The sounds of the crowd filter through the dull pounding of blood through a swollen eye. Slowly the light starts to filter in through the shutters, the dawn of a new day in Himar stirring up a warm wind from the sands beyond.
The tickling probe of a dust fly worries over Darius' cheek…
Darius sits up slowly, "Nggh, morning already?" The fox reaches back and rubs his neck. The bandage over his left eye brushes against his hand, reminding him of the previous day. "*sigh* I was hoping yesterday was a dream." he mutters. He climbs out of bed and brushes at the fly with his hand.
Sounds from the inn are heard, the moving of a maid, the rattle of spoon and kettle below, the low sounds of conversation from down the hall.
His right eye searches out the clothing he tossed on the floor and he reaches down to retrieve his shirt. o O {Well, off to track down that little thief, I suppose. I wonder where to start… hm. Well, perhaps the less desirable parts of town… }
The shutters rattle as the sea breeze blows the smell of the fish and kelp markets inland.
Darius takes a few moments to pull on his shirt, waist belt with sword, and shoulderbelt. He adds the finishing touch to his guise, the robes… and he ties back his hair…
Darius trudges down to the main room of the inn and looks around…
The low blast of the watch horn signals the dawn. 6 am. The inn is quiet, the innkeeper's son watching the counter this morning, struggling to stay awake.
Darius waves to the innkeeper's son, "Good day to you, sir!"
Darius leans on the desk, "Mind if I ask you something?"
The lad blinks and looks up. "Yessir! Yessir! Ken I be a helpin ya with anathin this mor'n." He shakes to look alert and checks the backroom for an instant.
Darius smiles, "Yesterday while in the marketplace I happened to spot a few unfortunate souls running amok. They were having to resort to _stealing_ to survive, can you imagine that?" He clasps his hands together, "As a healer, it is my duty to help all, so, I'm wondering if you would know where such people reside? I would be most grateful."
The teenager rubs his eyes and blinks, "No sir. M'father would take a switch t' me if'n I did anathi' of that sort. Or paid them ana company, sir."
Darius smiles and nods, "Well then, could you direct me to the part of town that is home to the unfortunate souls who can't afford to live better then?"
The lad points the way towards the city gate. The memory of the squatters outside slowly returns as the fox wakes up.
Darius smiles to the lad, "Ah yes! Now I remember! Thank you good sir." With his hope heightened, the fox heads out the door and back towards the city gates…
The first of the days crier's voice raises in the cool morning air, "Fruit from Bronharn. Fresh and pulpy! Get it fore the sun does!"
Darius tries to navigate around the street vendors as he heads back towards the gate…
The street is busy, but nowhere near the congestion of the earlier day. A low mist hugs the surface of the cobblestones, spilling from the canal and making its exact edge hard to discern. The towers of the dual main gate loom before Darius, the guards on the roof scanning the crowd as Darius approaches the open portcullis of the exit side. The guards of the entry side remind Darius that he'll need a toll to return as they gather fees from the entrants. Beyond lays the ring of merchant stands and quarters that ring the city walls.
Darius scans the crowd for the urchins he encountered yesterday as he makes his way through the city…
Darius smiles to the guard, "Ah yes. How much is the toll? I have forgotten."
"One shekel." He says as he looks Darius over, a bored expression on his face as he looks at his eye quizzically, filing his face away in memory.
Darius nods, "Oh! One more thing. Would you know what part of town the urchins who prowl the marketplace reside? I am a healer by trade, it is my duty to help all unfortunate souls."
The Guard looks at Darius more closely now. "Move on you. I dont need t' be talkin' while on duty." He motions Darius on impatiently as he looks toward his corporal, a few paces down.
Darius bows to the guard, "As you request, sir." He thinks for a second. o O {A toll, ah yes. How could I forget… It's doubtful they reside outside the gates… Perhaps I should search in town first… "
Darius turns and retraces his path back to the marketsquare where he last saw the urchins…
As the guard is talking to Darius, several urchins dart through the gate into the crowd. A handful of guardsmen begin rooting for them but there's no way they will catch them all…
Darius stops. o O {Perhaps not!} He races after one of the urchins, hoping to catch him/her/whatever!
The corporal yells at the guardsman who glares at Darius and swears, pushing him outside the gate and biting his thumb at him before blocking several more children loitering in barrels near the gate.
Darius blinks and thinks he was just insulted.
Darius heads over to the barrels…
Urchins scatter from the barrels into the alleyways nearby the front gate.
Darius heads into the alleyway. His right hand pulls close to the seam of his robe, ready to go for his weapon if need be.
The alleyway is narrow and dingy, the slave cleaning crews of the wealthy quarter not passing the city walls. Crates and rubbish are piled and strewn along the walls and under eaves. The alley has eyes, although from where Darius is unsure. The urchins are nowhere to be seen.
Darius' ears swivel, listening… He moves down the alleyway slowly, inspecting the crates and rubbish as he moves…
The crates are empty or rodent-filled as Darius passes them. An old goose looks out a window from above and snaps her shutters closed. As the fox's ears swivel they track in on the sound of whispers just ahead. Then a loud "Shhh!"
Darius stops and calls out, "Hello… ? I'd just like to talk to you please? I mean you no harm, I am a healer."
As Darius calls, the crates behind topple over onto him, several urchins darting from a hole that was just underneath. The large rat from the crate takes exception and bites Darius, as the knight is unceremoniously trampled by several young feet, beating tracks to the market square out front.
Darius aghs! and kicks the rat down the alley. He doesn't take time to check the bite… He gets back to his feet and pursues the urchins back out…
Darius gets a shekel ready to pay the guards if he needs to re-enter the town…
Stumbling, scrambling, dodging. The urchins clamber out into the crowd amidst lots of hoots and yelling. One trips over a piece of lumber though, a young Kavi with a black ringed tail.
Darius heads toward the Kavi and tries to pounce on him…
The Kavi tries to get away but a nimble paw catches hold of his tail and is quickly rewarded by a mouthful of sharp teeth!
Darius snarls but tries to keep his grip… His other hand grabs the Kavi by the throat, "Now, hold on a second! I'm not here to harm you!" { #@$!@# that hurts, I'm going to have to bandage that. I hope I won't need to stitch, ngh }
Several bystanders stop to stare at the commotion. The kavi squirms and writhes, trying to escape as his fellows melt into the crowd.
Darius snarls at the Kavi, "If you release my hand I'll release your neck, if not… " Razor sharp ebony claws extend and push against the Kavi's neck. "I may change my mind about harming you."
The kavi squirms and slowly releases his teeth from Darius' paw looking rattily at him, a cocky smirk on his ruffled face. He's perhaps 3 foot tall and dressed in soiled, tattered burlap.
Darius retracts his claws and removes the hand from the Kavi's neck and grabs tightly onto his arm, "Now, I'd like to talk to you. Will you listen? I am NOT here to harm you. I seek information only." He looks to his bitten hand and winces. o O { Why me? I think I'm going to go broke bying new bandages. I'm glad I WAS trained as a healer. I just wish my magic worked. }
The removal of the paw was all that was needed. WHAM! A well aimed fist to the groin. The little scamp is struggling again to break free of his captors grasp, and soon does, writhing like only a musteloid could, until a foot impacts a tender eye. He heads for the alley.
Darius stays on the ground, waiting for the pain to subside… He tries to watch where the urchin disappears to with his good eye. He knows he can't pursue, not yet, not, ngh, in this kinda pain…
The urchin disappears into the alley, leaping over the trash and debris, PBBBthing his tongue at the disguised knight as he trips and tumbles into the shadows.
Darius tries to get to his feet and stagger after him…
The alley is just as conjested as before and just as filled with eyes. Several alley cats scatter as the fox appears, leaving nothing but the stench of their markings behind.
Darius goes over to the crate that had a hole under it before…
The hole is shallow and filled with some dried peaches and dates, probably dropped by its previous occupants. The alley zig-zags about into the lowerclass courtyards of the city's tenements. Clothes hang from lines well out of urchin reach, fluttering in the stuffy air of the street level.
Darius continues down the alleyway, ears searching for sounds.
Darius thinks. o O { Come out, come out, whereever you are! You're going to pay for that… }
The alley continues, the sounds of singing, fighting, playing and groaning, making a contrast to Darius' ears. Doorways appear from time to time, some boarded, some with flowers in planters, all closed and silent. The alley opens into a courtyard of sorts up ahead. A well and a coal pile occupying the center with a dozen or so children playing roundball through a cane hoop.
Darius goes into the courtyard and looks around for the urchin. o O { Where am I now? Fireclaw, you have a knack for finding trouble. }
The children see Darius and scatter like crickets in torchlight, the leather ball bouncing off the hoop to come bouncing at Darius' feet. The urchin is no where to be seen, but a presence is felt. Someone, something is watching Darius. Appraising. A low "Ahem" is heard from behind.
Darius turns…
Facing Darius is a large sheepdog. His hair grizzled and matted with age and streaked with coal dust and mud. A large heavy shovel is in his paws as he looks Darius over with his unseen eyes. "An' wha' may yur business be 'ere gov'na?"
Darius bows slightly, "I am Darius T'anar, a healer. I came in pursuit of a street urchin I wished to question about a recent theft. Who sir, are you?"
The Sheepdog looks Darius over, leaning on his shovel. "O' ah' am isn' o' yur busina' govna." He says as several adult kavi appear from the doorways behind ya. "D' queston fa yu is fur who ya wer chasin th laddy ere now?"
"Ey Grit." One of the Kavi yells. "'E says 'es a healer. I think I know a problem e could ba a healin fur me!"
Darius says, "I am a simple servant of Sir Fireclaw, who has now gone on the great journey, the path of the Procession in the heavens. I seek to reclaim his sword, something I promised as he died. I wish to give him honor in his passing."
The sheepdog looks at the Kavi and barks, "Sha yur mou' ya cur." He looks at Daruis and smiles a toothless smile, barely visible through the dirty mop like fur. "OH Reelee govna? D' we look like th' sort t' be holdin' a sore aboot ere?" The dog seems true to his word. The three kavi are only holding blackjacks or spiked boards.
Darius says, "You do not. I followed a young Kavi here, I simply wished to ask him if he knew about it and where it was taken."
One of the other Kavi pipe up. "Aye Grit. I ave t' agree with Rette. I think I have a hurt he could be a healin now too." He punches his fellow on the arm amusedly although none of the Kavi take their eyes off Darius for one second.
The third Kavi nods. "Aye. Little Kimmi said ya did." He points up to a window where the urchin is seen hanging out waving at Darius, "An I'd better be a gettin word why ya be a roughin m' son up."
Darius looks at the Kimmi's father, "I did not harm him. If I wished him harm he would not have made it back here. I came here to talk, not fight. I am a fox of peace."
The first Kavi pipes up again. "A fox of pieces inna quick turn. Dinna listen t' em Gorrel. Ah say we be a askin fur compensation. 'Em comin in on our turf like some holier than thou templar oo ownes th place after roughin yur kitlings."
Darius looks to the first Kavi, "Are you threatening me, sir?"
Darius thinks. o O ( Four of them, poor odds. }
The Kavi looks at you gripping his spiked board. "Aye ah am." He steps up. "Serve ya somethin yur own size 'stead of youn' kitlings."
Darius waves a paw to the others, "You are brave when you have friends. Are you so brave without them, sir?"
The other Kavi stand and slap their blackjacks looking menacing. The sheepdog readys his shovel. "Are you so bold when facin yur equal instead of kitlin's?" The Father Kavi asks.
Darius appraises the Kavi's motions and body language, trying to determine his fighting skill.
The sheepdog speaks, "Y kno ah thin th oers are righ ere govna'. Ya will be a eelin em."
Darius smiles, "If you seek a fight, you may find one, dear sirs. I do not seek one, but I will defend myself if need be."
Darius's hand unhooks the clasps on the ropes, ready to remove them if they attack…
"Aye! States the first Kavi giggling as a ope of spittle starts to drip from his mouth. "My coin purse is urt reeel badly."
Darius smiles again, "I have little money to give. Threatening me is NOT a way to get it."
The four men aproach closing around you in a tight circle. The second Kavi grins, "No shekel fa! Tha sticker o yurs brought quite a cut." The Sheepdog barks at the Kavi sharply and growls.
Darius's eyes widen, "Oh really? Where pray tell, did you sell it?"
The father Kavi spits in Daruis's face. "Shank the blade. Ya owe m comensation fur m kitlin. Cough up yur purse and we'll let ya away in one piece."
Darius begins to move out of the circle. o O { Never let yourself be surrounded, rule one. } His right hand slides into the robe and unlocks the sword from the scabbard then grips the hilt. "Tell me where it is and I might. Refuse, and well, you'll have to fight me for it." his expression has gotten cold.
Darius looks around the courtyard again, appraising the grounds and fighting locations…
The first Kavi laughs in an excited cackle. "Refuse. Aye this one's got some fire in em Grit!" He swings his blackjack around his head. "We're gonna ave us some fun," he says as he dances around Darius' route of withdrawal, to threaten his rear.
Darius suddenly runs forward, stripping off his cloak, then drawing the chitin sword. o O { Rule two: if outnumbered, take one out as fast as you can… } He strikes out with a graceful blow toward the Kavi he charged…
The Father Kavi sneers and raises his club, "Suit yurself!" He turns his back to Darius for a moment, and then with a savage yell, springs to the side of Darius' sword arm, bringing his club down with skill.
Darius moves quickly, hoping to bring his sword up to parry the blow in time…
The father Kavi dodges the majority of the blow, taking the brunt of it on his thigh instead of his torso. A heavy blow glances between Darius' shoulderblades as his quick move diverts the impact meant for his head. The drooling Kavi is quickly alongside, swinging his blackjack expertly.
Darius uses the blow on his back to give him some momentum and a lot of pain… He executes a fast front-roll and comes up to his feet again and turns to face all four at once. He winces as his back is alight with the fire of pain. o O { Okay, they can fight. *ow* Let'ssee, how to deal with this. The poles, the coal, alright. } He looks at the coal pile, wondering if he can reach it… He then smiles to the four, "Last chance, I wasn't trying to kill before. You leave me no choice though, next time, I will strike lethally."
"Daaaad!" comes a yell from above. High pitched and filled with anger and fear. The four opponents grin at the knight advancing in a wide line, supporting one another but not all withn reach of one blow. "You ken try, Govna."
The father Kavi holds back, his leg bleeding badly. He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a large throwing knife.
The fox smiles, "The name is Sir Jarik Fireclaw … not 'Govna'."
Darius reaches back with his left hand and gathers some of the coal dust…
The Giggling Kavi smiles and charges forward with an excited squeal, the others close behind him, "Oh! And e says e has no shekel!" He swoops down with the stone laden strap.
Darius says, "'Nada."
Darius brings the sword up to protect his front from the incoming blow and leaps to the left. His left hand surges forward and releases a cloud of coal dust aimed right at the giggling Kavi's face…
The sword deflects the blow of the giggler and catches most of the blow from the second Kavi's blackjack. The shovel is another story, impacting soundly on the knight's ribs, fortune having the flat not the point distribute most of the blow which sends him flying.
"Me Eyes!" screams the giggler scrabbling at his face as he falls back. "Curse him, god-rotted temple maggot."
Darius snarls, "That hurt!" He's gonna have one nasty bruise from that one, his vest and muscle protected his ribs from breaking, thankfully. He grabs onto the shovel's handle while it's still against his chest and takes a large step back, Then he pulls hard with his left arm and repositions his right to have the sword point directed right to where he's trying to pull the sheepdog.
The sheepdog howls in pain as the sword sinks into his side, dark gouts of blood staining the ground as he crumples, howling. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! The second Kavi's blackjack slams itself into Sir Jarik's head as his assailient swings it in a figure eight-pattern the heavy stones bringing starts and blood to the knight's vision. The giggler slowly regains his sight as the Father takes aim with his knife, awaiting an opening.
Darius's head is now screaming in pain and his vision is blurring a slight bit. He can feel the blood trickling down his cheek and staining his white cheekruffs red. o O { I've got to get out of here… } He pulls the sword free from the sheepdog as he brings his newfound weapon, the shovel, up to intersect with the figure eight pattern being made by the blackjack. Then he strikes a gutting blow toward the Kavi right in front of him with the sword, he hopes his aim is good. He may not last much longer…
The blackjack rains one more blow across the fox's muzzle, splitting his lip before the shovel fouls the swing pattern. Suddenly the Kavi's voice screams out in a hoarse cry as his bowels spill out into his lap, the chitin sword pulling a crimson stream through the air as Jarik recovers. The kavi crumples to the ground, trying to hold himself together as he bleeds his life into the filthy sand, clawing at Darius' leg as he moves away.
Darius staggers backwards and looks to the alleyway, can he reach it? He needs to get out of here before he collapses… His vision blurs again and he shakes his head slightly. Next his eye and ears train on the father and the giggler. They are still a threat… He needs cover to make his escape…
The Father Kavi curses as his friend falls, hurling his throwing knife at Darius now that he has no chance of hitting one of his fellows…
Darius' ears focus on a sound of the air being cut… He tries to move… There is nothing but the sound of a whipping blade approaching the fox and he begins to move to the right… Then a sickening thud and a howl of pain. The blade found its mark, in the fox's chest. It stuck hard and is protruding quite far; it may have hit bone, it doesn't look like it sank too deeply…
The giggler screams in a mad rage, charging Jarik so fast he can't possibly get away.
The father Kavi "Ha!"s and hobbles forward favoring his leg heavily as he moves to see his handywork. "Got him I did. Aye!"
Darius's instincts react to the scream, his mind is on the knife in his chest. Moments before the giggler reaches him he drops to one knee and grips the sword in both hands and thrusts it out in front of him like a pike. May the gods find favor in his soul if he fails.
"Ahhhhhh-EEEEE??" The giggler runs into the sword. Eyes open in shock and surprise. "Shekels!" He yells at Darius, scrabbling at his vest as his eyes start to glaze, the sword prutruding from the center of his sternum. "Shek-ellllsssssss… "
The father Kavi stops short. Eyes open in surprise… slowly filling with something else… fear. "You couldna be alive." He shouts, backing away before stumbling on his bad leg. "It hit you sound! Through the heart!"
Darius blinks, the scream reawakening his concious mind. He looks up, his amber eye meeting the gaze of the impaled Kavi. For a moment, they stare at each other… The fox watches the shadowy figure of death overcome his would-be killer and part of his soul weeps, he has never liked to kill. Each life he takes tears at his soul. He pushes himself to his feet and withdraws his blade with a sickening *slurk!* and turns to face the father. He isn't sure how he's still alive either, but he is… "*Cough* I was dead a long time ago… in another world… Now… *cough* do we continue until we both fall, or do we end this stupidity!? Look at this senseless mess! *cough* Look at the wasted life! Look to your son! Do you want him to grow up without you?" The fox winces as every bone and muscle scream, "Do you want him to grow up without a family?"
Darius's left hand holds his chest where the knife is lodged, a crimson streak down the front of the shirt, "I have no family, no home, no place to go. *cough* I am an exile! That sword is all I have left of my past." The fox breaks into another coughing fit. "You… you… have a reason to live."
Darius glances up to the child in the window, "You have something I'll never have… May I at least have my past and honor?"
The Kavi scrabbles backwards thumping against the body of the sheepdog who groans with a sickening gargle. He looks around panicky at the apparition before him, walking with knife protruding from his chest. "Noo… Have mercy." He throws his club at the fox and huddles up protectively, "Yes! Yes. Don't make my son live alone. Or his mother and five sisters."
Darius towers over the father, "Just tell me where my sword is and I'll go. Lie to me and I'll return and no quarter will be asked or given. You have 5 seconds to decide." *cough* He shakily raises the sword in a killing position…
"The Kavi, once defiant, cowers against the ground. "The market seller Rajar. Third plaza south side."
The fox manages a smile, "There." He sheathes the sword and sighs inwardly to himself, glad to have put that weight down. He couldn't hold it much longer… "Now… go to your son and bind your wounds." *cough* Without looking at the death that surrounds him, the fox staggers back into the alleyway and towards home…
Darius remembers to pick up his cloak on his way into the alley, groaning as he does so…
The alley continues to have eyes, boring heavily into Darius' back. Murderer! They yell at Darius although his soul knows he had no choice.
In the alleyway Darius pulls the knife from his chest. *RIP!* … { Rip? } he thinks and looks down at the blade. Neatly stuck on its tip is a single copper coin. The last one in his moneypouch. The fox begins to chuckle and and breaks into another coughing fit again. His soul is so weary of the death that seems to follow him… He fought to protect his life, this his soul knows to be true, but… Was there another way?
The noise of the busy marketplace beckons before him. One thing is certain. He'll live another day to find out.