4 Midsummer, 6107 RTR (Jul 29, 2007) All things must come to an end. The Light of Nala team disbands during a dinner celebrating their success. Arkold retires to the life of a county sheriff. Tulani obtains an offer to work as a spy for Draco County. And Alptraum? Well, he's in limbo.
(Alptraum) (Arkold) (The Light of Nala) (Sylvania) (Tulani)

After a day or two of rest, it was time to move on from Gormless. Most of the native Sylvanians that had joined up with Grey chose to stay and try to recover the farmland and town, while Lilith convinced the ex-soldiers (Gallisian and others) to come to Draco and start a new life with their militia. The Yodhblakat, likewise, were encouraged to come along once Lilith framed it in the context of 'taking' the opportunity. Alptraum kept his right hand bandaged rather than let everyone know of its unusual condition.

Given the size of the group it took the rest of the day to reach the border of Draco county. A small patrol was waiting to escort them, but wasn't really prepared for such a large influx. It was decided that they would follow their original plan and escort Arkold, Tulani, Alptraum, Ravenia and the two priestesses back to the castle, while Lilith took the others to a nearby town until some troops could be assigned to them.

After another two days of travel, the adventurers find themselves once again in their suites at Castle Draco. The Countess herself joins them for dinner and debriefing, learning what occurred with the sorcerer and the Shadow. "You've all done a great service to Draco County, although I can't officially admit to such, since it was beyond our border," she says. "However, that doesn't mean I can't reward you," she notes with a smile.

"I'm honored you wish to reward us," Alptraum says with a small bow of his head, then rubs the back of his neck slowly, "And I can't speak for the others, but I'm not sure you should reward me. I had several reasons to seek out and stop the Necromancer Dack."

Sitting next to Ravenia, Arkold seems about as content as he's ever been. He looks relaxed, and has left his sword in his room. Dressed in relative finery, he looks a bit more like the lord he once was. Now, he leans over to Ravenia and asks, "Is there anything you want, Raven?"

"Just a place to call home," Ravenia says.

"Well, as Knight-Sheriff, Sir Arkold will be given a holding to watch over, of course," the Countess replies to Ravenia. "That is, if you want to stay with him." The elven woman smiles at this, and grins to Arkold. "I don't know. Do you want me around, Arkold, not shedding on your furniture?"

The Sphynx herself looks quite happy the current 'adventure' as Arkold would likely call it, has come to a close, speaking with a respectful nod to the countess, " Glad to be of help." Tulani's ears perk at the mention of a possible rewards, it honestly wasn't something that had occurred to her to think about recently.

Arkold begins to open his mouth, but is caught off guard by Raven's question. He glances at her, grins, and wags his tail. "It wouldn't be home without you not shedding on our furniture," he replies. Reaching over, he puts his arm around Raven's shoulders and pulls her head close to his, "We go together, Sir Arkold and Lady Ravenia."

"Very well then," the Countess says, leaning back in her chair and steepling her fingers together. "The town of Ravensweir on the northern coast is currently without a landlord thanks to the last Gallisian incursion from the sea. Ravensweir is the only point on our coastline where the water is deep enough for large vessels, and so needs protection. It is close to the border of Northern Shore, and we do a good bit of trade through it. Are you interested?"

"I don't know, Arkold, you might not have time to write your book," Alptraum notes.

"That'd be grand, Countess. I have an, ah, friend waiting for me on the coast, an' we've been long overdue to return to her," the wolf replies. "Ravensweir, eh?" He glances at Raven. "Sounds like your kind o' place. If anyone asks, I'll say it's named after you." He kisses her forehead, then grins at Alptraum. "Eh, I'll find time. Once the Gallisans see me, they'll flee and never return, an' I'll have lots of time."

"I'm not sure it'll be the sight of you that sends them fleeing," Alptraum mutters under his breath with a small grin. "Might be the snoring … think some huge beast protects the coast now."

Tulani reaches over to pat Raven on the shoulder as Arkold apparently comes to his decision, whispering in the darkly-skinned woman's ear, "Ask Arkold to tell you about Raneah if he hasn't already, I'm sure you'll find her interesting."

"You won't be defending it alone, of course," Draco notes. "We've been toying with the notion of a Coast Guard for some time… and may now be able to implement it. Time will tell."

"Oh ho, the infamous 'other woman' in Arkold's life?" Ravenia asks, eyebrow arching.

The Sphynx smiles at Raven and rolls her eyes, "Actually, shes a fish, but you'll see for yourself.

"Er," Arkold replies, holding up a hand. "It's not like that! She's a mermaid!"

"Mmmm, still, there are… possibilities even with that," Ravenia says mysteriously, and teasingly.

"Hope you're good at holding your breath," Alptraum comments and prods Arkold with his toes under the table.

"Tulani," the Countess says, "you are a traveler to many lands, and I assume you'll be continuing with that?"

This time, Arkold's the one who looks puzzled by innuendo. He blinks, then runs a hand through his hair. "Er, well … " he mumbles.

The Sphynx smiles and nods to the Countess replying contently, "Yes I will, I have some travel I need to do in order to return something important… After I make a short trip to see my parents I believe."

"Tell me then, Miss Herfrell, what do you think of Lilith's… occupation?" the Countess asks next.

Alptraum's brow arches a bit at that. "Tulani the spy. Now that's one thing I would have never considered," he thinks.

Arkold, too, arches a brow, and he peers at Tulani consideringly. "She might be on to our secrets," he whispers to Ravenia.

"We have secrets?" Ravenia whispers back.

"We don't?" Arkold asks Ravenia.

"You will," Alptraum whispers, reminding the pair that whispering around Eeee doesn't work so well.

Tulani blinks at the question that comes at her next, "Ah… well, I think it is a very useful, and potentially beneficial occupation, which Lilith, of course excels at." the Sphynx replies slowly attempting not to jump to any unwarranted conclusions.

"And would you be interested in working as such?" the Countess asks. "It would mostly involve sending us reports on things you encounter that you think we would be interested in, and also, occasionally, looking into things for us at your convenience."

"You'll 'ave to write letters to Raven and I, too," Arkold insists. He grins, then adds, "For our defense efforts, of course."

"And consider the downsides too. If you work for the Countess, you might have to visit Arkold and Ravenia now and then. Do you really want that?" Alptraum can't help but tease.

"I would not mind since it doesn't sound like it would inhibit my traveling, if anything the opposite. Though I can't of course, promise the same skills Lilith possesses." Tulani says, smiling at all the teasing, "I may even have to find a way to bring my parents down to see the 'great adventurers I have been traveling with." she quips back at Alptraum.

"Hey, introduce me to those great adventurers sometime, too, because I'm a lousy adventurer," Alptraum retorts with a grin.

"She means me, Alp," Arkold insists.

"I'm not sure, Arkold. I would think she would have said old adventurer… " Alptraum notes to the Jupani with a grin.

"I'll have Lilith talk to you further about it when she arrives," the Countess says with a nod. She then looks to Phlagaea, who jumps slightly in her seat when she notices. "Yodhgorphat Phlagaea, the reports I've read say you were very effective as a field medic and strategic asset. Would you be interested in a military commission?"

"I teach 'im a few things and suddenly he thinks he can give his seniors a hard time," Arkold says with a mock-sigh. "My protege is becoming much too like myself."

"Would… would I have to wear a uniform?" the green Eeee asks. The Countess replies, "As an officer, you'd have discretion in what you chose to wear."

"It keeps the curse of the big head away from you," Alptraum assures Arkold. His ears then flick towards Phlagaea … having not expected her to get a military commission.

"I'll need to pray on it before making a decision," Phlagaea notes.

"Of course. If you decide to pass on it, I'm sure we can find something else that you'll like," the Countess says. "The same offer goes for you, Yodhinala Mave. You've shown your assets in battle, so to speak." And here Draco gives a very wry grin.

"What do you think, want to avoid the curse of the big head?" Arkold inquires of Ravenia, waggling his brows in a lecherous fashion. It seems Arkold remains Arkold, 'sir' or no.

"Thank you for the offer, Countess," Mave says cordially. "But my path leads me to follow the Barsunala for now. I go where he does."

"Yodhinala Mave would make a good strategist. She is quite cunning," Alptraum says to the Countess. At the Mave's comments, though, his ears splay. "Er."

"You'll both have to visit us on the coast then," Ravenia offers.

Nodding to herself at her new occupational prospect, Tulani cant help chuckle at the playful barbs being tossed around.   "You would like to meet my parents sometime If I could get them to come by, right?" Tulani asks of Arkold to the side before giving him a light thump on the shoulder, "you've kind of become an adopted uncle for me, she says honestly, part of the family."

"The kind of uncle the family usually doesn't talk about, eh?" Alptraum asks quietly and elbows Tulani gently.

Arkold leans over and grins at Tulani, "Of course I would. You bring them by whenever you want; my 'little niece' is always welcome." He reaches over then, and musses Tulani's hair. Then, under the table, he boots Alptraum. "I'm a perfectly respectable uncle. I am, after all, a knight."

"Ow!" Alptraum declares … then can't help but add, "Will you hang a sign over the town entrance that says 'For a good knight, call on Arkold?'" He grins.

Arkold rubs his chin at the idea, and nods a little. "I jus' might," he decides.

The Spynx laughs and runs a hand through her hair to straighten it, looking between Alptraum and Arkold, slowly shaking her head, but grinning, "You two really are something… but what we may never know."

"Well then, as entertaining as it is to watch you all interact, I'm afraid I have a few things to work on yet tonight," the Countess says, by way of excusing herself. "I'll have some wines and desserts sent over of course. And Alptraum, I'll want to meet with you in the morning, once Lilith arrives."

"Oh-ho, a morning meeting," Arkold remarks, nudging Alptraum and winking at him in a very obvious fashion.

"Sorry," Alptraum says to the Countess and folds his ears back, "I should behave better." He then offs at the elbowing and shifts to the side a bit. "I'm sure it's not that. Probably just wants a report on the Shadow before I decide on where I'm going next and doesn't want to bore you two with the details."

"Ah, how is your hand doing Alptraum?" The Sphynx immediately asks when the Eee mentions the Shadow, looking over at him questioningly.

"Oh, I entertain myself where ever I go," Arkold insists to Alptraum. "But you youngsters do your thing. Me, I'm going to settle down with my pretty Ravenia and build something lasting."

"Not any worse," is Alptraum's explanation to Tulani, "But still odd. Only having half-sensation is taking some getting used to."

"I've been curious about that bandaged hand since we left Gormless," Ravenia admits, and sits in Arkold's lap.

Arkold wraps his arms Around Ravenia like a big fuzzy, lecherous chair. "Eh, the kid's always sticking his hand in to place it shouldn't be," he assures Raven. "I'm sure he's fine!"

"Cost of dealing with the Shadow of Amena," Alptraum tells Ravenia with a small shrug, "Something I have to deal with somehow. It's rather, well, it's not completely ugly. If you want to see, I'll remove the bandages. The Countess might be curious too." He glances up to the imposing Eeee.

"I'll save my curiosity until morning," the Countess says, getting up from her chair as the maids arrive to clean away the dinner dishes. "Until then, rest well, all of you. Tomorrow is the start of new adventures, after all." And with that, she makes her exit.

"So it's notdoing anything strange?" Tulani queries one more time, just to make sure, even though she has the Eeee's assurance. "It really doesn't look that bad, just rather imposing." the Sphynx comments on Alptraum's bandaged hand.

Alptraum cringes a bit at the Countess' pressing move to leave the group; now worried that their rather … impish behavior put the woman off. To Tulani he shakes his head slowly, saying, "Nothing strange right now, no."

"I don't see how a hand can look imposing," Ravenia notes.

The Sphynx smiles mysteriously at Raven saying, "You would be surprised."

"Well, don't say you weren't warned," Alptraum comments as he starts to unwrap his hand. White bandages fall away to reveal segmented chitin plates that cover the back of his hand; the edges serrated. When the bandages fall from the back of his hand, the vein-decorated plate with the centered, eye-shaped, white crystal is exposed. The rest that follows are the segmented-plate covered fingers, complete with the spurs that arc back from each knuckle as well as the finger joints. He places it on the table near Ravenia and spreads his fingers. "There you go."

"It looks like armor!" Ravenia says, and runs a finger across the white oval. "You should get something like this, Arkold," she says next.

"I need my hands free, and they're already magic," Arkold replies.

"Armor that can't be removed, given its growing from my skin. It's a bit disturbing to not be able to feel anything it covers, save for pressure if enough is applied," Alptraum notes. He flips the hand over to show the underside, which lacks any of the chitinous covering. "At least this side is normal and I can still feel normally when I grip things," he notes.

"Alptraum, "the hand in a can." It 'as a ring, bats," quips the wolf. He grins a little, then prods the armor with a finger.

"Have you gained any new skills from the shadow?" The sphynx asks next, curious.

"At least it doesn't itch," Mave notes.

"Well, technically speaking, I can probably do anything the Shadow could. The problem is I don't know quite how to," Alptraum says to Tulani, "but I'm sure Arkold is willing to let me experiment on him." He glances sidelong at Mave, noting, "Or on you."

"Are you going to turn parts of them into snakes?" Phlagaea asks, looking… interested.

"Arkold is snaky enough as is," Ravenia notes.

"I already turned a hog's brain into a snake. That's enough for a long, long, time," Alptraum says with a shudder.

"I wasn't going to say it," Arkold insists, who probably was going to say it but Ravenia beat him to it.

The Sphynx blinks and then echoes back in exclamation, "You turned its brain into a snake?? Uhh… that does not sound pleasant."

"He can make his dragon talk through it too," Phlagaea adds.

Arkold frowns a little. "I hope the brain wasn't in the hog at the time, or, er, well, neither option sounds great. Ravenia," he glances to his girlfriend, "remind me to never get creepy magical powers."

"Well, it was trying to kill me," Alptraum offers by way of explanation on what happened to the hog. "So! Uh, this is it, I guess," he says, trying to change the subject. "Last meal before everyone goes off to their new duties and all. Sounds like all of you have great futures ahead."

"We need a pet dragon too," Ravenia tells Arkold. To Alptraum and the others, she notes, "That's right… last chance to tease one another for a while at least."

Tulani's usual smile pulls back somewhat as Alptraum switches the subject, "Yeah… I'll be sure to write you letters about anything interesting that happens. You're going to be traveling yourself right Alptraum?"

"I'm … honestly not really sure. I have to return the pendant we took from Dack to Duchess Eve. I'll also visit the Smith family like I promised to keep Gunn from sending her hog after me. Other than that … I really don't know what will happen to me," the Eeee admits as he props his chin up on the palm of his left hand. "For all I know, the Countess may be exiling me tomorrow."

"Ugh, no more dragons. Dragons are nothing but trouble," Arkold insists, running his forehead. "If we had a pet dragon, it'd tell us we were its pet couple."

"I can let you babysit Vorg now and then," Alptraum offers Arkold. "I'm sure you two have lots to talk about… "

"I suppose Raneah will just have to do that then," Ravenia says.

"Vorg can stay in that dagger, for all I care," Arkold grouses.

"Of course he'll stay in the dagger. I figured I could send you in for a vacation," Alptraum notes.

"It is a shame that Alptraum must abstain from sex until he has mastered his hand," Mave notes, lighting her pipe. "Otherwise we could all have a proper Group Prayer of Happiness together."

Tulani reaches over to give Alptraum a friendly pat on the shoulder, "Oh I'm sure she's not planning to exile you, don't worry too much. And I hope our paths will cross again, you're awonderful friend Alptraum."

"If you count someone which chaos and oddness follows as wonderful, I suppose," Alptraum comments with a small shrug. With a glance to Mave, he adds, "And there is nothing stopping all of you from praying. I can always retire to bed to give you privacy."

"Abstain from sex? Oh." Arkold rubs his chin a little, glancing at the hand again. Then he seems to realize a further truth, adding, "oh," again in a much more sober tone.

"Don't think the retire to bed option is safe, if you get my meaning, Bats," Arkold whispers to Alptraum.

"Actually, I don't," Alptraum admits to Arkold.

"Oh." Arkold shrugs a little, "I'll explain later."

The Sphynx blinks at Alptraum and gives the Eeee a light, but jolting whap on the shoulder, "you really need to stop talking about yourself as though you are something odd and terrible, odd is fine, but you are a caring, good person… if a bit flirty." she adds in the end with a grin."

There is a light knocking at the outer door, and a small voice calls, "Dessert service."

"That reminds me," Arkold considers aloud as he glances at Ravenia, "we'll be needing to find a great chef who can cook in Rephidimite styles, and anything you like."

"You mean that you can't cook?" Ravenia says in mock horror, pushing away from Arkold's chest.

"Eh," goes Alptraum when he's whapped, "I'll be quiet about it." Some victory, anyway. He then glances to the door and smirks, "Yay, more things I possibly can't eat." He is the only vampire in here, after all. To the door, he calls out, "Feel free to bring it in when you like."

Arkold pulls Ravenia back to him. "I can cook," he insists, "it's jus' that I love you too much to subject you to that."

"And oh, that reminds me," Alptraum says, glancing to Tulani, "Shouldn't you try to summon your 'Dunkie' one last time and tell him where you are taking the light?"

The door opens, and a plump Skreek rolls in a cart laden with a tea service, various wines and liqueurs (even xhocolatl liqueurs) and various cookies, slices of pie and cake, and even a fondue set. "If there is anything you'd like that you don't see here, just ask me," the Skreek offers, and also takes a bag out of his pocket. "Blood jellies, for Mr. Alptraum," he notes.

Oh, uh, thank you," Alptraum says and offers his armored hand out to the Skeek. He actually hadn't expected anything to be provided since he's in the extreme minority in this group.

The porter drops the bag into Alptraum's hand, and asks, "I can serve tea to any who would like some."

"Ah! You're right Alptraum." Tulani exclaims, looking rather sheepish, with the defeating of the necromancer she had almost forgotten she was still carrying the map… "I wonder if the Light will wake him up… " Pausing before pulling out the map, the Sphynx turns to ask the Skeek wheeling the dessert cart, "Do you have anything with cream in it?"

The porter holds up the pitcher of cream for the tea service, and asks, "Do you wish some tea or sugar with your cream, miss?"

When the cart rolls by, Arkold reaches out and snaps up two cups as well as a bottle of xhocolatl liquor. "I don't think I've treated you to the wonders of xhocolatl," he tells Raven, putting the two cups before them and beginning to pour.

"Tea, please," Alptraum says with a smile. At the mention of the light, though, … Alptraum eases his chair back and stands … then walks to the far side of the room. "The Shadow is part of me. I don't know if I should be right next to it when you bring it out. If it seems safe, I'll come back."

"Oh a tiny bit of tea in the bottom of the cup, and a little sugar to make it sweet if thats alright?" Tulani replies to the Skeek as she finishes drawing the map out of her pocket, looking over to Alptraum as she does so, nodding, "Alright, whatever you think is safest."

Alptraum opens the bag and pops one of the jellies into his mouth as he leans against the far wall. "It may be safe enough," he notes, "But I should just be careful. I'll walk slowly closer once its out and watch for any oddness."

The map looks the same as last time, with the route they took to the Light still marked on it.

Whoever figured out how to make candy out of blood and sugar must be very wealthy in Draco County. Although why the jellies look like Dr. Pike's cartoonish door knocker is a bit mysterious.

Laying the map on a clear portion of the table, Tulani loosens the light in its scabbard and draws it out a short ways to see if it has any effect on the map.

After a moment, the veins begin to appear and pulse in the leather of the map, and then Mage Fyodr Dunkelstein appears, sitting on the table. Not missing a bit, the porter asks the apparition, "Tea, sir?"

"It says a lot that that doesn't bother the servants," Arkold whispers aside to Ravenia.

"Never touch the stuff," Dunkelstein says, and points to Arkold. "I'll have what he's having. Without the girl though."

"Hello again Dunky," Tulani addresses the apparition in a friendly manner, "Its been a while."

Suppressing a laugh at the candies, Alptraum heads towards the table and the light slowly, keeping an eye on his hand … as well as paying attention to how it feels. He also makes a mental note that maybe he should visit Dr. Pike again; she would find the hand interesting, at least. "Ah, hello again, too," the Eeee says a bit nervously.

"The girl's the best part, but you can't 'ave her," Arkold replies to Dunkelstein's comment.

"I see you haven't lost the Light yet, Tulani," the human says with a smile. As Alptraum hesitates, a blue-scaled hand clasps his right one, as Kaira appears – in a shimmering silver evening dress, and starts dragging him back to the others. "It's about time someone invited me to a party," the dragoness notes.

"Gah!" goes Alptraum when Kaira grabs his hand. "Don't do that," he says and puts his left hand over his beating heart. "You about scared me to death."

"Ah, thankfully no, I haven't, I'll be heading towards the gigi coast to return it sometime soon, and I wanted to let you know. " The Sphynx replies to 'Dunky' with a smile, before turning to Kaia saying, "Have a dessert some are quite tasty."

"You mean you weren't even thinking of me at all?" Kaira asks Alptraum, giving him a look.

"Like I said: dragons are dangerous, Alp. Remember who's the pet," Arkold tells Alptraum, giving him a knowing look.

"I was making sure the light wouldn't cause a bad reaction to me," Alptraum tells Kaira, "Which, I might add, was the important thing to be doing!"

Dunky takes the bottle of liqueur offered to him by the Skreek, and downs a good gulp of the contents. "Ahh, the fancy stuff. Please be sure to bring me along with the Light, Tulani. Once it's back home, I think I'll be free to move on."

"You aren't undead," Kaira points out. "That's why the Light reacted so strongly to the Shadow before: it was undead."

"Oooo, I like her dress," Ravenia says to Arkold.

"I'll see about getting you one, or her out of it," Arkold whispers back. After a moment, he corrects, insisting, "I mean, getting one out of her."

Once Alptraum reaches the table, he waves his plated hand near the light, just to be sure it doesn't do anything bad (and what it may feel like). He does, at least, remember to pull a chair out for Kaira too, instead of just sitting down.

"I will definitely do so Dunky, " Tulani says quite seriously, reaching up to attempt to give the specter a pat on the shoulder… If he can hold a cup, he should be solid."

He's solid enough, and uses his free arm to give the Sphynx a hug. "Good girl! I knew I had a winner in choosing you."

The dragon sits down, crossing one leg over the other, and accepts some tea from the Skreek. The gauntlet doesn't appear to react to the Light, at least not by proximity alone.

The Sphynx squeaks at the unexpected hug, but soon wraps an arm around the ghost of the man and hugs him back, "Ah, Well, I'm glad to be of assistance."

The ghost-mage starts filling a plate with treats as well. "So, what's the occasion?" Kaira asks the group.

Alptraum almost risks touching the light … but then just sits down heavily into his chair. "You're taking that back to the Gigi Coast, right? Be careful there. I was hurt pretty bad there by Amena cultists some time back," Alptraum notes to Tulani. To Kaira, Alptraum says, "Goodbyes. After tonight, our group will likely be going their separate ways."

"Oh, well… any regrets?" the dragon asks around.

"It'll be a little while before I head out that way Alptraum, but I'll be sure to be careful." Tulani says, looking a little sad when Alptraum mentions goodbyes, but when Kaira asks she manages to reply honestly, "Absolutely none." A bit of the dragon in her surfacing for a moment.

"If the timing works out, I might be able to go with you," Alptraum offers Tulani before popping in another candy. "But, hard to say. I really have no idea what my future is."

"You should return to Babel at some point," Mave says to Alptraum.

"I'm happy to have a future, so no regrets for me," Phlagaea says, smiling through her bandages.

Alptraum arches a brow and glances to Mave. "Reason?" he asks.

"I would be glad for the company when I go Alptraum." The Sphynx states, and indeed looks very much that she likes the idea.

"To help me found a new Temple of course," Mave replies.

"In Babel?" Alptraum asks next, then shakes his head. Not something he wants to think about tonight. "Regrets for me? I don't know. It's been a strange journey."

"I'm pretty sure Arkold doesn't have any regrets," Kaira says, gesturing to the elf in the wolf's lap. "Aside from his unrequited lust after me, that is."

"That's something I'll just have to endure," Arkold tells Kaira, grinning at her. He hugs on to Ravenia, and adds, "At least, I feel at peace with myself and the world. It's been a rough trip, and I've done things I'm not proud of, but I feel I have reached a point I can stop wandering. From this day forth, I'll devote myself to Ravenia and to this county."

Alptraum absently rubs the palm of his right hand with the thumb of his left. After all he's been through, he's still a bit paranoid. To Arkold's words, he adds, "And as much as I've given you grief on our journey, Arkold … I'm honored to have known you. Thank you, for everything."

"There, the world's already a safer place then!" Kaira says, raising her cup of tea. "How about a toast to the world being a safer place?"

"I consider you my protege, Bats," Arkold says, raising his cup, "the inheritor of what I have to teach, and thus, like my son. You go out there and show the world what's what, and make your 'father' proud." He grins, then adds, "And you Tulani, you're like my niece. You've already made me proud, as has Bats, and I know you'll continue to do so." He raises his glass farther, and says, "To the world being a safer place!"

Tulani raises her half drunk glass of cream, echoing Kaira, "To the world, and good friends, may we never forget each other, and the things we've done together, I certainly won't forget any of you! May our paths cross again! Multiple times even!" The Sphynx says with a smile, looking quite content

Alptraum raises his glass of tea as well. "To a future of unknowns. May they remain bright," he adds simply, "And may they always have people in them to share the journey."

Dunky raises his bottle as well, and says, "I don't care, I'm solid for the night, and I'm gonna get good and pissed on expensive booze."

"Now that that's said, I have another announcement to make," Arkold pipes up, lowering his glass and looking around.

The dragon, mage, priestesses and dessert porter all look expectantly to Arkold.

Alptraum almost says something rather inappropriate … but this time he passes and looks to the Jupani, waiting for the pronouncement.

Tulani covers a laugh with her hand at Dunkys stance on things, before turning to watch Arkold curiously as well.

"Hold this for a minute, Bats," Arkold says, picking up Ravenia and placing her squarely in his lap. Standing tall, the Jupani says, "Now, you've all known me as a greater lover of women the world over – many worlds over – and of this I can't deny. But the time for that, like my wandering, is over, for as I have found a place to protect, so have I found a woman to love." He reaches in to his richly appointed shirt, and pulls out a band of glimmering yellow metal – gold. "Forged from what was taken from the crypt where the Light once rested, remade from the impure, this band symbolizes a new beginning. And this band," he says, kneeling in front of Ravenia as he offers the ring to her, "I offer you. Ravenia, will you marry an old wolf?"

The only comment from Alptraum so far is an oof when Ravenia is dropped in his lap.

Ravenia's mouth drops open and her nails dig into Alptraum's leg. "Of course I will!" the elfin woman says, her eyes lighting up. "And I promise not to try to kill you for you land until you're really old, even!"

Alptraum winces painfully and carefully plucks her nails from his leg. "Don't even think such dark elf thoughts, Ravenia," he whispers to the human.

"That's my Raven! You can peck at my corpse and my gold when I'm dead," Arkold says with a laugh. He takes the woman's hand, then slips the ring on to her finger. "I even 'ave one for me," he adds, handing her the ring's matching partner, and extending his own finger for her to place it on.

Tulani blinks in mild surprise at Arkold's announcement, but instead of gaping, instead grins from ear to ear, "You two are suited for each other!"

As Ravenia slips the ring onto Arkold, Mave asks, "Would you like me to perform the ceremony?"

"I'll leave that up to Ravenia," Arkold replies to Mave. He wiggles his fingers, then picks Ravenia up off Alptraum and puts her back in his lap.

Alptraum looks at his right hand briefly and then feels oddly lonely for a moment. He pushes the feeling away though, and sits back, content for now to eat candies. He even now and then holds a couple candies in his right hand and bounces them for a bit. "I suppose you should consider if you want a fancier ceremony, or just have it now? Is there anyone else you would want present?" he asks, sensing a lack of decision in the air.

Ravenia looks to Mave, and asks, "What does it entail?" The Yodhinala takes the pipe from her mouth, and says, "A Blessing of Inala merely requires some prayer, and that I join you on your honeymoon night."

"I'll need a best man … ," Arkold considers aloud, before looking right at Alptraum. "That'll 'ave to be you, for lack of a better best." He grins, winks, then nudges Ravenia, "And you'll need a best woman. The rest are details we can work out later." He then gives Mave a suspicious look, before laughing quietly.

That elicits a small snort from Alptraum. "Don't expect to walk for a few days afterward," he says with a grin.

"I don't know," Ravenia says, and turns her face back to Arkold's. "I mean, I don't want to put too much stress on his heart… "

"In that case, I'll have to train Alptraum tonight," Kaira notes. "If his hand goes off, it won't affect me, after all. I'm sure he'll get it under control with a little practice."

"My heart is as strong as anyone's, and could lift mountains," Arkold assures everyone!

"Well, in that case, I think Mave would be the perfect priestess to marry us," Ravenia says with a grin.

"Er, what? What's this about training? I was expecting to just sleep tonight," Alptraum points out and shakes his head.

"Well, access to the Light won't be easy after tonight," Kaira notes. "But if you want to pass, I won't feel hurt."

"We get along so well, I love you so much," Arkold murmurs, kissing Ravenia's head.

"I don't think Tulani is leaving immediately," Alptraum points out to Kaira, "But if you want me to just practice release and halting of the Shadow's ability, I guess I can spend some time doing that."

"That's because you're so nice and obedient," Ravenia says, and nips Arkold's ear.

the Sphynx seems content to sit back and watch the discussion crossing the table with a small smile before saying to Arkold and Raven, "Congratulations to you both."

"Oh no, that's practice for another time," Kaira notes. "This will just be to see if you can hold it back when you're in the throws of passion. Otherwise you'll be all tense for the real training."

Alptraum covers his eyes. "I thought dragons didn't do that sort of thing," he mutters.

"Dragons do… whatever they want," Kaira points out, and winks to Tulani.

Arkold blinks when his ear is nipped, but grins anyway. "I'll gnaw on your ears later," he whispers.

Tulani chuckles and winks back at Kaira, "You never can be sure of what to expect." she comments mildly.

"I didn't think you did that sort of thing," Alptraum corrects and pokes Kaira.

"I have to look out for your welfare, Alptraum," Kaira notes. "But if you aren't interested, I can see about conjuring up a suitable substitute. I think that succubus might still be available… "

With the lascivious talk, a mildly tipsy Dunky, winks at Tulani, and says, "I may be old, but I've still got spirit, eh? Get it?"

"Err, given that choice," Alptraum says quickly and holds up his hands, "Dragon it is. You won't make me wear anything stupid, will you?"

"I hadn't considered that, actually," Kaira says, and rubs her chin. "But asking the porter to get us blindfolds, hand-cuffs and peacock feathers would probably raise questions later, so we'll make do without."

"The spirit of love, isn't that what it's all about, Raven?" Arkold gestures to the assorted peoples gathered, and smiles.

"Are you sure you don't want a pet dragon, Arkold?" Alptraum asks the Jupani plaintively.

"That and peacock feathers," Ravenia agrees.

"Can't, I think I'm already someone's pet," the wolf replies, patting Ravenia's head.

"He just wants to pet a dragon," Kaira says. "And for that he'll have to invite me to the wedding at least."

Tulani chuckles and rolls her eyes at Dunky's comment, giving the specter a light nudge with her elbow saying, "Got the spirit? you are the spirit." and raising her glass she downs the rest of her cream ending up with a small cream mustache on her dark upper lip.

"Well, I'm not anyone's pet," Alptraum insists with a grin. "I'm a great, evil, monster. Uhm, grr."

"Let'ssee about that wedding then, Ravenia, before Mave wanders off to some mischief, eh?" He leans over to Raven and adds, "We need her for our mischief, after all."

"We should have it at our castle," Ravenia says, then adds, "We are getting one, right? A chateau would be fine, though. Even a manor… "

"I think we get a castle," Arkold agrees.

"Aaand, the nagging starts," Alptraum comments with a wry grin. He also lifts his legs up to hide them from a kicking Ravenia. He then draws in a long breath, then releases it as a hiss. "But enjoy it. It means you're not alone. I wish the both of you the best."

"Did you cast a glamor?" Phlagaea asks Mave, in Eeee. "No, I think they're all just like this normally," the Yodhinala replies. "The Goddess favors them."

Looking over at Raven with a smile, "Be sure you find a place to get flowers, lots of flowers. You just cant have a wedding without flowers." Tulani comments softly.

"Black roses are my favorites," Ravenia comments to Tulani. "Ones that don't talk. I still have nightmares about that forest… "

Glancing at Alptraum, Arkold raises an eyebrow. After a moment, he digs out a worn, dark colored book that seems packed with scraps of paper. This, he tosses to the Bat. "If you feel lonely, this'll 'elp for a bit. But don't feel lonely, Bats, you 'ave all of us, and more."

The Sphynx grins and claps Ravenia on the hand, "I'm sure we can find a supply of those somewhere, this is Sylvania after all!"

"I think some of the dark elf is surfacing," Alptraum whispers to Kaira as he looks at the ebon-skinned 'human'. When the book lands on the table, he looks down at it. "It's not that kind of alone. eh, not sure I can explain. I'm worried and nervous about a lot of things. There's still a lot more for me to deal with, you know. And … I have a very long time to deal with it, given how much longer my lifespan is now. But eh, maybe I should just get drunk tonight and have some fun. The next road can wait."

The porter hands the Eeee a fancy bottle of strawberry liqueur as soon as he hears the comment. "It's a bit like blood, sir, just sweeter and with a kick."

"You think too much about the future, Bats, but here's a lesson from someone who has lived a lot longer: 'the future is today.' You might see a long, lonely life, but you are not lonely now. Take each moment for its own value, an don't worry about their cumulative value at some yet to be seen point in time. If you focus on the grim future, your future will be grim, eh? 'Cause, you'll miss the joy of now," the older man says.

"Surprisingly wise words, Arkold," Kaira observes. "You must be one of those rare people who get smarter as they get drunker."

Tulani smiles gently at Alptraum replying to him softly, "I agree. Don't worry too much now… you need to take some time to relax and have fun while things are going well! For heavens sake can you let yourself be happy? Please?"

"I also fight better," adds the Jupani, before taking another sip of liquor.

"Would you like me to send him over to your room once I'm sure he's 'safe', Tulani?" Kaira asks the Sphynx, with just a hint of a grin.

Chuckling, Alptraum hooks one of the chitin covered claws into the cork and pulls it free. He salutes Arkold with the bottle, then takes a very, very, long drink from it. His head rolls a bit to the side and he comments to Tulani with pink-tinted teeth, "Yes, mom." He then sticks out his tongue.

Sticking her own tongue out at the Eeee, Tulani grins and chuckles saying, "Good boy."

"Hey, I just figured out a new use for this," Alptraum declares as he looks at his hand. "This would work great for pulling out a lot of corks all at the same time!" Okay … so maybe the reason he doesn't drink much is … he doesn't hold it very well.

"he's going to be on the floor within the hour," Arkold murmurs, shaking his head at Alptraum.

The Sphynx blinks at Kaira, almost having missed her question, and shakes her head to herself, chuckling in an embarrassed manner finding a bottle of liquor for herself as well… she however, uses a glass…

"You could be a very popular bartender, Alptraum," Kaira says. "You could open the Sunala Bar."

Alptraum groans. "I hate you," he tells Kaira.

Kaira smiles and puts an arm around Alptraum's shoulders, affectionately saying, "I love you too, Alptraum. I shall have to come up with a suitable nickname to use, now that Arkold won't be around to call you 'Bats' all of the time."

Alptraum's left eye twitches. He figures he'd better quit while he's ahead … so he just takes another long drink from his bottle.

"How 'bout, Li'l Skekos?" Phlagaea innocently suggests.

Alptraum glares at Phlagaea.

The green bat just smiles.

"Hmm, well, I don't use nicknames for anyone else, except for the demon Bahb," Kaira admits. "No sense in starting now."

"I think all of you need some sleep," Alptraum mutters.

Downing a drink or two of her own, Tulani gives Alptraum a pat on the shoulder and just gets up and moves to give the Eeee a warm hug saying, "You more than the rest of us I think. Need a hand getting to your room?" she asks, forgetting Kaira for a moment.

"And a hearty breakfast in the morning!" Kaira notes. "Can you make that happen, porter?" she asks the Skreek. "And what's your name, anyway?"

"Igor, ma'am," the Skreek replies. "And I will make a note of it to the kitchen staff."

Arkold stands, carrying Ravenia in his arms. "We'll join you in heading off, then. I could use a good night's rest after all we've been through, and I can't sleep without Ravenia plotting to kill me, beside me in bed," he says.

"Igor? Like Dr. Pike's Igor?" Alptraum has to ask before he leans lightly against Tulani for a moment. "I'll be all right. It just really creeped me out how the Countess didn't say much to me at all tonight," he says with a small shrug as he finally gets up, "But, I'm trying not to think on it. Anyway! It's been a wild time. I'm glad to have been a part of it."

"Oh yes, sir, we are all Igor," the Skreek says cryptically.

Alptraum starts to ask something … then just swipes his hand in a slash. "Ah, no. I don't want to know. I want to have a nice evening. I'm stopping right now," he says, then offers one arm to Kaira, the other to Tulani.

The dragon gets up, and takes Alptraum's other arm. To Arkold and Ravenia, she says, "Congratulations again, and try not to break the bed; it's probably an antique."

The Sphynx smiles and takes up station on thee Eere's right side, saying, "Thanks, I was afraid I'd have to insist on walking you out."

Mave gets up and whispers something into Dunkelstein's ear, causing him to grab a bottle of wine and follow the priestess to her room.

"I can only try," Arkold replies, noncommittally. "Well, good night everyone, take care, an' tomorrow will be a bright morning." He walks past Kaira, carrying Ravenia, and just before he passes the dragon he slips a hand free to pinch the dragon's tail – then he hurries away!

"Instead, you're joining Kaira and I," Alptraum comments calmly, then starts leading them to the door. He looks back to Phlagaea, and grins, "And you too, if you want." Yeah, he's had a bit too much to drink.

Kaira squeaks, and Phlagaea giggles and gets up to follow… but stops by the cart to get some cake along the way…

Tulani chuckles and lightly flicks one of Alptraum's ears with the tip of a finger commenting, "What ever you say Alptraum."

"Onward to the tower!" Alptraum declares and wobbles a bit as he heads out of the room. "Or was my bedroom in the basement. Or was it the left hallway. I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the east wing… I need a map. Dagh, and Mave took our map. I knew she was plotting against me… "


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)