Collegia Esoterica
Home to the finest magical teaching on Sinai, it sprawls over a expanse of land, sky, and underground. A mad mix of domes, towers, halls, theatres, and structures which can't quite be identified, it houses classrooms, libraries, laboratories, offices, and even some teachers' homes. Around it lies the Scholar's quarter, full of dormitories and apartments for students and teachers at the Collegia Esoterica, and the other trade schools.
A Naga archaeologist is led onto the grounds by an apprentice (a cobra Naga) of the Sphere of Dream, and is followed by a Savanite slave.
"Thisss way, honorable sssir," hisses the young apprentice. "Behold, the College Esssoterica. I hope you will find what it isss you ssseek."
Bassai nods to the apprentice, "Thankss. Your assisstance is most appreciated." Then looks back at the college, "Is there a section where most of the mind mages resside?"
The apprentice fidgets, then nods. "But if you are seeking the Sphere of Mind, it is not that you should find them … but that they should know of your search … and come to find you." He flicks his tongue nervously.
"Yess… " The archaeologist says, "I would not wish to upset or intrude." Then he looks back at the apprentice, "What manner would you suggesst to let them know I am searching?"
The apprentice looks toward some brown-robed mages who approach. "I think they come already," he hisses.
Bassai hisses slowly, "Yess, I see." Questions and suspicions he must ask about forming in his mind as he watchs the mages approach.
The apprentice scoots off even as the brown-robed mages arrive. There are three of them, and they are all three Naga, though of different types.
"Greetings, Bassai. Your work for the glory of the Nagai Empire is well known and respected," comes a voice which seems to buzz in the back of the Naga's head. None of the mages move in the least, except for their flicking tongues.
Bassai bows to the three mages, then straightens without replying verbally. His tongue flicks out a few times as he thinks, { Do you take things from my mind as well as put them in, or should I speak aloud to you? }
A reply comes, "Fear not. Only if you wish it so. We cannot pry for thoughts not given willfully, and not casually. If that were so, surely Rephidim would be ruled by ourselves."
The archaeologist continues to stare at the three mages, his thoughts trying to organize themselves, { That would not be a bad thing if so. I see you have gone to considerable trouble, and anticipated my pressence, to speak with me privately. }
"That is so," comes the reply. The three snakes turn and begin heading toward one of the buildings. "May we be of assistance?"
Bassai looks at the mages from left to right, pausing on each one, { I will not waste the effort you must have spent on these rituals with minor questions. } He follows behind the snakes, { You know where I intend to research? }
"We have our notions. But let not our guesses influence you unduly," comes the reply. The three snakes reach a smaller outbuilding that looks more as if it might be a maintenance structure than a study hall or meeting place of any sort. They file in.
Bassai files in behind the last, signing: "Wait here Tekki, and read your book," to his slave following behind him. As he enters he thinks, { I am interested in the First Ones' site, the one Titus' Haut Mikade cancelled the expedition to. }
The cheetah nods and stays outside the structure, pulling out his book to read as nonchalantly as he can manage.
The archaeologists thoughts continue, {Several things about this site, and events and persons associated with it are starting to trouble me. Each fact I discover answers nothing and asks more.}
Bassai flicks out his tongue, {Foremost, what about it broke the slave painter's mind, and possibly Titus' mind as well, have you more insight into these matters than I?}
Inside the small building, there is but one chamber, and much of it is occupied by a magic circle which has been inscribed on the floor. The three snakes take positions at three compass points along the ring, and seem to be leaving Bassai the fourth one at the entrance. "We may speak now," a diamondback says aloud, without a trace of a hiss. "None may hear us nor may they scry upon this chamber."
"In fact," hisses the second snake, a small black one, "we have placed a protection upon you, so that your memories will not be easily scried certainly not without your knowledge."
The third snake, one with many bumpy ridges visible beneath his cowl, hisses, "The ssslave painter Kame Ikata wasss touched by an ancient power. Of it we do not underssstand. Asss for Titusss … He isss to blame for hisss own sssorry ssstate."
Bassai says, "Thank you, that is most appreciated, I had not anticipated that danger. My slave may also require such protection, he has been exposed to sensitive matters and may be a danger because of it. I see, I will ask about Titus in a moment."
The first snake continues, "Lord Titusss haut Mikide isss a noble who once partook of adventuring, in hisss limited manner." Now he seems to have acquired the same hiss as the third snake. "Poodlesss are not known for ssstamina."
Bassai says, "Do not erase my slaves memories, he would not be as useful to me without them. I sought the slave painter, and questionned him during a lucid period about what he saw that touched him. He painted some images for me as way of response."
The Archaeologist concentrates, bringing to mind the painting he has been staring at for days, forming each separate image of the eye in his mind, then moving to its sequel, "Can you look into my mind now, and see what I am remembering?"
The three snakes concentrate harder upon Bassai. Now, was it the first snake that was the horned and ridged one? The third the black one? Maybe they shifted positions with each other. But no matter. The images seem more crisp and clear in Bassai's mind … As he goes between each image in his head, it seems not like a series of frames, but that he has a vision of something alive … an eye in the center of a radially-symmetric mass of curling vines that twist and writhe about, gesticulating in some unfathomable way.
"Yesss," comes a hissing answer. It is out loud, but for the moment, it's not clear who answered. But then, perhaps it just really does not matter.
He sways, his confusion growing, but Bassai watches the now alive image, trying to fathom a meaning behind it, staring inward as the vines writhe in his mind. "What iss it?" He hisses.
There is a pause, then, the second mage answers, "We have little idea. It is a message, but we cannot decipher it."
Bassai asks, "What is the danger of this, if I am at the source." He mentally stares, fascinated by the motion, "What risks will I be placing my crew under… and what would you need me to discover, to give meaning to thiss message?"
The third snake hisses, "Thisss isss your quessst, good archaeologissst. The glory must be for the Nagai Empire which you represssent and not ssshared with the College Esssoterica. It isss for you to determine what you ssseek."
The first adds quickly, "But the risks are real."
Bassai's mind wanders, placing the paintings Kame did immediately after his acquired insanity behind the writhing eye, the vaguer memories making an odd background. "Yess, for the glory of Empire, as always."
Out of Bassai's memories, one seems to wrench itself forward, though it is not a painting from Bassai's current collection. It is one he saw elsewhere … at the party thrown by the colorful bird a picture of a barren landscape. Sounds add themselves to the scene, and smells … and an identity. It is a place in the Vykarin Wastes.
Bassai stares, seeing, remembering the interest the artist showed in this piece, and trys to focus now with his minds eye, to find the flaw Kame was seeking to fix, and to fix the identity of this place firmly in his memories.
Alas, the flaw does not present itself. The mind of Kame Ikata is not Bassai's … and that is not necessarily a bad thing.
The words of the archaeologist leak out in a distracted his, "I will strive to find the meaning of the message, and the risks I assume are to never return the same."
The second snake says, "Your answers will surely be found in the frigid wastes. But is there any way we may assist you, before you embark on your journey?"
Bassai says, "I am not sure, I do not know what iss within your means to supply. I will require the permission of the temple, expedition supplies and crew, and a means to get there. These are items I am pressently seeking on my own."
He continues, "But if your resources or contacts are superior to mine, my efforts might not be required in these areas."
The first snakes says, "Yesss. That isss for you to acquire. But … we may be able to help ensssure that you will find loyal crew. Trussstworthy. Worry not about sssuch thingsss."
Bassai says, "I would also wish some protection from this message, if that is possible, so I will be able to study it without my mind breaking. A trusstworthy crew would be much appreciated, you have my gratitude in that regard."
The second snake hisses, "The messssage alone cannot break you. It wasss the manner in which it wasss imposssed upon the weak-minded Sssavanite. Sssomeone burned it into his mind, without any concern for sssubtlety."
Bassai says, "A message of importance then, it musst be. Have you examined the Ssavanite, is he of any more use in understanding this? What signs would I feel, should a similar imposition start to occur on me?"
"You are of a ssstronger mind," hisses the third snake. "But, jussst in cassse… We ssshall provide you with sssome extra insssurance, on loan. It isss not a gift. It isss not to be given to anyone elssse, and it isss to be returned once you have completed your quessst." The snake pulls out a talisman, made of wood, engraved with a symbol that looks like an "X".
The archaeologist looks at the talisman, seeking further understanding of it, then takes it when it is offered, "I understand, I will return it." He holds it carefully, feeling the grain of the wood with one finger.
It seems upon initial examination to be nothing more than a wooden ornament … except that, upon closer inspection, tiny threads of some sort of metal have been worked into and through the wood in a matter that doesn't seem to make sense for an item of jewelry, since it seems to conceal rather than reveal the precious metals.
Bassai finishes observing the talisman, and just holds it securely. He guards his thoughts carefully and says, "I have heard strange things about the destruction of the city of hands, and the former slave witch of Titus' who may have died there… "
The archaeologist flicks out his tongue, "… things which lead me to believe that events were not as publicized. Is there anything athat happened that may have influence or bearing on my present quest."
The snakes pause, then answer in unison, "Many liesss and rumorsss have been ssspawned becaussse of that expedition."
Bassai says, "My profession requires I dig to find the truth behind rumours. The ammount of them has attracted my attention. If it iss not relevant to my present search I will not waste effort on them"
"Do not be dissstracted," hisses the first snake. "Lord Titus has made many mistakes," says the second. "And his Mind Mage has cheapened our Art by his practices," hisses the third.
Bassai nods, "So I have heard, transsplanting the memories of those who explore into that poodle. I will not be disstracted." He flicks out his tongue, "But I will remain curiouss."
The three snakes nod. "For that, you cannot be blamed," comments the first.
"Of the talisman," hisses the second snake, "wear it only while you are on the surface. In Rephidim or in the airships, it will be too weak to protect you, and only serve to attract the attention of those with the power to scry for magic."
The regal ringneck nods back, "I understand, I will keep it safely hidden. What source scrys againsst the Nagai empire and mysself, a known foe?"
The third snake hisses, "We have many enemiesss who wisssh to sssteal the glory of the Nagai Empire for themssselves. They cannot bear the truth of the sssuperiority of our waysss."
Bassai nods, "That iss true, they wish to take our knowledge and achievements and claim them as false, supplanting themselves in our place in history. They would do better to recognize our knowledge than attack it. I will be watchful, against theconstant enemy"
The three snakes nod as one. "It isss our duty to lead the way for thossse lessss enlightened, to ssset a ssshining example for them, asss doesss the Golden Ssserpent of the Sssky for all the world below."
Bassai nods back to the three, "I will ensure that my discoveries add to the light of our example. I will find the secrets of the first ones site to do this. I have one last question that would assist me in this way."
"Who in the Temple is sympathetic to the needs of the Empire, and best able to help me get the permissions I require?" Bassai hisses, "I have no wish to alert our enemies by needless encounter inside that place."
The snakes pause a bit, then answer, "Now is a troublesome time for the Temple. Allegiance is being questioned amongst some especially those who are the Eeee now that relations have weakened between the Temple and Babel."
"It is a bad time," says the first snake, "for any Naga in the Temple," says the second, "to appear to be using his position," says the third, "to benefit any political body other than Rephidim," they say in unison.
The remaining snake speaks, "Are there are none who are not Naga, who might be sympathetic to other interests than Rephidim, or might be convinced to be sympathetic?"
The snakes hiss, "Those who come to mind are either … " They pause. The first one hisses, "dead." The second one hisses, "gone." The third one hisses, "or disfavored."
The snakes shuffle about the circle, changing positions. As they do so, one slides past a bleached Khatta skull, its empty sockets staring blankly at Bassai.
Bassai nods, "Shall I seek to disguisse the force behind my expedition, giving it a shed skin of a more favoured political body, such as a Rephidim noble, or the College Esoterica?"
The empty skull sockets hold Bassai's gaze as he waits, in a staring contest even a Naga could not win. He thinks about the contrast of dark against light, and listens for the response.
"That is a commendable idea," remarks the one who is now the first snake, "if you can manage such a feat," hisses the second. "Preferably a noble over the College," hisses the third, who then adds, "for the College isss not allied with any one nation."
"But do not worry ssso much," the first one hisses. "Your missssion isss not ssso controversssial," adds the second. "Just beware seeking favors from the Temple," adds the third.
Bassai flicks out his tongue, nodding to the three snakes, "That advice I have heard consisstently from all sources. I will be aware. I think now I should pursue these directions, unless you have any further advice for me."
The snakes just regard Bassai with silence as their answer.
The archaeologist nods and slithers back through the entrance, pausing and turning back to the three before he leaves the room, "Have you shielded my slave as a further precaution, as I asked earlier?"
The snakes nod in unison.
Bassai nods back to them, then turns without any further words and exits, slipping back up the passageway and outside into the light of the Golden Serpent of the Sky. He carefully closes the door behind him, then looks for his slave.
Tekki is sitting outside, under the shade of a tree, resting his back against it, flipping through a book about minerals, told in such exciting terms as only a Vartan could manage.
The Naga slithers over to the Savanite, and lets his shadow fall upon him as an announcement of his presence. He then signs, "Did you feel anything while I was inside?"
Tekki snaps his attention to his master in time to see the sign, then pauses in thought. He shakes his head side to side in that particular Savanite sign that is recognized by just about everyone in Rephidim as indicating the negative.
Bassai responds to the negative sign, "I didn't either. The mages of the Mind Sphere have given us protection, so others like them will not be able to lift our thoughts. We must be more cautious than ever, it would seem."
Tekki shifts a bit, putting his book away and getting up. He looks fairly nervous at Bassai's news, but nods his head in response.
Bassai says, "Come Tekki, we have a poodle to see, or perhaps, a peacock."