Jan. 26. H'rral spends time with a Savanite tribe.
(H'rral) (Savan)
Savanite Village
In the thick of the jungle, a village is nestled within a ring formed by the thick trunks of gargantuan trees … trunks so thick that huts are built into the edges of their bases, and platforms are built up among their boughs, accessible by rope ladders. A thick canopy of leaves high, high above blots out the sun, letting only filtered beams of light through. At all times, fires burn in a central pit in the midst of the camp, providing more effective lighting … and also warmth when the air turns chill. Multi-colored birds and feather-winged lizards flit about, occasionally trilling and singing, disturbed by the least of motions, only to flutter back again, while lizards and rodents scurry about, leaping out to snatch away untended morsels when given the chance. One of the huts is decorated with painted wooden masks and leather sack talismans hanging outside the doorway, along with implements of bone and wood. Another hut, larger than the rest, stands closer to the center, and is continually guarded.

The jaguar is treated well by the cheetahs, as an honored guest, though it seems that their excitement isn't quite as frenzied as when he first visited. Maybe they realize that he bleeds, he eats, he sleeps, just like one of them. But he is well-fed nonetheless, and his leg is repeatedly examined and treated by the three-eyed shamaness.

It is a week or so before the leg seems strong enough that the shamaness will let the jaguar wander free from the central camp, but by then, he is allowed to go along with the boar hunts as he pleases.

Over time, he manages to pick up a few of the more common signs as well. To "stop", "quiet", "want some food?", and signs that indicate the race of the cheetahs, and various creatures of the forest, "child", "man", "woman", and what might be interpreted as a title for the three-eyed one.

H'rral for his part, is relieved that his presence has become more accepted and commonplace. The days of healing seemed at times to stretch on forever. The learning of some parts of the cheetah's sign language helped him to fill that time.

Faster learning is afforded by sitting in on lessons given to the kits who crowd around the older story-teller cheetah. As the jaguar picks up more and more, he's able to pick up more of the stories that accompany each session, which the older cheetah tells with great enthusiasm … of various monsters, of the forest spirits, of heroes of old, and great feats.

The daily process seems to be fairly routine. The hunting parties go out and track down game – sometimes the boars, sometimes oversized lizards, sometimes large birds – flightless or otherwise. Toward the evening, they return for a shared meal (there is only one per day, other than snacks one fetches for oneself), music, and storytelling. And, again, after each meal, scrap remnants are taken to that larger hut nearer to the center of the ring.

Over time, it becomes evident that the cheetahs consider H'rral to be one of their own kind, but somehow 'touched by the gods' (if the translation pans out), by his gift for speaking … even though his speech means nothing to them that they can discern. He is told that the Shamaness can understand the speech of the Sky Gods, but yet H'rral receives no indication that his words mean anything to her whatsoever, though evidently they cause her some sort of consternation.

His night vision proves to be a great asset during the hunts, and he is soon proving himself quite valuable to the hunting parties. It would seem that his worth is so highly esteemed that some can't help but be jealous of him and admire him all the same.

One day, after returning from a hunt with some large land-bound birds sacked for the evening meal, H'rral sees a couple of cheetahs being led, held by leather bindings, into the larger hut toward the center of the camp. The cheetah leading them in comes back out alone a short while later.

It is evening, and the birds are soon prepared for dinner. The kits run around and play. The three-eyed shamaness stands at the doorway to her hut, watching – as she always does – as H'rral comes back, and then disappearing into her hut.

H'rral signs to one of the cheetahs, gesturing at the larger hut. Finally his feline curiousity gets the better of him and he asks what its place is.

The names of the other cheetahs are unique gestures, sometimes recognizeable as being derived from various phrases that might say something about them. The cheetah H'rral signs to might be known as "Redmane", for he always dyes his long brown hair to a fiery red.

Redmane signs back, and H'rral can discern it as, "They are {unknown word }, enemies, deliver to the Sky Gods." The Sky Gods are only occasionally mentioned in stories, but they seem strangely divided … benevolent and malevolent, all wrapped up into one.

H'rral turns to look back at the hut for a few minutes. Aloud, he mutters, "Huh. Doesn't smell like people get killed there. But who could tell over the scraps that get carried in."

H'rral looks thoughtful as he finishes off his share of the dinner.

It should be noted that H'rral has yet to run into any other groups of cheetahs – or any other sapient race, for that matter. Aside from the two he has seen led into that hut, he has found none except for those in this camp.

The stories, however, if they are to be believed (for all the talk of magic and wonders and strangeness) would seem to suggest that somewhere "out there where nobody goes" can be found many races, all of them possessed of magical powers. It would seem that being able to talk in gibberish is associated with great power.

It would also seem that cheetahs possessed of strange deformities are considered either "touched by the gods" or else "touched by {demons}" – or at least malevolent spirits. Such would be evidently the case for Third Eye the Shamaness, and it would seem her mark was taken as a sign for affinity to the mysterious arts of magic. H'rral, for his odd leg stance and demonstrated loosened tongue, is in a similar category. Indeed, sometimes the cheetahs have used the word which might mean "shaman" when addressing him.

H'rral turns back to Redmane and signs, 'Where did those two come from?'

Redmane signs, "Very far – past river. They are ones who use poison tips and blowguns."

H'rral sorts that out in his head for a few seconds and then makes a face. "Wonderful chaps."

Bluefeather (a hunter who wears the ornament behind one ear) signs, "They will leave soon. Third Eye will appease Sky Gods tomorrow."

Redmane shudders. "Are you sure?" he signs. "Sky Gods never come when it storms. Sky speaks of storms coming soon."

H'rral glances at the Shamaness' hut and he signs, 'Is this a good thing?'

Redmane pauses, then nods. "Sky Gods are danger if angered. But offerings will please them. They will bless us with many things from {Heavens?}" The last "word" is unclear.

H'rral signs an affirmative.

H'rral looks up to the stars, "Tomorrow, huh?"

As they "speak", the shamaness emerges from her hut. She makes some signs to some other cheetahs, who rush out on errands, and then looks over to H'rral. Her face is always a puzzle – at times, it looks as if she admires him, is curious about him, and benevolent … but at others, she seems displeased for obscure reasons. For now, she frowns, while looking at H'rral, then disappears into the hut once more.

Bluefeather nods, and crosses his arms – a gesture to mean that he needs say nothing more: the matter is for certain.

H'rral catches the Shamaness' look and shakes his head, muttering, "It'd be easier to keep a smile on your face if I knew what it was you wanted."

H'rral takes one of the hollow birdbones and cleans his teeth with it.

Redmane looks to H'rral, looking puzzled. "Why do you cast a spell at Third Eye?" he signs. "Does she displease you?"

H'rral blinks a few times, then signs, 'Spell? What spell?'

Bluefeather signs, "If only she were not Third Eye. Maybe if she wore headdress." He leaves the sentence incomplete … about as close to a trailing ellipsis as he could manage in sign.

H'rral tries to garner some significance from that last statement.

Redmane signs for "speech" again – the flapping gesture at his mouth.

As usual, Bluefeather rarely makes much attempt to explain himself. When he states something, it is emphatic. When he muses, it is obscure. That is Bluefeather.

H'rral scratches the back of his neck, and signs to Redmane, 'Was not a spell.'

Redmane shrugs, then signs back, "You were not casting a web to ensnare her {heart}?" He waggles his eyebrows, smirking.

Bluefeather reaches over to swat at Redmane. "Let none see you sign such!" he signs, as he leans back. "Third Eye will turn us to lizards for sure!"

H'rral stares at Redmane for a few seconds, then shakes his head slowly.

Redmane gulps. Apparently he takes the threat seriously. He hides his hands behind his back, and watches the firepit.

H'rral grins crookedly as a thought comes to him, then he starts to laugh.

Redmane glances curiously at H'rral. The cheetahs do not laugh as such, but he recognizes the laughter nonetheless. He smirks, shaking his head, then rises. "Early on tomorrow, I must rise. Must escort Third Eye to where the Sky Gods shall bring their boat which floats on the winds."

H'rral shakes his head and quiets, giving Redmane a sideways glance. 'boat which floats on the winds?'

Bluefeather signs, "But you say Sky Gods will not come? No, sleep late. Better for me to go." He smirks.

H'rral makes a mental note to get up very early.

Redmane nods to H'rral. "Yes. The Sky Gods come in the great boat with the great bag that captures the winds to do their bidding."

"Only Third Eye knows their tongues and can withstand their spells," Bluefeather adds. "Third Eye keeps their anger away from us."

H'rral tries to envision this, looking thoughtful. 'I would like to see this.'

Redmane nods. "Yes. You should see. You are new {shaman}," (the word is similar to "shaman", but not quite the same), "and you speak in tongue of Sky Gods. You shall be greater."

Bluefeather frowns. "Third Eye will not be happy," he states, then crosses his arms to indicate he has no intention of explaining himself.

H'rral drops the bone he had been toying with. 'We can hope otherwise.'

Bluefeather shrugs, and stands. He bows his head, still stubbornly keeping his arms crossed (as is his way) and trots off.

H'rral stands and follows Bluefeather's example, heading for his hut to get some rest. He mutters to himself, "Why do I get the feeling that there is more going on here than I'm figuring out?"

Another cheetah comes up – Wideeyes – stopping H'rral's departure. "Speaker!" (that is a term used to address H'rral) "Third Eye wishes to see you. She has made a decision… " The cheetah smiles, looking excited. Apparently it must be better than Third Eye's earlier expression may have indicated.

H'rral nods to Wideeyes, 'Then I shall go see her.'

H'rral changes his path and heads for the decorated hut.

Wideeyes nods, and follows part of the way, but keeps a respectful distance from Third Eye's hut upon approaching it. The door flap is left open, and both of the floor-torches are burning brightly within. The smell of … incense? … reaches H'rral's nose.

H'rral scrunches up his nose before stepping into the hut.

Inside, in addition to the torches are a number of candles – and candles have certainly be something H'rral has not witnessed in use or being made here – which seem to be the source of the sweet fragrance. Third Eye is kneeling inside, facing the doorflap, watching H'rral as he enters. She bids him to sit down before her, but does not sign anything at first.

Her expression looks serious, and her two good eyes (and, for all one can tell, the one strange one) appraise the "Speaker".

H'rral lowers himself to the ground in front of Third Eye and waits for her to sign.

Third Eye has a cup of steaming liquid between herself and H'rral. She nods to the jaguar, and then signs, "It is evident enough. You are touched by the gods, and are loved by the people – even more than myself. But you must be trained. You shall be {Shaman}."

H'rral looks at the cup for a second, then up at Third Eye. 'But this is not my place.'

Third Eye frowns. "Where is your place, then? You cannot be happy here? Do we displease you so? … Do I displease you so?"

H'rral smiles, 'I am happy here. Nothing here displeases me. But … I do not think it is meant to be my place.'

The cheetah bows her head, all three eyes closing. "At least, share this cup with me? Though you travel afar, let this be your tribe. You are alone – so much is evident."

H'rral waits for her to open her eyes again, then signs, 'Yes, I am alone. No longer. I will share your cup, Third Eye."

The Shamaness smiles. She indicates the cup. "It is yours to choose to drink first or last," she signs.

H'rral picks up the cup with both hands and raises it to his lips, drinking about half the steaming liquid.

The hot water is intermixed with herbs – a pungent, unsweetened tea, with just a hint of berry.

H'rral holds the cup out to Third Eye.

The Shamaness takes the cup next, and drinks the remainder, then sets the cup aside.

"Rest," she bids in sign. "We shall set out in the morning. If you wish to stay, you shall. If you wish, I shall bid the Sky Gods take you wherever you wish to journey. But always remember you may return here."

H'rral stands and signs, 'Rest well.' He backs out of the tent and turns back to his own hut.

Third Eye's gaze does not leave H'rral until he is out of sight. The jaguar's way is obstructed by none as he heads back to his hut.

H'rral ducks into his hut and stretches out on the mat, replaying the conversation in his mind, and wondering for the second time in his life if he'd done the right thing.

As always, the calls and trills outside continue … but for so long as H'rral has been here … weeks … has it been months yet? … they only fade away into the background.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 4 days before Candlemass, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)