New Year 2, 6104 RTR (3 Feb 2000) The Champion of Shadows journeys to Zahirinee, and receives a disturbing prophesy.
(Airship) (Shadow) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona)
The Blazing Sun
This zeppelin was disassembled, shipped section by section through the Gateway Tower, then reassembled on Sinai, with the addition of Chronotopian quantum stabilizers and other gadgetry, making it look almost too whimsical to possibly be a military vessel, with its brass trim, and a motif of a stylized "sunburst" with an equally stylized human face on it that appears on the envelope and in the brass- and wood-work throughout the vessel. Quad fans propel the craft at a leisurely pace when an air mage isn't available to boost speed, and the undercarriage is rimmed by translucent chitin plate windows reinforced with wire mesh that can be opened up to admit fliers.

The Blazing Sun has made its trek across the Stygian Sea, stopping at Abu Dhabi, two paquebots, and a small supply station on the Gigi Coast, en route to the wilderness territory of Zahirinee. It is conceivable that the craft might have been able to skip some of its stops, but in a time of war such as this, it is best to keep the load light, and replenish when one has the opportunity to do so, for tomorrow it might be necessary to take a long detour to avoid a Babelite blockade, or to outrun attackers.

The passengers on the trip include Violet Lance, also known as "Shadow Lance": a mountain of a Vartan known as the Champion of Shadows, a tough tiger-Sphynx known as Vague, and an almost frail-looking Creen-winged feline known as Shade.

Along with them travels an Eeee mage by the name of Wynona Windcaller, picked up in Abu Dhabi. While she has not forsaken her Guild membership and the neutrality of the College Esoterica, she justifies her involvement based on a personal interest in helping Governor Zahirinee, and the technicality that no Babelites have claimed responsibility for these attacks … so theoretically these could be "monster attacks" with no political connection.

Now, the zeppelin glides over the forested mountains and foothills of Aelfhem, as patches and streaks of pink foliage can be seen interspersed amongst the green. The ship turns northward, having bypassed as much as it can of Ashdod holdings, so that it can make an approach to Zahirinee as directly as possible. It's afternoon, and it should be evening by the time the ship reaches Zahirinee.

Shadow quietly peers down at the trees below as the ship travels across the lands. He scans the ground intently for signs and hints of the war or of the strange golem creatures even though the ship has a ways to go yet to Zahirinee. He's been quiet for most of the trip, although has made a point of greeting Wynona and re-introducing himself.

No sign presents itself of any golem activity. Whatever these golems have been doing, they haven't been laying wanton destruction across the countryside, at least. But then, so far, this has been wilderness, not the fields that would surround most settlements.

A lupine Guard walks up to the Champion and salutes. "Sir, we will be making landfall soon. Per our instructions, we've randomly selected a drop point, to frustrate enemy attempts to have an ambush waiting for us."

The Champion rustles his armored wings and salutes the guard in return. "How far will it be from Zahirinee?"

The Guard smirks. "I don't know, sir. It will be just within the lands of Zahirinee. As for the Governor … he's supposed to meet us there. Has something to do with him being a seer and all."

Shadow nods his armored head. "Thank you. Go fetch Vague and Shade and the air mage and let them know we will be leaving soon."

The sound of the zeppelin's engines lower part of an octave, and for a moment, the deck can be felt to shift slightly as the airship slows and changes course. "Ah. Must have made the course change now. I'll summon them right away, sir!"

With that, the wolf turns on his heel and marches quickly off to find the others.

The armored Vartan quickly goes to gather his supplies and weapons for landfall.

The Lancers have just enough time to gather all their things together before the craft skims low over the trees, passing over a glittering river that snakes its way through one of the valleys. For a randomly chosen destination, it seems like it couldn't have been picked better, for there is a clearing near a turn in the riverbank.

There's no need to throw down moorings, since all of those going ground-side have their own wings, of course … though there are a few Vartans and Aquilans lending a hand carrying some of the heavier equipment down to the ground for now.

"Be ready; we have enemies here. Wynona, stay close to me. Shade, stay close to Vague." The Champion nods and starts to climb over the edge of the ship to wing his way downwards.

There's a faint buzzing in the Champion's head, letting him know that Shade has already put up some sort of ward – just in case – and it looks like she has a held spell as well, judging from the wispy glow about her forearm. The Lancers and their mage assistant bail out of the zeppelin, staying well clear of the propellers, and circle down toward the ground.

Shadow scans the ground warily and then heads for a clear spot on the riverbank to land. "Do you see Zahirinee here, Mage Wynona?"

Wynona shakes her head. "No, but … " She touches down, looking about, followed by Vague and Shade.

The Champion's keen eyes pick out something in the trees where Wynona failed to – and as soon as it's obvious that he's been spotted, the robed mage descends from his perch in the tangle of branches, alighting upon the ground. "Welcome," says the bat. "I am Governor Zahirinee." He bows. "Welcome to the lands that the kind people of this land have opted to call 'Zahirinee' as well."

The Champion bows in return. "I am Shadow. These are my Lancers, Vague and Shade. I believe you know the air mage." He spares a wary glance around the clearing and then drops into a hoarse version of Eeee. "I've been given word of your trouble with the golems. How may the Shadow Lance assist you?"

Zahirinee bows his head in greeting to each of those gathered. "You are renowned for your expertise in fighting magical constructs and those who create them. The monsters that have been plaguing the outlying villages have been terrorizing the people. Casualties have been light, as people reckon them in times of war, but the people feel helpless, and I think this an attempt to weaken the resolve of the people and encourage them to turn back to Babel."

Zahirinee says, "As you well know, I have some ability to see things beyond the normal senses that we all have, but this is limited when I am dealing with patently magical and secret subjects. Many are the ways to hide from the eyes of a scryer a single warrior or golem, though not so easy the movements of massed troops."

The zeppelin slowly lifts up and begins to drift away.

"I would like to hear all that you can tell me about these creatures… but perhaps that should wait until we've settled in and can swap tales without fear of attack. I don't know how safe these lands are." The Champion hefts a duffel bag full of camping supplies.

Zahirinee nods. "Yes. Let us be away." He claps his hands, and several more bats emerge from the trees, moving to assist with the baggage and supplies. They are garbed in attire of green and brown – as is the Governor, incidentally – though their attire is mottled and speckled, making them blend in with the foliage if viewed from a distance.

"Be cautious; you all are trained in hiding." Shadow wags a finger at the two Lancers and follows after the Eeee.

The group arrives at a camp of tents pitched near a placid pool. A short bridge runs near one edge of the pool, and a humble cottage stands nearby. The calm of the scene, however, is compromised at a second glance, as one sees fortifications along a perimeter, and slightly concealed nets and other anti-flier defenses set in the trees.

Zahirinee says, "I can offer you my own humble abode for your use as a base of operations, since, despite its appearance, it is as well defended a position as any in these parts. However, if you choose to pick a less conspicuous area, any number of villages would be more than happy to extend their hospitality toward you."

"We shall go wherever we are needed, Governor. Now… tell me more about these creatures. Are they elemental golems or spirits or something else?" The Vartan sets his bag down and studies the fortifications, nodding his approval.

Zahirinee says, "Alas, our reports have been from villagers, not trained observers. They can't be expected to tell one type of manifestation from another, and many of their stories are colored by local myths and legends, 'filling in the blanks' to fit with those myths, I suspect, in order to add to the credibility of the tale. But I cannot explain this all away as some desire by so many to tell tall tales. Something unnatural has been appearing, bypassing fortifications, striking at the villagers, sometimes collapsing a building or grabbing a lone victim, then disappearing before the surprised villagers can retaliate."

"That the creature chooses to flee rather than stay and fight suggests to me that it is not something invulnerable," the seer adds. "And I refer to 'the creature' because I am not convinced that there is more than one … though I cannot discount that possibility. All sightings are of a moving mound of earth and stones and pieces of wood and foliage, remotely humanoid in shape, but largely featureless."

The Champion nods. "Is there a particular spot where these attacks appear to happen more often, and have you recovered any of the creature's victims to confirm that it is killing them instead of simply kidnapping?"

The seer shakes his head. "No, no bodies have been recovered. I have tried to peer into the scrying pool to see if I might discern the whereabouts of any victims after the creature had … finished with them … but to no avail. There seems to be a deliberate magical attempt to conceal the creature's activities from my warding. Hence, I suspect deliberate magical origin, rather than the actions of some malevolent nature spirit."

The seer adds, "The attacks seem to be deliberately random, with the exception that the creature does not strike the same location twice in a row."

"Then there is no discernible pattern? It does not perform sweeping raids on villages in a row or clustered together? How far apart have the attacks been, distance-wise?" The Vartan taps a talon against his breastplate as he ponders.

Zahirinee waves to a bat to the side. The other bat bows, confers with another, and then brings some papers over. They set a map down on a pedestal, and weight down the corners with rocks. "Here is a map of the region of Zahirinee," he says. "These marks show the locations that have been hit. Please ignore all these circles and sketch-marks … they are a result of vain attempts at trying to draw some sort of pattern. There are many villages and countless farmsteads spread across the country, far more than the marks on this map." He taps at the spots.

"The attacks have not been entirely regular," the seer says. "When the next attack has been further away from the last one, there has been a longer lull. That would suggest that the creature has to spend time traveling. Sometimes, it presumably bypasses a viable target in favor of another one. It seems to consciously avoid choosing the closest possible target for its next attack."

Shadow kneels down to inspect the map a bit better, counting off the number of villages that have been attacked and trying to find the most recent one. "What precisely does it do when it strikes a target? Does it seem to be deliberately looking for a kidnap victim or does it make a point of causing as much damage as possible before it withdraws?" He ponders. "And does it show any preference in the targets it chooses? Rich farms instead of poor ones, young maids instead of old men and women?"

Zahirinee ponders this. "Hmm. Let me see… " His assistants shuffle through sheaves of notes that look to be filled with all sorts of mundane statistics. A bookish-looking bat who looks entirely out of place amongst warriors says, "Here you go, sir!"

"Ah, thank you. Let us see … Wealth … Mmm. Yes, I would say, that given a choice, there may well be a trend there. It tends to pick the wealthier targets first," the seer says. And then he raises an eyebrow. "Hmm. It would appear that every single one of the reported abductions is of a young maid." He looks up at the Champion. "Do you have a theory in mind?"

"Selecting targets would hint at intelligence… which means that the creature is either under the control of a mage or could be a malevolent spirit of some sort. Golems are usually not very intelligent if left to their own devices." The Knight folds his arms. "Spirits usually must feed from a host, and in my experience they often choose a host similar to themselves or something that they find desirable or attractive – another indication that there is an intelligence behind this."

Zahirinee nods. "Does that mean that the golem might be … consuming these victims?" One of his ears droops a little.

"Or draining their spirit energy, if that sort of magic is involved. Five years ago in Rephidim there was a similar incident with a spirit that possessed female foxes and Zerdas. This creature might be anchored to one place or could have a lair, and sends the golem out to bring it things to use to feed from." Shadow focuses on the map again, planting his finger in the center of it. "Is there any location around here that is considered to be haunted or cursed? Perhaps a location where a female Eeee was murdered."

The seer raises his eyebrows. "Ah, my good Champion … this, I'm afraid is Ashdod land. There are many such locations that could be described as such, though not nearly so many as if we were closer to Babel."

The Knight nods. "It is still nonetheless a place to start. Have you gotten reports of any odd behavior from the creature that might serve as some sort of clue to the personality behind it? Has it shown a particularly strong anger against a certain type of place or person or spared someone when it appeared that it could have murdered that person instead? I understand that your reports are fuzzy, but even the slightest quirk might give some hint."

Zahirinee ponders, then says, "I'm afraid the reports haven't specified anything that might confirm or deny such a theory. It seems to exist to show up, destroy something or grab someone, then wreak havoc until an armed response arrives, at which point it vanishes into the soil."

"Does it make any kind of effort to keep the victim it holds unharmed? If one is destroying things while holding a person, then the person might suffer some damage as well." The Champion continues to study the map, tapping the spot of the most recent one.

Zahirinee says, "It reportedly swallows up the victim inside its body, if it can be called that."

Shadow places his palm on the map. "Are there any cave formations below the ground here?"

Zahirinee ponders this. "Yes. Yes, I believe there are."

"Do you have a map of them? Particularly one we can overlay across the current one? It may help us disqualify certain targets in the future and perhaps pick where the next one might be a bit better." The Champion straightens himself.

Zahirinee nods. "I'll have to have one drawn up, I'm afraid. For what it's worth, you recall that I said that I could not scry on the exact location of the monster, nor of its victims? I have, however, had some limited success in scrying on individual locations in the near future to see if they might be hit by the monster. I cannot, of course, scry all villages, so I have been narrowing down my search on the areas closest to the last attack."

"Unless I have missed a possible target," says the bat, "we have perhaps two days before the next attack. The golem appears to move much more slowly than we can fly, though it has still evaded attempts to locate it."

"Then my lance shall prepare ourselves for the creature's next attack. Meanwhile if you can find any entrance points to the caverns or… " Shadow grows thoughtful for a moment. "If we implanted some kind of enchanted item within the creature, would it be easier for you to follow? If it engulfs a victim, I do not wish to risk a civilian's life by swinging my sword straight through the monster, but if I could shoot a dart with a focus on it we may be able to pursue."

Zahirinee snaps his fingers. "That may be a plan. It is conceivable that if the monster suspects, it could simply shed the projectile, or perhaps still shield itself from our scrying attempts, but a physical link just might break its wards against our surveillance."

"Unless the person controlling the creature knows of the Violet Lance, it may think of us as simply shooting arrows vainly at it. But it is still something." The Champion glances over his shoulder at the two Lancers. "Shade, do you think you could build a warding circle that we can use to keep the golem from taking any of the maids from the village? You may also be able to aid Zahirinee in helping us hide the foci from the creature's detection."

Shade inclines her head quietly in a nod.

Vague says, "So, I guess we need that map of the caves, and then we'll try to examine it for a pattern and try for our best guess at where this monster may pop up next?"

Shadow nods. "Correct. Depending on how much of a battle it gives us, we may follow it underground. We will probably need spelunking equipment as our wings will serve little use, and lanterns to help us see, if it comes down to it."

Zahirinee nods. "I'll see to it that this is arranged, and that all of our resources are prepared for your further perusal. Now then … I would be most honored to show you my hospitality this evening. And, for the Champion of Shadows, I wish to show my gratitude by a special honor I reserve for guests of your distinction."

The Champion tilts his head to the side, curiously.

The seer explains, "This pool is enchanted, and despite numerous setbacks, it allows a remarkable ability to see what cannot otherwise be seen, from time to time. I offer you a chance to make use of the pool, for one question that you may ask of it. I must warn you that while it is capable of revealing many things once thought secret, it does have its limitations."

The bat continues, "If you ask of the future, it will show you a possible future, rather than an unchangeable fate, and your mere observation of this possible future may well change its course. If you ask the pool for advice on what you should do, its answers may well be subjective indeed, for its interpretations of what 'should' be done may be quite alien to the interests of mortals such as ourselves."

The bat says, "If you ask of the past, it will only go back so far … and if you ask of the Age of the First Ones, you would be quite gifted indeed to make any sense of the images it produces. And whether you ask of past, future or present, if the answer has been deliberately shrouded by magic, the answer may be particularly obscure, if it is able to answer anything at all."

Shadow lets his head drop. So many things struggle for attention in his head, for the one question that he should ask … asking to see how Third-Eye died so he would know really and truly if she died at the hands of the snakes, her own hands, or if the body that was buried in Safar was a fake. Or asking about Shokar and what became of him, if he's still undead somewhere in Necropolis at Amenlichtli's side or if he was destroyed long ago. Or maybe he could ask for a way to help Shade become stronger again… or a way of helping bring the Knights Templar back to their glory… or who killed the Emperor Potentate. "I… I may need some time to think about what I may ask."

Zahirinee bows his head. "That is very wise of you, Champion. Please keep in mind, the pool will answer by showing you visions. That which is not easily answered by being shown … is not easily answered. Now then … your rooms are prepared for the night, and, in recognition of your desire for privacy, I shall have the food delivered to your rooms. If there is anything that you require, please feel free to ask. You are our most honored guests here."

"Thank you. We could use some materials to bathe with and polish and mend our armor, but a private place to eat and sleep before we prepare anew tomorrow." The Champion bows. ( I should probably confer with Shade and Vague as to what I should ask as well. I would not have become the Champion were it not for them, and they deserve some share in this knowledge. )

Zahirinee says, "It shall be done." He claps his hands, and a foursome of Eeee maids come up to the group. "They will show you to your rooms, and tend to your needs. Thanks to the innovations of the College Esoterica of Rephidim, the last time they came here, I have more than enough accommodations for you."

Wynona's ears blush faintly.

The armored Vartan casts a glance in Wynona's direction. "Mage Windcaller, I consider you a friend and a comrade. If you are not busy, you are welcome to come and visit me tonight… although I will probably not be able to venture out of the cabin until the morning."

Wynona bobs her head in the Champion's direction. "As you wish, sir."

Shadow nods and heads towards the cabin, bumping lightly against the two lancers. "Hope you like eat bugs." he signs, adding a small quirky hand-sign equivalent to a secret laugh. With all the Eeees about, a whisper would easily be heard.

Some time later that evening, after meals have been consumed, gear has been checked and rearranged, miscellaneous items have been cleaned, and other minor duties out of the way, the Violet Lance meets in the main room of the Governor's cottage, which seems far more roomy inside than it appeared from the front.

There's a timid knock on the door. Vague and Shade both look in the direction of the door reflexively.

"Come in," Shadow scrawks, carefully examining one of his arrows.

The door opens up, admitting first a couple of white and pink bat ears, then the rest of the air mage's head. "Good evening," she squeaks, then quietly shuffles in, her robes rustling quietly as the closes the door behind her. "I just thought I'd stop by."

"Good to see you Wynona, please come in." The Champion tugs on the hood of his robe and places the arrow back in its quiver.

Wynona carefully avoids looking directly at any of the Lancers' faces, even though they have obscuring cowls. She finds a spot to sit down, neatly folding her wings behind herself, and her hands in front. "Well … quite a job we have here."

"I'm honored that Zahirinee asked for us to come, and equally as glad to see you again. What have you been doing with yourself while the war was going on?" Shadow pulls his helmet into his lap and carefully inspects the air filters inside.

Wynona says, "Well, since the College Esoterica made it clear that it was being neutral about the whole war … and since so much fuss had been made about the Khattan Emirate being neutral … I pursued some employment opportunities there for a change. Besides, the air is great for my allergies."

"So what made you decide to come here? Will I be seeing you in Rephidim more often?" the Champion scrawks, putting the helmet down beside him.

Wynona says, "Well … what made me come here was that it has to do with Zahirinee. And I've been tied to two disasters here, although I know the second one wasn't my fault. I'm hoping to be part of something that goes right for a change, so I can pay back Master – er, Governor Zahirinee for what I owe. And I figure that going along with, well, the Shadow Lance is about as good a chance as I have for riding in on the coattails of victory!" She smiles brightly.

"Thank you for your confidence in us, Wynona." Shadow leans back in his seat. "My home is still open to you should you ever wish to come by and visit. The children remember you fondly."

Wynona giggles. "I'm rather fond of them, too. They're adorable!"

"Of course they are." The Vartan's beak hints at a grin from what little pokes out from under his hood. "Do you plan to accompany us when we go and search for this golem? You realize that it might decide to go after you as a target."

Wynona nods, looking faintly grim. "Yes … but I pack a little more punch than the average farm-girl."The bat giggles. "That is … when I have time to prepare!"

Shadow pulls his hood back a little to peer at the Eeee, the white scar over his right eye is easily visible against the black feathers of his face. "I would suggest perhaps trying to freeze the creature if you can. That sounds like the fastest and cleanest way of capturing it. But don't put yourself in danger. If it comes after you and you're not sure if you have time to attack it with a spell then get into the air. Do you understand?"

Wynona looks at the floor, rather than looking up at Shadow's face. "Freeze? That may be a bit tricky for me. I'm only an Air Mage, not a Water Mage. But I may be able to figure out some way of paralyzing it. I hope."

"Could you perhaps trap it in a wind funnel then? I am no mage and do not know the extent or the limitations of your abilities." The Champion clears his throat. "Just take care of yourself. Hit it from a distance if you can, and keep wary. If it can vanish underground it may be able to pop out from underground and grab you unaware. Shade may be a target herself, if being an Eeee is not a requirement."

Wynona says, "Well, if we set up an ambush, if it's made out of earth or wood, I'd hope that a well-aimed lightning bolt might stun it for a moment."

"Keep in mind that this is a magical construct that might just be animated bits of dirt, which means that it can't feel pain or can't be affected by things that would hurt a living being." Shadow folds his hands across his chest. "I am trained in fighting spirits and magical constructs by physical means, so I do not know how a magical attack affects another magical being. And we mustn't forget the potential fact that this creature might not be wholly magical. It could be something else – an animal that came here from where the boomer struck in Babel or a creature from the caves that nobody has ever encountered before. I have my theories, but it is also a good idea to not be so focused on those theories that I'm closed to the unexpected."

Wynona nods. "I'll try to be versatile. I haven't exactly undertaken a mission like this before."

"I am sure that you will do fine. I will do my best to make Zahirinee proud of us and of you for our parts in this." The Champion clears his throat and looks over to the other two Lancers. "… which brings me to something else. As a team, I feel that you should have some say in what question I ask Zahirinee's pool. Most of the questions I have thought to ask are personal ones but I shouldn't waste this question on a selfish wish. Do either of you have any suggestions?"

Vague says, "I can only think of trying to ask some question that might help us on our quest … but I can only imagine that surely Zahirinee would have tried that himself first."

Shade shakes her head, then signs, "This is too open-ended of a choice for me. I would not know where to start. I do not know what sort of answers this spell will give."

"Wynona, could you give us a private moment? I will see you in the morning." Shadow bows to the mage. "This discussion should probably best be kept within family."

"Oh!" says Wynona, and her ears blush. "I'm sorry," she squeaks, and she gets up. "Yes, I'll see you bright and early in the morning. Good night!" She quickly heads out the door, closing it tightly behind her.

The Champion pulls his hood off the rest of the way once the door closes, blinking a little in the light. "What we say here does not leave us … but I want complete openness and honesty. If you could have one great question answered … what would it be? I have thought of asking to see Third-Vision's death just to know if it was real, I have thought of looking into the legacy of Shokar and finding out what became of him, asking to know the truth behind the Emperor's assassination, asking for a way to help bring Shade's strength back, or advice on how we can renew the Knights Templar. I would like to know your opinions… your honest opinions, even if all you wish to ask is where a lost object is or what happened to a childhood playmate."

"If you ask to see Third-Vision's death," responds Shade in sign, "then I cannot bear to watch it with you. I have seen her body … and what the Nagai did to her. That is enough for me." She shudders.

Vague says, "How we could bring back Shade's strength or how to renew the Knights Templar would seem to be of great value … but didn't Governor Zahirinee say something about asking for advice?"

Shade signs, "While I may give my opinion on the usefulness of questions, I should clarify that I have no intention of offering personal questions I might want answered. Governor Zahirinee very distinctly offered this honor to the Champion of Shadows, and it would insult his hospitality if this honor were to be deferred to someone else."

"I probably would not be able to stand seeing the images myself… or would find myself grieving all over again instead of focusing on this mission." ( It's been four years; I need to simply accept the facts. ) "Asking for advice would be cryptic, I agree. So we should ask a question focusing on a real event, such as how a Kavi managed to slip past all of the Emperor's defenses and kill a Naga a hundred times larger than him?" Shadow's left ear flicks and he nods to Shade. "I am only a Champion because of your support beside me, and because of that, I would like this to be a question that aids us all. When the Violet Lance earns a victory in battle, I do not wallow in the glory by myself and ignore you, nor should my rewards go solely to me."

Shade bows her head. "And we respect and admire you for that, but you have proven your care for us many times over. I simply do not wish to see a possible slight against Zahirinee. You do not need to refuse a gift to prove your humility and your dedication to your Lance. We both trust you and love you as a brother."

Vague says, "Shade, I think he understands. He's just trying to do the right thing. Any road … " The Tiger-Sphynx sighs, drumming his fingers on his chin. "I think we need to focus on what answers we might get that we can actually do something about."

"There is another facet to this as well. Zahirinee is respected in Rephidim and in the Temple – I wonder if it would help the Knights' standing with the Temple if we presented them with information from him. I'm sure that many there are curious about the circumstances surrounding the Emperor's death; there is also word of Jade-Eyes' speech in Safar. I would take comfort in knowing what might become of that." Shadow rests his head in his hands. "Ever read the stories about getting a magic lamp and spending all your wishes on finding out what to wish for?"

Vague chuckles dryly at that one. "Well, you never know … at least you'd know what to wish for the next time you get such an honor."

Shade signs, "The important thing is that we simply do not know what might yield important information. So long as we do not waste our question on frivolous concerns, we have nothing to be ashamed of."

Vague sighs. "I'd like to know just what we did to get the Temple so mad at us. But then I'd also want to know what to do about it … Eh … That falls under 'advice', doesn't it?"

Shade signs, "I am concerned about Jade-Eyes' speech, but perhaps I could learn more than an oracle by asking her myself."

Vague says, "But what if she just gives you a bunch of … of … you know," he says, waving his hands around vaguely. "Hokum?"

"Why the Temple has turned its backs on us is something for another time." Shadow narrows his eyes in thought. "Many of the Abaddonian Silent-Ones have been trouble. For all we know, a whole pack of them coming to Sinai would be even more trouble and might have been lying to Jade-Eyes. The Emperor's death is the greatest mystery, but the Silent-Ones might be the next threat to Sinai."

Shade signs, "What can be so wondrous about Silent-Ones coming to Sinai? We have met them. Why would she be so excited?"

"Because they are not coming from Abaddon. Jade Eyes herself referred to them as 'impostors'. I worry what the real ones were like. You know about the heritage of the original Priest-King," the Champion scrawks grimly.

Shade signs, "Then where might they come from? One of the other Gateway worlds? Perhaps Arcadia? Maybe the colonists there made contact with some Silent-Ones on that world."

"I don't know, but she said that these Silent-Ones were from beyond the gateway worlds." Shadow folds his arms. "Shade, give me your honest opinion of your sister. Do you feel she is gullible or easily swayed by people, or does she seem objective enough to sense whether someone is an enemy or not?"

Shade signs, "She was swayed by that so-called 'knight', Jarik. I had thought she had armored herself against such things happening again, but I cannot know what has happened to her now. There is such wrongness about this, but something has made her excited."

The Vartan nods. "Perhaps they have promised her something… or she is desperately trying to prove herself to be the leader that Third-Vision was." He swallows. "I believe we have our question to ask now."

Vague says, "But how shall it be asked? If this is anything like the legends, if you aren't downright specific, you'll get burned. But if you get too wordy … you get burned, too."

Shade signs, "Wait! I just thought of something … the pool may be limited if it is asked to show us something beyond Sinai. We may need to focus on Sinai and how these Silent-Ones will affect it. If we ask where they came from, and it is another world… " The mage shrugs.

Shadow hmmms. "We could ask it what the intended plan of the Silent-Ones is when they come to Sinai … or more simply ask the pool what the Silent-One will do when they come here. Hmm … no, the latter is too vague. It would probably show me images of them reading books and sleeping and marching around… "

Vague drops his head into his hands, growling lightly in frustration. "I hate magic." He looks to Shade. "Ah, present company excepted."

"I dislike stupid magic that doesn't know your intentions for a question," corrects the Champion. "How does 'What do the Silent-Ones from beyond the Gateway Worlds plan to do when they join forces with the Savanite Empire?' sound for a question? Bah… "

"Well," says Vague, "if it's intent on twisting our questions around, it'll do so no matter what we ask it. In the legends, you can ask for a perfectly good wish, and the Jinn still comes up with a really stupid interpretation. … I figure your question is as good as any."

Shade signs, "What sort of answer do we think we might get? If we learn that they intend to cause harm, what would be our course of action in response?"

Shadow nods his head again. "I believe that the pool is neutral, and the one who controls it is on our side, and could perhaps guide the path of the answer to what I intend to see." The edges of his beak turn down in a frown at Shade's signs. "We inform Jade-Eyes of our knowledge, and inform the Temple to be wary. If we are ignored, then that is our risk, but we will at least know that we tried to do well by those that we care about."

Shade nods. "That is fair. I pray that Jade-Eyes will accept advice from us. I already fear these so-called Silent-Ones. I shall not be surprised if the portents we gain are ill."

"I hope that there was enough respect between us in my former life for her to trust me now. For all I know, her experience with Jarik has soured her against knights… but she saw me at the funeral and knows who I am, I hope. If not, then I will simply pray that she listens to me regardless… or if not that, then Rephidim can be prepared against another enemy before it arrives." The Vartan picks up his armored helm and places it on his head. "I believe that I am required to answer the question alone. I will return and tell you how it went."

Vague nods. "I will pray."

Shade nods. "As will I."

The Champion makes the sign of the Star against his chest and quietly exits the cabin.

At the Pool of Master Zahirinee, the Champion of Shadows is led to a position on the stone bridge that overlooks the placid waters, which reflect the stars and Procession in the sky above as if there were somehow a hole in a flat disc of the earth, and the stars and Procession continued in a ring on the other side. So still is the water that the stars do not even waver with any ripples, though they twinkle faintly.

The seer walks up to the bridge, finished with his ritual preparations. A faint buzz of magic is in the air, blending with the chirping of crickhens and the rustle of the leaves. "The pool awaits your question," says the governor in a deep and resonant voice.

Shadow looks at his reflection in the pool against the stars and thinks about the stars in the sky, the worlds out there and the people that have been discovered on them. He slowly draws in a breath. "The Silent-Ones who are coming here from beyond the Gateway Worlds, what do they plan to do when they join forces with the Savanite Empire here on Sinai?"

A shimmering passes over the pool, and rings radiate outward as if a single drop had landed in the center of the mirror-like surface … but the rings are not ripples … but rather bands of light that spread outward and dissipate.

The Champion kneels down against the bridge and peers intently into the waters.

The stars in the pool start to move, and the Procession as well. The Champion is no longer looking into a mirror … but through a window that shows the night sky, and pans across the stars.

The stars move about and the constellations change. It only takes a moment's study for the Champion to recognize them as being constellations visible from the southern hemisphere, whereas Zahirinee is near the equator.

A cheetah comes into view … Jade-Eyes … She stands in her royal finery atop a rocky precipice, looking up at the stars, an expression of anxious anticipation on her face. She smiles, and an unfelt wind tousles her hair and her drapery.

The perspective shifts again, and it seems as if the viewer is drawing closer to the stars. There is something artificial about the point of view now – not really something seen with the naked eye, as the stars seem to spread apart. Perhaps magnified? Some stars … no, there should be no stars there … come into view as the other stars move out. The points of light grow larger, forming ghostly images, stark contrasts of light and black shadow.

One of them resembles the Sanctuary of Shadow on Abaddon … but there's a sense of it being somehow larger. So much larger. And there are others.

The perspective shifts again, as the stars come back into view, and the ghosts become mere specks of light once more. The stars and the sun race across the sky, as day and night chase each other playfully, joined by the dance of shifting clouds, and then another scene forms …

It is in the Savan. There are people who look like the Silent-Ones, but they are not ashamed to show their faces, evidently. One among them has a bearing about him like he might be their leader, standing a full head above the others. He wears robes of white and blue, and has a peaceful, beatific expression on his face … like a statue from the Temple, perhaps, except that this is a cheetah, a Silent-One.

There are warriors who march along, in suits of armor much like those worn by Born-in-Shame. And there are Titans in formation. Titans.

The Titans bear banner-poles on their backs. They display images of this leader, with a halo about his head, his face superimposed upon the image of the Star.

A gathered multitude bows before him. Even the priests. Even Jade-Eyes. She is smiling, as tears stream down her face.

A robed and armored cheetah walks along, followed by a group of similarly garbed cheetahs who still wear their helmets, who are still standing. The one in the fore has sigils upon his mask. The words say "Testament" and "Blaze".

The cheetah priest makes signs, though they are not clear in the reflection in the pool. His body language suggests fear yet determination. The cheetah leader – the perfectly formed cheetah – turns to look upon Testament Blaze. He smiles, patiently, kindly, and reaches out toward Testament-Blaze.

Shadow shrinks back a little, as though he suspects that the touch from the leader will not be a gentle one.

Fire falls from above, consuming Testament-Blaze and his comrades … and several non-Savanites with them. All the while, the leader is smiling; his eyes look so gentle. And people are dying.

And Jade-Eyes holds up a hand in fear, and looks questioningly to the leader. But he shakes his head, and gives her a reassuring smile. She signs, "Forgive me, Star, for my faith is weak." And the leader signs, "You are forgiven."

And then another ripple passes over the pool … as the vision fades, to be replaced by a vision of the stars once more.

The clearing is silent for a time … and only after a long moment do the crickhens find the courage to begin chirping once more.

Wordlessly, the Champion rises back to his feet and strides back to the cabin. He spares Zahirinee a nod in thanks, but is deeply distracted.

Shade looks up as the Champion of Shadows enters the room. Vague takes a little longer, hunched over in prayer, making the sign of the Star, before he looks up as well.

"Amber's prophecy is coming true. The Silent-Ones come with a false messiah who claims to be the Star himself. If the vision is true, then they have probably already deluded Jade-Eyes. We must do our work here and then hurry back to Rephidim as quickly as we can. These men are bringing an army with them like none I've seen." Once the door closes behind him, the Champion rips his helm from his head.

Vague's jaw drops. Shade's hands drop to the floor beside her as well. It's evident that the two Lancers haven't anything to say in response to this particular revelation.

"The pool didn't give me any sign as to what they intended to do here, but from what I saw, this man has a way of making men and women worship him. I'll see if Wynona can send a warning message to the Temple in the morning. Jade-Eyes must be spoken to in person … I do not think a message will sway her as powerfully as words." Shadow sits down in the floor. "And be prepared to pray. We will soon not only have those who seek to black out our Star against us, but one who claims to be the Star itself, and could hurt ours more than the Temple and the war have managed to. We may have a new war on our hands very soon. As difficult as it is to ask, we should rest tonight and be prepared. The monster here must be dealt with quickly, lest it consume our time and keep us from where we'll soon be needed."

Shade signs, "This monster shall not be permitted to stand in our way, when we have a threat of this magnitude to deal with!"

Vague shakes his head. "I'm really glad we didn't ask about lost childhood friends!" He grins with a gallows-humor look on his face.

Shadow manages a weak smile. "Vague, you have always kept my spirits up by smiling despite your scars. I thank you. I thank you both for your company. Now let us get some rest. We have much planning to do tomorrow."


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)