Since it's unlikely that Zahn would be in danger (or otherwise need watching) in the clan archives, Parsley agrees to stay in the cabin at least until it's time to start making dinner. This frees up Zahnrad to pursue his historical research without the unique distraction that the Lapi doe represents.
Wingnut Archives
The archives are an amazing and unexpected place within the quaint and usually backwater Stonebarrow. The room is ornate and detailed; carefully crafted spiraling bookcases wrap around the walls and goes up several stories. The shelves are neatly filled with papers, books, and items what are likely diagrams. The center of the floor are several ornately carved chairs all positioned around a circular table. There are seams in the table, which seem to indicate that panels can swing up into drafting desks as needed.
"Ah, archives! Be you ever so humble, you … not really that humble, are you? I mean, th whole room spins like a corkscrew," Zahnrad announces as he marches into the room and puuts his hands on his hips. "Right, stage one in information search, locate the proper section to search. And that, my fine Kadie … is in the family history section!" Yes, he's talking to himself. Maybe he's just used to having company all the time. Whistling now, he heads o the bookcases and scans the titles as he runs his hand along the smooth wood.
Every family in the Wingnut Clan records births, deaths and marriages. Some of the families have been keeping records from before the actual founding of the Clan, but usually they keep those separate. A bit of searching turns up the Kettenrad family histories, including those from around the time of the Wingnut Clan founding and the construction of the dam. The volume is thick, and has a big 'K' embossed on the spine with the old family coat of arms (which has a general 'gear and axle' theme).
"We were once important," Zahnrad comments as he pulls out the Kettenrad book. He hasn't often though about it, but seeing the older histories and the size the clan once was is a sobering reminder of their current tenuous position. He takes the book back to one of the writing desks an settles down, then begins leafing through it.
Given the initials C. K. to go by, and the rough timing, Zahn is able to uncover the record of one Carambola Kettenrad, who would have been about sixteen years old at the start of dam construction. The entry notes her marriage to one Frumious Carpenter just a few days after the official completion of the dam. That isn't so surprising, since there were a lot of folks marrying into the Wingnuts around then. The listing for her children is a bit suspicious though. Her first child, Abel Kettenrad, was born just four months after the wedding, meaning Carambola had to be at least two months pregnant at the time. The second child, Canola Carpenter, was born two years after wards.
Her wedding took place just a few days before Abner tried to take over Stonebarrow, also, but that could be coincidence.
"Maybe he was angry; maybe that's what tipped him over the edge," Zahnrad mutters as he does some quick math on the dates, particularly the ages of the children. "Right, time to check on Abel," he says as he starts flipping pages again.
Abel Kettenrad is credited with building a large part of the Mill. He also had one son, Gizmo Kettenrad and married within the Wingnut Clan group of families.
Zahnrad laughs. "Gizmo? There's a name," he says, "Right, time to look that name up. Onward!"
His cause of death was listed as simply 'accident underground', as he died before reaching 30. Gizmo lived longer, and sired Andre and Sarafina Kettenrad. At that point, Zahn knows the rest. Sarafina married Zachary Wingnut and gave birth to Deirdre and Zahn's other cousins. Andre married Elsa one of the rare out-of-clan marriages and sired Stephan, Zahn and Gunther.
Zahnrad whistles and sits back. His fingertips thrum on the desk as he ponders this. "I might be related to the most infamous clan member ever," he comments, his tone suggesting he's not sure if his is a good thing or not. "But … that's conjecture. There's no proof that Abel was really his son. Not unless Carambola kept a diary that mentioned who was the father."
The shelves where the journals are archived are usually locked at least in the case of important ones or those deemed private (and not having any engineering data in them).
"But … when are mere locks a thing of concern to a Wingnut!" Zahnrad claims, "Especially when i may shed light onto a clan mystery. I'm justified." And so … Zahn goes to see if he can find Carambola's personal journal.
For the most part, the Kettenrad journals are kept in a few small chests that happen to fit into the shelves (or were made to fit into them). They have handles so they can be pulled out and opened, as well as latches with puzzle-locks, but lack any sort of markings to indicated contents, other than 'Journals'.
"I'm a Kettenrad, I also have rights to these journals," Zahnrad further argues to himself as he tries to locate what looks like one of the older journal boxes and its associated lock.
Judging by the usual way things are ordered, the bottom-most chest is probably the oldest of the three that are visible. At least the others aren't sitting on top of it though.
Zahn tries to pull the box out. "Right, time to start snooping," he mutters.
Out the chest slides, along with a good bit of dust. It's small enough to fit easily on one of the reading desks within the archive (which tend to be large enough to roll out blueprints on, after all).
Fully prepared t get a hernia, Zahnrad tries to lift the box and cart it over to one of the tables. "Maybe Carambola was forced to marry the Carpenter. Her doorframe did have that carving about Abner," he mutters
The box isn't too heavy, and may not even be completely full since Zahn can feel things shifting about. Once it's on the table, he can tell that the puzzle lock is… well… old. It looks like something a child would have come up with, compared to the current-day sophistication of such things.
"Not very secure," Zahnrad comments as he starts to methodically work on the lock to try to deduce its combination pattern. "Or this could be just a blind, a fake box and the journals are elsewhere."
The lock is built into the chest itself, in the form of decorative bits that can be slid, pulled or twisted. The simplicity comes from then having a very clear sequence of markings, running from one (a daisy with a single circular patch) to six (a six-eyed frog).
"A number? Simple enough, providing that the number itself is something of significance, like say, Abner's birthday," Zahnrad remarks. So … that's the first thing he tries (providing he can find a record of what that was!). Failing that, he figures he'll try the dam completion date.
The chest makes clicking noises as the various dates are tried, but each ends with… nothing. The chest remains latched.
"Right, so lets try some other dates, starting with Carambola's birth date, and if that doesn't work, the birthdate of her kids," Zahnrad decides.
Each date again ends in the reset tab popping up but no success in unlocking the chest.
"Her wedding date, then," Zahnrad tries.
Click click click click click click SPRONK! The reset tab pops again, with Zahn no closer to success.
"The date Abner tried to take over, and failing that, the day he died," Zahnrad says and inputs that one. "Important and significant dates to the clan."
The dates are methodically entered… and still nothing other than the lock reset! Whoever came up with the combination must have been extra devious.
Zahnrad tries an incredibly lame combination, 1, 2, 3, 4…
TING! The latch pops right open.
Zahnrad covers his eyes. "Now that's just sad," Zahnrad admits, "But clever. People would expect a complex combination." He shrugs, then tries to carefully open the box.
The box does not appear to be booby-trapped. Inside are several journals. Most are in strap-wrapped bundles, for prolific journalists writing over a lifetime. One journal stands out for being… well… alone. It also has 'CK' engraved on the leather cover, although not very expertly.
Zahnrad lifts the 'CK' journal out very gently, concerned for the condition of the pages and the text inside. Once its set on the next table, he digs in his pocket and pulls out a small probe to open the cover (and not risk his fingers damaging the pages).
The journal is in good condition, although the edges of the pages are discolored. The heavy parchment looks to have had a high rag content as well, which isn't surprising since the mill hadn't been built yet and paper was made by hand. The first page reads: I am Carambola. This is my Journal. Do not Read This without MY Persimmons or I will tie your tail in a KNOT. I mean it! Ask Tommy Pinecone!
Zahnrad has to grin at that. "Sounds like Amelia," he comments and flips to the next page. "And she must have started this young, it's permission."
The guess is reinforced by several pages of simple drawings (stars, bunnies, flowers and oddly enough; unicorns). No dates are including yet, but when the writing starts again the penmanship is a bit better, if not the content. An entire page is covered with variations of her own name, starting with a humble Lady Carambola Kettenrad and mutating into Lady Czarina Carambola Rainbow Kettenrad of The Bushy Tail by the end of the page.
"Oh no, she didn't have an ego, not at all," Zahnrad says between moments of laughter at the self-imposed titles. "She must have gotten a hold of some silly books." He shakes his head and continues on.
More girly musings are uncovered, including a five-page poem dedicated to a fancy dress she wants her father to get for her, and several pages of boy's names with an obscure symbol code next to each one, involving stars, hearts and less identifiable things. Abner is near the end, with just one heart, but three stars and what might be a pair of glasses.
"Cuteness and intelligence symbols?" Zahnrad has to wonder at the odd pictograms, "Why are girls so weird? Just assign a number and calculate the overall value score." He rolls his eyes and flips onward, looking for more Abner references.
Abner is infuriating! reads an entry further on. He offers to help me pack, but it's his fault that I have to move! I just got this cabin, and now I have to abandon it? And he doesn't even see that I'm angry! He's such a dork!
"Ack, she was mad at him over the Dam," Zahnrad remarks as he stops on that page. "Okay, so maybe she didn't like him." He shakes his head and flips the page.
There isn't any mention of Abner again for awhile, until an entry that's actually mentions a date. My first time carrying a candle for Candlemass! It was a blue one, and was hard to find I wouldn't go to the Igor for one like some of the other girls. He's creepy. Buffy says he's harmless, but what would a Lapi know about that? I know creepy. At the festival I couldn't go three steps without Abner popping up, looking expectant. He wants my candle (and plenty more, I wager I'm pretty sure it's him whose been peeping on me at the bath springs). I managed to give him the slip and gave my candle to Handy Chalk. He's got the cutest pattern of spots, and a really tight ass.
"Okay, yeah, he liked her and she didn't like him," Zahnrad says as he suddenly feels bad about reading this. He sighs, adding, "Poor guy. Had to be horrible to be stuck liking someone who didn't like you. And blah, she even preferred a lapi." Onward he goes as he leans on the table with his left elbow and looking glum.
Further on: Everyone came out today. Lord Snapfish, Grandma Nightshade, the Sheriff and like half the town. It was a big deal, tearing down the temporary dam to flood the valley. Everyone was serious, but to me it was a lot of water and mud sloshing around. More scary than anything else! What if the dam washed away and flooded the town? But that didn't happen and everyone was happy and dancing and hugging and stuff. Abner was the Big Man of the Hour. They carried him around on their shoulders and stuff. Dad told me to take note, that Abner was Up and Coming and I should take advantage. But he's older than me. If I wanted an older guy, I'd try for Sheriff Blacktail. He's tall and dashing and looks like he's chiseled out of granite. But I relented and danced with Abner, and he gave me some punch. Things got hazy after that. I think I dreamed about a white room, with funny lights, and a really soft bed. But Abner was in it, and it wasn't that nice. I woke up feeling sore this morning. I haven't felt like that since the time Aubry dared me to drink a whole mug of ale.
Zahnrad rubs his eyes. "Did Abner drug her and then … gah, did he rape her?" he asks the book, looking decidedly ill at the thought. He even sets his forehead on the desk for a few minutes to recover the motivation to read further.
I'm always sick, and the witch says I'm pregnant but I don't see how! Daddy is furious and won't let me out of my room until I fess up about it, but I don't know what to tell him. Lapis can't get Kadies pregnant! I think everyone has forgotten about me. Daddy says he's going to take care of everything. The dam is nearly done, and there's going to be another big party. Mom says lots of people want to be part of Clan Wingnut now, and the marriage proposals are flying around thick as drunken Creens. I think Daddy is going to marry me off to some stranger.
Zahnrad rubs his face. "Yeah, he did," he sighs, looking all the more ill now. "Great, I'm related to a rapist. Whee. Lovely family lineage there. And I guess I know what happens next, she gets married to the Carpenter fellow."
Frumious is nice. He is strong and gentle but his hands are rough all the same. He did a lot of work on the dam, but I guess I never noticed him. He laughs and smiles a lot though, and he's going to build us a big cabin. He made me little carved gifts. A jewelry box, a real hand mirror and a set of combs. I didn't know you could carve combs! Someone got drunk at the wedding though I think it was Abner. I hear he's been acting weird ever since the dam was finished. Frumious says not to worry about him. I've started calling him 'Mouse' instead of Frumious, and he says that's what his older brother always called him and laughs about it and says he'll shave his tail to look like a Skeek if I want. I guess I'm happy.
"I feel like I'm reading a wreck that's about to happen that is obvious to everyone but the person involved. I wonder if this is how everyone feels right before I attempt a test flight," Zahn comments as he hovers on that page. "It's good that he likes him, I guess. He sounds pretty nice, really." He hesitates here, wondering if he really wants to know how she felt about Abner going crazy and what happened. In the end, though … he turns the page.
Everything is crazy! There is yelling going on outside, and I'm hiding in my old room. I wish Frumious was here with me, but he's outside yelling too. He and my father aren't happy with what Abner's doing. A lot of people aren't, but he's the head of the Clan now. Mom is worried that we'll all be arrested or worse, and says that we can't leave the compound because who knows what Abner will do then? I don't understand how he can threaten the town from the dam. Daddy asked me if I'd go talk to him, but I'm terrified of the thought and Frumious leapt in and told dad off. He doesn't want Abner to think about me at all, he said. He says something has to be done, and we have to do it ourselves. The Clan he means. But he's not from a founding family and most of them seem okay with Abner's plans. It's making it hard on my family though. I think the others will turn on us.
Zahnrad blinks here as a strange thought comes to mind. Who could have gotten close to Abner back then and killed him? It was always questionable about how exactly Abner died. "My god, did you help the Blacktails get to him?" Zahnrad asks the book before him. "He would have opened the doors for you." He turns the page.
It's finally over. Nobody knows what to do now, since Abner didn't leave any heirs or instructions or anything. Arthur Wingnut is taking over for now. I think he's Abner's older brother or uncle or something. The Blacktails came and took away Abner's body, and nobody tried to stop them. Which is weird, since if they killed him they could have taken the body then, right? Or taken him to town to be hanged. I don't care. It's over. Some of the others still look at me like I'm dirt but I don't care. I have all the family that I care about, and I know we didn't go crazy like the others. That counts, I think.
"Yeah, you helped get to him, didn't you?" Zahn asks the book, though he knows it would never answer him back. I can understand if you did. I mean … he could have destroyed the town. In the end, his actions did basically destroy the clan." He sighs again and taps his fingers on the table for a bit, then reads onward. "Did you ever figure out Abel was Abner's son?" he wonders.
Abel is beautiful. Frumious adores him, even though he's someone else's child. I know that Abner must be the father. But Abel won't know. I'll make sure he grows up right, and doesn't end up twisted.
Zahnrad hehs. "Yeah, you figured it out," he says, "I just hope he did grow up right. And yeah, it was good that you never told him or anyone else. I don't think he could have coped well knowing that Abner was his father." He flips on, looking for any other interesting passages.
There are entries about Carambola's children, although no further mention of Abner. At least, not until the final entry. Abner has cursed me, she writes. He took my boys from me! Abel was so young still, and his son will never know him. And Frumious! How will I go on? Canola wants me to leave my cabin and live with her in town, but I can't. Frumious built it for me, for my children. They tell me there was no warning, that the tunnel supports just gave way while Frumious and Abel were inspecting them. Abner, I curse you! Let your headless ghost wander the bottom of the lake you created! The only good thing you ever gave me was my son, and now he's gone. Winifry and Gizmo will come live here with me now. They are all I have left.
Zahnrad rubs his eyes and sighs. "I doubt he cursed you, sometimes accidents just happen. Why would Abner want to kill his only child," he points out half-heartedly, as if arguing with the book makes any difference; she can't hear him. "I lost my brother to a dam accident, so have others. Sometimes bad things just happen." Zahnrad gently closes the journal and slips it back into the box. It gave him some answers, but now he wonders if he really wanted them. Before he closes the trunk, he checks to see if there was a journal kept by Abel.
One of the bound stacks has several journals with A.K. engraved on them. Abel seems to be have kept his journals with a bit more regularity than his mother.
Zahnrad lifts the bundle out and selects the last journal in the batch. That one he flips through quietly, looking to see if there ever any mention of Abner or of the strange albino Skeeks.
The bulk of the journal is filled with the minutiae of dam maintenance. There's almost nothing personal in there, save for a single page near the beginning that simply has the words Winifry said yes centered on it. Near the end, he writes about work in the extensive tunnels. Sandy reports scratching sounds from 15. Could be fissure letting off steam, will check the walls for moisture and warping. Dad is coming along, in case the beams need reinforcing. He says he cut the original timbers for it. But he says that about a lot of places.
The rest of the journal is empty after that.
"Maybe the trolls came for him. I guess maybe they figured Abner's bloodline is important, or mistook him for Abner. I mean, that weird ghost Skeek thought I was Abner," Zahnrad comments and sighs, "Maybe Abner's own 'adventures' did get his son killed. And if they never recovered the bodies, well … Abel could be down there somewhere; his head powering some demented machine too." He closes that journal and puts it back. On a lark he pulls the first journal, one he would have done while younger and checks it for Abner references.
The paddles are better now, an early entry reads. I can't blame old Abner though for the flaw. It needed years of operation to really show up. Insufficient data. Though maybe he didn't care about the wheels much at the time, given his agenda. The town still hates us over that. Well, not me. Everyone likes me.
Zahnrad hehs. "Yes, some flaws never show up until later. Hard to mathematically account for every force," he agrees. He flips on, curious where that particular comment leads.
Harry dragged me into town again. I don't know why the Akwavi are so interested in me. There was a girl. My first. An Akwavi, so I can't tell anyone. Maybe that's why they like me, because I don't condescend like everyone else does. But the girl! I wish she'd told me her name. I'd name the new piston pump design after her. Talk about inspiration.
Zahnrad laughs at that entry. "Oh … my," he says and covers his eyes. "Now I wonder who that was." So, of course he looks further!
Jezebel. That was her name. She brought me a fish. It made for really good oil, once you get past the smell. We went swimming in the reservoir, out by the site of the old temporary dam. Some of it is still there. She showed me how to mud-glide. It was disgusting! But I think I can improve the efficiency of the fat-based grease we've been using by adding mud. Mud turns water into a lubricant! I also hurt my lower back trying to twist around for something Jezzy wanted to try. It was worth it.
"Great, he was an otter toy," Zahn says, now laughing more. At least this is more cheerful than Carambola's journal was. "So, let's see where her adventures led, hm?"
Made a snorkel. It works okay, but tastes horrible. Kite war is coming up. Going with a barbed box design. Quad-wire control. Zeke says I don't have a chance against his dragon. We'll see.
Zahnrad smirks. "Gunther would make a suicide kite … one that explodes," he comments, flipping onward.
Zeke won. Jezzy says to put a person in the kite with a knife. She always says silly things like that. A kite big enough to loft a person would be too big to maneuver. Otters just seem fascinated with getting airborne for some reason. Jezzy says flying is important. I think she's a little too crazy now. It was cute at first, but it's like she expects me to follow up on these suggestions. Winifry Wingnut smiled at me during the war though.
"Flying is important," Zahnrad argues at the journal, "It's freedom!" Now glowering at the journal, he continues onward. The other things he mutters, well, aren't for polite ears.
Why do I bother? The pump works beautifully. It could evacuate the maintenance tunnel in a few minutes if there's an overflow! The Council was very impressed, did lip service to me, but denied my petition to install them in the dam. Said it would require messing with the foundation. Ambrose Wingnut took me aside and told me in no uncertain terms that he didn't want a Kettenrad sniffing after his daughter. It's all politics and what family you belong too. I'm sick of it.
"Dad mentioned the family wasn't too popular with other Wingnut clan families," Zahn comments as he reads and frowns all the while. "I didn't see it as much because, well, the clan isn't much anymore, but … I guess back then it was bad." In fact, he feels a bit of Abel's frustration at this point, he knows what it feels like to be dismissed. Annoyed, he flips the page.
It feels good to break something, even if it's already broken. The old dam had some strength left, so it was a real workout to pry some of it loose. Let Zeke deal with any debris that makes it to the wheels! I should grab Winifry and run off. Take what I want. That's what I hear in my head sometimes. It worries me a little. I don't recognize the voice. Went into town instead, Skeek girl I don't know drank with me. Said her name was Pinky, because she had red eyes and white fur. We went out into the woods after and I think I got a little rough. Maybe I dreamed it all. Nobody else knows the name, or claims to have seen either of us at the tavern. I don't know, maybe they're all trying to pull a joke on me.
Zahnrad sits upright suddenly. "Dammit, they did go after him too," he growls, hands clenching tight. It takes him a good couple minutes to calm down enough to go on. "Voices in his head, talking to him. Maybe like how that strange mouse thing talked to me. What are they?"
There isn't further mention of the phantom Skeek, and for the next several entries Abel is clearly focusing on work. And then: Ambrose Wingnut is dead. The first wheel started spinning while he was working on it and a paddle caught his chin and snapped his neck. Zeke was there, told me he swears he saw Ambrose release the brake himself. I think Zeke is just shook up. He doesn't believe in accidents, or that machinery can fail or do something unpredictable. I should hook him up with an Akwavi girl.
Zahn rubs his forehead, trying to fight back all the paranoid theories about what may have caused this and about possessing Skeeks. "Pinky, I just bet you had something to do with that," he growls at the book. "Opened the way for him to pursue the girl he liked, didn't you?" Flip goes another page.
The funeral was awkward. All the town big-wigs were there. All of the heads of the other Clans. Winifry held on to my arm. I wanted to comfort her, but couldn't. What could I say? Sorry, your dad hated my guts and would probably jump off the pyre and strangle me if I put my arm around your shoulder? She was distraught enough. I'll give her a Sphere to recover, then see if she still likes me. She's the daughter of the dead Clan Leader, after all. Best not to take any chances until someone new is appointed.
"Gah, that had to be frustrating," Zahn remarks as he taps the page. "He seemed such a caring guy … it had to be horrible to be a pariah in your own clan." He flips onward, at least thankful that he knows he does marry Winifry some day.
Dad is helping me cut the timbers for my cabin, the next entry starts. I'm still not sure of the plan. I keep adjusting it it's getting so that I can hardly sleep! Harry says to build it so it has a diving board, even though the tree I've chosen is nowhere near the reservoir. I think I've spent more time designing the lock than anything else. I forgot to put in windows on the first draft. Dad laughs it off. He never seems to take these things seriously! But having a good cabin is important. Even if having windows means less space for secret storage nooks.
"That's right, storage nooks are important," Zahnrad says approvingly, "Which is why we always have to have a hidden workshop! There is never enough real hiding space at home." He pauses, then adds, "I bet he wanted it really nice to show off to Winifry."
Winifry was impressed when I showed her the cabin. I felt six-feet tall! But I'm not used to being all alone. It's hard to sleep, and I wake up from nightmares sometimes. I can't remember them, but I feel panicked when I wake up, like I need to escape. Jezzy has a boyfriend now, but introduced me to Muffin Chalk. She's so soft, I wish I could bring her here to be my bed. Maybe I should get a pet bunny? Muffin says they are filthy and destructive though if you don't watch them. I guess I don't have time to devote to a pet. Maybe I'll just make a rabbit-fur pillow.
"Lapis can be destructive pets," Zahnrad notes, grinning. He places his tool at this spot in the journal to read more later and closes it. His fingers thrum on the journal binding, then the Kadie collects the remaining journals from Abel as well as his mother (just because). "I … well, I think I want to learn more about my family," he admits to the air and shrugs. Lower and to himself, "And if those Skeeks had a hand in what happened to my family, well … I'm going to track them down and ruin their lives."