Higher Institute of Sorcery and the Supernatural
Favored by the Emperor-Potentate, this university sprawls over a wide campus of greenery, with packed sand paths between the buildings to afford good traction for its dominantly Naga students. (there are very few students of other species here) Poles with rungs sticking out in two or more directions serve as ladders from one level to another, though the more heavily used buildings also have long sloping ramps to allow the passage of wagons and small drokkar-pulled carts. The administrative buildings are crafted of a smooth orange-veined marble that looks almost melted into graceful sweeping curves, engraved with gilt in complex curliques… But the student dormitories and labs are built mostly of wood, evidencing the need to rebuild them every so often as experiments get out of control.
Rumors have been flitting about the campus ever since the actual ceremony to recreate Isstan's spell took place; however, no one has been able to get any solid information, because many of the participants have been sequestered away by the naturally secretive Nagai, ostensibly to let them recuperate. Minister Bassai, of course, has received the best care that the Naga government has to offer after his serious Bokura-inflicted wound and is even now in pursuit of his important Ministerial business, but in his place, he's delegated a Kiriga secretary, who steps into…
The Faculty Infirmary at the Higher Institute of Sorcery and the Supernatural.
This is one of the marbled buildings, the arched interior built to proportions that would seem at once spacious, but also cozy and comforting to its principally Naga patients and medics, but appear strangely alien to the Rephidim-accustomed visitors. The multiple wards are arranged in a labyrinth-like complex of passages and dens for recovering invalids, and numerous garters pass everywhere appearing to know the tunnels as intimately as their own scales.
At the moment, everyone involved who could be roused is gathered in a conference room that reeks of antiseptics. There is Inquisitor Ciar, one of his ears bound up in a complex-looking bandage sort of arrangement; there is Witch Doctor Qing, frightening the interns as usual, a pale six-limbed Rokuga; there is the Technopriestess Buran presently acting in her healer role on behalf of the Temple, and of course, Dean Malthus is an ominous black presence who gives the air of having anticipated this very moment, and thus being perfectly at home. A Rath'ani stands near him with a somewhat less comfortable look on his face. Another mage, Zarhx, bows his head to the Kiriga secretary as she enters.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," The Minister of Savanite Affair's Private Secretary bows low as she enters. She is a slender Kiriga, with two arms, two legs, a long tapering tail, and a scarlet mane than runs from her forehead all the way down her back. Something in the way she moves suggests an avian nature, though her features and build reflect more mammalian lines. She looks for a seat.
Dean Malthus of the Sphere of Mind of the Collegia Esoterica smiles thinly. "Not at all," the black cobra says, though he looks rather tired as he coils against one wall. "In fact, I was certain that you would be sslightly delayed, but not by sso very much. Iss that not sso?" He glances over to Zarhx.
Zarhx returns the smile as if sharing a secret, but like the black cobra, he too seems to have taken a few too many blows. "Oh yess, Malthus. Your abilitiess are quite amazing." He flicks his tailtip in a not-quite hidden gesture of amusement and slithers across to join the secretary.
Ciar turns to regard the new arrival, trying to look as dignified as possible with one black ear entirely plastered. He curls his tail idly around the folds of his cape, listening quietly.
The Witch Doctor says nothing, merely remaining coiled where he sits away from major traffic, his arms folded beneath his mantle. Thanks to suggestions by infirmary personnel, he's learned not to look directly at patients or staff. At least, not very often.
The Kiriga hesitates in mid step, glancing at the Mind Mages. She gives another furtive bow, and her expression suggests she is trying to avoid thinking about any personal matters. "The Minister asked me to convey his apologies. I'm his Private Secretary Sithra, and he gave me a list of questions to ask on his behalf. I'll try not to disrupt things any further." She finds a chair.
Dean Malthus looks even more smug. "Ah, precsissely as I anticssipated. Naturally, I have refrained from ssharing my conclussions with the otherss lesst I prejudicsse any data we collect today, but I am ssure that oncsse we are finisshed with the preliminariess, you will find them mosst interessting." He glances over to the Inquisitor.
"Please, sir… don't move." Buran sounds a bit exasperated as she secures the bandage arrangement to Ciar's ear. "This needs to be tight if you don't want a scar. And I recall you mentioning that." She adjusts the bandage a bit. The Technopriestess seems to have recovered from her unfortunate impact with the floor.
A white-winged Exile is led in by an attendant, wearing fresh bandages around her ribs and limbs. At least she's able to walk under her own power now… just not very quickly.
Ciar growls softly under his breath and looks resigned. "Very well. I will not have a scar from that cursed being's talons." He endures the bandage adjustment, then looks quietly back at the Dean. "You have determined more as to the origin of the… attackers, perhaps?"
"It wass quite obviouss, really. But, allow me to sspeak of it later," Dean Malthus replies. He looks inscrutable as Envoy arrives.
Sithra flips over a few pages of her pad. The odd looking and colourful necklace pendant she wears turns out to be a pen, as she click it in half and starts writing. She keeps glancing up, most often at Dean Malthus.
Envoy blinks and takes her seat, hoping people will tell her what happened while she was stuck in the spell.
Qing's head moves just slightly. Only enough to include Envoy in his field of vision.
Ciar watches Envoy be seated. "It would seem that this ceremony was rather more physical in nature than the original, Exile," he says dryly.
Zarhx gets an odd look in his eyes, seeing Envoy, but says nothing more. He folds his hands over each other in contemplative twiddling.
Envoy comments, "Not for me, Inquisitor. I wasn't dragged off by Jupani guards this time."
Ciar nods to Envoy's bandages. "Perhaps." He quiets, waiting and glancing silently at each of the Nagai.
"Are you Envoy the Exile?" The Private Secretary leans to look over at the Aeolun, "I do have a rather large number of questions for you. However, the first one the Minister wanted me to ask was for Inquisitor Ciar. He wanted to know why a transcript of the events of the original ceremony was not provided."
Envoy looks to Ciar, interested in the answer herself. She knows little to nothing about how the Temple deals with other nations.
Ciar blinks, and turns his head to calmly regard the Private Secretary. "Really. A transcript was not provided to whom?"
Zahrx does some strange exercises with his fingers that appear to consist of shuffling them in different orders relative to each other as they are interlaced. He remains silent, looking at each of the participants in turn.
"He has a note here that you seemed nervous during the ceremony, during parts of it which presumably were the same as the original one." Sithra replies. "Obviously the Minister did not receive one, as a later question is how was this ceremony different from the other. He is also not sure if Witch Doctor Qing, was aware of what might happen."
Ciar nods. "I was not present for the original ceremony, therefore I did not know what to expect. The Exile revealed its details to me some time after having shared them with Dean Malthus." He then pauses, considering the last part of that statement. "Envoy, did you not give Dean Malthus an account of the original ceremony some time ago? How comprehensive was that account?"
Buran fastens the bandages on the Inquisitor's ear and quietly whispers instructions. Apparently, the bandages are to be left on for one week and kept dry, if possible. (Infection would only increase the possibility of formation of scar tissue.) After that time, Ciar is to seek her out just ask around in the Temple's Department of Maintenance to have the injury looked at and possible rebandaging if it isn't healing. However, chances are good that the wound will heal scarlessly if the instructions are followed.
Envoy says, "As comprehensive as I was able to reproduce in writing. I had to guess at the spelling for most of the chanting though."
The Witch-Doctor nods slightly when the secretary mentions whether he was aware of what might happen.
Envoy says, "The only difference I experienced in this ceremony was the repetition of Isstan's memories several times, and that the shadowy figure actually managed to grab me on the last one."
Ciar winces subtly as the bandages are pulled tight, but carries on. "Very well. In other words, Dean Malthus had a rather complete account of the details of the original ceremony well before Envoy was brought to me for interrogation." He turns to regard the Dean. "I regret that I am not well versed in the arcane arts, therefore I did not attempt to interfere by repeating my layman's understanding of the ceremony to Qing and the others before the re-creation's beginning. Am I to understand that you did not have any correspondence with them to warn them of what to expect, though you yourself knew from Envoy's full description?"
Sithra gives a bowing-nod to Qing, avoiding his gaze. She seems to prefer to look away from the other two Mages present, which leaves her looking at Envoy, Ciar and Buran the bulk of the time.
Dean Malthus murmurs, "Of coursse all such relevant documents were tendered to the Temple at the time of the original investigation. It did not occur to me that the Temple would not have thought to provide our benevolent hosstss ssuch useful documents. But perhapss you were ssimply disstracted with other problemss, dear Inquissitor?"
The black cobra waves a hand. "In any casse, it wass merely a theory until I witnesssed the truth for mysself."
"Do tell," hisses Qing, back in his usual library whisper. He finally looks up a little, peering out from beneath his broad bowl hat.
Ciar ahs. "So that would not, as many issues are, be considered that which should be shared among citizens of the Empire." He pauses, then looks at the Secretary. "It is quite true that the documents were tendered to the Temple as well. Although from my uninitiated view, what was expected was simply, if anything at all, a repetition of the visions reported by Envoy, an echo of sorts. I do not have any experience nor any expectation of dealings with beings beyond our existence… though I am sure an initiate of the Sphere of the Mind may know of such things. The Temple can not warn of that which it has no awareness of the existence of, Secretary."
Envoy rests her hands in her lap. "Does this mean it isn't just something in the way my mind works that killed Isstan?"
"The Minister wished me to establish if the arrival of the Chiga was a known possibility, either in a physical or spiritual form, "Sithra comments quietly. "The Minister detected a certain surprise on the part of Witch Doctor Qing, and considering the preparations involved, felt the Doctor would have been adequately prepared if suitably informed."
Envoy blinks. A Chiga appeared? And she MISSED IT!!
Envoy says, "The initial ceremony with Isstan was cut short. It appears that things went further this time."
"If you wish, I will enter 'Bureaucracy' as the reason, so we can move on to other areas," the Private Secretary suggests. She nods at Envoy's comment, and makes a note of it.
Dean Malthus bows to Qing. "In truth, I had not expected quite sso dramatic a manifesstation. I had guessed that the Ssphere of Sspirit was involved, but not the extent. I believed that your ressources and that of my assistant would prove more than sufficient to the task."
Ciar spreads his paws. "I had no foreknowledge of such an occurrence, nor was I aware such a being was even… possible. Such a thing was not part of the original ceremony, and as for the possibility of such… again, I have no knowledge of the lore of the Sphere. If such a thing were possible, I would expect the venerable Dean to warn of it, yes? I expected only what was read… simple visions, that for some reason ended in the death of Isstan." He nods to Malthus. "As I have stated. Thank you, sir."
Qing adjusts his spectacles on the bridge of his nose. "Indeed," he murmurs. "The chiga's arrival was unanticipated. I had prepared a generic banishment spell during the proceedings, because the mixing of magics can produce unpredictable results… but it was wasted on a bokoru before I knew the full extent of the situation."
Sithra nods, her scarlet mane bobs in a fiery wave behind her as she writes down the complete answers. Her pen flies across the page in an efficient shorthand. "I believe that will satisfy the Minister, unless there is anything else you would wish to add, Sirs."
The Rath'ani assistant says, "It was… Incredible! I'd no idea that a manifestation could have so much strength! And the way it was dismissed seems utterly improbable, like a story from the old books… " He glances toward Buran.
Envoy blinks, and asks, "When did these creatures appear?"
Having completed her treatment, Buran repacks her equipment into the satchel brought for the purpose and seats herself in an unoccupied chair, turning her head toward the Rath'ani.
"My colleague touches on a curious point," whispers the Witch Doctor, nodding at the Rath'ani across from him. "Chigai are not your average manifestations. Not content to be mere shadows of that which was already living, they are creatures, in and of themselves a whole. Very powerful. Typically, they can only be disrupted by thistlewood weapons or talismans… " Qing peers at Buran over the rims of his glasses. "And yet… "
Ciar shakes his head. "Banishment spells, bokuru… I know nothing of these. I only wished that the ceremony might provide a clue as to the identity of an apparent suspect mentioned by Envoy… and I regret that it resulted in the injury of any. I am only grateful that there were no fatalities, we apparently now know… " He glances at all of the Mages, including the Rath'ani. "Indeed, that there is a powerful malevolence of some sort at work here?"
Envoy suggests, quietly, "Then maybe it wasn't really a Chiga, or else the knowledge about them is missing important details."
The Sphynx's gaze flickers toward Qing as her mind ponders the events of late.
Ciar regards Buran as well. "I take it that her defeat of the… chiga… was unusual? I am quite interested in how exactly she disposed of it as well. For many reasons."
The Rath'ani says, a bit peevishly, "I know what I saw, and it wasn't a team of major spirit-mages armed with thistlewood and containment spells working to put down one of the nastiest manifestations of the occult I have had the displeasure to see."
Qing's look at Envoy is frosty, even through shaded glasses. "Regardless of what it was, it obviously recognized both the exile and the Technopriestess."
Envoy says, "Did it say anything? What were its actions? What do you mean by recognize?"
Dean Malthus pats his assistant on the arm. "There, there, Master Meekham. We have ssurvived the experience at least. Though I cannot say that I remember much of the proceedings, mysself, having been… " He shivers a bit through his scales, a chink in his armor of smug self-satisfaction. "Rather distracted, as it were."
Sithra examines Buran for a moment, her head tilting abruptly from side to side. She focuses on Ciar. "As the Witch Doctor says, some participants seemed to recognize the manifestation, and the Minister was wondering what was known about the Technopriestess before her dramatic demonstration."
One of the Rokuga's many hands rises from beneath his mantle, pointing a pallid, bony finger at Buran. "It called you by name." Another hand on the same side rises to point at Envoy. "It knew what you were, and made reference to a previous meeting. It apparently also had some reason for wanting to return for you."
"He notes that her presence at this ceremony seemed a last minute concession due to the Exile's wounds." The Kiriga adds.
The black Keiltyn's eyes stay cold. "Yes, technopriestess, it knew you by name. Explain how that might be possible."
Buran folds her hands on the table in front of her, examining a spot on the back of one finger. "I really don't know," she says quietly. "I don't know anything of the spirit world; I deal with repairing what is in front of me. I came to heal." She pauses, gathering her thoughts before going on. "I've never heard of these things before 'chiga' you called it?" The Technopriestess decides against mentioning the voices she's heard. Goodness knows how that could be interpreted. "But … something … told me I had to do what I did. I can't explain it." The Sphynx sighs a little. She doesn't like not being able to explain things.
The expression on Qing's face is only subtly different from the impassiveness held a short while ago, but it suggests he's less than satisfied with the answer.
Sithra looks at the Inquisitor, and steels herself for a glance at Qing. Her expression indicates she isn't too happy with the answer, or suspects her boss wouldn't be. She waits instead of possibly interrupting them.
Ciar tilts his head, his voice even quieter and colder. "Technopriestess, may I remind you that you are… for the moment, privileged with access to sacred Inner Mysteries. But a malevolent being knowing your name and showing fear of you is rather… suspicious. What exactly 'told' you do to what you did?" He looks at Envoy. "And how, may I ask, did it know your name?
Envoy says, "How it might know my name is obvious. During the initial ceremony, I felt that the vision figure was reading the same memories Isstan was. So, if it was sent by the same entity, or by Isstan's spirit, it would be reasonable for it to know these things."
The scarlet maned Kiriga switches to a different page to record Envoy's answer, then turns back to the one she was initially working on. She gives an expectant glance at Buran.
Ciar nods. "That is reasonable, or as reasonable as dealings with nonexistent being might be. But for one who has not previously been linked with these entities… " He stares at Buran again. "I'm afraid that's rather suspect. Explain what 'told you' to attack this being."
"The Minister advised me to record anything said by the participants," Sithra informs, "Regardless of how trivial, unbelievable or impossible it seemed. I think he would be interested in any detail you could add, Technopriestess. Even if it sounded like mad ramblings."
Qing exchanges glances with his Rath'ani colleague. "Solid information on the nature of Chigai is rare. Whether it was possible to read thoughts from the exile's mind is difficult to surmise… but as before, the mixing of magics can be unpredictable. Most often dangerous."
Buran sighs. She's still not sure whether these people can be trusted, but it'll have to start somewhere. So she quietly tells her story … telling of the voice's warning of something coming, of its mysterious statement about Life and Death, and how it replied to her spoken question. She tells of how she voluntarily chose to risk herself if it could save someone else. And she tells of the dream of herself and her 'sister', though she emphasizes that she doesn't know if it was real. Finally, she falls silent, again examining that same tiny spot on her right index finger.
Sithra writes for several pages while Buran speaks.
Dean Malthus listens fascinatedly. "Exsstraordinary, Technopriestess" he murmurs. "Of coursse from the moment I ssaw you, I knew you were a woman of desstiny, but perhapss you would conssent to a sstudy by mysself and a few of my colleaguess?"
Envoy doesn't seem surprised or alarmed or shocked by Buran's confession. Instead she asks, "Were the intentions of the Chiga clear to anyone?"
Ciar comments dryly. "Perhaps indeed. One wonders what these 'voices' might have to say about the execution of duties performed among our Inner Mysteries. Duties upon which the Temple's safety relies. One wonders indeed… "
Qing rubs his jaw with one of his upper arms. "Hmmm… this information will require some digesting. Dean Malthus, if you do begin a study, I would appreciate being updated periodically. I'd like to check in on it every so often, as I'll be conducting some research of my own in my library. Perhaps I can turn up something useful." The Witch Doctor straightens his back. "At any rate, whether or not the chiga was destroyed, or has simply chosen to retreat, is hard to determine. I'd recommend the subjects of the spell be watched closely."
A gray-furred ear flicks as the Sphinx briefly regards Malthus. She doesn't reply immediately, however; instead, she regards Ciar carefully. The thought of any danger to her livelihood doesn't exactly appeal…
"Of coursse," Dean Malthus says to Qing. "I had no intention of omitting my good Empire colleagues from thiss sstudy, of coursse. It could be the opportunity of a lifetime!"
Envoy frowns.
Ciar nods to Qing. "I would agree. And I shall see to it that you do receive an account of the first ceremony, as mundane as it was in comparison to our disturbing battle of sorts. Buran's involvement… " He glances sideways at her, still expressionless. "… was an entirely unexpected development, it shall be considered and examined. Carefully."
"Excellent," murmurs Qing, nodding with satisfaction. He folds his arms again, and settles back on his own coils.
Sithra turns to face the exile, her mane trailing behind her. "Does the Technopriest's explanation, and description of her sister, match anything you experienced?"
Envoy says, "Only that the vision-figure that held me appeared to be a Khatta in form."
Envoy says, "A fanciliy dressed one."
Ciar's good ear perks up. "That form was repeated?" He looks to the mages. "Were any of you aware of any such entity's presence?"
"A Khatta that resembles the Technopriest in any way? She is quite unique, resembling a Savanite, but not quite." The Private Secretary says.
Ciar shakes his head. "Not the technopriest. As the Exile said… a fancily-dressed Khatta. Was this image seen by any of you?"
Envoy says, "The vision did not have that degree of detail. The being resembled a female Khatta wearing adornments of some kind, but everything had a smoky appearance."
"I detected what felt like an alien presence during the 'possession'," Qing hisses softly. "I assumed it was the chiga."
This, of course, is of great interest to Buran, who listens carefully to every word.
Envoy blinks, and turns to the Witch Doctor. "What possession?"
"I would like you to detail those adornments, as much as you are able Exile." Sithra replies, then nervously looks at the Qing and the Rath'ani. "Mages, is it possible people are seeing what they want to see? That this had no true form?"
Qing's words are unhurried. "The portion where Isstan's spirit was channeled by the Dean Malthus," he hisses patiently.
Ciar nods quietly. "Very well. It is this Khatta that I believe may well be a rogue Mage of some sort. Perhaps even the key to the entire situation, the mind behind Isstan's death and the attack here." He nods at Sithra's question. "Yes, detail for the record, Envoy."
Envoy says, "There is little to detail. During the transfer of Isstan's memories, I experienced a dream-like state. I seemed to be surrounded by many different people, all indistinct in form but suggesting many species… "
Envoy says, "One figure pushed through the others, and appeared to be reaching for me. This was the adorned Khatta. At this point in the original ceremony, the spell was broken by Chiaroscuro removing the collapsed Isstan from his circle, and the vision faded."
Envoy says, "This time, the same vision was repeated several times in sequence, until the Khatta finally seemed to reach through and take hold of me. I assume that it was during this time that the supernatural creatures appeared."
Sithra looks nervously at one line on her sheets, then over at Dean Malthus. She taps the paper a few times, then realizes her error. She sits still.
The Kiriga then occupies herself writing down Envoy's answer.
Envoy says, "I have no sense of the being attempting to read my mind or take control of me during the period it held me, but I don't know that I would have experienced anything either way. I assume the magic circle protected me from such things."
Dean Malthus looks inscrutable, coiled and at ease.
"Assume nothing where magic is concerned," whispers the Rokuga.
Ciar gazes quietly at the mages. "Is there any precedent for such a vision?", he asks.
Envoy says, "You say that the Chiga recognized me. What exactly did it say? Did it try to attack me, or move me out of the circle?"
"Not that I am aware," muses Qing thoughtfully, directing this at the Inquisitor. He turns his attention to the Exile. "It manifested a physical presence, enough to leave behind residual plasm, evidence of a greater entity, and not minor secondary spirits." The pale Rokuga pauses, and adds, "It slimed you."
Envoy says, "But what was it trying to do to me? And what did it say?"
Ciar says, "And why was its form faintly reminiscent of a Naga physical form, I wonder? Chiga… are part of your mythology?" He asks this while glancing at all the Nagai present. "
The spirit mage arranges his coils as he thinks. "It's difficult to remember. There were many distracting things going on. I was trying to maintain a ward, and the chiga had a tendency to slur its speech. I believe it mentioned something about 'acquiring' you, exile. That it had met you before. It knew you as an alien."
Envoy says, "Recognizing me as an alien is hardly remarkable. Does anyone else have a clearer recall of what was said?" The Exile looks to Buran and Ciar.
"Chigai have had a prominent place in Nagai mythology," murmurs Qing, nodding at Ciar. "Many of our populace don't even believe in their existence. They play a counterpoint to the beneficence of the Great Serpent, representing malice and disunity, disinterest in contributing to the greatness of our people, and undermining their efforts."
"Actually Exile, it is. You are very similar to some Kirigai, though your wings and horn suggests a mutation of one, or also that you could be a Nohbakim of unusual symmetry." Sithra comments, writing down everyone's words.
Ciar coughs softly. "That example would seem to have been quite real enough. The mystery of its disappearance notwithstanding… ", he glances at Buran again. "… I believe finding just how, and on whose power it came to be is the mystery. Some malefactor must have… 'called it forth', in some way?"
Dean Malthus just nods, as if he had known this very moment of revelation would occur. He whispers soft words to his assistant, who nods. "Ah yes. Fresh juice and water for everyone, Dean." The Rath'ani moves toward the door.
Buran glances around the room before turning to Ciar. "I'm hardly an expert on the supernatural, sir," she says. "But I thought I saw some sparks, or light of some sort. On the floor, where those circles overlapped." One hand traces out the patterns (very approximately) on the table, while the other indicates the intersections. "That was right before I heard that something was coming." A pause. "Does that mean anything?"
Ciar looks questioningly to the mages.
"Chigai are willful spirits, Inquisitor," hisses the Witch Doctor. "I have yet to hear of one answering a summons. To actually summon or even attempt such a thing is against the teachings of spirit mages everywhere." He tilts his hat a little lower. "They are quite powerful enough to both resist control, and manifest themselves where magic is concentrated."
The black fox nods. "I see. And how many times previous in magic-intensive ceremonies have you been attacked by one, if I may ask?"
Envoy looks to Ciar, and asks, "Inquisitor, is it safe to assume that details from my interrogation at your hands are also unknown to the Nagai?"
"One," replies the spirit mage flatly. "With the proper precautions and uses of magic in place, such a thing should not be a concern."
The Rath'ani mage returns with several grass snake aides who seem a bit flustered. It is these aides who bring welcome refreshments, chilled juice and water to sooth everyone's throats.
"The Minister has not been provided with any documents concerning you, Exile." Sithra answers, "and has given me a lot of questions to compensate for that. The interrogation would certainly be of interest." She looks at the Inquisitor.
Ciar glares quietly at Envoy. "Such things are shared as needed, Exile. None of us expects secrets of sovereign security to be freely shared, nor should they be. As you would do well to remember." He turns back to Qing. "Once. Yet we had… how many mages? Precaution enough, yet some malevolent force was able to bring forth one. As well as the bokoru. They are independent as well? Or did we… anger a more powerful presence, somehow?"
The Witch Doctor merely gives any aides that approach him a hard look over the tops of his glasses. There are more important things at hand.
Ciar nods to the secretary. "Pertinent facts of the interrogation will be shared with you, Secretary. I shall have a summary delivered."
Instead, Qing regards the Inquisitor again. "We were recreating an unstable, experimental spell to begin with. Coupling it with the need to use spirit magic probably did not help your grotesque puppet show."
Sithra smiles, "I am very experienced at sorting out what is relevant for the Minister, and what isn't. If you would supply me with the entire transcript I will edit it for his convenience. Confidentiality, is of course, implicitly implied."
"Regardless, the chiga was, as far as I could tell, under no-one's command or influence but its own." finishes the white Rokuga, pushing his glasses up again on his wide serpent's nose.
Ciar silently accepts a glass of water, subtly sniffing at it before taking a sip. "I see. I was not aware that the spell was unstable, as I said… I am not versed in magic. Still, it seems to me that you and all of us were, in fact, the target of hostile forces." He listens to Sithra, then nods quietly to her once more. "Pertinent facts of the interrogation will be shared with you."
"Yes, you are correct, Inquisitor," Qing library-whispers. "A chiga is a very hostile force."
Envoy says, "You also said they could only be combatted by thistlebark. This Chiga does not seem to conform very closely with your legends."
Envoy says, "Is there any mention in your records of a Chiga summoning up these bokuru creatures?"
The scarlet maned Private Secretary nods. She still hasn't worked on the first few pages of her sheets. She looks somewhat nervously at Malthus' Assistant. "My humblest apologies sir, but the Minister requested I ask this. I mean no disrespect… " She taps her pen a few times.
Dean Malthus murmurs, "Ah, but legends are ssuch sspeciouss thingss from which to work, yess?" He sips from his juice. "Sso then, are there more quesstions your Minisster hass for uss, dear Ssecretary?"
Ciar perks his good ear once more, looking to the secretary. "Proceed."
Buran's attention is also focused on the secretary.
"We do not know if the chiga was actually damaged, Exile," murmurs the Witch Doctor, though his voice is slightly hard-edged. "It may have feared Buran for other reasons. Regardless, I doubt you're qualified to speculate."
Sithra looks away from the black Naga, then avoids looking at Qing also. "In a previous conversation with the Witch Doctor, Isstan's brain was described as… having been turned to mush. Have you noticed any similar condition developing, that may have diminished the Dean's Faculties?" She says to the Rath'ani.
The Rath'ani looks startled. "I? Oh no, he's still the same old irrit ah, noble and respected eminence that he's always been," he says. He glances toward Dean Malthus.
The pale Rokuga leans against the wall. "As for the bokoru… while chigai have been typically portrayed as lone spirits, they are themselves powerful spirit-energy manifestations. In places where magic is concentrated, it's not unlikely that they could will lesser manifestations into being."
"Tosh, dear lady," Dean Malthus says affably. "Ass you can ssee, I am in full possession of my own facultiess. That iss becausse Isstan was… " He glances over to the others. "If there are no more quesstions, perhapss I may proceed with my explanation?"
"Please do," hisses Qing. He looks like he's had to speak more than he's used to, or desires.
"You explanation may answer the questions I have remaining, honoured sir. Please continue." Sithra replies.
Ciar nods. "Continue."
Envoy listens closely. But then, she always does.
The black cobra continues, encouraged by his listening audience. "It iss quite ssimple, of coursse, when you have possession of certain factss. I wass aware that Isstan had vissited the City of Hands, an ancient and ssacred ssite of the Naga people. Our people were very advanced in the sstudy of magic then, though many ssecretss were losst when we abandoned that city after a great accident of ssome ssort. Sso, in the process of containing that city, the ancient magess of the time placed cursses which would befall thosse who treaded too far into itss ssecretss. Isstan, of coursse, was alwayss a curiouss individual, sso when he went there upon one of Tituss Haut Mikide'ss famouss expeditions… "
Dean Malthus hisses, "He wass curssed, though he did not know it. Thiss wass to take the form of a sspectral being that would ssap hiss vitality and reasoning; hence, hiss brain had turned to 'mussh', as the Ssecretary sso well desscribess it. I ssimply did not know how sstrong thiss being would be, when driven out I had envissioned it ass easily banisshed, possessed of no corporeal being, or perhapss even capturable for the gloriess of the Col ah, for the combined sstudiess of the Collegia Esoterica and the Higher Institute of Sorcery and the Ssupernatural."
Ciar's ear flattens. "A curse. Then this being has escaped? It is free?"
Sithra writes a great deal.
Envoy clears her throat…
Ciar gives Envoy a warning glare, then listens.
The black cobra shakes his head sadly. "Ssuch cursses are well known to befall thosse who adventure to sstrange lands, of coursse. Oh, no. Did you not ssee it wass disspatched? The ansswer to that iss alsso very simple, though I could not predict that it would occur, and only guessed it afterward."
Buran's whiskers perk forward as she listens attentively.
Ciar listens quietly. "Dispatched? Then that was what appeared as the form of Isstan?"
Qing's pallid face creases into a deep frown.
"If I may, Dean… why were we not warned before the ritual took place?" inquires the spirit mage.
Envoy frowns and glances at Ciar.
The Private Secretary adds a footnote to a previous answer.
Ciar nods. "As I have stated, I had no knowledge of such possibilities… or even that they existed."
Dean Malthus continues, "For every cursse, there musst be a key which will causse the cursse to dissipate. Thiss wass for a time, Envoy, ass we ssee revealed by the fact that the ill-advised attempt of Isstan to ensspell her caussed hiss sudden decline. His spirit-cursse was exacerbated by the strange interaction of key and cursse. Then after that, thiss 'key' magic passed to the Technopriestess. You encountered Envoy previous to this, had you not?"
Ciar looks back and forth between the mages. "Key magic?"
Ciar glances back at Envoy once more, giving her a cold, quiet stare, then narrowing his eyes and subtly shaking his head before turning back to Malthus.
Dean Malthus raises a finger toward Qing. "Ah, but I wass not certain if revealing thiss would causse the sspirit-creature to remain hidden, if we were sseen taking unussual precautionss. It sseemed more prudent to attempt to capture it by ssurprisse, as it were. My deep apologiess for missjudging the situation, dear colleague."
The blue-robed Sphynx studies Envoy for a moment before turning to Malthus. "Yes, sir. Several times."
Ciar coughs quietly. "Perhaps you might apologize to the Minister, moreso. It was he who was most gravely injured. As for your fellow mages… " He glances slightly at Qing and the apprentice. "I suppose they're used to being exposed to risk in that manner?"
The pale Rokuga's throat and jaw muscles tighten and work beneath his skin, but his tone is even. "We prefer to leave as little to chance as possible, Inquisitor. Very well, Dean Malthus. At least the situation is largely resolved." There's a slight inflection on the word 'largely'.
"Yess, you ssee?" Dean Malthus says. "Sso the key passed to you, through the effect of what we call 'sstrange attractorss', and the creature wass confussed between you and the Exile. And when you, bearing the key-magic and further, insstructed by remnantss of the memoriess of thosse who originally casst the sspell, made contact with the Chiga, it wass disspelled."
The black cobra concludes his confident explanation of the subject and folds his hands.
Sithra writes at length, finally saying. "I will conveny any appologies provided. If I may Inquisitor, and please pardon my observation," the Kiriga smiles at the Keiltyn, "but it would seem the Exile has something to add that may be pertinent, and your expression seems to indicate you would rather she doesn't. As the Minister asked, he wanted all details, however trivial."
Buran frowns. "So… I did kill it?" Her whiskers perk forward perhaps indicating curiousity, or confusion. "Then it's gone?"
"Of coursse, dear Technopriestess," Malthus assures Buran. "The aftereffectss of ssuch a cursse-releasse will be mosst fasscinating to sstudy."
The Witch-Doctor gives Buran a distinct, but unreadable look.
Envoy looks at the center of the table and frowns quietly.
Ciar shakes his head. "Our Exile occasionally absorbs misinformation as fact, Secretary, and it is often hard to dissuade her of passing it on. Her desire is to repeat a base tavern-tale that she's fond of, that the City of Hands was actually built by beings other than Naga. Preposterous, yes, I agree, but such are the fanciful tales of the lower class. I am thankful that she hasn't yet decided that Rephidim is suspended from the sky by an invisible string as well."
Envoy blinks and stares at Ciar. Nobody's ever put words into her mouth like that before. She decides that she doesn't like it.
Buran falls silent, continuing to listen but offering no more comments or questions.
Qing uncoils himself languidly, his face hard but his manner unrushed. "Well then… it's good that this has been brought to a… conclusion. This has been a fascinating experience. I'll follow it up with research, and as before, I would like to be kept updated on the findings of my colleagues as well." Arranging his myriad arms beneath his mantle, the Rokuga looks at those assembled. "Dean. Inquisitor. Technopriestess." With curt nods to each, he winds his way down the hall. (From the sounds of it, much to the dismay of some patients and nurses.)
"He asked me to record expressions, where it seemed appropriate." Sithra comments as she makes a few more notes. "I feel I will not be able give the Minister the utmost confidence in some of the answers I have received so far. There are several things he asked me to cover, which I feel are being avoided. In light of this, I will have to consult with him, and I am sure he will request you be available at a latter date to answer for those things."
Zarhx looks unsurprised, but Dean Malthus gives Sithra a measuring look, then looks aloof as he glances over at the others as if wondering which of them had excited further suspicion… And the attention of the Minister of Savanite Affairs.
Envoy asks Ciar, "Am I still a suspect in the murder of Mage Isstan, Inquisitor?"
Buran closes her supply-bag and quietly exits the room, though not without politely taking her leave of those present. Those listening carefully can hear her mutter something about a long flight home and the need to rest and eat before embarking upon it.
Ciar nods to the Secretary. "That is acceptable. I wish him a speedy recovery as well." He pauses, then looks quietly at Envoy, expression unreadable. "That depends on what you share from this point on, I would say. And with whom."
Envoy just frowns.