27 Feb 1998. Ophelia throws a party for Francisco. Natilie causes a scene.
(Buran) (Envoy) (Francisco) (Natilie) (Ophelia) (Rephidim)

(OOC) Fri Feb 27 1998 07:19 PM by "John" -->

Alysin's Auction House
The old theatre has undergone yet another transformation, as it has been rented out to host a party, in all its tarnished glory. Crystal chandeliers suspend from the ceiling, recently refurbished (and painstakingly lit), and the chairs in the main auditorium have been removed, allowing for an open space for guests to wander about and sample food and drink. The orchestra pit is still in its usual place, housing a moderately-sized band, while the stage is set with a fanciful scene, perhaps meant to be a rendition of Francisco's homeworld based upon whatever he told the Temple during questioning.

Alysin's once again has been auctionned off temporarily, otherwise known as rented, for a social occassion. In this instance, by the Lady Ophelia, Countess of the Northern Shore of Sylvania, for Francisco, the well known exile and now Rephidim Citizen. All the merchants in the bazaar have been invites, as well those the kitsune might call friends. So far the house is crowded with celebrants, waiting for the host, or guest of honour to make an appearance. In the meantime, they are enjoying the Countess' generousity in food and drink.

Envoy wanders amidst the merchants, having just gotten out of her dressing room from the preceding performance, and keeps an eye out for the Guest of Honor.

Standing near where the Aeolun emerges is one of tonight's servers, an employee of The Mist Gardens, which was hired to cater this affair. She is a Gallee, her long fur in the distinctive black & white colours required by that restaurant. She turns, offering her tray of hors d'oeuvres to Envoy while praising her performance. "Oh! I was hoping you'd stay for the celebration, you sing so beautifully."

Envoy smiles, and accepts something from the tray. "Why thank you! I hope to improve my performance in the remaining shows."

The border collie wags her tail, making yet another breech of etiquette, and continues to speak instead of serve. "It must be wonderful. I wanted to be an actor, or a singer, but it's so hard to get noticed. I'm just doing this in the meantime."

Envoy says, "Why is it hard to get noticed? Did you come to the audition?"

"Yes! Didn't you see me there?" Siesal says hopfully.

"Well… " the Exile says, "I didn't get to see anyone else audition. I got hustled off to custuming."

A foppish Fox pushes his way through the double doors leading into the main chamber. His clothes are nicely cleaned up, pressed, and overly-laced. "Make way! Make way for FRANCISCO, the KITSUNE!"

The partiers in the auction house collect in small groups centered around the servers, or the bar. Individual conversations have mixed and merged to form a low level hum. That stops, as soon as the fox makes his announcement. All heads turn towards the main doors opposite the stage, at the the top of the stairs.

Envoy turns towards the commotion at the doors.

The foppish Fox makes a YELP! as he reaches the stairs … then tumbles all the way down! His nigh-indestructible and ever-present lute makes dischordant SPRANGS as he tumbles. However, at the bottom, he somehow bounces into a standing position, blinks confusedly … then bows as if it were all intentional.

Many of the guests actually applaud.

"He's so athletic," Siesal tells Envoy, "Did you see that perfect tumble?"

Francisco steps through the doors, really not having any idea what he's been summoned here for.

Envoy nods, and says back, "You should see him fall into the orchestra pit."

Upon Francisco's entrance, a bemused-looking Kujaku – Avi Kromo – applauds enthusiastically!

The kitsune blinks, stepping a little more forward. Why are people applauding him?

The band begins playing, "All Hail the Victorious Hero!" A bit overblown, yes, but it goes with the general tone of the party.

Other pockets of applause spring up. The clapping grows louder, echoing from the rafters of the Auction house.

Envoy just smiles and waves to the kitsune.

"That sounds like it would hurt, he must be highly skilled." The collie waitress says. "Oh, do you know Francisco?!"

The five-tailed fox looks around behind him, trying to see who they are looking at. No-one's there.

Francisco looks back to the crowd – there's certainly a fair number of people he knows here. As he begins to walk down the steps, he recognises a few, and notices Envoy wave to him, so heads towards her.

Envoy nods to Seisal, "Yes, I met him on New Year's Eve. I try to get to know all of the other Exiles in Rephidim."

Avram the Zerda zolk merchant smiles broadly as he sees Francisco. His daughter, Rache, dressed in her finest, waves daintily in the Kitsune's direction.

Rache's wave catches the Kitsune's attention out of the corner of his eye, and he smiles and waves back to her.

A few other merchants crowd together in front of Francisco, wanting to shake his hand and congratulate him. It's a sea of smiling faces and outstretched arms.

Francisco starts to feel a little closed in by all of this, especially as it's becoming apparent that he's the intended center of attention. He does his best to be polite to everyone, shaking their hands as appropriate so he can get through the crowd to where Envoy is, his original intended destination.

Envoy whispers to the collie, "How should I introduce you to Francisco?"

The collie's ears swivel, and she pants in embarrassment, "Tell him I'm Siesal, from Gallis. Oh I wish I wasn't working tonight!"

"Congratulations," "Good to see you alive," "Ah you're a citizen now, you'll love the taxes," "Congrats," "Good job Fahnceesco," and other words of praise follow the Kitsune as he progresses towards the Aeolun.

Envoy nods, and smiles to Francisco. "Isn't this wonderful, Francisco? You're the only vulpine Exile in the past year to earn your citizenship. This is Siesal, a fellow actress."

The foppish Fox says, "Well … as soon as I become filthy rich… " but is convinced nobody's really listening to him anyway, and meanders along. "sigghhhhhh… " He makes a beeline for one of the helpers carrying munchies.

Francisco finally makes it through the crowd, smiling in greeting again to the winged-unicorn. "Hi, Envoy. I am?" he asks. "There are many vulpine exiles around then."

"Yes, I am." Siesal says quickly, shoving the tray off into the hands of a nearby Jupani. The wolf blinks once, then turns, and walks off while stuffing party snacks in his mouth.

Envoy says, "Well, there used to be. They tend to vanish. But all of the non-Zerda foxes are Exiles or descended from them."

The kitsune gulps a little at that. "Vanished? I hope that's not a trend."

Envoy says, "Anyway, you should be able to make enough business contacts here to help you out when you decide to stop blowing yourself up. I guess you'll be looking for your own apartment now?"

Once Francisco's entrance seems over, the crowd slowly breaks back into its individual groups. Conversation resumes, and the festivity. The orchestra plays a light tune, that helps add to the mood.

Francisco smiles to Envoy's friend. "Pleased to meet you, Siesal," he says, and looks back to Envoy. "An appartment? Yeah – so I've been told. I've been given a weeks notice to find a place. At least I'm not being chucked out on my tails."

"They're very nice tails. Oops, I mean, that wouldn't be very good." Siesal giggles nervously. Her own swishes strongly from side to side, occasionally thumping against Envoy's leg.

Lady Ophelia enters quietly through the front entrance, unannounced, but still causing a mild stir. She makes her way gracefully down the stairs, blue and green gown trailing behind her.

Envoy tries to ignore the thumping. "I'm sure you'll be able to find a room, maybe with one of your friends? I still live at the Bard's Guild myself."

The kitsune nods to the collie, his gray ears flushing a little redder.

Francisco says, "Possibly, but I've not had a chance to ask anyone yet, Envoy."

In contrast to the Kitsune's arrival, the crowd parts for the Countess. Each Bazaar merchant steps back, and gives her a small bow.

Peaking over the Kitsune's shoulder, Envoy spots Ophelia. "Isn't that your patron, the Countess?"

Looking around, Francisco nods. "That's right. Let me guess. This party was her idea?"

"Oh yes, she hired everyone, and had callers announcing it in the Bazaar. How could you have missed it?" the black and white collie asks.

Envoy says, "Reynard was probably distracting him."

Ophelia makes her way slowly through the crowd, nodding to her various well-wishers, and stopping at one point to acquire a tray of hors d'oeuvres. She seems to be setting a pretty consistent course toward the Kitsune.

Francisco nods to Envoy. "That could be it. He did give me a couple of messages of some errands I needed to personally attend to, which got me away from the stall for a bit," he notes.

Casual conversation slows the progress of the Aeonian, but her social skills allow her to easily disengage and work through the crowd.

Envoy keeps her eyes on the elegant Unicorn. "Your Countess is the first female Aeonian I've met."

"She is?" Francisco asks, watching Ophelia approach, and smiling to her. "I can't say I've seen any others around."

Envoy says, "They're very rare. I was thought to be the illegitimate daughter of one once, but I think the rumor has passed now."

It isn't too long after Ophelia's entrance that Buran, Technopriestess of Rephidim Temple, quietly makes her way through the entrance. She's heard of a party, and who would pass up the possibility of free food and a chance to chitchat?

Siesal fidgets nervously, smoothing down her dark clothes. Fortunately the Mist Garden's uniform is fancy enough that she could be mistaken for a minor guest… and not staff.

Ophelia approaches slowly, and finally reaches her destination without seeming to have rushed through any of the several conversations by which she was detained. She fans herself lightly with a folding fan, and balances a small tray of party snacks in her other hand. "Good evening, Francisco. I'm so glad you could come."

"Ah, so I have you to thank for this little gathering, Countess?" the Kitsune asks, grinning.

Envoy bows slightly to the Countess. She's pretty sure bowing is the normal way to show respect for nobility.

Ophelia nods. "You do, I fear. I was sure you'd take it in good humour, though, since you were so nice about being blown up and all."

The border collie bows along with the aeolun, managing to quell her tail and nerves.

Francisco says, "Well, yeah. Though it didn't go entirely according to plan, as I'm sure the mage has told you already. She was pretty mad when she caught up with me."

Envoy says, "I heard that it was a great performance."

Ophelia spears a chunk of vegetable with a toothpick, and dips it in a bright red sauce. "Yes, those things will happen, though. Mages aren't really to be depended upon, you know." She indicates the sauce. "Have you tried the ketchup? It's a favourite in Sylvania, you know."

"Its rather red for ketchup, isn't it?" Siesal dips an hors d'oeuvre.

Ophelia says, "They colour it, I think. Makes it more attractive."

Francisco perks an ear a little. "They're not? Well, perhaps not hot tempered 'fire' mages. It's surely not true of all them, though?"

Envoy dips her own snack into the 'ketchup', and spots Buran off near the stairs.

A bat in a high-collared uniform makes his way through the crowd, making a beeline for Francisco … or perhaps for Ophelia. "Countess Ophelia, so good to see you," he says, with a faint touch of an accent which is hard to place. "You display flawless taste, as always."

Buran is chitchatting with various milling partygoers, occasionally munching an hors d'oeuvre or sipping a drink. Nothing outlandish, really; just enjoying herself.

Ophelia turns to greet the count. Her smile doesn't dim a bit. "Ah, Count Karstein. How kind of you to come."

Envoy turns to look at the Eeee noble. Perhaps he's one of Ophelia's neighbors?

"How fare the Northern Shores?" the Eeee inquires. "Things have been quiet at the castle. We've only had a few fiends wander into the forests from Bosch this season."

"Quite well, or so I'm told. I've been here through the season, myself. Count Karstein, have you met Francisco the Zerda? It's in his honour we're here tonight – he's just become a citizen of Rephidim. Gotten his ring and everything!" Ophelia beams.

Siesal quickly gulps down her snack, and bows to the Count.

At his name, Francisco smiles towards the bat, and clasps his hands behind his back so as not make the lack of a ring obvious.

Envoy decides, from the references, that the Eeee is Nordikan, and not Ashdodian.

Ophelia prompts a bit. "And your friends, Francisco? I've met Envoy before… " she smiles.

The Count swivels his head to look at Envoy. Indeed, there are certain differences about his appearance … not the least of which would be how his eyes seem … red. Much like that deranged "mastermind" friend of Fenter's. Just that this bat does not speak in a lisp. However, his fangs do seem a bit more pronounced than with most Eeee.

"This is Siesal, Countess. A friend of Envoy's," Francisco explains.

Envoy sketches another bow for the Eeee.

"I'm honoured to meet you, Count," the collie says nervously, bowing to the Eee, and looking away from his strange eyes.

Envoy wonders to herself if there might not have been some Skrii Exiles in Sinai's past to account for the dramatic difference in some of the Eeee sub-races. She decides to talk to Aski Medes about it as soon as possible.

The Count bows lightly to the collie, and to the Aeolun.

The Eeee's reddish gaze alights upon Envoy, and then drifts over to Francisco. "So, Countess … this is your new friend? An Exile, yes?"

Ophelia says, "Yes, this is Francisco. He seems to have made something of a name for himself since having come here. You may have heard of his show in the Bazaar the other day?"

"Oh, yes," the Count says. "It sounds most amusing. You are very brave, Francisco. I do not think I would have dared to put myself in such peril … even for such a noble cause as assisting the lovely Countess Ophelia."

Ophelia has the good grace to redden slightly about her muzzle and ears.

Francisco decides that saying he didn't really have a choice would be … unwise at the moment. Especially in front of the countess. "Well, I was given countless assurances that I would be safe," is all he says.

"Of course … of course," muses the Count, smiling politely, showing off his sharp fangs. "Hmm. I am curious about the land from whence you came. Through which Forbidden Zone did you arrive on Sinai? The Himaat, perhaps? Surely not Bosch."

Envoy continues to examine the Eeee's face and fangs, trying not to appear rude for once though. Which means that she looks away if it seems the Count is noticing her attention.

For the time being, the Eeee's attention seems to be focused on Francisco. However, the redness of his eyes makes it difficult to tell exactly where his pupils – if he has any – are focused.

The kitsune shrugs. "I'm afraid I don't really know the names of places. I do remember the place I, er, arrived as having lots of craters though. If that helps?"

Ophelia looks interested. "Craters? Were there indeed?"

"Pretty creepy ones too," Francisco adds.

The red-eyed Eeee nods quietly, then asks, "Creepy craters?"

Envoy rubs her muzzle. She'd expect lots of craters on a world with a debris ring.

Francisco nods to the bat.

Ophelia says, "Perhaps there had been some explosions there?"

"Perhaps the Desolate Band," the Eeee offers, "or mayhaps somewhere in the western part of Ur. Or was it cold? Perhaps the Vykarin Wastes, then."

Shrugging, the fox replies, "I'm sorry, I really can't remember too much about it."

Envoy says, "I don't know what Forbidden Zone I was recovered from either."

The Count Eeee looks faintly disappointed, but does not seem inclined to give up on his interrogation quite so quickly. "Well then … Tell us about your world, then. What wonders can be found there? What are your people – these … 'Kitsunes' … like? Do they worship the First Ones?"

Ophelia looks thoughtful. "That must be dreadfully disconcerting, to be suddenly plopped down upon a new world, as it were. To say nothing of having to live one's life alone, without the benefits that having a family seems to bestow."

Envoy smiles to the unicorn, and innocently asks, "What's your family like, Countess Ophelia?"

"But wasn't that what happened with the Aeonians?" Siesal interrupts suddenly. "I mean… that's what I heard."

Natilie peaks around, trying to look as regal as she possibly can (well, she is an moderately good actress) as she takes little bits of food from different trays and eats her fill.

The Count smirks, as if something has amused him.

"Well, where to start?" Francisco says. "My world, well, it's pretty diverse, but quite different from life here. Lots of hairless types that are called humans. We kitsunes live among them, hiding who we are – most of the time. But these First Ones? Never heard of them."

Francisco says, "As for who I worship, if anyone, that would be Inari. Almost all Kitsunes are her loyal subjects."

Ophelia smiles gently to Envoy. "I fear I have no family – none that I know of, at any rate."

Envoy blinks at Ophelia, and says, "I'm sorry to hear that, Countess. I'd hoped to learn more about Aeonian family life."

The noble bat listens absently to Ophelia's response, but nods at Francisco. "Inari? Is this Inari a Kitsune as well?" He casts a fleeting glance at the coyote bard making her way through the crowd.

The kitsune shakes his head. "No, she is a goddess," he says, as if that explains all.

Buran accidentally nudges another partygoer with the tip of one wing while refilling her punch glass. "Pardon me!" she says, regretful of the blunder. The errant wing is immediately folded out of the way. Hopefully, whomever she just bumped won't be too angry.

"Well that makes sense, if you were worshipping her, I mean," Siesal says, her tail hanging low against her legs as the conversation swiftly moves into areas she has never considered.

"Well, I am interested in the deities of other realms," the noble Eeee explains. "Perhaps you could tell me more about her? A goddess, of course, but what form does she choose to take when she appears to mortals? And what set of values does she exemplify and encourage? How do you pay tribute to her?"

Ophelia says, "It may be that Siesal is right – perhaps my sort were dropped here just like the Zerda. At any rate, I'm afraid I can't tell you much about us – there just aren't that many to study, I fear."

Natilie gets nudged from behind while swallowing, and starts to choke on a piece of bread.

The noble Eeee smirks faintly. "One of these days, perhaps a god or goddess will come through one of those Forbidden Zones. To hear some of the Exiles talk of their powers, one would think that has already happened several times over. Alas, but to my knowledge, I have never been in the presence of deity."

Francisco sighs a little. "I don't know that much about her, as she does not appear to ordinary Kitsunes. She has her messengers who attend her, guard entraces to the shrines. Those messengers are pure white Kitsunes, and greatly honored. They are the only ones who see her."

Envoy says to the Count, "I've met a few people on another world that remind me strongly of yourself, Count Karstein. Was your line founded by Exiles, by any chance?"

Buran's ears swivel round. She quickily realizes what is happening, and asks Natilie if she can breathe, a contrite expression on her face.

Siesal wags her tail a little after the Countess' compliment, and stays silent, looking between the various speakers.

"I saw one here, in fact," the kitsune says to the bat.

The Count hmms. "White Kitsunes, you say?" He turns his attention to Envoy. "No, my line is in common with all Eeee … though there are some who have presented theories such as yours. I am sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with such a notion."

Envoy nods, and drops the subject.

Natilie spins around quickly in panic and trips over her own feet. She suddenly falls onto the foor, coughing and wheezing. She looks up at the sphynx, and tries to grab her … for help or for revenge, one does now know.

Envoy gets slightly distracted by the commotion. Are those Buran's wings?

Buran kneels on the floor next to the yelf, inquiring again if she can breathe or speak, and asking for a nod or headshake in reply, and urging her to keep calm.

Ophelia natters obliviously along, dipping little cubes of cheese into ketchup.

Natilie nodnods and quickly grabs at the Sphynx, shaking her violently while her body goes into shock from air deprivity and convulses.

Envoy excuses herself, and makes her way over towards the ruckus…

Francisco looks over to Envoy, and watches her head to where to commotion is. "Er, if you'll excuse me," he says. "As guest of honor, I feel that I should see what's going on, at least."

There are many murmurings nearby, but few offers of help. "Is there a healer in the house?" "What's wrong with her?" "Oh dear!" "Oh, I think I shall faint!"

The five-tailed fox quickly follows the Aeolun.

Finally, Envoy reaches Buran, and looks at Natilie. "Is she choking? Maybe you should try to compress her diaphram."

Natilie's body stops shaking as she loses consciousness.

"Murder! Alysin's cursed house strikes again!" A more hysterical voice calls out. "The food, it's poisoned."

Envoy blinks, and looks worried at that last remark. "Did she have any of the ketchup?"

Ophelia turns, wondering what might be happening. "Oh dear… "

The Count glares angrily in the direction of the unattributed voice.

Francisco arrives a moment after Envoy, and his eyes widen in shocked recognition. "Natilie!" he blurts out, and looks at Buran. "Can you help her?"

Buran gently rolls Natilie onto her back and, after making sure that her airway is clear, rests the heel of one hand above the spot where, presumably, yelf bellybuttons are. She presses her hands down and forward several times, hoping to dislodge the piece of bread.

Natilie's reflex forces the throat to open quickly and force whatever air is left in her body quickly out, forcing the piece of bread to fly out of her mouth like the cork of a champagne bottle. She coughs raspily as she quicly regains consciousness with the fresh air entering her body. She is still in shock, though.

Envoy follows the trajectory of the expelled bit of food.

The kitsune breaks through the crowd around the yelf and the Sphynx, moving to kneel down next to her.

Envoy says, "That was very impressive, Buran! Can you do it again please?"

The expelled bit of food arcs through the air … and lands with a splat on Envoy's head.

Ophelia hovers nearby, looking ineffectually concerned.

The Sphynx looks up at Francisco. "Can you bring a glass of water, please?"

"Mm? Oh! Sure," says Francisco, looking up and hurries to find one.

Natilie opens her eyes and looks around in a dazed and confused way. "Wha? What happened?"

A helpful server gives Francisco a glass of water, shortening his trip.

Envoy crosses her eyes as she tries to look at the bit of soggy bread impaled on her horn. Given the curving nature of said horn, however, her eyes would need to be on extensible stalks to manage. Luckily for the sanity of those present, they aren't.

Francisco quickly takes the water back, and hands it to Buran. "There you go."

The helpful water-bearing servant, a Kavi, is zeroed in on by the Count. "Excuse me," the Count says, in a barely polite manner. "But I overheard you talking about the … curse … of this establishment."

Envoy uses a napkin to wipe the bit of bread from her forehead, and examines it. It probably wouldn't be appropriate to offer it back to Natilie…

The Technopriestess – or healer, depending on how you want to look at it – helps Natilie to sit up as she offers the glass of water. "There, drink this. You'll be all right. You just tried to swallow something the wrong way."

"Well of course every body knows about… " the Kavi turns to look at the Count, and breaks off suddenly, "… I mean… no… she said it." He points at Buran

The Count follows the line indicated by the Kavi, to the winged Technopriestess busy tending to the Yelf. He doesn't look convinced. He cracks his knuckles. "You displease me. Greatly."

"No curse! No curse at all!" The Kavi waiter says, staring at the Counts' red eyes and backing up. "It's a great place, people come here all the time."

Envoy says, "How is your throat, Natilie? Can you still sing?"

Natilie slowly slips at the water, moving her head to the side to cough a little. She looks over to see several swishing tails and wheezes, "Francisssss-co?"

The Count smiles faintly. "I think your shift should be over soon, waiter. Very soon." He stares at the Kavi for just a bit too long … then walks along, seeking other company.

Hearing his name, the kitsune kneels back down again. "I'm here, Natilie," he says.

Envoy looks to Buran, and whispers, "Are you alright?"

Natilie smiles brightly and moves to hug Francisco, but is too weak to make any quick movements.

The Kavi slinks off into the crowd, roughly in the direction of the door.

Ophelia hovers in the crowd gathered about the stricken Coyote.

Buran continues to provide gentle support for her patient as an ear rotates simultaneously in Envoy's direction. She seems surprised as she replies, "Me?"

Francisco's close enough to Natilie so that he's able to gently help her up instead.

Envoy nods to the Sphynx, "Yes. Do you need anything? Are you hurt?"

Natilie gently wraps her arms around Francisco, holding him with all her might (In her condition that's not much).

Envoy says, "You can use my dressing room, if you like."

Helping Natilie up, Francisco looks at Envoy. "It might be an idea, to go somewhere quieter for a little while," he says. "Could you show us?"

"I'm all right, thank you," the Sphynx replies to Envoy. "But I'm not the one you should worry about." A spotted hand indicates the kitsune and his charge.

Natilie rests against Francisco, sighing happily.

Buran carefully stands up again, idly wiping her hands on her robes. "But I'm sure she'll recover."

Envoy nods to Buran, and tries to lead Francisco and Natilie through the crowd. "I'm sure Bem will appreciate the company. I don't think the stuffed Eeee doll I gave him has really done the trick."


GMed by Greywolf & John

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)