(OOC) -->
Called the 'Gem of Xenea', this only lives up to its name if you happen to be filthy rich and never set foot out of one of the few posh hotels set up to accommodate the wealthier tourists. The rest of this city is a wide-ranging testimony of squalor. Outside of the 'Visitors' Sector', there are no services, no police, no street cleanup. But within that special area, it's a different world entirely, it seems a vibrant celebration of an idealized, shiny, polished version of the 'exotic' locale that is the Savan.
The Eastern Flower has made its first stop in its journey that will eventually take the Abu-Dhabi-registered passenger liner to distant Half Valley, further to the north.
It is in dock, and will be so for a time, at the port city of Safar, the only urban area of any note in this otherwise wilderness-dominated region of the Savan Territories, Xenea.
So, it is perfectly normal for passengers to disembark to see the sights, though many may find it just as agreeable (and cooler and less expensive) to remain aboard the passenger liner for much of the duration. A small Khatta family is not part of that latter crowd, though, even though they've come in the "Great Deal" accommodations. The father Khatta, Dominic, winces as he tries to stretch a pain out of his back, to no avail. "I think they switched our room with that little Priest's… "
"They all looked the same to me, Dad," Jynx replies. "Besides, we're where we want to be now, and you don't have to worry about it anymore."
A black Vartan makes his way through the crowd with three spotted felines in tow. "Stick together everyones. Is easy to get lost here."
Dominic looks down at Jynx. "Worry? I have PLENTY to worry about. For one thing, I'm not planning on moving to the jungle. We have to endure a ride BACK to Rephidim, you know. And I do hope we'll get back in time for the rest of our cruise, once you've led us on this little … ah … adventure."
Ahead is the Hall of Ancients … a faux 'authentic ancient Nagai temple' that is topped with a 'granite' hand curled into the sign for "Enthusiastic but Formal Welcome". That is, it's in "Nagai Silent Sign", of course, if you ask any of the tour-guides. They don't call it "Savanite Sign" here.
A Savanite next to the black Vartan nods to him, indicating the tourist trap.
"Quit complaining, Dom," the young cat grins, "You enjoyed the trip and you know it. Besides, once we get to where we're going you may just want to stay after all."
"Dom?" The father's ears flatten back. "Now, listen here, young man! That is Father to you, so long as you live under my roof! If you insist, you can revert to 'Papa' or 'Dad' or 'Daddy', but not 'Dom'!"
Zoltan nods back to the Savanite and lets out a loud whistle to the four Khattas in front of him. "Feli! Feli! I thinks we need to go in there" He gestures to the 'temple'.
The young black Khatta's ears flatten as well in embarrassment, "Okay, okay Do-, er, I mean Dad."
Eve lets out a squeal upon turning to see the whistling Vartan, and points over at a spotted cub she sees following the aforementioned black Vartan. "Look! There's POUNCER!" Louder, she yells, "Hellooooo, Pouncer! Wait up!"
Eve then turns and bolts back toward Pouncer, even if the Khattas were technically closer to their destination at the time…
Pouncer, a young spotted cub, bounces up and down, and squeals back. "Eve!" she mews loudly. "Howdyhowdyhowdy!" she adds in a Vartan scrawk.
Jynx turns as well, waving to the Vartan and his crew, "Let's go into this temple, Dad; that way we can talk to Zol-, er, the Baron for a bit."
The Vartan smiles and shrugs his shoulders at Eve's parents, giving them the universally known sign (by parents anyhow) that means 'you know how kids are' as the two cubs greet each other.
Dominic smiles and waves to the Vartan. "Greetings Baron Cambio! Ah … this is the place, right? Somehow, I'd expected something a little less … " His smile mellows. "… conspicuous?"
Lylia smiles. "I think it looks very pretty. Especially with all those proud-looking Naga statues lined along the steps leading in, and how the entrance looks like a giant serpent's head! It's a little morbid, though, as we're walking right into the mouth… "
Jynx flattens his ears in the manner that teenage cats use when they are embarrassed by their parents, "No, Dad, this isn't it."
Dominic looks confused and consults his map. "You're certain? I thought this was the 'Ancient Temple of the Golden Serpent'.
"I was no sure what to expect at all. This seem as good a place as any for us to meets up with our guide." Zoltan scrawks, "At least it probablies cooler inside."
"Meet up with our guides yes," Jynx says, "but the ceremony isn't here. And 'ancient' isn't the word I'd use for this place." The Khatta grimaces at the temple.
Dominic says, "Oh," hiding his look of embarrassment.
The Vartan starts towards the stone Naga's maw. "Come on then. Mights as well no keep them waiting."
"Race ya!" squeals Eve, as she launches off toward the gaping plaster-and-brick 'Naga' maw, with Pouncer behind her and quickly catching up.
"Wait! I have to get TICKETS!" calls Dominic, to no avail. With yet another frustrating look of embarrassment, he heads up to the ticket booth, and purchases tickets. "I … ah … The kitten is with me."
Zoltan hastens his step, not wanting to let the cubs out of sight.
Jynx nods, and follows behind the Vartan, "Where are Eve and Pou-" He is cut short by the answer to his question racing by.
As the cub and kitten rush in, the 'jewel' eyes of the serpent-gate light up. Gas-light, perhaps? Or maybe some low-paid mages. There is a sound of a gong, and a wind rushes through the corridor inside the gate, bearing a musty odor (intermixed with a few hints of candy to be found in the souvenir store at the end of the attraction, at 'bargain' tourist prices! It says so right on the placard next to the ticket booth.)
The ticket-seller points to a sign that says "Reserved". "The attraction has been reserved for a special party from the Eastern Flower." The Kiriga ticket-seller taps on the sign for emphasis.
The black Khatta inches closer to Zoltan, "Where exactly are we supposed to meet the guides? I don't think they mentioned it in my invitation," he whispers.
Jynx blinks, once again his question is answered on its own it seems.
Dominic digs around in his pockets. "I am off of the Eastern Flower. I'm Dominic Kurai and this "
"Aha! The Kurai Family! Yes, you're on my list here. Go right on in! No tickets necessary. Have fun! And beware the Curse of the Ancients!" The Kiriga adds this in a fake-sounding 'ominous tone', whilst smiling.
Feathers bristle on the Vartan's neck at the sight of the 'effects'. "Hrr… you gots name listed for Baron Zoltan Cambio?"
"Yes, we do! Welcome, Baron Cambio!" The Kiriga smiles. "I don't think we've had so many royalty at once in the Temple. Not since … the ancient days, of course."
( Probably means that Justinian is here. He probably loves this place, ) the hippogryph thinks to himself. "Thank you," he scrawks and motions for Star and Enos to follow along behind him as he enters the Temple.
The black Khatta fights to keep from snorting out loud, "C'mon dad, let's go on in; it'll be cooler inside."
The 'eyes' light up again, followed by more of the same 'special effects', as the two families enter. The corridor goes down some steps, and it does indeed get cooler … and even a bit damp and muggy. The reason for this becomes clear, as the sloshing sounds of water can be heard, and the corridor widens into a large antechamber with a water-filled channel running through the middle. Pouncer and Eve are stooped down by the side, dipping their paws in the water and splashing at each other, under the watchful eye of a four-armed Rokuga in 'authentic ceremonial slave garb'.
A long, slender boat glides into view, coming through a tunnel arch at one end of the channel, gliding slowly up until another Rokuga reaches out to bring it to a soft stop with a guiding pole, and lead it to the nearest edge.
Jynx grimaces a bit, not to happy about the fact that he has to get on a boat. They run on water, you see. Not only that, but the last time he got on an enclosed canal, he got attacked! Sighing, he reluctantly steps into the boat, "I guess this is where we go."
The boat is ornate, if in need of a little bit of touch-up work, as some of the "gems" have cracked and peeled, revealing them to merely be shiny paint over wood. One wall of the 'ancient chamber' is devoted to legal statements and disclaimers in several languages, and a two-armed Shiga runs through the same liturgy, reading from a script. The short of it is that if you can't swim, you can take the alternate route to the "Hall of the Ancients" at the end of the ride. Added to the normal legalese is the Hall of Ancients is the site for a party to be held for the distinguished guests from afar.
Zoltan offers a hand to the felines to help them aboard before stepping in himself.
Dominic looks a bit reluctant to step in … but as he sees that JYNX doesn't fall in, surely it's safe enough for HIM! So, he takes the proffered hand and steps in, as does his wife. Pouncer and Eve rock the boat when they get in, though Star makes sure Enos doesn't cause an incident.
The Vartan scoots around a bit, trying to seat himself so his wings won't get in the way or accidentally bump into anyone. "At least the person in Creen costume no around this time… " he murmurs.
Wiping stagnant water off his seat, Jynx sits down as well, frowning at the dampness of the situation.
With a shove from the Rokuga manning the push-pole from the shore the boat drifts down the channel, without anyone steering, toward the tunnel, sculpted to resemble yet another serpent's maw to swallow them up. This one, however, does not flash its eyes or make a roar when they go through. However, it does get quite DARK as they pass into this corridor, as there are no torches lining the walls now only the ambient light that comes from the previous chamber, glinting off the flowing waters.
Zoltan carefully reaches out a hand to touch Star and the cubs, as if reassuring himself that they're still there.
Pouncer clutches onto Zoltan tightly. Enos and Star are still there Star holding Enos securely in her lap. Every once in a while, the boat veers a little one way or the other … but then bumps against something. An unseen guide rail of some sort? Whatever, it stays on course, navigating the gentle curves of the tunnel.
Jynx shivers slightly at the ride. Darkness usually doesn't bother him, but the total blackness is unnerving. "I hope this thing hurries."
Suddenly, lights appear! Two great serpent's eyes with flames behind them that open, up and ahead! There is a long susurrating hiss that sounds like Imperial speech, and then, in Rephidim Standard, the voice demands, "Who dares enter the Hall of the Ancients? Behold, you shall be subjected to the Test of the Serpent! The unworthy shall perish in its waters, and only the worthy allowed to pass!" There is another speech, this time in a higher-pitched squeal that doesn't take as long, and at last followed by booming laughter.
Protectively, the Vartan puts an arm around Pouncer, and another one gently rests on Star's shoulders. At the sound of the booming voice, every feather on Zoltan's body suddenly sticks out.
Eve and Pouncer squeal (while Enos has somehow fallen asleep) as the sounds of churning waters can be heard, and the boat rocks! It careens forward, through another 'snake gate', and the noise echoes from all about!
The black Khatta flares his nostrils, if this was a real temple, the builders had a strange sense of humor. He holds on tight to the sides of the boat.
"Behold! The wrath of Amen-Kaa against all infidels!" booms the voice again, this time from another direction … and, again, repeated apparently in Imperial and Eeee.
The boat DROPS a few hundred feet … or maybe two inches … and is assaulted by great tidal waves! Sprays of water assault the boat and its passengers as the boat is tossed helplessly about!
Through twists and turns the boat careens, occasionally passing through areas of dim light where a hole in the ceiling allows just enough sunlight to see some nasty-looking statues in the flooded ancient temple, gazing balefully at the intruders as they pass.
Jynx YEEEEOWLS! as he is drenched in the not-so-great-smelling water of the temple. "Lemme out lemme out!!"
Dominic yowls as well, losing all sense of dignity. Eve shrieks!
( Third-Eye… you have one evil sense of humor… ) Zoltan coughs and sputters as the water drenches him.
More rounds, more echoing laughter, more glimpses of ancient Naga grandeur … and at last … could it be? The rushing waters recede … and there's light at the end of the tunnel! Safety at last!
Shivering, Jynx looks ahead at the light. "Thank the Star!"
Pouncer tugs on Zoltan's arm. "Gotta go," she mews.
Zoltan gently pats Pouncer's head. "Just a bit longer. It almost over." ( Hopefully… )
Another booming voice echoes, "Ha ha ha! You have escaped the wrath of the waters, but the anger of Amen-Kaa is against you, mere mortals! Behold, I shall collapse the very temple upon you! Ha ha ha!"
And then the waters churn, and a rumbling noise echoes through the walls! The sounds of rocks crashing into each other and into the water can be heard all about!
Dominic YOWLS again! Eve squeals, almost sounding as if she's LAUGHING. Oh, the poor kitten, breaking under stress!
Now that there's some bit of light, Jynx's vision kicks in. Clawing into the side of the boat, he looks up. "Hey, there aren't any boul- ACK!" He sees what looks to be a huge rock, but it turns out to be nothing more than a shadow. None of this, of course, changes the fact that Jynx is getting wet.
Zoltan just closes his eyes. It's almost over… and he knows that somewhere, somehow, Third-Eye is watching all of this and her ears are probably wiggling so hard that they're about to fall off.
At last, the boat, rather than being crushed by falling rocks, glides out of the corridor … and into another chamber. A few Rokugai can be seen, one of whom reaches out with a pole to pull the boat ashore. Before that happens, though, a retreating voice can be heard, proclaiming, "Bah! You have escaped the wrath of Amen-Kaa for now … " and then trailing off into ominous laughter.
Funny … Nobody seems to be nearly as wet as it seemed they were getting during the ride. Just a bit of a spray, really.
To a Khatta however, a bit of spray might as well be a whole ocean. Jynx stands up from the ride, and wipes himself off, "Remind me never to meet people here again, no matter what!" He looks rather miffed.
The rest start disembarking. Almost as one, Eve and Pouncer look to their respective parents and mew, "Again!"
Jynx glares down at Eve, "How about we just throw you in?"
The Vartan creaks open an eye and looks around. Then he starts to follow behind Jynx. "Maybe laters," he scrawks to Pouncer, and then whispers something to one of the Rokugai.
Eve seems to have miraculously avoided getting even the least bit wet during the ride.
The Rokuga blinks, then nods, and points to the little kitten's room, just over yonder.
"Thank you," Zoltan scrawks and then hustles his cub toward the room.
Through a gateway leading out of the chamber, another chamber can be seen beyond … which, from what can be seen so far, looks like a reasonably authentic "ancient Naga temple". Minus the blood sacrifices, of course.
Once the 'little cub' issue has been taken care of, it's a simple matter of finding one's way to the "Hall of Ancients" … where there are several other guests gathered, and basically standing about, being catered to by Savanite and Jingai servants.
Shaking the last of the water off, Jynx makes his way into the 'Hall'. "I guess this is where we meet them, since its about the only place left."
Slowly, the Vartan leads his family into the hall. He looks around for familiar faces. "Yah. Hopefully they no spray water on us here."
A human with disheveled hair and a Rhian shadow looks up at the new arrivals, and waves with his free hand, the other holding a cup of clear liquid which is probably just plain water. "Greetings, Baron Cambio, and Merchant Kurai!" He must have met Dominic at some point during the journey.
But a moment after this greeting, though, a Shiga servant in gaudy robes pulls out a scroll from an assistant, and reads off, "Greetings and well-wishes given freely to our distinguished guest, Baron Zoltan Cambio of Mountain Shadow Tribe, Hero of Paradys, Redeemer of Shadow!"
"Greetings, Czarevich Justinian," Zoltan scrawks, pausing to give the Shiga a quick bow in response.
The Shiga, taking another scroll, reads, "Greetings and well-wishes given freely to our distinguished guest, Dominic Kurai, Merchant of Rephidim, Father of Feli Kurai! Greetings and well-wishes to Feli Kurai, Son of Dominic Kurai, 'Unlucky One', 'He of Many Names and Furs', 'Slayer of Bromthen Forest-Hogs'!"
Several bows and waves and other traditional greetings echo from those gathered. If the servants and attendants are put aside, there might be about ten guests here and their families and/or entourages.
Jynx looks embarrassed at the 'Unlucky One' title again, but brightens at the other titles (no matter how corny they sound). He smiles a gives a wave to the human, after all, he's not the diplomatic type.
Of the other parties represented, there is of course Czarevich Justinian, representing Sylvania, introduced previously to both Zoltan and Jynx. He smiles and waves back to Jynx as well. Perhaps the young heir is not overly absorbed with diplomatic peculiars, either.
The young Khatta makes his way over to Zoltan and the human, "So is this where we meet the guides? I didn't expect it to be so… obvious."
Not far away is a barbaric-looking Shiga with a sharp bone running through his nostrils (a bit more severe of ornamentation than it would be on a human, since he does not have a protruding nose), and adorned in attire that features prominently bones of presumably quite large creatures. Whether he is ambassador or king is hard to tell, since his appearance brings no particular nation to mind.
A Cervani in a nicely-pressed uniform adorned with several medals that incorporate a five-cogged gear design mingles with a Korv in priestly robes but a priest not of the Rephidim Temple, apparently.
"So, what you think of Amen-Kaa's ride, Czarevich?" Zoltan scrawks, looking over each of the guests.
Czarevich Justinian chuckles. "I enjoyed it. The rest of my party, however, elected to use the 'secret passage' directly to the Hall of the Ancients." His hair does look a mite bit damp.
Jynx grimaces, "Maybe that's what I should have done. I could have lived without the water." The cat wipes at his fur unconsciously.
"I hope they gots translators. Only languages I know is Handsign, Standard, and Vartan," the hippogryph says.
What looks at first like a child walks by, dressed in a bright red uniform with gaudy trappings and a purple cape. At first glance, he's a dead ringer for Brother Gavriel, but, no, this must be yet ANOTHER one of those Aelfin. My, but they suddenly are popping up all over the place…
Justinian smiles. "I shall gladly volunteer my services. I have a certain … knack … for languages. I've been often told it's the only thing I do well." He smiles.
A flabbergasted-looking Shiga runs to block the way of a winged alien approaching the entrance to the chamber. "Excuse me, madame, but I am quite certain you are not on the guest list. This is a PRIVATE party. The sign out front quite clearly indicates that this has been RESERVED. Now, I can show you the exit, just over that way… "
Envoy frowns at the Shiga. "I'm not here as a guest. I'm the recorder."
Jynx turns his attentions away from the Vartan and Human, over to the chamber entrance. He gives a bit of a frown as he realizes who it is, "Uh oh. I thought she was going to stay on the ship?"
"Oh! That's the bard from the cruise, correct?" says Justinian in a nonchalant manner.
Zoltan casts a nonchalant glance over his shoulder at the Aeolun, "She gots a way of showing up in places. I startings to get used to it."
Envoy waves to Jynx and Zoltan over the Shiga's shoulder.
The Shiga protests, "I have been told NOTHING whatsoever about a … 'recorder'? Now, if you have no identification, I must INSIST that you leave immediately. There are representatives of several nations here, and you could cause an INCIDENT."
Jynx grimaces, "Should we let her in? I mean, if she wasn't invited and all… " The Khatta looks about, unsure of what to do.
Envoy blinks. "I am also a representative of Shkarkin Hive." It was easier to get past the Intimidator than it is to get past this lizard…
Rubbing the side of her muzzle, the Exile adds, "And possibly an Ambassador for the Cephieds… I'm not really sure about that though."
The Shiga looks more nervous than before, and says in a loud almost-whisper, "PLEASE … I haven't time for this. If you are representing anyone, you should check with your embassy… "
Envoy says, "Zelaks don't have embassies."
"I thinkings about it. If she was no invited then it may be trouble if she come, and she maybe accidentally insult one of ambassadors or poke her nose where it no belong," Zoltan scrawks, his eyes still studying the area where Envoy stands.
Jynx nods with a slight grimace, "Not to mention that Dominic would go ballistic with her around." He sighs. "I guess we shouldn't then."
"Well then," says the Shiga, looking quite frustrated, "I simply have no choice but to ask you to leave. You are most certainly not on the guest list, and I am under STRICT orders… " The Shiga looks apologetically past Envoy. "I'm terribly sorry, sir … Ah, please do enter, and welcome to the Hall of Ancients." The Shiga tries to push Envoy to the side to make way for the next party.
Envoy frowns and steps aside, but doesn't leave the outer chamber. She's certain that somebody will vouch for her eventually.
Dominic is nearby but apparently not in earshot, studying some "authentic Naga statues" … or trying to look interested, as Lylia seems to have taken a fascination with them, and how they serve as oversized plant-holders.
A Templar delegation heads past Envoy. The central figure, in robes and cowl of red and black, addresses the Shiga, saying, "The Cobalt and Magenta Lances will be in shortly. The Cobalt Lance insisted upon taking another ride, and the Magenta Lance is to make sure they don't fall in."
Envoy tries to get a peek under the cowl without looking too interested.
Jynx takes a glance at his parents, glad that they are otherwise occupied at the moment. He turns back to the entrance and sets his ears slightly back, "Did they have to bring so many templars? I'm sure you-know-who won't be too happy with this."
Alas, the cowl is facing the wrong direction. However, another Shiga at the doorway steps up as the Templars pause briefly, and reads from a scroll, "Greetings and Well-Wishes to Inquisitor Raphael Melchizedek, here on behalf of Rephidim Temple, Shining Jewel of the Sky!" With that formality out of the way, the party moves right along, joining the assembled guests.
Envoy practically falls over at the announcement.
The Aeolun has difficulty deciding which is more shocking: that Melchizedek is there before her, or that the Temple actually chose the right person to represent them.
"Rephidim is powerful country, and Knights Templar is sort of separate from Temple if I understands correctly. They both gots a right to be here," Zoltan says softly to Feli, studying the Inquisitor.
The black unicorn strides into the chamber, flanked by his entourage, murmuring something to a Templar next to him … and wrapping that up as he walks up to the uniformed Cervani. "Greetings, Ambassador Ironrack. It has been so long… "
The black Khatta frowns, "I hope they're here just to attend the ceremony, and nothing more than that."
An odd-looking Shiga with eyes that telescope out at odd angles like a chameleon's shuffles up to the one with Envoy and says, holding out a suction-cup-tipped hand, "Nanasa! We have an INCIDENT! Come at once!"
Nanasa hisses, "I have a problem right he Oh, you have that LOOK in your eyes. Is it THAT bad?" And reluctantly the Shiga joins the other and they head back out … leaving Envoy conspicuously unguarded.
His eyes falling back on Jynx, Zoltan replies, "Rephidim no attack Babel directly after they declare war on Rephidim and attack they ships. They waits until Babel come to them. I no see why Rephidim change thats now… if they no gets attack, they no attack back."
"Yeah," replies Jynx, "But the Babelites weren't their one-times slaves either."
Envoy wonders what incident has the Shigai so concerned, and takes up a new position guarding the doorway… and wondering if she should tell anyone inside the chamber that something's happened.
Nothing presents itself to Envoy's vantage-point as being a cause for Shigai concern. The Rokugai waiting for incoming boats seem fairly laid-back, on the verge of falling asleep, really. If there were a nice warm rock to lie on in the sun, they'd be unconscious for sure. But nothing really out of the ordinary.
"They also no help to save Rephidim. Temple knows what they do, and probably know Rephidim owe them big for it as well," the Vartan replies, looking back up again to study the Inquisitor… It's as though he's trying to place his face somehow.
Looking over her shoulder into the chamber, Envoy checks to see if Zoltan or Melchizedek is looking her way, so she can sign to them.
Melchizedek seems to not have noticed the bard in the doorway. He has now moved on to the Aelfin representative. The nicely-robed Templar (whose uniform is hard to place perhaps an ambassador?) beside him seems to have struck up a lively conversation with the diminutive representative of Aelfhem.
Jynx doesn't look too comforted, "I know, but from what I've seen about the temple, they might be more concerned with their image, instead of a bunch of runaway slaves they owe favors to."
Envoy makes a short scrawking noise, hoping to catch Zoltan's attention.
"The Temple help heal my master, and watch over my children… I know they seem frightening, and there very good reason for it, but they no seem type to suddenly attack, especially at something like this." Zoltan's ears perk at the noise and he glances over in Envoy's direction.
Envoy quickly signs, "Something unexpected. Shigai left," one-handed when the Vartan looks her way.
"They take guards with them?" Zoltan signs back. "It look like something dangerous? They could have just ran out of Bromthen pate'."
Jynx looks over to where the Vartan glances, watching the signed conversation.
"Just the Rokuga out here. No sign of anything else," Envoy signs back.
Zoltan shakes his head just a little. "I no worry abouts it then." He makes a soft sighing noise. "What you doing here?"
Although the conversation might have some ramifications later, Jynx's attention is turned elsewhere as a Savanite servant walks by with little cuts of Bromthen ham. The Khatta's mouth begins to water, "Uh, excuse me for a minute Zoltan… "
Envoy just blinks at Zoltan for a moment. Finally, she signs, "To witness the conclusion of what we started. The Secret Door is opening."
The Savanite servant looks back to Jynx and smiles in greeting. "You made it!" she hand-signs with her free hand.
"Door?" the Vartan signs back.
Envoy leans over to look at the exit of the secret passage, signing over her shoulder, "Passage leading here from front of Temple."
"Anyone coming?" Zoltan signs, slowly edging away from Jynx and moving towards Envoy.
Envoy signs back, "Nagai." She also looks around to see if Nanasa left the guest list behind.
Hand just stopping short of the platter, Jynx's Eyes go wide at the familiar face. "S-Setting Sun?" A quick glance across the room reveals her sister, First-Dawn. "What are you two doing here?" His eyes go wide in fright, "You haven't been made slaves, have you?"
A number of scrolls, most with seals broken, are on a table, where a bored Shiga announcer and his equally bored assistant wait.
Zoltan frowns and gives up trying to look inconspicuous. He speeds up his pace and tries to get a look at the 'secret passage'.
Setting-Sun shakes her head. "Not at all! We're just helping out." Her ears wiggle.
Envoy steps to one side of the doorway to let Zoltan past.
Jynx looks puzzled, "But… how can you move around the city like this?"
As Zoltan moves over, he and Envoy are just in time to see the Nagai delegation come through the 'secret passage'. It consists of a large boa constrictor who enters with an entourage of Jingai guards. However, it seems he isn't the high-ranking official of this party, as he is followed by a nearly pearl-white Naga whose scales faintly suggest the markings of a water moccasin, and who wears ornamental attire that indicate he must be of some sort of distinguished position, complete with oversized pauldrons connected across the chest by a hanging silver chain, and a cape that is swept over one shoulder.
Setting-Sun looks around, then signs back, "When freedom is not given by birth, shekels will buy it for a time." She wrinkles her nose.
Envoy whispers to Zoltan, "Do you recognize any of them?"
"It alright. They supposed to be here," Zoltan signs, and then sidesteps a bit to allow them room to enter. "No," he whispers back.
"You paid?" Jynx signs, still a bit confused. Soon, he smiles, "It's good to see you again; are you are guides through the Jungle?"
Setting-Sun nods and smiles, and hands Jynx some ham slices from the tray.
Envoy turns her attention to the announcer, to see if he looks surprised.
Jynx happily takes the slices with a nod of thanks, and downs them rather quickly. "When are we supposed to go? And for that matter, is it just you two they sent? Is seems a bit dangerous." The Khatta looks concerned.
Once the delegation enters the chamber, the announcer doesn't look surprised at all. "Greetings and well-wishes to Lord Makoss, Vizier of Safar, Winner of the Imperial Award for Meritous Contributions to the Study of the Ancients, here representing the Nagai Empire, great overseers of the Savan."
Envoy relaxes at the announcement, and steps away from the door as well.
The black Khatta flattens his ears at the next announcement, "They even invited them? Why? "
Zoltan bows low to the Nagai as they enter, resisting a smirk playing across his beak.
The white snake raises a hand, waving off the greeter. "I am not here to mingle." Louder, and with only the barest hint of an Imperial hiss, he says, "I am here to make it clear to those here that this gathering is in violation of Imperial edicts. Your recognition of a rebellious faction of Imperial citizens is an affront to the Emperor's benevolent rule of the Savan."
Envoy blinks.
Jynx turns to look at the delegation. Okay, so maybe they weren't invited.
All heads turn toward the Nagai delegation, and all polite banter ceases.
"They must be the incident the guards left to deal with," Envoy whispers to Zoltan.
The white snake turns his attention toward the Templars. "The Emperor-Potentate is especially wounded to see that Rephidim Temple is lending credence to this act of rebellion. Although we have acted charitably toward your government for ages, and allowed you great freedoms afforded to no other nation in the Savan, of late you have stung us again and again with the venom of insults against our dignity as a sovereign power. This is no bluff. This affront shall not be tolerated."
Zoltan folds his arms across his chest, frowning.
Justinian sips at his water. He turns to his Rhian assistant. "The royal family would disapprove if I started a war with the Nagai Empire, correct?" The Rhian attendant nods solemnly.
Since she's not part of any diplomatic delegation, Envoy feels she can get away with asking the obvious question without serious repercussions. "How exactly do you intend to manifest your intolerance, Lord Makoss?"
Jynx winces at the Aeolun, this time she's really done it.
Makoss narrows his eyes to slits as he turns to regard Envoy. "You are all to leave these premises immediately, and to return to your nations of origin at first opportunity. Any travel to the ruins of the City of Hands, or attempt to resist will be seen as defiance of the Emperor-Potentate's wishes … and seen as provocation an act of war."
Envoy looks back into the chamber to see how the others react to that statement.
Jynx's ears flatten all the way, both in fear that he will miss the coronation, and in anger at the Nagai.
The Aelfin representative tugs at his collar, then walks up, bowing to the white Naga. "It is the wish of the High Council of Aelfhem to remain on friendly terms with the Nagai Empire. We are a peaceful nation… " His diplomatic-ese carries on, but can be summarized by his act of pulling together his diminutive entourage … and leaving the premises.
Dominic ahems, and looks nervously to Jynx. "Ah … I don't think I want my store to be at war with the Nagai Empire… Dear?" He looks as if for confirmation from Lylia.
Jynx glares at his father, "I can't leave, Dad! I need to stay!"
Dominic looks to Jynx. "We have no choice, son."
Envoy muses aloud, "Nagai Empire Declares War On Rephidim Pottery Shop. That will certainly enhance the Empire's status in the eyes of its citizens." She does refrain from sounding sarcastic, however.
The black Khatta looks as if he were about to run, "I'm staying!" With that, he does run- back into the water ride.
Dominic lets out a resigned sigh … and under the baleful watch of the Nagai guards exits with his family.
The Temple delegation steps forward. There is an uncomfortable pause, and then Inquisitor Melchizedek speaks. "It is our interest to maintain favorable relations with the Nagai Empire. However, Rephidim will not bow to intimidation such as this. You are aware of the proper procedures to file a complaint through accepted diplomatic channels."
The Vartan turns and moves deeper into the room, picking up a cup from a tray. "Was interesting experience being a Baron. I know that my island is no match for the Empire, and I sure that Empire could easily destroy it… but Paradys WILL be at the ceremony and will no allow itself to be bullied. I staying."
This seems to change the mood of many present. Czarevich Justinian holds up his cup of water, sipping from it, and then says, "I have an intention to visit this ceremony as well. I have no intention, however, of declaring war with the Empire. I agree with Rephidim. Submit your complaints through proper channels."
A couple more ambassadors back down, but the bulk of the 'party' remains. It would seem the Empire's bluff is being called.
Zoltan holds his drink out to Justinian and the Inquisitor, as well as all of those who choose to remain, offering each in turn a quiet salute.
Vizier Makoss looks most displeased. "This is not the last you will hear of this, I assure you." And with that, he and his delegation depart.
Envoy steps into the Chamber herself now, and bows to the black unicorn in Temple robes. "It is good to see you again, Inquisitor Melchizedek. The Temple hasn't been the same without you."
After the snakes leave, Zoltan drinks his glass in one quick gulp and casts his glass aside. He approaches Justinian, "Thank you. And I fear he rights… we will be hearing from him again."
A Kiriga steps up on a 'stage' of sorts, and addresses the gathered guests. "Your hosts are most sorry for the disturbance. Thank you for coming from so far away. Now, we are prepared to lead you to the caravan heading deeper into Xenea to the City of Hands… "
Melchizedek nods to Envoy. "Many things are changing with or without me."
Zoltan looks around the room, studying each of the reptiles in turn. He then tries to find a Savanite 'servant' to flag down.
"I know the feeling," the Exile says to the Inquisitor.
A Savanite heads over to Zoltan, nodding to him, hands clasped together. She looks much like the one Jynx was 'talking' to.
The Vartan looks around, and then unfurls a wing to hide a quick bit of handsign.
The Savanite servant nods back to Zoltan.
Zoltan refolds his wing and clasps his hands behind his back. His expression is one of surprise, but a smile plays along the edges of his beak. He gives the Savanite a quick nod and focuses his attentions back on the 'host'.
The rest of the evening, compared to the intrusion is uneventful … and the party at last wraps up, and the guests are ferried (in less adventurous and much drier fashion than they arrived) to a waiting caravan of Dromodon-pulled carriages.
The carriages in turn head toward a riverboat, where the passengers change vehicles again. Pulled by unseen water-serpents, the ship goes against the current, riding far more calmly than the "Hall of Ancients" ride.
The Procession lights shine dimly down from above upon the deck of the ship, with not a cloud in the sky to obscure the stars.
Envoy whispers to the Inquisitor, "So… did you still want to hear my report on the return trip to the City?"
The Inquisitor, looking out across the water, says, "I see no reason why not."
Zoltan leans on the railing, listening to the sound of sloshing water below and gazing at the darkness ahead. He only movement is the occasional flitting of his tail to swat at the occasional bug.
Pouncer claps her hands together. "GISH!"
Envoy whispers her report to the Inquisitor, hoping it will prepare him for what to expect in the City.
The Vartan winces. "Pouncer, I want you to wash you hands before we get off ship, understand?" He pauses, and then adds, "How many bugs you up to now?" Might as well keep up with her counting exercises.
Pouncer holds up her fingers. "Six!" The number of splotches on her palms matches.
Zoltan pulls a couple of feathers out and kneels down in front of the cub, carefully scrubbing at the splotches on her hands. "Watch out for bug that look like shiny rock. Is hurt my hand last time I here. Bugs here no like ones in Rephidim."
Pouncer nods several times. Only time will tell if any of that sunk in.
The ship continues onward, up the river, the banks of which rise to form the Xenean Canyon. For two days, the ship travels, making several stops along the way to bypass numerous obstacles that make river travel to the City most inconvenient and exceedingly hazardous for those who are not familiar with the way.
As it continues along, it at last passes under a broken natural bridge, and through much rubble … which changes, revealing that maybe that wasn't rubble after all … but an outlying guard post. And that bridge was standing after all! Lights shine, indicating that this 'ruin' is indeed inhabited. Savanites in robes greet the travellers. In Savanite sign, they are told:
Welcome to the City of Hands