A crystal tower, a swirling journey, and now this. Brishen and Feli (AKA The Unlucky One) have found themselves on the strange world of Morpheus, in the hopes of finding a means of dealing with the strange Artifact of Calderas.
The world outside the awaiting portal is deathly quiet, except for the artificial chiming songs and whispers outside. Some of the gray mists swirl into the chamber through the open portal… and then drops sharply to the floor as though flattened to powder.
"Well, Madame," the black feline says to his companion, "shall we?"
Brishen blinks at the mist. "That's weird." She glances over at the Unlucky One. "Wait here and I'll see if there's a place I can drop you on the surface." After wincing a bit as she crosses her arms, she leans out to look at the ground below. "What color is it?"
Jynx looks down at the ground below. "Grey, as far as I can see." He attempts to peer off into the distance, "It doesn't seem like there's much other than that."
The ground is mostly concealed by the strange mists… but amazingly isn't that far down. Maybe three or four inches down from the base of the window. Perhaps Morpheus isn't completely made of mists after all.
Brishen grins, shrugging. "I wouldn't know." Then, she blinks. "I could have sworn the surface was farther down. We can probably walk from here."
Off in the distance things get a bit hazy. There's shadows and strange buildings that can be seen, it's difficult to really make out anything.
Brishen steps out onto the sill, turning back to look at Jynx. "Wait here!" And with that, she flutters out into the mist.
"I think I'll be able to get out myself," says the Khatta, "It only small distance to the bottom, a few feet at most. Hey, wait!" The Khatta sighs.
Mists billows into the chamber as the bat flies off and then also drops sharply to the ground like powder.
Jynx blinks at the strange behavior of the mists. "That's weird," he mutters to himself, "Wonder why it did that."
Brishen zips up into the sky, abruptly. "Eeep!"
The Khatta runs to the edge of the window as the bat goes flying upwards, What is it? Are you okay?" He peers up in the sky after her, trying to see through the mists.
The bat is nowhere to be seen.
Brishen scrambles about in mid-air, eventually righting herself as she cups her wings. She shouts down to Feli. "This is amazing! I I hope I can get down." She sticks the tip of her tongue out, then draws her wings in close. "I'm fine, I think."
The bat is nowhere to be seen.
Another gust of mist blows in the Khatta's face, choking him. Wait a second, this isn't mist… it's DUST!
Jynx perks his ears towards the sound of the voice, but can't quite make out the bat through all the mists. Tired of waiting in the tower, and curious as to whether his friend is okay, the cat makes a hesitant leap from the window, coughing like mad as the strange dust invades his nostrils, "I'm coming!"
Brishen squeaks. "Dust? Stay near the tower 'til I can get down!" She holds her wings close to her body. It takes a little bit of scrambling before she figures out how to turn herself about. Once facing down, she gently scoops at the air with half-furled wings.
As the Khatta jumps he finds himself shooting upwards, and up… and up… and then bumping into a little brown bat before slowly falling to the ground again. Something seems strange here, perhaps the air is 'thicker' or Jynx has lost some weight… a lot of weight even. Brishen lands a bit more gracefully, gliding down like a feather.
Brishen giggles like a little girl. "Ow Hey! Isn't this wonderful!" She blinks at the choking cat, then hurries over to wrap her arms around him, facing his back. "Hold on! And if you claw me, I'll drop you." She hops into the air, the faintest of beats tremoring along her wings.
"Ouch!" protests Jynx, as his head makes contact with the bat. He begins to rub his head, "Oh, hello Brishen, I thought-" He cuts himself off as he notices… something… is amiss! "AIIIIIEEeeeee… huh?" The scream trails off as the Khatta notices himself… floating?
Jynx clings on to the bat, claws left in this time. "What the *cough* Dagh is going on *wheeze* here?!"
Brishen nudges the air, gently, as she tries to gain some altitude. "I haven't the faintest idea!" She peeks over Jynx's shoulder. "Are you still alive?"
Well, not exactly floating… perhaps 'falling slowly' would be a better term. Brishen carries the Khatta almost as easily as she would have carried a bulky package when she was a courier. The air is slightly clearer, but thin and the dust still seems to be everywhere. There are shapes of buildings below, a clock face rises up through the dust as well as a strange metallic tower.
The Khatta's tail twitches wildly, "I guess so, or at least I hope so!" The Khatta's heart races; he's not used to being this high without an airship underneath him. Well, except when he's falling of course. He spies the structures below the duo. "Maybe we should land down there. There might be someone who can tell us what all this is about!"
Brishen glances at her satchel. "Oh, wires. Our package is excited."
Wiping dust from his eyes, Jynx tries to look over his shoulder at Brishen's satchel. "Oh great, you mean it's still working? thought if we took it off Sinai, it'd quit!"
The sound of chimes rings through the air below, coming from some odd rocky formation in the mists. From the metal tower in the distance, a red light flashes brightly and then fades out.
Brishen shakes her head. "I think we should try to figure out who lives here before we go knocking on any doors." An ear twitches as she looks down at the light, then scoops at the air, putting some distance between her and the tower.
And then there's a faint voice. It sounds something like a shriek or a yell…
The Khatta nods, "Perhaps you're right, but we have to start somewhere." The Khatta covers his mouth and nose to keep the dust out, and suddenly his ears perk up at the voice, "Wha… what was that?"
Brishen blinks, staring down at the tower. "What?"
Another yell. The noises seem to be coming from the source of the chiming noises below. A red light flashes again from the tower ahead but remains silent.
Brishen shakes her head a few times. "This is all too strange. Can you make out the voices, Feli?"
A shape pops up from the mists. It looks oddly Eee-shaped and then pops back down again.
Jynx's fur stands out on end, and he sets his ears back. "Not really, just screaming. We've only been here a few minutes, and already this place is giving me the creeps." He looks about, pulling his shirt collar up over his snout to keep the dust out. "Maybe we should find a place to land, and then make some plans."
Brishen coughs, quietly. "You wouldn't have anything I could wrap around my face, would you? I'm out of clothes."
"I might have a handkerchief, or some leftover material from my robes-," the black feline jolts as the strange figure appears, then disappears, "What in the name of the Star was that?"
Brishen starts to drift towards the tower, furrowing her brow. "A place to land would be good." She grins faintly. "Though I feel like I could hold you up here for Eep?"
Brishen scoops her wings a little, floating down towards the tower.
The dusts become thicker as the two descend, it's not impossible to breathe but some sort of filter might be a good idea. The noises fade out a little as the two float away from the chiming noises and towards the metallic tower.
Brishen blinks. "No. That's not right. This way." She banks a bit, grinning. "Hold on!" Her wings dart at the air a little as she heads towards the voices.
Brishen shakes her head. "They're familiar It sounds like a bunch of guys tower diving. They even mentioned Rephidim."
Jynx's fur stands on end as Creen's Nightsong banks, "Hey! Not so rough, I'm still new to this!"
"Tower diving?" The feline looks confused. "What's that? And how could they know of Rephidim?" The cat shuts his eyes, "I'm getting a headache… "
Brishen giggles, then coughs. "Any chance you could produce that handkerchief?"
The world seems to swirl around for the Khatta as Brishen changes course, giving him a quick clear look at the strange floating castle. Then everything gets fuzzy as the mists surround them (and as Jynx shuts his eyes). The sound of chiming grows louder.
"YEEEEHAH!!" comes a whoop from the mists. Little flecks of blue and bits of rock and golden sand can be seen below.
Brishen squints, using her ears more than anything else to keep on target.
The Khatta roots around in his pockets, albeit awkwardly since he is being carried, and after a bit produces a zolk handkerchief, just big enough for the bat. "I hope this will work for yo- ACK!" The cat jolts once again as the whooping call comes from the dusts.
An Eeee bursts out from the mists, laughing wildly and then vanishing below. Brishen could probably reach him in seconds at the rate she can apparently fly here.
Brishen wraps her legs around Feli's waist and quickly ties the handkerchief around her muzzle, then grabs hold of him again as she spirals down, adding a little more speed to her flight. "Rei-Reico?"
Jynx mphs as he is handled like so much baggage, "Hey, watch it!" He looks up at her with a puzzled expression as she mentions the name, "Reireico? Who's that?"
The two land on what feels like soft golden sand… although it's patchy. Water flows from someplace. For a moment everything is quiet, no sign of anybody.
Brishen squeaks, giggling wildly. "Reico! I've been looking everywhere for him!" She floats about as she lets Feli go on the sand, darting in effortless circles around him.
Suddenly an Eeee bursts out of the waters, riding a wave on a long board. He flaps his wings and seems to be rising up to meet Brishen and then passes right through her. He laughs wildly again and splashes back into the ocean below.
Brishen blinks. "What what's going on?"
The dizzy Khatta tests the ground with a foot to make sure it stays put, only to be made more dizzy by the Eeee circling him. "That's nice, but who is he?" The feline tries to keep his eyes on the bat, only to doubt whether his eyes work when he sees the strange apparition, "I-… I have no idea!"
Brishen shakes her head a few times, then reaches for Feli, wrapping her arms around him. "Hold on. We're not staying here!" With that, she flaps her wings.
Reico re-emerges… except this time he has a passenger on his board. It looks like a golden furred female Khatta. They both laugh wildly and continue their surfing, completely unaware of either Jynx or Brishen.
"Wait a min-!" Jynx doesn't even have time to finish his protest as he is whisked off the ground. "Hey, who's that with him?"
Brishen shouts in Jynx's ear. "Don't look!" A few tears squeeze out from her tightly-closed eyes. "It's not real It's not real at all."
Brishen hisses at her satchel. "Shut up."
The laughter from the lady cat and Reico ring behind the two as they fly away.
The black Khatta blinks, but does as he's told, squeezing his eyes shut. "They seem real enough to me!"
Brishen shakes her head as she spirals upwards, holding onto the Khatta. "He flew through me. That's not real."
The beach fades from view, although the mists around the metal 'tower' have cleared away a bit. It seems to be just part of a larger building. In fact, it looks amazingly like the Temple.
Jynx sighs, keeping his eyes shut, partly because of Brishen's asking him too, and partly because of the fact that he is airborne again. "Well, what do we do now? We can't stay up here forever!"
Brishen shakes her head, growling at her satchel and the artifact within. "You can't give me anything, so veer off!"
The Khatta looks back at the Eeee, "What are you talking about? I didn't-" he notices her looking at the artifact, and grimaces. Searching about, he spies the large tower, "Let's head for that. It looks sort of like the temple back on Rephidim, maybe we can get some help there."
The red light flashes again from the tower.
Brishen frowns at the artifact. "Lie." She shakes her head a few times, looking up towards the floating palace. "How about there?"
The 'Tower' could be reached in minutes… the castle looks to be within the bat's flying range as well, but she'll probably be rather thirsty after her flight.
Jynx squints at the strange light. "Maybe it's a lighthouse of some sort. Where?" He looks over at the palace, frowning. All these places to go, and no telling what they'll find. "I guess that's as good a place as any," he shrugs, "we might as well try it."
The artifact glows every so slightly through its binding cloth and then fades out just as quickly.
Brishen floats up towards the castle. "The castle. Away from the ground."
For a moment, Brishen and Jynx get the distinct impression that SOMETHING has begun to watch them from the ground. Nothing can be seen though the mists though.
"Well, you're the captain," The cat says with a grin, "I'm just along for the ride. But you might get tired-" The feeling hits Jynx, and he shivers.
Brishen frowns, flapping her wings hard as she darts towards the castle.
The flight takes about half an hour and the bat must constantly pump her wings. The added weight of the Khatta isn't too cumbersome but it still takes quite an effort. As the two near the castle they're both starting to feel somewhat tired and thirsty.
Brishen gasps faintly through her handkerchief, but keeps flapping her wings when she needs to.
The castle itself is made out of some kind of pinkish stone. A moat circles it but what holds the water is impossible to see… it appears to be ringing the castle though thin air! A drawbridge lies open over the waters, inviting visitors.
Jynx swallows, his mouth and throat parched. "Are we almost there?" he asks. "I've got have a… drink?" The Khatta's eyes go wide, ignoring the dust that gets in them. "Are you seeing that?"
Music rings through the air, it sound like something from a Chronotopian singing box. The melody is cheerful and lilting, although somewhat simplistic.
Brishen nods, peeking over the Khatta's shoulders. "It's certainly strange I'll give it that."
"Well, at least it sound good," comments the cat. "Let's find somewhere to touch down, my shoulders are hurting."
Pink, green, and yellow pastel colored fish leap out of the water and soar through the air. They circle the two and giggle softly, blowing multicolored bubbles into the air.
Brishen closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them again. "We'll aim for the drawbridge." She cups her wings slightly, "I've never seen fish like these before." She giggles quietly.
Jynx stares at the strange fish. "Neither have I. Needless to say," the cat comments with a shiver, "It's weirding me out. Let's hurry!" He keeps his eyes locked on the bridge, getting even more thirsty at the sight of the floating moat.
One of the fishes flies in front of Jynx's nose, kissing it lightly. He smiles at the cat and then shoots back into the water. As Brishen and her companion land on the cream colored wooden drawbridge, the fish swarm around it under the waters to get a better look at the new arrivals.
Brishen smirks. "Hold your legs up. And don't drink from the moat."
Brishen hops a few times, before lightly depositing the Khatta on the cream-colored bridge. Then, she flops down beside him, grinning. "I've never carried anyone that far before. Not a Khatta!"
The Khatta does as directed, and lands rather softly to his amazement. His rubs his nose at where the fish kissed him, and stares down at the moat with a sigh. "I guess you're right, but we need something to drink." He gazes back at the fish curiously. "Well, I've never been carried that far by an Eeee, or carried by one at all for that matter! This place is indeed strange."
SPLOOSH A large fish jumps out of the water, trailing droplets of water behind it as it flies over the pair's heads. Odd… the water seems awfully solid. The 'droplets' chime softly as they clatter across the wood.
The Eeee glances at the Khatta. "Don't drink the water."
Jynx shields his head as the 'droplets' come tingling down. "Hey, ouch! What in the Dagh?" He scoots to the side of the moat and looks downwards.
Brishen coughs a few times, curling up into a ball as her body shakes with the effort, then she stands, shakily. "Bleah I guess we should see if anyone's here."
Brishen's eyes narrow slightly. "Don't use that name around here, Feli."
Odd… now that the Khatta has a better view, the water isn't really 'water' at all. It's made up of thousands, no… probably MILLIONS of little glass beads. The fish don't seem to mind. One of them waves back up at Jynx with a flappy fin.
Footsteps can be heard from inside the castle, someone's coming.
Brishen floats more than she walks as she turns towards the castle gate. "We should watch our thoughts Morpheus is dream, right?" She blinks as her ears catch the sound of footsteps.
The black Khatta does a double take at the water, and also at the fish. Slowly, still looking down at the moat, he rises up. "Sorry force of habit. Maybe we-" He stops as he hears the footsteps, and whirls around to stare at the citadel. "Sh-should we wait to see who it is?" He whispers to the bat.
A black silhouette a very LARGE Jupani shaped black silhouette, appears in the doorway. "Who there?" it grunts. "Who come here to visit magical fairy princess?"
Brishen shrugs. "They know we're here. We might as well say hello." She grins, spreading her wings, then floats toward the Jupani's shadow. "Hi! It's Bree and Feli."
Jynx leaps back, getting into a defensive crouch as the wolf comes in to view, but then the words register, and the caution on his face is replaced by confusion. "The… fairy Princess?" The Cat stands straight, looking perplexed.
Brishen looks over her shoulder at Jynx, smiling. "Why not?"
"Feli? Gnarr hear that name somewhere before." The shadow scratches its head.
Brishen peers at the shadow. "This is the first time we've been here, I think."
Hesitantly, the feline walks forward. "Well, maybe because it's not nor- oh no… " The Khatta peers at the shadowy figure, "Gn-Gnarr? Is that you?"
The big wolf takes a step forward, coming into better view. He's as big as ever but sure isn't dressed like Jynx remembers. A frilly pink apron adorns his front and a puffy powdered wig sits stop his head. His shaggy fur has been all done up in curls. "FELI!!!" Gnarr bellows. "Princess never say you come to visit! Who bat friend?" He smiles at Brishen and curtsies.
Brishen crosses her arms and fixes merry brown eyes on Feli. "You have a lot of explaining to do, hon."
Jynx's nostrils flare, and he stares at the abomination of an abomination, "Gnarr? How in the world did you get here? And what," he asks with a smirk and a held back chuckle, "are you wearing?" He inches over to Brishen, keeping his eyes on the Titanian, "Brishen, this is Gnarr, from Titania. And as to how he is here," he looks the bat in the eyes, "I wish I knew… "
The brightly colored fish start to hum along with the singing-box music in the air. Some of them blow pastel bubbles which swirl around. Thankfully, the choking dust doesn't seem to be able to get this high up.
Brishen squints an eye shut as she regards the Titanian. "Same way we did?"
Gnarr smiles, lolling out his tongue. "Princess say I could come here. Ever since I sleep in black Khatta room I gets to come here." The Titanian wags his perfumed tail, which sports a large pink bow. "Gnarr LIKE it here! Gnarr can be cute and dainty here, serve tea and cookies to Magical Fairy Princess Khatta and her friend!" He looks at Jynx and whines a little, "You no tell anyone else in Titania Gnarr here… pretty pretty please?"
Brishen stands very very very still. An ear twitches.
The Titanian curtsies again at the Eeee. "Gnarr is pleased to meet you."
Jynx's jaw drops, and his shirt collar falls from his snout. "I-… I-… " The Khatta shakes his head, trying to clear the mental confusion. "Okay, stop. First things first: who is this 'Fairy Princess and her Friend,' and how did you get here from my room of all places?" He stares at the wolf suspiciously.
Brishen beams, returning the curtsey. "I'm pleased to meet you as well, Gnarr."
Gnarr smiles. "Magical Fairy Princess Eve! Spottyfriend is new… only show up here recently, but she not tell Princess her name yet. As for how Gnarr get here… same way everyone does! First time it happen was when Gnarr drop big rock on head by accident."
The black Khatta's heart skips a beat, and he completely freezes. "Magical Fairy Princess… Eve?" He stares open mouthed at the Titanian, locked there for a long time. "Uh, I don't know if I want to be here Bree… "
Brishen raises a brow. "Despite your discomfort, I'd much rather stay here than go back down to the surface."
Jynx starts to inch backwards, pulling Brishen with him. "Not if this is what I think it is. Morpheus is the world of dreams, right?" He looks to the bat, worry dominating his face.
"Princess having tea party right now. Gnarr gets to squeeze pala fruit juice to drink sometimes too!" He grins and then curtsies again. "Gnarr do it in very delicate and dainty way though!"
"Well, if what Gnarr said is true, " the Khatta looks over his shoulder at the palace, "then this is where people dream! And I think," Jynx gulps, "that this is my… little sister's dream… "
Brishen grabs Jynx, a bright cheery grin fixed to her face. "It is. Uh-huh. And we're going to go have tea RIGHT NOW."
Jynx's face looks aghast, "No! Y-you don't know what you're saying!" The Khatta squirms, "She's a little monster!"
Brishen's hands are firm on the Khatta. "She is not. She's a fairy princess. Do you understand that?" She whispers between clenched teeth as she leans close. "DO YOU?"
"Goody goody goody!" The Titanian dances from foot to foot. "Gnarr go and let Princess know. We need to get you in party clothes! Spotty girl probably like more company, she been lonely until she meet Princess." He curtsies again. "Come inside… is just up ahead. I pour extra cups of tea for you!" And with that Gnarr daintily plows back into the castle.
The Khatta looks over at the long drop, then the bat's teeth, then sighs, "I guess I have no choice." He scowls at the Eeee, "Don't say that I didn't warn you though." Like a cat sentenced to a fate worse than death, Jynx starts to tread forward.
The artifact glows brightly again for a moment.
Brishen grins a dangerously cheerful grin. She doesn't let go of the Khatta. In fact, she loops an arm around his waist, keeping herself between the Khatta and the artifact. Then, she turns to follow the Titanian.
Jynx follows along, having little choice in the matter.
The music in the air gets louder as the two head into the hallway leading into the courtyard. There's an unmistakable feline giggle in there and Gnarr can be faintly seen up ahead setting up extra chairs around a frilly table. All around them, flower petals swirl in the breeze, little dancing pixies flutter about, as well as a few more fish just for good measure. Some of them even pop out of the moat and hover in the air… perhaps they like a good show.
Brishen grins at Jynx. "Your sister has a great imagination. I like the fish."
"It's not the fish I'm worried about," grumbles Jynx. "Of all the dreams we could have ended up in, why'd it have to be this one?" He peers about, fur on end. "For all we know, we're at that little brat's mercy here."
Brishen whispers in Feli's ear. "Dear, if you keep talking like that, I'm going to make you eat your pants."
The black Khatta just grumbles under his breath, keeping a look out for the white terror.
"That's a very mean thing to say, Feli." A little white Khatta steps into view. She's dressed in a frilly pink party dress and is practically dripping with bows. There are no less than three on her tail, one adorning each black leather shoe, one on each of her ears, one around her neck, and several on her fingers and wrists. In her hand she twirls something that looks like a chitin rod with a heart shaped tip.
A Savanite cub that doesn't look much older than Eve peeks around the corner at the new arrivals.
"Oh! Uh, h-hello sis… Eve," Jynx says, forcing a smile. He gives an exaggerated look around, "Nice p-place you have here… "
Brishen signs a quick "Hi!" to the Savanite kitten, then turns to grin at Eve. "Hi, I'm Bree."
"You will address me as Magical Fairy Princess Eve!" She twirls her wand in the air. "This is my Magical Fairy Princess Castle." She curtsies to Brishen (Maybe Gnarr took lessons from her!), "Pleased to meet you Missus Bree, or is that Princess Bree?" She squints at the Bat, "You're not dressed like a princess though… you're dressed all icky."
The Savanite's eyes widen. "Hello," she signs back. She seems a bit unsure about something.
Brishen curtsies deeply, grinning. "Princess Bree, Magical Fairy Princess Eve." She nudges Feli. "And I am indeed dressed all icky." She signs again to the Savanite. "I'm Creen's Nightsong, too!"
Jynx sighs, "Okay, Princess Eve, what is this place?" He looks around the grounds, "And what are you doing here?" He spies the little Savanite cub, "Hello there," he signs. He winces at the nudge, mostly out of agitation. "Well, dressed icky to some people I guess. What are you doing?"
Eyes falling on Jynx, the Savanite shrinks back and vanishes around the corner. Her tail-tip can be seen flicking back and forth just beyond the entrance into the courtyard where Gnarr is still setting up the table for Tea. Apparently it's a bit of trouble for him with those big hands.
"This is my Magical Fairy Princess Castle, and I'm about to have a tea party with Spotty and Gnarr." Eve waves her wand around again. "You're dressed icky to me, people at tea parties should be dressed in nice things!" She points to Jynx with her wand and gestures, "Like this!"
Odd… Jynx's knees feel awfully cold all of the sudden. And his clothes have gotten itchy.
Brishen casts a sidelong glance at Feli.
The black Khatta shivers, and he starts to scratch himself all over. "What in the… ?" He looks down at himself, wondering what the white terror has done to him.
What a pretty dress! Jynx is now wearing a bright pink party dress, and the bow count on his fur rivals that of Eve's! Isn't he just ADORABLE!
Brishen beams. "Very becoming, Feli."
"You too!" Eve wiggles her wand at the Eeee. "Magical Princess dress-up power!"
"YAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Jynx shrieks, his eyes wide as he looks down at his new attire. "You little mon " he cuts himself off, as his brain reminds him of where he is. "That is… thank you… " he says through clenched teeth, his blood reaching the boiling point. He turns and glares at the bat, and if looks could kill, Brishen would be six feet under.
Now Brishen is in a similar dress! What a perfect match! It seems to be cut to accommodate her wings, and her ears are free from bows.
Brishen twirls about in a circle, smiling. "The difference, Feli is that I make this look good." Her hands flicker, "Stop it! We're in her dream we're guests. And you need to get a grip."
Eve beams happily. "I'm glad you like it! Now let's have tea before Gnarr drools on the cups too much!" And with that she skips off to the courtyard. The Savanite has already taken a place at the table but doesn't seem to mirror Eve's enthusiasm.
Brishen flutters her wings slightly and floats after the white Khatta.
"But she's humiliating me!" He signs back, "I TOLD you we should have gone to the tower instead!" He looks down at his little sister, and stompingly follows behind her. "You owe me one, Babelite… "
Brishen looks over her shoulder at Feli. "The Tower? You still don't know what happened back there, do you? The artifact wanted us to be there."
Brishen ruffles her dress out a bit before sitting down next to the Savanite kitten.
Gnarr offers a chair to Jynx and Brishen. "Ohhh! Feli dainty now too! Goody goody!"
Jynx sighs, and takes his seat next to the bat, scowling at the Titanian. "Better to be at the mercy of the artifact than a hyper little girl."
The cub shrinks in her chair and chews nervously on a cookie.
Brishen signs, quickly. "You don't mean that, Feli. You really don't." Then, with a hand shielded by the table, she signs to the Savanite kitten. "What's your name? Where are you from?"
Eve sits in what is probably her 'Magical Fairy Princess Chair', it's bright pink and glitters with sparkly stones in the shapes of flowers and hearts. "So did you come for my tea party, Feli? I didn't know you missed me that much."
"I… I'm sorry. I was just lonely, please don't send the black demon after me!" The cub signs, glancing at Jynx.
"Wanna bet?" The ebon feline signs in retort. He then looks over to his little sibling, "Yeah, sure, I guess… " He itches at the dress, an annoyed look on his face, "How do you females do this?" Midway through an itch, he notices the signing of the cub, and blinks at her in confusion. "Who's your friend?"
Brishen raises a brow. "He's not a demon, he's just had a bad day." She grins a little, "I told you my name, by the way. Now you have to tell me yours."
Gnarr starts pouring a cup of tea for everyone at the table. Little heart shaped wisps of pink steam rise up from the glasses.
Eve sips from her cup. "I dunno. I'm not good at the finger sign stuff. I'm sure she's a princess though."
Brishen glances at Eve, then decides to wait on drinking her tea until the Magical Fairy Princess has started on her own.
Jynx sniffs at the cup, and cautiously takes a drink from it. "How did she get here?"
Brishen peeks down at her teacup, then shrugs and picks it up carefully. She giggles quietly at the heart-shaped steam. ( This is just too much. )
The Savanite looks at Jynx again and swallows. "My name is Last-Daughter. Are you sure he is not a demon? Justice's-Hand said the Star would send demons after me if I ever made friends with the noisy ones."
Brishen tilts her head, slightly. "How long have you been here?"
Jynx drinks down the liquid, watching the signing of the small kitten with a chuckle. He then grimaces, and looks strangely at his cup. "What's the deal here? I'm still thirsty!" He examines the strange, un-thirst-quenching tea.
"Since the crash. Daddy put me in the stasis thingy until help could show up… and then I was walking around and seeing everybody but they wouldn't notice me. I found the white one just recently." The cub sips her tea noisily.
"What?" Eve shakes her wand at the Titanian. "Did you shed in the teapot again?"
Gnarr whines.
Brishen sips her tea, carefully, though she manages to ignore the illusion for the most part. "Wow. Did you crash near here?"
The black Khatta stops his examination of the tea, and looks down curiously at the kitten. "Crash? Stasis? What do you mean? Aren't you from the Savan, the City of Hands?" He looks to Eve with a grimace, "The 'white one' is my sister. I'm afraid she doesn't have a hand-sign name." He sets his ears back at his sibling and the Titanian, but says nothing.
Last-Daughter looks in between Jynx and Brishen "City of Hands? Is that part of the Confederacy? I'm sorry… I don't understand your signs. Our ship malfunctioned and we crashed… daddy didn't know how long we were going to be stuck here so he put us all in stasis. Out ship is that way I think… I can see the beacon from the castle sometimes." She points off from the direction from where the two came from.
Eve swipes the teapot from Gnarr and peers inside of it.
Brishen blinks a few times. "I think I know where that is."
Jynx grimaces at Brishen. "I told you we should have went there." He turns his attention back to the little cheetah. "What's the Confederacy? And what do you mean by ship, like an airship?"
Brishen ignores Feli, as she glances down at her rather frilly dress, then back up at Eve. The spark of an idea forms, and she stands. "Magical Fairy Princess Eve, may I ask a boon of you?"
"The Confederacy is where all the flying people are from. I'm sorry… I don't know much about them. Justice's-Hand said they were all bad." She chews on another cookie. "A ship… we were going home from visiting Grandma on the homeworld and we crashed. It's all I know, I'm sorry. Daddy said I was useless… "
Eve looks up from her teapot inspection. "A boon? I don't think I have one of those… Gnarr coughed one up once though!"
Brishen grins. "Your help, please." She pats her satchel. "Feli and I have brought something with us, here, that's caused a lot of trouble. We can't destroy it, but you can."
The black Khatta stares at the spotted kitten with concern, his own problems forgotten at the moment. It's obvious that she is a real person, like Jynx and Brishen, and not a product of Eve's warped kitten mind. "You're never useless unless you let yourself be. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by 'confederacy' or 'homeworld', but how would you like to come with us?" He glances over at Brishen and her scheme, then back at the cub.
"I can?" Eve mews, and then straightens up. "I mean… I CAN! I'm Magical Fairly Princess Eve after all!" She grins.
Brishen grins, nodding as she starts to fuss with the buckles of her satchel. "Don't listen to it, by the way. It lies all the time." And with that, she pulls the wrapped artifact from her satchel. "Turn it into something cute and completely harmless." She beams, "You have the Magical Princess Power! What better way to use it than to save the world, huh?"
Last-Daughter shakes her head. "Every time I try to leave, I end up back on the ship with everyone else… except they can't see me. Daddy was in stasis and I tried to open up his chamber but my hand passed right through it. Everything is so strange here."
"Well, we might be able to help you. We've had the same thing happen to us. How long have you been here with the White One? I hope she hasn't driven you insane." He winks at the kitten, a small grin on his face.
Eve's ears perk as she watches Brishen undo the artifact's bindings. "I'll whack it with my wand. It's worked on the nightmares. And if that fails I can always have Gnarr chew on it."
Brishen looks at Jynx. "It will, Feli."
Jynx looks from the kitten, to Brishen real quick. "It won't. Don't you see? Everything here, except us and the Savanite cub… it's all a dream!" He grimaces at the bat. "Just an illusion, like the tea."
"I can't count time here," the Savanite signs. "There is no night or day or moon. I think I've been with the white one for several months… before that I spent a long long time in the darkness on the ship. It was long enough to watch the plants grow and see the lights go out."
Brishen wrinkles her muzzle at the thing, then smiles at Eve.
Brishen looks at Jynx again. "You aren't thinking, Feli. For Star's sake, keep your mouth shut for a while."
"Go put it over there." Eve gestures to a corner of the courtyard. "And then stand back."
"My mouth is shut," the black cat signs. He turns his attention back to Last-Daughter, and nods. "Yes, it is rather confusing here. Do you want to go with us? We have some… business to take care of, then we're going to try and leave this place."
Brishen floats over to the indicated spot and sets the artifact down then flutters over to stand near Feli.
Jynx stands up from his seat, keeping his gaze set on the cub, and his ears towards the artifact.
Last-Daughter extends her hand to Jynx. "You will have to find me first. I don't think I'm really here"
The black Khatta looks confused, "Find you? Of course you're here! Don't be silly." He reaches his paw out to grasp the hand of the cub.
His hand passes right through the cub's.
Eve rolls up her sleeves and spins her wand around in the air. "Magical Princess Procession Wandblast… ATTACK!!!" And with must glittery effects, ribbon swirling, heart flying, bow tying, and other flashy effects, a beam of light shoots from Eve's Wand and strokes the artifact, rocking the castle!
Brishen's dress swirls about as she ends up floating gently down onto her rear. "Wow!"
Jynx's fur stands on end. "O-okay, maybe n-not." He looks down at Last-Daughter with a look of worry, "Do you have any idea where you are-" The cat spins his head as the castle jolts, guarding his face with his paws.
As the castle shakes, Jynx catches a glimpse of the Cheetah fading away an instant before he covers his face. Eve can still be heard yelling and swinging her wand, "Magic Tailbow… ATTACK!" BWOOM! "Magic Fairy Kiss… ATTACK!" BWANG "Super Magic Princess Wandthrow… ATTACK!" BLAM!
Heart sinking, the ebon feline searches for the little cub, but is unable to find her. He spins to face his sister, "Okay, Okay! That'll be enough! Ev-, er, Princess! STOP!"
Brishen peeks out from the folds of her dress. "Is it over?"
"Magic Fairy… huh?" Eve pauses, maybe she's run out of attack ideas. "What? I was just having fun!" Behind her is a smoking crater and several fish holding up signs with Eve's score on them. Since they're Eve's fish, she gets a '10' from each of them.
Brishen stands, beaming, then turns to look at Feli. "Now that is Magical Fairy Princess power."
"I think you got it, your highness." Jynx says sarcastically. He slowly pads over to the edge of the crater, and looks down inside. "The question is, did that do the trick?"
Brishen grins. "Of course!"
Nothing inside the hole. Maybe Magical Fairy Princess Eve did the trick!
Jynx looks down, amazed. "Well… maybe I was wrong?" He turns to Eve and the bat, and confused look on his face. "But it makes no sense… "
A fish at the bottom of the hole smiles and waves a fin at Jynx. It holds up a little sign that reads '4'.
"I did it! I did it! Hooray for me!" Eve jumps up and down. "Um… what did I do?"
Brishen grins. "It makes perfect sense, Feli. Your sister is a Magical Fairy Princess. And you don't give her enough credit." She peeks down at the four-carrying fish. "I think you're being panned, Feli."
Brishen looks back at Eve. "Boom. There's nothing left."
The black Khatta frowns, and dives down into the crater, "I'm just not convinced. And besides, I didn't do anything to get a four!"
"BOOM!" Gnarr barks. He's a Titanian after all; perhaps he's not gotten so dainty that he doesn't enjoy explosions.
Brishen peeks down at Feli. "I still think I make this look good, Feli." She giggles and swirls her dress about.
The fish holds up another sign at Brishen. It has a picture of a smiley face on it.
Jynx roots around in the crater, searching for any sign of the artifact. "Well, yes it does look better on you than me, but right now, I'm worried about other things." He sifts through the dirt, and pushes the fish out of the way. "None of this makes any sense… "
Brishen ahems. "Why don't you bring the fish up, mm?"
Eve continues dancing, her fish singing music for her as she does so. The fish in the pit blows a giant turquoise bubble at Jynx before darting out of his way. It's then that Jynx notices one thing that yet again proves that this island must be from his sister's imagination. The dirt is pink… at least the stains won't show up on Jynx's pretty dress!
Brishen sighs, giggling, and beckons the fish over to her.
The fish hovers around Brishen, holding up a sign with a picture of a question mark on it.
The black Khatta sighs, and nevertheless brushes the dirt off his… er, attire. "Well, that was easy enough. Now I guess we can get out of here." The feline idly pops the technicolor bubble, then starts to make his way up and out of the crater.
Brishen grins at the fish, then looks over at Eve. "What do you think of her, huh?"
The fish holds up the smiley face sign again.
The way out is plainly visible… just a skip down the entryway out of the courtyard and back to the drawbridge and moat. Eve and Gnarr continue celebrating their victory.
Brishen grins, nodding, then skips along with the fish in tow to Eve. "My Princess your fish. It makes good smiley faces." She curtsies, giggling.
Jynx starts to make his way towards the exit, looking back at the bat. "Coming, 'dear'?" The image of the little Savanite hangs in his mind.
"They do all sortsa neat stuff." Eve pauses in her dancing. "You're leaving? Can I have your cookies then?"
Brishen casts a smile at Jynx. "Sure thing." She bows, "The tea was wonderful, Magical Fairy Princess eve. And yes you can!"
Brishen turns about in a swirl of pink and ribbons and floats off to catch up with Feli. "Bye!"
"YAYYY!!!" Eve squeals and continues dancing. Her voice fades out as the two depart for the drawbridge.
Brishen loops an arm around Feli as she catches up. Her dress ruffles about her knees as she grins. "Your sister is really tubular. I haven't had this much fun in years!"
As the two step out of the castle, the dresses fade away and revert back to their normal 'icky' clothing.
The black Khatta shakes his head. "I still can't believe it was that easy. It makes no sense. Then again, nothing here does." He sighs, and looks to the bat. "Well, you're welcome to stay as part of her dream if you want to," a small smiles comes to his face as his real clothing returns, "but now that we've gotten rid of the artifact, we have to go to the blinking tower."
Brishen looks down at her rather bare stomach. "Well enough, I guess. Flying would have been embarrassing." She grins at Feli. "To the beacon? We have a kitten to rescue And a lot of other Savanites from the sound of it."
A couple more fish swirl out from the moat and blow bubbles into the air.
Brishen crosses her arms. "You never got it, did you Feli?" She loops her arms around the cat's waist and flaps her way into the sky, looking about for the beacon.
"I'm not sure that they're Savanites. I don't know what they are." He looks to the bat, "but yes, we have to find her, and as quick as possible!" The Khatta, annoyed, bats at the fish. Being in one of Eve's dreams was the last thing he wanted.
The fish squeaks and dashes back into the moat!
Jynx looks at the bat strangely as they take off, "Get what?"
Brishen flaps her wings a few times, hard. "I'll get there as fast as I can!" A long time has passed before she peeks over Feli's shoulder. "We were in Eve's dream. Her realm. And she's a Magical Fairy Princess that can do anything. She could change our clothes, she could make a Titanian dainty and." She pauses, "That's a lot harder than turning an evil artifact into a fish, I think."
The Khatta blinks as the information registers, "Well… I never thought… " The cat shakes his head. "You mean the fish was the artifact?" He looks back at the bat, "But then that means the artifact still exists!"
Brishen grins. "Cute and harmless, as requested."
A red light blinks off in the distance, but appears to be getting closer.
Brishen hugs the hapless Khatta. "And I still made that dress look good."
Jynx shakes his head, and lets a deep sigh, "Well… whatever works I suppose." He looks off in distance at the light. "Better here than back home I suppose. Anyways, let's be on our way, I don't want to have to stay here any longer." His cat poofs a bit as he is suddenly hugged, and lets loose a small grin, "Yeah, you did," he chucklepurrs.
The flight down is much easier than the flight up… still, both Jynx and Brishen are starting to feel very thirsty, and a bit on the hungry side as well.
Brishen's stomach rumbles. "Bleah. I hope that ship has food." She tilts her head a little. "And what's stasis anyway?"
The light blinks again closer this time.
Brishen swoops up, up, up, then spirals down, describing tight loops to end at the beacon. "Hold on, Feli!"
The Khatta shrugs, "Beats the heck outta me, but whatever it is, it can't be good." He squints at the light, "We're almost there. I hope they have something to eat too." The feline holds on as the bat swoops quickly.
The flight twirls the pair down the length of the narrow metal tower. Below is a metal surface that looks a bit like the roof of a building. There are plenty of places to land by the looks of it.
Brishen peeks over Feli's shoulder again. "That looks like a good spot. What do you think?"
"You're the boss!" replies Jynx, "Looks as good as any to me."
Brishen giggles quietly. "Hey We're a team!"
Jynx grins slightly, "I guess so, but you're the one who flies, not me!" He looks down at the ground, still getting used to this soaring stuff.
There's some flat spots on the roof, some of which appear to be near panels and windows, there's also the ground around the structure where a doorway might be apparent. The dusty mists are back again and harshly remind the two of their presence by blowing in their faces.
Brishen nods a solemn nod. "You have a point. Pull your legs up!"
Brishen coughs quietly through her kerchief. "It has to be better inside."
The black Khatta rears his legs up, and pulls his shirt collar over his snout again. "I hope so. If we stay out in this too long, we might suffocate!"
Brishen aims for one of the flat spots on the roof, near a panel. "I'd like to avoid the ground if I can."
Brishen hops a few times and deposits Feli on sturdy, if somewhat high ground. "We're here."
It seems as though the two have landed in a small crevice of the building. A doorway sized panel is the only feature on the wall here, a red handprint sits in the center of it.
Jynx wobbles as he gets to his feet, trying to adapt to the low gravity. He goes over to the door panel and inspects it. "I guess this is the way in."
Brishen floats over to peer at the panel. "I don't imagine this will open if we ask nicely."
There's a rather distinct sound of chiming from behind the two, like the noise the moat made back at the castle. A couple of bubbles hover lazily in the air.
Brishen frowns, crossing her arms. She winces a little as she's reminded of old cuts, then looks back at the sound of the chimes.
the black Khatta looks at the handprint, then spins around quickly as he hears the chiming sound, "Okay, what is it now?"
An orange fish hovers in the air. It floats over to Jynx and holds out a folded card.
Brishen stares at the bubbles then at the fish.
Jynx stares at the fish as well, and shakily holds out a paw to receive the card. "O-okay… "
Brishen floats over to peer at the card.
The fish POPS like one of its bubbles as soon as the card is deposited in Jynx's hand.
The feline jumps back a bit at the sudden… weird departure of the fish. Dazed for a few moments, he looks down at the card.
It reads: "You were right, it didn't work… It just made things more interesting."
Jynx's heart sinks as he reads. "Umm, Brishen?" He looks up at her, and hands her the card. "I think this is for both of us… "
Brishen frowns at the message. "Oh Feli!"
Brishen stares at the card. "Is it Eve's handwriting?"
The chiming noise off in the distance takes on a harsh note, briefly sounding like laughter before vanishing altogether.
"I knew it!!" The black Khatta jumps up and down, stomping. "Now that cursed thing is on its own! And who know what it can do now?!" He slumps down to the ground, grumble-hissing. "No, Eve's writing isn't that good." His fur ruffles up at the strange laughter, and the door becomes all that more inviting. "We better hurry," he says as he stands.
Brishen covers her hands with her face and makes a muffled squeak. "We can't let this create more mistakes. We need food and water and then we can return to Eve's castle." She strides over to the panel. "But I don't think this will let anyone in." She peers at the thing, checking to see if the print manages to some sort of Savanite sign.
The print seems to be forming the words 'Emergency Exit'.
Jynx's fur never stops standing at attention, and he jumps back towards the door suddenly. "There-… there's s-something out there… " He backs up to the door, then spins around, looking at the handprint on the door. "This has to be the way to open it, but I don't know how!" The cat fidgets.
Brishen grits her teeth. "Feli. Run if this doesn't work." She lets her hand match the Savanite sign, and places her palm on the plate.
There's a rumble of machinery and the door starts to move. It creaks loudly and slides sideways and then stops halfway. But there does seem to be enough room for a bat and a cat to squeeze in if they tried.
Brishen wastes no time to squeeze in. "Hurry, hurry! And help me close this!"
The Khatta stands back, but still fidgets, looking over his shoulder now and then. "M-Maybe it needs a feline h-hand, I mean, if the Sava-" He stops as the door slides open, then quickly sprints inside, trying to shut the metal panel.
Something SNAPS in the machinery and the door slides smoothly into place, a little too smoothly.
Jynx sinks to the floor, his back against the wall, and lets out a deep sigh of Relief. "Thank the Star."
Brishen's ears twitch. "I didn't like the sound of that."
Splush. Jynx's backside feels rather wet now, not to mention cold.
Brishen blinks.
Brishen squeaks, quietly, and starts looking for another door.
Jynx rubs his eyes, then opens them to get a look at his new surroundings. "Its better than being out there with… whatever it was." Suddenly, the feline leaps up at the touch of his old nemesis, water! "Hey! Its soaking wet in here!"
Brishen squeaks, her voice a little shrill. "I know! Help me find a door!"
The Khatta waits for his eyes to adjust so as to get a lay of the room, if possible. "Where are you?"
Brishen's voice dances along the borders of the room. Then she reaches out to grab the Khatta. "Over here!"
"There's a door!" Jynx points over to a doorway, then realizes that the bat is unable to see. He walks over to her, and grabs hold of her arm. "Here, hold on to me, I can see here." He walks over to the doorway that he, at least, can see. "Seems like you're the one depending on me now," the Khatta smirks.
Brishen flicks an ear, grinning. "My ears aren't perfect."
"There's a door here, with a handle on it." He squints down at the bottom of it, "The water seems to be flowing into it, and there's some light coming out." He reaches out to the handle, and gives it a turn.
The door opens up with a soft creak. Behind it is a room with just enough light to see by. It's been overgrown with plants and water trickles and flows from everywhere. Yellowish beams bathe the greenery, feeding it light. There also appears to be several strange fruits and vegetables growing from the vines, and flowers spring from everywhere.
Jynx stares into the room, and all rational thought is replaced by instinct. "FOOD!" Yells the Khatta as he dives into the plants, scooping up the fruit. It might not be meat, but it'll do in a pinch!
Brishen blinks a few times, then darts out into the greenery. "Wait! Wait!"
"What?! You're hungry aren't you?" The Khatta grins, sorting out all the different fruits and veggies.
Brishen looks down at the fruits and vegetables. "Not hungry enough to not wonder if we can even eat this stuff."
It doesn't take long for the Khatta to pluck several prizewinning plants from the vines. They're all different colors and shapes…
Jynx blinks, and looks down at the gathered foodstuffs in his arms. "Well, if it's on the spottycats' ship, then I guess they must have eaten them. Why else would they have them on board?" The feline selects a rather appealing looking reddish fruit.
Brishen squeaks, lightly stepping over a vine. "We should wake someone up Last-Daughter, maybe. She'd know for sure."
The feline's stomach rumbles as he brings the fruit nearer to his mouth. "I don't know if I can wait that long!" Without hesitation, the Khatta bites into the fruit, taking a sizable chunk in his mouth.
Sticky juice oozes out of the fruit, staining the Khatta's fur and hands. But so far he seems alright.
Brishen winces. "Feli Eep!"
Jynx's face lights up as he chews on the produce, "Hey, this stuff is great!" He takes another hungry bite, slurping in the juice. "Sure you- *gulp* -don't want any?"
Brishen crosses her arms, wincing.
The feline shrugs, and takes one final bite, finishing the tasty treat off. "Suit yourself!" He gulps it down, tosses the core over his shoulder, then looks down at his collection to pick a new choice.
A scream suddenly rings through Brishen and Jynx's ears, although it doesn't seem to be coming from a poisoned Khatta. It echoes from another corridor leading out of the room… the noises are getting closer.
Brishen watches, biting her lower lip, then looks towards the scream. "Eep!"
Jynx bristles, his recently acquired stash spilling to the floor as he bolts upright. "What now?"
Brishen looks around. "I don't know Hide somewhere!"
Brishen flattens herself up against the door.
The ebon cat dives behind a plant, curling up, ears perked.
A disheveled looking Savanite rushes into the room and tumbles to the ground. He signs wildly at something behind him, "Please! I was a good servant! I tried my best! Mercy! MERCY!!!"
Jynx peeks out just so ever slightly from his hiding place, watching the unfolding events.
Something that looks like one of the Knights Templar walks in through the doorway. His hands looks to be aflame and his ebony armor is marked with an image of a silver star across the faceplate. "You? Pathetic servant. You selfish sickening creature." He takes a step closer. "You never tried your hardest, never did your best. Did you think the Star would not NOTICE?" Flame shoots from his hand, striking the deckplate near the cowering cheetah.
Brishen looks around for some sort of weapon Then pauses. Her eyes glitter strangely as she looks at a hand, thinking about the sword she lost to the dragon over the desert. She remembers the way the pommel felt, the leather the hilt was wrapped in, the chips in the blade from when she fought a zelak. ( In my dreams, I still have a sword. )
The cheetah yowls and shrinks back, crawling on his stomach. "Mercy! Oh please, great Star. I served you as best as I could. I gave my life to the service! It was so much more than the heathens. The priesthood! What about my time in the priesthood?"
The black Khatta makes no attempt to become involved, and just watches the scene.
Unfortunately, no sword appears in the bat's hand.
Brishen sticks the tip of her tongue out. ( It was worth a shot. )
"Wasted time. Just as you are a wasted life. I will enjoy burning away your disease." More flames shoot from the night's hand and the cheetah makes a dash for a door… a closed door.
Brishen continues her search for a weapon. Her eyes settle on a large fruit. She shrugs and picks it up.
Jynx looks over to Brishen, and his eyes go wide. He shakes his head in a 'no' gesture wildly.
Brishen narrows her eyes, slightly.
The cheetah passes right through the door as though it were a ghost. His tormentor strides right behind, also passing through the door as if it were nothing.
The room is quiet again.
Brishen shakes her head, quietly. "Feli Are you hungry?"
The Khatta blinks, and slowly stands, staring at the door. "N-not anymore… " He goes over to the door, and just stares at it. "The cub said they couldn't see her… " He spins to Brishen, "I… I guess they were ghosts of some sort. That means Last-Daughter must be here somewhere!"
Brishen nods, picking up a few of the fruits and veggies that Jynx ate. After sniffing at them cautiously, she eats them. "Mf." She wipes her mouth with the back of a hand. "We need to get back to Eve's castle."
Jynx picks a few more fruits himself, and idly munches on them. "No, not just yet. We have to find First-Daughter first, I'm not leaving her here." He looks up at the bat, "Not when stuff like this is going on."
Another 'ghost' meanders into the room, another Savanite in a crisp uniform. There's no dramatics like with the last ghost… he simply enters the room.
The black Khatta jumps back suddenly, but makes no effort to hide this time. He makes his way slowly towards the 'ghost'.
Brishen looks down at the ground. Then she starts filling her satchel with fruits and veggies too. She sighs quietly. "I feel responsible for what happened, Feli. I've made too many mistakes that have gotten people hurt. It's not happening any What?" She looks towards the uniformed Savanite.
The Savanite brushes off his shoulder, he looks to be completely unaware of the two others in the room. On his hat are the words 'Ocean-Finder'.
Jynx slowly makes his way to the cheetah, and reaches out to touch him. "Then you can help me find First-Daughter, and keep her from being hurt."
Brishen squeaks, quietly. "What about Eve? And what about the artifact?"
Jynx's hand passes right through. "Now remember," the ghost signs at something to his left at about waist level. "Stay out of sight and don't pester anybody. I'll not have you shaming me anymore than you already have. Don't bother the Priest, and for Star's sake leave that crazy soldier alone. Young ladies shouldn't bother warrior men." He shakes his head and walks on, his shoulder passes right through Jynx's arm.
Jynx nods in confirmation, his assumption turning out to be true. "Eve'll be fine, don't you see?" He turns to the bat, "She's just dreaming, she's not actually here! For all we know, we're the only ones on this entire world!" He spreads his arms for emphasis. "When people dream, this is where it takes place, but they aren't actually here, just their dreams. That's why your trick on the artifact didn't work." He looks down at what the apparition was signing to. "Right now, I'm more worried about that cub, she's real like us, and can be hurt."
Brishen whispers. "If that were true, Feli, the artifact would still be as it was. Something else happened here."
The ghost nods his head at something. "Yes, you can play at the fountains, but be back in your room by the evening. Now go." His eyes track the movement of someone walking away.
After a moment, the ghost signs, "If only I hadn't been cursed. If only I had a son." And with that it exits the room.
Brishen winces. Poor Last-Daughter.
Jynx stares at the spot the cheetah's eyes follow, but seeing nothing, looks up at the Savanite just in time to see his signing, and grimaces. "She has to be here somewhere."
Brishen shakes her head. "I still have to make sure Eve's alright And where the artifact went!"
Stifling a yawn, the cat shakes his head, "I'm sure Eve's fine. And if the artifact is like how I've been told, or what I've experienced, it could be anywhere now." He sighs, and takes a look around the green room. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired, and this is a big ship."
Brishen stares at Jynx. "You can't be serious about sleeping. Not now!"
Jynx sits down on the floor, wincing a bit at his sore muscles. "Dead serious. It does us no good to go traipsing around the world of dreams, not knowing where we are or where to go, then being tired to boot. We haven't slept since we were on the airship!" He yawns again, and looks for something soft to lay on. "We'll start early tomorrow, first thing. You could do good to copy a Khatta; sleeping's one thing we know the value of."
There's quite a bit of soft greenery here and there, It would probably serve as a comfy pillow or mattress in a pinch.
Brishen sighs, looking around.
The black Khatta gathers various foliage around him, and settles down. He grins, "Maybe if we dream, we can get a better look around."
Brishen settles down on a spot, shaking her head. "I guess you're right." She closes her eyes. ( Why didn't you believe in her, Feli? The artifact said you were right It used your words. Then maybe he was right. I have to find out! )
Jynx barely hears the bat's words as he drifts off into Slumberland… or at least he would, if he wasn't already there. Images of the little cub dance in his mind, and that of his sister too. He wants to go home.