Jul 27. Esther meets with Shimei, then interrogates Leeta.
(Esther) (Leeta) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple)

The evening finds Esther at the "Shiny Mug" … a bar that attracts quite a significant portion of the Vartans who have shekels to spend for ale (and stronger drink) in Rephidim. One thing is for sure – One won't have to worry about someone from the Temple frequenting this place. Poodles and wolves and the like don't tend to mix with the Vartans very much – if for no other reason than that many races find the smell of Vartans (especially inebriated ones) somewhat disagreeable.

Esther sits in the corner. She has a remarkable mug (polished to mirror-like shine) of unremarkable ale (although at least not watery) in her hand. She nurses it as she waits.

A wolf in drab, sun-bleached attire marches into the bar, looking about at all the Vartans. He seems to have made a point NOT to have anything the least bit shiny on him. He scans the room.

Esther sits calmly at the table. She notes Shimei's entrance, but does not motion to him.

Shimei walks further into the room, and his gaze passes over the only other lupine occupant. He does his best to nonchalantly … march … over to the table, then sits down, fumbling a moment with empty air to push aside a sword that isn't there.

Esther permits herself a slight smile. "It's good to see a friend again. Been a long time."

Shimei looks at Esther with lost eyes as he sits down, taking some time to try to find words. "Who are you?" he asks, as if he didn't know the answer … or couldn't quite believe it.

Esther says, "I am Esther yodh Rahab. The reports of my untimely death were, as they say, somewhat premature."

Shimei nods his head slowly, still taking a while to let the obvious sink in. "What of … the others?"

Esther's lip quivers, in spite of herself. "They are dead." She sighs. "The ship was sabotaged, destroyed by bombs. They gave me the only parasail."

Shimei lowers his head, making the sign of the Star and Anchor. "May they glow brightly in the Procession." He has no doubt said such in memory of them before, but now things considered long settled now seem … not quite so.

Esther says, "How is Nebo?"

Shimei says, "He is … recovering nicely. I've heard a few say that he has taken to howling at the Procession on some nights, from the top of the Temple, but I hope that's only a rumor. Presently, he's been assigned as one of Arch Inquisitor Majoris Caesar Moffat's personal guards."

Esther says, "It is hard to lose a brother. I have missed Namo much, but I have already cried all my tears into the soil of the Savan, so there are none left in me."

Shimei nods his head solemnly. "You have been gone for many months. You are presumed dead. I … am still trying to believe that is not so, even though I see you here right in front of me."

"I would like to know more about that, my friend. Had I no care for them and you, I would have remained far away," Esther says. Then her lips curl outward, baring her fangs. "But I seek justice."

Shimei nods. "And you deserve it. May the First Ones grant it to you."

Esther says, "You can help me find it, you know. I have been away and I need to know what has happened and what is happening."

Esther says, "And I will tell you as much as you wish to know about the airship and the expedition."

Shimei muses, "Well, I suppose you won't be too happy to know that your office has already been filled. And by a poodle. Inquisitrix Vindicta. Very unpleasant sort, but at least she enjoys her work."

Esther says, "Some relative of Caesar's?"

Shimei furrows his brow. "Ahhh … no … Let us just say … another close friend of his."

Esther says, "I see. Any other such… merit-based promotions lately?"

"He must have had her in mind to add to his staff for quite some time, though I never heard of it. I remember wondering why they were moving her into your old office, even before we heard the news about your ship going down." Shimei then pauses, shaking his head. "Well, not that sort. But Moffat has done considerably well recently. If you were still on his staff, you'd be definitely on the way up. It's said he's going to be taking Maleficos' position when Maleficos gets his next promotion."

Esther stares blankly at her drink for a moment, her fist clenching. I knew too much, her thoughts blaze.

Esther blinks a bit. "I have heard that Melchizedek has been demoted?"

Shimei nods. "Yes. It was rather a shock. For the longest time, we thought he was the most loyal of any Inquisitor – I mean, he has been around since I was just a cub. But the evidence against him was staggering. He must have friends in high places, because the accusations could have gotten him the Great Chair. Instead, he's been sent on a mission. I think you out-rank him slightly now."

Esther nods slowly. "Would you like to know what really happened aboard the Wayfarer's Song?"

Shimei looks to Esther. "Yes. I want to know the truth."

Esther looks around the room briefly before beginning. "We left for Rephidim with several large crates full of the most valuable and irreplaceable artifacts we had found in the City of Hands. It was my intention to put this information together to confirm a theory that I have since, with the aid of a few friends, confirmed in spite of everything."

Shimei nods, ears perked up and listening.

Esther says, "Anyway, in the middle of the night, I went to check on the cargo. I found it had been replaced by a huge load of gunpowder. Surrounding it were smaller boxes full of iron nails. And then Namo and I found the saboteur and tried to interrogate him. A damnable fox, wearing a parasail."

Shimei hisses, "Foxes." He shakes his head.

Esther says, "He had slit the throats of the captain and crew, thrown all the parasails overboard save one, and planted several other bombs on board before we found him. It was too late by then."

Shimei frowns fiercely, his eyes glowing angrily at this tale of treachery.

Esther says, "There was but one thing the fox would tell me before I threw him over the side. 'You know too much,' he said."

Shimei squints his eyes. "Well … that's … cryptic."

Esther says, "It means a lot to me, Shimei. The things I have found easily make me worthy of death in the eyes of some."

Esther says, "You may know that the City of Hands suffered a huge explosion, and is now under quarantine? I am sure that is no accident."

Shimei nods. "I have heard just recently that this explosion happened shortly after Melchizedek was reported to have visited the City of Hands. It did not come up before, when his fate was being determined. But he will be gone for a long time. He is to assist in an audit of all the Templar outposts – something which has never been done before in the history of the Temple. I do not think we will see him again. We have many outposts."

Esther sighs. "At any rate, Namo, Remuel and Garrel insisted I take the last parasail and all my research notes with me. I blessed them all, and leaped just before the ship exploded. There was not much left, and I am sure they felt no pain."

Shimei winces at this assurance, but nods. "They died honorably. Although at the hands of an assassin… " He shakes his head sadly.

Esther says, "They made a most foul death honorable by their supreme heroism."

Esther says, "In any event, I made my way through the jungle back to civilization. And here I am."

Shimei nods. "I am heartened to know the assassin met his end… "

Another cloaked wolf appears in the entrance, scanning the room, his ears flicking with a sense of urgency.

Esther says, "I swore to track down those responsible for this deed and avenge their deaths. I am sure that, given what you have said to me this night, you know who is the chief object of my suspicion."

Esther finishes her sentence, then her eyes flick to the entrance. She pulls her hood over her head and slinks down in her seat.

Shimei nods. "If there is any way I might assist, please – " He lets his voice trail off, looking and noticing the newly arrived wolf. He nods his head once to the wolf, looking visibly annoyed.

The wolf in the door, a younger one with white fur, dashes in, bumping a few Vartans along the way, and earning some angry squawks and threats. "Sir – I am sorry to interrupt, but there has been an assassination attempt on one of the Inquisitors!"

Esther sits in shock, but says nothing. She eyes Shimei nervously.

Shimei raises an eyebrow. "That is becoming too common." He looks back to Esther. "My apologies. All of the Elite Guard will be called into action, in case this is a distraction." He grabs the white wolf's arm and pulls himself up.

Esther says briskly, "When and where next?"

Shimei looks divided. "I … " Then he grabs Esther's arm. "Come. There's no time for me to change into uniform… " He aims to head for the door.

Esther stands up, shuffling around the side of the table. "I… it would be unwise!"

Shimei looks to Esther, "Come or stay – We must go!" He dashes for the door, the white wolf taking a moment to start off as well.

Esther pauses for a moment, then gets an idea! "I will come… but I'll need a little help."

A Dromodon-drawn wagon waits for the three lupines, and bears them back to the Temple in due haste, where there is a flurry of activity, and guards all about. Anyone suspicious within sight of any Temple Guard has been grabbed for questioning. Most everyone else has chosen to become scarce. Rushed into the Temple and into the Guard barracks, Shimei pauses long enough to throw Esther some basic robes, black with silver trim, and he makes a quick change himself, contradicting his earlier claim.

Racing through the corridors, without finding time to talk with Esther about what to do next, the Lieutenant is met by a couple of guards in his command, who are dragging along a frightened-looking cheetah with red hair.

"Lieutenant!" barks one of the guards who approaches with the Savanite. "We have her."

Esther falls into step behind Shimei, her hood on over the black-and-silver robes, trying not to be noticed.

The Savanite is shaking, almost so much she can barely stand, which only makes the guards yank her along more. She shakes her head, back and forth, but her clothes and fur are roughed up, and there is blood on one of her arms.

The guards don't seem to notice Esther at all. "Sir, Arch Inquisitor Moffat says this slave of his tried to assassinate him. He had a lady friend who apparently went wild – but all the stories I've been hearing conflict. There is much confusion."

"Please… " She signs with her free hand, "Please, it wasn't me." as the guard yanks her again.

Shimei grabs Moffat's slave by her red hair. "Hmph. An uppity one, eh? Drat. That blasted hand-wiggling… "

Esther surreptitiously forms the signs, "Who did it?"

None of the guards notice Esther's hand signs, focused instead on the slave.

Leeta gives a pained bark as her hair is grabbed and her head twisted down. She goes still, no longer signing, not resisting. Her body shakes of its own accord.

Shimei shakes the cheetah a bit, growling, then lets go. "What are our orders?"

Leeta signs, "A Rose", as she bows her head, trying to stand as meekly as possible by the guard, and not be trouble.

A big dopey-looking wolf jogs up, looking annoyed. "Hey! Don't blame me! Inquisitor Moffat sent me away. Does that every time he's got 'company'. Think that'd get him in trouble sometime, huh?" He frowns fiercely.

Esther signs, "Champion?"

The fire-haired slave stands there, trying not to sniff, trying not to cry, looking down but still watching the hands that are signing back to her. Leeta signs, "No, another, I don't know who." trying not to attract attention to her hand gestures.

The guards continue to hold Leeta up, looking about, as if expecting someone to arrive, perhaps with further instructions.

Esther pokes Shimei inconspicuously. She hisses softly, "It's not her."

Shimei blinks, then leans over to Esther, "What makes you think that?"

Esther whispers, "I know their signs. We need to get her out of here so I can talk to her."

Leeta looks at Moffat's guard from under her mane. Her expression saying, Please, tell them what you saw, as she knows the guard doesn't understand a single gesture of hers.

Shimei looks around, then says, "Let's take her to a holding cell. Horak – Stay here in case the others come and wonder where we went. Once you pass along the word, catch up with us. Nebo … I'm borrowing you. Come with me."

The dopey-looking wolf nods, his tongue flopping up and down, and falls in behind the higher-ranking guards as they pretty much CARRY Leeta along with them, through the corridors, to the more accessible levels of the "Hospitality Suites", turning into an interrogation chamber.

Nebo, the biggest and brawniest of the bunch, holds Leeta securely, taking her into the chamber, which has blank white, featureless walls, lit by standing torch lanterns. A chair sits in the center of the room, and some other chairs sit along the wall.

The build of the guards stay out in the hall, just leaving Shimei and Esther of their number to come in. Shimei closes the door. "Now then – What was this?"

Esther says, "I understand their language. She told me it was one of the Magenta Lance who did it."

Shimei raises his eyebrows at this. "Really? Well … hmm … Actually, I think I could probably believe that. You haven't heard about how one of them went berserk, kidnapping a kitten and trying to kill innocent bystanders, did you? Well, she DID destroy the Missing Shekel, which was actually beneficial to civilization as we know it, but … "

Leeta shivers as she is dragged into the 'hospitality suite'. {No, No. Oh Star, I didn't do it. Oh Star, master, somebody see, it wasn't me.} She lets the guards sling her around, unresisting.

Nebo sets Leeta roughly into the chair, and starts to strap her down, around the ankles and wrists.

Esther turns back to the slave grimly. "You met her, didn't you? At evening, at the Temple steps. Was that her?"

Nebo growls, fussing with some of the straps. The chair has different straps to use for digitigrades or plantigrades … and Nebo is vainly trying to use ALL of them.

The red-maned slave gives a small cry as the straps are tightened around her, holding her down, some twisting her body very painfully. She nods to the Inquisitor, never looking up, just focusing on her hands.

Shimei AHEMS loudly. "Nebo, you don't need to use those. She's not going anywhere."

Esther turns to Nebo. "Let her hands free!" She continues signing. "How did she get in? Was she Caesar's prostitute?"

Nebo says, "Oh… " He now fiddles with the straps, trying to undo them. At last, a credit to his abilities, he unfastens the straps, though Leeta's ankles are still uncomfortably bound.

The cheetah pants as her hands are released. Still very afraid, and it showing in her shaking signs, the Savanite replies, "I had never seen her before, master. The Arch Inquisitor frequently has me meet his… lady friends. I led her to my master, he behaved with her as if she was one."

Shimei looks to the cheetah's hand signs, then to Esther's hands, and shakes his head, not able to make any sense of the exchange.

Esther turns to Shimei. "I believe the assassin used the Arch Inquisitor's promiscuous personal habits against him to gain access to him. I doubt this slave is any threat. I wonder why he would accuse her."

Shimei to the slave ponderously. "I don't know. She … " He blinks. He turns to Esther, and draws her aside, toward the wall. "Inquisitrix, I forgot to tell you… "

The Lieutenant whispers to Esther, turning to glance to the slave.

Esther gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. Then she recovers just as quickly.

"I… " Leeta signs, then stops as the Inquisitor and Shimei turn away. She just sits, bound to the chair, her head hanging down so her mane covers her eyes.

Shimei shakes his head, muttering, "This makes no sense." He looks to Esther.

Esther hisses something excitedly into Shimei's ear.

Nebo rrrrs? confusedly, his ears perking up as the two Elite Guards whisper back and forth. He walks over next to Leeta, and sniffs at her hair. "You've got pretty hair," he says. "Is it real?"

Shimei nods at another whisper, then walks over to Leeta. "Release her ankles. We will be moving her," he addresses Nebo.

{Star, can you find me deep in this hole?} Leeta asks in her mind, {Save me Star, please. Someone.} She nods to Nebo, and waits as she is released.

Nebo nods and loosens the straps. "I think it's fake," he says to himself, then stands back.

Nebo's ears perk up for some reason. "Rrrr?" He looks about the room confusedly.

Esther was smiling a bit, but then her face goes ashen. She turns toward the door.

Shimei pulls Leeta up from the chair, then hands her over to Nebo to guide along.

The slave starts to cry again. She tries to hold it down, but can't stop it. Her tearmarks become wet again as her eyes well up, and her chest heaves with her small coughing sobs.

The group of wolves leads the slave through the corridors of the Temple, into an area that has a little less traffic. Shimei posts several of his guards at various points along the way, until at last they reach a darkened office. One of the guards steps in, lighting the wall-mounted torches with a torch he carries in one hand. The office looks as if it hasn't been used for some while, having collected some dust, though still fairly neatly arranged, and useable with a little housecleaning.

Again, it's just Nebo, Shimei and Esther in the room with Leeta. Shimei whispers to Esther, "Should we remain in here? Or do you wish us to stand out in the corridor?"

Esther whispers back to Shimei, "One of you keep an eye out. But I need you here as witnesses. Who knows what may happen to me." She purses her lips grimly.

Shimei nods solemnly, though Nebo looks perpetually clueless. He sniffs at the air.

Shimei looks to Nebo, then sighs. "I think I'm the one who should keep the eye out. I'm sure you can handle Nebo." He heads out the door, taking position in the hall.

Esther turns to the slave. "I will speak to you out loud, you answer in Sign, and I will translate for the benefit of these two. What is your name?"

Nebo starts sniffing as he looks about the room, snuffling at one of the desks, then sneezing as he gets a nose full of dust.

Leeta stands beside Nebo, her head bowed as she waits. She sniffs as well, though from her crying and not the dust. Holding her hands up she replies to the Inquisitor. "I am Leeta, master."

Nebo opens up the desk, snuffling at its contents, then pulling a handful of something out of a drawer. He begins making crunching and smacking noises.

"Her name is Leeta." Esther lets the businesslike scowl on her face recede somewhat. "You… um… Nebo, what are you doing?"

Nebo's ears drop as he stands up, still holding a handful of whatever it is he's found. He says, mouth full, "Waff fom?" He holds out a handful of some sort of unidentifiable (but certainly crunchy) candy to Esther, and then to Leeta.

The slave almost looks hopeful at the offering of candy, but doesn't make any moves towards it.

Esther says, "I don't think so, Nebo, you can have it."

Nebo pauses, then takes Leeta's hand and puts some of the sweet-encrusted crunchy lumps into her palm. He then resumes working on the remainder, making crunching and gulping noises.

Esther looks somewhat disgustedly at the candy, which has obviously been in this disused office for some time. "I don't think I would," she signs to Leeta.

Leeta nods, slipping the ancient candy into a pocket of her robe. Wiping off her hands to sign, "Thank you master, for understanding." She stays very still, watching the Inquisitrix's gestures.

Esther says, "Okay, Leeta, I want to know about what the Arch Inquisitor has you do when he sends you to play music for someone else."

Esther says, "For the furless child, I mean. You do this, do you not?"

"I… " Leeta signs, her hands starting to shake again. "I don't do anything masters. I just play music, I am just told to entertain him. Yes."

Esther translates Leeta's answer out loud, then continues. "What exactly do you play for him?"

Shimei, from his position at the door, looks impressed by the news. "Really … "

{I have saved my master, and killed my friend. Oh Star, why did you send me such things?} Leeta just stares at her still hands, lost in her thoughts.

Esther half-turns toward Shimei. "What about it?"

Shimei looks to Esther, "I just thought that if this is the slave who plays for the candidate, she should be quite valuable to the Inquisitor. I have heard that the candidate is very pleased with the musician."

"Just music, master. Notes that will not disturb him." Leeta bites at her lip. "I… I am not sure my master would want me to sign anymore."

Esther says, "Well, back to tonight, then. Leeta, tell me what happened tonight. Start from the time you led the lady in to your master."

The slave seems incredibly relieved at the change in direction, her signs flowing much more quickly now. "I led her in from the temple gates. She spoke to me on occasions, but I did not reply. In the Inquisitor's office, my Master was waiting. He did not expect her so soon." Leeta stops signing, and waits for the translation.

Esther speaks Leeta's words out loud, then says, "Continue." She puts her hands behind her back and begins pacing, unconsciously, just like she always does when interrogating a prisoner.

"My master was just in a robe, he has been … distraught lately. He asked me to pour some wine." The slave signs, "While I did, they discussed how I would look as a fur coat… " her hands shake again, "My Master said I was too useful for just that purpose."

Esther sniffs hard, angrily, then translates. She regains control of herself. "I am not angry at you, Leeta, so do not worry." Then out loud, "Do you have any idea in what way your master has been distraught? And why?"

Nebo gulps down the last of his candy, sniffing at the air again, and cocking an ear curiously in Esther's direction.

"I do not know." She signs, "I have only been his slave for a few weeks. I have heard that his job is very stressful, and that previous Inquisitors have killed themselves over it." Leeta pauses, "My master dislikes nosy slaves, so I have tried not to pay much attention to what he does."

Leeta signs, "I still know that he has many enemies, and that may be what is worrying him."

Esther translates, then goes on. "I see." She purses her lips in thought. "Very well. What happened after that?"

"I served them their wine, master." Leeta focuses, remembering the events, "She asked the Inquisitor to send me away. I wished to leave, and so went to stand beside the door. She was massaging my Master's neck, standing behind him. He was very relaxed."

Leeta signs, "He said I was to stay, because I might be useful for fetching things. I turned around, and as I did, I saw she was removing her cloak." Her hands clench, "It was a spotted cloak… I thought I would have to touch it, I was about to move to take it, when I saw she was pulling a knife!"

Esther translates, then nods to her to continue.

Nebo watches silently, with wide eyes. He can't understand a bit of it, but some Savanite signs about certain things – combined with the proper facial gestures – still convey a sense of something nasty going on. And then, Esther's translation helps fill in the gaps…

"I… I… " The slave keeps signing as Esther translates, "I didn't know what to do. I was so afraid. I saw the knife, and I knew! I barked… " She shakes her head, as if she still can't believe her actions, "I barked, I had to warn him. I jumped at her, I tried to pull him out of the way."

Leeta draws a line across the front of her chest and up the side near her neck. "I was too slow! He was cut here. He was not ready, I cannot fight. I didn't know what to do, the guards were gone. They are always slow in coming."

Esther begins translating, then… after hesitating for a moment… faithfully translates the last sentence. She eyes the two Jupani guards with steely glances.

Nebo's ears flatten back, and he whimpers as if someone had kicked him. Shimei lets out a short, low growl.

The slave raises her head and just stares directly at the elite temple guard questioning her, "You must believe me, please, I did all I could think of. I made all the noise I could. I tried to drag him free." Her eyes watering again, "She was snarling at me, she had a knife. She held it like a sword, she moved like a warrior. I… I… "

Esther translates. "Please, let's remain professional, gentlemen!" she snarls. Then she returns to Leeta. "Okay, Leeta, so how did it turn out?"

Both of the other wolves abruptly shut up.

Leeta starts to cough and moan again, her hands pulling at her robes. Finally she calms enough to answer-sign, "I pulled him into the hallway. The guards were running, and my Master went to their protection. She was still coming, then she saw there was no escape. I thought she was going to turn her knife on me."

Esther translates, all the while looking at Leeta expectantly.

"But she didn't, she turned it on herself." The slave continues, "In the light, I recognized her as one of the Magenta Lance, how she moved. I… ."

Esther doesn't stop to translate directly. "She turned it on herself and you… how do you know she was one of the Magenta Lance?"

Shimei opens his mouth as if to say something, then closes it, nodding as Esther asks her question.

"I have seen them around the Temple. My Master deals with the Champion of Roses. They have a way of walking… " Leeta shakes her head, trying to remember just when she knew. "She said … 'For the Glory of the Old Ways… ' I thought that was a strange thing for an assassin to say."

Esther translates exactly. She turns to Shimei and just stares for a moment.

Shimei stares right back at Esther. "The Champion of Roses used to work closely with Inquisitor Melchizedek," he at last says.

Esther collects her myriad thoughts and returns her gaze to Leeta. "All right. So after this, then what?"

"I… I leapt at her then, because… " Leeta pauses again, "because … I … don't know. I knew she would kill herself … and … I would be left to answer for everything with my Master."

Esther translates. "And we know now that your Master did in fact accuse you of this crime." Esther gets closer to Leeta. "Why do you believe he would do that? He did say, after all, that you were useful to him."

Nebo makes a low sound, cocking his head to one side, ears perked up. Slow as he is, even he seems to be curious about this point. Or else he's just following Esther's lead and inferring something big is going on. He blinks, turning to look at Esther, then squints his eyes really tightly. He mumbles, "Nahhhhh," and shakes his head several times.

Leeta signs, "Then the guards separated us, and I knew it was over." She cowers back from Esther, hunching up, "I… don't know master! I… I am new. He has many enemies, I didn't move fast enough. I don't know why master, I don't know why."

Esther realizes she's making Leeta uncomfortable, so she backs off, translating her words. "The guards separated you from the assassin… was she dead? Did you see where they took her?"

Shimei says, "I could probably send someone to find out."

"I heard her crying to be killed, that she didn't want to be a prisoner, they were supposed to kill her." The red-maned slave shakes her head, "I didn't see anything, I was taken back to my room. I was glad it was done." She almost signs something further, then stops.

Esther's eyes flick up at Leeta. Rapidly, she signs, "Tell me."

Leeta signs, "I surprised the Champion of Roses when she was my Master's office a few days ago. She reacted as if I was an assassin after my Master, and was ready to kill me." She holds up her left hand, with it's healing cuts, "I was cut by some glass during that. I think she felt guilty for causing the wounds, she took me up to the Templar Infirmary at Golgotha for treatment. I had to wait there some time, and did not return till the next day to the temple"

Esther translates. "Did she… the Champion… tell you anything about the incident you walked in on?"

Shimei looks puzzled at the translation, especially raising an eyebrow at the bit about a Temple slave being dragged all the way to Golgotha for treatment for a cut.

"I spent most of the time there in her sanctuary rose garden." Leeta signs, "She did not tell me anything, I am just a slave, I am usually not told things." She keeps her head bowed, "He seemed to be disciplining her when I entered, she was upset with that."

Esther sighs deeply, then translates. "By the First Ones," she moans. "This is getting worse all the time."

Shimei looks to Esther, then to Nebo. He seems to share Esther's opinion.

Esther goes closer to Shimei, and addresses him softly. "Shimei… I think Moffat's accusation against the slave might have been a diversionary tactic. I would send someone to find out the whereabouts of that Templar … and fast."

Shimei nods. "Immediately." He heads out into the hall, heading for one of the guards.

There can be heard a few barks, then hard-soled boots running down the hall. Shimei returns shortly. "They're spreading out. I hope we will hear some word back shortly." He looks around. "I think I had best help in the search as well, unless you need me here."

Esther says, "I am finished for now, I think. Let's put Leeta someplace secure. And don't abuse the poor girl."

Shimei nods. "Certainly." He furrows his brow, as if trying to think of a place where one could safely store a cheetah without 'abusing' it, and without attracting undue attention.

Shimei motions to Nebo to take the girl, then looks to Esther. "Do you need an escort out?"

Leeta signs, "Could I have my mandolin please master? It is still in the Arch Inquisitor's office."

A wolf comes running back up the corridor, barking something at Shimei. Shimei turns back out to the hall.

Esther turns back to Leeta. This time, she signs. "Thank you. You have been very, very helpful. I fear I cannot help you much as yet, but I will try. If I get you the mandolin, the good treatment may earn you ill treatment later, I think."

Shimei pokes his head back into the room. "The 'lady friend' was released into the Inquisitor's care. He has left the Temple with his 'friend' and several guards in a carriage."

Leeta nods, signing, "Please… " Then dropping her hands and turning to be led away.

Esther's eyes go wide! "What!" She almost stammers a bit. "We have to do something!"

Nebo rrrs? "Hey! How could he leave without me? I'm supposed to be one of his personal guards! And he keeps sending me away. Grrrr."

Shimei sighs. "We can call out … the bats." He uses the derogatory reference to some of the Eeee who serve in the Temple Guard. Lousy in a fight, thus not earning much respect … but amazingly helpful for searching at night.

Leeta signs, "I do not think the champion is involved in this. I would not want to accuse her of such things, my word has no value. I thought she just took me to spite my master, because she could get away with using me for a day."

Esther shakes her head. "That would do it, yes." She pauses. "Well, Lieutenant, are you willing to go through with this?"

The Lieutenant lets out a long breath. "Something sinister is going on, and if we don't do SOMETHING about it, I have a sneaking suspicion there will be Darkness to pay." He leans back out to bark some orders to the other guard, who retreats down the corridor at a full run.

Esther catches most of what Leeta says when she sees a blur of hand-signaling. She looks a little fierce. "You remember your station, slave. I am trying to help you. Don't abuse my kindness."

Nebo grrrs and holds Leeta just a little bit more tightly.

Leeta just nods again, and stares down at her folded hands. {I have saved my friend now, and lost my family.}

Leeta waits to be dragged away, as things unfold around her.

Esther leans a hand on Shimei's arm. "All right, then. To answer your earlier question, yes, I'd like an escort out. I don't trust many. I'd like you to share our little secret with a FEW of your most trusted… when will we meet next?"


GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)