upon Envoy. It shakes its head, and passes through the sparking barrier formed between the hands … and then halts as Kaela does the same, the sparks still playing upon its form.

The red gaze averts, turning toward Kaela, bathing the cheetah kit in a faintly reddish glow. "Relent," it signs.

Envoy steps across the barrier, and reaches down for the Naga's tail while Kaela holds its attention.

Envoy signs back to Kaela, "Endure"

Kaela frowns at the golem. She forms another sign, giving her hands a sharp up and down jerk to emphasize the meaning. "Begone!"

The ashen tail is thin, a mere wisp of what a Naga tail would normally be. Even with Envoy's approach, the snake's gaze does not avert. Its hand is frozen – then shakes.

Green highlights shine on the snake's ashen form.

"Who are you?" the snake signs. A few flakes break away, flitting toward the ground.

Envoy pauses and watches the effects of Kaela's command, keeping close to the tail end of Raysse.

Isstan, oblivious to the confrontation, continues working his spell, chanting and gesturing.

Kaela takes a gamble and signs, her motions large and exaggerated, "I am Princess Emerald-Eyes, and I order you to begone!" Somehow, she manages to keep from trembling…

The eyes of the snake snap wide at the commanding posture of the Savanite kit. It begins to shake, as bits of ash break away and fall to the ground. The blue sparks from the barrier now seem to burn and chip away at its form.

Envoy reaches down and tries to drag the rest of Raysse's body into the ward barrier.

Kaela holds the sign of 'begone' with her hand, holding her hand high and forward, towards the golem, and with gaining certainty as she sees that it's having an effect.

As Envoy grabs the body, it begins to break away, crumbling into nothing more than the ash it should be. The snake begins to shake itself apart.

The snake's jaw opens wide, baring its fangs in a defiant hiss … but the jaw does not cease, and instead falls loose, shattering on the ground.

Envoy wipes the ash dust off her hands with her tunic.

A deathly hiss escapes from somewhere deep within the spectre. Its eyes glow more fiercely, pulsating … flashing.

*CRACK* *CRACK* The glowing ruby-like eyes shatter in a burst of light, and the ash explodes outward, accompanied by an echoing, ethereal shriek. The blue sparks vanish.

Envoy blinks at the explosion, and crosses the barrier to see if Kaela is alright.

Kaela covers her head and eyes with her arms as the golem finally shatters, then slowly looks around, shivering a bit.

And Isstan still works determinedly on his spell, despite the display, wincing at the ashen shrapnel.

Envoy puts one arm around Kaela's shoulders, and signs with her free hand, "You beat it."

Isstan's breaths become more laborious, as sweat drips off his chin.

But … snakes don't sweat?

Kaela squeezes her eyes shut and presses tightly to Envoy, taking deep breaths. She quietly signs, "I don't know how… "

Envoy signs again, "If the mage fails, can you confront the Priest-King, Your Highness?"

The Naga gasps out his incantations, his body heaving with a great strain. Suddenly, it is too much for him. He clutches his claws to his head and screams in agony, collapsing to the ground, knocking over several of his candles, the flames flickering and dying out.

Envoy looks over at Isstan. "That does not bode well."

Kaela flushes deeply and shakes her head.

Kaela looks over at Isstan, swallowing.

"Go," the snake gasps. "I've failed. Run," he hisses.

Envoy turns back to Kaela, and signs, "Will you face the Priest-King?"

"I'm sssorry I doubted you," the snake adds, looking up at the cheetah and the "Aeolun".

Kaela signs, "I… may have to try… he cannot hurt me… " She doesn't act particularly certain of that, though. She's certainly trembling a lot.

Envoy nods, and signs, "I will go with you."

Kaela swallows hard, looking up at Envoy with concern. "He will try to kill you. You shouldn't come."

Envoy smiles and signs, "Someone must come to witness and remember."

Kaela nods slowly…

There's something different about some of the hands.

Kaela signs to Envoy, "Then… come if you wish… " She smiles a little bit, but still looks worried. Glancing back towards the palace, her eyes are attracted to the hands…



GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)