First Ones 27, 6107 RTR (Feb 22, 2009) Alptraum goes to learn about Vorgulremik.
(The Right Hand of Shadow) (Alptraum) (Sylvania) (Vorgulremik)

After finally being exhausted by the two Yodh, Alptraum is 'rescued' by Lucy, who takes him back to his room. Nearly all of his meager belongings have been packed away, and the bedding has even been removed by the staff for cleaning. Ever helpful, the Fnerf simply lies on her back to become a bed for Alptraum, complete with built-in pillows.

Alptraum falls asleep fast, head buried between two 'pillows'. His entire body still feels tired and weak and that star burst on his chest, warm, from the lingering after effects of that lotion. And … the weird squirmyness he also feels in his right hand, a possible 'excitement' of the shadow from the lotion, causes his mind to focus mostly on the dagger and all the strangeness that he's undertaken in his life. For better or worse, he even thinks of his last talk with Vorgulremik and the possibility of learning more about the Steel Dragon's kind.

    The Echo of Molreyekar
    There is desolation, and then there is the world of the Steel Dragons. Perpetual cloud cover dims the sun, while providing stroboscopic burst of continuous lightning. Arcs of electricity leap between the jagged iron peaks of the mountains, which take the thunder and magnify it through metallic echoes. Nothing living seems to grow in the gravelly soil, but the metal skeletons of long dead trees shine and rust, creating a forest of razors below the peaks.

Alptraum finds himself once more on the high cliff, facing the storm. He isn't alone though this time, at least not for long, as a familiar blue form takes shape next to him. "You've been exposed to magic and then run to exhaustion again, haven't you?" Kaira asks, although her tone is more that of a statement than a question.

Alptraum rubs his neck. "It's not my fault. Mave and Phlagaea ganged up on me!" he claims, blinking slowly. It takes a moment before his surroundings even register and then his eyes go wide. "Why are we here?" he asks, sounding worried.

"You tell me," Kaira comments. "You must have wanted to come here, or were thinking of this place." The strobing lightning is blocked by shadow, indicating that Vorgulremik has sensed his guests.

"I was thinking about my last talk with Vorgulremik. We were discussing his kind, actually. I was curious to learn more about them," Alptraum answers a bit sheepishly. He also takes a step away from Kaira in case she decides to try to hit him. "There's nothing too wrong with wanting to learn more about what you jail, right?"

"Look not into the Abyss, for the Abyss looks also into you," Kaira quotes. A deep, ground rattling chuckle interrupts, as Vorgulremik's horrible head drops down to their level. "Really, Kaira, you shouldn't fill the boy's head with platitudes from long-dead philosophies," the steel dragon says.

"Hey, aren't I already the abyss, what with being the avatar of the son of Death? Alptraum tries to joke, though his ears go flat at Vorgulremik's rumble. He then quickly says, "No fighting! Just, no. I couldn't help being curious about his kind. I only know what you have shown me about him … but not much about the rest of them. How much is because he's an evil bastard versus it was the way of his kind?"

"Does it really matter?" Kaira asks.

"It is a valid curiosity," Vorgulremik counters, his eye floating in front of Alptraum now. "And I have determined how he can experience it. It is very easy, for him. Part of being a Dracul, in fact. And made trivial by the nature of this realm."

"It would make me feel better in that I'm ultimately the one who executes the final sentence. If he is the last, then that's effectively genocide. I'm not sure if I can bear the weight of being such an executioner without knowing more about what I helped destroy," Alptraum says, his eyes flicking from Vorgulremik back to Kaira and focuses on her. "I'm not a dragon at heart. I can't just … I'm not even sure how to explain it. I just feel I should know about something before I end it."

"Well then, Alptraum, are you ready to learn a new ability?" Vorgulremik asks.

Alptraum holds up his hand as if telling Vorgulremik to be quiet for a moment. His eyes remain on Kaira and he asks, "Do you understand why I want to know? Will you permit me to learn?"

"I can't stop you, Alptraum," Kaira notes… and seems loathe to admit to that in front of Vorgulremik. "Your reasons are valid. But… be careful. You risk being overwhelmed."

"Kaira. In here are you linked to me? Can you feel me?" Alptraum asks.

"No," Kaira notes. "I can feel him though. I cannot share that kind of link with you, Alptraum, without exposing you to Vorgulremik. The Barsunala spirit that is bound to you is what actually protects your spirit in this realm."

Alptraum nods at this. "Then monitor him and if I seem to be in any danger from the way he reacts … come to me and kick me out of this realm," Alptraum suggests. "If I'm booted out, that should dislodge any hold, yes?"

Kaira looks uncertain. "I'll do my best, Alptraum," she says.

The steel dragon watches in quiet, perhaps trying not to look amused.

Alptraum nods and places his hand on her shoulder. "I'll be careful," he says, "And I promise to tell you everything afterward. Always remember that you still have ultimate power over him. You can always end him if he tries anything underhanded."

"Hmmm, right," Kaira notes, turning her attention back to their host.

Alptraum now turns back to Vorgulremik. "All right, I guess I'm ready to learn this new ability and about your kind," he says.

"Very well!" Vorgulremik says jovially, causing the mountain to shake some more. "Melusine has taught you how to ken the flesh. This is the specialty of the Shadow Dragons, but it is a pale reflection of the true power that I – and you – possess. I will show you how to ken a spirit, Alptraum, as a true vampire is capable of."

Alptraum's ears go flat. Perhaps the idea of learning that is is terrifying … or perhaps it's the almost glee by which Vorgulremik declares this. "Yes, but is that not dangerous?" he counters, trying to sound as if he's not afraid. "Is there not risk in kenning powerful spirits that the one who is doing it can get overwhelmed?"

"Ah, that is true," Vorgulremik notes. "However, you will be starting… small. With blood and memory, for memory is the easiest thing to… taste. When you drink a person's blood, you have access to their spirit, if they are unprotected. You need only seek to draw it out, like you do when kenning with the shadow. It is easy to control as well, since you have more experience in limiting how much blood you take than you do with kenning."

Alptraum nods at this. "And your intention is for me to ken you? Or is it for me to ken a smaller one of your kind?" he asks.

"You will not be kenning a spirit yet," the steel dragon points out. "For this first step, you will only be trying to taste a single memory. And you will do it by biting my tongue."

Alptraum gives Vorgulremik a really strange look. "You want me to … kiss you?" he asks incredulously.

"I hadn't realized Eeee kiss by biting another's tongue!" Vorgulremik laughs, and then looks upon Alptraum with one giant eye. "There is no other way, I am afraid. My armor is impenetrable to your teeth, except for my tongue. Even then… you'll have to really put your jaw into it. Don't worry though, you won't hurt me."

"No, you'll probably enjoy it," Alptraum claims and thrusts a claw tip at the dragon, "So, right, Im going to kiss you. Guh. Well, at least Kaira will probably find this amusing." Looking thoroughly ill, he says, "Let's do it."

The dragon's chin drops to the edge of the stone platform, and his mouth opens. Ice-cold breath washes over Alptraum. If he had his wings spread, he'd probably be blown back by it; or worse, sucked in on the inhale. Through a forest of jagged teeth, a great black slug of a tongue rises up, dripping… well… slime. The tip extends just slightly past the opening of that great maw, so that Alptraum would nearly be standing inside of it in order to get a proper bite.

Alptraum actually twitches and looks incredibly ill. Not only does it look like he has to bite a slime dripping slug, he remembers just how nasty Vorgulremik's blood tastes from he contamination of his own hand. He runs both of his hands through his hair then walks forward. Each step is stiff and forced and his ears seem to wilt every time he gets closer. He's finally up against the dragon's lips and there he stands for a minute, fingers twitching. Finally, he draws in a deep breath and steps just into into Vorgulremik's maw, then places both of his hands under the huge tongue tip and holds it. He hasn't brought himself to bite it yet.

"Want some ketchup?" Kaira offers. She's standing well back from the open mouth.

"Ha ha," Alptraum says as he lifts up the nastiest thing he's ever bitten. Well, about to bite. His own fangy jaws open, then the bat takes the tip into his mouth and closes his jaws down hard.

It takes a moment to penetrate the leathery skin of the tongue. And it is as cold and vile as Alptraum feared. It makes it hard to concentrate, as well. The taste and the latent anxiety of standing in a dragon's mouth seem to actually guide his thoughts, and something… blossoms… in his mind…

Twenty slaves carry the litter of the high priestess, which is made of elven bones lashed together with bands of gold and silver. The subterranean cathedral is filled to capacity with dark elves and their slaves, but none so much as whisper. The only sounds come from the high priestess and her bearers. They look so small and fragile from this vantage. Finally they stop before your talons, and the priestess stands.

Attendants hurry to remove the woman's jewelry and robes, until she stands bare before you with her arms outstretched – a willing sacrifice. Your great head dips, and nostrils flare to take in her scent. Too composed, the priestess seems. But there is no scent of drugs. There used to be a time, long ago, when prey would drug the sacrifice in hopes of felling you. It wouldn't matter now if they had, but it would have been an insult. You drag your cold tongue once across the elf, until you sense her resolve break. She shivers, and not just from the cold; terror has penetrated her mind like the spikes of an iron maiden. Now she is ready.

Your jaws open to accept the sacrifice, as your tongue draws the priestess in. But no biting yet. The elf is small, and rests easily against the palette. Her heart beats against your tongue, and it is delicious. And then, you begin to chew. Slowly, so as not to waste the life that pours into you by gulping. The flesh is sweet, with a taste that only immortality can provide. It's only a morsel though, when measured in terms of nutrition. But the real meal hasn't begun yet.

The screams and struggling stop, and the life has been soaked up by your tongue. But there, trapped with the body is the real prize. Broken from death and terror, the elf's defenses are at their weakest. You exert your will, like a second set of teeth, and sink it into the priestess' very spirit. It is beyond delicious, beyond any physical pleasure! Her power, her knowledge, her memories; all that she is, is now yours to call upon.

Swallowing the body is a mere afterthought. The great cathedral is still silent, but the fear that rises up from the lesser immortals is like a warm breeze. You spread your wings to soak it in, feeling it in every scale. And your hunger is kindled. The priestess enjoyed the honor of being sacrificed. She was the best of them, their leader and prophet. These others are simply cattle. Enough to slake your hunger though, and they're all so conveniently close. A small expenditure of power and the cathedral doors are closed, locking them in with you.

They're better off this way. Instead of leading their long, dull lives with their trivial pleasures they will become a part of something infinitely greater and more worthy. And they will go on forever, granted an afterlife that they would otherwise be denied.

To become a small part of a god. Who could ask for anything more, really?

Alptraum's body convulses hard as the vile taste hits … but the worst of it is the memory. His hand claws also dig into the foulness that rests in his mouth and he forcibly jerks the black, slimy, thing from his mouth and staggers out. The Eeee drops to his knee,s gripping his head with those now slimy hands as he convulses in dry heaves, only some of the slime tinted with the black ichor of Vorgulremik's blood falling from his lips and splattering on the ground before him. "I … I can't believe you did that," the Eeee rasps between gagging.

A warm, feathered wing wraps around Alptraum as Kaira comes to his side. "Did what?" Vorgulremik asks innocently. "I cannot control which memory you draw out, Alptraum."

"You savored that elf priestess. Chewed her slowly to cause fear, then swallowed her body and spirit," Alptraum says as he sips out more ichor. "You believed yourself a God and felt that of course they would want to be part of you. So not only did you consume their sacrifice, you consumed them too." He also finds himself leaning heavily on Kaira.

"I was their god," Vorgulremik states. "The priestess was mine. Those who live with and follow the Dark are very different from other kinds of fey. I have been worshiped on innumerable worlds. And was it not pleasurable, Alptraum? Feeding should be. It is one of the pleasures we all have in common."

"It was pleasurable for you. I don't take enjoyment in feeding off something still alive," Alptraum says as he pushes himself back upright and sitting. "I feel … dirty in that I felt how you enjoyed it. How it felt like I was."

"Do you feel closer to your mother at least?" Vorgulremik asks. "Although I don't consign the souls that I take to oblivion like She does. And do your people not make sacrifice to Sunala? Do they not fear and love her? Does she not grow fat from their worship?"

"It's not the same," Alptraum asserts, brow furrowed and lips drawn back in anger. "I have seen her show compassion. She has allowed me to as well."

"I have shown compassion," Vorgulremik says. "And yet, who has ever shown me any? You seem to think a few redeeming acts are enough to forgive the atrocity. Or, if you had the power, would you destroy Sunala? Take her place, perhaps, to provide a more… benign sort of death?"

"Would I? I cannot claim to be better than her," Alptraum says as he clenches his hands tight. "And anyone who says they would do better is liar. No one knows how they would act with such power until they have it. My honest answer is: I do not know."

"You will know, in time, Alptraum," Vorgulremik claims. "That is why you are here, right now. To learn to pass judgment on a god, you have to learn what it means to be one. Are you willing to continue?"

Alptraum actually looks towards Kaira, worried. He sighs, then lightly pats her shoulder, telling her in whisper, "I guess I do need to know, for what I am and what I am already tied to, if nothing else." Slowly, he stands. "Yes," he says. The bat draws his hands through his hair again, adding, "I never wanted to be a God, or considered one. You find pleasure in what you do. I find duty and loneliness in what I do."

"It is a terrible thing to follow a duty, or a nature, and take no pleasure from it," Vorgulremik says, pulling away from the mountain now. "Rest. Meditate. And then come back to me," the dragon says. And then with a thunderous beating of wings that blot out the sky, he's gone.

"If I took pleasure from it, then no one would be safe," Alptraum calls out after the dragon. And once the dragon is gone, he says to himself, and to Kaira, "And I was raised better than that. I don't want to lord over others, I want to help. I want to see the world better. I want to see a smile, not have someone fear me."

Kaira just smiles and nods. "You aren't a dragon, Alptraum," she says. "Hold onto that. Don't let Vorgulremik or the Shadow or Melusine or me change that."

"And I have made a difference to some. Look at Phlagaea; she's learned to care. I protected those in Babel who care for others too, when I could," Alptraum continues, "Small things, I guess. I've even seen Sunala care at times, I think, because of me. Just because I have a power, just because I could use it for bettering only myself, doesn't mean I have to. Just following your nature is just an excuse, isn't it? Is it wrong to want to grow beyond what your nature is and redefine it, instead of letting it define you?" His wings fold around himself as he looks to the sky. "I'm not going to lie and say there haven't been times I've been vindictive or a bit dark; perhaps even a bit evil. But I am not proud of them. They remind me what to not become. And … I guess in a dragon's eyes; his, yours, Melusine's; the Shadows … that just makes me a weak mortal, doesn't it?"

"Mortals are far more versatile than immortals," Kaira points out. "Few of us could claim to have felt good and evil at times, or to truly try to look beyond ourselves. We aren't any better than mortals, just different."

With Vorgulremik gone, there's nothing to buffer the storm. Wind and rain make the ledge increasingly uncomfortable. "We probably shouldn't stay here. Are you ready to wake up?" Kaira asks.

"You have," Alptraum points out, "A little at least. And I'm not ready to quite yet, can we go somewhere else? Right now I think I just want your company."

Kaira wraps her wings around Alptraum, and when they unfurl they are back in her garden, under the apple tree. The dragon even changes to her newly developed elfin form, dressed in a fluffy bathrobe. "Better?" she asks.

Alptraum actually manages a laugh. "A little. I see you're trying to distract me," he comments as he leans against the apple tree. "So … are you mad at me?"

"No," Kaira says, and leans against the tree next to the bat. "Next time, however, you should use the knife. It probably isn't safe for you to enter here in a dream state; less of a buffer between your mind and body."

"I didn't mean to enter," Alptraum admits, "But I can see the concern. I'll try to be more careful." "So … truthfully, am I really like him?" he asks.

"You have similar abilities, but that's it," Kaira says, looking thoughtful. "I'm more like him than you are, simply by being a dragon. It's only a matter of degree that separates me and him, or any dragon from another."

"You're not much like him," Alptraum comments, "That much I know. I don't mind kissing you." He even manages to flash a weak grin.

"Well, I am beautiful," Kaira notes without the slightest bit of modesty. "And a good kisser, I bet."

"And fun in that elf form. I didn't exactly mind the time spent as the dragon ravishing you, the poor elf," Alptraum admits with a laugh and looks upward. "That kind of devouring is okay. Vorg's is not."

The elf-dragon actually blushes at that. "And you are insatiable, I think. Perhaps you are becoming a dragon at that!" she says.

"Maybe. I'm not sure," Alptraum remarks as he looks over and grins, "And something tells you you don't mind that."

"Well, it's nice to have some sort of handle on you, since I don't boss you around anymore," Kaira says with a smirk. "I'm sure all of the other women in your life are much bossier than me now."

Alptraum crosses his arms. "Oh, so you only encourage that as a form of control, I see," the bat grumbles, "Well, see if you ever experience it again!"

"Hey! I didn't say that," Kaira notes, and pokes Alptraum in the shoulder. "You are so sensitive! You can't be mad at me for being female. That just isn't fair!"

"Sure I can," Alptraum claims, "It's an unfair advantage!"

"Then why do you always do what you want anyway?" Kaira asks pointedly. "I can't make you do anything at all."

"Compared to those Yodh, I'm a sweet undemanding girl," the elf claims. "Probably like the Countess. She probably doesn't take advantage of you either."

"Yes, you have at times," Alptraum points out, then abruptly rolls over, toppling Kaira over and pinning her to the ground. "And I wouldn't mind the Countess taking advantage of me at times. Rowr."

"That's not what I mean about taking advantage," Kaira notes with a grin. "It's the bathrobe, right? You like fluffy things that are easy to remove."

"So … if I promise to keep you satisfied, will you make sure Vorg doesn't break my mind?" Alptraum asks, pointedly ignoring the question about the robe for now.

"I… can't promise that," Kaira notes, sounding serious. "I can't protect you like that, if you're opening yourself up to the experiences he gives you."

"Well, truthfully I'm not sure I want any more experiences after that one," Alptraum admits, "IT dhowed me exactly how he thinks of himself and that was scary."

"It was probably a memory from his younger days, too," Kaira notes.

"So it likely gets worse?" Alptraum asks.

"I don't know," the elf admits. "He's telling the truth about not controlling which memory you get, but that doesn't mean he can't influence it. The one you drank seemed to be related to… well… eating people. And that was from biting his tongue, and practically standing in his mouth. I'm sure he knew it would be that memory or a similar one as a result. He controls the context if the not the actual content."

"And he's trying to tailor it to what he thinks a vampire would be familiar with," Alptraum comments, frowning.

"Or to what he wants you to experience," Kaira points out. "He will try to give you what he thinks will either corrupt you or elicit your compassion towards him."

"Well, I do have an advantage I guess to help with that," Alptraum comments.

"Oh?" Kaira asks, looking curious. "Do you mean me, telling you how horrible Vorgulremik is?"

Two scaly hands grip Kaira's wrists playfully. "And you as an elf as an outlet to enjoy," the Eeee rumbles at Kaira, brow waggling over silvery-slit eyes. "And to help me forget horrible memories by replacing them with more pleasant ones. Who says an elf and a dragon can't have a mutually beneficial relationship?"

"Oh my," Kaira says in mock alarm. "I am at your mercy, Lord Dragon!"

"I think I'll wake up after a nicer 'dream' with you," Alptraum rumbles as fur melts, fuses, and flattens down into overlapping scales. He also shows a rather remarkable bit of discretion by not mentioning to Kaira is that he really, really, did not want to wake up with his last thoughts being that he snogged Vorgulremik. He's still probably going to have nightmares about giant black 'love slugs' for a while, but … not right now!

Indeed, playing with an elf-maiden does take Alptraum's mind off of Vorgulremik. But there is a risk when dreaming… and just when things are about to become really distracting, he finds that the elven face he's kissing is suddenly pillow-soft and far, far fluffier than it should be. "Rrrr… always hungry, Mito… " Lucy sleep-mutters in pidgen-Babelite, and a hand presses the back of Alptraum's head further against her breast, while her forepaws wrap around his waist and her tail rests against his back. The Fnerf doesn't awaken though, and Alptraum goes from feeling at the height of lust to… being cradled like a baby against his mother's breast. There's that same sense of protective strength and unconditional warmth, even.

"Ackptth!" Alptraum suddenly declares as he feels like his head is being eaten by the fnerf's chest. His arms, legs, and wings flail for a minute until he manages to get a breath. "Always in the best part," the Eeee then complains as he licks his lips, just making sure he still doesn't taste Vorgulremik's blood … or Lucy's for that matter.

"Good boy," the Fnerf mutters, and actually rocks Alptraum a bit as if trying to make him go back to sleep.

Alptraum pokes Lucy's stomach and mutters, "I'm not a baby." Still, he does yawn and close his eyes. She is comfortable.

"You safe now," Lucy replies in her sleep. "Momma here." Her heart beats in a soothing, constant pulse that helps to lull the Eeee back to sleep.

Alptraum seems to actually find this comforting in spite of himself. The gentle heartbeat wins out. He actually nuzzles in, curling up a bit more and yawns. Soon enough, his exhausted, weak, and sore, body finds itself once more embraced by the cool darkness that is sleep.


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)