Feb. 9. Envoy and Lovelace go to a party, where Zoltan is working as bouncer.
(Envoy) (Eye of Madness) (City of Hands) (Lovelace) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Zoltan)
At the Party
The di Medici Estate is, in short, an embodiment of extravagance, a display of wealth and power that only the head of the Accounting Office of the Temple could possibly afford – or get away with. In long, it is a mansion that spares nothing in terms of the finest of furnishings and works of art, and what luxuries can be found anywhere on Rephidim – or Sinai, for that matter. The ballroom features a gigantic hanging crystal chandelier. The dining hall could seat a small army. The trophy room has many artifacts that should probably be in a museum or laboratory. But the creme de la creme would be the garden – a great walled park, complete with zig-zagging streams, step bridges, a burbling fountain, orchards, trees, and a sculpted bush menagerie and maze.

It is evening, the sky clear of clouds, revealing the matchless glory of the Procession and the myriad of stars beyond. Far below those stars, but in a place high, high above the surface of Sinai, the well-to-do of Rephidim walk about in the garden, chattering, gossiping, complimenting each other on their tastes, and sampling wine.

In a white gazebo, a string quartet plays to the enjoyment of the guests, while a few guards nearby keep wary watch for any uninvited intruders.

A brown bat in a sapphire-and-black gown steps along slowly, not quite used to high heels. "Now, remember," she whispers to the winged lady beside her, "It's very easy to offend these people. Try not to volunteer any information unless you have to. Certainly don't start speaking until spoken to."

Lord_Bhi'gegoh chats with a bored-looking vixen at a table. "And then, there was the time I hunted a Gooshurm with my bare hands. Oh, what an arduous quest that was… "

The vixen shudders delicately. "Aren't Gooshurms those worms that eat foxes or something? That must have been horrible."

Envoy nods to Vielanika, and restrains herself from gawking at the costumes and rushing up to people…

Vielanika smiles confidently. "You look positively fabulous, Envoy. Just as soon as we walk under the lamps, odds are you'll have every eye on you. That's a figurative expression, not literal. Yes, you should make QUITE the impression tonight."

Lord Bhi'gegoh pats the vixen's paw. "Oh, it was. There I was in the desert… without food or water, for a week… all my Vartan guides had perished, not being of the stern stuff a poodle is made of."

Zoltan watches the bat and the… er… what is that horned winged thingy anyway?… walk past as he quietly mingles. Occasionally he itches at the gaudy blue robe he's been forced to wear this night.

Envoy sticks close to the bat for another reason… she's not quite gotten used to shoes with heels. "Thank you, Vielanika. I'll try not to embarrass you."

The brown bat walks along, into the largest clearing, ringed by lanterns, with the gazebo in the center.

Envoy oos at the colorful lanterns, and wonders what they're made of…

The vixen shudders. "Truly dreadful." Her bored gaze wanders to the newcomers.

Vielanika looks about surreptitiously. "Thank goodness, no Zelaks in here so far. But then, I don't think di Medici cares for them very much… " her voice trails off.

Zoltan glances at the poodle for a moment, scowling. He quickly turns away, hiding his expression. He's not here to enjoy the conversation… let the dogs say what they want.

Zoltan tries to sneak himself a drink… making sure to get LOTS of shiny ice.

Envoy whispers back to Vielanika, "Do Zelaks disturb people? I've noticed most folks get uneasy around them."

Another poodle walks along, surrounded by a small crowd of others of similar station, talking at length about the Savan and the northern wastes, and the Himaat. He's dressed in long, colorful robes with gold trim, his head topped by a kadiban – a headdress common to the merchant class of Abu Dhabi. "And then there was the time I had to fight the dreaded Gooshurm bare-handed. My entire party had died, you do recall, leaving me alone to face the beast… "

Envoy's attention gets drawn to the story teller…

Vielanika nods. "Yes, sometimes they do, Envoy. But for different reasons. They don't think the same way many do. I don't quite understand all that you've told me about your past, but in a way, some of what you've told me makes me think of them … but, admittedly, I don't understand it nearly well enough to explain myself."

Zoltan strains, looking at the newcomer.

The vixen shakes her head. Those Gooshurms seem to be everywhere! She narrows her eyes at Envoy, then at her boyfriend across the room, a red wolf looking at Envoy as well. "If you'll excuse me, Lord Bhi'gegoh. I must speak to my love."

Envoy nods to the bat, and whispers, "I'd like to dissect one someday," before watching the poodle with the funny hat again.

Lord Bhi'gegoh hmmphs at the other poodle. "What an out-and-out liar. He's never even left Rephedim… What? your… oh, very well. Good evening, ma'am."

Lord Bhi'gegoh kisses the vixen's hand very formally, before she departs.

The brown bat leans over to Envoy. "That tall poodle wearing the kadiban is Titus haut Mikide – a world-class explorer who has been just about anywhere there is to go. Over there, you can see Lord Bhi'gegoh. From what I hear, he's had quite a few adventures himself. I think the two might be rivals or somesuch." She blinks, belatedly registering Envoy's notion about "dissection". "Uhm … I don't think they would appreciate that, Envoy."

The vixen stands, revealing that the sleek lines of her black dress do indeed ripple down her slim legs to the very ankles – scandalously high-cut! She holds her hand out for Lord Bhi'gegoh and murmurs, "Charmed, m'lord."

The vixen slinks across the room and murmurs a few heated words to her boyfriend.

Envoy splits her attention between the two explorers. They must have all sorts of interesting stories…

The brown bat whispers again, "Of course, they're both very wealthy. But the same can be said of most you'll meet here tonight, save for the hired help. This will be a good chance to make new friends – useful friends."

Zoltan continues to mingle. He catches another glimpse of the bat and that… er… whatever she is. He decides to get a bit closer.

Lord Bhi'gegoh looks over interestedly at the bat and the… the… hmmm.

Envoy makes a note to ask Vielanika the differences between 'useful' friends and regular friends. But right now, there is too much else to pay attention to…

A raccoon in blue-and-grey robes walks into the clearing as well, a half-filled glass teetering in one hand. He shuffles along, looking very pleased with himself, nodding at everyone he passes. He wears a tall pointed hat, which bears an emblem that looks like the Temple Star-and-Cross … except that the "star" looks more like two crossed wrenches.

Envoy smiles and nods politely to Lord Bhi'gegoh, just as she was taught.

Vielanika walks up. "Oh! M'lord Bhi'gegoh! So good to see you again. I've heard you've had so many exciting adventures since we last met. But I don't believe you've met Lady Envoy of Lothrhyn?" She gestures to the golden-gowned beauty beside her.

Envoy stands about five and a half feet tall, and is covered from head to toe in soft white fur, with a row of golden scales running from throat to belly. Her face is a short-muzzled mix of draconic, equine, and vulpine, with doe-like ears and large gold-irised eyes. A small, back-curving gold horn sprouts from her forehead. Small gold claws adorn her fingers and toes, and a mane of thick golden curls covers her head and the tip of her leonine tail. A pair of feathered wings sprout from her back, gold with white pinfeathers. Envoy is dressed in a golden gown. The neckline follows her collarbone, looping over her shoulders. Instead of sleeves, the shoulders drape down into half-loops which arch up to connect to the wrists of the forearm length gloves… each with its own hanging loop of fabric connecting wrist to elbow. A third drapery forms a mini apron that hooks above Envoy's waist and flows into her lap. The dress itself is straight and sheer, covering her from collarbone to ankles. A matching pair of gold shoes are included, and a white shell tiara holds back her hair, which is done up in a bun on top with two ringlets allowed to drape down from Envoy's temples to her cheeks. A gold torc around her neck completes the outfit.

Envoy gives a slight curtsey, and offers the back of her hand to the Lord.

The hippogryph keeps his distance, but stays close enough to hear the creature's name. Hmm… strange… but she has a pretty shiny dress.

Lord Bhi'gegoh says, "Ah, Madam Vielanika. True, true… I must tell you about my hunt of the pair of Gooshurms… "

Zoltan thinks, . o O (EnvoyOfLothrhyn, what a strange name. But suitable for some odd reason.)

Lord_Bhi'gegoh gazes over Envoy's form, and grins a bit too widely. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Envoy."

The raccoon walks on by, turning for a moment to look quizzically at the back of that winged … "Solus?" he mutters, "No, not a Solus … Oh, bother, she looks familiar. But where? Oh! I see Barcodamus – I'd best get to him before he's swallowed up by the crowd again – BARCODAMUS!" He takes off at a faster pace.

Zoltan starts and turns, looking after the source of the shout.

A servant Kavi appears near Envoy and Vielanika, white-faced and black-bodied. "Would miladies care for drinks?" he suggests, holding up a tray with sixteen glasses of some purplish-black liquid.

Envoy glances at Vielanika to see if it is okay to accept a drink.

Across the clearing, a crowd of guests parts way just long enough to reveal a portly poodle (there are many of those about, though few so sizeable as this one) in white and gold robes. He wears a hat as well, with a variation on the Star-and-Anchor, the "star" resembling a balance. He nods in the raccoon's direction. "Ah! Verdigris. So glad to see you could make it… " and his voice trails off as the guests close in again, competing for his attention in the strange games of conversation that take place in events such as this.

Vielanika smiles and takes one of the glasses, and nods to Envoy.

Envoy also takes a glass, hoping it's a fruit drink.

Envoy says, "Thank you," to the Kavi.

The bat puts a coin on the tray. "Tell me, sir – Do you know the name of that one over there? Standing under the flickering lantern?"

Zoltan itches at his robe again… arrrgh. Why do fancy clothes always feel so uncomfortable.

Lord Bhi'gegoh lifts a glass off the tray, and sips… hmmph. "Not bad. Of course, the di Medicis always water down their drinks… "

Envoy pauses in lifting the glass to her lips, wondering if 'watering down' is something bad…

The servant glances across to the sleek black Eeee standing beneath the lantern, dressed in purple robes edged in black. "Ah! That is Bridge Advisor Nimiss," he murmurs back to Vielanika. "I brought him some of the Idonian brandy earlier."

"A very good year – Cerbancos 14," the servant adds. "My master Barcadamus is most generous with his stocks."

The kadiban-wearing poodle walks nearby, still chatting on to those walking with him, "And then, as the airship was descending, sure to crash, I made a leap from the deck, landing on the sail of the Nohbakim sand trireme which was sailing by underneath. The landing was, of course, rather painful, but I managed to convince the savages that I was, in fact, … " He continues on, speaking with a rich tone, and a demeanor fitting of the dashing hero.

Envoy sips her drink finally, and cocks an ear towards the merchant and his entourage.

The servant makes the coin vanish mysteriously and walks on to hand out more glasses.

Zoltan drains his own drink, plunking the glass down on the tray of a servant rushing past.

Vielanika smiles, raising an eyebrow. "Nimiss, hmm?" She turns, swaggering her shoulders slightly, and smirking, taking a sip from her drink. "Perhaps I shall have to speak with him." Without further ado, she begins to walk across the clearing, completely forgetting Envoy for the moment.

Lord Bhi'gegoh says, "You will have to come by my mansion sometime, Lady Envoy. A better Rephidian Margaquila cannot be found than the one my servant makes… oh, there's that liar Titus again. *sigh* Always using tales of my life as his own."

Lord Bhi'gegoh whispers conspiratorally to Envoy, "Humor him if he tells you a tale, but be not hasty to believe him."

Zoltan's eyes follow the bat as she walks past, then zip back to the strange aeolan in the nice gold dress.

Envoy sets her glass down on the table, deciding to wait until her tongue stops buzzing befor trying another sip. "You had mentioned Gooshurms earlier, my Lord. I've never heard of that… creature?"

Titus haut Mikide stops in midstride, the flaps of his kadiban swirling briefly as he catches sight of the dazzling golden gown … and the strange creature contained therein. "Dear me. Who is … that?"

The black bat, Nimiss by name, appears to be intrigued by Vielanika's approach. The two are soon engaged in converse, Nimiss soliciting details of Vielanika's life while pouring her tiny glasses of the aforementioned Idonian brandy. Very strong stuff.

A robed fox nearby, a vixen hanging on his harm, chuckles, "Oh, dear Titus, don't tell me that there is anyone in this world you haven't met?" His gaze turns toward Envoy. "Hmm. Who IS she?" he repeats.

Lord Bhi'gegoh says, "Ah! The Gooshurms a long, slightering worms that live under the sand. They're reputed to have a taste for foxes… very ferocious, and hard to kill. Of course, I've slain several in my time… "

Envoy smiles, "What did you do with the carcasses afterwards?"

Zoltan inches closer to the poodle and the Aeolun. Perhaps she'll mention what exactly she is.

"Yes, who ARE you," repeats the black-dressed vixen as she looks down her nose toward Envoy. "Some common person wandering off the street by accident into our good host's party?"

The lantern light is caught in the fabric of Envoy's dress just the right way. It seems to shimmer and glow with its own light … as do the tips of her pinfeathers. For a moment, she looks as if she could have stepped straight down from the Procession to dawble with mortals. She draws countless jealous looks from ladies who have apparently spent considerable amounts on their /own/ attire.

Lord Bhi'gegoh says, "The carcasses? Oh… ehm… In most cases, I used the meat for my own survival. Dreadully horrible thing to eat, but for survival, one must do what one must. The tongues, I collected and preserved… as souveniers."

Zoltan oggles! Shinyshinyshinyshiny…

Envoy turns and smiles to the vixen. "Hello. I am Envoy of Lothrhyn. I am a recently arrived Exile."

Lord Bhi'gegoh blinks suddenly. .oO( Ah, an Exile! )

Zoltan thinks, . o O ( An exile? That would explain things. )

"An Exile?" Titus asks and states. "I knew it! I knew you couldn't be from this world." He grins winningly.

The vixen looks surprised. "An Exile!" She sniffs disdainfully. "Perhaps that excuses your lack of manners. I dare say that you have not even thought to be introduced to the host!"

Titus snorts. "In case you haven't noticed, there's quite the line. But we can certainly arrange for that." He turns back toward Envoy. "If you would care to accompany me?" He offers a hand.

Envoy stands up, "I suppose I should be introduced, if it is proper. Would you join us, Lord Bhi'gegoh? I'd love to see one of your souvenir tongues sometime."

Lord Bhi'gegoh smiles at Lady Envoy. "I would be pleased to join you and… Lord Titus." He frowns as he speaks the other poodle's name.

Lord Bhi'gegoh stands, taking Envoy's free hand.

The vixen looks slightly scandalized at Titus's intervention, but acquiesces and steps back. "Of course, Lord Mikide. Your good manners speak very well of your fine upbringing and outstanding family." She smiles innocently and glares daggers at the red wolf, who looks mortified. "Unlike Esquer Phanda here… "

The black-dressed vixen retreats to maintain her ever-more possessive grip on the red wolf.

Envoy smiles to both of her escorts, who seem so much more polite than most people she's met.

"Ah! And I see that Verdigris Nuttenboltschen is there as well. He can be a bore at times, but he means well." He frowns, seeing that Envoy's hand is already taken. Nonetheless, his smile recovers, and he leads the way toward the crowd surrounding the large poodle, who is currently talking at length with the blue-robed raccoon.

Envoy says, "Oh, I've met him at the Temple. He seems much more relaxed tonight."

Zoltan casually follows behind… this seems like it could be getting more and more interesting.

"I wonder if her invitation might not be some sort of forgery," the vixen mutters to her Esquer. "I've never heard of anyone named 'Envoy' before. Imagine that! That's a title, not a name."

"You've met him already? Well then, I'm sure he will be glad to see you again," Titus smiles. "Ah! Verdigris! Barcodamus! Ha ha – So good to see you again. I have so many tales to tell."

Lord Bhi'gegoh mutters under his breath, "Before I can tell them."

A young Savanite carries a tray of dishes back toward the house, and stops dead still, as he sees Zoltan. The cheetah's eyes go wide, and he almost drops the tray. Quickly, he skitters away, narrowly weaving through the party-goers, and prompting a few gasps of protest.

Envoy smiles, and prepares to curtsey to the host of the party.

"Allow me to present Envoy of Lothrhyn," Titus smiles. "Of course, I understand that Verdigris has already made her acquaintance… "

Lord Bhi'gegoh reluctantly releases Envoy's hand from his, to permit her to be introduced.

The large poodle gives Envoy a twice-over, and smiles, appreciating her taste in attire. "Barcodamus di Medici," the poodle says, "and very pleased to meet you, m'lady."

Envoy curtseys, "It is my honor, my Lord."

The raccoon blinks for a few moments. "I … I … " He squints. "Er … "

Zoltan glances ober his shoulder for a moment, he manages to catch a glimpse of yellow fur dissapearing around a corner. Oh well.

Envoy smiles to Verdigris, "It is nice to meet you again as well. I was the heretic you tried to have executed, remember?"

Titus pats the raccoon on the back, perhaps in much a chummy fashion. "Verdigris, old boy! Don't tell me you lose your tongue whenever you meet a beautiful woman, eh?" The poodle waggles his eyebrows. Then he stops, blinking. Then he laughs. "Ah! A sense of humor, I see."

Zoltan chortles to himself.

The raccoon adjusts a big oversized spectacle over one eye. "I … bdabh… a … hebbe… uh… " He blinks several times.

Lord Bhi'gegoh's eyes simply blink, then he coughs. "You will pardon me, Lady Envoy, I must be off." He quickly turns and disappears into the crowd.

Envoy leans in to whisper to the raccoon, "Inquisitor Melchizedek has sworn me to secrecy regarding the circumstances of our first meeting."

The drink in the raccoon's hand begins to shake violently, sending splashes to the ground.

Zoltan walks a bit closer to the racoon. Trouble?

Titus looks puzzled. "Ah … Hmm. Oh! Look! I see Dhara over there. Why, I haven't spoken to her in ages. That IS Dhara, isn't it? I'll go check. Ta ta!" He hurriedly departs.

Envoy stands straight again and blinks three times at the raccoon's trembling hand.

The raccoon's face begins to twist and contort, "Mmph. MMPH! NRRRRGH!"

Envoy barely notices that her escorts have vanished. "Are you all right, sir?" she asks Verdigris.

Lord Bhi'gegoh can be seen chatting to another bored-looking guest, well, well away from Envoy and Verdigris.

Barcodamus drums his fingers – all of them bearing golden rings – on his chin. "Hmmmm," he muses, indecisive as to whether to look concerned or amused.

Zoltan places a hand on Verdigris' shoulder, "You alrights? Swallow ice wrong way?" he squawks.

A nearby lady poodle, elderly, murmurs with some surprise, "Oh dear. One of Lord Nuttenboltschen's attacks again?" to another lady poodle. The other one replies, "A dreadful shame. A true luminary of the Temple… "

The raccoon turns around. "G – Ghhhh! Gahhh!" He points vehemently at Envoy, but can't quite seem to spit out what it is he has in mind.

Envoy turns back to her host and smiles, "This is a very nice party. It is the first one I have been to."

The Hippogryph uses this as a chance to get a good close look at Envoy. Hmm… pretty golden horn.

Zoltan patpats Verdigris' back, hoping to dislodge whatever might be stuck in there.

Barcodamus smiles. "Oh, really? Well, I certainly hope you'll be making a habit of it. This is the most fun I've had all night," he grins.

A servant appears to take Verdigris's drink from his hand. He holds out a tiny phial which is filled with small glossy black pills. "Your medication, sir?"

The raccoon's hands shake violently as he shoves some of the pills into his mouth, then downs it with a non-prescription shot of liquor. *GULP!*

Envoy says, "You have so many fascinating guests. Do you also have adventures?"

Barcodamus grins. "Oh, I have them, after a matter, though not quite so colorful as Lord Bhi'gegoh, let alone Mikide. But I did have a most enjoyable Audit the other day. You see, there was a certain businessman … "

Envoy gives Barcodamus her full attention. She has little information regarding business.

Barcodamus pontificates and explains at great, dreary – but enthusiastic – lengths about a tangle of tax codes and proper fees and balances and debits and credits and adjustments and allowances and many other things that seem to involve money and payments thereof.

Envoy says, "And that was just for a single audit? You must have very little free time."

The two society ladies whisper to each other as the servant walks away with the bottle of pills. "Medicines can be such treacherous things. Why, Lord Bastille just the other day took some red pills that he thought his pharmacist had given… " They mutter about assassinations and the recent deaths.

Barcodamus sighs and nods. "Yes, quite so. That is why I make sure that I make use of my time wisely – quality if not quantity, you know!"

Envoy blinks three times. "What a remarkable concept… Thank you for sharing it."

Barcodamus' eyes glance toward the two gossippy ladies, but he returns his attentions to Envoy, smiling. "So, my young lady – how do you occupy your time?"

Zoltan glances at Envoy, than whispers to Verdigris, "Is problem here? You wants exile to leave?"

The raccoon seems to be slowly regaining his composure, and looks to Zoltan. "G-get her. S-she's … " He coughs. He seems to be losing that control again. "Invitation," he coughs, and fumbles with his drink again.

Envoy says, "I am a student with the Bards' Guild. I also try to find out as much as I can about this remarkable world, and collect plant specimens for cultivation and study."

Zoltan nods to Verdigris and worms his way through the crowd back to Envoy.

"The … Bards' Guild?" the poodle says, raising an eyebrow. "Tell me … who did you come with this evening?"

Envoy turns and points out Vielanika through the crowd. "Vielanika brought me."

Just at the moment, Vielanika is singing drunkenly to an amused-looking Bridge Advisor Nimiss and his small coterie of attendants.

"Hmmm," the large poodle comments, then looks at Envoy again. "I see."

The hippogryph places a hand on Envoy's shoulder, "Pardon." He says to the poodle. Then to Envoy, "You gots invitation to be here?"

Envoy looks up at the tall Vartan. "Vielanika invited me," she smiles.

Barcodamus takes this opportunity to wander off along the garden path, an entourage of guests in his wake.

Zoltan frowns, "Where is Vielanika? They gots invitation to be here?"

Envoy says, "She is over there talking with her friend." She points out the bat. "Do you know her?"

Zoltan shakes his head, "You take me to her?" He gently grasps one of Envoy's arms. (don't want to damage that shiny fabric you know.)

Envoy starts towards the far end of the garden. "How should I introduce you? I don't know your name."

Zoltan blinks for a moment, it's unusual for him to be asked his name. Strange one, this. "You call me Zoltan, yes? I one of guards here. Was told to check you invitation."

Envoy says, "What do you guard?"

Zoltan squawks, "I guard here. Keep people with no invitation out of party."

Envoy blinks. "Does that pay well?"

The black bat looks up from where Vielanika is singing to the black griffon and the golden-dressed winged unicorn who have just arrived. "Ah, come to listen to the lovely bard's song?" he says with upraised eyebrow.

Envoy smiles, "Vielanika is a very good bard."

Zoltan grins proudly, "I gets half copper every night and all the shiny bottles I can carry." He looks at the bat.

Vielanika giggles, almost toppling over as she turns around. "Roh! Rnroy!" She giggles again. "That's Pig-Vykarin," she whispers to the tall dark and handsome bat next to her.

Zoltan points to Envoy, "She with you, yes?"

"Very good," Bridge Advisor Nimiss says to Vielanika. "I so rarely encounter Vykarins in my line of work."

Lovelace ambles in, looking late and worried, his hair carefully groomed and his moustaches brushed. The lace and gold assemblage he wears obviously pleased his mother, but poor Lovelace looks a bit uncomfortable around the collar. He twitches at it with one finger and pastes his best "Bureaucrat-Having-A-Good- Time" smile on his face and advances toward the canapes.

Lovelace picks over the finger food and finds no fingers there, much to his relief. Selecting something that looks safely edible, he nabs a glass from a sideboard and goes to see if he can find Mine Host to greet.

Titus haut Mikide, the kadiban-wearing poodle, waves to Lovelace. "Aha! Good fellow! So good to see you again!" He grins, dressed up for all the world like Lah-Rans of Abu Dhabi.

A vixen near Lovelace continues to mutter something about 'gold-dressed halfbreed Solu-Aeonians, probably doesn't even have a proper invitation, how dare she intrude on this party'… Her boyfriend sighs with that 'She's going to beat me over the head with this for WEEKS' look.

"Is everything in order?" the black bat Nimiss murmurs to Zoltan.

Zoltan releases Envoy's arm. He glances at the empty bottles.

Lovelace manages a bow, and in spite of his mother's critiques, he does manage an elegant performance. It also enables him to slip a glance at the vixen, but she doesn't seem a well-known menber of the Crit-ocracy, so he quietly ignores her and seeks a corner.

Vielanika giggles. "In order? No! Everything's twirrrrrrrling around!" As she says this, she demonstrates by spinning precariously around in circles.

Envoy looks around, and spots the vixen she met earlier, and a poodle she hasn't seen before.

Zoltan scrawks to Nimiss, "Was asked by Verdigris to check invitation for gold dress here. She tell me bat has… so I come here."

Lord Bhi'gegoh can be seen leaving the party, escorting a very tipsy female on his arm.

"I've just come back from the Himaat," the kadiban-wearing Titus says to Lovelace, "with all manners of adventures to tell about, as per usual. Ah! Life is so short, and there is so much to do!"

Nimiss graciously lays a hand upon Vielanika's shoulder. "Perhaps you should sit down, m'lady," he suggests as he guides her to a seat. Then comments to Zoltan, "Any friend of the Lady Vielanika is of course, quite welcome at this party, I'm certain. And the Lady Vielanika herself is quite a charming individual, I find." He speaks with assurance.

Envoy smiles, glad to see her friend look 'happy' for a change.

Vielanika smiles and flutters her eyelashes at Nimiss. "You're rather charrrrrming yourself!" She slams an elbow onto the table, and props her chin on a fist, scrunching up her cheekruff on one side of her face.

Zoltan growns, "And that what I tell Verdigris? They no gots invitation… but Eeee say it alrights if they stay?"

Lovelace sips his drink, looking thoughtful. The party's timing is dreadful, particularly since the High Priest wanted him to do some quiet checking of a certain tavern in the less reputable parts of town. It was only a miracle that his mother decided at the last moment to stay home and have a round of the vapors to entertain his father, otherwise he'd be saddled with both parents AND this party. His disguise was tucked under the seat of his carriage in a special box. Perhaps after the party got livelier, perhaps when he wouldn't be missed, he could go for a discrete stroll. The inn was only 15 blocks from here. He could probably manage a quick reconnoiter in under an hour.

The brown bat bard giggles, whispering loudly to Envoy, "Best be careful. I think a couple more drinks and I might get tipsy!" She winks exaggeratedly.

"Please do, my good Vartan," Nimiss says to Zoltan. "Merely tell him that the Bridge Advisor, Nimiss, finds their company quite commendable, and approves of the High Auditor Barcodamus's choices in guests." He gestures to Zoltan with a look that suggests he's not used to being disobeyed in any way.

Envoy opens her mouth, then stops. She can ask what a tipsy is later.

Lovelace blinks as he realizes Titus is chattering away at him, and he has no memory of what the converstion's about. But he smiles enthusiastically and nods and makes mumbling noises, which seems to encourage Titus.

Zoltan glances back through the crowd trying to find Verdigris.

The raccoon is engaged in a conversation with someone who is holding what looks like a broken piece of machinery. A few snippets of the conversation drift through. "… tomorrow. I can take a look at it tomorrow, when … You insist? Can't you see that I'm a very busy … Oh, all right… "

Nimiss sighs with a little exaggeration. "I rarely meet one so… Well travelled as you are," he says with deliberate flattery to Vielanika. "Someone who truly goes out and experiences the rich cultures of Rephidim, and the world beyond." Their conversation becomes a low murmur as Nimiss dismisses Envoy with a handwave.

The raccoon grumbles, as he digs into his robes … and pulls out a set of tools. Odd accessories for a party, hmm? He heads off, grumbling, disappearing along the garden path.

Envoy wanders off. Experience tells her this is the proper action when people stop paying attention to you at a party.

Lovelace's eyes follow the raccoon, as he nods in time with Titus' pontificating.

Vielanika seems quite enamored with Nimiss – and his flattery.

Zoltan watches the racoon leave. He turns back around and finds that the winged Aeonian thingy has left! Ack!

Zoltan scans the crowd, that shiny dress shouldn't be too hard to miss.

Envoy heads for the buffet, where she sees Titus and the unknown poodle. Maybe they will have some interesting food there.

"So, there I was, on the Sea of Sand, forced to strangle that dreaded Gooshurm – bare-handed! Ah, a pity, that all the Vartans in my party had died, but nothing could be done about THAT. So, after a long and brutal stuggle… " Titus continues, with a well-trained voice, adding emphasis at just all the right points … that is, if the listener were interested in what he were saying.

Envoy browses along the length of the buffet, looking for things she can't identify.

The Vartan squeezes through the crowd after Envoy. Not much reason to throw her out now, but he decides to keep an eye on her.

Yet another poodle walks by, wearing a gawdy costume in yellow-green and magenta, a lady on each arm. He gives Envoy a sideways glance, and pauses in his banter for a moment, but strolls on by.

Envoy tries to puzzle out a shis-ke-bob.

Zoltan thinks to himself, . o O ( If I NEVER see another poodle after this, it'll be too soon. ) He scowls.

Lovelace casts a quick glance at the extremely unusual female at the buffet. He frowns, trying to decide if he knows her. The hazard of being an under-Undersecretary is that you get to meet everyone and are expected to know them, while they are under no obligation to remember you. She seems at an odd loss… perhaps she is from Aeonia – from the backwoods of Aeonia. Her puzzlement grows and Lovelace decides that the pale Aeonian (if that's what she is) must be from the Outer-Back-Utmost-Outer-backwoods of Aeonia. Or from even further away.

A small group of Savanite slaves come out, carrying a very large covered dish, which, with some effort, they set up. The lid is removed, revealing a whole roasted Bromthen forest hog, with a gigantic forest pumpkin truffle in its sizeable maw. The tusks are still in place, gleaming white (probably removed during cooking and then replaced for appearances).

Lovelace murmurs, "Hog. How appropriate." Fork in hand, he advances on the buffet.

Envoy notices the new dish, and heads towards it as well. Perhaps she can get a good look at the animal before it's picked apart…

Titus cheerfully says, "Ah yes! Direct from the Savan. That reminds me. Did you know that – Oh, of course you don't know. But anyway, there is a lead that just recently sprung up concerning a legendary city in the thick of the Savan jungle, known as the 'City of Hands'. It's a legend among the Naga, you know. They speak of buildings with hands that live and speak, or some such nonsense."

Zoltan grumbles, wishing for once they'd let him eat at one of these parties. His stomach wishes it even more. *gurgle*

Envoy blinks, and immediately forgets about the roast hog. Living hands?

"Of course, I've been to the Savan before, several times," Titus continues. "Once, while I was out and enjoying the evening at our encampment, I happened upon a pumpkin truffle … and a very angry Bromthen forest hog who was in the process of feasting on it. Unfortunately, I had no weapon at hand, so I was forced, bare-handed, to … "

Zoltan thinks, . o O ( Run like the dickens? )

"… run like crazy back to the camp!" Titus adds with a self-depreciating laugh.

Envoy glances at the adventurer-merchant's hands. They seem awfully smooth.

Lovelace smiles at Titus' story. "Amazing, really!"

Envoy hovers close, hoping to hear more about the lost city of living buildings.

Lovelace says, "You didn't get grabbed by any of the buildings, did you?"

"Rather nasty creatures, they are. But tasty. And the truffle – You MUST try some." Titus reaches over with a knife, and saws away at the thick hairy hide of the pumpkin-sized truffle-thing. Inside, there are multiple nodules of a dark brown carob-like substance. "Grabbed by buildings?" He nibbles on a bit of the truffle. "Oh ho! No, not at all. I did not explain myself properly. No civilized man has set foot in the City of Hands, or at least, not that anyone knows of."

"In fact, until recently, it was thought just a legend. Aside from my discoveries, that's all you'll hear about it, if anything at all," Titus nods.

Zoltan fehs. Living buildings. Who'd want to live in a building that was alive? You'd have to feed it and brush it and clip it's nails…

Envoy finally asks over Titus' shoulder, "What sort of discoveries did you make about this legendary city?"

"You see, the reason no one has found this fabled city, is because it's deep within a Forbidden Zone in the jungle of the Savan… " He turns toward Envoy. "Oh! You're still here," the exotically-dressed poodle says with a smile.

Lovelace advances on the truffle, fork and butter-knife at the offensive. He lunges, he stabs – his victim lies helpless before him. Taking a large slice of the truffle, he turns back to Titus, having made good his escape with his truffle-prey – the successful Savage Poodle returning from the hunt.

Zoltan itches at his arm. If they let him keep this robe after everything's done, he plans to either burn it or give it to his worst enemy. The landlord likes red afterall.

Lovelace blinks at Titus. "I say. You didn't mention you knew this exotic beauty, Titus. It's no fair to keep all the adventuring and the lovelies to yourself."

Envoy smiles back.

Titus smirks. "Well, this happens to be the Lady Envoy, an Exile from distant worlds."

Envoy curtseys to Lovelace.

Lovelace makes a mental note. Not an Aeonian, after all, despite her looks. Interesting that an Exile is here at the party – someone is playing a game somewhere, and perhaps a very dangerous game. The pale creature is a pawn, and he hopes for the poor beauty's sake that she's a well-defended pawn.

Lovelace takes her hand and executes a sweeping bow over it. "I'm charmed, milady. I hope you find a comfortable refuge here," he smiles smoothly.

Envoy smiles, "I have been cared for, yes. Thank you."

Envoy asks Titus, "Will you be venturing back to this jungle soon, my Lord?"

Lovelace says, "You are fortunate, then, that you have found guardians and protectors here."

"Ah yes, most certainly, my lovely Envoy," Titus smiles. "I certainly cannot pass up investigating such a site as this. It could be quite a find. And, on a more practical level," Titus adds, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial level, "It is said that it is FLOWING with precious stones!"

Envoy smiles, "When will you be making your expedition, my Lord?"

Across the clearing, a blue-and-grey-robed raccoon mumbles as he shuffles back into the party, tucking his tools away once more. "Now – Where did that heretic get off to?"

Lovelace lets his gaze drift over the crowd as he listens. His face is bland, belying his watchfulness. The hair on his nape prickles a bit – somewhere, someone is staring. He murmurs a "My goodness!" at Titus and continues looking.

Lovelace says, "A pity I can't be assigned to your expedition, Titus, old boy!"

"Well, there are still preparations to be made," Titus says. "I have to put together my expedition party, after all. The Savan – any part of it – can be very treacherous. None of this 'lone adventurer hacking his way through the jungle'. No, no. I would soon become just another Blood Fly snack. These things take some planning – But I hope to be off soon, before my rivals decide to beat me to the punch."

Envoy smiles, "I wish I could accompany you. I was created by a living building, and would very much like to see one that is native to this world."

"Some strong backs should be easy enough to find, but I need to find a linguist who is brave enough to venture in the Savan. Those are hard to come by and … " Titus blinks. "A … living building, did you say?"

"I could have my mother advise you on the nature of your medical kit," Lovelace adds with a perfectly straight face. Everyone knows his mother – the worst plague this side of the Spotted Death.

Lovelace says, "Living building?"

Envoy nods. "I am a living artifact."

"Oh … No no no, no need for that, dear Lovelace," Titus laughs.

Envoy says, "I have some language skills… and knowledge of a few other areas."

Titus hmms, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" He drums his fingers on his chin, looking thoughtful. "It will likely be a long-term expedition, mind you. These things take time, and there will be much to study, and so many notes to take."

Lovelace is a little taken aback at Envoy's announcement. He knows how they interrogate Exiles… has that pack of idiot priests broken the poor thing's mind?

Elderly poodle society women nearby cluck sadly to each other. "Insanity," one murmurs to the other. "Just like that poor artist, Kame Ikata. Such promise he had!" The other shakes her head. "A dreadful place, the Asylum. Too terrible for someone of his skills! However do they expect to cure him there?"

Envoy says, "I have a perfect memory, and can help you take notes."

"Hmm," Titus says, and sticks his hand in his robes. "Tell me. Can you recall the order of the colors of the rings on my fingers of my left hand?"

Envoy says, "They are all gold."

Lovelace strokes his moustaches. The Lady Envoy must have undergone tortures enough to make any six people break. A slight snarl twitches the corner of his mouth. He had heard the Church had Exiles, but he hadn't understood the full range of treatment they'd gotten.

"True," Titus says, "But what are the colors of the inset stones?"

The poodles go on chatting about Kame Ikata, one observing shrewdly that the prices of his remaining paintings have gone up considerably since he no longer paints in the style he used to. "Why, you'd never believe it, but Lord Phanda offered me sixty gold for my Ikata 'Dawn on the Savan, Looking over Inland Sea' painting! Of course I couldn't accept, it would have been like selling a member of my family."

Lovelace grinds his teeth, listening to the dual conversations and forces himself to take a bite of the truffle.

The first poodle mutters, "Not that some don't do that… Do you remember the case of that dreadful… " Their voices trail off as they discuss more scandals.

Envoy says, "Starting from the pinky, there were garnet, emerald, and ruby. The last ring had no stone."

Titus smiles. "Marvelous! Simply marvelous! More than the color, you knew the STONES! That would be most useful… "

Envoy says, "I have that information in my knowledge base, yes."

Lovelace smiles smoothly at Envoy. "Milady, you have a wonderful memory. Who is your Guardian while you are here in our land?"

Envoy smiles to Lovelace, "I am a ward of the Bards Guild, although Inquisitor Melchizedek has acted on my behalf as well."

"So, Lady Envoy – How might you be contacted? There is so much to see in the Savan. So much adventure and exploration … so many long-lost secrets to be revealed." Titus takes a puff on an ivory pipe with gold fittings, letting out a circle of heavy-smelling smoke. "It's not often that an expedition such is this is sanctioned for within the Forbidden Zones."

Envoy says, "I can be contacted through the Guild."

"Melchizedek?" Titus shudders. "Well, I think I will prefer checking with the Guild, then. An adventurous sort. You shouldn't say his name too loudly, though. I think I saw him walking through the orchards not long ago. Sullen sort. He didn't even greet me."

A servant glides up near Lovelace. Another of the ubiquitous Kavis. "A drink, sir?" He proffers a tray covered with sixteen glasses containing purple-black liquid.

Lovelace reaches for a glass offered by the servant. "Thank you," he says. The motion gives him something to do to mask his reaction to Melchizedek's name.

Titus gives Envoy a bow. "I will have a servant contact you within the week. We may be leaving on short notice, as soon as matters are arranged. Mind you, I expect that this expedition will be well worth your time. Not that adding to my already considerable wealth is a high priority … but there should be some positively fabulous treasures to be found." With that, he bids his farewells, and drifts off, soon to hitch up with another crowd of chatterers.

Envoy says, "I… see. Does an expedition to a Forbidden Zone require permission from the Temple?"

Envoy wonders if she should try to find the Inquisitor, to say hello.

Lovelace watches Titus leave, wondering just how far the Temple would let him get with their little prize – if the lady is who and what she says she is. "Would you care for some of the pala-fruit, Lady Envoy?" he asks, waving a fork at the banquet table.

Envoy smiles to Lovelace, "Certainly. Where does it come from?" She tries some of the fruit.

Lovelace says, "From one of the provinces to the south of here… it's a dry land, and the trees have tiny little leaves to conserve water. That's why the fruits are so small – so they're not a drain on the trees' resources."

Envoy smiles, more at the information than the flavor. "You seem very knowledgable. Are you also a travelling adventurer?"

Lovelace chuckles, spearing a fragment of truffle on his plate. "Me? Oh no. I've never been out of the province. I'm one of the minor minions around the Department."

Envoy says, "What Department would that be?"

Near the buffet tables, some people gasp for breath, their ears turning red!

Lovelace says with a straight face, "Foreign Affiairs. I'm an under-Undersecretary to the Secretary of Protocol. Long title, dreadful bore of a job."

Envoy says, "I am sorry you find it less than engaging."

They seem to have just consumed small rounds of bread dipped into some vile-looking green stuff. One gasps, "Water! Milk! Anything to drink!" while the other lurches headlong for the drinks and plunges his poodle-head into the punch bowl. Steam rises from his ears.

Nearby partygoers tsk at the occurance and make notes not to drink the punch.

Envoy looks around at all the flushed ears, and hopes it wasn't caused by the fruit…

Envoy says, "Ah… salsa."

An old white-furred koala hobbles by, his robes trailing to the ground. He adjusts his spectacles, and cackles at the buffet-goers, then pauses as he sets eyes on Envoy. "Well … I'll be!"

Lovelace says, "Salsa?"

Envoy smiles to the koala, but refrains from asking what he'll become. "Yes, I had some at the bazaar the other day. It is very spicy."

Lovelace says, "Does salsa make one forget one's manners? Good heavens! Tarrin's got his entire headin that bowl! He'll never get the red dye out of his fur! He'll have to be shaved!"

The koala reaches up to Envoy's cheek, pinching it and shaking it. "Well, lookee HERE! Just lookee HERE!" he cackles, and lets go, laughing. "Well, well, well! If it isn't – " He laughs again, shaking his head.

Envoy blinks. Vielanika didn't tell her about cheek pinching…

The koala laughs again, eyes squinted almost shut, as he waggles his index finger. "Knew it! Knew it! I just KNEW it!"

Envoy smiles at the friendly koala. That seems safe.

Envoy reaches over the buffet to take one of the bread pieces that has been dipped into the kyootcumber salsa.

Lovelace takes the koala by the sleeve. "Now, now, good father," he smiles. "You're right – it's the charming Lady Envoy." He bends lower and murmurs in an excited tone, "Don't give her away! Remember who her mother is! Pretend to be very casual!"

Envoy chews on the bread. She thinks adding the bread makes the salsa a bit less painful.

The koala chuckles again, then makes a short bow, with an audible crack from his back. "Ow." He straightens up slowly, then smiles again. "Ahem. Yes, yes, I could tell right away. Now, some folks try to keep a secret from ol' Widdershin, but you can't keep it from me for long!"

Envoy smiles to the koala again, and offers him a piece of salsa-dipped bread.

The koala chuckles. "Now, now, I'm sure you'll have a story to tell me – I know the routine – but I know who you REALLY are, and don't you try denying it!" He smiles, and takes the proferred bread, nibble-nibbling at it.

His taste buds must be dead. He gulps it down without any visible reaction.

Envoy says, "What sort of story would you like to hear?"

"Haw! Oh, I can see you've been raised for a Temple job, for sure," the koala cackles.

Lovelace pauses halfway through trying to shoo the koala away. This could be interesting.

The koala squints, leaning a little closer to Envoy. "Hmm. Now, you have me so curious what your mother looks like. A pity I never got a chance to meet her… "

Envoy says, "Really? That is probably the influence of… my Inquisitor… acquaintance."

The koala laughs! "But of course!" He chortles, nearly doubling over. "'Acquaintance,' she says. Haw!"

The old priest leans over to elbow Lovelace in the ribs. He hasn't got much punch, thankfully.

Envoy observes this with interest, but manages to hide her confusion behind a smile.

A Jupani wolf guard nearby gives the going-ons a curious look, but continues to resemble part of the furniture to the point that he is holding someone's cloak for them while they're off to the dancing in the garden.

Lovelace oofs slightly. At this rate the old fool will have the whole party convinced that the Lady Envoy is a courtesian or mistress of the highest Church officials.

The koala reaches up to clasp Envoy's muzzle, squishing her cheeks. "Just look! Look at those eyes! And that adorable face! Oh! Look at that – Yes, it's undeniable! I can see she has her father's muzzle!"

Lovelace says, "Sir! Please! Be discreet!"

Envoy murrfles?

"Discreet?" the koala balks. "Oh, come now! Everyone knows the truth by now." He lets go of Envoy's face. "And her papa can't deny it. He should be coming along any minute now. Haw! Let's see him deny the obvious when the truth is right before him!"

Envoy wonders what the koala is talking about. Clearly, her muzzle is HERS…

Lovelace says, "Errr… and where did you see her proud papa recently?"

The priest thumbs over his shoulder. "Back there, talking with Verdigris. Seems he's all worked up about something. But that's hardly unusual," the koala says, before coughing into his hand.

The blue-and-grey-robed raccoon looks positively furious, across the clearing, frequently gesticulating with a large wrench, jabbing it in Envoy's general direction. A large black-and-red-robed figure is standing before him, his back turned toward the buffet.

The koala looks back to Envoy and winks. "Yep. Should have known he'd have a liking for Solus." He chortles, and helps himself to a random selection of food from the buffet – a sampling of everything down the line that shouldn't go together on a plate – or even in one's stomach – at one time.

Lovelace turns cold at the sight. "Ah. So he is," he murmurs. The situation doesn't look good. Verdigris looks positively incensed.

Envoy notices Verdigris, and waves and smiles to him.

The blue-and-grey-robed raccoon pushes away, stomping over toward Envoy. "Look! The AUDACITY of it!" He growls and comes on up to the buffet.

"How – She just WAVED at me – Did you see that?" the raccoon balks.

Envoy looks at the buffet. It doesn't seem audacious to her…

Lovelace has a slow sip of the drink, pondering things. Verdegris looks like he wants to bash the Lady Envoy over the head with the wrench. Melchizedek looks like a wall. And Lady Envoy seems to be misreading the raccoon's intention.

In another corner, the black bat Nimiss, who Lovelace recognizes as an Advisor to the Bridge and thus a Very Important Person, escorts Vielanika outside to visit the gardens. "Yes, it's terribly sad, the number of deaths we have had recently," he murmurs to her. "So tragic, their wisdom lost to us. It will be very difficult to find replacements for such skilled people… " He gestures as they walk into the flowered greenery.

Envoy seems fascinated by the raccoon's wrench. It must be a 'tool'…

"Of course, I saw," the koala grins, looking up, squinting in such a way as to not add much weight to his claim. He chortles, and stuffs more food in his face.

The raccoon gasps, then turns to Envoy. "You are coming with ME, heretic. And there's no escape for you this time. I will hear nothing more of it!"

Lovelace reaches over and adds a number of dips and vegetables to his plate until it's dangerously overflowing. Then he deliberately trips over Verdegris.

The koala drops his plate. "Heretic? What are you BABBLING about, you old 'coon?"

Lovelace says, "Oh! Oh my GOODNESS!"

"Yaaaaa!" the raccoon bowls backward, trying to avoid the shower of foodstuffs.

Envoy blinks three times, helplessly watching as things go flying…

Lovelace advances, flapping his handkerchief and accidentally spraying the wine, too. "Oh goodness! Oh mother will never forgive me! Oh deaar!!"

Envoy's putative guardian, Vielanika, goes "Hic!" somewhere out in the garden.

Envoy looks closely at the raccoon. She decides he is not inviting her to talk to the computer again.

"Bah! Incompetence! Incompetence everywhere! Oh, but I am stars-cursed for sure! Trials and tribulations! Gremlins, I say!" the raccoon barks.

Envoy says, "Gremlins?"

The koala begins to laugh at Verdigris, then looks toward and past Envoy. "Oh! There you are. Quiet as always. Aha! I know your secret now!"

Lovelace waves for servants. "Oh, here! Go with these servants, sir! They'll get you to a place and clean that stain out before it sets!"

Indeed, servants come forward to sop up the mess and help with cleaning up the unfortunately stained Verdigris's robes. One offers a vial of black pills. "Your medicine, sir?"

"Ratchetsnaffle snabbitgadget … " the raccoon mumble-curses, shuffling along with the servants.

Lovelace says, "Oh dear! Your good white robe, too! Oh mother will just set me by the ears for this! Oh dear! Oh heavens! Oh my!"

Lovelace flaps his handkerchif a few times after the retreating figure and calls, "I will send tomorrow for the bill for cleaning your robes, sir! Oh my! Oh what will Mother say?" He manages a worried air as he hurries back to Envoy.

Lovelace says, "Milady, who brought you tonight?"

Envoy says, "I came with Vielanika… "

Lovelace takes her elbow. "Let's see if we can find Vielanika, then."

The servants commiserate with poor Verdigris. "Yes, it is quite a shame. Shocking, milord. We have fresh clothes in here of course, your Lordship."

Envoy says, "Wait… her friend didn't seem to want me around."

Envoy says, "I promised I wouldn't embarrass her."

The black-and-red-robed Inquisitor watches silently as Envoy is led off by Lovelace, not responding to the koala's jesting accusations.

Lovelace blinks with sudden somber sympathy at Envoy. He remembers too well that feeling. "I understand," he says softly. "There were times when Mother didn't want me around because I was an embarrassment. Where are you staying, Lady? I can drive you home in my coach."

Envoy blinks. "I live at the Bards' Guild. Is the party over already?"

Meanwhile, Titus walks by where Zoltan is standing, chattering on about his apparently not-quite-so-secret recent discovery, "… in the Savan jungle, the fabled City of Hands. It is said to be positively overflowing with glittering jewels of all varieties."

Lovelace says, "No, but I think it's not safe for you here."

Zoltan blinks! He accidently says a bit too loudly, "Shinies?"

Envoy frowns. "There are guards to protect the guests, though."

Zoltan smacks his hands over his beak.

"In fact," Titus says, digging into his robes, "I have with me a small trinket which came from the ruins themselves." He pulls out something that catches the lamp light, twinkling and sparkling, casting shimmering, dancing refractions of many colors on the robes and dresses of those standing around him, prompting several "Oooo"s.

Zoltan twitches… his eyes are GLUED to the pretty shinyshinyshiny gem in Titus' hand.

Lovelace says, "Milady, there are some things that the guards would not protect you from… and somethings they would help another to hurt you with. But… you don't understand the complex politics here, I think."

The trinket is shaped like a hand – with four fingers and a thumb – curled into some sort of gesture. It is carved from some sort of crystal, fashioned with exquisite detail.

Envoy suddenly places her feet and stops in her tracks, refusing to go further with Lovelace.

Zoltan unconciously mimics the gesture in one of hs own hands. It's not quite right, since he lacks a fourth finger.

"This was retrieved from a Savanite village near the site – unfortunately one which was wiped out due to those incessant and senseless battles that the Savanites always wage against their own people. Murderous they are, you know, if left in the wild," Titus comments.

Envoy asks Lovelace, "Can you explain the politics to me?"

Lovelace sighs. "If I had several months, yes."

"One of the survivors, however, had some most invaluable information which filled in some gaps – and I am now quite certain as to the location of this city … deep within … the Forbidden Zone!"

This revelation from Titus prompts a couple of gasps from some of his current companions, and he seems to savor the moment, before continuing. "I will be setting out this week, on a grand new adventure, the likes of which I have never been on before!"

Envoy says, "I have not been here several months. I think I should ask the Inquisitor about this."

Zoltan thinks, . o O ( Adventure? To get more shinies? Hmmm… )

"This," Titus gestures with the crystal hand, "is but a bauble, a mere trinket compared to the sheer wealth to be found there. But even that pales in comparison to the vast knowledge to be gained, the secrets to be found, mysteries revealed!"

Lovelace says, "The short and simple version of our politics is that we are very civilized and that means things are done with rituals and rites. And the more rituals and rites there are, the more subtle the moves to get around them. I don't know why you were brought here tonight, but it could be for reasons as odd as luring Verdigris to killing you so he could be deposed and his faction dishonored."

Envoy says, "How can I learn if this is the case?"

Zoltan bumps into Titus, his eyes focused on the gem and not on where he's going.

Lovelace says, "You can't… not easily."

Titus oofs, and the crystal slips from his hands. "Oh dear!" He snaps his hands out, trying to catch the trinket.

Zoltan madly grabs for the shiny! Musn't let it break!

Envoy says, "Who wants to see Verdigris come to dishonor? I will ask them."

There are a few gasps and cries, as the small crowd around Titus dodges back to avoid the mad Vartan! Zoltan hits the grass … the shiny safely cradled in his hands.

Lovelace says, "Lady Envoy, any number of people would like to see Verdigris out of his office, myself included. And we all have different motives."

Titus turns around, looking down, taking a moment to assess the situation. "Ah! My good man! Thank you for saving that for me. Quite the reflexes you have. Hmm. Now, I wonder where that rascal went who so thoughtlessly bumped into me like that?"

Envoy pauses and considers.

Zoltan sits up slowly, cradling the gem in his hands. He blissfully stares at it.

"Goodness gracious," a society lady comments to the other. "They're letting just anyone be bouncers these days, aren't they. Such terrible clumsiness." She lowers her voice. "Nothing good will come of traipsing to strange places, I tell you, Titus will come to a bad end yet. Look what happened to Kame Ikata, after he took that commission to paint those ruins… Such a shame. Such a good artist… "

Titus hmms, watching the Vartan, drumming his fingers against his chin. He leans over, and scrawks, "Pretty, yes?" In Vartan.

Zoltan blinks! He snaps his head over to Titus, squawking back, "Very pretty… er… you speak my language? Such a rarity here."

Envoy says, "Looking back over my encounters with the Temple and others, I cannot see how someone could have maneuvered me into these situations."

A couple of the guests nearby giggle at the sight of Titus squawking.

A society lady mutters, glancing sideways to Lovelace where he is conversing with Envoy. "Poor boy, he shouldn't be hanging about with that foolish Exile. His mother is bringing him up all wrong. Why, there's that lovely lady Dhara. Don't you think they'd be a good match?" The other society lady considers, then starts cackling along with the first.

Lovelace says, "All they have to do is drop you in a certain place at a certain time, and … for example… Verdigris makes a fool of himself. This can be useful to others.""

"Yes, but I travel far many places," Titus squawks back. (His command of the language, apparently, is not fluent. Plus, he needs to work on the accent.) "How much pay they you work here tonight?"

Lovelace's ears flinch slightly at a half-heard mention of Lady Dhara, his mother's choice of a bride for him and one reason he'd dearly love to get himself assigned to a foreign office in Outer-Lost-And-Ghonistan.

Envoy says, "How would they know of my involvement with him though?"

Zoltan glances at the shiny again, then back to Titus, "Half a copper, plus all the bottles I can carry home." He smiles proudly at this.

Lovelace says, "He wasn't very quiet about the animosity he holds toward Exiles. Any Exile would have done. Melchizedek doubtless maneuvered you out of his hands – something that Melchizedek would enjoy doing. There's little love lost there."

Titus laughs. "Half copper good pay for what Vartans get usual here. But you get better! See shiny? Many more! Better bottles," he scrawks in Vartan.

Nearby, a lovely golden-furred saluki with long triangular ears that drape over her shoulders like her slightly russet-tinged blonde tresses, glances toward Lovelace. She stiffens and then turns her nose up. Yes, it's Lady Dhara. Yes, she remembers the complete mess that he made of himself on their first and only date. She drawls to Lord Bhi'gegoh, "Do go on. You were speaking of Gooshurms, I believe, and their fascination with foxes… "

Envoy says, "Then… I should go and inform Lord Verdigris of this."

Lovelace puts a hand on Envoy's arm. "He knows."

Lovelace says, "Or he has realized it by now."

Envoy blinks. "Then where is the danger to me? Surely, he will not act in a manner to discredit himself knowingly."

Zoltan brightens! "Many shinies?" He scrawks back at Titus. His expression sours a little bit. "And what would you have me do?"

Lovelace says, "Yes he would. He's a fanatic. He has… "

Zoltan cradles the little gem in his hands.

Lovelace lowers his voice and draws Envoy aside. "He has had males and females and children killed for the sake of his faith. It is not that he does these things with his own hands, but he sees them as opponents of truth and justice; as an evil that must fail. And so he arranges for their deaths."

Titus smiles. "Adventure! Travel to Savan with sand-bath mine," The word "sand-bath" is just one minor tweak away from "expedition". An unfortunate mis-speak. "Much to see, much to carry, must go through jungle, explore ruins. Keen eyes have you. Arms strong."

"And wings," Titus nods. "Scout."

Zoltan grins at the poodle. His eyes narrow and the edges of his beak curl upwards in an eager grin. "When?"

Envoy says, "Then… I should go back and let him do something to discredit himself?"

Titus smiles back. "Week now. Morrow or next day. Long journey, long stay. Shinies many."

Lovelace keeps a straight face at Envoy's suggestion. It's becoming easier to believe that she was the daughter of a living artifact. "No. You need to… " he pauses. Dear heavens, what should she do? "You need to go back to your protectors."

Envoy smiles suddenly, "Okay!" She turns and heads back towards… Melchizedek.

Zoltan suddenly looks nervous, he holds the gem out to Titus, "What of magic? I will not work where magic is involved. Very bad."

Melchizedek is presently standing outside the lit circle of the main clearing, past a trellis, next to a burbling fountain. His silhouette can be seen against the reflections on the dancing waters.

Titus waves his hand, "No magic! Only old ruins and dead." He looks both ways, then leans closer. "Can keep secret?"

Envoy homes in on the unicorn by noticing the areas people seem to be avoiding.

Lovelace sighs. If the strange exile is a ward of the Grim Justice, he won't stand in the way. He picks up another plate and a fresh cup and toys with it, watching Envoy.

Envoy heads for the fountain, and stands quietly nearby until the Aeonian notices her.

"You are still here, child?" the unicorn says, not turning to face Envoy.

Zoltan tilts his head sideways, he squawks, "I am trustworthy. What secret?"

Envoy says, "Yes, sir. I'm confused again. Am I supposed to incite Verdigris to do something which will reflect badly upon his faction?"

Titus whisper-scrawks (though there are no other Vartans within line of sight), "No magic at all. Magic work not in city. Maybe find out why."

The unicorn's ears flick, and he turns to face Envoy at last. "Who has been giving you such instructions?" he asks.

Envoy says, "Nobody. But that is the explanation I was given as to why I would be in danger if I stayed here."

Lovelace notes the ear flick and thinks about going to investigate the inn. Now seems like a good time. He sets down his cup and plate and eases toward the door.

Zoltan blinks in suprise. "Strange… " he murmurs, looking again at the gem in his hands.

Titus smirks. "You keep shiny. To take docks. Show to crew 'Savan Queen' of. Many shinies."

Zoltan hugs the gem to his chest. "Keep!" He almost glows with joy. "I'll be there. Believe me, I'll be there!"

Titus smiles, and stands again. "Regret not will you. Tomorrow – docks."

Lovelace slips toward the cloak room. Yes, a nice visit to the inn he was supposed to investigate might be a very good tactic now. No need to get Grim Justice Melchizdek interested in him. In the games of the High and Mighty, it's best to be invisible unless you're one of the High And Mighty… and there's no chance of the second son of a minor noble being a High And Mighty one. None at all.

Zoltan nods eagerly. "Tomorow! Indeed."

Titus grins, and stands up again. He makes some sort of rolling gesture with his hand as he bows, then makes his way back to the mansion proper, disappearing inside on his way to the ballroom.

Envoy wonders if she's gotten in trouble with the Inquisitor again…

Zoltan pulls himself off the ground. He tucks the gem under the leather straps he wears tightly coiled around his forarms, it's safe from pickpockets and he feels the stone against his skin.

Melchizedek breaks a long silence. "I don't know what to do with you, Envoy."

"Or with that bard Vielanika… " the unicorn adds.

Envoy blinks, "Have I gotten Vielanika into trouble?" She sounds worried.

Melchizedek sighs. "No. You haven't. But you shouldn't have been here. Nor should have Vielanika. Neither of you received invitations … and neither of you should have been able to get in."

Envoy blinks three times. "But… she got me this new dress to wear… "

"So I see," the Inquisitor comments.

Envoy pauses, then asks, "Why did you come to this party? You don't seem to enjoy it."

The unicorn looks away. "No, child, I do not enjoy it. I come because it is expected of me."

A shadowy figure slips through the garden, headed south. Lovelace's disguise is good; only soomeone who knew his walk would recognize the dirty, tattered refugee as the Under-Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.

Zoltan brushes some of the dirt off his robe. He tries to resume patrolling the party, looking as nonchalant as he can.

Envoy says, "I will be going to the Savan jungle with Lord Titus soon, hopefully. Perhaps things will be easier for you then."

"With Lord Titus?" the unicorn asks. "Oh. Of course. That expedition of 'his'." He pauses a bit, then says, "This might be good for you. There will be dangers, but no more so than here."

Envoy smiles, "Would you like me to bring back anything for you?"

The unicorn says, "Keep yourself in one piece, and that will be enough, child. Toward that end, the bat will go with you. I have not been terribly impressed with her performance here, but she will have much more focus there, I am sure."

Envoy blinks. "Is Vielanika a spy for the Temple?"

Melchizedek says, "If she is, she is not mine."

Envoy wonders if that means Melchizedek has spies… She shrugs it off.

Envoy says, "Is it okay for me to stay through the rest of the party?"

Melchizedek smirks. "She may be careless at times, but she is not of a wicked heart. She would not intentionally hurt you or allow you to be hurt." He pauses, then looks back through the trellis.

"Come, child. The worst to be feared tonight is embarrassment," the unicorn says, gesturing Envoy to walk alongside.

Envoy smiles and accompanies the unicorn.

As they pass through the trellis, back into the clearing, the old koala, by the buffet line, pauses long enough to chortle. "I knew it! She's his spitting image. Except she's got wings and she's white and she's got a golden horn, and it curves back and … anyway, she looks just like him!" He laughs, and continues munching.

Envoy blinks at the koala. How can one make an image with spit?

Envoy turns to the unicorn, "Have you heard me sing yet? I've been practicing every day."

Melchizedek at first looks as if he's about to say "no", but then he closes his mouth, and a slight smirk plays on his lips. "No, child, I have not heard you sing. Perhaps we could persuade the musicians to accompany you at the gazebo."

Envoy smiles, and her eyes light up! "I'll go ask them!" She makes a beeline for the quartet at the gazebo.

The unicorn sighs as he watches Envoy go. "Moffat is going to have a field day," he mutters.

Zoltan blinks as Envoy zips past.

Envoy talks quietly with the musicians…

Melchizedek stands conspicuously visible in an open spot in the clearing, watching Envoy and the musicians … silently praying that this won't go like what he heard happened at the Three Thieves… When one of the musicians glances his way, Melchizedek gives a nod.

Envoy takes her place at the steps of the gazebo, and smiles to the unicorn as the quartet begins a new tune.

The old koala scoots up near Melchizedek, stuffing some leaves in his mouth. After chewing a bit, he says, "Aha. So, the little one's going to perform for us, eh?" He chortles to himself, and shuffles off.

Envoy sings, "The ballroom was filled with fashion's throng,"

Envoy sings, "It shone with a thousand lights;"

Envoy sings, "And there was a woman who passed along,"

Envoy sings, "The fairest of all the sights."

Envoy sings, "A girl to her lover then softly sighed,"

Envoy sings, "'There's riches at her command.'"

Envoy sings, "'But she married for wealth, not for love,' he cried!"

Envoy sings, "'Though she lives in a mansion grand.'"

Envoy's second voice joins in for the chorus…

Envoy sings, "'She's only a bird in a gilded cage,"

Envoy sings, "A beautiful sight to see."

Envoy sings, "You may think she's happy and free from care,"

Envoy sings, "She's not, though she seems to be."

Envoy sings, "'Tis sad when you think of her wasted life"

Envoy sings, "For youth cannot mate with age;"

Envoy sings, "And her beauty was sold for an old man's gold,"

Envoy sings, "She's a bird in a gilded cage.'"

Envoy returns to a single voice.

Envoy sings, "I stood in a churchyard just at eve,"

Envoy sings, "When sunset adorned the west;"

Envoy sings, "And looked at the people who'd come to grieve"

Envoy sings, "For loved ones now laid at rcst."

Envoy sings, "A tall marble monument marked the grave"

Envoy sings, "Of one who'd been fashion's queen;"

Envoy sings, "And I thought, 'She is happier here at rest,"

Envoy sings, "Than to have people say when seen: '"

Envoy's voices join again, in a mournful tone…

Envoy sings, "'She's only a bird in a gilded cage,"

Envoy sings, "A beautiful sight to see."

Envoy sings, "You may think she's happy and free from care,"

Envoy sings, "She's not, though she seems to be."

Envoy sings, "'Tis sad when you think of her wasted life"

Envoy sings, "For youth cannot mate with age;"

Envoy sings, "And her beauty was sold for an old man's gold,"

Envoy sings, "She's a bird in a gilded cage.'"

In the crowd, Barcodamus di Medici frowns noticeably at the gazebo … at Envoy … at Melchizedek.

Envoy lets the last note trail off, then takes a little bow.

Zoltan raises his hands as if to applaud, then he remembers the gem. He whistles his approval instead.

Some of the society ladies comment to each other, "Whatever were they thinking, letting that girl go up and sing? Is she even a registered Bard?" "Dreadful taste," the other responds. "She's bound to displease our host if she goes on like that. Why, half the old fools around here have young ones to tell them they're not such fools."

Vielanika manages to regain her sobreity just enough, as her ears catch a familiar pair of voices. "Envoy? Singing – HERE?"

Envoy thanks the band, and heads back to Melchizedek.

The black unicorn's face is expressionless. He says, "You are very gifted."

"It seems so," the black bat next to her says. "She has a very unique… pair of voices, does she not? It is a pity she is so untrained." He pats Vielanika's shoulders softly. "Go and take care of her, milady. And think about my offer."

Envoy smiles proudly at the compliment, "Thank you, sir!"

"Of … of course," the bat says, as she stands, and readjusts her hair, before striding toward Envoy … and then halting as she sees the unicorn. She gulps.

A shadow moves in the garden; Lovelace returning to the party.

Melchizedek looks up, seeing the bat. He raises one hand, and motions her onward, unsmiling.

Envoy smiles and waves to Vielanika!

Vielanika stands up straight, and walks up to the unicorn, only staggering slightly.

"Your instruction shows," the unicorn comments. "I see much potential. But there are so many distractions here in Rephidim."

"Indeed, she'll come to a bad end," a society lady predicts direly. "And if that puppy Lovelace isn't more careful about whom he chooses to champion, he'll come to one with her." She sniffs disdainfully.

"That is why I am sending you with Envoy on a journey. You are, after all, a traveller. And you know the language – at least partially. Your knowledge will be indispensible in broadening Envoy's education," Melchizedek says to the bat. After a long pause, after reading the bat's expression, he adds, "And you will be well paid for your trouble."

Lovelace freezes in the shadow of a tree, watching Vielanika and Melchizedek.

"But be careful, dear lady bard. If anything should happen to Envoy, I would be very displeased," the unicorn adds.

Vielanika is speechless. She just stands there, focusing all of her energy on standing up without stumbling into someone. She looks as if she's going to have one whopper of a headache in the morning.

Envoy says, "Isn't it exciting, Vielanika! We're going into a Forbidden Zone!"

Melchizedek digs into his robes, and counts out a few coins, which he puts in Vielanika's hand, and folds her fingers around. "I understand you were unfairly charged twice for Envoy's Processing fee. This should take care of that. You may leave now. You will have many preparations to make."

Vielanika looks to Envoy, then back to Melchizedek. She doesn't look terribly excited. At least, not in any pleasant way.

"You may leave now," the unicorn repeats.

Lovelace slips around a clump of bushes, and slides silently around the wing of the house, pondering what he's heard. His clothes are still there, thankfully. He removes his robe and dons his good clothes and sneaks upstairs to the privies.

The bat makes a clumsy bow, and at once stumbles off, then just kicks off her shoes, grabs them in one hand, and unceremoniously takes off to the sky and flutters away.

Envoy asks, "Should I go now as well?"

Zoltan frowns as he watches the bat flutter off. He glances back at Envoy.

"Only if you wish, child. Vielanika has many things to take care of," the unicorn answers.

Upstairs, Lovelace has found a washbowl and water (a bit cold for his tastes but liveable) in the room reserved for gentlemen. He tidies up, removing the makeup from his white muzzle and whiskers. A few clips of a small pair of scissors removes some of the last of the dye.

Envoy smiles, and looks around at the party guests…

The black unicorn slips away, heading to the shadowed edge of the clearing once more while Envoy mingles.

Lovelace fluffs out the fur on his ears and cleans his fingernails. The inn didn't seem to be a meeting place for the Liberty For Justice group. However, he'd head on over dressed as Muzzy Jake a few more times just to make sure.

Lovelace tiptoes downstairs and snags a glass from a passing waiter. Dumping half of it into a potted plant (which becomes more potted and will never be the same again), he wanders into the party and picks up a canape.

Envoy wanders over to Lovelace. "Hello again."

Lovelace smiles at this Original. "Good evening. Are you enjoying yourself?" He attacks the truffle with some refinement. It's still quiescent, cowed from his earlier assault… and from being rather badly overcooked by an enthusiastic chef.

Envoy says, "I suppose I am. Did you have an accident? Some of your muzzle fur has been trimmed."

Lovelace pauses, his hand halfway to his mouth. "You noticed that?"

Envoy nods. "I mentioned to Titus that I had a perfect memory. That's also how I know your name is Lovelace, although you haven't been formally introduced to me."

Lovelace's mouth makes a small, surprised, round O. "Oh," is all he can think of. "What else did you notice?" he asks, wondering if his costume's somehow attached to his cape.

Envoy says, "You've undressed and dressed again. I assume you've taken a bath and groomed yourself after we were seperated earlier."

Envoy reaches out and fixes Lovelace's collar, returning it to the uncomfortable position his mother had it in originally.

Lovelace chews, and nearly chokes as Envoy repositions his collar. "And how did you come to that conclusion?" This is a creature with dangerous potential. He wonders just how many know of her memory and powers of observation.

Envoy says, "Why else would you have undressed and redressed, and washed and trimmed your fur?"

Lovelace tries the casual approach; the bureacratic refuge of a truth that isn't. "Many people like to freshen up for the second half of a party." It's a bare truth, and there are others here who have washed. He hasn't answered the question, but if she's reporting to Grim Justice Melchizedek, himself, there's nothing there to reveal the work he was doing for the Secretary.

Envoy smiles, "So I deduced correctly?"

Lovelace smiles blandly. "As I say, it's not unusual for people to freshen up at a party, particularly after a spill." Perhaps that will lead her to another ocnclusion.

Envoy says, "Everything seems unusual about this party to me. I've never been to one before. I didn't know people could dance as couples, for example."

Lovelace pauses in mid-chew. "Really?" he mumbles around a mouthfull of Something Edible. "How did you think they should dance?"

Lovelace ponders this strange Exile. He's heard of others, but the culture she comes from must have been vastly different from the others' culture. There are rumors of Exiles being in the hands of other groups; groups who are studying them to see if they offer any new technologies. This strange one seems to have a lot of power, and he wonders who's discovered that.

Envoy says, "Dancers always danced alone, for others to watch, where I came from."

Envoy says, "Never to music like this, or in such large groups."

Lovelace peers around. "Speaking of music, where's your bardic bat friend?"

Envoy says, "She left to prepare for our journey to the Savan."

Lovelace nods. "Ahh. do you need an escort back to the Guild?" Interesting that the bat would leave. Envoy could be vulnerable if a certain priestly type decided to take action.

Envoy says, "I imagine your office would have information on that region. I suppose I do need an escort. I can't fly and land in this dress without ruining it."

Lovelace says, "I think we have some information, yes. I'll be happy to give you a ride home. I was going to leave as soon as I said my farewells to my host. Mother expects me home soon."

Envoy nods, "I can wait here for you. Thank you."

Lovelace wanders off to bid his farewells, ignoring the female Saluki who's rather pointedly ignoring him, and ignoring all the whispers. He makes several enthusiastic farewells, managing to get in the points that he's expected home by Mommy and that he's escorting Melchizedek's ward home… points that aren't lost on the society glitterati. He manages to look politically inept to the observant; an act he carefully cultivates. Returning to Envoy, he bows to take her arm. "Shall we go now?"

Envoy loops her arm through the poodle's, "Certainly, Lord Lovelace."

Lovelace exits with the strange Exile on his arm, confused and intrigued. His coachmen make no comment, for they are well paid to make no comment of the comings and goings of their lords and guests. The saurians dip their heads and march off into the night, bearing the strangely assorted pair in the carriage.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)