14 Dec 1998. Degarde entertains Francisco and Envoy while they wait for the Ambassador to see them.
(Darkside) (Envoy) (Francisco) (Rephidim)
Ashdod Embassy
The embassy of the Ashdod Territories (also referred to as the Babelite Embassy) is situated in some fairly remote real estate in Rephidim – Namely, it is right in the middle of the Old City, along the Old Cemetary. Even during the daytime, it seems particularly creepy, as this is far enough toward the edge of the island that the "shroud" usually shades this part of the sky island. The exterior of the Embassy bears some resemblance to the Moz Ezley Asylum, with slightly inward-sloped walls that make a forced perspective that makes the already tall building seem taller than it really is. Inside, renovations have made it far more hospitable, with touches of Ashdod in the form of vases in nooks, gauzy drapes, finely-carved wooden benches, tables and perches, and other furnishings for entertaining guests to the Embassy on the rare occasion that they visit.

In what used to be the main studio of the house which once held famed artist Kame Ikata (during his sane days), and which now serves as the main room of the Babelite Embassy, a mousey assistant bat named Degarde sits across from a couple of guests, as a Savanite servant pours tea for them, and puts out a box of wafers.

A Vykarin guard snuffles about, but is driven off by another Savanite who is dusting. The black-shelled Vykarin whimpers briefly, then scuttles out through the rear hallway.

Francisco eyes the wafers with a level of mistrust. He knows (unfortunately) what kind of tastes the Eeee have, and how incompatible they are to his own.

Envoy watches the Savanites a little nervously, and tries to remain inconspicuous. Next to a multi-tailed fox, this is easier than it usually would be.

"So," Degarde says, looking somewhat nervous and tired, "ah … what do you think?" He gestures at the room. "I think the ambassador has done a splendid job having it renovated. And the work on the surrounding grounds is progressing much more quickly than I would have expected. The Titanians certainly help in clearing away all of those dreadful tombstones."

Envoy quietly asks, "What do they do with them afterwards? The tombstones, that is."

"The Kavis cart away the rubble," Degarde says. "And I don't really know how they dispose of it. You would have to ask the ambassador, though I imagine they're free to do with it as they please. It's only garbage, after all."

History isn't garbage, Envoy thinks to herself… and for once, keeps it to herself. She's been reading tombstones a lot since returning to Rephidim. The Old Cemetary is usually quiet, and a good place to think.

The Kitsune shifts uneasily in his seat. "Maybe. Though graves aren't generally a good thing to mess with. Especially around this area of Rephidim… " he says, his voice trailing off a little.

Degarde laughs nervously. "Oh … no, no … I'm … not the LEAST bit worried about any of those fables about … Haw! GHOSts… " His initial exclamation quickly loses volume as he glances back toward the office. He coughs. "You, being a mage, would surely know better than to believe in such rubbish, eh?"

"Actually," Francisco counters, "I've found it's better to keep an open mind."

The Aeolun perks an ear at the mention of Ghosts. She hasn't met any in the Cemetary yet.

From the office, a lupine voice can be heard shouting, "Stonhed! From Clan KRAKK!" There's a cracking noise accompanying the last word, and Degarde jumps at the noise.

Degarde looks back to Francisco, shaking his head. "Ah … Titanians. Hard workers, but … not much in the head. Anyway … an open mind, you say? Well … "

Francisco looks at the Eeee, waiting for him to finish what he seemed about to say?

Envoy jumps slightly at the noise from the office.

Degarde clears his throat. "Well! Is there anything I can get you, sir, to aid you in … ah … whatever it is you DO do, you know, magic-wise?" He waves his hand around in a flimsy and nervous gesture.

The door to the office opens up.

Degarde claps his hands together lightly and stands. "Ah! That must mean that the ambassador is done with her meeting. Shall we go?"

"Not at the moment," the gray fox replies. "Determining whether an object has magical properties is a fairly simple task – there's not much that is required for it."

Francisco stands from his chair, "And if the Ambassador is ready, then let's begin. The time I can spare you is dwindling all too fast right now."


GMed by Greywolf

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