19 Aug. Fetiss works on dissolving the green foam.
(Bassai) (Eye of Madness) (Fenter) (Fetiss) (Nordika)

Down in the depths of the First Ones site, the corridor is still blocked by mostly solidified green goo. Rhians grumble as they hack away bits of the gunk, the new sections exposed to the air proving to be not quite so solidified … and rather sticky.

The crystal veins are still dark. At least the underground remains as warm (or relatively so) as it was when the expedition first arrived.

Fenter sits back, watching the Rhians clear away the mess. The raccoon rocks back and forth nervously on his heels.

Fetiss has put up a private little corner of the camp as his personal lab. For the moment he has asked some of the Rhians to fetch him some snow. He also has a little fire started as he examines the goo.

The Rhians have some torches set up on stands, too. They have tried (whether wise or not) to BURN the goo … but the green stuff has proven completely resistant to such attempts.

Bassai is supervising, and still feeling the bite of the disaster he recently caused. Tekki waits beside him, and the Naga is presently questioning Ibis on the prior expedition, "What else can you tell me, that they did or didn't do while here?"

Ibis signs, "I am sorry, but nothing like this occurred before. We never reached a stage to actually try experimenting with any of the mechanisms. We were still in the process of recording the layout and appearance of the site when Kame Ikata's mind was assaulted … and it was determined we should leave."

Fenter stoops down and picks up a chunk of the dried goo. He tries to mash it around to see how mallable it is.

The dried parts give somewhat, and break in pieces. Deeper, the goo has adopted a foamy texture … though deep enough and it is still sticky, glue-like.

Fetiss stirs up from his private camp as starts moving towards Bassai, as he seems to remember something, and returns to fetch some things.

The ringneck Naga nods, "Of course. I let my curiosity take precedent. We were supposed to be on a preliminary walk around." He stops speaking, hissing for a long while. "I could hardly have done worse if I let Kame run loose… How is the cleanup coming?"

Fetiss is finished getting what he needs and crawls over to where Bassai is standing, a faint smile playing at his lips.

Tekki doesn't smile at all, his tail hanging low, as well as his general expression.

"Have you found something to dissolve the goo, Surgeon?" the archeologist asks.

The raccoon continues fiddling with his chunk, pausing to kneel down and pick up other pieces nearby.

Fetiss looks a little taken aback, his smile disappearing as he says, "Yes, as a matter of fact I have."

Presenting his sample jar with green goo to Bassai, he ceremonially takes his own water canister and lets a little pour into the jar. He then takes the spoon and rotates it, makeing the goo dissolve in a green fluid, smiling again.

Fenter blows on the chunk on his hands, solidifying it more.

"Splendid work, splendid. You are to be commended," Bassai hisses. "What substance are you using? Simple water, or something else?"

The fluid looks sickeningly green … but definitely no longer solid.

Taking a sip of the canister itself Fetiss says, "Pure water."

"Look! I made a Vykarin!" Fenter says, holding out the glob on his hands. Actually his goo sculpture resembles an obese duck more than anything.

Fetiss says, "So, we ssimply has to tell ch'e Rihanss to go and fetch' ssnoe."

"Fenter, try not to glue yourself to the floor," the archeologist hisses, before returning his attention to Fetiss. "Well, fortunately we have enough of that present in one form or another. Tekki, do you remember where the steam globe is stored?"

Fetiss looks taken aback for a while, then nods and says, "Ch'at would proabably help," not showing his ignorance in the matter.

Fenter shows his prize off to Ibis. "Doesn't it look like a Vykarin to you?"

Ibis adjusts his spectacles, looking at the odd shape, but only smiles in response to Fenter, saying nothing. Not that this is unusual…

Tekki nods and darts away to fetch the glass construct, soon returning with the work created by the purple dragon.

"It's a device I had made, to produce steam or hot water. With arctic digs there is often a necessity to heat the earth enough that a shovel can be used to dig. Otherwise it is solid as granite," the archeologist tells the surgeon, "Fortunately, here it is."

Slithering up behind Fenter, Fetiss hisses sharply, "Why you have been playing, we have dessided how to get out of ch'iss, literally, mess," and then returns to look at what Tekki brought.

Fetiss says, "Interessting, I can ssee och'er usses for it."

Fenter hmphs. "Just keeping my mind occupied."

Tekki rolls the device over on its cart, carefully setting it where it won't be so easily knocked over by the laboring Rhians or anyone else rushing by.

Leaning a little closer, Fetiss asks the archeologist, "What iss eksach'tly hiss usse on chiss trip?" motioning one thumb to Fenter.

"It's simple really. You see the large glass ball, that can be used to heat water, or in our case snow. It can be sealed by these caps, and the dragon assured me it would withstand a certain ammount of internal pressure. Once the pressure has built up, the water, or steam may be sprayed out of these hoses." Bassai gives a tour of his device.

Fetiss follows closely, nodding to himself and repeating, "Intriguing."

Tekki smiles at his master's ingenuity, daring to let his tail swish a bit as he takes some small pride in the moment.

The ringneck Naga continues to describe the features, "The fire is lit here, and these surfaces are ceramic to withstand the heat. Additionally, for safety, this wooden shell can be placed around the ball. It will withstand the flying glass, should it explode. I thought there might be a use for this… not the one I had originally intended, but it should serve sufficiently."

Nodding, Fetiss points out, "Indeed. But I am not sso ssertain how it will reach't by hot water."

Fenter leans back against one of the walls and whistles to himself. His eyes fall upon Tekki for a good long while… almost as though he were sizing the Savanite up for something.

Bassai answers Fetiss in Imperial, "Fenter is here to translate," then switches to Standard again. "I see, could you conduct a few experiments with hot water then? In any event, this will melt snow, and does not have to be operated at full temperature."

Tekki blinks, looking curiously back at the Rath'ani.

Fetiss nods and says, "I will," immediately returning to his lab camp.

The raccoon just smiles innocently and waves to Tekki, while his other hand rubs his stomach.

Tekki frowns and shrugs, showing empty hands to Fenter.

The archeologist turns to Ibis, "Assemble a few slaves, and have them collect some snow, thank you." Then he hisses loudly to the Rhians, "You may take a break; we have another method to try."

Fenter keeps smiling and shrugs back, then looks towards Bassai.

Upon returning to his camp, Fetiss immediately starts to heat some water, to see how the goo reacts on heat.

"Yes, Fenter?" the ringneck Naga asks.

Fenter says, "Nothing, sir. Nothing at all. Just listening to the sound of my stomach."

The Rhians seem relieved to be done with the work for now, and quickly disperse.

Ibis directs some Savanites … who come back with melting mounds of snow in wooden buckets.

Bassai nods, "Dinner will be in a while; you will just have to endure. Good, good, this way." He waves the Savanites over to the front of the green wall. "Leave the buckets here for the moment. You, fetch some firewood, the rest wait. Tekki, bring the cart over, and let's get it set up."

Tekki rolls the cart over, while the others stand aside, except for those who run off and come back with firewood.

( Dinner… right. Yiffles and hay,) Fenter thinks, frowning. He pulls one of the torches down from its container.

The archeologist starts setting up his device, hooking up the hoses, and putting three of the 4 safety shields in place. The last is left off to make loading the device easier. "You will have to load the snow, Tekki. I cannot handle it. Make sure there are no small stones pressent."

Tekki nods, complying as carefully as he can manage.

Fenter peers down one of the corridors, then looks back to Bassai.

The ringneck Naga has his attention focused on the Savanite's efforts. Still, he hisses to the Rath'ani, "Yes, Fenter, have you found something?"

Fetiss continues with his experiment.

"Um… no. I'm just looking looking around," Fenter says.

"Feel free to explore; just don't touch anything or fall down anything. That could produce further disastrous consequences," Bassai hisses, "Though it is likely safer if you stay within sight."

Fenter brightens! "Ohhhh, thank you Mister Bassai." He hefts his torch and vanishes down one of the passageways.

"What harm could he do?" The archeologist hisses, then pauses to consider his question. This is Fenter, after all, "On further consideration… FENTER, COME BACK! Tekki, go fetch him."

Fetiss crawls over to Bassai and says, "It iss tessted and ch'ere iss no problem arch'itech't. Hot water only makess it dissolve eassier."

Tekki looks worried, then nods and sprints off after Fenter, disappearing into the darkness.

Bassai nods, calculating the length of time his Savanite will take to return. "Good, excellent work. As soon as those two are back, we will proceed."

Fetiss nods and says, "Good." He is about to turn back as he halts and says, "Do not forget who dissch'overed ch'iss," with pride in his voice before he slithers back towards the camp to collect his equipment.

Time passes. There's no sign of Tekki or Fenter.

The ringneck Naga flicks out his tongue; Tekki is taking too long.

Returning back to Bassai, after asking around what has happened, Fetiss says "Iss not Ssavanitess ssupossed to be fasst?"

Bassai takes one of the torches. "Ibis, I need some rope; they have not returned. I will need a safety harness as well, and get some of the stronger Savanites to work the lines." The Naga approaches the passageway, and waits for the gear to be prepared.

The gear is prepared. Still, there is no sign of the Rath'ani or the Savanite sent after him.

Having some trouble making his voice heard, Fetiss hisses sharply, "What about ch'e progress on ch'iss?" asking about the goo cluttering up the corridor.

"Surgeon, do you have a mask? There may be some noxious fumes," Bassai asks, as he straps himself in and faces the passage. "Leave the Savanites; they would not understand that equipment, and it is pointless for them to struggle with the work it can do easily."

Fetiss slithers back to the camp and says, "I am afraid I only got a ssimple fasse massch'," half to himself, thinking his great discovery is more inportant than some troublemaker and a slave.

Looking through his equipment, Fetiss gets hold of a simple cotton facemask, more constructed to keep spit inside the mouth than gasses outside.

Fetiss asks Bassai, "I doubt ch'iss will do you much' good," giving him the surgeon's mask.

Fetiss rubs his hands together and turns to the resting workers, saying, "I have ssome work for you."

Several Rhians groan, and reluctantly get up.

"Thank you, Surgeon," Bassai takes the mask, wetting it. "It will have to do for the moment; there is no time to find one in the supplies." The archaeologist slides the cloth over his snout. "Ibis, keep playing out the slack. If there is a loud noise, a sudden jerk, or I am gone more than 5 minutes, start pulling me back."

Ibis nods solemnly.

Smiling to himself, Fetiss looks the Rhians over and says, "Go and fill as many ch'anisstarss, potss, buch'etss and ssuch' wich' ssnow, and plasse ch'em along ch'e wallss, in rowss."

The archaeologist adjusts his harness, raises the torch, and enters the passage that Tekki and Fenter disappeared down. He carefully inspects the floor and walls as he progresses, looking for some trace of the other two.

The barren passages show no hint to indicate whether they've been visited recently … or not in ages. The place is almost devoid of settled dust, and the floors are solid, not leaving place for footprints.

A light source can be seen ahead and off through one of the many branching passageways. The light draws closer … and a familiar Savanite face peeks around the corner. Tekki shakes his head side to side, and shrugs.

Off to one of the side corridors, a soft whistling can be heard… growing closer.

In the light of the flickering torch, the large Naga casts his eyes about, looking for a clue as to where the others went. "FENTER!" He hisses loudly, spotting his slave. "Oh good, Tekki, come here. Hold on."

Meanwhile, the Rhians continue to bring in bucketloads of snow, putting some near sources of heat to melt it more quickly.

Tekki nods, looking resigned, and follows after his master.

Bassai shines his torch into the whistling passage, standing out of the way as he tries to see what the noise might be caused by.

Rubbing his hands, Fetiss looks at the workers, doing as he says.

"Hold onto your scales… I'm coming, I'm coming," comes the familiar Rath'ani voice from the hallway.

"Ah, good," the archaeologist hisses, "Did you discover anything while you were gone?"

Fenter pops out of a side passage. In one hand he holds his torch, and in the other he holds a very strange looking 'box' that he carries by a handle at the top of it. "I think I found one of the First Ones' picnic backets… "

The box looks for all the world as if it is fashioned of solid crystal … and then with a laced shell of stone wrapping around it, thicker around the corners, but still revealing the translucent material inside through the gaps.

"Be careful with it!" Bassai hisses anxiously, "Where, how was it situated? What did you disturb to get it?" The Naga examines the strange crystal object. "Was there anything else pressent?"

Fenter blinks and gently sets the box down. "Er… "

"Let Tekki carry it." The archaeologist gestures, "Please," pointing for his slave. "Could you describe the room you found it in Fenter?"

Tekki rushes up to take the object from Fenter.

"It was just off in the hallway, tipped over on its side." The raccoon points in the direction he came from. "I almost tripped over it."

"Okay, I would like you to show me. First, however, I need to inform Ibis that I have found you, or he will be yanking me back any moment." The Naga slithers back, following the rope, and informs the slave of his new plans, then returns. "All right, show me where you located it, Fenter."

"Surgeon, would you please hurry up?" Bassai asks loudly, looking back up the passage.

Fetiss asks, "What? Do you need me?"

Fenter pulls his oversized trousers up and tightens his belt. "Er… just down this way, sirs."

Giving a final survey of the situation, Fetiss says, "Ch'at iss good. Ch'arry on and I will insspech't later," then he picks up his lighter satchels and starts down the corridor to the others.

The passage Fenter found it in turns out to be fairly nondescript. It's another corridor, branching off in another direction. The crystal veins here, like elsewhere, are darkened. There is nothing particularly special in the least about the spot Fenter claims the object came from – just a spot by the way.

Fetiss hopes he can see the torchlight, so he can follow the group among the many corridors and halls of the complex.

The raccoon shrugs. "I was looking for bugs or somesuch, and found this."

Bassai examines the spot, "Tekki, hold the box up so I may see the back of it." The Naga compares the two. "Yes, yes Fenter, quite interesting… Hello, Fetiss."

Nodding mutely, the surgeon greets his Naga kin.

The back of the box looks much like the front … or like the sides … even though none of the sides are exactly alike. There seems no particular design to the patterns of stone. Like the crystal veins, despite the blocky shape, this retains some sense of looking somehow organic.

Crawling over, Fetiss rises and tries to make out what the others have found. He puts one hand on Bassai's shoulder for support.

Bassai examines the condition of the crystal veins, checking to see if they are cracked, or otherwise damaged, or simply unlit. "I am open to suggestions gentlemen, what do you believe this might be?"

Eyeing the box closer, trying to make out any lid or anything, Fetiss inspects it and then says, "Perhapss it will be eassier to insspech't in better light?"

The veins are merely dark, just like all the others.

The box has no lid, no indication of any moving or removeable parts.

Fenter kneels down and gives the box a cursory sniff with his nose.

Fetiss asks, "May I insspech't it further?" and stretches his hands over to the archaeologist.

"Had the Rhians managed to clear much of the green goo while I was absent, Fetiss, or is it still as we left it?" Bassai asks, "Very well, you may inspect it; let me make a sketch of it first." The Naga takes some paper from Tekki and roughly renders the object, finishing. "You may examine it now."

Talking while Bassai sketches, Fetiss says, "I merely insstruch'ted ch'em to make water. Not fully ch'nowing how your apparatuss iss ussed."

Fetiss adds, "But they sstarted on ch'e worch' ass you appeared, and iss probaly dissolving it by now."

Taking the box, Fetiss inspects the handle closely, seeing if it is turnable, or pullable, carefully.

Bassai muses, "Posssibly there will be a favourable result, if we remount it on the wall. I do not want to attempt that, while the green material still fillss the other passages."

Also trying to feel the weight of the box – Is it close to water, heavier, or lighter? – Fetiss continues to examine the object.

Fetiss suggests, "Perhapss it too reach'tss to heat, or moisst."

Fenter burns his finger on his torch. He yelps, switches hands, and sucks on his wounded finger.

Fetiss hisses, "Hold ch'e light sstill," sharply.

"I do not think anything further can be learned about it at this moment. Let us progress a little further, and see if we locate another," the archaeologist hisses, "Tekki, do not make the Surgeon carry the relic himself; take it."

Tekki nods and takes the artifact back.

Bassai leads the way further down the passage, "How much of this area did you explore, Fenter?"

Handing the box over to Tekki, Fetiss continues down the corridor.

The Rath'ani nods and says something, but it's muffled by the fact that his finger is still jammed in his mouth. He holds the torch rigidly over his head.

Several hours of spelunking through the network of corridors later, there is still no sign of another artifact like this one. Occasionally the corridors diverge from the norm in shape, having different crystal patterns worth noting and sketching for later perusal, but the complex is devoid of manipulable items.

Fetiss sags a foot and a half during the crawl…

Tekki flips another page in his sketchbook, adding a new section to his map, carefully counting his paces.

Bassai hisses a heavy sigh, "I believe we have found all we will for the moment. Let us return to the others and see how the dissolving is progressing."

The raccoon switches from sucking on his finger, to grabbing his trousers and yanking them back up around his waist as he walks along. He looks around boredly.

Fetiss wonders, "Do you ch'now ch'e way bach, Arch'itech't?"

"My Savanite has been making a map; it should be simple to return. Lead the way, Tekki," the archaeologist instructs, his ventral scales starting to ache from the constant slithering.

Tekki leads the way, eventually taking the group back to the main passage. Before they get there, rivulets of green liquid meet them, running in streams along the floor. As they get back, they find the bulk of the green foam goo gone, the Rhians busily dousing the growths with water, and breaking up the melting pieces.

Fetiss slides a little in the green liquid, not looking to happy about it.

Fenter pouts… His little Vykarin/duck scuplture has been dissolved! Hmph… no taste in art.

Looking back at his winter robe, Fetiss whines in Imperial, "This will ruin my clothes as well. But what do you not do in the name of progress," and ends it with a sharp hiss.

Bassai avoids slithering through the green water whenever possible, and congratulates the workers, "Very good, splendid. You may break for dinner after you have cleaned up the few remaining pieces." He turns to the others, "I would like to inspect the condition of the walls around the sphere, before my dinner. Are you interested?"

Fetiss looks longingly for the dinner pots, and for a little rest, then hisses and follows Bassai reluctantly. He does not want the archaeologist to find anything of his own.

"Here now. I know it's only… igh… yiffles and hay, but I'm rather hungry myself. All this artifact finding makes one hungry," Fenter grumbles. His stomach grumbles even louder.

Fetiss glances at Fenter out of the corner of his eye and says, "Perhapss we would be able to ch'inch' ch'learer if we got a little resst. And ssome food."

Fenter scoops a handfull of the unmelted goo as he exits and begins puttering around with it in his hands…

Bassai pauses, and considers. He is feeling hungry now, and he is tired from the continual exploration; something new might be found, and it would be better to have a whole day ahead. "Yes… On second thought, I believe I can wait till morning. The site won't be going away, and any damage will still be there tomorrow. Let's go for dinner." The Naga leads the way out.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)