2 Harvest, 6099 RTR (10 Dec 1999) Lakshmi and Skye have a heart-to-heart in the Earth Tower.
(Legacy of Barabbas) (Himaat) (Lakshmi) (Skye)
Interior Garden
There's quite a bit of vegetation to work one's way through, but there is a passageway that leads off to the south, through the wood, at the end of which can be seen the reverse side of the amber door visible from the outside. The amber is presently darkened, as it is nighttime. There is a simple handle set in the amber, and hinges of wood that hold it in place. Another exit is available in the form of a living staircase of branches and leaves that winds up through the hollow trunk. Luminescent moss and flowers provide a dim glow, like that of the Procession light, just enough to avoid stumbling into one of the many slumbering beasts inhabiting the garden.

Sitting quietly on the last few steps, Skye stretches. He rubs both eyes with his little black paws, and then leans against the side of the tree. Looking across, his head tilts. "Yi don't seem to be sleeping, Laks'mi."

Lakshmi lies curled neatly and comfortably up in the grass, her golden eyes gleaming slightly in the dimness and her chin resting on a coil. At Skye's words she raises her head slightly, glancing at the sleeping coyote… then she appears to come to some decision. She holds up a shushing finger to her lips, then beckons and slithers slightly away from their small campsite.

She doesn't go far before she murmurs, "Not too far. He should be able to see us if he wakes up, so he doesn't worry."

Skye slowly follows, his pace silent on the sand. "Yi are not usually t'e one up late. After dark it tends to get cold."

Lakshmi nods quietly. "It's actually quite pleasant in here and… I had something on my mind." She looks up towards where the small landing would be, then back at Skye. "Skye… " she hesitates, then drops her height down so she's on eye-level with Skye, "Um… Skye, I just… well… I just wanted to say that I'm extremely glad you were here. I, um… I endangered you twice without thinking, and… I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what to say… except 'thank you'. From the bottom of my heart. I'm so glad to have a friend like you."

Lakshmi seems a bit nervous almost, idly and intently rubbing a finger along the rough edge of the torn scales on her scutes.

Lakshmi glances sideways at Skye to see how he's taking this.

Looking up to Lakshmi, the little Skreek just shrugs. His head tilts. He nods once, and smiles. "Thank yi. And it is much appreciated, yes? But don't be worrying about it. Yi learned, after one saying. T'at's t'e important t'ing. Between me an' yi, t'ere are many dead Skreeks in t'e gutters of Rep'idim, because t'ey didn't learn. Besides, it works out. 'Ow many times 'ave yi caught me doing somet'ing silly wit' t'e critters?"

Lakshmi hesitates, then says slowly, "You… have never endangered my life in so doing, however … whereas the amber could easily have swallowed us both."

Skye smiles quietly. "I'm alive, aren't I? Still here. In t'e end, t'at's all t'at matters. Trut' I was more worried for yi and Loc'invar. I can always run an' 'ide."

Lakshmi nods quietly. "True… but you didn't. I… That meant a lot to me, Skye. I wish… I wish there were some real way I could thank you… " She's silent a moment, thinking, then tilts her head hopefully at Skye. "Um… Have you ever wanted to ah… learn how to read Imperial, perhaps?"

Skye blinks, once. Then twice. "Yi … yi would teach a Skree – … Yi would teach me t'at? To read?"

Lakshmi hisses softly, "I, um… I don't mean to put a price tag on your actions, Skye. That would be insulting… " She sounds a little anxious. "You do realize that, yes?"

The black Skreek just stands, still for a moment. Then he shakes his head. When he looks back, there is a bright glint in his eye. "Khai," Skye chitters, "it took me a 'andful of 'eartbeats to figure t'at one out. I 'adn't even t'out t'at until yi mentioned it. Of course not.It's just, well, not a c'ance I'd ever t'ink I'd 'ave. If it's not too late for an' old Skreek to learn?"

Lakshmi sighs softly, then smiles ruefully at Skye. "You… are so confusing to me sometimes, Skye. You're so very competent… yet apparently in Rephidim they don't recognize competence, and train and develop it – such a strange place it must be! I keep tripping over that – all the competent people I know are in schools here. I think… that it would be only right for you to know how to read. Competence deserves development."

Shrugging again, Skye laughs. "I'm just competent in ot'erareas, t'at's all. An' developing t'ose skills, well, t'at's w'y I left Rep'idim."

Lakshmi hisses softly, "Still," she trails off, looking away, then back at Skye, her voice perplexed, "It makes me wonder about a place that does not encourage their best and brightest… nor even look for them apparently!" She thinks a moment, then smiles shyly. "So… you'd like to learn to read then?"

Ducking his muzzle, Skye nods, ever pragmatically. "T'at would be very good. It'd be nice to know, t'e next time t'e barkeep c'arges me seven s'ekels for a beer, if t'at's w'at it says on t'e menu."

Lakshmi smiles… then covers a grin. "Ah… yes, that could be annoying!" She's silent for a moment, then very carefully reaches out. She takes one of his small hands in both of hers, and looks him gravely in the eye again, at eye level. "Skye… I'd be happy to teach you to read… I just wish I had some better way of thanking you. I – " She hesitates, then just says softly, " – appreciate your being there when I needed you… very much."

Skye lets his paw be taken, his grip in return strong and sure. "It's a pat' t'at runs both east an' west, Laks'mi. Wit'out yi, I'd prolly be squee breakfast round about now, or a serendip trail snack, an' t'at's t'e trut'. But t'ere's one t'ing no s'ekels can ever buy, an' leaves me in t'ine debt, if all be told."

Lakshmi takes a moment to translate that… then ahs silently as she gets it. She gives Skye an inquiring look. "What might that be? How so?"

Slowly folding both paws behind his back, Skye again manages a friendly shrug. "Not many would take a c'ance upon a little black Skreek, and even less would offer t'at c'ance on equal terms. T'at's a gift everyday, friend Laks'mi."

Lakshmi tilts her head, smiling, and hisses softly, "Skye… I'd be annoyed with anyone that had a hissy fit in an emergency. You don't. You're competent and you don't panic. I respect that. How could I not?"


GMed by Greywolf

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