In the days that follow Umeko's homecoming, there is revelry in Nagai, and for a while the heroes of Viper's Hold have some much-needed time to recuperate, to reflect, and yes, to celebrate. The mysterious verdant green orb, what the Temple of Being called 'mother', is safely secreted away by Sinai's Museum. However, there are are always reminders that their adversaries are still hard at work, and eventually it is agreed that the time to move once again has come.
Even though news of Umeko's departure is kept more or less quiet, it's difficult to completely suppress, and the Imperials are solicitous even of her cohorts. The captain of one of the destroyers that had accompanied her conquest nearly pleads that they not go unescorted, and Sgt. Jechlun turns the unit that Umeko had dubbed the Dragon's Fang out in formal military dress to see their leader off. Their drumming is the last that Anisa, Umeko, Lilac, Xander, and Gibson hear of Nagai before a air-yacht lifts them into the clouds.
The vessel is small and swift, similar to the one that brought Keyoa's brothers in their final visit to Viper's Hold, and the journey comfortable and uneventful. When they descend through the clouds again days later, they are greeted by iron gray skies and steeply peaked rooftops over a sprawling city. In the distance, a distinct tower stabs at the sky, a clock face barely visible from this distance.
Lilac's been pacing all over the deck ever since the airship began to descend. The hooded cloak she bought to hide her supernatural features billows behind her as she walks and when the airship clears the clouds, she pauses. "It might not be home, but I remember this sky," she says, to no one in particular.
"Chronotopia!" Xander says from the foredeck. "Mmmm, can you smell the ozone? Don't stare at the building peaks they get hit by lightning a lot and it can blind you for a bit."
The journey for Umeko was like she had been reborn. There were tears of joy as she waved to those she served with and those she called friends as the ship departed. During the journey, there was rarely a time where a smile didn't grace the Kiriga's face. And in the evenings, well, she often danced beneath the procession up on deck. Now, though, she looks out towards the majestic city before them. "It has a certain beauty to it. A bit harsh, though," she offers.
Anisa leans up against the railing, her arms crossed on top with her chin sitting in the middle. She stifles a sleepy yawn. "Its about Dagh blasted time! I'm going stir crazy up here."
"C'mon, Anisa, how often do you get to travel in this sort of style?" Xander chides, and gives Anisa's tail a tweak in passing.
Only pausing to peer over the railing, Lilac continues moving around, her hands active with nervous energy. "It's going to be fine, fine," she tells herself quietly. "Everyone's here with me, I don't look that abnormal, all that talk about Chronotopian witch hunters is probably exaggerated."
Anisa leans back to stretch, but leaps it startledly at the tail tweaking. She swats the buck's paw. "Alright, the room service was a nice touch, I'll admit, but I'm ready to be back on solid ground."
"You need to learn to find the music in living and the joy and awe of being able to dance amongst the clouds, Anisa. This is amazing," Umeko chides the Lapi. "When you lose the joy of simply being, you may as well lie down and die."
The yacht passes between columns of rising smoke, lowering toward a wide expanse of field set aside. Even from up here, the hustle and bustle of carts and feet across cobblestones can be heard, the hubbub of voices mingling into white noise. Gone are the colorful banners of the Jadai airfield, but the place is no less grand… towers built of crossbeams offer places to tie off for smaller vessels, and vast cargo ships drift higher up like sky-whales. The yacht eventually jars to a stop, and a Naga emerges from the helm room. "We're safely moored, sirs and madames. Your baggage will be ready for you below."
Anisa takes another quick look over the railing, and her ears perk up. "Simply being is boring I prefer to be simply doing! C'mon, let's go!" The doe darts for the dock, considerably more cheerful than minutes before.
"I guess… ah… do we have anything to do in town before heading into Sylvania?" Xander asks the others, minus the escaped Anisa.
After a deep breath, the human woman lets out a ragged exhale and nods to herself. "Well, here we go." She flips her hood up over her head, hiding her odd animal-like ears, then pushes her tail behind the length of her cloak. Her wings, too, are concealed by her cloak, though only partially. Mantled as they are, they can still be seen here and there, too big to hide fully. Her eyes fixate on the stairs down, then she shakes her head and proceeds out, not answering Xander.
"Impatient," Umeko mutters and starts to follow. "I suggest we arrange transport and look up local friends before we head into the wilds. Perhaps we should also check the ships registrar and see if anything that implies the Cinders have passed through has been recorded."
A stiff breeze blows Anisa's ears over, and Gibson emerges from the gondola behind her, squinting into the wind. The air has a chilly bite here, though it's not intolerable. A spiral staircase lets the group down to ground level, where their baggage is lowered and piled into a small wagon. Down here, the hustle and bustle of Chronotopia is more plain, with clock faces staring from at least one window of most buildings, and all of them are set to the exact same time.
When the chill hits Umeko, she frowns momentarily. "I will require more food before we leave," she comments as she approaches her baggage. "My body will try to compensate for the cold."
"Nordika is mostly like this, especially Sylvania and Chronotopia. Wet, rainy, gloomy. That's what our weather is like," the bardess tell Umeko. She pulls her cloak close as she walks, shielding herself against the wind, or perhaps trying to hide herself all the more.
"I can give you a spell to… " Xander begins to say, and then pauses. "Ah, they aren't too keen on magic use here though."
Umeko pats Xander's shoulder, noting, "I will be fine." With a look to Gibson, she asks, "Can you speak with the port registrar and get a list of all the ships that have arrived in the past week or so? I would like to see if any sound as if they may belong to the Cinders."
As the others catch up, Anisa's fur has visibly puffed out, although she isn't shivering. "Brrr… that'll wake you up! Its kind of nice, though." She looks skyward with a grimace. "But yeah, the weather could use some work."
The black buck nods, ears flopping. "Why don't you guys get us passage to Justininople while I do that? I'll catch up at the station."
"I bet you'll like the lightning, Anisa. You seem like a lightning person," Lilac insists as she catches up behind the female Lapi. "Oh, and do I look, well, okay? Xander's right, and they like my, um sort, even less."
"A suggestion on your disguise, if I may, Lilac?" Umeko starts to say.
"Well, the hood covers your ears," Xander notes.
"Yes?" Lilac's ears swivel back towards Umeko, and she turns her head to follow them.
"Stuff some pillows under the cloak and make yourself look overweight. It will help hide the wing shape," Umeko suggests.
A Cervani swings himself up into the seat of the wagon, which has a very shaggy breed of Dromodon hitched to it. "Where can I take ya, ladies n' gents?"
"Um, okay. I guess looking a little fat is better than the, um, alternative." The bardess proceeds to board the wagon, keeping her head down.
"Lightning?" Anisa taps a finger to her muzzle in thought, then swivels to assess Lilac. "Well, for starters make sure you tuck in your tail." The doe points to the offending appendage.
"To the Rail Station, I imagine," Xander says, and looks to the others to be certain. "We can go see the shops afterward," he tells Anisa.
Umeko hooks her toe-talons into the wagon and gracefully leaps into it. She settles down into a seat and folds her hands in her lap.
Anisa's ears perk at the mention of shops, and she leaps into the wagon after Umeko. "Is this a good place for shopping? Its looks like a good place for shopping. It better be a good place for shopping or I'll be disappointed."
"My tail?" Sure enough, Lilac's tail has escaped her cloak, and the woman peers at it with a perplexed expression. "I tell you, this thing has a mind of its own some times. Get back, you! No wagging!" She hurriedly stuffs it back behind her cloak, then sits on it.
The Cervani driver cracks the reins. "Right you are, sir." The wagon begins rumbling into motion, carrying its passengers and their luggage down a bumpy cobbled street. The architecture here is more subdued than in Nagai or Rephidim, but where Nagai used slabs of stone, the houses and shops here seem less rough. Soda-bottle windows are set into worked wooden frames. "Rail station, eh?" comments the Cervani. "Hope you folk are lucky sorts. Been trouble along the rails of late."
"Really?" Lilac reaches up to catch her hood before her perking ears can knock it off her head again.
Like a little kid, Anisa looks this way and that, eyes wide at the new-to-her city. "Trouble? Like what?"
"I thought the trains were unstoppable," Xander says.
"Nothing is unstoppable," Umeko notes.
"Titanians," says the driver, shaking his head. "Brutes have been more of a nuisance since they got their hands on so much red-sand junk."
"Red sand? What's so big about that?" Anisa sits back on the bench. "What, are they making scary sand sculptures?"
Umeko's lips curl back in a bemused smile. "Remember Lord Hakuu. Artists can be frightening," she notes.
The Cervani shakes his head. "Nay… iron and machine bits, mostly. I assume you're heading west? Probably won't have any trouble going that way, but the shaggy bastards have taken to raiding the engines with machines of their own."
"He means the Red Cliffs, back where Elamoore used to be, before the first Boomer," Xander explains to Anisa.
"I always heard their machines worked, um, poorly," Lilac comments, her hand leaving her head now that her ears have calmed down.
The stag laughs. "Oh, aye. They blow up and break down and all kinds of things… but not as much as they used to. And they got more of 'em."
"You didn't see their bagless airship fly over Rephidim then," Xander notes. "Of course, I missed that too, but… I heard it was really something to see."
"Have you heard of anyone else heading west from here?" Umeko inquires of the stag. "Or are we the first in recent memory?"
"Well, better keep our eyes open then," says Lilac, nodding a little.
The driver steers his wagon around a cart with a broken axel. "Clear it out of the street, fella! Oh, west recently? Aye, was a big to-do about that well-heeled adventuring bloke went out there."
"Do tell?" Umeko inquires, brow ridge arching slightly.
"He didn't happen to be a Cervani, did he?" Anisa cocks her ears sideways curiously.
"And how do you know he was an Adventurer?" Xander asks.
"Well, he's right famous as an adventurer, isn't he? Gone missin' all those years and found again?" the driver says to Xander, then nodding at Anisa. "Aye, Lord Hagan Vandringar, back from an expedition to the Savan. Came back with all sorts of pottery and skins and such, donated a few pieces to the museums 'round here… yanno, out explorin' the untamed wilds and so forth."
"Oh yes, famous," Umeko mutters darkly and crosses her arms. "How long ago did he leave?"
Lilac frowns, head shaking. "That doesn't sound good. I didn't know he was so popular, that could be bad for us if he has the hearts of the people. He might use that against us," she whispers.
All of Anisa's fur shoots out in alarm, and her ears swivel outward. "Famous?" She gives a quick glance to the others. "So… he's well liked around here?"
"Chronotopian Nobility, isn't he?" Xander asks. "Did he say what treasure he was going after in Sylvania?"
The driver laughs again, and waves a hand out at the city. "Oh, sure! He gets on pretty well, for a noble… you know how they are. But he's a gentleman, don't ride us common folk too hard, and he's not some ricket-legged inbred lunatic like most of 'em. Invests here and there, got an interest in the city, y'know."
Anisa looks visibly worried now, but remains silent.
Umeko … rubs between her eyes. "But of course. A noble who acts for the people. Rare, indeed," she agrees with the driver.
The bardess frowns all the more, her hands beginning to move nervously in her lap. "This is his stronghold, I think. He's probably well seated here. We should, um, leave as soon as possible. It's good we avoided the warship in coming here," she murmurs.
The Cervani glances over his shoulder to reply to Umeko. "Anyway, I 'spect he was out a week or so hence… as to what he's lookin' for sir, well, don't rightly know for sure. I'm not one to follow all the blue-bloods… something about a lost castle, old legends I suppose."
"Well, plenty of those left in Sylvania," Xander says cheerfully, to distract from the gloom of his companions. "I imagine he took some soldiers for protection at least, from the local fauna and raiding Gallisans?"
"Ma'am," Umeko corrects the driver, "Not sir. A pity you do not know more on this lost castle. Old legends are always interesting."
"Don't forget the monsters, Xander. It'd be a shame if the monsters ate him," Lilac adds, though quietly.
The stag winces. "Er, sorry… right, ma'am. Well, I can't say for sure, I didn't see him off at the station with a hankie or nothin', but I didn't see no big sendoff neither, like he usually goes with. Mighta just been him and some of his entourage. He's a strappin' bloke, I expect he takes care of himself pretty well, not like the usual noble nancies."
"From a long line of Adventurers, is he?" Xander asks.
"Ask if he brought mages, or anyone looking magic-ish," the human whispers to Umeko.
"And … what museums did he donate to? I think I would like to see what artifacts he recovered during our stay. A mysterious and strong adventurer, well … stirs the imagination," Umeko says next. "If we can't meet him, then his adventures are the next best thing."
The driver pauses in talking to swerve around an old man who's wandered into the street, and he yells a few choice words in Bosch before continuing. "Well, we don't know the full details, sir," he answers Xander. "Vandringar line's a complicated one, came about durin' some upheaval. Nobody agrees on the lineage, can barely keep tracka who they married into an' out of… mighta been some duels involved. Vandringar don't volunteer much about their history."
Under her hood, Lilac's ears twitch. She tilts her head, then taps her fingers along the palm of her other hand. "I wonder if we could visit his home, the Vandringer estate. You know, how we visited Lord Hakuu's," she whispers aside to Umeko.
For Umeko, the wagonner points down a busy thoroughfare as they cross it. "Aye, the Chronotopian Historical Society's got some pieces squirreled away. Just down the street on the way to the square."
"We'll have to go visit it before we leave," Xander notes.
Umeko makes a note of that. "Does his home offer any tours of his personal collection? If so, where is it, if I may ask?" the Kiriga inquires. To Lilac, she whispers, "That may not be well advised. If this is indeed his base of operation… "
Anisa nods in agreement with Umeko, fidgeting in her seat.
"I know, I guess it's better we just leave it, maybe save a trip inside for after we succeed here," the bardess whispers to her friend. "Chronotopia is better at, um, handling my sorts, and he may be, well, ready for me."
The driver shakes his head. "Nay, they's a private sort. Keeps to themselves when they're not out an' about."
"I don't suppose he has a pretty younger sister?" Xander asks, winking to the driver.
"Pity," Umeko notes, looking disappointed.
Lilac glances at Umeko, and murmurs, "I bet he has a creepy lab in his basement."
"Probably. I imagine a collection of body parts too," Umeko whispers back.
The driver chortles at Xander. "Wouldn't do to court Cordelia Vandringar, sir. She's not fer us common lads. Don't get out much neither, not like Hagan."
"So he does have a sister?" Anisa looks dumbfounded. "How big is the Vandringar family?"
"Well, surely she must have seen her brother off on his latest adventure," Xander notes. "Although after a week, I imagine she wouldn't still be in town, unless there was some social function… "
"I wonder what his sister is like? I mean, she could be as awful as he is, but maybe she isn't, too. It's weird, I never pictured Vandringar with family," Lilac whispers to her friends.
"Ah, my friend does make a point. If we cannot speak with Lord Hagan directly about his exploits, perhaps his sister would be willing to answer a question or two. But only if she were in public, of course. It would be poor taste to go to their home to talk about such, well, trivial things, really. And please forgive our curiosity, we're touring these lands. My fault, I must admit, as I have heard such fascinating things about them," Umeko says.
"Not so very big," says the wagoner. "Hagan's the flash one, his folks're passed on, Gear bless 'em." He describes a circle over his chest with his thumb. "Rest of 'em are family from other houses, y'know. Lineage chart all over, cousins, in-laws, great-uncles twice removed. Can't keep it all straight, meself. Cordelia's his closest kin, but she don't go gallivanting about all over like Hagan."
The Cervani laughs. "Prob'ly got himself a string of bastards too… nobles do that, an' he makes the ladies all wobbly, he does. Never seen 'im settle on one, so mebbe I'm wrong."
Eying Anisa, Xander asks in Skeek, "Did he make you all wobbly?"
Anisa's ears blush furiously, and she glares at the buck. "He wasn't without a certain… charm," she replies in Skeek. "But that wears off quick when someone tries to kill you."
The driver glances back over at Kin. "Oh, no worry! Li'l chit-chat makes the ride go faster. Don't see many of your type 'round here, neither."
"Do you know anything about Sylvanian villages?" Lilac finally speaks up, though she doesn't risk looking up, lest her hood slip back.
"The weather is not to our liking, I must admit," Umeko apologizes, "Too cold. Were there any clubs that he or his sister frequented? I must say my curiosity is piqued about this strange noble. I would dearly love to hear about this legend he's chasing."
"Poor places," opines the driver, sniffing and shaking his head. "Poor folk out there… if they ain't runnin' from the Gallees, they're runnin' from the dead. Was a time we had better trade, an' the noble houses mixed with ours some. These days, well… Gear missionaries are out there from time to time, tryin' to bring some light n' order."
"Light and order," Lilac repeats, sounding a little gloomy at the idea. "But, I like how our country is, I just wish it didn't suffer so much. We don't need light, we need peace." She shakes her head, then glances out the window. "I don't suppose you've heard anything about a town called, um, Pyrewood, have you?" she inquires of the driver.
The driver turns to Kin again, narrowly running over a hot porridge vendor. "Oh, Lord Vandringar's a member of mosta the gentleman's societies… gamesmen, yachtsmen, explorers, all that fancy stuff. Lady Vandringar makes appearances with 'im sometimes… mostly she's cooped with the other hens, I figure. Goes out riding sometimes, I think. Typical lady stuff." He doesn't glance back at Lilac, but answers her all the same. "Doesn't ring a bell, miss. Sorry."
"Perhaps I will visit one of these clubs while I am here. I am certain it will give me a taste of Chronotopian culture if nothing else," Umeko notes, trying to sound cheery. Now it's her turn to peer out the window.
"Thank you anyway," Lilac replies, then resumes looking out the window. Despite the look on her face, she seems to try and make light of things, saying, "All these clocks make me feel like I'm late to be somewhere," in a somewhat forced, cheery tone.
In a much quieter tone, Lilac tells Umeko, "This place makes my skin itch. It's like he could be waiting around any corner, he has to have eyes and ears here."
"I'm certain. But the more we know of his path, the better armed we are," Umeko points out. "How long we spend pursing leads here is likely dependent on how soon we can get a ticket for the train out."
"You should let me look into things, you know I'm much better at sneaking. I think the rest of us should get out of here as soon as possible, or at least find friends who we know we can trust, and have them help us get out unseen. I still would like to spy on his home, but I won't, because I think we need to move quickly now," Lilac insists to Umeko.
"We will see how quickly we can charter the train. If we can't get a ride for a few days, then you may have time to examine his home after all," Umeko points out to Lilac quietly. "If the train leaves today, then we may as well leave today."
True to his word, chatting does make the time go by, and soon the carriage pulls up to a long building that looks low at first, but only because it's so broad. The chuff of steam and grinding of iron on iron echoes through its cavernous interior and out into the street. It seems to be composed mostly of glass panes spaced with wood beams, letting what little light the gray sky offers in and smoke and steam back out through open gaps. People mill about an office at the front, while a series of gates prevent seeing much inside, so far.
"I'm pretty sure the train follows a set schedule," Xander notes as he hops out and offers a hand up to Umeko.
"I agree," Lilac whispers back. "And Ummy," she adds, glancing back at the Kiriga, "whatever happens, I want you to know that I'm glad we met, and that I'm happy we're friends." The carriage stops, and Lilac prepares to exit.
Anisa hops from the cart as well, stretching as she takes a glance at the train station. "Have any of you ever ridden this thing before?'
Before descending, the Kiriga pats Lilac's leg, "Do not gloom yet, Lilac. There is nothing hunting you." Umeko then entwines her fingers with Xander's and daintily descends from the wagon. "Thank you, Xander. You are a gentleman," she tells him.
"I've studied boiler-containment spells," Xander offers. "Remember that time in the Wheelierama, Anisa?"
The wagoner hops down as well. He doesn't hitch the Dromodon, but the beast placidly remains where it is while the Cervani unloads the wagon, setting cases and bags down on the platform near the ticket office. The office itself seems to be dealing with a small crowd, but operates efficiently enough. Above the office is a sign written in Bosch, presumably the name of the railway… curiously, it has a white Khatta girl's smiling face painted on it, wearing a tiara.
"I just have this bad feeling," Lilac tells Umeko, the human looking around after exiting. "And, well, some unhappy memories of leaving. But, I am excited to see a train for the first time." Just as she says, Lilac switches from looking around, to trying to look past barriers and spot the train.
"How could I forget," Anisa says to Xander before giving a nod of thanks to the driver. "Who's mug is that on the sign? Seems almost disturbingly cheery… "
"The Duchess Eve Kurai," Xander says. "She built the railroad."
Lilac tilts her head up, holding her hood against her head. "It is kind of silly. I expected something more, well, austere for Chronotopia's railway. Did you say the Kurais built it? I think I remember something about Kurai County being very active, but I can't remember when, or, well, where."
"Kurai… that name sounds familiar," Anisa says. "I know it has something to do with the Bazaar… oh, that's right! That place daddy used to get all the dinnerware for the tavern." She picks up her massive trunk with both paws. "I wonder if they're any relation?"
"Blackshire," Xander notes. "And I think they were born on Rephidim or something. Spring Meadow would know; she's a nobility nerd. Keeps track of that sort of thing."
"She looks silly," Umeko comments as she peers at the odd picture on the railway board. Umeko retrieves her baggage now. A small trunk containing her clothing is lifted in her heft hand, and a longer, though thinner, case … (about three and a half feet long), that she lifts up with her right hand and rests across her shoulders.
"She's just a girl you know," Xander explains, and helps with the baggage. "Younger than Lilac. Still, she managed to build the Trans-Nordikan Railroad."
Peering past the gate, there isn't much to see from this angle. The rail yard has numerous tracks laid parallel to each other and mostly obscured by the raised platform. Several light posts double as (surprise) clocks, and are spaced apart by benches. There are a number of train cars not yet attached to an engine, and they look fairly unassuming… long boxes on wheels with windows lining the sides.
"Let's find the schedule," Xander notes. "I'm sure the train runs west at least once a day."
"Now I feel inadequate," Lilac mock-mopes as she retrieves her bags. "All I managed to do was get cur- er, curtains. Yes, um, curtains. For a play. Oh, and I did get complimented by an Emperor, maybe my life isn't so bad. Hmm." The back of her cloak wiggles a little Lilac's tail trying to wag free.
Umeko peers around the gate looking for anyone watching them. If this Vandringar's base … then he may have scouts watching.
Umeko does in fact attract a lot of attention, but it's from all sorts of people, from children to adults. She does get a few curious looks from some armed and armored men that troop past, but they have Chronotopia's colors on their tabards and make no move to investigate the Kiriga closer.
"They must not get many Kiriga up this way," Anisa whispers to Umeko. "You're a curiosity!"
Xander notices this. "Landsknechts… the knights of Chronotopia," he mutters. "Odd that they'd be here. Oh… show a bit more scale, Umeko. It will keep anyone from looking too much at Lilac."
"I suppose so," Umeko agrees, feeling oddly uncomfortable in being stared at. Still, she tries to smile and wave to the curious children, at least. Hopefully they won't interpret her toothy grin as aggressive.
"Thanks for keeping their eyes away, Ummy," Lilac says as she catches up with her travel bag. "Maybe they'll just think I'm another boring human, instead of the very interesting bard I am."
"I'm sure that if Vanny is going to make a move on us, it'll be in Sylvania where the bodies are easier to dispose of," Xander says cheerfully.
"It's too cold to show scale," Umeko hisses to Xander, then bops the back of his head lightly with the long case resting on her shoulders.
One of the men amongst them is not armed, a human wearing a long and dark double-breasted coat with a peaked cap, plus immaculately shined boots. He studies Umeko a little longer, then hurries on his way, rejoining the Landsknechts.
"That was a Commissar," Xander whispers to the other. "You can tell from the hat. They… uh… I'm not sure what function they serve."
"Why was he staring at me?" Umeko asks. "Are they going to arrest me?"
"Witch hunters," Lilac murmurs, ominously. She very carefully keeps looking forward.
"Well, you're colorful?" Xander suggests. "I'd be looking at you too."
A Korvid voice at the ticket counter rasps, "Next, please."
Shrugging to the others, Anisa drags her oversized trunk up to the counter, having to get on her tip toes to speak with the clerk. "Um, I need five tickets eastwards to Justininople, please?"
"Westward," corrects the Korv in a bored sounding voice. "Forty shekels third class, sixty shekels merchant class, one copper premier class."
"Aaron said premier was worth it," Xander mutters. "Even with the occasional imp… "
The doe digs around in her pockets, and pulls out a change purse. After a bit of counting, she nods to herself. "Five for premier, please. What all does that include?" She slides the coppers across to the Korv.
The Korv woman gathers up the coins, momentarily entranced by the shine on them and betraying a little surprise when she glances back at Anisa. "First class seating, bunks, a meal, and entertainment, ma'am. Boarding is in… " A quick look at one of the ubiquitous clocks. "… three and a half hours. Please enjoy your trip."
"Remind to to refund part of that, Anisa. I should pay for at least myself, Lilac, and Xander, since they are in my employ," Umeko tells Anisa. Peering over Anisa's shoulder, she asks the Korv, "Can we stow our luggage now? Or must that wait until departure?"
The ticket attendant writes out five slips, and stamps them each in green ink. The stamp appears to be shaped like a stick with a star on the end and some ribbons around it. Plus a coolect, for no discernible reason.
"Nonsense," Anisa says, collecting the odd tickets from the clerk with a bemused smile. "What good is being a businesswoman if I can't treat my friends now and then?" She replaces her coin purse to her pocket, and takes a look at the tickets. "This Kurai woman sure is a strange one."
"You can leave your luggage here, and we'll tag it, ma'am," says the Korv. "We'll have it brought on, you will be traveling via the… " The kord squeezes her eyes shut, as if it physically pains her to speak these words. "… 'Magical Fairy Princess' in the bunks numbered on your tickets."
"Magical Fairy Princess?" Anisa turns back to the Korv, her ears cocked comically. "That sounds… interesting!"
The Korv's tone is very flat. "It is a whimsical and wonderful traveling experience, ma'am. Enjoy your trip. Next please."
Umeko doesn't exactly look like she wants to part with her luggage to some tags. "Are you certain we cannot stow it ourselves? Some of this is… irreplaceable," the Kiriga comments.
Lilac has to cover her mouth to avoid giggling at the Korv's flat tone. Shaking her head, she goes to put her luggage with the others and collect her ticket.
Anisa pushes her trunk to the side. "They can tag mine all they want, that thing's a beast to lug around. I'm sure they allow carry-ons though."
"There should be some lockers we can rent," Xander suggests.
The Korv nods at Umeko. "You are welcome to carry what you wish into premier class, there is ample room."
Umeko collects her ticket and moves out of the path of those still waiting in line. "I have a feeling this trip will involve a lot of … pink," she notes to the others. "It is a pity we will not have time to shop, but perhaps on the way back."
"Oh, carry-ons?" Hearing that, Lilac picks her travel bag right back up again. Surely, she wouldn't want to lose her assortment of Nagai souvenirs, and especially, her clothes.
"Pink? Doesn't sound so bad to me." Anisa heads for the gate, flipping the tickets in her paws like a deck of playing cards. "Last one there is a smelly Creen!"
"Hey, you know I can't rush like this! Anisa! Hey, wait!" Despite her complaint, Lilac hurries in after Anisa!
Xander shoulders his single duffel bag, picks up his ticket, and follows the girls with a smirk on his face.
This early, there aren't many folk around the train cars, mostly staff cleaning up, but the motley group are allowed into their berths to drop off their sundries. As promised, premier class is quite nice… nothing approaching the opulence of the rich section of an airship, but the cars are roomy and tastefully decorated, the bunks comfortable despite being arranged to make efficient use of space, and there are small nooks for breakfasting, changing, toilets instead of chamberpots, and plenty of storage space.
Xander comes out of the changing area dressed in the outfit Umeko got him, including the silver articulated ear-shield for his left ear. "I'm ready to go!" he announces.
As for Anisa, she's still rummaging around her massive trunk, a look of frustration on her face. "Dagh, its bad enough that we have to dress up, but worse that I only packed two dresses." She pulls a light blue number out. "And they're wrinkled. Lovely."
Lilac, who shares a room with Umeko, steps out of their room dressed exactly as she was. Even if she wasn't trying to play it low-key, she doesn't have much in the way of finery. "Ummy," she tells Umeko in a low voice, "I may not be a lot of help here if, um, we get into complications. Not if we have to defend ourselves in the open."
Umeko has stowed away her twin swords in the secure trunk provided to those in premier class. In order to look the part of a 'snobby tourist', she too has put on a more formal kimono and has tucked one of her chitin-boned fans into the obi. "You do not need your dresses," Umeko notes as she finishes adjusting her clothing, then slips her cloak over that to at least keep the chill down while in the outside air. The Kiriga then nudges a package toward Anisa with her foot before turning her attention to Lilac, noting, "Then it is best if we avoid confrontation. This is information gathering; we have no need to get into a fight."
Pausing, Anisa turns to the package, her nose wiggling in curiosity as she replaces the dress to the trunk. "What's that? A mail package?"
"It's a museum, Lilac," Xander points out. Then realizes something and asks, "Have you ever been to one before?"
"I'm not worried about us needing to fight as them, Ummy. It'd be easy to hire a few thugs to attack us, or worse, pay off guards or even military," Lilac notes. "And if that happens, I can't even watch, because if I do … It'll be bad, and no one will side with us if they see you with me."
"I don't think so," Lilac answers Xander. "But we've been attacked in nicer sounding places. The first time I helped Ummy, it was in a tea house."
"This is Chronotopia," Xander notes, looking out of the window. "The safeguards they have against corruption are pretty good, given that Bosch is just to the south."
"Something Xander and I picked up for you in Nagai. Go ahead and open it," Umeko explains. With a glance to Lilac, Umeko corrects, "It was not exactly a tea house."
"I hope so," the bardess says, "but I'm just too nervous these days to trust anyone but you all." She then glances at Umeko, her ears making her hood twitch. "It was a house with tea in it," she offers, sheepishly.
Anisa blinks in confusion, but takes the offered package. "Something for me? You didn't have to… " She stops short as she opens the package and stares dumbfounded at its contents.
When the package is opened, soft cloth spills out over Anisa's hands. It's not zolk, but the material has a feel close to it due to the fine fibers and dense weave. The majority of the cloth is a shimmery black, but dancing across it in sweeping streaks are stylized depictions of flowers done in white and silver. As it's shaken out, it takes the shape similar to one of Umeko's own kimonos, though shorter and proportioned to account for the, ah, different structure of mammalian women. A pure white obi falls out from where it was folded inside the robe and pools at Anisa's feet. "I remembered how much you liked mine, so I had similar made for you. I believe the size is correct, but all we had to work with was Xander in padding to make him look female. Forgive us if it doesn't fit exactly," the Kiriga explains.
Xander twitches at the memory.
"Hey, that's what you were working on? That is nice," says Lilac, leaning forward to peek inside, which causes one of her ears to slip out.
Anisa's jaw drops, and she just stares at the outfit for several seconds. "I… I… " Picking it up, she rubs the fabric between her paws, then leaps up with a small squeal of joy kimono still in hand and grabs Kin in a hug of joy. "Thankyouthankyou! You didn't have to do that!"
Xander opens his arms for his hug! "I helped too! You'd never have survived the measuring garters crawling all over you," he notes.
Lilac pushes her hood back over her ear, and grins. "And I helped tease Xander, then I got a date with a python," she says.
Umeko lets out an undignified squeak as she's hugged unexpectedly. "I know we didn't have to, we wanted to," the Kiriga explains after she recovered.
Reaching over, Anisa pulls Xander into the hug. "Aww, thanks to you too, then!" With a grin, she actually gives Xander a small peck on the cheek, then lets the two go so that they can regain their composure. "I'm gonna go put it on right now. I just hope I can do it like you showed me." The doe practically skips to the dressing room, and slides it open. "I just hope it's not too tall, and that the waist is right. Xander, you need to cut back on the glazed honey carrots." Grinning, she disappears inside the small room.
The buck actually thumps his foot a few times before calming back down. Then he smells his breath.
"You have a terrible crush on her," Umeko comments to Xander, looking mildly amused by his antics. "Now, both of you remember, do not press anything in this trip. We cannot afford a delay, fight, or issues with the local law enforcement. No pressure should be applied to anyone in hopes of squeezing out information."
"Oh, you know me Ummy, I'm very subtle usually!" Lilac smiles at the Kiriga, then gestures at her concealing cloak. "Believe me, I'd much rather be far away from here. As interesting as the town is, it gives me the heebie-jeebies."
"She's more likely to crush me," Xander whispers. "Should we stick together as a group once we get to the Museum? And would it be easier if we simply acted like your attendants, Umeko?"
"It would be easier, yes. It would also explain the similarity in attire," Umeko agrees. "My main hope is to discover where Vandringar has been and note them. We can then place them on a map and see if there are patterns to his movement so we can predict his future movements."
"I think our presence will leave a mark, whatever we chose to do. Ummy is too foreign to not go unnoticed, especially if we go to one of Vandringar's haunts. We can only hope he isn't alerted before we can pass him," Lilac adds.
A loud thump comes from the changing room door, quickly followed by an angry, "OWDAGH!" The sounds soon quiet back to ones of clothes rustling.
"Also remember he is vain. It may amuse him to encounter us again. With luck, his ego will be his destruction," Umeko comments as she brushes out her mane, then pins it up in delicate loops of flowing white hair.
"Are you okay in there, Anisa?" Xander calls.
"Vain but tricky, even when he didn't know we'd show up in the chamber, he had an exit. We must always assume he is thinking several steps ahead, something I really ought to do, too," the bardess counters. She then leans forward, adjusting Umeko's outfit a little. "Thanks for coming with me, by the way. You really didn't have to."
The changing room door quickly slides open to reveal Anisa in her new outfit, rubbing her head with a paw. "I'm fine, I just tripped. I forgot that things things don't give you much foot room." Impressively, the kimono looks mostly right although bits and pieces seem a bit out of place to Umeko's eyes. "Well, how do I look?" The doe spreads her arms out, giving a small, awkward twirl.
"Cute!" Xander offers.
At that, Umeko shrugs slightly. "It wasn't about having to, Lilac," the Kiriga notes. She grows quiet now as she looks over Anisa. With a soft 'hmm', she walks over and starts adjusting the position here and there, correcting the minor fitting mistakes. "The fit is close. When there is time, a tailor can correct the fit," she says. "I am also glad you see you got the panel closure correct. Left over right is for females, right over left is for males."
Anisa stands still as Umeko adjusts the outfit, and her ears actually wilt a bit at Xander's comment. "Cute? I was hoping for 'ladylike'." The ears come back up for the closure comment. "Oh… oh yeah, I knew that totally. Left is obviously feminine… r-right?"
Lilac just shrugs noncomprehending at Anisa, as if the whole matter were completely beyond her.
"Ladies can be cute too," Xander notes. "Umeko is cute, after all."
"Traditionally, yes," Umeko agrees as she makes a few more adjustments, "A pity you lack flowing hair to accent it." She then steps back and nods approvingly, "There, minus proper scales of course, you look like a Jadian lady. Now, as we only have a small amount of time before departure, we should see what we can learn at the museum. Shall we depart?"
After pushing her ears further back, and checking her tail and wings are properly hidden, Lilac nods. "I'm with you, Lady Ummy!"
Anisa looks down at herself, nodding in approval at Umeko's tweaks. "I'm ready if you guys are." She folds her paws into her sleeves like she'd seen the Kiriga do, and swivels towards the exit.
On leaving the station, the stares are even more intense now that the group is all dressed up… but the common folk still respectfully tip caps or make quick curtsy if they're noticed at their gawking. Even Anisa's own brother gawks when he arrives at the station, just in time to see the others coming out. "Wow. Are we going to be sticking around a while, then?"
"We are heading to the museum to pass some time. A renowned Cervani explorer donated some artifacts we thought would be interesting to see. We have about three hours before we must be on the train," Umeko comments to Gibson. "Perhaps you have heard of this explorer? Lord Hagan Vandringar." Her brow arches knowingly.
Xander waggles his metal-clad ear in greeting to Gibson.
Lilac wiggles her fingers at Gibson, though she keeps her head lowered. "I'm sure it'll be interesting," she tells him.
"Erm. Y-y-yes, the name rings a bell." Gibson's mouth flattens into a line, and his nose twitches. "Well, let's be off then, I'm sure it'll prove interesting. I feel a little shabby compared to you all, though." He dusts at his rugged traveling clothes a little bit.
Anisa just stays silent, actually appearing a bit nervous in front of her brother.
Scooting over to Gibson, Lilac tells him, "We can pretend to be Ummy's servants, since neither one of us are dressed up."
"Sorry about that," Xander tells Gibson. "There wasn't enough padding to let me model for your build, Gib."
"Then to the museum for a delightful afternoon," Umeko claims. She resumes walking, her serpentine body rolling and swaying with each step; her tail held off the ground. Her fingers curl as she adds, "Come." She's apparently playing up the part of being a visiting … something.
The older Lapi simply grins at his sister, reaching out to clasp her upper arms, getting a better look at her. He licks his thumb and smooths down a tuft of fur on Anisa's head. "Especially compared to you. I don't care what Quinn or the others shot their mouths off about, I always said you were the touch of class in the Snowshoe warren."
Xander does not giggle at the show of sibling affection, and keeps to Umeko's side.
Anisa's ears blush furiously, and smothering an embarrassed smile, hurries to catch up with Umeko. "I have no clue of what you're talking about, sir," she says, playing her own role. "If you wish to come along with us, you'll need to hurry!"
The black buck smiles and makes a show of trotting to catch up, though his walking stride is more than enough to keep pace with the group. The wagoner's directions are fairly easy to follow, and it doesn't even require a carriage to reach, though Umeko and Anisa are frequently offered them along the way. Closer to the Chronotopian city square, Great Gretchen looms much larger, the spire of the clock tower spearing up at the cloudy sky. By the time the group reaches the Steinhardt Museum of Arts and Culture, the tower has sounded the hour, the knelling of its bell rolling across the city.
"I do not see how people sleep if that rings on every hour," Umeko comments quietly, eyes flicking towards the great clock tower. For now, her hands remain concealed in her sleeves and her attention returns in short order to the people around them. To those who stare, she merely smiles and dips her head politely.
"Gah," Lilac remarks as the bell tolls. "I bet they didn't have Lapi in mind when they built that." Her gaze trails upward, up and up to the clock face, and she adds, "I have this sudden desire to perch on top of the tower, but I bet its full of Korvs, or I'd be struck by lightning or something. The view's probably great though."
Lilac's comment seems right on the money, and Anisa has her ears set back in visible pain as the tower chimes. Unlike Umeko, the doe doesn't seem quite as comfortable at the stares, the gong from the clock only compounding the issue.
"It's a Wonder of the World," Xander comments. "They're proud that it chimes every hour. Probably helps them sleep."
The Steinhardt Center is a two-story building of classical peaked design, the series of steps leading up to it sheltered by wooden beams supporting an overhanging roof, plus a canopy that extends even beyond that. Out front, a closed carriage stands idle, a liveried driver leaning against it and relaxing. The museum doesn't seem busy, but there are some well-dressed folk heading in and out, and under the awning sits a placard reading "New Exhibit For Your Perusal a Collection of Curiosities from the Untamed Lands of the Savan Territories, Donated By Renowned Explorer Lord Hagan Vandringar"
Mind ever in her training, the first thing Umeko does is observe the people coming in and out, sizing them off if they could be a potential threat. She also looks over the building, noting what doors are visible and possible escape routes if required. Outward, she's just smiling and looking ever the part of a tourist. "Ah, an exhibit on the Savan. How intriguing, what with all the conflict there lately. Come, let us see what rare and ancient jewels this explorer recovered from the chaos," she says as if she's addressing her companions, but it's for the benefit of anyone nearby as well. And with her rolling glide, Umeko heads towards the doors.
"If they took anything from the Temple, I'm going to come back here some day and take it back," Lilac murmurs darkly, so that only Anisa can really hear her. Shaking her head, she follows after Umeko, saying in a louder voice, "Allow me to get the door for you, m'lady!"
Anisa frowns at the placard, but follows Umeko's lead and fights the urge to set back her ears. She follows the reptile towards the museum. "Savan… such a dreadful place."
"Indeed, full of savages and monsters. It is to our shame that the Empire never fully civilized it," Umeko agrees with a nod to Anisa. When Lilac gets to the door, Umeko says, "Ah, thank you child. You do your family credit with such fine manners."
"Oh thank you m'lady," Lilac grovels, bowing low when Umeko enters.
Anisa gives a small nod of thanks to Lilac, and follows Umeko inside.
A human gentleman who was going out stops when he spies Anisa and Umeko, and holds the door open for them with a courteous smile. To the trained eyes of both ladies, nobody they've seen so far carries themselves like a fighter, at least none with much capability, though many of the gentlemen wear ornamental (dull) rapiers. Inside the lobby, a stone statue of an older-looking Cervani in Landsknecht armor stands with his sword drawn and resting point-down on the pedestal, his hands laid on the pommel. On the pedestal is a plaque reading, "Sir Steinhardt Hero of Einheimische Keep". Several halls lead in different directions, but another placard points toward the new exhibits with an arrow.
The Kiriga pauses momentarily to look up at the statue, brow rippling as she thinks over something. But, it is short lived as her attention draws away from it and to the sign for the newer exhibits. "Come, let us see the Savan Exhibit. And, perhaps if there is time, see if there are exhibits on the Necromancer Wars. Why, it would be remiss to overlook that great event,what with being so close to that horrid place," she comments to Anisa, her head tilted slightly to the side so that she can look at the Lapi. She heads in the direction the placard indicates.
"Of course, m'lady," says the bardess, who follows along. "Why, I hear the Necromancer War was a most dreadful event, and the Savan itself is full of savages."
Anisa gives the human a demure smile of thanks as she enters the lobby, then stops to survey the statue along with Umeko. "A relation of Master Vandringar's, I'd imagine," she says to the lizard, quickly following her towards the exhibit. "Horrid indeed."
"You think that the statue is one of the explorer's ancestors? What makes you think so?" Umeko asks Anisa as she slows her pace so that the Lapi doesn't have to struggle with the unfamiliar clothing.
"It resembles him somewhat-" The doe quickly catches herself, and covers her muzzle with a sleeve. "Or, that is, it resembles descriptions I've heard of the gentleman. Quite fetching his line must be."
"Ah. Well, to each species their own, I suppose. I would think those antlers would prove most troublesome," Umeko comments. "In both doorways and with hats."
Arrows on signs keep leading the way, until a wing opens out into a room marked for the exhibit. Here, things are a bit more lively. The people present are clearly upper crust, gathered into little knots as they converse, or comment on the pieces on display. Apparently, a reception of some sort is on… a long table is laden with platters of finger food and goblets, an attendant filling them from a punch bowl or bottles of Gallisean champagne, whichever a guest requests. The exhibits themselves are eerily familiar. Slabs of stone etched with petroglyphs… murals that depict a Naga growing from egg to adult… a strangely shaped skull with long, needle-like fangs… a collection of spears with feathers and beads…
Upon entering, Lilac pauses as she catches sight of the slabs. "Hey!" She covers her mouth, dropping her gaze and mumbling something that sounds less than favorable towards Vandringar, ending with, "I am so going to come back here."
A human woman leans closer to her escort, a Korv gentleman dressed in the uniform of a Luftrittern officer. She points to indicate a statue curled in on itself, of a Naga that looks distinctly underdeveloped, perhaps even unborn. "Eerie, isn't it, Oleg? Such exquisite workmanship, but such disturbing focus. I don't recognize the style from any Imperial art period."
Umeko reaches up and rubs her jaw when a moment of phantom pain strikes her as she gazes upon the the oddly shaped Naga skull. her head shakes slightly as she pushes the memory away. And even with her desire to appear completely dismissive on the whole affair, she can't help herself. She walks towards the display of spears with feathered beads. "Please let these be old." she thinks.
Anisa hazards a quick and curt glance at Lilac although luckily no one would think anything of it, given that the doe is apparently the 'superior'. She follows along with Umeko for a few paces, but is sidetracked by the statue.
Gibson has trailed behind, apparently having a quiet discussion with the other Lapine man. He raises his voice only enough to whisper to the women. "We're going to have a look around in the other wings, see if anything else came back besides this… stuff."
Anisa swivels her ears back towards the bucks, but doesn't turn to acknowledge them. She simply gives a quiet nod of agreement, and continues to peruse the exhibits.
The spears that Umeko goes to inspect don't look especially old, but they don't look freshly made either. The colors of the feathers lean to grays and browns, however, not the fiery orange and yellow that the Burning Sands prefer.
Umeko finds the knot in her stomach easing somewhat. A short nod, then the Kiriga turns away and slowly walks through the room. Her first point to inspect is the statue the woman and Korv were examining a moment ago. "It may not be Imperial," she comments behind them. "But perhaps a work made by a people that once shared the lands with us."
When Anisa comes closer to inspect the statue, she gets nearer the human woman and her Korv friend. The lady is older it seems, humans appearing to wear their age a little more obviously than most… her brown hair is frosted at the temples and her face somewhat lined. She wears a long gown and long gloves, and emerald earrings sparkle at her lobes. When the lady catches sight of Anisa, she says, "Oh, my! What a lovely style of dress you have! Jadian, isn't it? Are you here with the exhibit?"
Lilac shrinks a little when Anisa gives her a look, but she follows the doe anyway. "It's part of the growth cycle, the people of the Temple of Being were keen on writing about that. It may even be part of the pact," she whispers to Anisa, leaning over.
The Kiriga's comment gets the human lady's attention, and before Anisa answers she turns to see Umeko as well. "Oh, how delightful! I didn't expect we'd have an expert on the actual place on hand, this is a surprise."
Anisa's ears blush at the compliment, and she hides her mouth with her sleeve. "Yes, it is, but no-" The doe gets cut off as the human's attention is quickly redirected to Kin.
For her part, Lilac just scoots a little behind Anisa, to further draw attention away from herself. "I saw these statues inside the Temple of Being, the temple part, not the living area. They're how I figured out how to save Dragonfly," she explains to Anisa, whispering in her ear.
Anisa keeps an ear trained on Lilac, and another on Umeko and her human conversation partner.
Umeko offers Anisa and apologetic smile before she says to the human. "Oh, no expert. I am a visitor, same as you," she says and dips her head politely. She now circles around, peering at the small statue intently, looking for the shapes of body parts she had for a brief time. "If I were to guess, it may be a depiction of an old myth that the Imperials were once very different than they are today. Such a myth is great controversy, of course."
The lady flips her hand daintily at Anisa. "Terribly sorry, dear, my manners go right out the window after a couple flutes of champagne. I'm dreadful company, I'm surprised Oleg tolerates me. Lady Vanessa Kernwitz. This is Commodore Oleg St. Germaine." The Korv smiles a little around his beak, and removes his hat, croaking, "How do?"
"I wonder if I could sneak some of the food," Lilac murmurs to herself, her gaze wandering past Anisa to the serving table.
"It's quite alright, ma'am," Anisa says to the lady with a small bow. She turns to Lilac. "You may help yourself to some food if you wish, girl, but mind your manners among the others, and remember your station." She's playing it up quite a bit…
The attendant at the serving table seems to be giving Lilac the hairy eye, but when Anisa addresses her, he relaxes a little.
Lilac just stares at Anisa a moment, almost squinting, then she bows. "Yes m'lady, thank you m'lady," she demurs, and then she's off. The bardess wastes no time heading for the serving table, and begins helping herself to deviled eggs.
"I understand that these were recent additions to the collection here?" Umeko inquires politely. "Did you meet the donor perchance? I am most curious where these came from in the Savan."
The attendant, a younger Cervani whose antlers haven't yet reached their full spread, keeps eying Lilac warily. He clears his throat, and says, "Would miss like a cup of punch with those?"
"Oh, sure," Lilac answers, around a half-eaten deviled egg. "Hey, are those meat skewers? Oh, and cheese, I love cheese and meat skewers. And I love that," she points at another food item, "but I'm not sure what it is." Munch, munch, munch.
Lady Kernwitz looks back at the exhibits. "Oh yes, they came quite recently. Lord Vandringar brought them back from an excursion perhaps a couple weeks ago… or maybe he's always had them? Hagan's always finding strange things. Anyhow, they've only recently gone on display. I've had the pleasure of meeting him on a few occasions. Lady Vandringar's been doing most of the organizing, Hagan's off again already. Sometimes I wonder if the man even sleeps!"
"This was organized by his wife, then? Is she present?" Umeko asks, knowing full well Lady Vandringar is his sister, not wife … but. Her eyes flick about, looking for a female Cervani.
"Does he have any representatives here in attendance?" Anisa asks, returning her paws to her sleeves.
The attendant ladles a ceramic cup full of pinkish punch. It smells fruity. "Please enjoy the refreshments, courtesy of the Vandringars," he says, offering Lilac the cup.
Lilac accepts the cup, and, just before drinking it down in half a gulp, says, "Oh, I will."
The older woman hoots, and throws her hands up. "Oh my no! Lady Cordelia Vandringar is his sister. Hagan can't be tied down, not that it's stopped many ladies from trying to catch his eye." She indicates a direction with her flute of champagne, and sure enough, there is a Cervani woman standing there. It's evident she's been a little out of the way, though still accessible. Her features are strikingly familiar… something nagging about her face. She stands tall and stately, her build lean and well-suited to the sleek dress she's wearing. Her skirts don't billow as much as most contemporary styles, giving her a svelte look. A flute of champagne is held in one elegantly gloved hand, pinky extended, the drink looking pretty much untouched. Occasionally, she makes pleasant chit-chat with guests that approach, but it never lasts long.
"Oh my, forgive my mistake. I assumed by the name that, well," Umeko apologizes profusely and bows to the human. "That is terribly embarrassing!" As she comes up from her bow, she gives Lady Vandringar a good look over; trying to decide if she is a 'weak' noble, or perhaps one who is capable of protecting herself.
Someone may need to protect the serving table, because Lilac shows no signs of letting up her assault. Perhaps it's her way of getting at Vandringar, or maybe she's just hungry. "Have you tried this? It's very good," she tells the servant boy.
Anisa turns to look at the Cervani woman, and at the sight her eyes widen a bit, her ears involuntarily twitching in surprise. She quickly regains her composure. She exchanges a quick knowing glance with Umeko, then turns back to the conversation. "M-My, they are indeed a family that carry themselves well. Does she know much about her brother's escapades?"
Cordelia seems to exhibit an economy of motion, moving little unless she has a reason to. Like her brother, she is fit and exudes a certain kind of confident grace, but she doesn't carry herself in the same manner. She doesn't seem to be any sort of fighter, or if she is, she doesn't act like it… her presence is, however, stately and dignified, lending an air of maturity to an otherwise relatively youthful countenance. She seems to prefer white as well, the tone of her coat dark against the snow of her dress, the color and her slender frame giving the impression of a willow tree. Lady Kernwitz lays a hand on Umeko's forearm. "Oh, don't be, dear. I wouldn't expect someone from so far afield to be familiar with the families here… goodness, sometimes even we can't keep it all sorted out."
Kernwitz turns to Anisa. "I'm really not all that sure, now that you mention it. Cordelia is a dear… well, deer, but she likes to keep to herself. Oh, she's pleasant and makes a responsible show of hobnobbing, but sometimes I gather she'd rather be off in her own thoughts."
Umeko smiles, looking thankful for the forgiveness of her faux paw. "You are far too kind, thank you," she tells the human. "Would you, perhaps introduce us to her? That is, if my friend here wishes to meet with her."
Anisa smiles. "I would love to meet her! It would be rude of us to attend a gathering and not thank our host."
Lady Kernwitz smiles primly, and sips at her champagne. "Well, perhaps I would, but now that I think about it, we introduced ourselves and you… have the advantage on us, mm?"
It takes a while, but it looks like Lilac has had her fill. That, or she's become bored with eating, and has decided to busy herself elsewhere. "I'm just going to take this little thing with me," she tells the young man behind the serving table, gesturing to a plate of hors d'ouvres she's gathered up, "and this cup! Thank you so much. Toodles!" She finger-wiggle-waves at the boy with her cup hand, then scurries off.
"Oh… um, yes, where are our manners?" Anisa bows to the human and her companion. "My name is… Usagi… Usagi Shiroi."
The young buck behind the counter rolls his eyes at Lilac a little, but tries not to be too obvious about it.
Umeko then shakes her head, adding, "And where are my manners? I am Lady Kei Hazume. With all the recent turmoil going on in the Imperial lands, father sent myself and my attendants on a, I believe you call it, a vacation. I must admit I find these lands a bit cold, but they have charm."
Kernwitz seems appeased… Oleg, for his part, barely seems to have been paying attention anyway, but seems to be well-practiced in the chore of orbiting the lady he's escorting. "Delighted!" Lady Kernwitz says, smiling again. "Well, you both ARE a pleasant bit of color in sooty old Blitzheim. I'm sure Lady Vandringar would love to meet you, come along."
The bardess, meanwhile, makes her way to exhibits not attended to by throngs of people. She munches all the way, eating with grace that is at odds with her voracious snacking. "Hmm," she murmurs, eying another of the petroglyphs.
Umeko dips her head and trails after the human. She can't help but glance towards Lilac and make sure she's not getting into trouble.
Following a few paces behind the human and Korv, Anisa turns to Kin. "Cordelia," she whispers, covering her mouth with a wide sleeve in false demurity, "did you notice anything… familiar about her?" As they pass the refreshment table, the doe snatches up a flute of champagne almost reflexively.
The slabs look back at Lilac inertly, abstracted reptilian eyes frozen in stone. The piece she's looking at has a plaque under it reading, "Emotion Artist Unknown" and dictates various faces showing much more emotion than any Naga she's seen before, though not all of them seem to have mammalian parallels.
"She has quite a distinctive appearance. I am certain I have seen it before," Umeko comments to Anisa very quietly. "She is not quite what she appears to be, I believe."
"A commentary on an earlier race, perhaps, or a speculation of the soul, impressed on the flesh, then wrought in stone?" Lilac's remarks quietly, before she stuffs a cracker in her mouth.
The white Lapi takes a sip from her drink, then turns to Umeko once more. "Did you ever get a good look at Vandringar's cane? That's her head on the top!"
"Really?" Umeko whispers, sounding a bit surprised. "I only saw it once before. That is most curious."
As the group approaches the Cervani doe, an ear angles back, and then the woman turns a moment later, greeting them with a small smile and deep brown eyes. As befits her station, she is immaculately groomed, lips and nails painted a deep red, dark, glossy hair pinned up, diamonds sparklingly from her ears and a necklace arrayed close to her throat. Her dress is shoulderless but high, and a lily adorns her bust. "Cordelia! Cordelia, dear," says Kernwitz. "Your brother's exhibit has brought some people from quite far afield! May I present Lady Kei Hazume and her lady in waiting, Usagi Shiroi."
If Anisa is Umeko's lady in waiting, Lilac must be her lady who doesn't wait. The bardess continues among the exhibits, eating from her plate, and studying what has been brought in. Occasionally she sniffs at the air when she thinks no one is looking.
Umeko returns the polite smile and dips her head. As her arms once again slide into her sleeves, she bows deeply. "It is an honor," she says as she rises. "We had just arrived here and imagine our surprise to find the local museum doing an exhibit on the Savan; an area most dear to the Empire. It was been most exciting."
Hiding the champagne flute in her sleeve, Anisa bows to the Cervani as well although its hard to keep her eyes off her arch-nemesis' sister, admittedly. Once she rises, the doe studies the other doe's face intently, although she tries to hide her curiosity.
"I can imagine," says Cordelia, inclining her head politely when the introductions are made and her name is given by Kernwitz. The doe's voice is low and smooth, kept even with the discipline of a singer. "It pleases me to welcome you to Blitzheim and our little reception. I do hope you are enjoying your stay." If she notices Anisa's scrutiny, she makes no outward indication, offering each person a courteous smile in turn. The Lapi can definitely see the familial resemblance now, as well as Cordelia's distinctive features, her memory matching them perfectly to the steel head of Hagan's cane.
"I was not aware that the history of the Empire was of interest to Chronotopia," Umeko says, retaining that polite smile. "Does your brother often travel there? If so, I would like to extend an invitation to stay at my family estate. I would love to hear about all the amazing things he has uncovered. Lady Kernwitz tells me he is already off on another grand adventure, even. Do you expect him back anytime soon?"
Looking back, Lilac notes that her friends have left. Frowning, she looks around until she spots them and their new conversation partners. She begins towards them, then pauses as she gets a better look at the deer woman. Her frown increases, brows narrowing as she puzzles over the woman's face from afar.
Anisa slips the champagne from her sleeve, and takes a sip. "Are you and your brother close?"
Lilac's sensitive nose takes in a variety of smells. The food is the most obvious one, but rocks carry whiffs of the Savan's sediments and dry air. The lily on Cordelia's dress has its faint perfume… and of course, Cordelia herself has a disturbingly familiar scent, though not quite the same as Hagan's.
When the connection finally registers in Lilac's mind, the top of her hood suddenly jumps. It's her! She quickly averts her gaze once figuring it our, then promptly rubs at her head as if it were itchy, but in reality to hide her sudden twitch of ears.
"That is very kind of you, Lady Hazume. I will pass the invitation on when I see him again, or in our next correspondence," says the tall Cervani doe. "It would be more fair to ask where Hagan does not go. He has many friends and associates all over Sinai, and spends a good deal of his time traveling on business or on whim. He probably spends less time in Blitzheim than he does out and about." She gives Anisa that small, emotionally sterile smile that she remembers from a certain other Cervani, coming from polished hematite mirrors or from in person but afar. She addresses the Lapi now. "Yes, miss. Hagan is dear to me, and I to him… we grew up together, and are the closest kin that each has."
"Oh, forgive me. You must be tired of always being asked about your brother. You are, of course, also welcome to stay at my family estate as well," Umeko offers the Cervani. Looking back to the artifacts gathered, she asks next, "Do you help him research these and uncover their meaning?"
Anisa can't help but visibly shiver when Cordelia unleashes that familiar smile, but she tries her best to hide it behind her own smile and another sip of wine.
Apparently deciding getting closer can wait, Lilac steps backward, then turns to look around carefully. She then makes her way back to the man at the serving table, and whispers to him, "I don't suppose you know where the privy is, do you? This punch is terribly good, but it seems to go right through me, and I mustn't bother the mistress when she's engaged in talk with my betters."
That little smile again. "Oh, Hagan's exploits are his own, Lady Hazume. I like to hear him talk about them, but much of it is beyond me, I'm sure," Lady Vandringar says. "Please don't fret, I'm quite used to questions about my brother, after all. Thank you for your kind offer… I am usually quite preoccupied with our estate and thus do not travel overmuch, but should the opportunity arise, I'm sure I would like that very much."
"Did he mention any difficulty in obtaining this fine collection? There has been unrest in the Empire as of late, which was the primary reason my father sent me away for a time. He must be a very brave man to have taken such an expedition under such unpleasant circumstances in the Empire," Umeko says, her gaze returning to the artifacts.
The buffet attendant eyes Lilac again. "From the lobby, the north hall, then left at the Nordikan exhibit to the washroom, miss."
"You are a dear," Lilac says, flashing the boy a smile. She then leaves the plate and cup behind, hurrying off in the direction indicated. Why does everyone look at me like I'm going to steal something, anyway? I mean, I am going to steal something, but I'd like to think I look more respectable than that, she considers as she walks.
Cordelia shakes her head. "No, I am sure he often places himself in danger, but he does not tell me such things so as not to distress me. I worry for him, though he tells me not to. I have since been resigned to the notion that Hagan will be Hagan."
"Do you know much of his current excursion?" Anisa asks. "From what we hear, he was not home long before he set out again. Did he tell you why?" The doe forces a small blush of hear ears. "My Lady and I are somewhat amateurs in the field ourselves primarily through book study. We find his travels fascinating."
"And we hear that he is quite easy on the eyes," Anisa adds, taking another sip from her flute.
"Indeed. We also heard from one of the cab drivers here mentioned that he had been missing for a while. That must have been quite terrible for you," Umeko says and reaches over to pat the Cordelia's arm. "And you said you have no other close family too! I hope you found comfort in that trying time. I am also glad that he returned to you, even though it sounds he returned only briefly."
Commodore St. Germaine makes some sort of grumbly noise in his throat, his ruff puffing out, and Lady Kernwitz sighs through her nose. "Oh, Oleg, can't you just settle for once? Fine. Lady Hazume, Lady Vandringar, I think we'll circulate around a bit more… it was a pleasure, let's chat again sometime, hmm?"
Lilac makes her way into the hall, then makes herself scarce. Let's see, I bet they have an office around here … Avoiding the roaming museum goers, she looks for a sign or other indicator of a main office, keeping an eye out for storage areas, or exhibits about Sylvania.
The Cervani doe gives Kernwitz a gracious smile, then nods slightly at Umeko and Anisa. "I was distressed, but in a way, I knew he would come back. He always does. Yes, Miss Shiroi, he is quite popular. Our family line has been blessed with a good constitution. Sometimes I wish he would find someone to suit him, and settle down a little, but it is not fair of me to expect him to give up his passion for my concern. He is probably in Sylvania by now… if you are students of history, perhaps you are familiar with legends about the Pieksvaldt family. I believe he is searching for remnants of their legacy."
"My, that is an old legend. One that is hard to tell fact from fiction any more. Another poor town and family destroyed by the horrid Necromancer War. I hear those lands are still cursed. He is a brave man to dare to go there, what with the wandering monsters," Umeko says, sounding shocked as she draws back a bit. Switching to a lighter topic, she asks, "You have said you have wished him to settle? Has he ever talked of anyone that caught his fancy at all? A glimmer of hope that he will settle one day?"
"No," answers Cordelia, quite simply.
"My lady knows much more about the world than I do, I'm afraid," Anisa says after Umeko. She takes another sip of her wine. "Ahh, he is a man married to his career? That is typical of many males."
"Ah, of that I am sorry," Umeko apologizes. "In my lands, things are much simpler. Marriages are decided by the family, and that is that."
Cordelia nods diplomatically, first at Umeko and then at Anisa, shifting a little to hold her glass with both hands, with just the fingertips, her gloves ending just at the knuckles. "I am certain different customs have different difficulties," she says. "I doubt Hagan could ever fit easily in any of them. It as as you say, Miss Shiroi."
Meanwhile, Lilac's exploring takes her further into the museum. A door marked for the offices is soon found, locked.
"Well, I am certain we have taken far too much of your time, Lady Vandringar," Umeko says with another bob of her head. "Unless my friend, Lady Shiroi, has more she wishes to ask about, perhaps we should leave you to speak with your other guests? You have been very kind in indulging a few travelers and for that I am immensely grateful."
"I have no more to say, my Lady." The white doe bows to Cordelia. "Thank you for the conversation, Lady Vandringar, it was most delightful."
"Well, foo," Lilac whispers to herself after trying the door. I don't know how to pick a lock, its never been an issue before! Maybe there's a window or something, and I can climb inside from there. To that end, she starts looking for a window, some means to enter the office without breaking the door.
"The pleasure was mine, Lady Hazume, Miss Shiroi," Cordelia says. Her free hand takes a fold of skirt, and the doe makes a sort of half-curtsy. Her eyes glance back and forth between the two women for a few moments before becoming distant again.
"Until we meet again, may your days be happy and fruitful," Umeko says with a formal bow. The Kiriga then slowly draws away from the doe, acting as if the artifacts present have once again caught her interest.
The door Lilac tries seems to point toward the heart of the building rather than outward. Following the walls around it seems to indicate it doesn't touch the outer wall, and likely has no windows. However, she does cross into a Sylvanian wing… mostly, it contains paintings and furniture.
Anisa follows along with Umeko, exchanging a quick glance with her before pretending to study the artifacts once again.
Lady Vandringar is soon out of earshot, the Cervani wandering a short distance before being intercepted by more guests, which she begins exchanging pleasantries with.
Umeko's head tilts a bit and her brow arches as if to say, "… wow, cold." Frowning, the Kiriga mutters, "Where did Lilac go? I need to keep her on a leash."
"When one door closes, another opens," Lilac recites upon seeing where she's ended up. Feeling the need to explore more, she starts examining the paintings, looking for anything that resembles the Whippet's ramblings, or the various pictures she saw in her ominous dreams.
Anisa swivels her ears back and forth, scanning for the human girl. "I don't know, I last saw her at the refreshments table."
Looking moderately irritated, Umeko heads towards the refreshment table. "Pardon me, good sir, but have you seen my human servant? It appears the poor child has once again wandered. And she was doing so well in her training, too… " she says to the buck.
The attendant raises a brow momentarily, but quickly makes his face neutral again. "Yes, milady, I believe she went to use the washroom. It is north and to the left once at the Nordikan exhibit."
"Ah, thank you. I hope she was well behaved while I was occupied?" Umeko inquires.
"I believe she was enjoying the refreshments, milady," says the attendant, his expression still carefully neutral.
It's Umeko's turn to arch her brow slightly. Still, he then just bobs her head, saying, "Thank you." The Kiriga turns and heads towards the exit of the exhibit room, now looking for Lilac.
Anisa places her champagne flute back on the table, and follows Umeko towards the exit. "Dagh, I hope she's not drawing any attention to herself… "
The museum isn't all that big a place, relatively speaking, and the ladies are soon reunited in the Sylvanian wing. Portraiture and tapestries hang from the walls, and pieces of antique furniture are cordoned and on display.
"Lady Vandringar has blood colder than the citizens of the Empire," Umeko comments to Anisa. "I wonder just what their relationship truly is."
"She's certainly kin to Vandringar, that much is certain," Anisa says, following her 'Lady' into the Sylvanian wing. "As for their definite relationship… I dunno. It's not like Gibson goes around with a cane with my head on it."
"What is she is the true enemy and 'Hagan' is not a true person? Have you ever seen him bleed or show signs of being mortal?" Umeko asks Anisa as they finally spot Lilac and she waves to her.
As it happens, Lilac's just walking between paintings, a pensive look on her face. "Oh, hi," she calls back to the approaching women, even though she never actually looks back at them. "Did you have fun talking to Lady Vandringar?"
"Maybe, but I'm not so certain," Anisa replies, smoothing back her ears. "I've met Hagan in the crystal realm I imagine if she was in charge, I would have seen her there instead. I don't think you can hide your real self there." She shrugs, "of course, I could be wrong."
"It was informative," Umeko tells Lilac, "Vandringar left for Sylvania in search of the Raveness' Lair. It has been confirmed."
Stern faces stare from the paintings… Sylvanian portraiture seems to be inherently dark, the colors unsaturated but the subjects still intense. They have an unsettling habit of seeming to following viewers with their eyes.
"No big surprise there," Lilac says, sounding just as unsurprised as she says. "I was going to look at the office, find shipping records and such, and maybe inquiries from Vandringar to the museum about Sylvania. I mean, he did donate a lot here, I bet he could pull favors from the scholars and such. I also figured, since I was in here, I'd look for portraits from the castle. What we saw was probably a memory, and maybe some of the portraits have filtered out somehow."
"If anything escaped that town. Remember, it was somehow taken out of reality," Umeko reminds the human. "Have you found anything?"
"I'm still looking," Lilac answers. "I wasn't really expecting to find anything, but the Pieksvaldt family is originally from Chronotopia, so there's probably something around here. In fact, there may even have been old relatives here, or correspondence. If there is, why, wouldn't that mean someone knows where the castle is, exactly?"
"It is a possibility. Perhaps we can find a curator to ask," Umeko offers. "It is not an odd question to ask, since Lady Vandringar has been freely speaking of it, after all."
Lilac nods to that. "I can stay here, maybe find something that looks familiar. Besides, I'm tired of everyone looking down on me," the bardess says.
"I wonder if there aren't any members of the Curators here as we speak," Anisa says, cocking an ear sideways. "I mean, you think they'd want to keep an eye on things like this."
If there are, they don't make themselves apparent. Except for Cordelia's reception, the visitor traffic here is sparse, only slightly more numerous than the guards.
"Status is the game of nobility. If you want to people to treat you better, you must act as if you are better," Umeko tells Lilac, "Manners, dignified movements, politeness, and … less of an appetite." To Anisa, she asks, "Do you know how to contact them here? If not, then a simple local museum curator, not a Curator, may be able to at least show us any artifacts related to the Countess."
Anisa shakes her head. "I'm afraid not. For the most part, they keep junior Curators like us in the dark so we don't accidentally give someone away. Gibson would know how, though."
"It's funny, because half the nobles I've met aren't noble at all, they're just people with power and little else. I don't think I really want to be like that they can take their high-nose elsewhere, and I'll be happy with my sniffy-nose and food," the bardess says, grumpily. "Besides, I much rather act in the dark. The only thing I really want to be known for is my music, but that has to wait for now."
"Society is a game, Lilac. You may not like the rules, but such is as they are," Umeko comments, then starts to walk away, "I shall go look for a curator to show us anything in the collection that may relate to the Raveness, then."
Anisa hurries along after Umeko, although its tough to keep up with the taller reptile in her current outfit.
"Is that why you danced with Savanites, Ummy?" The noble Kirgia can hear Lilac's remark as she walks off, and the bardess walks on to another painting.
"You realize there is a way we could draw Hagan out, do you not, Anisa?" Umeko comments quietly to the Lapi as she looks for a museum official. "Not one we can use, though."
"If you mean kidnapping," Anisa replies, "I don't think that'd be wise. We'd have half of Chronotopia on our tails."
"If he's as beloved here as it seems, we'll have to tread much more lightly than before," the doe adds.
"It is not a tactic I would use, but it needed to be mentioned," Umeko comments with a small nod. "It is good we will be leaving town soon."
"I have a feeling there's more to Cordelia than the ear can hear," Anisa says, hurrying along with Kin. "Even if we attempted it, she'd probably have a few surprises in store for us especially if shes anything like her brother. For now, I say we focus on him. One Vandringar is more than enough."
"Oh, I am certain there is more to her," Umeko says as she draws to a stop for now. "It impressed me that she was not quite here, so to speak. She is focused elsewhere and on other things. While I am glad Xander was not around to mistakenly offer to be her Lapi … I do wish he could have told us if there was anything magical about her."
"Nobles are good at the distance thing. I've seen you do it a few times yourself." Anisa grins to Umeko, bumping her with a hip while no one can see. "She was definitely hard to read though. Frustrating, just like her brother."
"Society shields. You show what is safe to be shown in the environment. It is all just acting in the end," Umeko comments, allowing herself to smile for a moment as she rocks likely from the hip-bump. "She felt like, to me, she was merely saying the same thing she has said many times before to other nosy visitors. However, I do expect that if she contacts him; things may get more, ah, interesting. He will know who it was that spoke with her; if she doesn't know already that is. It could play into our benefit if it causes him to hurry and make a mistake, I suppose."
"Or send goons to get in our way. He doesn't make mistakes often," Anisa replies. "I don't think she knew who we were though. Either that, or she has the best poker face ever."
"Well, if she was truthful in her statements that he tells her little, she wouldn't know who we are," Umeko agrees. "But I do not trust that she doesn't know. Her bother certainly knows how to, ah, bluff."