16 Harvest, 6106 RTR (Jul 19, 2006) Tasha returns to the Temple of Abaddon after speaking with her friends, receiving new challenges.
(Aaron) (Amazonia) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) (Tasha)

The room that Layth and Aaron have been given by Tyche is smaller than the one her daughters share. The bed is also more traditional – a giant four-poster of Olympian design, still large enough for several adults though. As the sun begins to shine through the curtains, this last point becomes obvious as the light creeps over the sleeping forms of Layth, Tasha and Aaron, the half-Vartan between the two bucks with her wings spread over them like an extra blanket.

Layth's nose twitches and one eye cracks open. His head rolls to the side and he finds himself looking at a Vartan instead of Aaron. "Well, I … guess her visit with Tyche went badly," the buck murmurs. He starts to quietly extract himself from the wing and bed.

Blinking awake as the light shines in her face, Tasha frowns as the sun a moment before burying her head against Layth's side. At least, she does until he moves. "Come back 'ere," she complains, sounding sleepy. "I wasn' done tryin' to hide from the sun." She sighs, then, and cracks her eyes open again. "I 'ad this 'orrible dream where Tyche was chasin' me aroun' with a collar. Then, I 'ad all these kids and married 'er!"

On Tasha's other side, Aaron begins to stir and crawl out from under the mass of feathers. "Mmmph," he says before yawning, once his head is clear. "Surprisingly comfortable," he murmurs.

Layth's brow arches at that. "Hmm, I guess the wine here is stronger than Master Ligthfoot claims," the buck notes. "I presume that your visit was not the most pleasant?"

"It was no'," Tasha confirms. She pushes herself to sitting on her knees, now, folding her wings to her back. "Tyche an' I talked abou' all sorts o' things – trade, Calli, Vartans mixin' with Lapi, clans, an' such – an' it seemed like she 'ad it all in 'and." She stretches her back, then lifts her arms towards the ceiling to stretch those, too.

"Mmm, she wants you to think that," Layth notes as he stretches idly, then goes down into a full leg split. "She is used to having to discuss with others who lead, so she must always appear the one in control. Now, the reality is less, of course."

Aaron wakes up completely in reaction to the sudden view of Tasha stretching, and scoots out of bed and into a robe with amazing speed. "Is anybody hungry?" he asks. "Why don't I go get us some breakfast? Yes, I think I will."

"She seems righ' in control to me," the Vartan insists. "She 'as all this, us, an' wha' do we 'ave?" She twists her head around to peer at Aaron, then nods. "I'll 'ave somethin'. Sleep well?"

"Oh, great!" Aaron says, heading for the door. "Wingpits are much more comfy than armpits," he adds before leaving the other two to themselves.

"She has all this because people accept she has all this," Layth points out and rolls forward, stretching out his arms. "If she showed weakness or faltered, another clan would take the lead and she would no longer be the queen. So, she has to always appear in control, even when she isn't. Would a woman perfectly in control have lost a shipment to some shady traders?"

Tasha laughs at Aaron's response, wiggling her fingers after him as he goes. "'E's no' so bad," she remarks. Turning towards Layth, she nods a little. "I guess so. Never really 'ad to talk to anyone like 'er before. Cap'n Eyeshine doesn' put me in charge much. Come to think o' it, I bet 'e does the same thing she does."

The buck slides his legs backward, then curls forward and slowly pushes himself up into a handstand. "Most likely. I've seen traders act similar during trades. I believe it is also sometimes called … a game face? Forgive me if I do not have the terminology right," he says, then starts doing slow pushups … while in a handstand.

The Vartan puts her head on her hand, grinning as the buck stretches. "I do like to watch you do tha'," she comments, sounding amused. "An' as for Tyche, do I 'ave to jus' … fake it, like? Tough it out an' play like I 'ave it all, an' I'm in charge? Come to think on it, I did get a contract out o' 'er. She'll 'suggest' to Calli tha' she sign a deal with The Rake. Aaron's goin' to 'elp me out with that."

"Mmm, I'm sure she had an 'angle' as traders like to say, but that's something. Just be careful with what you agree to," the buck advises. "Forgive me, but one thing you must do better is to remain calm, or at least appear calm. If you get agitated, they have the advantage."

"I was calm," Tasha insists, sitting straighter. "I was even polite. I only yelled once, an' tha' was for … " she waves a hand as she tries to find the word she's looking for, " … emphasis, aye. I do know she wants us to 'ang aroun' Calli a bit more. She even wants to find Vartan women who will try an' have Lapi children." Tasha just shakes her head. "It's an odd place, Amazonia."

"That would be ill advised," Layth notes and lowers down, touching his nose to the floor. Then with a hard shove upward and a kick of his legs, goes back upright and onto his feet. "Having winged Lapis would give Lady Tyche the advantage she wants. And with that, she may go after her neighbors, or so says Master Lightfoot."

"S'not like she'll 'ave 'em soon, or even ever," Tasha says dismissively. "Jus' tryin' to convince the Vartans I know to give it a go would be a trick, bu' actually 'avin' kids of it would be even 'arder. Odd ones like me, we're rare." Tasha scoots to the edge of the bed as she talks, then hops off. "I'm sure she's keepin' an eye on me, to see if I can 'ave kids with anyone 'ere."

"Mmm, we do agree on one thing, it seems," Layth notes offhandedly.

"Wha's that?" Tasha asks as she walks over to the stretching Layth.

"You're odd," Layth notes with a small grin. And the buck then tries to make himself busy by straightening up the room.

Tasha's ears shoot up, rather like a Lapi. "Wha'? 'Ey!" She chases after Layth and wraps her arms around him, pressing her muzzle against his arm as if ready to bite. "I 'ave to go to the Temple soon," she tells him.

"I've got breakfast on the way," Aaron says from outside the room. "Are you two… uh… ?"

Layth just sighs as if suffering when he's grabbed. "Yes, Master Lightfoot, we're planning on showing Amazonia the true way of love making, which involves going until we break the bed," the buck notes. "Or she's trying to bite me for calling her odd before informing me she's about to go to the temple."

After a moment, Aaron asks, "Is it safe for me to come in then, either way?"

Tasha laughs at Layth's remark, grinning wickedly back at Aaron. When the smaller buck asks, Tasha lets Layth go, nodding to Aaron. "Aye, come in. I don' 'ave time to fool aroun' with 'im right now anyway," she replies.

"Yes. So, I will have to 'fool around' with you instead, Master Lightfoot," Layth notes with a chuckle. He resumes straightening up the room.

"Ha ha," Aaron says, coming back into the room. "Back to the Temple again, eh? Are they going to tell you your fortune this time?"

"I tol' you I was wonderin' abou' 'im an those Gladiators. Now I 'ave to wonder abou' you, too." Tasha walks lightly over to where he clothes are hanging, then picks through them until she finds her small clothes. "All tha' talk abou' spoonin' … " She shakes her head, smirking. Glancing back, she nods. "Aye, today's the day."

"Just make sure they let you come back here before sending you off somewhere," Aaron notes, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Right, Master Lightfoot expects a goodbye kiss. Isn't that right?" Layth asks and glances to the buck.

"Yeah, that's… what?" Aaron asks, looking confused for a moment.

Tasha begins dressing, now, donning the complicated leather armor she was given by Clan Hydron. "'E expects a lot o' things," Tasha remarks, pausing to waggle a finger at the two men. "An' as for comin' back, I go where Abaddon wills."

"We'd still appreciate knowing where Abaddon wills you to go," Aaron says.

"Indeed," Layth agrees. "That way we know how long of a leash to request be made."

"Well you can jus' come with me then," the Vartan offers. After securing all her small clothes, she pulls the leather armor over her head and begins adjusting the straps. "Oi, you're jus' full o' laughs today, Layth. I never knew you 'ad such a sense o' humor."

"Humor? Forgive me, I do not no of which you speak," Layth deadpans.

"Those Khatta traders probably gave him an entire encyclopedia's worth of off-color jokes," Aaron suggests.

"I'm seein' tha' now," the Vartan says with a hint of a suffering sigh in her voice. "I guess no one's perfect. 'Ad to trade somethin' for that body o' his." She finishes securing the straps, tugs the skirted leather to ensure it fits right, then smiles. "I got the 'ang o' this," she comments to herself, sounding pleased.

"So, are you going with her to the temple?" Layth asks Aaron.

Tasha walks back over to Layth, then stands on her hoof-tips to give him a kiss.

"Me?" Aaron asks, looking surprised. "Why me?"

"Because she asked you?" Layth points out.

"I asked you too," Tasha says, looking up at Layth. "Are you comin'?"

"Would I be welcome?" Layth asks as he fluffs a pillow.

"Oh, I thought she was kidding," Aaron says, smiling. "We could just sit outside and wait for her, Layth."

"O'course, you know I like 'avin' you arou- … Oh, oi, you mean by the Temple? I can ask. If no', you can wait outside, like Aaron says. Lots o' interestin' people outside the Temples," the Vartan answers.

"I have no plans this morning, so I could go," Layth answers and gives up on the bed. The buck finally gets dressed.

"We'll escort you then, Lady Aldara Tasha," Aaron says, giving a fancy arm-sweeping bow. "Right after breakfast."

"My 'eroes," Tasha says, with a hint of a laugh. "Better kiss me while you can, Layth – once inside I 'ave to act proper-like."

"Tsk. I shall not. Forgive me, but it is not proper to taunt the knight before the quest," Layth notes and waves his hand dismissively. "Plus, it will ensure you'll actually come out again."

"Used to be I didn' 'ave to work so 'ard to get a kiss out of a man," Tasha says, sounding amused. "Lapi-land 'ere may be rubbin' off on us all. Well! I better eat, don' know when I'll 'ave a chance again." She grins over at Aaron, gesturing him to bring the food forth.

"Have you thought upon which facets of your being you have neglected in the past?" the faceless monk asks Tasha at the beginning of her morning session at the Temple of Abaddon. Once again, the room she is brought to is much like a cell, although with a small window providing sunlight and fresh air. This time, however, the monk is already there waiting for her – and presumably has the results of the divination ritual on what Tasha is supposed to do for Abaddon.

"I 'ave," Tasha says as she enters. She gives the monk the salute of Abaddon, then kneels down before him.

"And what qualities do you have that you feel you have overlooked, but may now be nurtured?" the monk asks.

"Well, Aar- Xavier says I listen. Seems to me I talk – an' yell – a lot, bu' I don' listen like I could. If I listened more, I might learn somethin', rather than tryin' to be a fool abou' it by talkin' up abou' something I don' rightly know," Tasha answers. She bites her lip a moment, thinking, and continues. "I've always 'ad a way with the pteras – those are the creatures tha' pull me ship – bu' I never really thought abou' it. I can read a bit, more than mos' on the ship, an' Cap'n Eyeshine taught me 'ow to use a bow. I'm quick on me feet, see better than most, an' I can smell better than mos' too. It's me blood tha' does it. Vartans see, and Jupani smell. I got a bit o' both."

"Would you develop these further by learning to focus your concentration?" the monk asks.

"You mean, do I wan' to, or could I?" Tasha inquires, leaning forward. She makes a point of not trying to peer under the monk's hood. She really does want to, though.

"Do you think learning to focus would help you?" the monk says, rephrasing the question.

Tasha thinks on that a moment, too, before answering. She bobs her head, thinking it would. "Layth tells me I need to learn focus. Come to think on it, I think I've 'eard that a lot lately. Cap'n Eyeshine says it too. "Skrawk, you no watch boys Tasha! You watch clouds," 'e's always tellin' me," she replies.

"You shall be trained to focus your mind and senses then," the monk says in a whisper. "This training will be difficult at first, but you must complete it."

"I'll give it me all," Tasha says, trying to sound upbeat about the challange. She's looking forward to proving herself, and she's glad to voice it. "Jus' tell me wha' I 'ave to do."

"You will report here again to be assigned a trainer, although you may not have the same trainer for each phase, nor may they all be at this Temple," the motionless monk says. "There is the matter of your Task as well, which you will undertake once you are ready."

Tasha nods again. "I'll be 'ere, you can bet your sails on it," she vows. Then, after tilting her head and perking her ears, she says, "I'm ready now, if tha's all the same with you. May I ask wha' my task is?"

"The Oracle has determined that you are to go to The Gash of Fenris, in the mountains," the monk answers.

"Tha Gash of Fenris?" Tasha asks, having never heard of the place before.

"Yes," the monk says. "Your Task will make itself apparent to you at that place."

"Fair 'nuff." Tasha glances at the door, wondering if her companions will want to come – and what, exactly, the Gash of Fenris is. "'Ow will I get there? I don' know Amazonia all tha' well yet, an' I can' exactly bring me airship across the boarder."

"How you proceed, and who you bring, are up to you," the monk explains. "You are expected to be resourceful."

"Oh, well, shouldn' be a problem. I already 'ave a few ideas on who to ask an' who to bring," the woman says. "In fact, I bet Xavier's clan might 'elp out, an' I think Layth wan'ed to go up north anyway."

"Regardless of who you bring or who gives you aid, you will be the leader," the monk points out. "Make wise decisions."

Tasha laughs a bit nervously. "Well I wasn' plannin' on makin' dumb ones, bu' no one ever does," she comments. "I'll do wha' I can. I can ask for advice, aye?"

"Of course you may," the monk says. "Wisdom comes from learning from one's mistakes. It also comes from learning from those of others."

"I bet Xavier 'as lots of mistakes to learn from," the Vartan says. She laughs a little a moment later, seeing the comedic value in her originally innocent remark. "When do you wan' me to leave?"

"When you feel you are ready," the figure whispers.

"No time like the present – s'what I always 'ear people sayin', an' I think it's good." The woman pushes up with a hand, her hooves clip-clopping as she gets to her feet. "Its been good talkin' to you again. You're right 'elpful, even when you're mysterious."

"There is still one more task you must perform for me," the monk points out.

Tasha flicks her hair over her shoulder, settling her weight on one leg as she puts a hand on her hip. "Ohhhh, right," she breathes, nodding.

"You will return here in the morning, and tell me who I am," the monk says. "I will allow three attempts, but you must argue your reasoning for each one."

"I guess it's good tha' I didn' try an' peek," Tasha says, sounding a little morose about the whole affair. Who is 'e? I don' even know if it is a 'e! She suddenly look very intently upon the figure, trying to puzzle out anything revealing about the monk's size, shape, or body style.

Almost anything could be under those robes, and the few occasions on which Tasha saw it move don't reveal much either.

"Remember, you are not a god anymore," the monk says. "Do not fall into the old habit of thinking like one."

Tasha frowns, wondering how she's supposed to puzzle out something that could be anyone – or anything. She sniffs at the air, trying to locate a familiar scent. Or, for that matter, any scent coming from the monk. "Right, think abou' the people aroun' me, live with 'em, be a part o' things. Listen, see, an' don' see wha' I wan' to see or hear wha' I wan' to hear," she says in agreement.

The room, as always, smells of incense.

"Precisely," the figure says. "Your friends wait for you in the garden."

Whoever 'e is, 'e's tryin' 'ard to 'ide 'is body from me. Tasha bites her lip, thinking on that. Which means tha's no' 'ow I'm s'posed to figure this out. Intentional, like. It's 'is words. Tha's the key. She inclines her head, then repeats the salute of Abaddon. "May Prosperity arise from Blood and Chaos, through the Grace of Abaddon." An' 'e knows where my friends are, bu' did anyone come an' tell 'im? Oi, an' 'e said someone described me to 'im, so maybe 'e's blind. A blind monk …

"May Despair be temporary, and your sword be sharp," the monk replies - a response to the blessing that Tasha hasn't heard before.

Tasha blinks at that, nodding in perplexed surprise. Another clue? I'll 'ave to ask abou' tha' reply, never 'eard it before. Uncertain what to say, any with her friends waiting, Tasha takes a step back, inclines her head again, before turning and departing.

Out in the garden, Layth and Aaron sit next to a statue and watch two acolytes practice some kind of ritual dance involving armor and curved swords.

"The curved swords are likely symbolic of … "Layth is in the middle of commenting to Aaron when Tasha walks in.

"Welcome back, Tasha," Aaron says, grinning. "So, do you have to throw yourself in a volcano or anything?"

Tasha smiles at the two men as she approaches. "I'm 'eaded to the Gash of Fenris," Tasha replies to Aaron. "I can bring whoever I wan', bu' I 'ave to get there on me own, an' work out the rest meself when I get there."

"Okay… never heard of that place," Aaron admits. "I don't suppose they gave you a map to it or an idea of where it is?"

"That is a considerably difficult location to reach," Layth comments idly.

"Not a thing," the Vartan answers Aaron. She glances at Layth when he comments, asking him, "Do you know where it is, Layth? I know it's up in the mountains; didn' you wan' to go tha' way too?"

"Only vaguely. It's far up in the mountains," Layth replies and turns to look at Tasha now. "Father up than my tribe generally traveled."

"If it's up high, Lucia might know about it," Aaron finds himself saying.

Layth nods. "Possibly," he agrees. "It will be very dangerous to travel there."

"I was already thinkin' o' askin' your clan for 'elp," Tasha tells Aaron. She walks over and takes a seat near Layth, asking, "Do you wan' to come with me as far as your clan 'oldin', Aaron? I can ask Lucia there, an' maybe ask abou' some sort 'o transport."

"Do you intend to travel there alone?" Layth inquires.

"If you want to go to Kerebos, I need to go with you, yeah," Aaron says.

"No' if I can 'elp it," Tasha answers Layth. "Bu' I don' wan' to endanger anyone, either, aye? I'm s'pose to lead this trip, an' if anyone gets 'urt, it'll be my fault. I can only bring who wan's to come, can 'andle it, an' knows 'ow dangerous it might be." She casts a smile at Aaron in thanks as she talks, for his reply.

Layth nods. "Well, people will likely be hurt. You had better be prepared for that. You cannot let that cloud your judgment, nor halt you from doing what is necessary," the buck notes.

"If you can't find someone who knows the way though," Aaron says. "You should rethink the whole deal."

Tasha bobs her head in agreement, but insist on explaining. "'E didn' tell me wha' I 'ad to do, OR 'ow importan' it is. It's importan' to me, an' quite likely others, bu' I won' know until I get there." Then she shrugs a little, smiling faintly. "Tha' said, any o' you wan' to come with me?" She looks between the two men, eyeing Aaron especially. "An' done feel guilty abou' sayin' no, Aaron. I know you wan' to adventure again, bu' I also know you wan' to come 'ome alive."

"We'll start with Lucia," Tasha adds in response to Aaron, "if she don' know, then she might know someone who does. An', if tha's fails, I'm tryin' the Temple o' Logos an' Primus."

"The big libraries, that makes sense," Aaron says. "Lucia is still probably being kept to light duties, so we shouldn't have a problem finding her at the villa."

"If I am not needed by Lady Aisha, I will attend. At the very least, I speak the language better than you," Layth replies with a small nod and then a smile.

Tasha leans over and pats each man's leg in turn. "Fair 'nuff! Now, when did you two wan' to 'ead over to Kerebos?"

"I suppose we could go now," Aaron says, looking at the position of the sun. "We could be there in time for lunch."

"I can leave anytime. Lady Aisha was going to spend the day with Tyche's daughters, I believe," Layth notes.

"Let's go see if we can bum a ride on a wagon then," Aaron suggests, standing up and presses his palms to his lower back as he stretches.

The Vartan rises with a bounce, grabbing Layth's hand as she goes. She tugs on it, trying to pull the man up gently. "Well, best be off then. I 'ave to be back in Temple t'marro mornin', bu' tha' gives me some time to prepare tonight," she says.

"Want me to pop your back?" Layth asks Aaron as he gets up as well. "It would feel better."

"Well, I suppose it's okay," Aaron says to Layth, looking uncertain.

"I need to ask a few questions on the way ou'. Jus' follow along an' I'll meet you outside, quick as The Rake," Tasha adds, glancing towards the exit.

Layth walks behind Aaron and wraps his arm around him, holding firm. He then presses the palm of his free hand against Aarm's spine and does a firm push forward while pulling back with his arm. There's an unsettling cracking sound and then Layth lets go. "It is done," he says.

"I think you broke 'im," Tasha remarks, sounding startled.

"Gah, I never want to hear that sound again," Aaron says, but does feel better.

After asking her questions, Tasha meets the two bucks outside the Temple. "Well, I foun' out tha' the Temple will 'elp me out if I give them a detailed list o' wha' I need, so they're no' sendin' me out shekeless." She takes Layth's hand, then smiles. "An' no much luck with the res' o' me questions. Let's'ead out, an' see abou' lunch if we're quick abou' it."


GMed by BoingDragon

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