Narcissa's Den
The abode of Secretary General Narcissa of Bromthen City is damp and musty … largely since the floor is covered in a few inches of water most of the time. The decor is Imperial in primary influence, with a stately cut to the stonework that is befitting a bureaucrat of prestigious office, but with aquatic touches shell mosaics on tabletops, an aquarium (devoid of fish), and so on. About the room are stuffed, small animals of various types in life-like poses, perched upon shelves and in nooks.
A pale salamander Shiga servant sloughs through the house, leading the two visitors in. "The Secretary General will be seeing you now," he says, in a droopy-sounding voice. "It pleases him greatly to have a guest," he adds. He looks only at the snake, not at the rat, when he speaks.
Lakshmi nods absently to the Shiga servant as she enters. She's enjoying the cool feel of water along her belly scutes, and the ease of passage it provides. Her usual slither is almost a glide, here. She looks around curiously for the Secretary General.
Padding quietly next to his employer, the sable Skreek simply folds his hands behind his back, resting atop his long black belt. With loose and lazy steps he looks this way and that, peering for a moment into the eyes of a little stuffed beast. He does spare a sidelong glance to the departing Shiga, before continuing his small tour of the room. "Boss Laks'mi, do yi think t'e Secretary will be looking for a new bit to be adding to his collection?"
Lakshmi smiles, "I'm not sure, Skye… although I am certainly enjoying the interior decor." She coils up neatly by the largest table, guessing that it's the desk.
Thoughtfully she adds, "I wonder if running water through our barn would make it easier to clean… "
Skye looks down and gives the water an odd and almost familiar look. "Home did t'is every now and then." He playfully shrugs. "But t'at was just t'e sewers getting clogged again."
The salamander turns to regard Lakshmi, folding his sticky forepaws together. They adhere to the point where they seem momentarily to have totally fused. "Would the guest wish a refreshment while waiting for the host?"
Lakshmi nods politely to the Shiga. "Indeed, that would be most kind. And perhaps a cup of water for my assistant also, please?" She glances over at Skye with a curiously amused glance, but doesn't reply to his comment.
The Shiga bobs his head subserviently, and shuffles out of the room, leaving the two visitors alone in the den.
Turning, Skye nods. "T'at would be fine, thank yi. May'aps … " The Skreek smiles. "… May'aps yi could find a slice of lemon for it?"
The Shiga doesn't say a word in response to the Skreek. Hopefully he heard.
Lakshmi waits until the Shiga leaves to murmur softly, almost to herself, "Why, I wonder, are they stuffed? Why didn't they just get eaten?"
Skye looks back. "Like trop'ies, per'aps? Folks, Laks'mi, I've found, collect t'e oddest t'ings."
Lakshmi shifts to more closely examine the nearest stuffed animal. "True, but one's pets? Hm… Well, perhaps he couldn't bear to be parted from them when they died?"
The furnishings of the room are primarily of materials meant to withstand water, naturally. There are a few sponges that might pass for floor cushions … although with predictably wet results if one were to sit on them. There are no conventional chairs. Shelves are high on the walls, kept well above the floors, and the stuffed animals likewise are kept above the highest water-marks visible on the walls.
Lakshmi says, "Hm. Very curious. Well, we shall know more soon, I am sure." Lakshmi settles back in a heap of coils, and relaxes as she waits.
Standing on his tiptoes, Skye taps the noggin of one of the little fellows. Peering closer to the glass eyes, he then tests the feel of its fur. "Prolly get a good shekel or two at t'e Bazaar. T'ough I see he's had trouble keeping his fis' in one place." He crosses to the aquarium and ducks his muzzle to look inside.
The sounds of agitated squealing can be heard, preceding the arrival of the Shiga servant again. He bears a tray with a yiffle bound on a bed of garnishes and almonds, a cup of clear water, and a cup of a berry juice concoction. He makes slapping noises with each step through the room, then gently sets the tray down on the table that Lakshmi is coiled against.
Lakshmi looks pleased, "Why thank you, I am most fond of almond garnish!" She nods again, dismissing the Shiga with a smile, and hands the cup of water to Skye. "Here you go, Skye."
The Shiga bows, then slaps his way back out of the chamber.
Skye reaches down and pokes something small inside the aquarium. He draws out a small white diamond-shaped fish, whose little soul has swum off and joined the Procession. His words are slightly dry, making their patient drawl seem even more out of place. "Bad day for little fis'es, yes? And thank yi." He takes the offered cup. "T'ough yi didn't tell me t'ey'd be having a bit of juice."
Glancing at Skye with a small smile, Lakshmi hisses softly, "Would you like a bit of berry juice to sweeten the water, Skye?" Her voice is pitched so as to not be heard over the squealing of the yiffle by someone outside of the room.
Skye nods brightly. "I certainly shall, I think. Thanks." And with that, he subtly lets the cup slip a bit, adding a splash of water to the liquid carpet. Then he carefully decants the berry juice into his empty cup, leaving half for Lakshmi.
Lakshmi grins and holds a finger to her lips, then points to the ripples. She takes a sip of berry juice, then sighs happily, her tongue flickering as she admires the yiffle's garnishes for a moment One must appreciate artistic effort, after all. Finally, with a swift and practiced movement… she swallows the yiffle whole.
The room is immediately that much more quiet.
Lakshmi sighs happily again, licking her fingers, and murmurs softly, "Very nice. Plump, healthy… mm, and with almonds. Quite delicious."
Slowly sipping his juice, Skye chuckles. "And you know what I t'ink every time. A big Skreek looking at a little Skreek, reminding me to gnaw fifty times before swallowing. Keeps t'e teeth sharp."
Ripples emanate from the far doorway, followed shortly by a rush of water that causes the overall level in the room to swell an inch or so before diminishing again, as a large turquoise serpent slides into the room. He looks like a typical Naga, except that he has fin-like "earflaps" on either side of his head, and "whiskers" on either side of his nose that suggest those of a carp a Sea Serpent Naga, at least of the smaller variety. "Ah. Welcome, welcome, Behaviorist Lakshmi! It is a pleasure to see you in good health, I hope?" There's an odd burbling undertone to his voice, as if something in his throat is blowing bubbles all the while he speaks.
Skye lifts his paws in time with the deep ripples to keep his cuffs from becoming soaked.
Lakshmi shudders slightly. "Eurgh, Skye… must you bring up such disgusting habits while I'm eating?" Her glance is wry, "I don't know why you insist on mangling your food before eating it. It's bad enough you usually burn it first… " She grins, like someone continuing a long and familiar shared joke then turns as the Secretary General enters, nodding politely. "Well met, Secretary General Narcissa. A pleasure for myself also. I am indeed in good health many thanks to your estimable chef! And yourself?"
Skye begins to smile. "I have to do somet'ing to keep it from running away… " He lets the well practiced discussion fade away, however, as the Secretary General begins to speak. Moving slowly through the water, Skye walks right up next to Lakshmi, and every now and then takes a sip of berry juice.
"Quite good, quite good! Although," Narcissa's whiskers droop, "I'm afraid my new pets haven't fared so well. I acquired a couple of diamond fish, but I guess the temperature isn't just so for them… " He shakes his head, but then his whiskers perk as he brightens. "But, ah well. One should not focus on such depressing topics, hmm? Rather, I would discuss the matter of a business proposition making use of your considerable talents."
Skye quickly hides the deceased fish he had retrieved, behind his back.
Lakshmi nods again, "Indeed. How may I be of service to you, sir?" Privately, she thinks . o O (Note to self: find out what diamond fish need to flourish.)
Narcissa sloshes over behind the desk, and sets his arms on the mosaic-tiled surface, which depicts a fanciful scene of oceanic and surface animals frolicking about, with fliers swooping in the skies above … and mythical beasts dancing about the stars. He folds his webbed hands together, as he answers, "Well, I should like to find a new pet. I have done some careful consideration, under the advice of some close friends, and I believe that a creature known as a 'whispa' would be an ideal creature to have about the house."
Skye looks up at the serpent, his attention snared by the unfamiliar word. His hand still holding the cup, he carefully pushes up the brim of his hat, tilting the hat back slightly.
Lakshmi raises a thoughtful eyebrow, "Hmm… a tall order, Secretary General. This is possible… but I feel I should warn you ahead of time that it may take quite a bit of searching and money in order to discover one. I would strongly recommend you not take an adult, but rather only a youngling, as they are much easier to tame. However, that means a potential additional amount of time spent searching." She glances at Narcissa. "Is this acceptable to you, sir?"
The Narcissa spreads his webbed hands. "Of course! You are well regarded, and I trust your judgment in this matter. I have been told that this is an unusual pet, so I imagine it may take a little longer to find than most."
Lakshmi nods in quiet amusement. "It will indeed be most unique. Very well then, sir, I accept your commission."
Taking a sip of juice, Skye glances over to Lakshmi, his sable eyes narrowing for but a moment. Then he takes another taste of berry juice.
Narcissa bobs his head, looking quite pleased, and causing his whiskers to jiggle merrily. "Very good! I will leave it to my steward to arrange for matters of funds to cover your initial expenses. And I would greatly love to hear regular reports of your progress, even should there be a delay in finding such a marvelous creature I do so love reading about adventures especially real ones!"
Lakshmi chuckles, "I'm sure I'll do my best to be entertaining then, sir." She smiles and places her palms together, nodding slightly, "A pleasure doing business with you, Secretary General."
Nodding, Skye quietly adds his own words to his employer's. "Thank yi' yi'honor. And don't be worrying. I'll make sure Master Laks'mi will be finding her way back wit' yi w'ispa."
The Secretary General clasps his webbed hands together, bobs his head, then sloshes out of the room.
After the Secretary General leaves, Lakshmi grins at Skye with the excitement she gets at the beginning of a good hunt. "Well! This should be interesting… Where shall we start, I wonder? Hm… research! Yes, after the bargaining, we need to go do some research in the habits of the whispa." She happily rubs her hands together, and heads out.
Skye looks up to Lakshmi with an amused look. "So, w'en will yi be telling me just w'at a w'spa is? And w'ere we be a'finding it?"
Lakshmi hisses softly to Skye, "As soon as I know myself, of course!"
Skye blinks, and splashes quickly after Lakshmi. "Khai, I s'ould have known… "
Slappagil's Supplies
Perched on wooden stilts that usually keep it above the flood tides, this oversized shack is laden with all manner of equipment for explorers, adventurers … and surfers. (It's on the beach, after all.) A coral corral nearby houses a few amphibious mounts, overseen by some lazy-looking salamanders, newts and frogs serving the sea-serpent proprietor.
The ivory-colored Sea Serpent Naga pokes his head in through the window to peek in on his customers. "Go right ahead, take your time … No sense rushing while getting prepared for a big game hunt. So … what are you after?"
Skye is stopped stock still as the serpent's head comes through the window. He blinks, looking back, and very quietly, just simply, nods once.
Lakshmi beams pleasantly at the huge Naga. "Thank you very much! We're after a whispa… since apparently they've been proven to exist. Hm… Do you have any recommendations on a nice, tame mount for my assistant here?"
The sea serpent scratches at his ridged, bony nose thoughtfully, as if this is a question that would require careful thought before answering, then replies in a low, burbling voice, "Well, it depends on which way you're headed. If a whispa is something deep-sea … I'd recommend some sea kings. If you're aiming to tour the flood-lands … a serendip would be just the thing."
Skye turns back to Lakshmi with a slightly put upon look. "It's not t'e tame … it's t'e habit of chewing on little black Skreeks. I tell yi, t'ey do talk to each ot'er." He looks up to the serpent, doffing his hat. "Would yi have one t'at's a bit vegetarian?"
Lakshmi says, "Flood-lands, I believe. So you recommend serendips? Excellent… Then we would like two, please." With an absolutely deadpan expression she adds, "One of them should consider little black Skreeks non-edible."
The sea serpent flicks his tongue. "Oh? Well, that'll be extra, then." He glances over at the rat.
Glancing about the rest of the shop, Skye lets his paws slowly work the crown of his hat. "And a third, calm to be carrying our supplies. And furniture for t'em, of course."
Skye looks back over his shoulder at the serpent. "T'en again, may'aps we don't need t'e third serendip, yes?"
"Buying or renting?" asks the oversized proprietor.
Lakshmi covers a smile, then nods. "Renting, yes, and three, as my assistant pointed out."
The sea serpent bobs his nose, hitting the windowsill lightly. "And for how long?" His arms seem to be busily at work outside the hut, making notes or calculations that he occasionally pulls his nose out of the window so he can take a glance at.
Lakshmi thinks a bit, then hisses, "I would like to rent them for a week, please, with an option to extend the rental if necessary?"
Shaking his head, Skye sets his hat back on his head with both hands, settling it at a rakish angle. "How about a set of decent leather satc'els and saddlebags for t'e serendip? It is a bit damp out t'ere."
The sea serpent smiles. "I assure you, anywhere a serendip goes … it is a bit damp, yes. And the tack is included, though there's a deposit… " He then goes into a long list of particulars and rules and associated costs, as part of the usual routine for this sort of arrangement.
Lakshmi listens with an alert expression… then glances at Skye when the sea serpent is done, with an inquiring look.
Skye says, "Sounds reasonable, and I am sure t'e Secretary General would notice if t'e price wasn't fair, yes Master S'opkeep? What we will also be needing is… " And now the Skreek's eyes sparkle, " … a stack o' rice paper or parchment, a satchel to seal it in, since t'e Secretary wis'es us to write, and I was thinking about a spool of cord would be helpful?"
Lakshmi exclaims, "Oh! Silly me, of course, I forgot about the writing!"
The sea serpent dutifully adds this to the list of supplies. "Working for the Secretary General, eh? Aha. Yes, I do believe we have some of that. Rice paper, that is. I'm afraid all the parchment I have in stock has gotten a bit damp from the air. The rice paper is in sealed containers, though."
Skye replies a bit faster, quietly pleased. "Rice paper is even better."
Lakshmi wanders over to a window, glancing out at the serendips with a practiced eye as Skye efficiently gets things done… as usual.
Sometime during the negotiations, the sea serpent must have waved his servants into action, as a couple of frogs are leading a threesome of serendips out of the coral corral and are saddling them up. One of the serendips is a tawny gold in color, with a silvery mane. The next is a mottled gray-black, and the third is the color of sea foam.
Stealing a peak out the window, Skye spots a growth of vegetation in the corner. "And about twenty or so staves o' t'at bamboo there. T'at, and a recommendation where I can stock up on bread an' cheese an' hardtack?
Lakshmi rather likes the gray-black appaloosa one… very pretty, and it reminds her of her first Drokar. She watches how the serendips move and react to their handlers and each other, trying to pick out the most fractious for herself.
"Certainly," responds the sea serpent, and he pulls his head out, then sticks his arm in and plucks up a hand-full of bamboo sticks. He takes them outside, where he counts them off, and puts the extras back inside. He hands off the twenty bamboo sticks to a couple of newts to ferry over to the mounts.
While Skye handles provisions in the background, Lakshmi gets a good view of the handling of the serendips. It seems that the mottled "dark horse" of the group shows signs of having the closest thing to a temper, though it doesn't give the frogs any great deal of trouble just a little stubbornness and occasionally not wanting to budge. The tawny golden one might be the eldest, and the best trained. The sea-foam one seems nicely tempered enough … but it also seems to be especially eager to get out of the corral, and curiously pokes its nose at everything it couldn't reach from inside the coral fence, until yanked away by a handler.
Lakshmi nods quietly to herself, happily lost in watching animals and the cheerful bubbly feeling she gets in the pit of her stomach at the beginning of a good hunt. She'll take the appaloosa-looking one, and put Skye on the pale sea foam one up on its back where it can't nibble on the poor Skreek! The calmest, more palomino-looking one will be best to load equipment on, since it looks to be the least likely to bolt… too relaxed, from the look of it.
Skye wanders the store for a moment more, looking into the nooks and crannies, selecting last-minute items that catch his eye. "A net, yes? We will need to be refilling our lamp oil flasks, and making sure yi medicine supplies are all stocked up, Master Laks'mi. T'at, and well, do yi actually know which direction we be going?"
Lakshmi nods absently, turning to look from the window, "Our net's all checked and packed, Skye, and I restocked the medicinal supplies before we left."
Lakshmi checks the direction of the sun, then points, "We'll be going that way first."
Lakshmi says, "Basically we'll be following the flood plain, Skye, along the temporary islands that are created during the flooding season. Small terrestrial creatures end up there to shelter from the flood waters… I'm hoping we'll find whispas that way."
Skye holds up a sharpening stone to the serpent before slipping it into his wide belt. "We are also short one of t'ese. But t'at s'ould be it." Skye walks to the window again, and looks out. "Master S'opkeep, how far t'ataway do we go before we run out o' civilization? Ot'erwise, well, t'eres a lonely w'spa waiting for yi, Master Laks'mi!"
Lakshmi beams, gazing out at the wilderness with a faintly eager expression as she rests a hand on her short assistant's capable shoulder. "I certainly hope so, Skye!"
The sea serpent laughs … causing the wall on this side of the shack to vibrate, since he's leaning against it. "Well, by Nagai City standards, you're already run out of it! But, honestly, once you set coil out of Bromthen City, it's wilderness as far as the tongue can scent."
Lakshmi glances down at Skye, "So… are we ready? I think you should take the pale serendip, and we'll load up the equipment on the palomino one. I'll take the last one. Sound good?"
Skye smiles quietly to himself at the touch, before looking out across the flooded plains. "Hope yi can get used to t'e smell of damp Skreek. But yes. I've never seen a w'ispa. It's about time."
Bromthen Flood Plains
Now and then, throughout the year, the rains come, the tide rises, and the low flat lands near the sea are flooded for miles. Dry land becomes a mere dotting of islands even though in many places the water is only a few inches deep. The amphibians rule the earth this time of year, while the land-dwellers congregate in the boughs of the stilt-rooted cageroot trees or the scattered islands formed by water-swept debris or random mounds of earth and rock.
Three serendips paddle along with their webbed forelegs, making wide sweeps with their finned tails to push them along at a leisurely pace. Their reptilian-equine heads sport fin-like 'earflaps' of the same sort that grace the heads of Sea Serpent Nagas, though their other features would be more akin to Kirigai a strange blend of equine, reptilian and aquatic.
Skye sits quietly upon his serendip, holding the reins carefully in one hand. The wide brim of his hat shades his eyes from the water's glare. Half a pace ahead, he slowly pushes the pale serendip forward, seeking the easiest trail. "Laks'mi, w'at sort of terrain s'ould I be looking for? From w'at yi know of t'e w'ispa, w'ere would t'ey like to live?"
Lakshmi says, "Well, at this point I think what we're looking for most is one caught up in a tree. See that almost cage-like rooting system? That keeps the tree anchored… and the animals know it. So look up in the branches for a scruffy and indignant-looking ferret-like reptilian, I'd say." She grins lazily, obviously enjoying the slow, easy sweep and sway of riding. "Not many animals take being flooded out with equanimity, after all… "
Lakshmi says, "If they're more like ferrets, then what we're looking for is a young female with several young clinging close to her. We want one of the babies… and remember that rule I taught you, of course never more than one in three. If there are only two babies, we pass it by."
As the trio coasts past the miniature "islands" in the flood zone, there are plenty such refugees to be seen in the branches. Even some creatures that would normally be natural enemies share the same tree. (Since they still need to eat, though … this is usually not for very long.)
Skye looks back over his shoulder, the long feathers of his hat echoing the turn an eye-blink behind. "Atop t'e tree? T'at we can do. And t'ree. Always t'ree. I can count t'at, yes. Laks'mi, has anyone ever captured one o' these before?"
Lakshmi thinks for a while… then smiles and shrugs, "If it's been agreed that it's no longer merely a myth, then at least a dead one has been brought back. Alive, well… that I don't know… although I'd sure like us to be the first to do so!" She grins happily, obviously enjoying herself tremendously even as she continues to scan the treetops.
The head of Skye's mount keeps veering one way or the other whenever he's not keeping his full attention on the reins. Most of the time, that doesn't translate into a veering off course … but his serendip seems to have caught sight of something behind her, and has slowed her paddling, staring intently at whatever it is.
Not noticing his mount's straying until he is almost turned around, Skye returns his attention to where he's going. Drawing up the reins, he attempts to regain control, and then looks out to see what has fascinated the beast. Anything that keeps its attention from nibbling Skreek can't be all bad…
That would be good … except that in a moment, it soon becomes evident just what has drawn the mount's attention … There's a flick of the Skreek's own tail visible … and then the serendip's head darts back and nips it on the tip!
Skye quietly whispers, ever pragmatic, as he scans across the flooded landscape. "But Laks'mi, does anyone know how to take care of a captured w'ispa? Especially one separated from paeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrkkkkkk!"
The serendip's head jerks back at the sound … and then plunges under the water, sending a light spray into the air.
Fortunately for the Skreek, the rest of the serendip is still floating.
Lakshmi reacts automatically to disobedience She claps her hands together sharply and hisses a loud, firm, "NO!" She grins quietly, nudging her serendip up next to Skye's, "Would you like a riding crop to tap her nose with? Or would you prefer to swap mounts?"
Skye stops.
Skye catches his breath.
Lakshmi looks a bit concerned. "Did she get you?"
Skye slowly turns, his long muzzle down, sable eyes narrowed.
Lakshmi looks more worried. "Skye? Talk to me. What's wrong?"
Leaning back, one leg splashes in the water as he tries to regain his balance. Pulling himself back up onto the saddle with both hands, the Skreek's eyes narrow, and he gives the submerged head of the critter such a look.
Bubbles rise from the submerged serendip head.
Lakshmi looks relieved When Skye can glower, he's okay. She covers a grin.
His words are very calm, and quiet and even, with a hint of "I told you so" in them dry as the desert in the Nagai flood-plain. "Are yi sure I just can't bite him back?" Sharp incisors sparkle in the cool air. But then Skye simply lets out a long slow breath. "I guess it's teaching time, yes? It's got to know I'm t'e boss. W'at do I do, Laksm'i?
Lakshmi grins companionably at Skye. "You're a trooper, Skye You never quit. Good for you. Okay… " She rummages in a bag, then pulls out a black, oiled leather riding crop. It's got a fringed layer of leather around its lower half, giving it an almost 'furred' look, and a loop at the other end to go around the wrist. "Take this and pop her lightly on the nose if she tries that again. It won't hurt her, but the leather-fringed end will give a sharp, loud crack and that will startle her, and discourage her from nipping, without hurting her. Don't forget to pat her when she's good too, of course."
Lakshmi companionably and gently slaps the huge neck of her serendip, and grins at Skye. "Okay?"
A lazy-looking long-armed creature hanging from a low branch extends its nearly serpentine-length neck, to regard the passing serendips and their riders with a shaggy head. It blinks a couple of times, then draws its head back, the neck shrinking in length as it swells up like a balloon.
Nodding, the feathers in his hat bobbing, Skye takes the crop from Lakshmi, and balances it in his hand. He slips the loop over his small wrist, and balances his hands on the front of the saddle. "An yi still don't believe that they conspire … Yes, let's move on… "
Lakshmi laughs softly, and nudges her serendip to swim on as she goes back to scanning the surrounding area. She hmms thoughtfully, then asks, "Skye, do we have any open requests for any lowdies?"
Skye shakes his head, "No. Not lowdies. A live eep, t'ough, and a Bromthen hog, but only if it hunts truffles. T'e rest of our open orders are desert dwellers."
Skye shakes his head, "Unless it's a female lowdy. But how can yi tell?
Lakshmi says, "It's an adult male, but where there's one we can hopefully come back later and maybe find a mated pair, after all. Hm… all right. I'll make a note of him, for later."
Just then, the lowdy opens its mouth, and loudly bellows, "LOWDYLOWDYLOWDYLOWDYLOWDYLOLO!"
Lakshmi winces, "Eurgh! Let's move it this will have scared away anything in the vicinity!" She urges the serendips on hastily.
They need no further urging, as the three serendips, startled out of their relative placidity … lurch forward, lowing in panic at the sudden and surprisingly loud sound from so close by!
Lakshmi grins over her shoulder at Skye, riding the surge of energetic serendip, and hisses, "Fur color, size, and the volume!"
Lakshmi whoop!-ses, and turns back around swiftly, paying more attention to her plunging serendip.
Skye's ears stand up, then immediately flatten at the sudden loud noise. But then his attention is stolen by his runaway mount. Remembering Lakshmi's lessons, he pulls the beast into a tight circle to slow it down, before continuing after her. "Lakshmi, Lakshmi, Lakshmi … I'm suppose't to be guiding yi … gee back 'ere!"
Lakshmi laughs, slowly getting her serendip calmed down and making a large circle to return to the others, "Sorreeee!"
Out of range of the lowdy, and hearing a more distant "huh?" in response from another cluster of trees, the riders manage to get their mounts under control … and the golden pack mount slows down as well, not willing to stray too far from its friends.
Skye's ears perk again, and he takes off his hat for a moment. "Lakshmi, w'at beasties go 'huh?'"
Lakshmi looks up alertly at the distant response, then grins. "Now that I'm guessing is the female… but we can look in on her later, I think. Let's travel… I'm guessing we need to be at least a day away from the outpost before we find what used to be a mythological creature."
Skye laughs, "Eit'er t'at, or it's a very-clever-at-hiding mythical beast."
Drawing his serendip up to Lakshmi's, Skye sets his hat back upon his head. "But did yi hear my question about … Well, how do we take care of a captured w'ispa?"
Lakshmi tilts her head thoughtfully, then grins ruefully at Skye. "Actually, your guess is quite possibly as good as mine, Skye. No one's captured one before, that I've ever heard of. I've got a variety of things to offer it to eat, and we'll try to check over the island we find it on to see what the parent is eating, of course. Any observations we make will be new studies, after all."
Skye rests his hands upon the saddle. "Then maybe t'e rule of t'ree might need looking at. And can a youngling even survive in captivity?" Skye blinks, remembering something. "We don't need more diamond fish, yes?"
Lakshmi sighs softly, a faintly worried expression on her face. "Well, actually Skye, I wanted to rent the serendips for a week minimum because I want to try to observe the female's and youngs' behavior for a while. At this time of the year they'll hopefully be nursing only occasionally, and mostly eating on their own… and if we can watch what they eat, we'll know what to collect for the youngling." She adds softly, "The rule of three is for replacement… It takes a female and a male to produce offspring. If we never take more than one in three, we've made sure we aren't preventing the adults from at least replacing themselves… It would be very unwise to obliterate a species we make our living with, after all. And diamond fish might be good, but not until we know what environment they need."
Pushing his mount a little bit forward, the crop held crosswise in his paws, Skye nods. "Jus' trying to remember to t'ink, t'ats all." He settles back, letting the serendips swim for a little bit. "Yi know, t'at's one t'ing I have never asked. Ever since I found yi atop t'e mesa. I mean, I never really 'ad a choice in w'at I did. Save except once, but t'at was, well, I'm wandering, yes? But all t'e t'ings across ta Empire an' wilderness, Lakshmi, how did yi ever end up choosing this as yi work?"
Lakshmi smiles in companionable laziness at the little Skreek next to her, watching how he rides in silent approval… Her eyes get a little distant as she thinks about his question. "Hm… I chose it because I'm good at it, and I enjoy it, Skye." She grins quietly, reminiscing, "When I was a fingerling out on the streets, all I knew was that it was scary and at night it was cold. So I found a small hole into a large warm place full of straw, and a nice beasthound that curled up with me that night." She laughs softly, "How was I to know it was an attack hound that I'd befriended? When the behaviorists found me the next day, they decided I had a talent for animal handling… so I was accepted into the School." She straightens proudly, "I did my best to never give them cause to regret that decision… and now I'm a master."
Lakshmi sways gently in the saddle as the serendip swims along… then turns to Skye and hisses in idle curiosity, "And yourself? I can tell your past isn't something you particularly want to talk about, so I won't ask. But now that you have choice in your life… what are you seeking, if I may ask?"
Adjusting his posture slightly, settling his heels down in the stirrups, practicing and remembering, Skye glances back to Lakshmi. He chuffs out a single short chuckle, dry and sharp. "In some ways, quite t'e same we are. I was found up on a cornice piece, an' t'ey said, 'Hey 'ere sky-kit, we know jus' w'at yi can be a'doing.' E'epting I think, my companions were not as formal as thine teachers. One day, well, I look't at w'at I 'ad and discovered I was, well, bound in a circle, always running an' never getting anywhere. So I chose to step out of t'e shadows. As for w'at I'm seeking?
Slipping off his hat, Skye smoothes out his long whiskers and muzzle fur with the back of one paw. "I'm not sure. But t'ats fine. Just like I know t'at we need to be keeping to t'e high side o' t'e tree line, I think I'm on t'e right path to be finding wherever t'at is."
The sea-foam head of Skye's mount starts wandering off to the left … surreptitiously peeking behind…
Skye quickly snaps out with the riding crop, snapping it at the daring creature's nose.
The mount's earflaps shoot up in alarm, and it snaps his head back to the front, suddenly transforming into a good and obedient serendip again.
Lakshmi gives Skye a faintly puzzled glance, even as she absently nods in approval of Skye's quick reactions… "So… what were you doing that was so unpleasant? That sounds awful being stuck in a school you dislike. Out of the… shadows… ?" She thinks a moment, then gets an 'oh!' look… then smiles and discreetly doesn't ask any more questions. Instead, she simply says, "Well… I hope you find what you're looking for then."
Skye smiles quietly, and breathes a few quiet words. "It works. Hah. Yi don't have a teacher like Laks'mi, silly beast."
Lakshmi chuckles, looking pleased. "I'm sure you're also a far better student that it could possibly be, Skye."
Skye laughs quietly. "I would 'ope so. I get paid better t'an it does. But no… "
The Skreek is quiet for a long moment. He just watches the sun off the water, weaving a path through the cageroot trees. Then he just turns, and gives Lakshmi a simple and even look.
Skye says, "Let's just say… "
The black Skreek holds for a beat.
Skye says, "Let's just say that if t'e Temple Guards of Rep'idim ever come take me away, t'ey just might have a reason. I don't t'ink t'ey forget or forgive very much."
Lakshmi is relaxed as she sways in the saddle, enjoying the glitter of the sun off the water. Her voice is peaceful as she softly hisses in reply, "Gracious… Who could possibly mistake my obviously well-trained and competent assistant for some Rephidim ruffian?" Her lazy smile off into the distance is quiet as she adds, "I suppose Rephidim in that case would be just like I said Nagai City would be for us, neh? Training creates teams; teams have a variety of skills that mutually support each other. Just as you protect me from mistakes out here, so I protect you from mistakes in towns. You don't let me get pushed around out here by animals that I can't handle alone… I don't let people in town push my little Skreek assistant around. That's what a good team is… don't you think?"
Skye laughs quietly, looking back. "Many t'ings, yes, but never a ruffian. Though I t'ink if'n we can handle a school o' s'riken, I t'ink we can deal with a pack of Jupani Guards. Toget'er. And yes, it's looking out for anot'er. Khor, Darkside, t'ey'd be laughin' at t'e t'ought. Looking out for anot'er…
Skye playfully shrugs, looking back with his familiar wry smile. "Maybe t'ats why t'ey are in Darkside and I'm seeking out a legend."
Lakshmi tilts her head with a curious smile at Skye, "Darkside… Isn't that the rather ah… unsavory bottom-side of Rephidim?" Her grin is a touch mischievous as she adds, "Tsk… certainly not a place one could find either a Master Behaviorist or a most efficient assistant!" She laughs softly, leisurely patting her serendip, then straightens. "What's your legend then that you're seeking? Now seems a good time to be seeking out legends, considering we're hunting a mythological beastie!"
Skye pushes his mount forward a bit, to slip around a dense tangle of roots. "T'e legend of t'e w'ispa, of course. I'm not an educated Skreek; w'en I wax eloquent, it's not t'at eloquent. T'ough I can't help but t'ink … " Skye shrugs again, ever the pragmatist, "T'at it would have been more convenient if'n t'e w'ispa chose a dryer place for a home."
Lakshmi laughs delightedly, then pats her serendip again, her grin mischievous. "Well now, is it the poor whispa's fault that you chose to have all that fur, to get all soggy and strong-smelling, mm?"
After his serendip clears the tangles, Skye leans forward to give it a friendly and rewarding pat. Leaning back in the saddle, he smiles a toothy grin. "T'at doesn't bot'er me, but t'en, I'm not t'e one of us w'o smells wit' her tongue." Spying a new path through the tangled routes, Skye lets his serendip dart ahead for a bit. "T'ough I t'ink t'e w'ispa is in trouble if it t'inks it can out climb me in t'ese trees… "
Lakshmi grins, her tongue carefully not scenting the soggy environment. She chuckles quietly at his last comment, and murmurs teasingly, "Oh, is that what wet Skreeks are good for… " She gathers her reins, looking around thoughtfully, "Actually, Skye, why don't we start looking around for a nice dry place to camp, mm?"
Lakshmi coils her tail tightly around the saddle bar, then raises a few more feet of her body up to look around, "You see anything solid anywhere near, Skye?"
Without an effort, the little Skreek changes their course, and instead of skirting the collection of small islands, heads into the tangled mass of trees and roots. A water path here, a channel there, until they come out in a small pool, where the cageroots give way to a sandy beach and hill.
Lakshmi follows Skye's lead without worry, trusting his eyes far more than hers… and beams at the small beach. "Oh, how lovely! And sand even You're amazing, Skye, thank you!"
So, the two adventurers dismount onto sandy, relatively dry land, corralling their serendips in the pool. They set up camp for the first night on their journey into the flooded Bromthen outback, with high hopes of finding the elusive whispa. Maybe tomorrow, they'll find some …