Jan 10: Envoy is convinced to trust Inquisitor Ciar
(Envoy) (City of Hands) (Kani) (Necropolis) (Perchance to Dream) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple)
Deluxe Hospitality Suite
Far from the worst cells the Temple has to offer, these accommodations are positively luxurious by the standards of Darkside – there is a plain wooden bed with linen and sheets of an off-white color, a table lined up against the far wall, with writing material ready to hand in case a prisoner should wish to compose a confession, and a small mirror, sink and toilet in the corner. The walls are of smooth ceramic, colored a faint rose pink, and a barred slit in the door allows the guard to look in at any time. A slight depression at the bottom of the door and a lifting panel serves to allow food to be brought in and plates to be removed from the cell.

It has been several weeks since Envoy was brought in… To judge, at least, by the frequency of guard changes and the refreshing of the torches outside the cell, and the meals brought in. At least for the 'Deluxe Hospitality Suites', the food is better, often including some relatively well cooked bit of meat and several vegetables that are, if not completely fresh, still acceptable. A distinct improvement over gruel.

None of the guards have ever said anything to Envoy, nor responded to any of her questions.

As Envoy sits upon the bed in the corner in the middle of another day, (the passing of time appearing to be completely arbitrary and rather disorienting, sometimes passing too fast, sometimes too slow, though perhaps that is just an effect of confinement) footsteps begin to clack down the length of the hall. Not an uncommon occurrence at the changing of shifts… But lunch was only an hour ago, so surely it can't be time for dinner, can it?

Envoy looks up towards the slit in the door, just in case it's going to open.

The soft ticking, like claws on a hard floor, approaches, then halts in front of the door. Quiet words are spoken to the guard, and then the door opens to admit a figure familiar to Envoy. Cloaked entirely in robes of gray and smoke with black trim, silver star-and-anchor insignias matching the silver edges of the black fur on what can be seen of his muzzle at the edge of a hood. Inquisitor Ciar.

Envoy blinks and sits up straighter, but doesn't say anything immediately. Her throat is dry from disuse.

One of the guards says something to the Inquisitor that can't quite be made out.

Ciar turns and nods once to the guard. "Thank you, but I doubt that shall be necessary." He then sniffs audibly and glances around the cell before speaking softly, as before. "I take it you find these quarters more to your liking, Exile? It would seem you've been a most well-behaved guest this past week."

Envoy rubs her throat and swallows several times, then says, "Thank you."

Ciar steps a few paces closer to Envoy, his features still hidden by his cowl. He nods. "The Temple is rewarding of cooperation, as it seems you're learning. Especially if that cooperation turns out to involve valid information given."

Envoy blinks again, "You have verified my statements then?"

Ciar pauses for a moment. "Envoy… Inquisitor Faline died some time ago, long before you met her."

Envoy blinks three times. "But… who was it with Inquisitor Zeffel then?"

Ciar moves across to the writing desk, pulling out its small stool and settling formally on it to face Envoy. A silver-edged black tail with a white tip peeks from the trailing edge of his robes. "That is an excellent question. It would seem that you've been used, Envoy. The Faline that you met seems to have been an impostor." He regards Envoy for a long moment. "Now, can you think of any reasons why such an impostor might target you? She obviously knew of the City of Hands… how many individuals have you shared information on or rumors about the City with?"

Envoy says, "I've only told Inquisitor Melchizedek, Bridge Officer Nimiss, the one calling herself Faline, and you."

Envoy says, "Faline said she was working for Nimiss, and that I was valuable to him."

Ciar, even though cowled, seems to express distaste at the mention of Melchizedek. "I see." He pauses. "Envoy, if you are involved with the impostor… We have so far been unable to locate her, she's so far escaped Temple justice… and I can guarantee that her experience would be far worse than yours. If you do know of her whereabouts, the Temple would be most pleased, and would perhaps… forget… many of your transgressions. You could well be entirely free."

Envoy frowns, "How can I know anything about her? I never saw her again, and was made to believe I'd hallucinated her in the first place."

Ciar nods again. "Very well. Either you're extremely loyal, or you truly do not know more about her… in which case you have been used by this person. What exactly did you tell Inquisitor Melchizedek, then? And was this before 'Faline' appeared?"

Envoy says, "Oh, long before then. I left a few things out of my report to Inquisitor Melchizedek though, and he didn't push for the details. He just wanted to know if the City posed a threat to Rephidim. I told him that it did, and he authorized the quarantine. Later though, he decided to send his assistant to confirm things, and I was going to go with her… then all the trouble at the Mikide estate happened and we had to leave in a hurry."

Ciar mms. "I shall review records of the assistant's journey. Did it seem as if Faline knew about the City beforehand, or did it seem that your telling her of it was the first she'd heard?"

Envoy says, "She knew enough to ask me specifically about it."

Envoy says, "I assumed that since the Audit had the pair of crystal hands needed for plotting Rephidim's course, that Nimiss wanted more detail in order to try and use the mechanism back at the City of Hands."

Ciar appears to straighten a bit. "So she was searching for information, then. From you. She knew that you had information on the City, that you had journeyed there. Did she seem to let anything slip, any outside ties she might have, any connections, any names mentioned?"

Envoy says, "Only that of Officer Nimiss."

Ciar nods. "Yes, well, it would seem that she was dropping that name to lend credibility to her queries, and to convince you that your cooperation would result in your freedom. That cooperation, of course, is a rather severe transgression on your part… those who accept a bribe, whether of shekels or favors, are as guilty as those who offer it. We may, however, be willing to forgive some of those offenses if you agree to cooperate with us, Envoy. We seek justice."

Envoy blinks, wondering how her current cooperation is somehow different from her prior situations. "There is one other possible way the impostor could have gotten the information, but it is… unlikely."

Ciar looks at Envoy, and speaks quietly. "And what is this unlikely way?"

Envoy shifts a bit on the cot before answering, "Well… Isstan was reading all of my memories related to the City of Hands just before he… lost control. At that time, I was experiencing what I thought to be a vision, where it seemed hundreds of other people were watching. I learned later that several Mind Mages had experienced something during the episode. I think it may be possible that a Mind Mage was able to eavesdrop on the memory transfer, and would therefore have most of the information."

Ciar's hood moves a bit, as if ears have flattened under the cloth. "So it is your belief that a mind-mage somewhere… intercepted the memories. Do you have any recollection through this 'vision' of what they perhaps looked like or seemed like? A description, a voice, a name?

Envoy frowns, "The figures weren't solid or well defined, but the one that seemed to be paying the most attention had an outline like a female Khatta. That was the one that was coming towards me, and almost reached me when the spell was broken."

Ciar listens intently. "And had you ever seen this female Khatta before or since, outside of this vision? Or heard her mentioned?"

Envoy says, "There was just one incident where a cub seemed to… move like she did. I haven't been able to find out anything more though."

Ciar pauses and tilts his head. "A cub? Explain, please."

"A young Jaguar girl," Envoy explains. "A Jaguar is a Khatta with rosette spots, almost like a Savanite."

Ciar holds up a paw. "Yes, I know what a Jaguar is, Exile. Where did you see this jaguar girl, and how long ago?"

Envoy bites her lower lip. "You wouldn't bring in a child for interrogation, surely… "

Ciar doesn't answer. "I asked you a question, Envoy."

Envoy says, "It was several months ago, only a short while before I left for Little Rephidim West."

Ciar says, "And where exactly did you see her? Do not fail to cooperate, Envoy. Appearance of those involved in the arcane arts can often be deceiving, and Mage Isstan is dead because of this. We wish to find evidence to bring about justice in these matters. "

Envoy looks down at her knees, and thinks.

Ciar taps on the desk with a single clawtip. "Envoy, may I remind you that regardless of other transgressions, you have also broken Temple law in accepting a bribe from a criminal impostor, when you should have instead reported her to other Inquisitors and served your time as a good citizen. Justice must be upheld. Whether that justice involves a good or bad outcome for you depends on your cooperation in this matter. Now… "

Finally, Envoy takes a deep breath and looks back at the Inquisitor. "I'm sorry, but I cannot in good conscience give you that information about the girl. Inquisitor Zeffel didn't think the false Faline was an Impostor… how could I be expected to know that? I don't even know your name, much less that you're really an Inquisitor."

Ciar clenches his paw into a fist at Envoy's words. His tone hardens. "Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. The impostor offered you illegal release from justice as well as access to the sacred Mysteries, a crime so severe that the consequences are beyond imagining. Common sense should have dictated your actions. A true servant of the Temple would seek information only to further Justice, not to gain personal knowledge of a dangerous resource. I see to further justice.

Ciar says, "Why then do you seek to block justice, Exile, if you truly are not involved in these crimes? "

Envoy says, "I don't have common sense. I'm an Exile, remember? An alien. You say I should have questioned Faline's authority out of common sense, but get angry when I question yours? Why should I trust you at all? You don't even show your face."

Envoy says, "Whenever I asked about how the Temple worked, nobody would tell me."

Ciar slowly unclenches his fist, pauses… then stares straight at Envoy. "Exile… yes, you are an alien. You do not know our ways. And you seem to feel that the Temple has a personal vendetta against you, correct? That we are not just?"

Envoy blinks, "What is a vendetta?"

Ciar says, "That you seem to feel that the Temple is out to ruin your life. That you withhold information 'in good conscience' because you feel that we will misuse it… correct? "

Envoy says, "It doesn't matter what you do with the information. What matters is that I would have betrayed a trust in giving it to you."

Envoy says, "And it is foolish to think the Temple would purposely set out to interfere with my mission. It doesn't need the pretext of some supposed crime to bring me in and do whatever it wants to me."

Ciar says, "I see. And what is your honest opinion of the Temple then, Exile? You seem to believe that it is unjust? "

Envoy says, "The Temple is not an entity. I have met individuals within it that seem to care for nothing but their own status, and others who concern themselves only with their secrets. At first I believed it to be a unified organism, but I know better now. I can't tell you your own reasons for what you do."

Envoy says, "But I have learned not to trust authority simply because it is authority."

Ciar mms. "Tell me, Envoy. If the Temple were to suddenly… vanish entirely, what would you think the effect on Rephidim and the rest of the world would be?"

Envoy's eyes unfocus for a moment, then she answers, "From examples of other worlds, I would think warfare would break out among various factions that were only held in check by the unifying force of the Temple. It would also mean a darker age, since it would be nearly impossible to piece together the true history of this world without the knowledge stored in the Temple computer."

Envoy says, "Without the ability to know where it is going, Rephidim will not be able to maintain its dominance in trade, and will likely fall into economic collapse."

Ciar nods. "Exactly. It would not be long before warlords began petty squabbles and caught the innocents amidst their battlegrounds. Before crime ran rampant in the streets, criminals preying on the weak, the stronger races dominating the weaker. Before airship merchants, no longer regulated, began to gouge the citizenry in prices for food. Before artisans would have to cease their skilled work and resort to hunting to live. Before the population began to starve, and society fall. And that… is just Rephidim. I expect that the rest of the world would not fare much better."

Envoy asks, "And this is why I should trust you, in particular?"

Ciar says, "Well, since you agree on the consequences of the Temple vanishing, let me express it this way. There has been one impostor in the Temple so far. You mentioned a conspiracy. Such a thing might well cause the collapse of the Temple itself, much as a leaking house will eventually rot and collapse from within if not repaired. We seek to repair, Envoy, with justice against the enemies of the Temple. You have information that could bring about that justice. "

Ciar says, "If you do not share that information, then you could well be personally responsible for allowing the conspiracy to grow to a point where it does cause the Temple to collapse, and you would have the blood of hundreds of thousands, if not millions in the chaos that would follow on your hands. "

Envoy blinks, trying to follow that logic.

Envoy says, "Can't you just ask Nimiss if he sent the impostor?"

Ciar shakes his head. "I refer to you withholding information on the girl, for one. If an eavesdropping Mind Mage has information on the City of Hands, the City might well grant enemies of the Temple the power to destroy the Temple, or to at least create bloody wars and conflicts involving countless innocents. They must not be allowed to proceed."

Envoy says, "I agree."

Ciar says, "As for your breaking of a trust, one of the precepts of the Temple is the good of the many coming before the good of the few, or the one. Why, then, do you withhold the information? "

Envoy says, "Because you can find it out for yourself, without my having to break trust."

Ciar taps his claw on the desk again. "And how would I go about that? Jaguars may be rare, but are easily mistaken for Savanites. Would you have Temple agents go out and listen to every Savanite cub to see if they speak?"

Envoy says, "It is not my prerogative to tell you how to use the Temple's resources."

Ciar's tone hardens again. "That was sarcasm, Envoy. Do not be flippant with me, I will not tolerate it. That girl, if she is as you say, may well be the key to Isstan's death and to much more of this conspiracy. The Temple is not in the business of harming cubs, if that is your concern. It is the stability and order that we impart that keeps them safe, and I will not have that stability threatened."

Envoy says, "The Temple already knows how to find the cub. If you are indeed a genuine Inquisitor, you should be able to find this information. If you cannot, then how can you expect to uncover a possible conspiracy? This is the only means I have to test that you are not another impostor, or that you only seek the information for your own personal gain."

Ciar says, "That does not make sense. The Temple knows how to find a great many things, but I cannot ask them to find something on illogical, vague hints, Exile." He stands. "And you presume far too much to question me. I represent the government, and you are a criminal, you are not in a position to presume or demand anything. In addition, I do not offer you something clearly forbidden, do not dare to compare me to an impostor criminal. I shall bring in my superior to speak to you as well, and I warn you, Exile, you are treading dangerous ground at the moment. We will obtain the information we need from you to serve justice, one way or another. The method used is up to you, and you seem to be balking at the comfortable sort." "

Envoy sighs.

Ciar turns to the cell door, knocks, and speaks to the guard that opens it… mostly inaudible, except for the word 'Zeffel'. He then turns back to Envoy. "Very well, Exile. You shall have another Inquisitor to give you the options I have given you. If you cannot decide to cooperate after hearing the options twice… "

"Tell me," Envoy asks quietly, "will you ever investigate Nimiss' involvement in this?"

Ciar says, "That is my concern, Exile. Bridge Officer Nimiss is a highly respected and noble officer, you will not slander him in any way. And why should you care who I investigate, if you do not wish to cooperate with us?" He turns towards the door. "I leave you to think your decision over, Exile. Your so-called 'trust' can either save lives and protect the stability of the Temple through your willingness to share it, or through… other means of obtaining it from you. You can either have freedom and know you've served the Temple and people well, or you can suffer as you would have innocents suffer by the consequences of your defiance. It is up to you." He knocks on the door again, then exits, closing it behind him with a final-sounding thud. The sound of claws on the floor fades away into the distance. "

Envoy mutters, "What a jerk… "

The hours pass… Hungrily, because even though the guards change shift, there is no dinner.

Torches gutter low and are changed for fresh ones, over the course of the night.

Envoy draws her knees up against her chest and huddles back into the corner while she waits.

Another change of guards. Morning comes, and no breakfast either. Has the Temple decided to forget all about one small Exile lost in its halls?

Envoy finds her attention drawn to the writing table. Should she try to get a message sent to Officer Nimiss?

Envoy slowly gets up and goes to the table. She takes out a piece of paper, and ponders what to write. What message would be certain to get through to Nimiss, one way or another?

For writing materials there are only several feathers, split at the tip to allow them to hold and dispense ink, a cheap inkpot stopped up by a rubber stopper of some kind, and perhaps twenty sheets of some off-white paper, fibers of cloth visible in the rough surface.

The Aeolun opens one of the inkpots and dips a quill, then writes: Dear Officer Nimiss, I have learned that an impostor posing as Inquisitrix Faline has tricked me into divulging information by claiming to be your agent. If you have been informed of this already by Inquisitor Zeffel or one of his associates, please let me know so that I may verify that the Inquisitors are honoring their duty to the Temple and its Officers above their own personal agendas. Yours truly, Envoy. PS: I am being held in one of the Deluxe Hospitality Suites. Please reply in a way that cannot be forged.

The ink dries slowly on the page, spatters showing where Envoy wrote too quickly.

Envoy lets the ink dry before folding the page so that the message does not show, then writes "Bridge Officer Nimiss" on the outermost fold. Once the name has dried as well, she goes and knocks on the door of her cell.

A sleepy-sounding guard mutters. "You hear something, Bob?"

A Jupani face peers in the barred window suspiciously.

Envoy holds up the piece of paper for the guard to see.

"Whassat?" Bob wants to know.

Envoy says, "It is an important message that needs to be delivered to Bridge Officer Nimiss."

The guard laughs. "Haw! All right, give it here." He holds his hand up just beyond the barred window.

Envoy slips the folded message between the bars.

The folded message disappears, and then the two guards mutter between themselves. "All right. Tails. You go take it up to him."

The guards resume their posts at the ends of the hallway.

Now that she's doing something proactive, Envoy doesn't feel like going back to doing nothing. "Excuse me," she says through the bars, "but do you boys ever eat at Bromthen Heaven?"

Bob snorts. "Sorry, no chattin' with the prisoners. S'what the Inquisitors say." He says nothing more.

Records and Procedure Officer Nimiss's office has one of the few windowed views that are available in the vast ceramic-metallic bulk of the Rephidim Temple, a long narrow slit that looks out upon the city of Rephidim in all its tangled and people-choked thoroughfares and edifices. The gray-brown walls of the old city where Darkside has sprawled are the farthest to be seen, and beyond them, a stretch of green, then the light blue skies of Sinai. The black bat's desk resides at the very center of the bulkhead-cramped space, upon a dais, illuminated by three globes hanging overhead – One went out some long time ago and has yet to be repaired, so only two are left. Nimiss's chair behind it resembles a throne in the quality of the woodworking… and the gold worked into the fittings. His desk is strewn with papers, tangible proof that he is not so high as to elude the necessity of red tape. The small chairs for visitors invite concern as to whether they might collapse at any moment, however…

As Senior Investigator Kani is let into the room by a pretty gray bat secretary, the tall chair wheels about to reveal a nearly solid black Eeee. Nimiss.

Kani stands at full attention, offering a sharp salute. "Sir."

"Ah! Senior Investigator Kani," the Eeee says in his characteristically deep voice. "Please sit. I gather that you are the investigator that I've asked to stand ready for additional duties. Please forgive the fact that I have as yet been too busy to pass these on to you, but… " He spreads his hands. Contrary to Temple scuttlebutt that calls him cold and inscrutable, the bat seems to be quite urbane, perhaps even affable. "Other duties have so far claimed my attention. However, I am certainly willing to spend a few minutes to assist your investigations."

Kani bows, and sits formally in one of the chairs. "Yes, sir. Quite alright sir, about the duties." He pauses. "Sir, based on information from the Exile, Envoy… if what she has said is true, we might have a very real threat to the Temple itself to deal with.

The Eeee leans back into his chair, the light of one of the few Temple windows falling forward to make his chair a shadowy envelopment. "Envoy. The name seems familiar to me." He taps his chin, apparently trying to recall it. "Ah yes. She purported to be able to predict the locations of sky-islands, using some sort of esoteric device hidden away, but was regrettably unable to substantiate her claims. Beyond that, I cannot recall any threat she might pose to the Temple, Senior Investigator." He motions for Kani to go on.

Kani nods. "Yes, sir, her. And the threat is not from her, but revealed by her… we've already verified part of it in the form of an impostor posing as an Inquisitor. As you know, she was present on a Temple expedition to the City of Hands… I do not need to remind you of the dangerous nature of the forces revealed there. When she returned, she apparently transferred her memories of it to the mind-mage Isstan. She… recalls a feeling of being watched, as if another Mind Mage was eavesdropping… a Khatta, by her description. That same listening Mage might well have caused Isstan's collapse and death resulting from that transfer. And after Envoy was arrested on charges related to the death… " He pauses, his ears flattening a bit."

This draws a frown from the Bridge Officer. "You build a compelling case, Senior Investigator. An impostor Inquisitor? That would be a truly deep betrayal of Temple security and protocol. As you're well aware, Inquisitors are granted access to a great portion of our records."

Kani says, "I regret to say that yes, the Inquisition was infiltrated by an impostor, posing as Inquisitrix Faline… We have verified this, the real Faline had apparently died some time ago. This 'Faline' offered Envoy freedom and a chance to… access the sacred Mysteries of the Computer, sir… in exchange for information on the City of Hands. This 'Faline' already knew of it, leading me to believe that she was linked with the eavesdropping Mind Mage. Paperwork was falsified to release Envoy on 'insufficient evidence', and she became a scout for a Zelak hive. We have her in custody again, she did accept Faline's offer, which was clearly illegal. Questioning has revealed a great deal, except… she refuses to speak further on one important lead. "

Bridge Officer Nimiss looks up sharply at the mention of the mysteries. "Completely in violation of our protocols," he comments, frowning. "The helmet-interfaces are not for just anyone to use. Unregulated use by an untrained operator… "

Kani says, "I know, sir. And she did mention the Helmets of Interface. An unforgivable crime, I agree… The impostor, who travelled to the Himar on the premise of visiting family, is gone. But as to Envoy… She mentioned that a Jaguar cub 'moved like' the Mind Mage she saw in the vision that took place during the memory transfer with Isstan. Yet she refuses to tell me where she saw this cub. Sir… if a rogue Mind Mage does indeed have knowledge of the City of Hands… I need not tell you what danger that is. The sort of power that caused the explosion in the records, the living stone… forces beyond our knowledge. If an enemy of the Temple were to harness such power… "

"I quite agree with you, Senior Investigator. If the City of Hands was not in fact destroyed as we have been led to believe, then there may indeed be very… interesting and potent secrets locked within the quarantine that our patrols have faithfully kept. For whose benefits, I wonder?… " The Eeee steeples his hands in thought. "Hmm. A jaguar cub, you say. Isn't that a kind of Marking that occurs on Savanites?"

Kani says, "No sir, according to Envoy, it was not destroyed… Crystal hands such as the sort that navigate Rephidim have been noted there as well. Sir, I fear the worst if an enemy unlocks the City's secrets. They might well be able to change Rephidim's course, even perhaps destroy it." He pauses. "Not exactly, sir. Jaguars are very similar to a type of Marked Savanites, but they can speak. They're quite rare." "

The Bridge Officer nods. "I see. Rarer perhaps, than Exiles these days." He chuckles dryly. "Well, I can ask that the full records be searched for all references to an Inquisitor Faline, of course, Senior Investigator, but I'm afraid that a search for a wayward cub of a very rare race is beyond my means. That seems more like the business of Inquisitors. How specifically can I help you with this?"

Kani sighs. "To be honest, sir… I doubt that the usual methods will extract the information I need. She does not trust us, but trusts you. If you could… perhaps send her a simple note ordering her to reveal to me the whereabouts of this Jaguar cub… It is the only lead I have to go on, sir. Faline has long since fled, and Mind Mages are quite difficult to locate. I also understand that at times, when using the Helmets of Interface, some records are kept. If any records of what this false Faline used them for exists, they would be most helpful."

This raises the Bridge Officer's eyebrows. "A note from me would cause her to become amenable to reason? I'm not quite certain I follow the reasoning, Senior Investigator."

Kani slips a paw into a pocket of his robe, then hands across the desk the note that Envoy wrote. "She wrote this. I'm not sure why either, sir, but she seems to want your approval before speaking to me on this subject. Exiles are… not logical, at times."

The Bridge Officer reads the note, both eyebrows lifted still. "Mm. I see. No, a note will not do, I'm afraid. They would… " He taps the phrase 'cannot be forged'. "Be far too easy to counterfeit. She is requesting an audience with me." He frowns.

Kani says, "I should also mention, sir, that the false Inquisitrix Faline apparently used your good name on several occasions as justifications for actions… You might want to check with all sub department heads to ascertain what, if anything was said. I will provide you with a list of all those whom she spoke to." "

Kani blinks. "Sir, I would never ask you to grant an audience with a simple Exile criminal, your time is far too valuable… "

The black Eeee says ironically, "And what short of that could not be forged, Senior Investigator? By the fact of an impostor Inquisitor existing, any other Inquisitor could be accused of being a faker as well. This appears to be a veritable cornucopia of suspicion. However… The special duties that I have for you may perhaps help to shed some light on the issue, Senior Investigator."

Kani's ears perk curiously. "Sir?"

"Some time ago, I received a parcel of information… Very interesting information, apparently collected by a past Arch-Inquisitor of the Temple, who is sadly no longer with us," Bridge Officer Nimiss says. He is interrupted by a clacking sound on the intercom.

Kani listens intently, then blinks and flicks his ears towards the intercom's sound.

The black Eeee opens the intercom. "Yes? What is it? Ah. No, please ask the honorable official to come back in… Hmm. A half hour. That should prove ample time. And reschedule my other appointments."

Kani's eyes widen a bit. An honorable official delayed for him?

The bat sighs. "Ah, duties. It seems evident that I have neglected this particular issue too long, Senior Investigator. In any case… I have reason to believe that this particular Arch-Inquisitor may have abused his Inquestral powers not only once, or even a few times, but on many occasions." He swivels his chair about, to an angle that allows him to look out the window but also to glance back to Kani. "Perhaps he may be connected with your Inquisitor Faline. Once an officer becomes corrupt, there is no limit to the depth to which he may sink."

Kani's ears flatten. "No, sir. Once a traitor, always a traitor."

Nimiss continues, "In any case, the bulk of the parcel contained mostly information that this Arch-Inquisitor had acquired in order to substantiate his network of power, fear, and bribery… However, certain parts describe his plans to further advance his interests. And as he was an Arch-Inquisitor, there is not very much further he could have advanced." The black Eeee looks back to Kani to see if the Keiltyn is following his thought.

Kani is indeed. "Then… this might be connected to the death of the Captain-Astromancer as well, sir?"

"Perhaps you understand why then, I say that when you select an assistant, it should be one you would trust not only with your own life, but with the fate of the Temple as well," Bridge Officer Nimiss says dryly. "However, the parcel was not complete. Substantial amounts of information was missing or concealed elsewhere where only his confederates in crime could obtain them. For this reason, I need an investigator who can adequately follow the somewhat enigmatic clues and recover them, so the story can be completely pieced together."

The Bridge Officer stands and walks to the file cabinets on one side of the room. These are a wide design that spin about within, allowing the drawers stored to be brought to the top as they are called for… But this time Nimiss does something that's not quite visible, eliciting a loud 'clack!' from the cabinet. He slides it aside on oiled bearings.

Kani nods quietly, his white tail curling softly back and forth around one of the legs of his chair. He looks calmly at Nimiss, amber eyes intense and confident. "I shall do so, sir, to the best of my ability. Justice has too long been absent from the murder and from many other crimes that are likely connected. And information of that nature will be priceless in the apprehension of numerous other criminals, if it is as you say."

Kani blinks, and stands, looking curiously as the cabinet is moved.

"Excellent. In that case, I'll give you the first folder, and you can start on it when you are able to spare the time, Senior Investigator." The bat sorts through the papers and books and pulls out a flat manila envelope. "I'm afraid I'd regarded this as somewhat of an intellectual exercise… The Arch-Inquisitor is dead after all, or at least so far out of things that he can never return to his former powers. But his legacy may yet live on to haunt us."

Another shove of the cabinet closes it up again, and then Nimiss entrusts the envelope to Kani's hands.

Kani accepts the envelope and nods politely. "Thank you, sir. And yes, whoever killed the Captain-Astromancer is an enemy of the Temple… it seems that they and others still exist."

The bat nods. "That particular envelope may point to the most important piece of the memoirs that I'm trying to recover, Senior Investigator. All I can tell is that it was entrusted to some confederate of Moffat's, who lived in a small inn down in Darkside. The Three Thieves Inn, I believe. It was described as concealed behind lace… Well, apprehend the man with your usual efficiency and I'm sure the secret will unravel itself." Nimiss chuckles to himself.

The fox nods in return. "Yes, sir. I will capture him, I assure you."

"Now then. Let us return to the question of Envoy." Nimiss returns to his chair, leaning back into it.

The Bridge Officer says, eyes thinned in another frown, "Of course, my time is not available to any random prisoner that chooses to claim that they will not talk unless they have an opportunity to speak to someone higher up… And higher up… And higher up. If the Temple worked that way, then none of us would have a chance to get anything done, with all the appealing going on. However."

He drums his clawtips on the desk. "Senior Investigator, do you think that this Envoy can be made to cooperate, if I grant her an audience?"

Kani nods quietly. "I… would have to agree, sir. It seems to be a last resort to obtain a clue relevant to the very security of the Temple. She's not responded well to the normal methods, and this is not ordinary information. Otherwise I'd say no."

"Very well then, Senior Investigator. I'll have a time arranged," the bat says crisply. "And… Be sure that you keep your duties for me confidential. There's no way to be certain what other elements of the Temple may have been compromised, and will seek to silence you lest their part in Moffat's crimes be revealed." His nod seems as good as a dismissal.

Kani says, "Of course, sir. I only hope that this information you've given me can dig out the vermite's nest and restore the Temple's honor." He stands and salutes crisply. "Good day, sir, and thank you." With that, he turns and walks formally from the office. "

Deluxe Hospitality Suite
Far from the worst cells the Temple has to offer, these accommodations are positively luxurious by the standards of Darkside – there is a plain wooden bed with linen and sheets of an off-white color, a table lined up against the far wall, with writing material ready to hand in case a prisoner should wish to compose a confession, and a small mirror, sink and toilet in the corner. The walls are of smooth ceramic, colored a faint rose pink, and a barred slit in the door allows the guard to look in at any time. A slight depression at the bottom of the door and a lifting panel serves to allow food to be brought in and plates to be removed from the cell.

A full day has passed without food, and what must be morning has come around again when boots again clack on the floor…

Envoy looks up at the door.

The door bangs open loudly! Two Jupanis and a blue Zelak step into the room. "You're to come with us," the first Jupani says to the prisoner.

Envoy blinks, then stands up and straightens out her paper gown.

The guards escort Envoy out the hall and through a winding series of corridors and stairs…

They bring Envoy to someplace that seems familiar, before two tall black doors, and then show her in to… Bridge Officer Nimiss's office. The black Eeee is sitting behind his desk, drumming his clawtips, and the fearsome Inquisitor Ciar sits to one side in a tall chair of dark wood carved into the shape of gargoyles. There is a plain wooden chair for the Exile.

The Jupani lieutenant salutes to the Bridge Officer and the Inquisitor.

Envoy blinks in mild surprise to see the Inquisitor there as well.

"You may go, Lieutenant," Bridge Officer Nimiss says dryly. "I doubt that the Exile will test our good hospitality very much today. Will you, Envoy?"

Envoy shakes her head, "Of course not, Bridge Officer."

Nimiss nods. "Very good. Now then, I am given to understand that you have entertained… doubts about the identity of our friend Inquisitor here?" He gestures toward Ciar.

The Jupani lieutenant steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Ciar only regards Envoy quietly from the darkness of his cowl.

Envoy takes a seat. "I had doubts about his intentions, yes."

"You may dismiss them immediately," Nimiss says. "He is, as I am, quite concerned for the security of the Temple. As to the Inquisitor of whom you speak, Faline, I have had the records checked, and it appears that some unknown agency was responsible for insuring that the notice of her death never reached our archives. In short… " He steeples his hands, looking over them at Envoy. "There appears to be ample evidence that not all is as things should be in the Temple."

Envoy frowns, "Do you mean the impostor was here before I was even arrested?"

The Bridge Officer glances toward Ciar, obviously expecting the Inquisitor to deal with such a trivial question.

Ciar says, "She may have been, or the records may have been changed to allow for the placement of one such as her… an opportunity waiting for a situation such as Envoy's. We've not yet been able to ascertain which. "

Envoy hmms, then asks Nimiss, "Have you been informed about the possibility that a mind mage is involved, Sir?"

The Eeee says quietly, "Yes."

Ciar says, "Yes, he has, Envoy. He's been fully informed. Please ask the questions relevant to the reason why you requested this audience. The Bridge Officer is busy. "

Envoy says, "I just wanted to know that you had told him about the impostor. If you hadn't, then I would have known you were not really working in the best interests of the Temple."

Ciar says, "It is not your place to judge Temple officers, Exile. But you now have your assurance that I am as I say. And if you are concerned about the best interests of the Temple, you will cooperate with us in the investigation, I assume? "

Envoy says, "Yes… "

The black bat says flatly, "Envoy, while a certain degree of caution is understandable considering your prior deception, realize that it is only through Inquisitor Ciar's persuasion that I have decided to allocate this much time to assisting his case. In the future, you should consider better means of assuring yourself of the legitimacy of a Temple official. Ignorance of our laws is not an excuse."

Ciar nods. "Very well. And can you also now inform me of where this Jaguar kit was seen, Envoy? I assure you that I do not harm children, but this is the only and best lead we have on an issue that could conceivably endanger every citizen of this island.

Envoy says, "She is the adopted daughter of Zoltan Cambios. A recruiter for the Temple Scouts knew about her." The Exile seems very uncomfortable giving this information.

Ciar seems to relax a bit. "Well now, that wasn't so hard, was it? I'll simply ask that a Mind Mage harmlessly focus on the cub, just to check on her. Do you know the recruiter's name, Envoy?"

Envoy says, "Danae Sapphire, Sir."

Nimiss begins leafing through a folder. "Do forgive me, Inquisitor, but I do have other appointments to keep later today, and I consider it my duty to refresh my memory of the particulars prior to each one. Were there other… concerns that you had, Envoy?"

Envoy nods. "There was one more, Sir. The impostor Faline knew something that an eavesdropping Mind Mage would not."

Ciar says, "And what was that? "

Envoy says, "That I wished to use the Interface Helmet. I had only directly asked for that opportunity from a few Temple officials; Inquisitor Melchizedek, Arch Inquisitor Moffat, and yourself, Bridge Officer."

"And I refused your request as I recall," Nimiss points out as his hands pause on a printout showing large tables of numbers. "Such helmets are restricted to the use of a small class of highly trained operatives. Unregulated use could obviously compromise the integrity of the Temple's Inner Mysteries."

Envoy blinks. "I didn't know that the Inner Mysteries were responsible for the Interface Helmets. I've only seen Inquisitors use them."

The Bridge Officer says, "They serve many functions within the Temple, Exile. Is there anything else you wish to discuss with me, or will you aid the Inquisitor in his investigations?"

Ciar says, "The Inner Mysteries are not something that concern you, Envoy. Nor is it wise for you to be concerned with them. At all. "

Envoy says, "No Sir. Thank you for your time, and I apologize if the impostor has caused you any trouble by using your name."

Ciar nods. "We will talk again soon, Envoy. I trust you will cooperate, and you will be treated well. You may even be released, though you will be tracked until this issue is resolved."

"The impostor has caused many inconveniences. Which will, I am certain, be duly punished when she is apprehended," Bridge Officer Nimiss says dryly. "Very well then, why don't you conduct her to a conference room, Inquisitor Ciar? And good luck with your investigation."

Ciar stands, and salutes Nimiss. "Yes, sir. And thank you, sir." He walks to Envoy, then past her to open the door. "Shall we talk for a bit, then?"

Envoy gets up and follows the Inquisitor… finally knowing his name.

As the guards lead the two away, and the doors shut, Bridge Officer Nimiss ponders the folder in front of him, then lays it on the desk and turns about to look out the window. "You old sins of the past, you never fade away as you ought to, do you? Instead, you have come back to roost, with your black wings. But one way or another, we'll make a finish of this. I promise you that."


GMed by Lynx

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Today is 27 days before Unity Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)