1 Harvest, 6106 RTR RTR (Nov 30, 2007) Tasha meets with Queen Tyche, looking for advice.
(Amazonia) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Tasha)

    City Administration Building
    Like all of the central buildings belonging to Clan Hydron, the administration building is a marble edifice with an imposing column-heavy fade. The halls within are tiled floor and ceiling with colorful mosaics of city life, and a bit of observation reveals that the motifs are appropriate for the offices they are near. Clerks and messengers form a constant flow of high-speed traffic as they scurry about, often laden down with scroll cases or food to feed the myriad of workers who make up the brain of Dianus.

Of all the offices and work areas, those of the City Controller are the most grandiose. Scribes scratch away with quills at innumerable desks, making this place possibly the noisiest in the entire city. They wear golden uniform tunics, and wear laurels on their heads to denote their places in the bureaucratic hierarchy. A large set of mahogany double-doors, polished to mirror smoothness, stands at the far end of a long and ornate Olympian style tapestry-carpet, and a large (although not Guardian-sized) Lapi buck stands guard next to it.

Oi, I thought Amazonia was nothin' like Rephidim, bu' this place reminds me o' the Temple like nothin' else, Tasha thinks as she makes her way through the halls of the administration building. Finally arriving at the inner officers, after no small amount of getting lost, the woman eyes the doors with a mix of apprehension and purpose. Well, 'ere goes. She begins walking towards the double doors, hoping her otherworldly appearance deflects too much questioning – or red tape.

"May I help you?" the guard at the door asks, not looking at all surprised by Tasha's appearance or presence.

I should 'ave known – bureaucratic types aren't phased by anythin'. Souless. Tasha tilts her headm then gestures at the door. "I'm 'ere to see Tyche," she replies. "I 'ave matters to discuss with 'er."

"And who may I tell her is calling?" the man asks.

"'O do you think is callin'? Do you get a lot o' winged, hoofed, red-furred Lapi walkin' in," the Vartan inquires, rather annoyedly. "Tell 'er it's the pizza man!"

The buck blinks and looks confused now. "Pardon?" he asks.

"Whut?" Tasha blinks, then shakes her head and says, "Jus' tell 'er Aldara Tasha is 'ere. Go. Scoot!" She waves the man towards the door.

"And what is the purpose of your visit?" the man asks next, as if he didn't hear anything other than Tasha's name.

"Are you a robot too?" Tasha reaches up and rubs her left ear, feeling a headache coming on. "I'm discussin' worl'-wide trade, temples, the planets an' men."

"Very well," the buck says, finally smiling. He slips through one of the doors and vanishes, leaving Tasha outside with the sound of the scribbling clerks.

Tasha rubs her arm as she waits, surveying the area. She couldn't imagine working in an office. having to sit still and write this long would drive her to throw something. Captain Eyeshine told her that writing is part of a captain's buisness, though, so she tries to look interested.

It's probably not coincidence that there are very few things available that could easily be thrown. Even the inkwells are built into the desktops. Some of the clerks have glazed expressions on their faces, and one of the does is actually nursing a cub while working.

Souless, Tasha decides. At least, to her mind, the Technopriests were interesting. Now that she knows who they are, where they come from, and what they're actually doing, the mechanical monks seem all the more fascinating. She wonders if she'll ever see deep inside the Temple, where the ancient machinery undoubtedly sleeps. Soon, she'll at leats be back in Rephidim, if just for a little while. She'll no longer be considered a Herald, but at least she thinks she's become so much more than she was. "I should learn to wear somethin' more formal," she muses to herself, in whisper.

"Lady Circerae can see you now," the door-Lapi suddenly says right next to Tasha. Apparently hinges in Dianus aren't allowed to make any noise, even on the big doors.

Tasha whips around, but stops short of raising her hand. I guess I'm still jumpy after a … machine tried to kill me with a giant robot, she decides, finding the whole matter too strange to believe if it hadn't actually happened to her. She nods, then, after straightening her garments, walks inside.

Inside the Controller's office is a model of the city of Dianus, taking up most of the central part of the chamber. It's studded with colored markers and flags that no doubt hold special meaning. The walls are made up of build-in (carved-in?) ornate marble shelves filled scrolls, but the back wall is columned and opens onto a wide balcony obscured by gauzy curtains that are weighted on the bottom. Before this is a desk that looks tiny compared to the rest of the room, but is made of gold-trimmed wood and has several short benches arranged before it. Sitting on a bench of her own behind the desk is Tyche, nominal ruler of Dianus.

"Good afternoon, Aldara," Tyche greets from her desk. "What brings you this chaotic place?" she asks – even though the door-buck supposedly told her already.

"Afternoon, Queen Tyche," Tasha greets the elder Lapi back. She walks towards the desk, taking a moment to look at the minature map of Dianus as she passes it. When she arrives before the Queen, she offers, "Nice desk," followed by, "I'm 'ere to talk to you abou' the outside worl'. I plan to journey from 'ere soon, an' I 'ave already made arrangements with my Temple to establish a temple where I'm 'aeded. I though' maybe you'd be in'erested as well, since I know Calli is lookin' for trade deals. I also though' I migh' pick your brain abou' … older men."

The doe's eyebrows go up at that last request, but Tyche nods and says, "Please tell me about this new land of trading opportunities you are headed for."

Tasha decides to remain standing; it makes her feel bigger than Tyche. She knows its petty, but, Tyche is one of a few women who genuinely makes her uncomfortable. "This new lan' is Abaddon," the Vartan answers. She pauses, to let the location settle in, then realizes it may require clarification and adds, "The planet, 'o course."

"What do they have worth trading for?" Tyche asks next. It doesn't seem to matter to her that it's a different planet… she may suspect it's just another Sky Island or similar, reached by airship.

"Iron, an' lots o' it. Machinery. Likely other bits no' from our worl'. Or, per'aps you'd like a shot at Ashtoreth more, the water planet. Can' 'elp you much there, bu' I can at least see your traders to the gateway. I'm sure you 'ave the money to pay for the trip," Tasha explains.

"Hmmmm," Tyche hums. "I am not familiar with the uses for iron. However, this is something of value in Rephidim and other lands?" she asks.

"Once was worth a fortune, now no' so much, wha' with so much o' it comin' from Abaddon. Other metals are worth more. An', there's the cultural an' educational benefits o' other worlds, somethin' I've come to see recently." Tasha never imagined she'd ever say "cultural and educational benefits," deciding she really has changed a lot after all that's happened. "Iron's used to make weapons, armor, machines, an' such. Its like skymetal. Stronger than bronze."

"Stronger?" Tyche asks, looking interested now. "Is it heavier or lighter? Can our blacksmiths work with it easily?"

"You'd 'ave to talk to someone who works wit' it – the Temple o' Abaddon or Behemoth would know. I jus' know it's stronger than bronze, an' tha' you can do things wit' it, like make steel, which is even stronger than iron. Used to be the nobles all 'ad their weapons made o' the stuff, bu' it's more common now. As for 'ow 'eavy it is, I'd say it's similar. I've seen smaller people than yours wear metal armors."

"That could be promising, especially if the metal comes with the knowledge for working it as well," Tyche notes. "After Calligenia succeeds in her present trade agreements, I will consider including this new land in our exploration of trade."

"This land is farther than any other she 'as been. It's no' a land – it's another worl' entirely." Tasha points straight up. "We migh' no' be comin' back. Other planets are there to be seen, like Ashtoreth, bu' I'm no' goin' there. I though' you migh' wan' to know while the chance is 'ere, since you've 'elped us a bit."

"You make it sound as if trade with this world would be more expensive or hazardous than trade with Rephidim," Tyche says. "Is that the way of it?"

"There's only one way in tha' I know o', an' it's far off in the center of a desert town controlled by the Khattan Emirate. The cat-folk like to trade, an' Calli knows tha'. Might be a good place to expan' on trade contacts – jus' see wha's available and wha' the places 'ave to offer," answers Tasha, nodding.

Tyche frowns slightly. "If the route is controlled by another nation, then they could charge part of the value of the goods passing through it."

Tasha nods again, and says, "S'not uncommon, bu' there's other forces on the other side too. Like I said, I think it's worth takin' a look at, at leas'."

"I would like to have some success with less onerous trade first," Tyche notes, folding her hands atop her desk. "Calligenia has much to prove before I can back another trade experiment."

"Fair 'nough," Tasha agrees. She hadn't really come to talk about trade, so either answer is acceptable. What she's really here for is advice, but she's come to think she can't just come out and directly mention her problems without seeming weak to Tyche. And, she definitely doesn't want to seem weak before the Queen. "Thought I'd offer. Since tha's all settled, 'ow abou' I pick your mind abou' men?"

"Pick my mind?" Tyche asks, her eyebrows once more rising up.

Tasha blinks at the woman, then suddenly laughs! "Oi, no," she says, waving a hand, "I don' mean to pick your mind, I mean I was wonderin' if you 'ad any advice. Pick your mind's a sayin' from my 'omelan'."

"Peculiar terms," the doe comments. "Please sit down then, Aldara, and ask your questions."

Tasha decides she'd better sit. She's stood long enough, and if she keeps this up, her feet are going to get tired and she knows she'll fidget. Fidgeting before the Queen seems worse than sitting, so Tasha sits. "I was wonderin' 'ow you approach an' older man who 'ad … loved someone who's now gone, withou' steppin' on the memory o' tha' person, bu' no' being confused for them either. 'Owever close you migh' resemble 'er," she explains, after a moment to gather her thoughts.

Tyche just stares at Tasha for a moment, before asking, "Is this in regard to one of the ancient sky-gods you returned with?"

"Aye," Tasha answers, not wishing to evade the answer when she knows evasion is pointless anyway. Tyche's too smart, in Tasha's opinion, to not realize. "Does tha' change anythin'?"

"I'm unfamiliar with them, is all," Tyche admits. "Normally… none of the things you mentioned would really matter. Husbands often survive Warrior wives, after all, and remarry. They are not so weak as to be crippled by sentiment, nor so foolish to be confused by it. Tell him what you want, and he will give it to you or not."

"Tha's very … direct," Tasha says, sounding surprised. "I though' their migh' be more to it, like bein' tender with 'is feelin's, or wha'-not. 'E just learned Nora was dead, an' I … I look like 'er. I think I even 'ave some of her memories. Look at this." Lifting a hand, Tasha makes several gestures in Silent Sign. "Do you know wha' this is? It's Silent Sign. I never knew it before, bu' 'er memory taught it to me. 'E even 'ad a son! I'm jus' … jus' … Taking a deep breath, Tasha exhales, giving a slight shrug. "I wan' to take care o' him. I'm no' sure, why, 'cept I do. I like 'im. I never liked someone like 'im before. I jus' worry 'e thinks me a replacement, or worse."

"I suppose you could wait for him to come to you, when his period of mourning has passed," Tyche suggests. "Are you in a hurry? It was my understanding that the ancients were ill, and undergoing treatment from the Priestesses of Arcadia?"

"I've never been one to show a lot o' patience," admits the Vartan. "I guess I feel if I don' act, wha'ever I wan' will be gone before I can get it. Or, maybe I'm jus' no' used to wantin' somethin' tha' lasts … " She shakes her head, then plops it down on her hand as she props up her arm. "'E deserves better than wha' 'e got, 'e does. Maybe I will wait, much as I 'ate to."

"You should at least make sure he will live first," Tyche agrees. "Otherwise it is you will suffer the broken heart. Has he been receptive to you so far though?"

Ears back and face tensed, Tasha looks pained, but nods in agreement. "Seen enough people die lately," she murmurs. Looking up, she admits, "Aye, I'd 'urt in more ways than I wan' to think abou. An' 'e … " Her gaze slips away, so that now she's staring off at the scrolls on the wall, " … 'E asks abou' my life, an' I ask 'im. We rode together. I read 'is diary. An' we … shared a bed las' nigh'. Her eyes close, and she shakes her head. "'E called me 'Nora.' I pretended no' to notice – I know 'e still mourns. Maybe I was too quick on 'im, after all."

"Are you certain he wasn't talking in his sleep?" Tyche asks, "Or was the slip during regular conversation?"

"It was durin' … passion," Tasha admits, glad she's red-colored so it's hard for people to tell when she's blushing.

"'E's done it at other times, too," the Vartan ads quickly, in case it helps the matter any.

"Sex, you mean?" Tyche asks. "Why didn't you say so? Still, he probably has many things weighing on his mind, and if you do remind him of this Nora it is understandable. It will pass in time."

Tasha bobs her head, and can't help but wonder when she decided blurting out 'sex' was improper. Could this be another of Nora's legacies, in her mind? Or, has she simply matured? Mum will be thrilled, she decides. All the internal joking helps ease her a bit, so that she can accept Tyche's words. She nods, looking back to the older woman. "'E pro'ly does, you're righ'. It's good to know you think it will work out with time." The younger woman's face shifts in to a small smile, and she adds, "Thank you, Tyche."

"What is there to guess at?" Tyche asks. "He is a man, you are a woman, and also his savior and care-giver. It is unlikely that even the Priestesses of Arcadia will be able to turn his head for long."

Tasha smiles all the more at that, not having quite looked at the matter in that way. Her ears perk, for she always likes hearing compliments about herself. Vanity, at least, isn't something she's grown out of. "You know, I think I like you a lot more now, I do. You're like a wise grand'mum, bu' you look like a regular mum." Tasha then blinks, asking in a more quietly, "You don' mind I say so, do you?"

"What is a 'mum'?" Tyche asks. "A sort of flower?"

"Mum? Mum's a mum. You 'ave lots 'o 'em. I saw a mum wit' 'er baby outside," answers Tasha, who sounds perplexed.

"Oh, you mean a mother," Tyche corrects. "You are still learning our language."

"Tha' I am. I'm actually clearer in Silent Sign, if you can believe it," Tasha admits. She lifts her head, gesturing at Tyche's clothes now. "I 'ave another question, 'ow do you go abou' dressin' for respect an' leadership?"

"I choose something that goes well with the current weather," Tyche notes. "What you wear will not grant you respect or improve your leadership. It does not matter if your wear armor or just your fur."

"I see." Tasha nods, as if having decided something for herself. "Thank you for the advice, Queen Tyche. You'll always be me scary, wise grand-mum. I'll miss you, 'owever scary you migh' be." Smiling again, Tasha rises to her feet. "Let me give you a 'ug – promise no' to bite or ass'inate you."

Tyche's ears rise up slightly at this request. "I… you are missing your mother, is that it?" she asks.

"'Arldy, I'm sure I'll 'ave a ear full o' 'er when I get back to Rephidim. Don' get me wrong – I love me mum, bu' she's got a beak on 'er." Tasha steps forward, grining now. "I jus' thought I ought an' give you a 'ug! Now 'ard feelings, aye?"

"I have trouble understanding you at times, Aldara Tasha," Tyche notes, but does stand up for the hug.

Tasha laughs a little at that, then steps forward and gives Tyche a hug. "Wha's no' to understan'?" She kisses Tyche on the cheek, much like she does with her own mother, except with her mother it's on the side of the beak.

"You are very loud and inelegant at times, but then you are also still young," Tyche notes. "So I can forgive it."

"I'll work on the inelegance, bu' I can' 'elp bein' loud – you all 'ear better than me, by far," insists Tasha. She steps back, then grins again. "Well, I'm off then. You know where to find me, if you need me. I need to prepare for the journey ahead."

"Yes, since you are to provide transport for Calligenia's goods," Tyche reminds the half-Vartan. "You can send word for your airship to be ready via the Temple of Abaddon."

"Aye, there's tha'. Almos' forgot, wha' wit' all the business up north. Bu' there's much more than Calli's good I 'ave to see to – we're goin' far, far off," the Vartan says.

"So long as you are not reckless," Tyche notes, actually raising a finger in emphasis.

Tasha leans back at the finger, then folds her arms. "I'm no' wreckless when it comes to things like this. I did do right well by the mission I was given, I did. I do care abou' people's lives – wha'ever anyone migh' think o' me otherwise," Tasha insists, sounding indignant.

"Please care about Calligenia's wool as well, until it is properly delivered," Tyche requests.

"I'll do it, I won' let Calli down," the Vartan insists, sounding a little exasperated. It's about now Tasha realizes just why Tyche makes her so uncomfortable – she's like her mother, except bigger and scarier. Talking to Tyche makes Tasha feel like a kid, something she's prefer to avoid. "Well, I bes' be off then!"

"Enjoy the rest of your day," Tyche wishes. "And do not be concerned about the payment the Priestesses of Arcadia will exact from your Ancients."

"I'll … keep tha' in mind," Tasha agrees, somewhat nervously. "Enjoy your city-leadin'!" The faster I'm out o' 'ere, the better, Tasha decides. However much she may like Tyche now, she still thinks the woman reminds her too much of her mother, except many times more powerful.

The door-Lapi smiles to Tasha as he closes the door behind her. "Have a nice day," he says, and pats her on the behind.

Tasha pauses to eye the door-Lapi, deciding it's notworth it. As she leaves, she can't help but wonder if Tyche put him up to that or not. I think I lost again, Tasha also wonders, … bu' at leas' this time I don' care. Good 'nuff for me, I 'ave more important things to worry abou'. And with that thought, she pushes open the doors and heads out in to the light.


GMed by BoingDragon

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