2 Ring 6107 RTR (Feb 11, 2010) Rina gets her flying lessons and Twig gets … changed.
(The Right Hand of Shadow) (Alptraum) (Sylvania)

The following morning in Castle Sturmandrang gets a slow start. There are many overworked muscles and minor bites and bruises to deal with, along with breakfast. Because Igorina's apron no longer covers as much as it should and her new wings have a habit of getting caught in the hanging pots and pans Snow volunteers to do the cooking. There is almost no sausage at all involved, but for her and the ravenous rat-bat it is good enough.

Rina is eager to try flying, so things moves to the castle courtyard. The weather is cooperative, being only mildly drizzly so far, but there is a distinct lack of soft things for a learning flyer to fall onto. "So what do I do first?" Igorina asks excitedly, spreading and flexing her wings and lashing her naked pink tail. She's wearing some of her own pants, and one of Twig's shirts.

"First thing you do is you need to calm down," Alptraum remarks. His lips curl back in a bemused smile at that. "You're as bad as a youngling Eeee ready for the first accident," he remarks.

"Well, of course I am!" Rina claims, gesturing towards the sky. "I mean… it's flying!" she squeaks. "Wait… first accident?"

"Flying takes skill, you know. You aren't just born, or made, with it," Alptraum says as he circles Rina and looks her over. "How strong is your foot-grip?"

"Uh… I don't know?" Rina replies looking down at her feet and flexing her toes. Twig offers, "She's pretty strong… I can attest to that."

"Well, can you hang by them?" Alptraum asks. "Have you tried?"

"Not yet! I mean… you have to do that back flip thing… " Igorina notes.

"Hm. Okay," Alptraum says as he looks around for a high staircase that can be used to see how well she can glide without too much risk to actually falling and hurting herself.

"Are you going to make her do back flips?" Snow asks curiously.

"Not until she's naked," Alptraum jokes.

There is one external stair that leads to the top of the outer wall, which is nearly twenty feet high itself.

"Follow me," Alptraum motions and heads towards the external staircase. He climbs up the stair about half way. "I want to see if you can manage a glide before you actively try to generate lift," he explains. The more experienced-at-being-Eeee crouches and then jumps off the stairs. His wings snap wide and he glides down to the ground in a lazy arc. "Like so."

"You're going to catch me right?" Rina asks before trying to imitate the glide.

"Only if I have to," Alptraum answers. "Try to keep our wings level. Only make small adjustments. A small movement will make a huge change in your glide."

"So… don't move them at all?" the rat-bat asks, just to make sure.

"Well, you might have to adjust them some, if you feel yourself listing," Alptraum says. "If you list, curl the opposite wing-wrist down a bit to correct."

Twig takes up a position at the base of the stairs, looking ready to run under Igorina just in case.

"Here goes then!" Rina cries out, then bends her legs and launches! Her wings do snap out, but a little late as she lands right on top of Twig.

"Forward… not up… when you jump," Twig mutters while Rina tries to sort out her limbs on top of him.

Alptraum covers his face. "Okay, the first accident is jumping on your Master," he remarks. "And yes, you need forward movement to get lift… "

"And oh! I hope you didn't get Rina pregnant last night. You two were busy," Alptraum jokes.

"Don't even suggest that," Twig squeaks. "Besides, you said it was unlikely!" Igorina finally gets control of her limbs and takes her position on the stairs again. "Okay, so leap forward, wings out and level… not like a kite!" she says.

"Oh, I can check her to see if she is. You don't want any Twiglings?" Alptraum teases. "Now … forward, wings spread. No sharp movements."

This time Rina bends her knees and crouches down, making sure her back and wings are mostly level from launch. She starts with her arms pointed backwards as well, but they shoot forward as she launches – without the wings, you'd think she was diving into a pool of water.

"Wings out! Wings out!" Alptraum yells as he runs forward to catch Rina before she dives face first into the ground.

She does okay, this time, and makes it as far as Alptraum before crashing into him. At the last moment she starts flapping her wings as if trying to stop, but it just makes her lose all control.

"Argh!" goes Alptraum as he catches Rina right in the chest. It's a good thing he left his right hand padded up, otherwise the spines that protrude from the chitin would be a bit painful. He staggers backwards and ends up falling on his backside with a painful thump. "Ow," he complains, "If I had a tail, it would be hurting right now."

"I have a tail!" Rina declares from where she's nearly upside down and backwards in Alptraum's lap. Keen Eeee hearing can't help but detect a muffled giggle of human origin coming from the castle doorway.

"And very Eeee-shaped, ah, parts," Alptraum comments and even laughs a bit, right before biting her tail gently. "Now when landing, you cup your wings like … like a brassier! Then you thrust your feet forward so you can grip-catch the ground when they touch down," he explains.

"I never paid attention to that," Rina notes, getting herself back to her feet without kicking Alptraum's head. Twig leans against the stairs and shakes his head a bit.

Alptraum also takes the chance to get a Barsunala-Vision view of Rina to see if she shows a spark of life within her after last night. The Eeee then gets quickly to his feet and dusts off. "Try again. Once you can land without a disaster we'll see if you can get airborne."

Rina looks… weird. There's no secondary spark, but her overall energy is a bit chaotic; especially where her anatomy is the most transformed.

"Maybe she can practice landing by just jumping?" Twig suggests. "My mother taught me like that."

"Might work, sure," Alptraum says and nods towards Twig.

"And oh, let me try something. I want to taste your blood when you have a chance," Alptraum notes.

It takes a few minutes to get things worked out, but finally Rina is running along the cobblestones, then jumping and landing. Once she has her feet sorted out, she does it again with the cupping wings. She only falls backwards from it two out of three times.

"She still tastes like she did before," Twig confides to Alptraum.

"Well, she's not horrifically bad, just close," Alptraum ends up admitting. "It's unfortunately easier to learn this when you're younger. Try a few more times. When you're not falling down, we'll see if you can generate lift."

Igorina does the run-and-jump routine until she can perform a passable landing. So long as she doesn't fly faster than she can run she should be able to do it, although she's starting to pant now.

"Okay, take a ten minute break," Alptraum tells Rina, "To get your breath back. I would offer you a bite, but you're not a vampire." His attention then quickly switches back to Snow just to see how bad she is laughing.

The human's face is shadowed by her hood, as usual, but she doesn't seem so amused that she doesn't step aside before Rina makes a dash for the door. "Bathroom!" she squeaks as she runs into the castle.

"Bathroom?" Alptraum remarks and blinks. "Does she have problems?" he asks Twig, "And ah, yes, when will you become a female Skreek?" Boy does Alptraum grin.

"Well, she did have a big breakfast, and all this jumping and running could have… what?" Twig says, blinking. "But… ah… " the bat fumbles. "I'd get to eat anything I wanted, wouldn't I?"

"Well, yes, you would," Alptraum says and nods. "And we would get to eat you," he adds, still grinning. "I know you're curious."

"Bacon," Twig mutters. "But, it would be Igorina's body! Would it have all of her urges too?" He sounds a bit more concerned about that aspect.

"I expect it would have some of them, yes," Alptraum says and shrugs, "But don't worry, they can't be worse than the urges I have from this." He holds up his bandaged right hand and wiggles the wrapped fingers.

"You haven't known Igowina as long as I have," Twig points out. "Still, I don't see how it could do any hawm."

"And don't worry, I'll turn her into you the next day and then you two can have some fun," Alptraum promises.

"Oh… my," Twig notes. "Igowina as a man… yowa fwiend won't be safe eithah!"

"I can't change myself," Alptraum comments, "Well, other than my hand. But I will have to be content with changing others." He tilts his head now to look at Snow and asks her, "Would you be seduced by Igorina if she were like Twig?"

"Nobody's really ever tried to seduce me before you know," Snow points out. "So I really couldn't say."

"How vewy diplomatic," Twig says with a nod.

And just deciding he does need a change, Alptraum concentrates a bit and tries to re-dragonify the leathery flesh of his palm and forearm, just because. "Well, if she does, not much I can do!" he notes and grins.

As the skin folds into scales, Snow asks, "What if He-Rina wants to seduce you though, Alptraum?"

"Do you think I can be seduced by a man?" Alptraum asks as his fingers wiggle a bit as the flesh continues to reshape and the sensation lessening a slight bit further due to the scaling.

"Well, did Igorina seduce you as a woman?" Snow asks curiously.

"Well, yes," Alptraum says.

"If you want, I will protect you from her… him," Snow says. "Assuming, of course, that you can actually change physical gender. Have you done that before in practice?"

"Haven't tried. We'll find out," Alptraum says and stretches a bit. "And I'll protect myself just fine!"

"I actually don't know if a full shadow dragon can really change gender, much less the strange thing I am," Alptraum adds.

"Protect yourself from what?" Igorina asks as she returns through the castle door.

"You as a man, of course," Alptraum tells her. "When I turn you into Twig and Twig into you."

Igorina just grins like Mave at the suggestion. "Ready to catch me if I fall?" she asks, spreading and flexing her wings again.

"Of course. Ready to do a little running and flapping to see if you can get a few feet off the ground?" Alptraum asks as he walks more towards the center of the courtyard.

"No jumping off the stairs then?" Rina asks. "Do I need to flap?"

"Jog lightly in a circle and then spread your wings and flap them in time with each other. Once you get airborn, just keep doing that until you're a few feet off the ground. Then, well, try to land," Alptraum explains.

It looks silly, really: an Eeee running in a circle while flapping and jumping. Rina does get airborne a few times, but almost immediately stalls and lands since she keeps braking with her wings instead of lifting.

"No, no, don't hold your wings flat, more level with the ground," Alptraum tries to instruct her as he jogs along beside her. Alptraum tries to demonstrate by flapping his wings and lifting off.

"I don't understand what to do with my arms!" Rina cries, watching how Alptraum holds his when he takes off.

"Just hold them against your chest or sides. They won't help you in the air and I doubt you want to know how to fight with them midair," Alptraum explains. "I'm used to using them while flying. Not all Eeee do."

That seems to help. With her arms held crossed against her chest, Rina actually starts using her wings for balance and manages to get a few feet into the air. Now she just has to figure out how to control where she's going.

"Lean forward and continue to flap. When you want to change direction, tilt one wing down a bit and you will tilt in that direction," Alptraum explains as he demonstrates exactly that, wing down and he arcs to the left.

"How do I do that while flapping though?" Rina calls as she sort of staggers through the air around the courtyard.

"Glide now, pause flapping and shift the wing," Alptraum explains, "Or … just flap one wing slightly less and it will unbalance you and you should turn."

"Glide glide glide… " the hybrid creature chants, and tries to glide AND turn. It takes many tries before she can do it without losing too much altitude or panic-flap. Rina isn't cutting turns as sharply as an experienced Eeee of course, but is doing well enough to avoid hitting the castle.

"Good. You're doing great!" Alptraum encourages. "Just keep circling the courtyard with me until you get the hang of it. Breathe and relax. Let the instincts of your wings take hold. No forcing."

Eventually, Rina finds the proper rhythm, as can be seen by how easily her spine moves with her wings; smoothly and without a lot of bunched muscles or other tension. "Okay, I'm actually started to enjoy it now!" the temporary Eeee claims.

"It only gets better, trust me," Alptraum says. "A few more circles, then we'll see how well you land. Remember what I said, cup wings and feet forward!"

"And don't use my arms, right?" Igorina checks.

"Right!" Alptraum agrees. Another pass and his wings cup back and feet thrust forward. They hit the dirt and he runs a few steps as his wings folds in.

It takes Rina several more steps to come to a stop, and there's a wobbly point where she finally has to use her arms for balance once on the ground, but she doesn't run into or over anything. "That was great! And… really tiring!"

Alptraum even claps and cheers, "Bravo! That was wonderful! Better than I did when I was young." He grins widely and thumbs towards Twig as he notes, "While you rest for a bit I could change him into you… "

"Already?" Twig squeaks.

"I wanna watch that!" Rina claims.

"Do you have something better to do?" Alptraum asks Twig. "Rina can teach you how to be a proper girl before I change her into you this way… "

"Well… what's for dinner then?" Twig asks nervously.

"Ham!" Igorina replies.

"There you go," Alptraum offers and waves his hand towards Rina. "I can even just shadow-eat tonight instead of biting one of you. Well, unless one of you really wants to be bitten… " By the last word Alptraum is eying Snow.

"So when you do that, it's not just recharging your hand?" Snow asks, her head tilted to one side in her hood.

"Well, maybe, maybe not," Alptraum admits, "I may just have to bite you to be safe. Oh the horror… "

"I'll eat stuff you like the flavor of then," Snow promises, and heads back into the castle.

"So, more flying lessons? Or, change your Master into the servant?" Alptraum asks and looks between two Eeee and hybrid-Eeee.

"I don't want to have stiff back tonight," Rina notes, "So might as well turn Twig into… a Knothole!" Her laugh isn't quite the same as before, sounding more like Mave and less like a demented cackle.

"You poor, poor, man," Alptraum says and tries to sound sympathetic as he puts his hand on Twig's shoulder. "But, you did promise… "

"I know," Twig says, sounding defeated. "But… do I have to be naked in fwont of the Shwine Maiden?" he asks.

"She's seen me naked," Alptraum points out. "What are you worried about? Is there something wrong with you?"

"It's just… only Wina evah… " Twig starts to say, only to be interrupted by Snow offering, "I can be naked too if it will make you more comfortable." Igorina nods vigorously at that suggestion, while Twig just seems to lose his voice altogether.

"Well, that settles that," Alptraum says and claps his hands. "To the hogs so I can power up enough to do this. Just think of it as experimenting on yourself."

In the end, there was a compromise. Rather than risk distracting Alptraum, Snow remained clothed and simple turned her back until Twig was enveloped by the shadow. The transformation process was both easier and harder this time: easier in that Alptraum knew what to expect and because a Skreek is less complicated than an Eeee in terms of physiology. The difficulty came in with the general resistance against the gender change, making Alptraum wonder about how long the change would actually last. But the results were a female Skreek, built just like Igorina with only a few exceptions. The color was the same brown that was Twig's natural color, and the eyes still had a red glow to them. Hands and feet were fully furred too, and the ears remained tall and pointy.

Alptraum now sits back on a barrel, looking tired, but not as much as when he changed Igorina. after running his hands through his hair, he asks, "So, how does it all feel?" he asks the former Twig. "Everything feel like it works correctly? Nothing hurts, right? I may have to reinforce aspects of it again before I change Igorina into you, but just reinforcing the shape will be lots easier than the complete change."

"Going to the bathroom is going to be interesting," Twigette says, sounding like Igorina and without any lisp. She feels around in fascination, and Rina comes over and helps. "Does it tickle right here?" she asks, and is rewarded with a gasping and squirming Twig.

"The change seems a bit more complete," Snow remarks.

"Ah, yeah, heh, sensation seems to be working correctly," Alptraum says as he watches the antics of Igorina. "Do you feel like you need to use the restroom now? Do you want Igorina to help you?"

"Wow, mirrors just don't do me justice," Rina comments with a big grin. "I'm gorgeous! And I want to style my… Twig's… hair too now… "

"I'm feeling really hungry actually," Twigette says, rubbing her stomach. "And… did anyone bring me something to wear?" she asks.

Snow has an odd look in her eye as she contemplates the Skreek.

To Snow, Alptraum says, "Skreeks are physically simpler than Eeee are. Less limbs, less complex musculature. So it was easier to do. The hard part was, well, the change of gender. "And yes, we did. Igorina, bring out your maid's outfit for our nice new servant."

The ex-Skreek offers the outfit to the ex-Eeee with a smile, and says, "Now, let me dress you. It's like having my own little sister!"

Alptraum pushes himself off the barrel and goes over near Snow. He nudges her with his elbow a bit as he whispers, "Am I being too evil? Or is this just extremely fun to watch?"

Snow whispers to Alptraum, "I would like to try an experiment on Doctor Twig later. The red eyes suggest that the transformation does not affect the subject's spirit – and if Twig retains a masculine spirit, then my power should work on it… "

Alptraum's head tilts. "You want to seduce him? Er, her?" he asks curiously. "And have you decided if you'll take a new form for a while yet?"

"Oh, I was just curious to see if he'd want to bed you or Igorina," Snow notes. "And I still wish to see that you can change them back to normal before I submit myself."

"I expect he'll want Rina, not me," Alptraum whispers. "I have no idea what I would do if he wanted me. I mean, in Skreek he, er, she looks really good but." It's then that he reaches over and absently rubs the back of Snow's neck lightly with his scaled palm as he says, "I can change them back. Very certain of it."

"Maybe tomorrow then," Snow says, and smiles. "We should probably feed them before doing anything more. How does it feel being the only vampire now?"

"Something I'm very used to," Alptraum admits, "And you're still not afraid of me, even after all this?"

"You haven't cackled or done an evil laugh yet," Snow points out, and then taps Alptraum's nose with her finger. "Besides, I know I can overpower you with my aura if I have to defend myself."

"Are you certain?" Alptraum asks as he nips at that finger.

"Remember the bandits?" Snow asks, and pulls her finger back to… lick it teasingly.

"Remember kneeling before me?" Alptraum counters with an almost draconic grin in reply. "Come on, let's go eat before Rina and Twigette get too distracted."

"How do you breath in this thing?" Twigette complains as the corset is tightened.

The corset didn't last long. Twig needed the room, as she ate like a starved fuff'nar. Igorina and Snow were both impressed, at least until the Skreek began to groan from overeating. This was followed by hiccups, which threatened to turn into barf-ups for a time.

Meanwhile Alptraum was actually allowing himself the pleasure of shadow-consuming food. He wasn't even worried or afraid as he did it, he simply placed his hand upon meats during the meal and devoured them completely, each one seeming a pleasant experience by the look on his face. "Are you feeling more comfortable in your new body, Doctor?" Alptraum asks once the fear of vomiting has passed the shreek by. "You seem to enjoy the eating part… "

"I think I've broken it," the Skreek moans. Igorina just shakes her head, and suggests, "Maybe you should purge. Don't you know not to eat until you aren't hungry anymore? Skreeks are always hungry."

"She might be right. You may have eaten too much and need to get rid of some of it," Alptraum agrees. "Igorina, can you help her to a bathroom and how to do it? While you're there, teach her how to make use of the restroom in the normal manner too."

"Okay!" Igorina says. "This is stuff I learned with my previous master anyway. He drank too much!" she claims, and drags Twig off to the lavatory.

While they're gone, Alptraum pats his lap and looks at Snow. "Join me?" he asks.

The human girl sits in the offered lap, and asks, "How are you feeling? Any soreness or strange sensations from using the shadow and so much energy?"

Alptraum closes his eyes and thinks. "My right arm is tingling a good bit," he admits as he opens his eyes. He does a cursory look over his right hand to see if it seems its ordinary, if monstrous, self.

The new scales on the underside seem shinier and most lustrous than previous attempts – or else it's just a trick of the candlelight.

"Huh, my scales look better," Alptraum says as he holds up his hand for a closer look. "Maybe feeding it solids is helping it improve condition. He does a quick-check that the seam of where the scales and chitin are haven't moved.

The border hasn't moved, as far as he can tell. "Gallahs claim that certain foods are good for their coats," Snow remarks. "Maybe this is the same?"

"Might be. I think I still like the scaling over rough fur or leathery skin," Alptraum says and rotates his hand as he looks at it. He then traces a scaled finger along Snow's cheek as he adds, "And I bet it feels nicer too."

"It feels different, but I like running my fingers through fur too," Snow replies with a grin. "I don't know what another human would feel like."

"I bet I could find a human who would like you," Alptraum offers as he tilts her head just to the side gently using his fingers and then lowers his head down and lightly licks along the point where her neck meets her shoulder.

"Oh, you know some?" Snow asks, tilting her head away. "Hungry, are you?"

"Not many, actually. I know more Khatta and Eeee than humans," Alptraum says. When Snow doesn't resist, the familiar sharp pains of his fangs sinking into her shoulder and neck flare up, only to fade to a dull throb in a couple seconds.

"Mmmmm," Snow goes, and then asks, "The other form you know, the Sphynx… is she a lover like the others?"

Alptraum can't really answer while he drinks, and that takes a bit of time, though Alptraum makes the experience very enjoyable. When he finally draws back his right hand comes to cover the wound and help it heal with the flow of energy into the wound. "No," Alptraum admits, "I never slept with her. She was a good friend and we had a lot of fun, but it never went that far."

"That's the form you can change me into then," Snow says. "I like feathers, and I will be all that more of a temptation for you."

Alptraum's lips quirk oddly. "Why do you want to be a temptation?" he asks.

"Is this more so that you're sure you can control me?" he adds, his head tilting curiously.

"Because you haven't tried to seduce me," Snow says. "This way, perhaps you will, hmmm?" She smiles wickedly.

"Oooh? Are you telling me that you actually like me?" Alptraum asks and grins right back, teasing. "That a Shrine Maiden has discovered her desires center on a monster, hmm?"

"I would just like to be seduced is all," Snow replies. "And I know that I'm already compatible with you, so there shouldn't be any… risk, right?"

"The only risk are the bruises and light scratches you might get by the end of it," Alptraum says and waggles his brow. "She was terrible about teasing me and yet always holding back. And trying to embarrass me."

"Oh? That is good to know, thank you!" Snow says with a grin.

"She tried to dress me up in feminine clothing, it was terrible," Alptraum even grumbles and then shrugs. He looks in the direction the others went and notes, "And speaking of feminine, they've been gone a while."

"Oh, I imagine there is some teeth-brushing going on," Snow notes. "Do vampires have to brush their teeth?"

"Now and then, but not as often as non-vampires," Alptraum says as he flicks his ears in the direction they went to see if he can hear anything. "What is it like being human?" he asks oddly. "Do you get cold? How do things sound to you?"

"I… they sound normal," Snow says, unsure of how else to answer that. "And I get cold, but… it doesn't bother me that much." There are indeed sounds of water in the distance. And splashing?

"I think they're bathing," Alptraum comments at looks back to Snow. "I can hear you breathe and the beating of your heart. I can hear when your hair moves and the flow of your robe and its fur against your skin," he tells her. "The world is alive in sound to me. I always wondered if the world would seem smaller without all of that."

"I suppose if I really listened I might hear that," Snow says. "But my kind aren't natural hunters like yours. Did you want to go check up on Igorina and Twig? Does Dr. Twig have a first name?"

"He was called Twiggy when he was in school, but his first name is Thelonious," Alptraum says as he eases Snow back to her feet and then stands himself. "Let's go make sure they're okay."

"Twiggy it is then," Snow says as she readjusts her robe and says, "Lead the way!"

Alptraum's ears flick forward. "On yonder waters flow, we shall see for whom they flow!" he declares, points, and marches off.

It isn't a very direct route, since the bathroom being used is part of a bedroom suite – likely Twig's. When Alptraum and Snow finally arrive, they find a large sunken stone bath with Twig and Igorina in the center. Twig is covered in pink foam, or rather her hair is. Igorina's hands are hidden by it as she works on the Skreek's locks from behind. "Oh, hi!" Rina says, noting the visitors.

"Help me," Twig squeaks.

"Help you? Why? That looks like fun. I would love it if someone washed my hair," Alptraum says as he goes and sits near the edge of the tub. "If you relaxed more you would be enjoying all of this. Isn't it at least … interesting?"

"I can wash your hair," Snow offers.

"I am relaxed," Twig claims, bringing her arms up to cover her chest. "It's just… it's… pink… "

"Sure!" Alptraum agrees as he strips down to nothing. He doesn't even ask, he just joins Twigette into the stone basin and sits beside her. "Pink, yes, but it is only soap. It's not like it will dye your hair pink," he says. "I've worn a pink bathrobe before, it won't kill you."

Snow is soon kneeling behind Alptraum and using her cupped hands to pour water down his back. "You aren't worried about being in a bath with three women?" she asks Alptraum.

"Not really. Rina is interesting in making Twig pretty and you're just washing my hair. Twig is … too nervous to do much of anything. Nor do I think she wants to, right?" Alptraum asks Twig.

"What?!" Twig squeaks. "It's distracting enough with Rina grooming me." Her whiskers twitch a lot.

"I'm sure Snow and I can keep Alptraum amused," Igorina purrs, in a very Mave-like way.

"See?" Alptraum says and grins, "I know I'm more or less safe right now." The Eee then settles back a bit and relaxes so Snow can wash his hair. "Be careful around my ears and earrings," he notes.

"Of course, Alptraum," Snow says. And right after wards, Alptraum feels a growing warmth inside that he recognizes as the initial fingers of Snow's power.

Alptraum's eyes get really big as a worried feeling forms in the pit of his stomach. His eyes flick to the transformed Dr. Twig, to see if she feels anything and worse, who she might be looking at.

The Skreek has a surprised look… but is smiling and leaning right back into Igorina…

"Oh dear," Alptraum thinks as the sensation only grows … and while he knows he can still think. Which, depending on Snow may not be for a whole lot longer. The sensations eventually win out as he seems to relax more as the warmth spreads. But he can't help but have one more thought before everything is more about sensation, "I hope I don't wake up in bed with all three… "


GMed by BoingDragon

Previous Log: All Shadow and All VulnerableNext Log: It isn't Natural When an Arm Throbs Like That...
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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)