Collegia Esoterica
Home to the finest magical teaching on Sinai, it sprawls over a expanse of land, sky, and underground. A mad mix of domes, towers, halls, theatres, and structures which can't quite be identified, it houses classrooms, libraries, laboratories, offices, and even some teachers' homes. Around it lies the Scholar's quarter, full of dormitories and apartments for students and teachers at the Collegia Esoterica, and the other trade schools.
It's noontime and the classes have started. Today Rory has the honor of attending one of the most dull classes the college has to offer (a prerequisite obviously), Magical Mineralogy 101. The teacher is a snobbish Cervani life mage known as Mrs. Latania Windriver.
The classroom is filled with all sorts of people from Sinai, most of them a great deal older than the little Aeonian. One of the more noticeable ones is a black furred Jupani named Vester, who has single-handedly made the class as miserable as he can for Rory. At Silhouette's insistence, Rory has taken a desk near the back of the classroom and out of the away; even though it means that he can't see most of what goes on in the front of the room.
Rory's face grimaces, as he tries desperately to stifle a yawn. He forces his ears to perk up. Maybe if he LOOKS like he's paying attention, somehow he WILL be. And not falling asleep. His eyes start to cross, prompting him to blink several times.
"As you know," the Cervani drones lazily from her chair in the front, "next week we shall be taking a field trip to Himar. We've gotten permission from a Jupani tribe to explore their mineral resources Be sure to do your homework before we leave. I do not wish to spend my vacation grading your papers."
There's a familiar motion behind Rory; it's Silhouette. She's seemed rather excited about this whole field trip thing.
Rory blinks at mention of a Jupani tribe, and involuntarily glances in the direction of his primary tormentor. "Oh no," he whispers. "Jupani? He'll lord over everyone… " He then glances in Silhouette's direction, giving a wondering look.
Latania walks to her desk and pulls out a book from a drawer. "As for now, class, I want you to read chapter twelve in your textbooks. And keep QUIET! I have important work to do, meanwhile… " The doe then begins to pore over the book, the cover of which has a picture of a male Cervani and a Khatta in a romantic embrace.
Silhouette looks to Vester and frowns. Currently the wolf is passing notes to several others around him and making gestures towards the bookcase in the back of the room.
Rory bites his lip, and determinedly ignores the goings-on, opening up his textbook and burying his nose in it, eyes wide … as if, by looking fascinated, somehow it will make the text fascinating. Not that it works, of course…
There's a stifled giggle from the direction of the wolves and the sound of crumbling paper. The Aeonian can feel the shadow of his friend against his shoulder as she begins to grow nervous. Then again, she's usually nervous in crowded rooms like this.
Rory steals a sideways glance at Silhouette, and stoops over a little, as he makes slow deliberate signs with one hand (with a few stumbles in a misguided and misdirected attempt to make the hand-signs somehow look 'casual'). "Silhouette, I know you hate being around lots of people. You've been getting a lot braver, but if you're nervous, you don't have to stay with me. We can play after class."
The sign for "Silhouette" is actually just the hand-sign for "shadow", since one-handed sign like this has no concession for phonic names and has a limited supply of synonyms.
There's another giggle, and the Aeonian can feel the stares from the wolves. Obviously his signs haven't gone unnoticed. Silhouette looks at them and shakes her head. "No… you need someone to help tell you what's in the chalkboard in here after all," she signs. Then… a bit more hesitantly, "I was also hoping I could find out where in Himar we were going."
The whispering of the Jupani has changed tones… it's almost like, soft chanting.
The hairs on the back of Rory's mane stand up. He flashes his fingers into a sign that, roughly translated, means, "Scoot!" his typical warning to Silhouette when he knows he's about to get into some trouble, and worries that Silhouette might somehow end up sharing in it…
Sil makes a jump that could probably be roughly translated as a shadow's way of saying "Eep!" and jumps into the shadow of a potted plant near the window. A few moments later there's a light gust of wind and a small vibration at Rory's back, then…
Rory closes his eyes tightly. "Oh no… " he moans.
*BLAM!* Half the contents of the bookcase fall down on top of the Aeonian. A small book about Kavi magical achievements manages to get skewered against the horn of the young unicorn.
Rory just sits there, eyes wide, the book dangling from his horn. He sniffles once, then looks at his textbook and flips the page, scanning the text doggedly, doing his best to look as if absolutely nothing no, nothing at all! has happened.
Latania jumps from her seat. "What on Sinai was that? Can't I get just an ounce of peace in here?" She looks across the room, hoping to find an explanation.
Rory shrinks down in his chair. Maybe she'll only see a pile of books and forget that he's there…
"He did it, Missus Windriver!" Vester says, earning a scowl from Silhouette. "I saw him making magical gestures … then the bookcase fell down."
Rory protests, "Magical gestures? Missus Windriver, you can't cast spells with GESTURES!" He looks at her with a look of pleading.
Vester's 'pack' all snicker at this but bark their agreement, all of them looking as innocent as they can.
Rory makes a "phoo" noise as he tries to blow away a page that has dangled down from the (very short) book about Kavis and hangs in his face. Of course, it just comes right back.
Latania just sighs, "That's true, Rorschach but… wait a moment." Her face screws up in thought. "You WERE gesturing though, correct?"
"Yes," Rory says, without a moment's hesitation. But his ears droop, and his expression is more downcast than before.
Guilt hangs over Rory almost tangibly. He WAS talking to Silhouette, after all. So, that's just as bad as passing notes…
The Cervani scowls, "Well, somebody knocked my bookcase over." She slams her book shut. "I guess that I'll have to deal with you br-, er… students my own way."
Rory's ears shoot up and his eyes go wide in fear at all the nasty rumors he's heard. "You you … you aren't going to turn my EYES PINK, are you?" he squeaks.
"Pink?!? PINK?" Latania grumbles, she knows about the rumors going around about her… and she doesn't like them one bit. "Rorschach, go to Counselor Heth's office right now… and take that book off your head."
Rory stumbles through the pile of books, slipping and catching himself on the desk, then removing the impaled book with shaking hands. He avoids looking in Silhouette's direction at all, but picks up his textbook and materials. Best not leave them here. Thanks to Vester, he'd probably never see them again… at least, not in proper condition. With that, he clip-clops to the door, an example of a student who has had the Fear of the Counselor's Office driven into him.
Behind the Aeonian rings the sounds of giggling wolves, which is quickly cut off by a sharp cough from Latania. "And you, gentlemen, may clean up the mess… QUIETLY. I must finish my reading, you know."
Out in the corridor, Rory whispers quietly, "I'd better not sign to you in class. I'm supposed to be paying attention. … Sorry for not finding out where we're going." He clippity-clops along, half eager to get more space between him in the class … and half less-than-eager to reach the Counselor's Office any sooner than possible.
The hallways are quiet as stone, which makes the walk to Counselor Heth's all the more dismal. A familiar shape follows alongside Rory. "She's mean," Silhouette signs.
"Doesn't matter," Rory whispers even more quietly, conscious of the sound of his own voice. "She's the teacher."
"And so's that bully of a puppy. I don't like any of them." Her hands flicker again as if she's about to add something, then stop quickly.
Rory abruptly stops, looking at Silhouette. "Did you get hurt? I'm sorry for forgetting to ask!" He clamps his mouth shut tightly at the slight rise in volume, and glances around.
Silhouette examines herself. "I'm alright, although it was a bit cramped in the geranium." She brushes a shadow hand against Rory's cheek. "What about you? We can't have the soon-to-be greatest shadow mage in the history of Sinai get hurt, now can we?"
Rory frowns, his ears drooping. "I think I'm going to have a couple of bruises." He resumes clip-clopping down the hall to the Counselor's Office, belatedly smiling at Silhouette's compliment.
Silhouette pauses outside of the door to the office, stopping Rory before he enters. "I'm sorry I got you into trouble. Maybe I can get the wolves to be nicer to you to make it up."
Rory grins. "If you can do that, Silhouette, you're a greater mage than I can ever hope to be."
Sil hugs Rory tight around the neck (if it's possible for a shadow to do that) and sinks down into the floor. "It'll be okay," she signs before disappearing.
Rory sighs. He was about to ask Silhouette to please stay outside, for fear that Counselor Heth might notice her and get mad. That she did so on her own relieves him of the burden. But, with a gulp, he realizes he's got other things to worry about. He timidly raps on the door.
"Come in… " comes the reply from the other side of the door. The voice sounds distracted, but not unfriendly.
Rory sucks in a deep breath, and fumbles with the door, opening it and peeking inside, a horn and a shock of white hair (underneath which blink a couple of deep blue eyes) poke around before the rest of the little unicorn.
Inside is a plump Rath'ani scribbling something in a leather bound book in front of him. Sweet smelling incense burns in a thurable hanging from the ceiling. He looks up and spies the little Aeonian peeking from the doorway and flashes a warm smile. "Yes, little one? Is there anything I can help you with?"
Rory clip-clips the rest of the way into the office, quietly closing the door behind him. He finally lets out his breath, then takes another one, before saying, "MissusWindriversentmehereandI'mprobablyintroublebutitwasn'tmyfaultbutI'mnotaccusinganybodyelseanditcouldhavejustbeenanaccidentbutIwasn'tchantingsothere'snowayIcouldhavedoneitbecausegesturescan'tmakemagicIreadthatinthebooks."
Rory gasps and spends the next few seconds breathing deeply.
Counselor Heth blinks and stares blankly at Rory for a few moments. He shakes his head, as if clearing out some of the smoke from the incense out of his head. "Er… and what's your name, child?"
Rory answers, "Rorschach, sir. I transferred here from the Guild Hall of Babel."
"… and I'm specializing in the Sphere of Shadow," Rory adds, embarrassed to only include it as an afterthought. "… Sir." He straightens up, throwing his head a bit back and clicking a hoof.
"Ahh… and you're from Mrs. Windriver's class? Hmp, it figures… she was never good at keeping her classes under control… " The raccoon places his quill in a bottle of ink. "I suppose Latania sent you here, expecting me to dish out some kind of punishment. Well, now tell me again, slowly, what just happened and why you were brought to me."
Rory goes through another one of his deep breath routines, then says, "I was in Missus Windriver's class. She was having us read our textbooks. I was reading my textbook. I was right next to the bookcase. The books fell on me. Missus Windriver got mad and sent me out and had the Jupanis pick up the books."
The raccoon nods. "I see, and then I assume our esteemed life mage decided to let me handle your punishment." He folds his hands together and rests his chin on his knuckles. "Your story sounds genuine enough to me… although books don't just mysteriously fall down. Who were these Jupani you mentioned earlier?"
Rory says, "Vester and his buddies. He's Sphere of Air."
Heth winces. "Ah yes… I know the name a bit too well, unfortunately." He pucks up his quill again and begins to tap the feather end against his cheek. "Now then… Latania will probably be chewing my tail tomorrow, asking what I did to reprimand you. Hmmm."
"There is the field trip next week, but suspending you from that sounds a tad harsh… " the raccoon mumbles to himself. He looks back to the young Aeonian and winces a bit. "Much too harsh… bah… "
The unicorn blinks. "Where are we going, anyway?" He mulls this over in his head. Personally, he wouldn't mind being away from Vester and Company for the duration of the trip. But … Silhouette seems to want to go so badly!
The unicorn remembers himself, and adds, "Sir!"
The counselor grins. "If I remember correctly, you're going to an area located in the Valley of the Two Sisters They're a pair of mountains located there. Although, I'm sure that Latania would much rather go to Elamoore for some shopping… *ahem* Anyhow, the area is very nice this time of year, and there are many interesting mineral deposits in that area."
"Mineral deposits … sir?" Rory ponders that any Earth Sphere apprentices are going to benefit the most from this … and he'll get to hear them rattle on and on about ROCKS. "Well … uhm … I submit to your discretion as to appropriate punishment." He then frowns at his own words. What a dumb thing to say! Of COURSE he submits! What else would he do? His ears droop again.
Heth glances around his office as a spark of an idea hits his face.
"I think I have an idea for your 'punishment'. Are you familiar with the merchant's quarter in the Bazaar? It seems that my supply of incense is running low, and I'm much too busy to go and fetch some for myself. I have a sinus problem you see… and for some reason burning a certain blend of herbs helps a bit."
Rory nods. "Yes, sir!"
Rory ventures, "Uhm … maybe if I could get a list, sir? I don't know much about herbs, and I wouldn't want to forget the names."
"Good boy!" The raccoon fidgets under his desk. "A list, yes indeed. Hmm… tell you what, go to the study room south of here; it's unoccupied at the moment, and you can finish your reading assignment. I'll join you in about an hour and give you directions to the merchant's shop and a list of what I need … along with the money to purchase them as well."
Rory gulps at the heavy responsibility of carrying MONEY … but nods. He bows to the raccoon, then clip-clops to the study, textbook tucked under one arm.
The 'study room' is a dim classroom that was too small for the average class size. It's a bit damp and musty, but not in too much disrepair. Off in the corner sits Silhouette, she's stooped over and looks to be examining something on the floor.
Rory sets the book down, then rushes over to Silhouette, and peers curiously at whatever has her attention.
The black-and-white unicorn whispers, "I'm going to have to go to the Bazaar. The Counselor is going to send me on an errand for some incense as punishment. At first, he mentioned possibly saying I couldn't go on the field trip … but he decided against it." He looks to Silhouette, gauging her reaction to that possibility. "We're going to the Twin Sisters, to see some rocks, and so Missus Windriver can go shopping, I think."
On the floor is a small fluffy … vermite. It's missing a leg, and one of its antennae look as though it was broken in half. It peers at Rory with large black eyes. "Squeak," it states.
Rory takes a step back at the sight of the creature. "Ack!" He clamps both hands over his mouth, glancing over his shoulder as if expecting someone to come running in response. "Uhm … Better stay away from it, Silhouette. They carry sickness, you know."
Silhouette seems to relax a bit. "I'm glad that the counselor wasn't too harsh on you," she signs, then makes some hesitant 'it's alright' gestures at Rory's reaction to the vermite. "It's just a baby. She was hurt recently, but she won't hurt anyone… She promised me that she wouldn't."
"Squeak," the vermite says.
Rory says, "Don't be silly! Vermites can't talk."
"Neither can shadows," Silhouette signs, grinning.
Rory's ears droop. "B-but … " He sighs, at a loss for a come-back to THAT argument. "What should I do? I … I'd better be reading that textbook when the Counselor shows up. And I don't have anything to feed the … baby vermite."
Silhouette glances at the vermite. "She's been finding food on her own. Don't worry, we were just keeping each other company." The shadow'corn straightens herself up and appears to be brushing herself off.
"Squeak!" the vermite agrees, and bounds off into… a jar of paste? Ew…
Rory nods. "Well … uhm … I don't mean to interrupt, then. I'll just … uh … go read my … textbook." He walks to the table, and tries to find his place. He looks back at the scene, wrinkling his nose
"Oh no," Rory whispers to himself. "If I ever see another vermite-trap, I'll have to worry that one of Silhouette's 'friends' might get hurt." He gulps at the notion and shakes his head.
With that, Rory pokes his muzzle into this book, reading his lesson diligently, giving no sign whatsoever that his mind is full of whirring questions about what a trip to Himar might be like, why Silhouette is interested, why she's befriending vermin, whether vermites can talk…