A secluded hideaway a mile from the Bazaar in Rephidim's Noble Forest, on a stream. The day after the fire in Darkside it is still too easy to smell the smoke for the fox and wolf to gain any but fitful rest. The wolf sleeps curled up on the far side of the clearing from the fox, her feet twitching.
The sun is low in the sky, leaving just over an hour of light to finish the day.
A hound's baying interrupts the gentle gurgle of the water, coming from some distance off.
Perhaps it is a carryover from his ancestors, a racial memory, but the sound of the hound's baying interrupts Zephyr's sleep. His paws twitch, his ears perk, and his eyes close tighter… then open as he sits bolt upright, quickly scanning and listening.
Barking, from many throats at once.
Faintly, another hound baying. This time a second joins.
Zephyr starts to calm, glancing over at Wyn. His eyes fill with warmth as he watches her sleep, but change a moment later to concern as he hears the barking. Crawling over to her, he gently pats her hindpaw and whispers. "Wyn… quietly, wake up… "
Wyn wakes, freezes, then relaxes. She blinkblinks sleepily and sits up, smiling a little for the fox. "Ack, I'm sleepy," she whispers. "Best sleep I've had fur some time, but I'm all sti… what is it?"
Zephyr nods in the direction of the sound, his large ears swiveling as they track it. "Listen."
The barking changes tone, becoming charged with excitement. The baying sounds again.
The sound comes from the direction of the single manor house on the land.
Zephyr's eyes narrow, and he turns back to whisper again. "They're tracking something. By scent. It could be us… "
Wyn's fur stands on end. She tilts her head to the side, confused. "What are 'they'? Their barks are gibberish," she wufs.
Wyn swivels her ears around and reaches for her cloak. "Not more than a mile away, if they're from the manse," she wufs softly, deciding to leave the bedroll and equipment behind.
Zephyr looks… very, very uncomfortable for some reason. "Their barks are gibberish because… "
Zephyr takes a deep breath. "The world where my ancestors came from. There was record of the humans there using creatures… like those, to hunt and kill my kind. As a… " He forces the word out. "Sport." Taking another deep breath, he stands, quickly moving to the bedroll. Unrolling it and dumping out the coins, he quickly tears off a piece of cloth with his teeth, then scoops the coins into it and ties it up. "Wyn, there's only one place they won't find us. They can track our scent no matter what, otherwise."
Wyn stands and goes to the stream, scenting the air. "All I can smell is old smoke," she wufs softly. "They're coming this way, alright. Where?"
Wyn fidgets.
Zephyr's ears droop slightly. "The city."
Wyn wrinkles her nose and lays her ears back. "No way I'm going _there_," she wufs. Then her eyes widen and she catches her breath.
Zephyr holds up his impromptu bag of coins. "We'll do alright, with this. I can speak for you, you can pretend to be mute. It'll be alright." He sighs. "Wyn… Those things don't think like we do. They're noses with four legs, and that's all they're thinking about right now… finding us. We have to. Not forever, just for now… "
Wyn says, "I… I… "
Wyn disappears in a blur of gray. She makes a lot of noise splashing across the river. "Changed… my… mind… ," she calls back, saving most of her breath for running.
Zephyr jumps! and quickly chases after Wyn, splashing after her. "Wait! Wyn!"
The barking is getting louder and is accompanied by the sounds of dogs crashing through undergrowth and splashing through the water upstream.
Zephyr curses silently. o O {Great. I'll have to lead them off her trail, I just hope I'm fast enough… "
Wyn is not far ahead, heading in a nearly straight line towards the near city wall. She's taken the fox's advice to heart.
Zephyr relaxes as he sees Wyn running towards the city. o O {Good. She's going the right way. I can just follow… } He speeds up, starting to catch up to her, tail streaming behind him.
Wyn settles into a moderate running pace. Though a practiced runner, her pace is one of endurance instead of speed. Zephyr catches her quickly.
A hunting horn calls out the pursuit.
Zephyr, whose physiology is one of speed, not endurance, is relieved to see the city walls less than a mile away. He glances at Wyn, not wasting breath on speaking, but managing a weak smile for her.
Wyn runs at an angle to the wall, following Zephyr away from the main gates. "Good to… avoid guard… but where… else?" she barks. Her cloak flaps in the wind, slowing her down. She slows to take it off and bundle it under her arm, pushing herself to catch up.
Zephyr gestures further down the wall. "Other… doors. Maybe… unlocked… " He's starting to pant a little, gesturing again towards the Bazaar area of the city as he runs.
The fleeing pair reaches the wall and runs along it. The wall is indeed broken by doors in the wall and in the ground here and there. Most appear solid and proof against meddling. A few are old and rotting.
Zephyr points to a rotted door. "There… Listen… first, then… try… "
Wyn follows Zephyr's lead. She listens at the door. "I can only hear my heartbeat," she pants. "Ack! I see them!"
Wyn points. Bloodhounds break into a frenzy of barking as they catch sight of their prey.
Zephyr yelps! and tries the door… then backs up and runs into the lock-side as hard as he can, taking the impact on the shoulder.
The door splinters around the deadbolt, slamming open and tumbling the fox into darkness and the smell of dust and wine.
Wyn halfsmiles and follows. "That worked," she whispers. "How do we keep them out?"
The wine cellar is mostly barren except for a few empty casks and a wine rack that is fixed to the wall. Stairs up lead to a trapdoor in the ceiling, above which the sounds of merriment can be heard.
Zephyr jumps to his feet and looks around. "Good question." He sniffs. "Wine… Casks?" As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he spies what he's looking for… a large, heavy winecask. Getting behind it, he puts all his weight into pushing it in a roll towards the door, and as it slams against the opening, he jams bits of wood under its curve to keep it from rolling back inwards. "That won't hold them that long… We need a way out of here."
Elsewhere, inside the ruined section of the city known as Darkside, Ben'zhamin o Zhano quietly hides in the safety of a dark shadow underneath the burnt-out stoop of a building. { I should have never come here alone. I'm as foolish as Jarik sometimes seems! }, the mouse thinks. He looks about. Where is the Lighthouse? Shadra mentioned that it was near here. Ben consults a small map, pulls a dark hood over his head, and hurries from shadow to shadow.
Wyn listens to the noise coming from above, and indicates the stairs. "A tavern, let's hope," she wufs softly. She puts on her cloak and smooths back her hair. "Do I look fetching?" she wufs wryly.
Wyn chooses a fifth of wine at random from the rack and opens it over a basin provided for that purpose, leaving the corkscrew on the wall peg where she found it. She tilts the bottle up and takes a few swallows. "You'll have to do the talking," she wufs, putting her arm around Zephyr's waist and leaning into him.
Ben'zhamin continues winding his way through Darkside, hiding from anyone he sees. It's slow going.
The trapdoor opens suddenly, flooding the winecellar with light. A young human boy comes down the stairs carrying a candle and a list, on paper.
Zephyr chuckles. "You look beautiful." He pauses. "Wait… From what I've seen, it's convention here to wear _some_ clothes, if only ornamental. Some kind of 'civilization' thing, I guess." He pads around in the shadows, digging at the corners of the cellar… and quickly ducks into the shadows, pulling Wyn with him…
Wyn eeps! She giggles.
Zephyr winces, and hushes Wyn, staying silent himself…
The boy goes directly to the wine rack and helps himself to two bottles. "None of my business, Sir, but there're rooms available that are nicer than this one."
The boy inspects the rack.
Zephyr blinks, and stands. "Er… yes, thank you. I… er… seem to have misplaced my clothing." He unties his bundle of coins, holding up a few 1-shekel pieces. "Is there a cloak about that you might be able to get for me?"
Wyn stands and dusts herself off. She grins toothily and swishes her tail.
The boy sets the bottles in the basin and turns around. "I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I can come back. How much you got?"
Zephyr glances back at Wyn, sees she's already picked up on the 'act', and manages a playful growl and wink at her, tail swishing, before returning his attention to the boy.
Zephyr keeps his ears up and teeth hidden, he knows humans scare easily. "Mm… How much is an errand like that worth to you?"
The boy considers the few coins. "You don't have enough for a new cloak. Are you asking for a… lost one?"
The boy says, "A serious whipping, at the least. Give me ten for the wine, and ten for the cloak."
Zephyr nods. "A… lost one would do quite nicely, thank y… er… ten?" o O {No time to bargain now.} "Alright… ten." He counts out ten coins, holding them out in a black paw. "This is for the wine, and the rest… will be for the cloak."
The boy looks Wyn up and down. "Could have done as well with the cheap stuff, from the barrels," he mutters to himself under his breath, not realizing that his whisper is as understandable as conversation.
Ben'zhamin continues to weave his way through ruined streets. He pauses, hiding behind a plank. o O { This city is huge! }
The boy nods his thanks and pockets the coins. He darts upstairs with the bottles, leaving the trapdoor open.
Wyn holds up the wine for Zephyr. "Some wine, my love?" she wufs huskily. "What'd he say? He didn't seem surprised."
Ben'zhamin frowns, seeing the destruction wrought by the guards of the Temple. o O { This is senseless… all this destruction and violence. Why is the Temple doing this? Keeping these people in this condition? I must learn more. And the poor and hopeless are gathering at the Lighthouse! That's where I'll jear information and gossip! Onward! }
Zephyr glances after the boy, ears flattening slightly. He sighs, and turns to Wyn. He… um… " His ears blush. "He thought we were here to… That is… he suggested we… get a room?" The fox's ears blush more furiously, and then he starts as he realizes Wyn's words. "Er… Wyn? Are you alright?"
The area of Darkside that Ben is in is rank with the smell of fire. Most of the buildings in the area have been torn down. One stands conspicuously apart from the rest. Though smoke damaged, the Lighthouse Mission still stands proudly, and its icon an oil lantern on a twelve-foot pole burns brightly in the dimming light. A surprising number of poor furries and humans mill about the main doors.
Wyn flicks her ears. "I'm sorry," she wufs, splaying her ears.
Wyn says, "You ought to drink something, so you'll smell of it, at least."
Ben'zhamin scurrys on, looking for an alternate way in.
Zephyr blinks, and shakes his head, then smiles. "No! Don't be sorry, that was a wonderfil act! I just worried that you had drunk too much for a second. We seem to predict each other's plans pretty well." He smiles again. "We always have. And that's actually a good idea. He takes the bottle, sipping from it and swishing the alcohol around in his mouth. "Agh."
The boy bounds down the stairs and hands Zephyr a folded cloak of reasonable craftsmanship. "Take the alley door out," he says quietly. "Up the stairs and to the left. If you want a room, go next door. I get kickbacks."
Ben'zhamin ducks into a dimly-lit alley to one side of the mission, and searches along the wall for a mouse-hole or basement window in.
Zephyr licks at his nose, then turns as the boy returns, taking the cloak and holding out another pawful of coins. "Thank you. And I'll strongly consider it." He nods, then dons the cloak, tucking his tail through the slit in the back and stashing his coin-pouch in a pocket."
The Lighthouse Mission is constructed of cut stone, its windows narrow like archer slits. Much too small for most morphs, they permit the mouse easy entry into the kitchen, where volunteers are washing dishes from dinner.
Ben'zhamin erfs and halfgrins. The stone is rough and affords easy handholds. The mouse starts up the outside wall of the mission, the narrow kitchen window his goal.
Zephyr turns to Wyn, swishing his tail and holding up the wine. "Shall we… continue elsewhere, my love?"
Zephyr gestures with the bottle to the boy before starting up the stairs. "Good wine."
The mouse gains the kitchen easily. Four people work in concert with each other. They're halfway through a tall stack of plates. Exits from this room lead to a storeroom and to a larger main hall with long tables dominating it. The workers chat idly about the large number of patrons this day, and Rev. Mildmon's hope for new converts. And donations.
Wyn follows Zephyr up the stairs.
The trapdoor exits just behind the bar of the tavern. A short hallway to the left leads to privvies and to an alley.
Ben'zhamin looks at the ceiling for rafters. He would rather not be underfoot in such a busy place, IF that can be helped. { Still, the layout is pretty straight forward. I might be safe under the long tables. } O o . thinks Ben.
Muted barking sounds from below the floor. There are scratchings at the wall door.
Once in the tavern proper, Zephyr makes for the alleyway door, acting for all the world like a slightly drunk citizen leading a female off to the 'rooms' next door, a lopsided grin on his muzzle. He continues the act out into the alley, and until he passes the building next door, when he drops back to Wyn, hood over his face to whisper.
Zephyr whispers. "We can't afford to spend money for a place to stay, and we can't sleep on these kind of streets… we'd be dead. Keep your eyes open for any kind of maybe-free place to sleep. Religious thing, charity, whatever… "
Wyn puzzles. "These kind of streets?" she wufs softly. "Er, OK."
Ben'zhamin finally decides to risk the floor, and climbs in through the mission window. The mouse quickly slides down the handle of a broom, through the straw, and to the floor. The mouse hides just under the edge of a cupboard.
The Bazaar is bustling with activity nearby. There are not as many stalls open as there might be. Some areas show signs of fire damage, but on the whole it's business as usual. The only permanent buildings are to the east, separated from the Bazaar by a wide open space. A lot of the permanent buildings have burned out.
Zephyr nods, and hurries on, leading Wyn. Figuring that a poor section might have the best chance of a charity location, he heads towards worse and worse areas, passing the partially-burned-out but busy Bazzar, heading into an area of still-smoldering ruins in an area of the city known as Darkside. As he sees how dangerous this area looks, he lets his teeth show slightly from his hood, walking with a purposeful stride.
Wyn softly wufs, "Zephyr, you're sure it has to be here? People have a funny look about them. And they're frightened."
Wyn pulls her hood up over her head and hides inside her cloak.
Ben'zhamin ducks out into the main room at the first instance, shadowing someone. As soon as he can, the mouse jumps under one of the long tables…
Still walking quickly, Zephyr whispers. "Yes… they don't put places for poor people where there are no poor people… And I know… Don't look frightened, look like you're supposed to be here, confidant… like you have a mission."
Standing all by itself amidst the rubble of nearby lives, the Lighthouse stands out. Poor and recently homeless crowd the doorway to get in, as a man with a crew cut shouts an 'all call' and threatens to shut and lock the doors for the night in ten, no, 9 minutes.
Wyn takes Zephyr's arm. "There. What's that?"
Inside the mission, Ben'zhamin settles and rests under a table after the long trip here. He listens curiously to conversations…
Zephyr looks, and takes a deep breath, his other paw holding Wyn's as it rests on her arm. He turns to smile at her. "It's what we're looking for. A mission for the poor. Let's go… Can you act exhausted or sick? We need to get in… "
Inside the Mission furries and humans alike are crowding for table and wall space. Most are talking, sitting where they plan to sleep for the night. A tired, gentle looking man in a gray robe serves clean water from a pitcher and a single mug to all who ask.
Zephyr pauses to whisper one more thing as he moves towards the doorway with Wyn in tow. "You're mute, okay? If you can't speak the lingo… Exiles are turned in."
Wyn nodnods to Zephyr as they get in line. She shows the pads of her foot to the man with the crew cut when they get to the front, and tries to look pitiful.
Ben'zhamin moves several times as the room fills up, avoiding detection, and more importantly, being stepped on…
Crew Cut says, "Finish the bottle outside. There's room for you if you don't mind sleeping in a dogpile. Reverend's declared no one's turned away tonight. The helping hand of the First Ones reaches far."
Zephyr blinks… and realizes he's still got the bottle in his paw. o O {Cost enough, but… What do I do with this?"
Wyn eyes Zephyr, waiting for his lead.
Ben'zhamin finally settles where he can see the door. The mouse pulls his cloak about him, and under the shadows of a crate, watches and listens.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Tirro might show up. Wnat to talk to him. }
Zephyr sighs, and holds up the bottle. "Anyone thirsty? Here… } He sets the bottle on the street, then gently takes Wyn's paw, nods to the doorman, and leads her into the mission. As they enter the room, filled with sound and scents, he gives Wyn's paw a gentle squeeze for reassurance, then leads her towards an empty spot.
Ben'zhamin blinks in disbelief. o O { Wyn? -Zephyr-? Ack! }
Wyn thinks . o O { So many furries. I'll never sleep in here. }
Wyn thinks . o O { It stinks like humans. Bleah! }
Ben'zhamin forgets about his orginal reason for being here, and even about Tirro. The mouse carefully tracks the wolf and fox as they move…
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I'll have to wait unto lights out. It looks as if they've had it rough. What is Zephyr doing here?! }
The man in the gray cloak serves Wyn and Zephyr. "Water? One of the free and most wonderful gifts of the First Ones, life to all. Here, Lady," he says, offering the mug to Wyn. "Drink and be refreshed. If you care to make a donation to the Mission, we are in sore need."
Ben'zhamin settles. still hidden, watching the wolf and fox. "Good to see them, in this foresaken place."
Wyn lays her ears back and blinks curiously. She sniffs at the mug and looks at Zephyr for his support.
Ben'zhamin eeps at his whispered statement, and looks around to make sure no one heard.
Zephyr settles down in a vacant patch of floor, just large enough for Wyn and he. Deciding it's safe to whisper carefully in all this background noise after they're settled. He looks up at the man. "Thank you… " He carefully draws a coin from his pocket, handing it to the man, then nods softly to Wyn.
Wyn drinks and motions for more water, which she gives to Zephyr.
Ben'zhamin watches his friends and grins when Zephyr makes a donation.
Ben'zhamin looks about, puzzled. o O { Lots of humans here… }
The man in the gray cloak bows and smiles gratefully at the donation. "The First Ones shine their light on your way, Sir and Lady," he says. Looking up at the fallen darkness outside, he says, "Mitch, please shut the doors and light the candles."
Crew Cut closes the door and locks it with a wooden key the size of his hand.
Zephyr sips the water slowly, not realizing how thirsty he was, then hands the cup back to the man, smiling. "Thank you very much." As soon as he moves on, he turns to Wyn, seeming to nuzzle up to her ear in a gesture of affection, (and hoping she won't nip him for it), but really covering a whisper. "Are you alright? He just gave use water, this is a religion's mission to help the poor. They seem nice. I know, I won't get much sleep either with all these humans, but… we're safe."
Wyn returns the mug to its tray and nods thanks, but the man in gray has already moved on.
Ben'zhamin settles back and draws his cloak over him, waiting for things to quiet.
Wyn leans close to Zephyr. Her body is taut and she shivers a little… not from cold.
Wyn thinks . o O { I don't like it here. I'm boxed in. There're humans. There's people I don't even know touching me. }
Zephyr quietly wraps his tail and one arm around Wyn, giving her ear another soft nuzzle… partially to whisper again, partially… as a nuzzle. "I'll be here all night, I'll make sure you're safe. I promise. Rest if you want, I'm here… "
Wyn looks at the fox a long moment, and slowly nods. She curls up next to him, her cloak pulled close about her.
Zephyr holds Wyn close, hoping she can relax enough to get some rest, and looks around at all the faces, sounds, and scents, far too many in once space. Seeing all the poverty, from where he was to where he is, he still… doesn't feel that much of a sense of loss, as he turns to look down at the wolf beside him. Looking back up, he fulfills his promise, his eyes faintly reflecting in the darkness after lights-out.
Darkness slowly falls inside the Mission as the votive candles are finally spent. Though some of the patrons seem able to sleep in spite of the press of bodies, most stay awake, whispering quietly to their closest neighbors. Mitch, the handyman, goes into the kitchen and sets out a cot for himself. He reads at a tiny table by the light of a stub of candle.
Ben'zhamin waits beneath the table, waiting for the right moment. He watches Wyn and Zephyr quietly. o O { It's good to see them. Wyn looks different somehow… but I suppose the transference might do that. }
Ben'zhamin starts out across the distance seperating himself from his friends, cautiously avoiding touvhing anyone.
Wyn is curled up close to Zephyr, hidden from casual observation by cloak and hood. Since her mind will not rest she lets it wander through a forest of disconnected images, of people and places she's certain she should know. Perversely, the images fade the moment she tries to focus on them.
Zephyr not able to sleep though he's exhausted, shows his teeth in a wide yawn, then quietly scans the room again. His ears swivel as he listens, alert, his eyes softening each time he glances down at the wolf beside him, his tail and one arm wrapped gently around her as he sits, keeping watch.
Ben'zhamin reaches Wyn first, touching a paw. With quiet urgency he whispers her name. "Wyn… ssspt! Wyn!"
Almost all of the floor space is occupied. A true maze, but the mouse is able to navigate. Predators are everywhere. Luckily, dinner was only a short hour ago.
Ben'zhamin looks about nervously…
The fox blinks, and his ears snap-swivel to focus at the floor on the other side of Wyn. He leans over towards her a little, listening intently…
Wyn thinks . o O { Heh… I dream, I think. The vermin know me by name. }
Ben'zhamin hrms and frowns, making his way to Wyn's face quietly.
Wyn tilts her head and glances up at Zephyr. She pokes the fox gently in the side.
Zephyr hears a soft rustling, and he leans his muzzle close to Wyn's. "What?", he whispers. "Did you hear… something?"
Ben'zhamin whispers "Arwyn, Zephyr… "
Ben'zhamin takes the cowl from about his face…
Ben'zhamin looks about again…
Zephyr freezes, his eyes narrowing. "Who's there?", he hisses softly. His muzzle is close to Wyn's ear, and he can't see the mouse yet. "Wyn… did you… hear that?"
One of the guests begins to snore nearby. His second breath is cut short with by a startled yelp! and he sits up quickly, blinking in confusion at those nearest his tail.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { How do I get there attention without waking people up… eep!}
Ben'zhamin hides under the cowl of Wyn's cloak.
Wyn slowly reaches her paw up behind the mouse. She grabs suddenly, trying for a quick capture.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Damn… } Erk!
The fox's ears flick. "Did you get it? What was it, a bug or a mouse or something? And did you hear… our names, or was I dreaming?"
Ben'zhamin grins, not quite aware of things yet. He continues to whisper. "Wyn! Zephyr! It's great to see both of you… "
Wyn thinks . o O { Hardly a mouthful. }
Ben'zhamin blinkblinks . o O { Something is wrong here… }
Ben'zhamin gasps. "Wyn… it's -me-! Ben!"
Ben'zhamin's eyes get a little bigger…
Zephyr looks into Wyn's eyes, then flicks his ears again and whispers. "Was there something in that wine?"
Wyn lifts the mouse gently by the tail and holds it up for Zephyr. She smiles and liks her muzzle.
Ben'zhamin arghs! "ZEPHYR!"
Zephyr blinks, and freezes as Wyn catches the mouse, then starts to smile, not really focusing on it yet. "Oh! Snack, you can have it, it… "… He trails off… then focuses on the mouse. His memories aren't _all_ quite back in place yet, and he stares for a second. "Ben?!" he whispers, the looks at Wyn frantically. "Wyn, no, this is a friend of ours!", he whispers.
Wyn blinkblinks. She lays her ears back.
Wyn glares at Zephyr accusingly.
Ben'zhamin struggles and releases his cloak. He freezes and pants. "Wyn… I'm you friend… "
Zephyr gently holds up a paw. "I'm serious, he… believe it or not, he was a king. He knows our names, see?" He looks at the mouse. "Ben, what are… you doing here?"
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I would not have time to go for my sword… }
Wyn thinks . o O { I _caught_ it. It came right _up_ to me. }
Ben'zhamin looks back at Wyn. "Saw you go… came looking… "
Wyn growls very softly.
Zephyr stares at Wyn, whispering calmly. "I know you don't remember… but he _is_ a close friend of yours. And he can help us, he's small… "
Ben'zhamin whispers "… she means it… "
Ears perk up nearby. A voice hisses, "No fighting here! It's forbidden. Please, go back to sleep."
Ben'zhamin shows his hands to Wyn. "Please… don't kill me… "
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Something of Wyn must be left… please… }
Zephyr slowly lifts his paw up towards the mouse, soft black pads up. "Wyn… trust me. He can help us, he's on our side… He was a close friend where we came from." He glances at the mouse. "She's lost her memory, Ben… "
Ben'zhamin looks terrified, frozen.
Wyn chuffs annoyedly and deposits the mouse in Zephyr's paw.
Ben'zhamin slumps.
Wyn gets up and stalks to the door, stepping carefully to avoid tails and limbs.
Zephyr releases a deep breath, and lightly cups his other paw over the mouse. "Wyn… Wyn?" He whispers loudly. "WYN!"
Wyn tugs on the door handle. The hardwood doors don't budge even a little. The handles rattle.
Ben'zhamin curls up just a little. o O { Been… long time… been looked at like that… }
Groans from furries nearby declare the crowd's feelings about the wolf with no manners.
Zephyr quickly, but gently lets Ben climb into one of the outside pockets of his cloak, and pads quickly to the door, approaching Wyn and whispering. "Wyn… It's alright. He's a friend, I know, I know, mice are food, usually, to me too… This one's not. Trust me?" He looks at her with soft, pleading eyes, and holds out a paw. "Rest?"
Ben'zhamin decides just to let Zephyr sort things out. The mouse sudden;t just want sleep, shivering.
Wyn shakes her head, her ears back. Though she does not say so with words, she seems more upset than a missed snack ought to account for.
Ben'zhamin looks out of the pocket and up at Wyn, staying hidden.
Zephyr sighs and tries to meet the wolf's gaze. "Wyn, I'll catch you a lot more food in the morning, it's just… one mouse, I _know_ you don't remember, and it's okay… If I didn't know who it was, I'd go after a mouse too. We're predators, that's food. This one… is different, but you had no way of knowing." He gently holds out the paw again. "Please?"
Wyn opens her muzzle and closes it. She blinks confusedly, her heartbeat loud in her ears. She turns towards the kitchen.
Ben'zhamin watches Wyn with a new awareness, and wishing that there were something, within very definite limits, that he could do for her.
Zephyr winces, turning to pad softly after Wyn. o O {Please don't let her get into trouble… } He absently reaches up to give Ben a reassuring brush with a soft black finger as he moves… but Ben can't help but notice the sharp black claw that tips the finger. A subtle reminder of just what his friends are, and a not-so-subtle reminder from Wyn.
Mitch does not move from his table. Looking up from his book he whispers, "Doors are locked until light's dawning. No one enters or leaves until then. I don't have the keys on me go back to sleep. The First Ones will watch over your troubles until then. Please. For the sake of the others."
Wyn holds out her right paw and points to the locked front door. She lays her ears back and growls very softly.
Ben'zhamin whispers "Zephyr… she needs to finish it. She needs something to eat, or hunt, I think." The mouse serches his soul, and reminds himself that his friends did not choose the way of claw and fang, they were born that way. But he did choose his friends. He stays with that choice.
Mitch whispers, "I'm not unarmed. First Ones hold me guiltless for your blood, if you persist."
Zephyr nods quietly to Ben, listening, then carefully approaches Wyn. "Wyn… We can hunt in the morning, you just need to… hold it in till then. I understand… We can just lie in wait until morning, okay?"
Zephyr looks up to Mitch. "Sir, she's… not herself right now. She won't hurt you."
Ben'zhamin hides again, deciding to stay out of Wyn's sight until Zephyr thinks it's time.
Wyn turns and returns to the front door. She sits down with her back to it and puts her head on her knees, drawing the cloak around her.
Mitch mutters crossly under his breath and relaxes with his book once more. "Dawn," he repeats.
Ben'zhamin looks at Wyn, a tear in his eye softly. o O { Ooohh… Wyn… I'm sorry… }
Zephyr sits down quietly beside Wyn, glancing at her… and then whispers softly one more time. "Rest, I'll be here. Our quarry doesn't come out till dawn, and we have to lie in wait till then. I understand the feeling, Wyn… I know… " He rests beside her, glacing down at the mouse and giving him a soft pat through the pocket. "Are you alright, Ben?"
Ben'zhamin sits at the botton of the pocket, his own legs drawn up. "Yes, Zephyr… I'm ok. Will have… dreams tonight."
Ben'zhamin rolls onto his side and tries to sleep.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Just… keep her away from me. }
In the far corner of the main room a group of young furries gather around an aged cat, offering him the last unused bits of candles collected from the alcoves, placing them in a pile before him. He lights one with a taper and begins to weave a tale for them, gesturing with his paws.
Wyn shivers in her cloak.
Zephyr glances sideways at Wyn, then sighs and lets his head slump back against the door's wood, his ears back, eyes closed.
Wyn thinks . o O { I don't _like_ it here. I don't know any mice. They don't know me, either. I'm supposed to _ask_ everything if it wants to be dinner? How do I keep from starving? }
Wyn thinks . o O { I can smell it close by. Mebbe I just won't offer it to Zephyr, next time. Hmf. }
Ben'zhamin slips of to a very uneasy sleep. Something big with sharp edges chases him through his dreams.
Zephyr opens one eye, his ears perking slightly and focusing on the elderly feline, listening. He glances sideways at the curled-up wolf, and his tail curls lightly over to brush against her side. Just a gentle, reassuring touch as he listens to the story, exhausted, but too worried about her to sleep, too upset about what she almost did…
The night passes, a timeless eternity to those who cannot afford sleep.
Morning arrives. A hundred fifty guests half again the Mission's capacity lie stretched out, curled up, and sandwiched into every possible bit of floor space. The first sound of the morning's dawning is of Mitch unlocking the heavy doors and throwing them back to greet the rising sun.
A team of humans arrives and goes to work in the kitchen, rattling pots and pans around as they prepare breakfast. The Mission empties out quickly.
Zephyr is already up and stretching, keeping an eye on Wyn as the doors open… His vision is fuzzy, everything seeming brighter with exhaustion, but concern for Wyn lets him function as he follows her.
Ben'zhamin awakens as soon as Zephyr moves, and pokes his face briefly out of the pocket.
Zephyr feels the slight movement, glancing down at Ben and shaking his head softly. "Can you chew a peephole? That's… not safe… "
The Reverand Mildmon, an overworked man in his fifties, greets his guests with a weary but cheerful smile. "Stay for breakfast," he says insistently. "There is plenty of food, and you are all welcome to stay for the sermon."
Ben'zhamin nods… and knaws.
Wyn snifsnifs at the air and pulls the cowl from her head.
Wyn shakeshakes out her hair.
Zephyr looks to Wyn, his tail swishing softly. "Breakfast? We're both hungry, and it's free… "
Ben'zhamin watches Wyn from his hiding place, sighing. o O { She still looks like Wyn. }
Volunteers reset the tables and benches. Guests begin taking seats for the simple hot grain cereal that will break their fast.
Ben'zhamin's tummy rumbles.
Wyn sits across a table from Zephyr. She looks doubtfully at the lumpy cereal in her bowl.
Zephyr sniffsniffs at the cereal, then looks at Wyn, halfsmiling. "I know it's not a fresh rabbit, but it'll keep us going for a while… "
Zephyr is passed a large bowl of steaming porridge and a spoon. Thick cream follows, in a pitcher.
Ben'zhamin waits until Zephyr settles, and then peeks out of the pocket. "Pssst?… Zephyr?" The mouse looks up hopefully.
Ben'zhamin also keeps an eye out for thieves, beneath the table.
The old feline storyteller smiles at Zephyr across the table. "What language is that, my friend? I've not heard it's like before."
Zephyr looks at the spoon and chuckles softly to himself. o O {Humans… } He cools the porridge with a generous amount of cream, takes a spoonful, and sets the spoon of porridge and… something he quickly scoops from his pocket on the bench beside him, then quietly laps at the warm cereal.
Ben'zhamin sits on the bench and eats quickly indeed.
Zephyr blinks and looks up at the elderly cat, giving him a friendly smile and speaking… in Rephedim standard. "It's her… " he points to Wyn. "Home villiage language." He looks sad for a moment. "She became deaf at an early age… before she learned true languages. She understands this one by reading muzzle-movements."
Zephyr pauses for a second. "It's… the deafness is strange. It's something to do with the mind, First Ones know what. She can hear sounds, but can't comprehend the spoken word… even in her early language, if she's not looking at you. It's sad."
The storyteller says, "Oh… it isn't a form of Kavi, after all. I can't seem to follow the dialect. I do know a couple of canid languages, but they are all local. The Jupani do not speak such a language. Perhaps you are from a distant land? I would love to hear stories of your home, if you wish to share them."
Zephyr thinks. o O {Good thing I said that. She and I can't tell our ears to not swivel when we hear something.}
Ben'zhamin finishes his breakfast and ducks under Zephyr's cloak.
The storyteller nods politely.
The old cat's eyes are bright and focused on Zephyr. His tail twitches.
Wyn finishes breakfast and stretches!
Zephyr quietly laps up his cereal, giving Wyn a soft, reassuring look before continuing. "It may well _be_ a form of Kavi. That's what I found her in a villiage of… A group of all sorts, including Kavi, a villiage in the desert regions that had been decimated by… " he growls softly. "Savages."
Ben'zhamin climbs to Zephyr's pocket and quickly drops back inside. o O { Phew }
Wyn snifsnifs at the air curiously. She looks suddenly at Zephyr, intent.
Ben'zhamin halfgrins, listening to Zephyr adlib.
Zephyr glances at Wyn, then quickly curls his tail around himself, over his pocket, with the pretense of grooming it while he speaks. The brushing spreads his fur's own scent, covering that of the small mouse's.
The old cat pats himself down, mrowing at the discovery of a writing pad and a nub of charcoal.
Wyn stares at Zephyr.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { This is going to be a problem… }
Wyn thinks . o O { You've still _got_ it. What, like a 'for laters' snack? Now, that's unkind. I offered half of it freely. }
Zephyr smiles at the old feline. "I was one of those who foolishly followed tales of treasure out in the wilds, searching for it." He chuckles, looking around at the mission. "I haven't exactly found it. But her… I learned a bit of what her language was, some simple sentences, and have… well… taken care of her for a while now."
A human girl next to Zephyr mumbles, "Milk, please," to the fox. She waits with hands outstretched.
Zephyr rfs? and swivels his ears, then nods and hands the girl the milk pitcher, smiling. "There you go." He turns back to Wyn, watching her?
Ben'zhamin frowns, and checks his sword for the grayish film. o O { I have teeth too… }
The storyteller makes some notes. "Very kind of you. The First Ones mark your steps for you, of course," he says, as if he were pronouncing a blessing in passing. "Desert. Savages. Mixed peoples. Not Argonath? The hemp traders?"
The old cat smiles. "I've always wanted to meet someone from Argonath."
Wyn glares at Zephyr.
Zephyr shakes his head again. "They were barely surviving… Most of what they had was destroyed by the savages… Kavi by the scent of them, and they didn't have enough food stores to last. Not Argonath." He sighs. "In fact… from their condition, you might not… find any trace of them, now… " His ears droop slightly. "This one… the wolf… followed me. She's kind, despite her… problems, and I took a liking to her. And as I said, I've been watching out for her in a difficult world."
The human girl takes the pitcher and quietly turns away to look inside it for stray fur. She fishes out three or four colors with her spoon and flicks them wetly onto the floor. Then, she fills her empty bowl with milk and sets the pitcher on the table.
Zephyr looks softly at Wyn, pointing first to himself, then to her, then to the door, tilting his head questioningly?
Wyn nods and stands.
Ben'zhamin sighs to himself, trying to think of how to reach Wyn… how to be her friend again. He certainly will let Zephyr be intermediary.
Zephyr thinks o O {Whoever these 'first ones' are, everyone swears by them… must be the local religion. I seem to have been playing along alright.}
Zephyr stands, padding over to the elderly feline and offering a paw. "Pleased to have met you… and may the First Ones keep you telling your stories for many years. She… ", he points to Wyn. "Needs to go out, she's restless… and I need to find a job she can do, and that I can do… I thank you for your interest." He smiles politely.
The old cat muses, making some more notes. "Thank you for sharing. I promise, I'll not call her by name or mention Argonath," he comments. "I count my luck the greater for meeting you at all. First Ones guide you, my friend," he says.
Zephyr smiles and nods. "First Ones guide you as well. And thank you." He moves over beside Wyn, pointing quietly to the door.
Wyn leaves the mission and steps blinking out into the light.
The sky is bright and clear, filled with sparse cotton candy clouds.
Once out of earshot of the mission, Zephyr pulls up his cloak's cowl, leaning close beside Wyn. "You alright? And I was just making up a story as to where we came from in there. Harmless stuff, you're part of a tribe decimated by savages, and you can hear sounds, but not words… you're mute. Covers for the language… "
Ben'zhamin halfgrins and whispers so only Zephyr can here. "The wolf needs to go out?"
Zephyr rrfs, and gives his pocket a very gentle poke, smiling a little beneath his hood.
Wyn growlies softly, "I don't care about that. Am I supposed to just make nice with every food group that guesses my name?"
Ben'zhamin erfs and grins a little.
Zephyr stops further down the street, leaning close to Wyn again. "And… no, I don't know where we should go now. We need work for money to eat and a place to sleep, so… " He pauses. "Ben? Where have you been staying and all?"
Zephyr blinks, and looks at Wyn. "No… of course not. Wyn… Ben… that's his name… isn't like the mice you and I pounce. He can think and feel just like you and I can, he's different. And he's a friend. That's why he came up to you. Since when do mice crawl onto wolves?"
Ben'zhamin takes a deep breath, looks about… and then climbs to Zephyr's shoulder. "I have been 'adopted' by an airship crew. By their captain, actually."
Wyn thinks . o O { I've fallen in with the infirm in the head, that's what. }
Ben'zhamin stays silent as Zephyr talks to the wolf.
Zephyr tilts his head at Wyn. "Seriously… How many food mice have ever crawled onto you or known your name? He's different."
Wyn grrs. She faces Ben'zhamin and wufs, "What color are my eyes?"
Ben'zhamin sighs. "Yellow. They were green."
Wyn thinks . o O { ! }
Zephyr nods softly. "He's right, Wyn."
Wyn crosses her arms. "Who am I, then?" she wufs quietly, her ears back.
Zephyr stays silent, letting Ben answer…
Ben'zhamin says quietly. "You are Arwyn Starwolf, and you have lead quite a life, with more sorrow and grief than you deserve. And while you and I have had our differences in the past, we have been friends for a long time."
Wyn thinks . o O { This is a bad sign. My mind is really gone, and my dreams are a line between truth and madness. I remember reflections of green eyes. Drat. }
Zephyr sighs. "He's right, Wyn… Your eyes _were_ green. They've changed, for some reason. Ben… Can you describe where Wyn and I lived? I already have, to her."
Wyn softly wufs, "I don't know that name. I can't believe it. I _eat_ mice."
Ben'zhamin nods. "A cave in the mountains. Wyn, it was a perfect place for wolves… "
Wyn thinks . o O { This is too much. I've awakened in someone else's body. I don't want to live like this. }
Wyn hmfs. "A guess."
Ben'zhamin says, "Wyn… we've talked about this a lot. It's… ok that you eat mice. Just don't eat the prey that speaks."
Ben'zhamin bites his lip.
Zephyr nods to Wyn. "I eat mice too… We both do. Ben is different. He thinks just like we do."
Ben'zhamin erps and tries not to flinch. o O { You eat mice Zephyr? } The mouse looks down at the mouse-built red fur of the shoulder he's sitting on.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I hope you did get the occasional hairball… }
Ben'zhamin says, "Wyn… close your eyes. Here my voice. I think and sleep and dream and long, just like you… "
Zephyr smiles softly at Wyn, not noticing Ben's discomfort. "Wyn… we're predators, my ancestors pounced and ate mice for millions of years. So… it's _really_ understandable, you didn't know that you don't eat mice like this one." He gently points at Ben. "Who think and speak just like we do."
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I -really- wish we could change the conversation… }
Wyn says, "I don't understand."
Ben'zhamin says, "I think… that something -very- dramatic has happened to us. ALL of us."
Zephyr nods quietly. "It has… " He stops. "Ben, how did you _get_ here, anyway?"
Wyn thinks . o O { Maybe I can just find some watchmen and hand myself over. I'll just get it over with quickly, instead of wondering every moment why the world has fallen to pieces. }
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { And if Zephyr points at me one more times and says "We eat mice -just like him-… }
Ben'zhamin blinks. "Er… we gated. But something went wrong. Tarin and I were seperated somehow. Zephyr… are you forgetting things? How is your memory?"
Ben'zhamin says, "Of where we were before?"
Ben'zhamin keeps an eye out for evesdroppers.
Ben'zhamin also keeps glancing at Wyn…
Unseen themselves, two pair of eyes watch the fox and the wolf, and the mouse as well. Alley shadows are dark and deep, impossible to penetrate from the vantage of open sun.
Zephyr blinks. "You… gated? But Wyn and I came here by accident… The watchfire went out of control, spreading, and then there was a rip in the universe, into the Void… and we were pulled in. He looks at Wyn. "I thought I lost you forever… "
Zephyr looks intently at Ben. "Forgetting things? Like what?"
Wyn sighs softly and lets her ears fall. She looks at the ground.
Ben'zhamin says, "Names… places. Do you remember Tarin?"
Ben'zhamin says, "I find my memory fading, about some things."
Wyn thinks . o O { I wish you wouldn't look at me that way. I am a poor choice. }
Ben'zhamin tilts his head and tries to say something to help Wyn. "Wyn… At least you have found another friend -here.- If you want one."
Zephyr closes his eyes for a moment. "Tarin… another fox… but different from me. I remember getting mad at him once… when I was talking to you. He made a joke about… " He looks at Wyn, his own ears drooping as he sees her look down. "Her, and I didn't like that, I remember… "
Ben'zhamin nods. "But you are having trouble."
Ben'zhamin says, "I'm glad… you didn't forget me."
Ben'zhamin shakes his head. "Forward. We need to get you both shelter, and food. AND a place to stay."
Zephyr nods again, squinting for a moment, then sighing and looking back at Wyn. "Yes, Ben… I am. For a while I forgot… everything." He reaches up to gently touch Wyn's shoulder. "Her scent made me start remembering, because I remembered her." He tries to meet Wyn's gaze. "And you'll remember too."
Wyn thinks . o O { And a bath. Please, let there be a bath. }
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Can I impose on Shadra? Would she take them in on my word? }
Wyn closes her eyes and looks away from Zephyr, unable to return that gaze.
Zephyr rfs, and nods to the mouse. "Wyn and I only have twenty-nine shekels left… "
Wyn says, "Wait."
Zephyr looks up at the sky, then at the mouse, then at the wolf… "We need some protein, meat or eggs or something soon, and both need a good brushing or washing, or both… and a safe place to sleep. And… " He trails off, looking at Wyn. "What?"
Wyn softly wufs, "You should leave me. I should go, try to find my own way, on my own."
Ben'zhamin bites his lip. "Because of me."
Wyn softly wufs, "I've not been completely open with you, Zephyr. I don't remember you, and I know I ought to act better towards you, for the sake of our bonds. I don't want you to get into trouble because of me."
Zephyr blinks?! "Wyn… " He sighs and gently reaches up again to brush her shoulder, then at her cheekruff… trying again to look into her eyes. "I will not _ever_ leave you, and if you run off, I'll do whatever it takes to find you again."
Ben'zhamin stays silent.
Wyn softly wufs, "They'll catch me sooner or later, Zephyr. I killed someone important. A lion… a landed noble."
Wyn shakeshakes her head.
Zephyr shakes his head. "You think I don't care if you don't remember me? That's not important… not at all. No matter what you think you've lost, no matter what you don't remember… you're still Wyn. And I'd sooner get into the… " He pauses. "Okay… Now, I have little respect for the rulers here. They're mostly cruel and nasty. Why… did you kill him?"
Ben'zhamin winces and nods quietly. Having witnessed the fires here, the mouse id not found of the ruling class. Still… his friends are murderers…
Zephyr tilts his head. "Do you see me rejecting you for that, Wyn?" His eyes are soft and calm as he waits for more of an explanation. "I trust you."
Ben'zhamin says, "Me either, Wyn… "
Zephyr sighs. "And I was framed by a noted assassin, so as for being 'caught'… I'm as bad off as you are. I don't know what she's done, but the entire army seemed to be trying to kill me.
Ben'zhamin takes a deep breath. "Wyn, Zephyr… the people I am with… they may take you in. They're carnivores… cats, not mice. At least if you have to go, Wyn, you will be fed and rested… "
Wyn softly wufs, "I'm not guiltless, Zephyr. I'm sorry."
Zephyr looks down at the mouse. "You're the one who should be asked about this… Do you… really want to stick with two individuals who are wanted for murder?
Ben'zhamin frowns, really going out on a limb.
Wyn softly wufs, "I killed him because I wanted to."
Zephyr closes his eyes and nods. "Wyn… When I was being interrogated, there were two… and more people in that room, but two especially, that if I had been free, I would have taken great satisfaction in killing. And I mean that, that's all I could think of.
Ben'zhamin whispers "Wyn… you've killed for that reason before. Many times. You are still my friend."
Ben'zhamin remembers a little of what Wyn told him of her life before Genesis.
Zephyr says, "And in fact, if I were to run into them now, especially hearing what they did to others… I would still kill them just as quickly."
Zephyr watches Wyn quietly. "What did the noble… do to you, that made you want to kill him?"
Wyn softly wufs, "I don't want to talk about it."
Ben'zhamin says, "But when you killed for that reason, it was always after some great injustice… urp."
Zephyr nods softly. "I'll just tell you this, Wyn… If you killed because someone had been trying to hurt you… if _you_ hadn't done it, I would. No matter what the consequences."
Ben'zhamin patpats Zephyr's neck. "We should keep going. We may attract attention if we stay on one place too long. The fire here… was caused by the people in power."
Wyn skritches one ear. "You surprise me," she wufs softly. "You both do."
Zephyr says, "And if you tell me of any others that hurt you… because I _know_ someone did… then their lives are forfeit."
Wyn softly wufs, "I have a scent list in my head. There are twenty three I swore I would find if I could. I don't know what I want, now."
Zephyr blinks at Ben, nodding, then wincing, looking at Wyn. "See? They _did_ this to people, these fires… on purpose. The 'law' here is wrong. And… Wyn? If you see any of those twenty-three, I'll go after them alongside you."
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I hope none of them are friends we have forgotten… }
Wyn softly wufs, "I… thank you. I think I would rather find a way to be free of fear of them, instead."
Wyn softly wufs, "I don't think we'll ever find them again. They sailed off into the air and disappeared. They're somewhere lost in the clouds by now. It was weeks ago."
Ben'zhamin blinks. "An airship crew? WHat did they look like?"
Wyn shakes her head. "I don't remember."
Ben'zhamin says, "But you will know them by scent."
Wyn says, "I can't forget that."
Zephyr blinks. "An airship? But I was on one of those… I looked at the… way they were filling the gasbags, the thing that makes it float. It's a gas called 'hydrogen'. Wyn… if we ever see it again, and there are no innocents on board, I can promise you that that ship will no longer exist. If I can do what I'm thinking of, it'll find its end in a ball of fire. And that… would satisfy me.
Ben'zhamin says, "Well… we are going to the airship docks… "
Wyn brrs. "The trip was horrible. We went up … into the sky."
Ben'zhamin starts getting a 'bad' feeling.
Ben'zhamin says, almost conversationally, "You dislike heights?"
Wyn says, "I dislike the idea of falling from them. I was _very_ glad we finally landed here, even though they chained us all up and dragged us all off right away. If I never hear another creaky sail rope, it'll be too soon."
Zephyr glances down at Ben and winces.
Wyn walks with Zephyr and Ben in the direction he indicates, walking close to Zephyr with her hood drawn over her head so that she can whisper at need.
Wyn whispers, "I could really do without going to the docks, if it can be avoided."
The fox's ears flatten as he hears Wyn's description. o O {Chains?!!} He clenches his fists as he walks beside her, his claws extended. "Wyn… They had you… " He chokes the word out. "Chained?"
Ben'zhamin rubs his eyes. "There seem to be a vast number of thieves and pirates and such on this planet. It would not surpise me at all that there were slavers and worse."
Ben'zhamin says, "I… hope any friends that followed us here are ok."
Ben'zhamin thinks about Tarin.
Ben'zhamin points the company down a street closer to the Vo Zhano tie-up…
Wyn rubs her wrists unconsciously. "Ack. Yes," she whispers to Zephyr. "I don't want to think about the details. Chains were the good part."
Zephyr hardly hears Ben. The image of Wyn in chains, enslaved, has his temper on edge, his teeth showing, ears flattned back. "Wyn… ", he growls softly. "If we find them… You don't need to kill anymore. If anything… you'll need to hold me back."
Ben'zhamin says, "Zephyr… when we get to the gangplank, you'll present me like a passport, I suppose… "
Zephyr takes a deep breath, looking at Wyn for a long minute… then at Ben. "Yes… if that's what I should do?"
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Please forgive me Shadra… but these are my friends. The can work, and they can fight… }
Ben'zhamin nods. "Just hold me out and let me do the talking."
Ben'zhamin sees the Vo Zhano gangplank ahead…
Zephyr forces himself to calm, to relax… o O {Not now, fox… plan, and rest now. They're an airship, you can take them down beautifully… in time."
Wyn whispers, "It'll be OK. It won't be _them_."
The Port seems strangely quiet tonight, when it would ordinarily be bustling with at least the cheerful quips of the night shift. The reason becomes evident when the trio walk past a ship that has been vacated of crew, its gasbags deflated, and a seal of Inquisitorial confiscation posted on the side. Everyone's looking both ways before they cross the street.
Ben'zhamin frowns…
Zephyr nods softly to Wyn, then gently curls his tail around her as he sees the inspection going on. "Are they looking for us?", he whispers?
Wyn thinks . o O { This doesn't feel good. }
A caracal looks out from the railing of the Zhano-Paradhel, scanning the dock area. His gaze comes to rest on the two (?) newcomers, both cloaked.
Wyn shrugs.
Zephyr keeps walking purposefully, as if he knows exactly why he's there and where he's going.
Ben'zhamin whispers to Zephyr. "Ok… hold me out a bit so he can see… "
Wyn wills her fur to lay down under her cloak. It's making her all itchy.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { And not so close to Wyn… }
Zephyr slows a bit, lifting the mouse up in his black paw so that he can be seen.
As the small group nears the gangplank, Ben raises a paw in greeting, the scar in his palm from his blood-melding with Shadra visiable…
Zephyr winces at the condition of his fur as his cloak's arm slips back in the lifting. o O {Do airships have baths? Hope so… }
Wyn eyes the airship with growing trepidation.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { What if she asks them to go? What if she tries to turn them in? What do I do? }
Activity slowly increases as the yawning night-shift changes place with the morning workers and guards. Merchants begin to filter into the Port, approaching the airships for commissions, and some trader captains leave to begin their rounds.
Wyn whispers, very quietly, "It won't take off with us on there, will it? I'll jump. I don't care how far it is."
Ben'zhamin whispers "Wyn… getting out of the city might be a -good- thing… "
The caracal peers down at the odd behavior of the two canines, then spots some little lump waving. Hm. Are those mouse ears on that lump or is it just a little pet animal? "Who's there?" he calls.
Wyn thinks . o O { Get ahold of yourself. You'd be too chicken to jump. }
Zephyr quietly reaches up to gently rub Wyn's shoulder, reassuringly. "Right now, I'd say anything is better than being caught, Wyn… "
Wyn thinks . o O { I'd rather be caught. }
Ben'zhamin says in a firm voice, "Ben'zhamin Vo Zhano. Is Shadra awake?"
The caracal twitches his ears. "Ben… And friends. I'll wake the Captain immediately." He pauses. "She's in a terrible mood, I'll warn you, cousin."
Ben'zhamin greets the caracal softly by name. "Can you tell me why?"
Zephyr makes a soft growl deep in his throat, inaudible but to Wyn and Ben. "Bad mood?"
The caracal moves to let down the rope ladder so Ben and his friends can make their way up. "See the sealed ship three down from us? Inquisitors were all over it like spots on a Savanite. They didn't find what or who they were after, but they did find some very illegal deathgrass." The caracal looks about and then adds, "Not our problem, of course," in an exaggeratedly innocent voice. He waves for Ben and the others to come aboard, then goes to find the Captain.
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { Flights have been banned. No one is going or coming. Shadra is worried about the ship being siezed."
Ben'zhamin looks increasingly worried.
Zephyr's ears flatten under the hood, and he turns to meet Wyn's eyes.
Ben'zhamin rubs his eyes.
Wyn closes her eyes, not trusting her new sight. Ears are better for hearing what is hidden, and a good nose can discover the deepest secrets.
Zephyr watches Wyn quietly, whispering to her again. "This… isn't the same kind of ship, Wyn. And I'm going to stay right beside you."
Wyn's body language is easily readable to Zephyr, even within the heavy cloak. She is balanced forward at nervous attention, exploring the port with her nose and ears.
A few minutes later, a familiar puma stretches and yawns, her clothes somewhat more rumpled than Ben's used to seeing her. She exchanges some words with the caracal, then nods to Ben and his friends. "Friends of Ben are friends of the Vo Zhano," she says with a good imitation of actual awakeness. "And where HAVE you been all this time, Ben?"
Zephyr's own nose twitches as his tests the air in all directions, but his larger ears don't find enough clearance to perk up fully within the hood. He bows politely to the captain, not speaking until he's asked to. o O {Wonder what naval tradition is here?}
Ben'zhamin takes a deep breath, and after making hasty introductions, tells Shadra everything, withholding nothing. "… so my friends are fleeing for their lives and freedom. This was the only place I knew to bring them."
Wyn thinks . o O { Invite us inside where I can't see the ground underneath us. Feed us. A bath. Please, a bath. A blanket. No… too much trouble. Just a spot on the floor is fine. }
Zephyr looks a bit uncomfortable as he hears Ben relate all the details, being that he doesn't know… or trust the captain yet, but he trusts Ben.
Shadra's initial smile turns to a frown. "One confirmed killer of a noble probably that lion-scion in the country. And… " She gives the fox's cloak a more careful look. "Zephyr. Would you pull the cloak back from your wrist so that I can see?"
Zephyr freezes… and then gingerly pulls back the cloak's sleeve, revealing new velvet-black fur of a slightly different sheen than that around it, a little bit shorter… in a stripe around his wrist."
Wyn thinks . o O { What's she saying? Why is Zephyr showing off his wrist? Why's she looking at us like that? Has the mouse told her _everything_? }
"That's what I thought," Shadra says with a sigh as she leans with a thump against the inside wall of her stateroom where they are speaking privately. "Falling cities, Ben, do you know what the word is on this one?"
Ben'zhamin says, "No, Shadra, I do not."
Ben'zhamin looks to Zephyr, a question in his eyes…
Zephyr blinks, and listens… Since he's inside anyway, he pulls back his cloak's hood, letting his ears perk. "I was placed by an assasin named Shadowspite. She looks just like me. I don't know what she's done… but it's something serious."
Wyn thinks. o O { I learned a few words before I went on the slaver ship. The birds taught me. What were they? }
Shadra says very carefully, "In the Temple, they're offering *gold* for information leading to the arrest of a fox with no head hair, digitigrade legs, and shaved wrists, ankles, and one other place they chose not to specify… A *thousand* gold for his body. Dead or alive." She taps a finger against her cheek, and then continues. "That I think I can tell you. There've been rumors for a day that someone important died in the Temple, but my sources say it's got to have been the Captain himself. The bigwig of the Temple. You know." She says with dry wit as she pours some wine for the others. "The one they name the years after."
Zephyr blinks again. "I'm wanted for killing the… ruler of this place?"
Ben'zhamin groans softly…
Ben'zhamin says, "Zephyr… did you?"
"So your story is that you were framed, eh?" Shadra laughs softly. "I don't think you're going to enjoy explaining that to the Inquisitor Supreme. Whomever he is these days, I hear that there are some interesting administrative gymnastics going on up in there."
Wyn thinks . o O { 'Rephidim' is this city. I know the word for 'airship'. I sort of remember the word they had for me. Essil? No, that's not it. Drat… I don't even know the word for 'bathroom'. Gee, meetings seem to take a lot longer when you can't understand a word of them. I wonder if it'd be impolite to just go to sleep? }
Zephyr looks aghast at Ben. "Of course not! This is the first I've head of it! I told you… Shadowspite is her name. She had a mage… give me some of her memories, then shaved herself like me… I was shaved by the Temple, I kind of… went feral when being questioned…
Shadra raises an eyebrow.
Zephyr turns to Wyn, his voice quavering a little. "Wyn… I'm wanted for killing the… ruler of this place."
Ben'zhamin turns back to Shadra "What shall I do, Shadra?"
Zephyr speaks in a whisper at Wyn again. "A… thousand gold is on my head."
Wyn says, "Ack!"
Zephyr closes his eyes. "They took me to a warehouse, had that mage confuse me, had Shadowspite make herself look like me… and then the next thing I knew, I was in the temple courtyard, with lights looking for me…
Shadra looks over to Ben. "You tell me, what's the situation." She takes her goblet and drains it, then bites into some bread and cheese. Noticing the others looking sort of hungry, she pushes more of the wheel of cheese and the loaf across to them. "Least I can do."
Wyn softly wufs, "They'll turn us in. We should get away while we can."
Zephyr nods to Wyn. "Wait… a second. She's not had us locked up yet, and she seems calm… I'm not sure… "
Wyn digs in.
Zephyr waits for a second… and then hungrily takes some of the cheese and bread, he's starved.
Wyn softly wufs, munching, "Not her. The others. I would."
Shadra watches Ben, playing a teacher to a student for the moment.
Ben'zhamin says, "These are my friends, from the other world I told you about. Shadra, you took me in and gave me hope in a world I did not know. You made me your cousin by blood. I would offer them sanctuary here… take them away. Or even give them food and a head start from the Temple. I am also… Vo Zhano."
Ben'zhamin closes his eyes. "But I cannot deny my friends."
Zephyr swallows a bite of cheese and looks at Wyn, his ears drooping. "Right now, I just want something freshly killed, something hot to drink, a warm bath, a brush, and then sleep. For a week… "
Ben'zhamin turns to Zephyr and Wyn. "What do -you- want? Ah… "
"You're not analyzing the situation," the puma captain says somewhat peremptorily. "You've seen the docks, you know the state that the Inquisitors are in, and you know what would probably happen if anyone tried lifting ship before they got a through visit from Customs. You know your friends' stories now and I will confess that while it's a far-fetched tale to swallow, it *is* just crazy enough to believe. Analyze the options and the risks, Ben."
"Then I'll tell you what *I* advise."
Ben'zhamin nods…
Zephyr listens to the captain, his ears drooping more.
Wyn sits down, her back against the desk. "She's not going to help us," Wyn wufs softly.
Ben'zhamin says, "The risks are great that I would loose both my friends from my old world, and those from the new."
Shadra waits and watches Ben intently.
Ben'zhamin says, "There are no real options for them to stay here."
Zephyr finishes his bread and moves to slump next to Wyn, exhausted. "I don't think so. But she's not turning us in right now, so let's just… sit for a little while. We need a way out of the city… "
Ben'zhamin says, "But… surely we could simply feed them, let them sleep, and they would be gone. I must do that much for them."
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { And where will you go, Ben? Where is your heart? }
Shadra says very carefully, very quietly, "Ben. Who exactly are the Inquisitors looking for?"
Zephyr starts quietly repeating the conversation in whispers to Wyn, in a language she can understand.
Ben'zhamin says, "These two. A wolf, and a shaved fox.""
Wyn nods to Zephyr, listening.
"How many wolves are there in Rephidim?" Shadra reminds Ben. "And how many foxes?"
Ben'zhamin blinks. "Quite a number, I would think… I am uncertain."
Ben'zhamin says, "Could they be disguised, Shadra?"
Zephyr growls softly. "And how many of those lousy bugs that won't miss you if they spot you?"
"Now you're thinking," Shadra says with some approval. "And how do you think they spot you, Zephyr?"
Ben'zhamin blinks at some hope, and halfgrins.
Zephyr shrugs. "If it's the shaving… that'll be gone completely in less than a week, my fur grows in fast. My summer coat's coming in.
"That's how they've told people to identify you," Shadra reminds Zephyr, her ears flicking forward. "But if they could do nothing better, don't you think they'd have forbidden foxes to wear gloves? What *else* could they use?"
Zephyr points to his digitigrade legs. "Only some foxes are built like me. My race isn't from this world, there are some foxes that look almost like me… like Shadowspite, she even has pure amber eyes, but… "
Ben'zhamin says, "Long sleaves?"
Shadra sighs.
Ben'zhamin says, "Zephyr… what did they do to you?"
Zephyr shakes his head and rubs at his ears, still translating for Wyn. "I'm too exhausted to think straight, Ben… Er… what did they do? Who?"
Shadra taps her nose meaningfully.
Zephyr blinks. "My scent? But how can I disguise that?"
Ben'zhamin follows this latter thought. "Where a masking scent?"
Zephyr sighs. "Fine when I'm calm. Curse of my ancestors to have a strong scent for fear or anger.
Ben'zhamin says, "At least we're getting somewhere… "
Shadra nods to Ben. "Good. Perhaps there's hope for you yet." She laughs softly. "You realize, the two of you probably left a scent trail broad as a highway all the way here." She pauses.
Ben'zhamin gasps.
Zephyr translates that for Wyn, and starts looking worried, his ears flattening…
"So the first thing we're going to do is… " Shadra reaches up to a cord. "Spring cleaning. If you'll excuse me, gentlemen?"
Wyn softly wufs, to Zephyr, "If they were going to catch us that way, they could have, by now."
Zephyr rrms. "They almost did. Remember those… hounds last night?"
The puma captain glances aside to Wyn and wonders to herself, "I wonder if she'd look better in Spring or Fall colors… "
Wyn softly wufs, "They could have brought those hounds into the city after us, but they didn't."
Ben'zhamin blinks and nods. He whispers to Zephyr " I think you and Wyn can stay… for a bit. Mayhaps you two could clean up too… "
Wyn softly wufs, "What does that mean? New clothes?"
Zephyr whispers that to Wyn, and halfsmiles. "I hope so… And a bath, and _sleep_… "
Wyn softly wufs, "This thing will stay tied at the dock while we're on it, right?"
Zephyr nods quietly. "It can't leave… none of the ships can right now."
Shadra opens the door. "Radasil, I want you to show our new guests to the other stateroom. Make sure no one from outside sees them. Bring them more food if they want it. Oh, and… We're doing spring cleaning today. Use extra pest-powder and make sure you dust off clean." She turns to Wyn and Zephyr and Ben. "And you… Especially *you*." Her eyes rest on Ben. "Don't run off."
Ben'zhamin thinks . o O { I owe Shadra… eep! }
On the deck, Shadra slumps against the base of the mainmast. ( First Ones, I must be crazy, ) she thinks to herself. ( Taking on a patrol or two or even a Darkside haunt is one thing… But the whole Dagh-taken Temple? This could cost you more than a few fines, Shadra. This could cost you everything. )