Skiree and Rory go "monster hunting" and encounter a great deal more than they bargained for
(Envoy) (Kaela) (Rephidim) (Rory) (Skiree)

Lord Titus haut Mikide's Townhouse
In the Noble Quarter of Rephidim City, the grounds around a sizable "townhouse" could pass for a miniature jungle with not too much imagination, surrounded by high walls, and accessible by the front gate. Stone monuments and idols peek out from tangling vines, and the sounds of exotic birds and Creens echo through the garden, though they cannot be seen flying about. The front door is framed by a skull of a large wild beast and its long, curving horns. The side entrance to the servants' quarters is far less descript. In short, this is a smaller version of the lavish Mikide Estate in the countryside, though more intended for business in town and meetings with friends than for the huge parties the mansion is capable of hosting.

Upon arrival in Rephidim, the two apprentices, Rory the young Aeonian and Skiree the even younger Eee, have found that their escort to the mage's guild is nowhere to be seen. After some confusing dialogue with some of the sailors… the two decide to find the college on their own. The trip quickly changes from a nonchalant walk around Rephidim to an amazing game… where Rory and Skiree become monster hunters, chasing imaginary beasties that lurk in shadows and under bushes.

Skiree peeks around a tree, "Lookit that house, Roar-shock! See the big skull? I'll be there's lotsa monster in there!"

An ominous-looking figure lurks in the shadows. Or, that is, he'd be ominous, thanks to the cantrip he keeps recharging to shadow his face, except that he's a bit too short to be of much concern to anyone, unless one is feeling particularly jumpy. He furtively looks both ways, stealthily stepping on every snapping twig to be found.

Rory peers through the gate. "Ooo! A skull! You can always tell the bad guys. They like putting skulls on everything. It's probably a hideout of a major mastermind or archvillain."

Skiree hunches down, looking at the two guards at the gate of the estate. She looks back to her fellow monster/bad guy hunter. "What should we do? You wanna try and sneak in? I'm really good at sneaking."

Rory hmms. "But if YOU are really good at sneaking in, then what'm I going to do?"

Rory stands tall and wraps his cape around him. "I am the night!" he proclaims, and dashes into a shadow. "You can't see me. I'm invisible now."

Skiree squeals happily at her friend's trick! "That could work! I could distract the wufs at the gate and you could run in… they'd prolly never see you."

Rory uhms. "But how do we get through the gate? I'm not a real wizard yet. I can't shadow-walk."

Skiree pulls her pack off and stuffs a large plush pig under a bush. "You stay here, Mister Porky. If we get captured by the monsters they'd prolly try and eat you first."

Rory gulps. But no! He's a BRAVE monster-slayer! He strikes a heroic pose. Or tries to. Fortunately, there's nobody to see him.

Skiree pulls out her peashooter. "I'll make 'em look the other way… and when they're not looking, you run in." Her wings half open as she prepares to fly.

Rory nods several times. "Okay. And Silhouette will stick with me. She's REAL good at being stealthy."

Skiree flapflapflaps off. A few moments later there's a loud howling sound from somewhere behind the fence, it sounds like the wind blowing through the treetops, even though there's no breeze to be found. The guards at the gate pay a small amount of attention, then they both suddenly jump as if something invisible has bitten them and rush off. Off in the shadows behind the gate, Rory sees the little bat land near a bush and motion to him quickly.

Rory looks both way and runs in what he imagines to be a stealthy manner toward the bat, occasionally checking over his shoulder to make sure Silhouette is with him. If she is, it's anyone's guess, really.

Skiree looks nervously towards the guards, who are luckily still distracted; she makes a few quick 'hurry up!' motions to Rory and then disappears inside the large leafy bush.

Rory makes a mad dash and dives into the bushes.

A horn pokes out of the bushes on occasion, accompanied by rustling sounds. "Skiree!" comes a loud whisper. "Where are you?"

"Right here!" comes a squeaking response. The Aeonian finds the little bat hunched down in a large opening inside the bush… just big enough for two little kids (and one invisible friend.).

Skiree bounces, causing the bush to rustle. "We're in! We're in!" she suddenly pauses. "Er… what do we do now?"

Rory squeezes in. "Okay," he whispers. "Now … we witness a secret meeting between the Crime Lords, right? And we see their secret call signs." He nods. He waits a while. "Well, maybe, anyway."

Outside the bush, the sound of two grumbling wolves can be heard as they return to their post. "Darn nipgnats."

Rory looks to the manor. "Or maybe there's a prisoner inside that we have to rescue? I don't hear any screams of anguish right now, though. That would make things a lot easier to figure out."

Skiree peeks around the hedge. "I think this is one long bush. We could prolly sneak around to the other side of the house if we're reeeeealy careful," she quietly squeaks.

Rory nods, and begins working his way through the bush, doing as little rustling as he can manage to get by with. He stops. This isn't working very well. "Maybe if I go around the bush?" he whispers.

Skiree hunches down and crawls, smearing her clothes with dirt. "Awww… c'mon. This is perfect, nobody can see us… " Luckily it seems that the Eee is pushing branches out of the way just enough to make the crawl a bit easier for Rory.

Rory scrambles along as quickly as he can … which isn't very fast, since he's wearing robes.

Skiree turns the corner and disappears for a moment. As soon as Rory catches up she motions excitedly to him and pointpoints outside the bush.

Rory peeks out, trying to see what the fuss is about.

A glossy black horn pokes out of the foliage, rotating occasionally one way, then the other. Not that it's really easy to see that in detail…

Outside is a small vegetable garden, with a young Savanite tending to it, pulling out the ripe vegetables and ripping out weeds.

Kaela numbly goes about her work, paying very little attention to what she's doing, and mostly just staring off at nothing in particular.

Rory watches quietly. It's not like he hasn't seen a Savanite before, but it just seems to be the thing to do, while he's sneaking about.

Skiree hunkers down, smearing more dirt on her clothing. "D'ya think she's a prisoner?" The Eee whispers as quietly as she possibly can.

Rory frowns. "Uhm … well … I suppose we could ask her if she wants us to rescue her, right?"

Skiree eeps! "Nononono!" she whispers, "She might be a monster in disguise!" The little Eee eyes the Savanite; surely if she stares at her long enough… she'll turn back into a big blue monster with dripping fangs and eight legs and three eyes…

Rory watches Kaela a bit longer, and peeks around to see if there's anybody else. He spies a stone idol. "Hey! There's a monster over there. We could vanquish it."

Kaela finally reaches the segment of hedge directly in front of Skiree and Rory, quietly pulling the large green weeds from the ground.

Rory takes a deep breath and closes his mouth tightly, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Skiree freezes.

Kaela blinks a few times, her ears tilting and rotating slightly. She looks up at the bush, her eyes focusing for the first time since the two began watching her. She doesn't recall ever seeing a plant quite so conical as the one that's protruding from the side of the bush… but they've been planting new things for the recent rash of visitors, so… She reaches to pluck it from the bush.

Rory's eyes go wide as … someone grabs his horn? He chokes on his breath and loses his precarious balance, falling forward and to one side, crying out.

Kaela BLINKS, and bounds several steps back as something crashes within the bush.

Skiree eeps as her friend disappears. she bounds out of the bush after Rory. "I'll save you from the monsters!"

Rory scrambles up to his hooves, picking bits of foliage out of his mane and the folds of his robes. "Uhm … I'm Rorshach! And I'm here to save you from the Bandit King!"

Rory says, "That is, if you WANT to be rescued."

Skiree squeaks, "Oh… we're rescuing her? When do I get to be rescued?"

Kaela blinks slowly, seeing that it's only two young kits, no older than herself. She signs, hesitantly, "What Bandit King?"

Skiree blinkblinks at Kaela's hand signing.

Rory blinks at Kaela, then signs, just as hesitantly, "The one who kidnapped you and is holding you for ransom!"

Skiree tugtugs at Rory's robe. "What's she saying? What're you saying?"

Rory looks back at Skiree and signs, "You're a fuddle bumpkin!" Or something to that effect. He grins mischievously.

Skiree frowns. "I don't know that spottysign stuff!"

Rory starts to sign the Savanite equivalent of "Nyah nyah!" but that is actually something that just about anybody would catch on to, so he gives up pounding this joke several feet into the ground and says, "She wanted to know who the Bandit King is. And I was telling her we're going to save her from the Bandit King, who is holding her for ransom."

Kaela blinks several times. She signs, "I'm not being held for ransom… "

Skiree squeaks, "Maybe he hassa different name here? Like 'Boogeyman' or 'The Pin-king'!"

Rory shakes his head. "Awww, she doesn't want to play along," he pouts. "She says she's not being held for ransom."

Skiree squeaks, "Aww… we'll haveta find other monsters to fight. Where's that big stone gremlin?"

Kaela signs, "I'll get in trouble if I don't finish my work… "

Rory hmms. He says, out loud, "If we help you get your work done, THEN can we rescue you?"

Kaela fidgets a bit, casting a quick glance around. She doesn't know what others would think of her getting help with her duties… but since nobody's looking… "All right," she signs.

Skiree oooohs! "We get ta play in the garden?" She looks eagerly at Rory.

Rory brightens. He turns to Skiree. "She says 'all right'." He looks back to Kaela. "Well … what do I do? And, by the way, I'm Rorshach. This is Skiree," he points to the bat. "And this is Silhouette," he points to empty air.

Skiree points to herself, oblivious to the fact that Rory has already introduced her. "I'm Skireeeee!"

Kaela nods slowly, smiling at Rory, Skiree, and Silhouette in turn. Being the youngest slave on the estate, she has certainly had enough experience with imaginary friends to know the proper etiquette in greeting them. She signs, "I'm Kaela."

Rory turns toward Skiree. "I think she says she's 'Kaela'." He looks back to Kaela for confirmation.

Skiree giggles, covering her mouth with her hands. "Kaelalaspotspotspot!" she squeaks.

Kaela nods a few times. Then goes on, "I'm taking the weeds out of the garden, and the ripe vegetables."

Kaela blinks at Skiree oddly.

Skiree squeaks, "Eee don' got spots. I think your spots are pretty, Kaela."

Rory says, "We've got to take the weeds out of the garden, and the ripe vegetables, too. Sounds easy enough… "

Skiree smudges some dirt off of her shirt and begins painting 'spots' on her fur with dabs of black clay. She chants "Spot, spot, spot." every time she adds a new one.

Kaela smiles at Skiree softly, her ears turning a light shade of pink. Turning, she moves along to the next segment of plants, slowly removing weeds and showing them to the others before placing them in one basket.

Skiree looks at the garden, "Which one are the weeds?"

Kaela holds the 'weed' basket towards Skiree. It's already half-full of various sorts of weeds.

Rory laughs. "I don't have spots. I just have squiggles." There's no indication of it, though. It seems that wherever he stands, he's standing in a shadow.

Skiree dabs a little bit of black clay on the Aeonan's nose. "There! You've been spottied!" She giggles madly before going down to her knees to wrestle with the weeds in the garden.

Rory gives Skiree a raspberry (PBBBBT!) but giggles at his new spots, and begins pulling up weeds, chanting, "spotspotspotspot… "

Kaela spends a while finishing weeding the garden, narrowly averting catastrophe as Skiree almost 'weeds' one of Lord Titus' favorite flower patches, but otherwise it's a more or less uneventful few minutes. Finally, she stands up and surveys the work.

Rory pants. "Wow. That was hard. I think I'm almost too tired to do any rescuing now."

Kaela tentatively smiles at the others.

A loud *ahem* alerts the trio. A Jupani guard stands off to the side, thumping his foot. He looks upset, but not too upset… it's hard to get angry at little kids. Especially ones covered in mud.

Skiree eels!

Rory gulps. He waves his hands around, intoning. "I am the night!" He hops into a shadow … and bounces his head against a tree. "AU! Hum … I'm invisible now. You can't see me."

Kaela looks up quickly, then over towards the guard. She nervously takes a half-step away. The others will be okay, but…

The wolf chuckles. " Who are your two playmates, Kaela?" He signs.

Rory says, "Three! You forgot Silhouette!" He points at a nearby tree.

Kaela smiles at the wolf tentatively. "Rorschach and Skiree," she signs, looking a bit relieved at his change in expression.

Skiree nervously tugs on her ears. she really hopes the wolf doesn't notice her peashooter…

"And Silhouette," Rorshach signs, looking a bit annoyed at her being overlooked again.

"Er… right." The wolf barks to Rory. "I believe these two are the mage guild students that went missing earlier today. We've heard about them."

Kaela blinks, then nods a little bit. "They were in the bushes when I was working… "

Skiree frowns… everyone on this stupid floating island knows spottysign except her.

The guard regards Rorshach. "And how did you sneak in here without our notice?"

Rorshach puffs up his chest. "I am a Mighty Wizard of the Sphere of Shadow! I AM THE NIGHT!" He draws his cloak up to his muzzle, glancing furtively back and forth. "Blahblah, blahblah!"

Skiree wipes off some of her "spots".

The wolf nods. "I see." He looks back at the young Savanite. "Do you know the way to the Mage's guild hall, little one?"

Kaela nods a few times at the wolf.

"Good," the guard replies. "Please show these two back where they belong. You have permission to leave the estate."

Skiree eeps! "We WERE supposedta go to the college, weren't we?"

Rory oops! "Well … it wasn't OUR fault!"

Kaela smiles at the guard quickly, gestures to Skiree, Rory, and Silhouette to follow her, and then hurries off towards the guild hall, before the guard decides to tell her when she has to be back.

Skiree flapflapflaps after Kaela, chanting "Spotspotspotspot!" as she goes.

Rory puffs and trots along, his hooves clip-clip-clipping as he gets off the grass and onto cobblestone tiles.

The cobblestone path leads the trio down twisty paths, through shops and alleyways. Until finally they reach the gates of the College Esoterica.

Kaela smiles at the two.

Rory looks up in awe. "Wow! It's … WOW! It's a lot BIGGER than the Guild Hall of Babel! And that's REAL BIG!"

Kaela smiles back at her companions. "This is it," she signs. As though she really had to tell them.

Rory grabs Skiree and Mr. Porky in an impulsive hug. "We MADE it!" he squeals.

Mister Porky goes *squeak!*

Envoy walks out through the College's gate, accompanied by a white-robed and furred Cervani doe.

Skiree giggles! "Yeah! and now they'll mash smart magician stuff in our heads for the next few years."

Rory blinks at the sight of Envoy. "Wow … What's THAT?" He points, forgetting his manners.

Kaela smiles at Envoy just a little bit. "Hi," she signs.

Envoy blinks at the group of children, and smiles widely at Kaela. "Hello Kaela! We were just on our way to see your mother."

Kaela blinks slowly. "My mother? Why?"

Skiree looks at envoy, then back at Rory. "She looks kinda like you… except wif wingy thingamgiggers."

Envoy says, "A friend of mine has purchased the services of a Mage from the Sphere of Life to see to your mother."

Kaela swallows hard. "We… can't pay your friend back," she signs. Just to be sure that Envoy knows.

Skiree ooohs! "A life mage! Master Zahirinee has one of them visit once… he made the master's creakyknees go away. It was kinda sad not hearing him squeak when he walked."

Envoy signs back, "That is not a problem."

Kaela smiles at Envoy widely, and bounds over to give her a hug.

Envoy kneels down to give Kaela a hug, and asks, "Who are your friends, Kaela?"

Rory blinks. He looks to Envoy. "Hi! I'm Rorshach. And this is Silhouette. And I'll let Skiree introduce herself this time."

Kaela had been about to introduce them, but lets them introduce themselves instead.

Skiree points proudly to herself (leaving a little tab of mud on her tunic.) "I'm Skireeeee!"

Envoy smiles, "Hello Rorshach, Skiree. I am Envoy."

Skiree holds out a muddy hand to Envoy to shake.

Rorshach whispers loudly, "And don't forget Mister Porky."

Envoy reaches out and shakes Skiree's hand.

Rory holds out a hand as well, with a couple of bits of weed clinging to the back.

The white doe quietly says, "And I am Latania. Do not forget me." she regards Kaela for a moment with a dark brown eye.

Envoy says, "Oh yes! Latania is a Mage of Life. I take it you two are going to be students here?"

Skiree hugs her stuffed piggy. "Yeah… and this is Mister Porky, he doesn't like candy." The pig *squeaks* as she hugs it.

Envoy blinks at the stuffed pig.

Rory bounces on his hooves. "We THREE! Silhouette is learning magic, too."

Envoy looks around, and briefly wonders if Silhouette is a nickname for Kaela…

Latania quietly folds her hands behind her back. She shifts from hoof to hoof, anxious to leave.

Envoy signs to Kaela, "Why don't you lead Latania back to the estate, while I bring the others inside?"

Kaela remains at Envoy's side, but smiles at Skiree and Rory tentatively.

Rory looks to Latania. "Greetings! I'm from the Sphere of Shadow!" He grins widely.

Kaela nods a few times, turning and smiling at Latania.

Envoy says to Latania, "Kaela can show you to the patient, and I will catch up later."

"I never would have guessed, little one," the doe answers to Rory.

Kaela eagerly hurries off, gesturing for the doe to follow her. She's (understandably) anxious for the life mage to visit her mother.

Latania says, "The Savanite will lead me? But I will lack a translator. I am not familiar with the Naga sign."

Envoy blinks. Shadows are two-dimensional, so can't possibly be spheres. Yet another confusing thing to add to her list.

Rory keeps bouncing on his hooves, unable to contain his excitement. "Wow! Now I'll become a real wizard! And then Silhouette… Er … Well, Silhouette will be one, too!"

Envoy says, "I will meet you at the Mikide Estate, Latania. I can fly there after I help these two inside."

Rory says, "I know Naga sign!" He smiles proudly.

Skiree buries her face in her stuffed pig, casting nervous glances at Envoy.

The doe sighs, "That will have to do then. Lead the way, little slave."

Envoy asks Rory and Skiree, "Do you know who you're supposed to meet within the College?"

Kaela moves back through the cobbled streets towards the townhouse, urging speed as often as she dares.

Latania follows Kaela, but keeps at a steady pace. She's apparently not one to be hurried.

Rory looks to Envoy. "Uhm… Sorry. I was distracted. Uh … Well … Really … I guess I should see a Shadow Wizard."

Envoy nods to the Aeonian, and looks to the Eeee, "How about you, Skiree?"

Skiree squeaks to Envoy, "I'ze s'poseta meet one of the Chaos mages… I think… "

Envoy smiles, "I know a Chaos Mage. Her name is Haskalah."

Rory repeats the name "Haskalah" several times under his breath, and smiles.

Skiree squeaks, "Haskalalalalalala… "

Skiree breaks into giggles!

Rory giggles, too!

Envoy smiles as well, not knowing why. "I'll take you to her then. I'm sure she'll know of a Shadow Mage as well."

Rory begins to skip-dance around, sing-songing, "Haska-haska-la-la-lah!"

Rory stops. "I like that name," he smiles.

Envoy grins, "She has lots of neat toys in her office, too."

Rory ooooooos!

Skiree sticks her tongue out to Rory, "She's my teacher, not yours. Nyah nyah nyah!"

Envoy says, "Well, we'd better get inside, or else you might miss supper."

Rory hmphs. "Well, my teacher probably has a neater name."

Envoy heads for the Gate, assuming the two students will follow.

Rory is suddenly reminded of that grumbling in his tummy. "Last one in is an Eep!" He dashes off, quickly overtaking Envoy.

Skiree flapflaps after Rory! "Wait up! You don' wanna leave Sil behind!"

Rory eeps? He certainly fell for that one. He stops in mid-step, looking around, as Skiree flaps by. "Hey!"

Skiree **ZOOOOM!!!*

Rory yells, "Heyyyyyyy!" as he dashes on…

Envoy giggles and runs faster herself, looking for some sort of main office…

Skiree zips through the door, and crashes into a large Naga. "Oooof!" she squeaks.

Rory pants as he clip-clip-clips in afterward. "FIRST one! FIRST one in is an Eep. I changed my mind."

Envoy smiles to the Naga, "Excuse us. These two are new students, and need to be enrolled."

Rory stands up straight, giving a salute. "Rorshach, Apprentice of Shadow, reporting for … umm … duty!"

As the new students get situated, Kaela is finally arriving at the estate with Latania in tow. The Cervani woman seems a trifle displeased, but doesn't complain very much.

Kaela leads the Cervani in through the servant's entrance. Better to have her enter through the servant's entrance than walk through the main building and have to go through one of the tapestries that hide the servants' quarters…

Latania follows at Kaela's heels. "I'm not used to following slaves… " she mutters to herself.

Envoy finally lands in the garden, and hurries to the servants' entrance…

Kaela ignores the mutter. She just goes in and leads the way through the kitchen, up the steps, and to the door in front of the room where her mother rests…

"Slow DOWN!" Latania snaps as she almost trips on a stair.

Kaela flinches almost as though struck, and slows her pace substantially.

The doe sighs with relief.

Envoy comes through the kitchen, and reaches the base of the stairs, "I'm back!"

Kaela casts a faint smile down towards Envoy as she opens the door at the top of the stairs.

Latania follows behind Kaela, peering into the room and at its occupant.

Envoy enters last, and closes the door. "Is there anything special you require, Latania?"

Kaela moves over towards the bed and regards her mother worriedly.

Abana's room has smelled of medicines since Kaela's return from the City of Hands, but now it seems to be fresher, the window opened to admit air from the garden. Abana herself sits propped up in the pillows and sipping from tea. She looks up to see Kaela… Then spit-takes as she notices the Cervani behind her daughter. Setting the bowl down, she quickly signs, "Daughter, who is this? You should not bring strangers to gawk at your poor old mother!"

"I will need silence, cooperation, and more light. Is there a way to get anymore light into this room?" Latania says, flicking her ears.

Kaela shakes her head quickly. "She's from the college," she signs. "She's a life mage… she's here to help you."

Kaela glances over towards Latania, then towards the windows, which are already open. "There are lanterns," she signs, dubiously.

Abana's ears pale. "You didn't… What did you promise? Oh daughter… " She seems nearly in tears, worried over what strange bargain Kaela might have made.

Envoy says, "Would lanterns help, Latania?"

Latania says, "Envoy my dear. Please translate for me, I don't understand a sliver of Naga signs."

The white doe nods. "Lanterns, yes. They will do nicely." She gestures towards the bedridden Savanite. "Is this my patient?"

Envoy says, "Yes, this is Abana. Kaela, where are the lanterns kept?"

Kaela signs to Envoy, "I'll get some." And she hurries out the door and down the steps beyond.

The older cheetah looks pained. She signs to the doe, "You don't need to waste time with a poor old Savanite like… " Then looks up uncertainly at Latania, realizing her words are useless when they cannot be understood. She opens, then closes her mouth. What can she do, but let the Cervani do as she wills? Her eyes, though cleared of rheum by Roho's herbal treatments, are sad and old.

Latania gestures to Envoy, "I will have to ask the Savanite some questions before I do anything. Could you please translate her answers?"

Envoy nods, "Certainly."

Envoy does not translate Abana's previous signings, however.

Envoy signs to Abana, "A friend at the Temple is covering the expense, do not worry."

"Very well." Latania kneels down. "Is there any specific part where you feel pain? Or do you feel pain when you are doing a specific act? Such as eating or coughing?" She looks back to Envoy, not even bothering to make eye contact with Abana.

Abana signs, "A friend at the Temple?" She looks worried. "I did not think Zorah could afford… " An ear flicks over to Latania, and then she answers, "If the aching of a poor old slave is of any concern to the Mage, tell her that it is everywhere but most in the joints."

Envoy says, "The pain is everywhere, but mostly in the joints."

Kaela slowly works her way back up the stairs, laden down by three lanterns.

Abana continues to sign to Envoy…

The Cervani nods. "Any bleeding? Such as coughing up blood. Swelling? Fur falling out? Easily broken bones?"

Kaela finally gets back into the room and sets the lanterns down on the floor.

Envoy translates, "Poor appetite, chills, a stiffening of the flesh and graying of the fur… "

Kaela sets the lanterns on tables around the room and sets to lighting them, to provide extra light.

Latania nods. "I believe I know the proper treatment. You! Little girl… get those lanterns burning… I shall need light if I am to work properly here."

Kaela fumbles a bit, but eventually manages to get the lanterns lit. She then looks back towards the doe, fidgeting nervously.

Abana signs to Envoy, "Please tell the Mage I am sorry I cannot make the proper signs of respect. I am only a humble slave who has been feeling poorly… "

Envoy translates that to, "She has been feeling weak as well."

Abana signs to Kaela as well, "Have you been good, daughter?"

Kaela nods quickly. "Yes, Mama," she signs.

Abana smiles a bit.

"I can not heal her entirely. Maybe if we were on the ground I could… but here it will take many treatments. You will notice changes after the first treatment tho… " The doe pauses and starts unloading many odd supplies from her bag. "Unless you have something of dire importance to tell me, I ask that you all speak in sign and keep quiet from now on. I can not be interrupted."

Envoy nods.

Kaela smiles a bit, and moves over near to Envoy's side.

Envoy sits on the floor, and smiles to Kaela.

Latania pulls an array of powders, vials, and… jewelry? from her bag. She marks a circle on the ground, dons a silver bracelet on each wrist and places her supplies within easy reach of her circle. In a very deep, and slightly frightening tone, she begins to chant.

Kaela settles into Envoy's lap. "Thank you," she signs.

Kaela watches quietly, swallowing a bit.

Envoy signs, "You have already earned more help than I can give."

Abana signs to Kaela, "Was it Zorah who paid for this?" as the healer works. "It would have cost so much… I thought that girl wore her wealth on her body, rather than put it away." She wiggles her ears, then subsides as Latania begins her strange ritual.

The chanting continues. The doe seems to be dancing in her circle, throwing handfuls of dust around and pouring vials of liquid at her feet. Occasionally she makes gestures at Abana and hurls the strange powder or a few drops of liquid at her as well. The air pressure in the room increases a bit, and the temperature drops.

Kaela shivers slightly, and casts a worried glance up at Envoy.

The lanterns pulsate in time with Latania's chanting. The light of the room dims, despite the apparent abundance of it. The chanting goes on, almost as a fevered pitch now.

Envoy signs to Kaela, "Inquisitor Melchizedek is paying for the treatments, as a favor."

Kaela blinks. "A favor to who?"

Envoy signs, "To me, and perhaps to Azhtar. He would like to know more about what happened at the City, though, if you give me permission to talk about it. There is information I can give him that does not involve you, also."

Since Envoy did not aim the signs at her, Abana is reduced to peering suspiciously at the winged horned creature who knows Savanite. What kind of company is Zorah keeping these days?

The light reforms, this time it seems to be emanating FROM Abana. The glow seems especially focused around her joints, but also it appears in other places where there have been swellings. Latania's chanting is now at the point of screaming, and she now hurls her powders to the ground. The Cervani smashes vials of some strange clear liquid at her feet as well.

Kaela swallows hard. "I… I don't know," she signs. "If he knew… then… we couldn't go back there… they'd know that's where we went… "

Abana gasps, then arches her back as if in pain. Her muzzle opens and closes, but no sound comes out…

Kaela stands quickly in alarm, her eyes widening.

Envoy blinks.

Latania abruptly stops, she slumps to the ground, gasping. "It is finished." She manages to wheeze out through ragged breaths.

Envoy says, "Do you need anything, Latania? Something to drink?"

Abana slumps into the pillows, too exhausted by the magic burning through her flesh to move her hands. Her eyes are closed.

Kaela hurries to Abana's side. "Mama!" She leans forward, peering down at her mother. "Mama," she signs, "are you okay?"

The "clear" liquid in the circle has turned a sickly greenish/black.

Abana sniffs at Kaela with eyes still closed. Her hands twitch, but the signs are too indistinct to make out… However, her breathing seems to be slow and steady.

Envoy looks at the gunk in the circle. Did the fluid somehow absorb the illness from Abana?

Kaela looks back towards Latania and Envoy. "She will get better now?" She hardly dares hope…

Latania pulls herself back to her feet. "Clean this floor as soon as you can." She gasps. "It is imperative that you do so."

Envoy says, "How often will she need this sort of treatment? Are you okay?"

"I am fine. The process is an exhaustive one, for obvious reasons." The doe glances at Abana. "She is probably equally exhausted, but will wake soon."

"As for the frequency… we shall see how the slave responds to the first attempt. I will judge future visits on that." Latania brushes bits of glass and powder from her robe.

Envoy says, "I will get something to clean the … mess."

Envoy slips out of the room, and heads for the kitchen…

Kaela smiles at Latania with a look of incredible gratitude on her face. "Thank you," she signs, not that Latania will know what it means.

Latania calls out to Envoy, "Burn whatever you use to clean up the liquid… and make sure you do not inhale any of the fumes… it would be, unpleasant if you did."

Envoy returns with some rags and a bucket she found in a closet, "It is best that I do the cleaning then."

Kaela moves over to sit on the edge of the bed, next to her mother. She gently leans down and nuzzles her mother's cheek, purring softly into her ear in what she hopes is a reassuring manner…

Envoy kneels down and sops up the mess. "Are there any special instructions for Abana's immediate recovery, such as a special diet or exercises?"

After a moment, Abana's hands weakly flutter. "Cure… Worse than… Sickness." Her ears wiggle twice, then she lays her hand over Kaela's and settles back into the pillows, her nose sending a wash of fresher-smelling air down Kaela's cheek.

Kaela nuzzles Abana gently, so absorbed that she doesn't even notice Envoy doing what probably ought to be her work.

Latania regards Abana with a critical eye, a bit like the way one would regard a sick animal. "It would be good if you encouraged her to walk. A few steps a day would be sufficient. She must regain as much of her strength as she can… as future treatments will probably tax that strength."

Abana starts snoring lightly.

Envoy nods, placing the last of the rags into the bucket.

Envoy stands up again, and says, "It would be beneficial if you did not discuss the nature of your patient or her illness with others."

Envoy smiles, "You know how the Temple is."

Latania smiles for the very first time. "Tell my colleges that I'm healing slaves? Please… I'd be the laughingstock of the guild!"

Kaela looks back over towards Envoy and Latania, her eyes bright.

"As long as I am PAID for my services as agreed upon." The doe says, laying her ears back.

Envoy blinks, "Are you suggesting an Inquisitor of the Rephidim Temple would try to defraud the College Esoterica?"

"I suggest no such thing." Latania snaps angrily. "I speak in regards to my CONTINIED service." She casts a glance at Abana and Kaela.

Abana zzzs peacefully.

Envoy says, "I'm sure arrangements will be made to your satisfaction."

Latania nods. She turns to Kaela, "Make sure she eats, and attempts to exercise. I will check back in a few days to see how her progress is." Then to Envoy, "How does one leave this place? I would like to go home now."

Envoy says, "I will escort you out, Latania. Thank you for your skills."

Kaela nods at Latania a few times, smiling.

Envoy signs, "Keep away from the bucket, I will dispose of it later," to Kaela before leading the Cervani out.

Latania exits behind Envoy. She quietly digs through her bag as she walks.

Kaela remains close to her mother's side, gently stroking her shoulder as she sleeps.


GMed by Lynx

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)