10 Dec. Bassai's sweeping reforms begin to take effect in the Nagai Empire.
(Bassai) (Savan)
The Imperial Sculptor's Studio
In the traditional studio of the Imperial Sculptor (an official position filled for centuries), alcoves hold models of special works of the presently reigning Imperial Sculptor, while various other models of varying sizes and scales are perched about the room, intermixed with blocks of soft stone and barrels of wet clay. A raised dais is reserved for the subject, while the sculptor is expected to move about during his work.

The Imperial Sculptor, a python, adds a few more touches to the model before him … a form in miniature of the cheetah that stands upon the dais. He backs his head up a bit, peering the model from several angles, and silently directing his servants to rearrange the lamps. At last, he bobs his head, satisfied, and snaps his fingers to the Savanite. "Done for now. You may leave now." He looks to the door. "Ah! Archaeologist! Your timing is impeccable!"

Tekki relaxes, letting out a long breath, then steps down from the dais. His ears flick as he sees Bassai, and they blush faintly at the whole situation.

The sculptor hisses, "It is good to see that you are free of that cast. It would make my work … difficult."

Indeed, Sephira's work has been impressive. No one would be able to tell that Bassai had been recently … honored … quite so heavily.

Bassai slithers in, progressing towards the Sculptor. "Yes, it would have. Too bad it couldn't have been used as some sort of mold, as it was rather tight. I'm just joking; I'm glad to be out of it."

The sculptor flicks his tongue thoughtfully. "It had occurred to me … but the pose would be inappropriate. And we would still need your noble countenance, of course!"

"Ah… hello Tekki, I wondered where you got to," the archaeologist says as he notices the Savanite. He turns back to the sculptor, "Of course. So… where would you like me to stand? Do you have any suggestion for a good pose?"

The aforementioned Life Mage slithers in after Bassai, looking almost protective. "Really, Sir Bassai," she murmurs a trifle disapprovingly. "A little more rest would do you some good. But if you will not be still, perhaps posing for the sculptor will at least keep you in one place for a while." Her melodious voice has been heard for many long hours through Bassai's waking and sleeping hours in the past few days.

Tekki nods his head to Bassai, then bows to Sephira as well. Rather than leaving the room, he stands to one side of the entrance, watching.

The python slithers up to the dais. "Well … you could look at some of the models about the room for inspiration. Or perhaps we can come up with something inspiring. Do you think you should be standing with your arm on the Savanite's shoulder? Or perhaps poised as if lifting his chin to look upward, while you point at something afar?"

"Of course, Sephira, of course. One would think you didn't ever want me out of the cast, and now that I am, to voluntarily stand still… " Bassai hisses pleasantly to the Life Mage. "… it's almost ironic."

The archaeologist bobs his head, looking around the room at a few of the other models. "Both very good suggestions, hmm… " He slithers towards the dais.

Sephira smiles at Bassai's wit. "You may feel quite energetic now, Minister, but that is a common by-product of magical healing – it fades quite quickly, and if you have been overexerting yourself in the meantime, you may drain your body of the energy it needs to truly mend."

The python sculptor eyes Sephira. "I will not make him move even a cubit, I assure you."

The python ponders, then hisses, "How about a compromise? Rather than making him hold a pose, since he may be undecided, he may recline, while I sculpt models of his important features – Face, hands, and scale texture."

Sephira looks amused, flicking her tongue in the air. She glances sideways at Bassai beneath purple-tinged eyelids. "That is not for me to say, of course," she demurs.

Three garter lawyers slither in through the door, sliding back and forth, crossing each other's path several times, hissing excitedly amongst themselves, then cutting along the circumference of the circular chamber.

They are laden with several tablets, scrolls, and writing implements.

"I shall strive to contain my exuberance for future use then." After observing a few of the statues, Bassai says, "If you would prefer, though I do like aspects of your initial suggestion."

The Ringneck archaeologist glances at the garters. "Ah, hello gentlemen. I see you found me." The smallest bit of a smile suggests Bassai was hoping it wasn't easy.

One of the garters hisses to the others, "You have the documents for him to sign?" Another hisses back, "Of COURSE! That is the fifth time you've asked." "The sixth," the third corrects. They then hush themselves and look to Bassai.

"Good!" Bassai says again, with more than usual cheerfulness that is likely – As Mage Sephira says, some after-effects of the healing spell. "I trust the Chief Attorney Saphot has looked over them, and ensured there are no unexpected loopholes, or other errors that would dilute my directives?"

Sephira coils to one side, inspecting some of the sculptor's works while Bassai deals with the tedious legalities.

The garters nod in unison. "It is thorough!" "Foolproof!" "But, of course, not entirely complete." The other two garters glare at the third, but he explains, "This is only the first step, after all. Details for enforcement have yet to be agreed upon." He ducks his head a bit nonetheless.

"Enforcement, incentives, yes, yes, those will have to be worked out after I've had a chance to consult." The Ringneck's eye-ridges crease a little, "I hope that is all you mean by not entirely complete."

Bassai's lower coils shish on the stones, "I'd hardly want to sign a half empty page, then find it full later."

The garters nod in unison once again. "By signing this," one starts, then glares at the others to make sure they don't finish his sentence for him, "we have all we need from you, for the first phase to be official. All Savanites born as of this day forward will be born free, and owners may voluntarily free their slaves."

As soon as there's a gap, while the first one takes a breath, the second chimes in, "Savanites shall be treated as equal to the Jingai … an event unparalleled in Imperial legal history!"

The third looks to the others, shrugs, and just silently hands over some forms, while the others present a writing tablet as a backing, and a pen and ink.

A cobra slinks into the room not much after – Lord Saphot, Chief Attorney to the Emperor-Potentate. "Ah! My aides have already found you, I see, Minister," he hisses to Bassai. "I am certain that they have been quick to bring you the latest drafts. It has been a long and tedious project to ensure that the laws for this first phase are completely binding, unambiguous, and without loopholes. If you'd like to look them over before you sign, of course, I am sure that Savanite freedom can wait a little." He raises his eye-ridges. "They have waited some thousands of years already, after all."

Tekki, who has been leaning forward almost to the point of losing his balance, backs to the wall again.

"Greetings, Chief Attorney. So good to see you. I was just about to say that what your aides suggest sounds quite reasonable, and could be signed without delay… but you are suggesting I should now?" The archaeologist's gaze travels from the three garters to the Cobra.

Sephira bows her head to the Attorney. "Good day, Lord Saphot," she murmurs.

The garters look from Bassai to the cobra, and then to each other, but have nothing further to say for the moment.

Saphot slithers closer to Bassai and looks at the sculpture of Tekki in process. "Ah! An excellent likeness. I am certain that it will look marvelous. Perhaps you should be depicted as holding out your hand to Tekki, helping him to rise from the deplorable situation into which he was born."

"Well, of course I would review anything before signing," the Ringneck Naga says. "I just believe that as you have a more finely tuned legal mind, that you would have already found any flaws, should they exist. Interesting suggestion for a pose; I am still trying to decide."

The sculptor nods thoughtfully at the suggestion. "Such meaning! Such depth! Such weight!"

One of the garters thrusts a document at Bassai. "Here, sir, for your perusal and approval," he hisses.

The sculptor sighs, and works on a model of Bassai's head.

Bassai takes the document, holding it for the moment. "Thank you. I was thinking perhaps of a pose that would cover both past, and future achievements. As you suggested, Sculptor, I could be standing beside Tekki, with a hand on his shoulder, and indicating something off in the distance."

The sculptor's mouth stretches in his version of a smile, and he keeps on working on the model.

The Chief Attorney's eyelids flutter slowly. "Sir Bassai, the making of laws is not only a legal process but a political one as well. Would not those who are surely likely to oppose you in this claim that you were, as it were, 'asleep at the wheel' if you were to confess that you had not taken the time to verify what is written? Of course the laws as I have phrased them herein, are as ironclad and secure as I can make them, taking into account both legal precedence and the particular legal lexicon that assigns sometimes curious meanings to words. Nevertheless, I believe that you will find they more than adequately deal with any concerns you may have had with regard to the first phase… "

Using the legal documents as a momentary prop, Bassai stretches out one arm to point at an imaginary object just above eye level. "These papers, well, could be a notebook, such as I would use on site. I could have some other tools with me, and it could be interpreted as indicating Fetiss Sky Island, or the Savanite future, or simply the discovery of knowledge."

The sculptor hisses gleefully. "And the irony, that the prop used for this sculpture was none other than the very history-making document that … well … which you happen to be holding right now." He flicks his tongue several more times, working on several rough models set on pedestals about him … a hand, another hand, a head of Bassai, and a much rougher model of Bassai's current pose, tablet and papers in hand, and other hand gesturing.

"I understand completely, Chief Attorney Saphot." The Ringneck nods his head at the Cobra, "I am sure once a pose is decided upon, I will be able to review this document in the depth it deserves. So you think it is a good idea, Sculptor?"

The document is a masterpiece in obtuse legalese. Bassai might do well to ask Sephira for a cure for headaches after going over this. But let there be no doubt … whatever it is, it's thorough! It just might take a moment to get into the proper mindset.

The sculptor bobs his head vigorously. "You are most inspired, Archaeologist!"

Lord Saphot slithers to another side and watches the sculpting in progress, looking quite confident.

"A stance is, after all, a simple decision, and this document a rather complex one. Thank you, Sculptor." Bassai starts to read, in detail.

A large portion of the document is devoted to a proclamation of the authenticity of the document itself, mostly achieved by reminding the reader of the authority of the Emperor-Potentate, and his ability to delegate certain authorities to trusted aides and judges, and, by extension to the authorities endowed to enforce such proclamations.

There is then a bit of an essay about the history of the Savanites, as seen through Naga eyes, with a bit of collective self-congratulation on how the Nagai have seen fit to raise the Savanites from animal-like barbarity to the brink of civilization.

Eventually, the document gets into references to other documents for a review of the current legal status of the Jingai (and the definition of the term), and the previous legal status of the Savanites, as well as a brief essay (with many more cross-references) on the basics of how slavery works in the Empire.

Bassai reads, following the logic of the declaration. He nods as he reviews Savanite history, noting nothing awry that an archaeologist might know better than an attorney.

After all these reminders – which, thankfully, are not enforceable, since any errors would be a legal nightmare – it finally gets to the meat of the matter: that this document hereby changes the status of Savanites, granting them recognition as sapient beings, and, with a bit of verbal legerdemain, natives of the Nagai Empire, almost children of the Nagai, and therefore, at the wish of the Emperor-Potentate, having the potential to be granted citizenship.

"Do you have these referenced laws available, Chief Attorney?" Bassai asks, as he reads, "Politics may require that I have reviewed them also."

After another section of further statements of precedent and cross-references, the document moves on to details of just how this shall be brought about. Translated roughly from legalese, this document hereby declares Savanites to be not beasts, but sapient beings, and potential citizens. Those born on the date of ratification of this document and all time forward shall be considered natives of the Nagai Empire, and free citizens. It is only by implication (and by well-established precedent) that they would be considered on par with the Jingai, rather than equals with the Nagai.

Lord Saphot comments as Bassai reads, "You will undoubtedly recognize the references to the famous Savanite-burning case of 4950 which deemed as an atrocity the decision of Lord Zashanita to burn alive all his slaves as well as an estate house, when he was displeased with the preparation of his evening meal with which he had hoped to entertain a Princess Tissha. Such a landmark case serves as ample substantiation that our ancestors recognized the Savanites as more than simple property." He reaches into his vest and takes out several scrolls, one at a time.

The garters dig through their packs, producing several documents. "It's all here, certainly, Sir Bassai," one hisses.

The cobra lawyer hands the scrolls to the aides. "You will be needing these as well," he reminds them, then shoos them to hold the documents and give them to Bassai as he requires.

"Ah yes… I see. It's agood thing sculpting takes time." The Ringneck Naga says, looking at the mass of other documents.

A few hours and many documents later…

Sephira snoozes quietly in a coiled pile of pretty jewel-like scales.

The garters look expectantly at Bassai. "Is there anything else you would like us to explain?" "I have the entirety of the Transference Principle memorized." "We can go through it all again, if you wish."

Bassai has gone from resting his hand on Tekki's shoulder as part of the pose, to needing it there to help him stand up. The Savanite has also ended up temporarily holding some of the documents the Naga was referencing, "No, I think I am clear on it all; that should not be necessary."

The garters flick their tongues happily, possibly impressed.

Lord Saphot smiles thinly. "Ah! It is a work of art, is it not, Sir Bassai? Though perhaps one of an intangible nature." He glances aside at some of the more tangible forms of artwork.

"Very complete, very thorough. It is as you say, Chief Attorney: a work of art, and will be quite a step." The archaeologist looks to the three garters again. "I would like to sign it now; do you have a pen?"

The sculptor has, meanwhile, made a fairly convincing model of a disembodied Naga hand holding a document. From this angle, it even looks as if writing has been etched into the surface for an added sense of authenticity … even if paper is not actually etched like that.

"Some of the phrasing is quite inspiring; I will be thinking of it as I work on my research paper." Perhaps Bassai says this as a small joke, or as a result of the wearing off of some of the Mage's spell, or it is just an admission of the tight competition that occurs in his academic circle.

Lord Saphot bows, appearing pleased by this recognition of his mastery.

The garters look even more pleased.

One of the garters hisses, "Now, if you could just sign here, here and here, in triplicate, and also this day's date." He offers a pen, while the other holds the ink well, and the third just watches eagerly.

A garter hisses, "And, today is 15 days before Landing Day, year 6097 – ack!" He is cut off by jabs on each side from his comrades. "Er, that is, you should use the Imperial calendar, of course. My apologies."

The Ringneck takes the pen, dipping it in the ink and signing, where indicated, in triplicate: Sir Bassai of the Order of the Emerald Coil, Minister of Savanite Affairs, Archaeologist of the Nijushiho Institute and Conqueror of Fetiss Sky Island. In what space that remains, he adds the Imperial date, as is proper.

The garters hiss in anticipation, then take the documents only after time for the ink to dry. "So, it is done!" "And duly noted." "And with the proper witness."

Tekki's ears flick at this, and his chin jolts back up from where he was in danger of nodding off.

Lord Saphot smiles thinly. "Very good, Minister. We'll have copies made by the scribes now, and relevant documents issued to all agencies and authorities so that they may know the laws which are now binding and which they will be expected to enforce. Lady Sephira, I trust, will ensure that you recover in time for the first dinner in honor of your recent promotion." He bows to Bassai.

Sephira blinks sleepily, muzzily aware of the sudden buzz in the room. "Mmm?"

"Yes, a bold recognition by the Nagai Empire, an example to the rest of Sinai, as we have always been." Bassai nods to Saphot, then looks to the mage.

Sephira flicks her tail-tip, looking demure. "Pardon my inattention, milord?"

The three garters hastily pick up and pack up all their documents and equipment, then bow to Bassai, making a small "wave" as they do so. "It has been a pleasure, Sir Bassai!" "It has been momentous!" "A historical moment indeed!" And then they quickly slither away, and out of the chamber.

Saphot smiles indulgently. "I merely suggested that you might ensure that Sir Bassai is well and prepared for the banquet a few days hence. It would not do for him to drop off to sleep suddenly mid-course. A most distressing faux pas." He bows to Sir Bassai and turns to himself depart and oversee the proclamation of the law.

Tekki looks to Bassai and signs, "Mas – Sir Bassai?"

The archaeologist returns the cobra's bow, then gives a friendly smile to Sephira before looking at the cheetah beside him. "Well Tekki, Savanites are now free and… yes?" He responds to the sign.

Sephira uncoils slowly, stretching her back, and then re-curls into a more decorous position, adjusting her intricately designed vest.

Tekki signs, "Does this mean that you are setting me free, Sir Bassai?"

"Yes, you're free. Oh wait… " Bassai reaches up, removing Tekki's collar, "… there. Now, you're free. You might want to hold onto this until the marking is established, however."

The Ringneck Naga looks at the collar he is holding out, "Hmm, Tekki… "

Tekki spends a long moment, just blinking, slowly raising one hand to rub at the spot where the collar was.

"I still need an assistant, and you know how I like things done. Will you… " Bassai transfers the collar to one hand, to use the other one to formally sign, "Will you consider staying around as my aide?" He then repeats it verbally, adding, "I would greatly appreciate it."

Tekki looks to Bassai for another long moment, frowning. Then, he signs, "I am very sorry, Sir Bassai, but I must decline."

"Oh… " Bassai replies, his posture lowering. He doesn't say anything else for a moment, or show any other emotion. His tongue flicks out once. "Well, I wish you good luck wherever you go. I will miss you."

Tekki bows to Bassai, then signs, "I trust our paths will cross again. You are destined to cut a great path, indeed, across this world. Of that I am certain."

Bassai returns the bow, straightening up very slowly, and not as much as he was before. "Thank you, Tekki, for all your help. I'll look forward to when we can meet again."

Tekki nods again … then steps down from the dais, and slowly walks to the doorway.

Sephira stays quiet through the entire exchange before coming forward to put her delicate hand upon Bassai's arm. A diamond of scales have been tinted to a blue-on-green pattern there, making it appear that she wears jewels upon the back of her hand. "That was very courageous of you, Sir Bassai," she murmurs. "Your aide meant very much to you."

"Yes… well… I'm sure he'll do well." He tries to sound cheerful, but just focuses on the spot in the doorway where Tekki last was. "You were right, Sephira. I am feeling quite fatigued now. Your spell must have worn off. I think I should head back to the room."

Sephira takes Bassai's hand. "Let me help you."

"Thank you," the archaeologist replies, following the mage – one hand in hers, and the other still holding a slave's collar.


GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)