Apr. 2. Kaela visits Melchizedek to offer thanks for his help.
(City of Hands) (Kaela) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple)
Rephidim Temple
The spires of the Temple tower over the streets that cut around its boundaries, illuminated by lantern and torch light, and by the glow of the glittering Procession that arcs across the sky above. At night, there is not nearly so much traffic, but yet the Temple never truly sleeps, though fewer Priests, Technopriests and Auditors are to be seen, and mostly just Guards and members of the Inquisition. As ever, members of the Elite Guard stand guard silently, echoes of the statues that watch over those who enter at this late hour.

Kaela pauses for just a moment, her hands clasped tightly at her waist, then pads up the steps, towards the entrance to the Temple.

As Kaela heads up, she is met by a group of armored and robed felines – Khattas and Katthas – who stride down the steps, their bright magenta cloaks billowing behind them.

The warrioresses seem to take no notice of Kaela … but it's hard to tell, really, since their faces are all obscured by shiny white armor. The one at the fore of the fivesome is much more elaborately attired than the rest, with engravings and enamels that suggest roses and stylized thorns, and a tear at each eye. Long, wavy black hair sprouts out from behind the mask, the only definite sign that there's really someone inside all that armor.

Kaela hurries past, padding up the steps of the temple. She's made the trip once before… she should remember the way…

There are very few persons to run into at this time of night. A few more turns, a few more corridors to traverse, and Kaela comes to section where Azhtar's quarters can be found … and just that way, the Inquisitor's office … and presumably somewhere around here can be found his private quarters as well.

Kaela makes her way towards the Inquisitor's office, looking rather uncomfortable. Finally, she knocks at the door to the office.

There are no guards at the door, and there's no answer. There's also no light filtering through the grating to one side of the door.

Kaela waits a few more moments before deciding he must have returned to his quarters. Instead, she heads to Azhtar's quarters and knocks at her door.

There are a few moments that pass before the door opens. Azhtar peers out of a dimly lit room. "Hello," she signs, looking surprised.

Kaela signs, "Hello… Where does the Inquisitor stay?"

Azhtar nods, adjusting her robe, and steps out into the hall, motioning for Kaela to follow. She heads down a couple of doors, and raps lightly.

Kaela follows Azhtar along the hallway and waits by her side.

There are some clicking and clacking noises, and then the door slowly rolls open, revealing a room significantly larger than Azhtar's, presently lit by a lamp suspended over a desk, and several candles about the room. Inquisitor Melchizedek looks at the two cheetahs.

Melchizedek says quietly, "Come in," and he walks back into the room, leaving the door open.

Kaela swallows nervously, and begins to shuffle one bare footpaw on the ground. But as she's invited in, she steps into the room.

Azhtar steps in as well, and rolls the door shut behind her. She has to strain a bit to pull it closed. There's something a bit unwieldy about its design.

The quarters are far more spartan in decor than Azhtar's, making it seem even yet larger, since there is less to fill the space. The Inquisitor takes a seat on a large cushion, and there are several more to serve for a similar purpose.

Kaela stands uncertainly, half-afraid to start signing to the Inquisitor before he's given her explicit permission.

"Out with it," the Inquisitor says. "If you've come just to stare at me, you could have chosen a more convenient hour to do so."

Azhtar bites her lip, and takes a seat on the cushions, facing Melchizedek, but out of arm's reach.

Kaela quickly signs, "I'm sorry, sir… master… " she fumbles for a few moments, trying to determine the proper term of respect for the Inquisitor. But finally she continues, "I… wanted to thank you. For helping my mother."

Melchizedek signs, "Ah well. I did not instruct Envoy to keep a secret." He looks at Kaela, pausing, then signs, "You are welcome. But your mother is not fully healed just yet."

Kaela nods slightly. She doesn't mention that she asked Envoy not to tell him, since things seem to have turned out okay anyway. "I… just wondered… why you helped her?" After an uncomfortable moment, she adds, "I mean… no one else even cared… "

"Do not expect that I am one to give hand-outs to Savanites. Such a gesture on my part should be viewed in isolation," the Aeonian signs.

Kaela nods slowly. "Thank you," she signs again, looking a little uncomfortable.

Melchizedek signs, "I am to understand that you somehow acted in a manner to save the lives of others at the expedition to the City of Hands. How, it seems, those who know will not tell me. But I trust what I have been told. Such performance above and beyond the call of duty should not go unrewarded – even among slaves."

Melchizedek watches Kaela's face, as if judging her reaction.

Azhtar keeps her eyes downcast, her hands clasped together in front of her.

Kaela's inner ears go even paler than usual. For several moments her fingers convulse, as though trying to sign something, but not knowing what to sign. Finally, she manages, "All… all I did was discover the Priest-King… and learn that he was breaking out… "

"Fetch some tea," Melchizedek says out loud to Azhtar.

Azhtar nods and stands, going to the door. She looks back to Kaela as she hauls the door open and steps outside.

Kaela swallows nervously, still standing midway between Melchizedek and the other seats.

The door closes again, leaving Kaela and Melchizedek alone. "Sit," Melchizedek bids, then he continues in sign, "and tell me of this 'Priest-King'."

Kaela slowly sits down, visibly nervous. "I… I don't know a lot," she signs. "It was inside a palace… there were glass veins… with red crystals in them… we went inside, some of us… "

Melchizedek signs, "Do you mean yourself, Leftomanus, the Naga and the Savanite? Or were there others?"

Kaela becomes a bit more agitated at the memories. "Inside… there were… terrible things." Her eyes finally drop to the floor, but she continues signing. "People… Savanites, I think… dead and broken… and in the middle was a big light… that looked like hands, sometimes."

Kaela signs, "I… think that was all of us… "

Melchizedek signs, "Tell me of the Priest-King. Did you find him inside this palace?"

Kaela nods faintly, her eyes lowered and her shoulders hunched. "He was the light… the hand… it signed at us… and was mad… and bright light hit the Naga and the poodle… they were carrying rubies from veins they had broken… Haji and I got away… "

Kaela signs, "I… didn't see what happened to them… but they didn't come back with us… They screamed in the bright, bright light… " She's really uncomfortable.

Melchizedek signs, "Of the expedition, why were you and Haji spared?"

Kaela swallows hard. "I think… it was because we didn't hurt the palace… we just followed… we didn't do anything to make the Priest-King mad… "

Melchizedek nods. "And what now? Is the Priest-King still a danger? What will happen if anyone returns to that place?"

"Might he yet escape?" Melchizedek adds.

Kaela signs, "He… he was going to escape… golems… of the Naga and the poodle… I think they were going to try to destroy the warding stones, to let the Priest-King out… but… we destroyed the golems. The poodle fell off a cliff… and I stopped the Naga… I… think the Priest-King can't leave the palace, unless he kills more people… "

Kaela signs, "As long… as no one goes there… is lured there by greed… he can't escape."

Melchizedek signs, "What, then, should be done about the City of Hands?"

Kaela pauses a moment, considering. "Leave it," she signs. "It is dangerous if anyone goes there. The Priest-King is more powerful than anything I've seen… " And the involuntary shudder that passes through her form as she signs it bears testament that this, at least, is fully true.

Melchizedek regards Kaela for several long moments, then signs, "Who built the City?"

Kaela looks up at him abruptly, swallowing. "I… I don't know." She considers for a few more moments before signing, "I think… the Savanites built it. Long, long ago." She can't lie to him about that… someone else from the expedition must have already told him… and it's a less important fact to conceal than others…

There's a faint smile, perhaps, on the Inquisitor's lips. "Very good. You are afraid to say this, but you sign the truth," he signs. "Honesty may seem costly, but it is the foundation of trust."

Kaela fidgets nervously. It's costly, but she knows that the Inquisitor is likely to withhold future treatments from her mother if he catches her in a lie… "I wouldn't lie, sir… "

"And the Priest-King was a Savanite as well, was he not? A Savanite who could utilize magic – something the College Esoterica insists is impossible?" Melchizedek signs.

Kaela swallows hard, obviously startled. "I… I do not know," she stumbles. "He… he only appeared as hands… he may have been a Naga… but it's possible… "

Melchizedek signs, "But you are not certain. A pity. I think that perhaps the City of Hands may require some further investigation, in order to lay some questions to rest. And not another one of these comical affairs such as those of Lord Titus haut Mikide's."

Kaela swallows hard. "But… but the danger… "

"Of course," Melchizedek signs. "There is always danger. I shall have to send someone I can trust fully."

"And there are few who fit that description," Melchizedek adds.

Kaela swallows nervously, unwilling to contradict him. She just remains sitting and tries not to wring her hands too much.

"Fret not. Azhtar is very resourceful. Unless there are additional dangers you are unwilling to tell me about, I trust that she will return safely from her journey," Melchizedek signs.

Kaela suddenly looks as though a large weight were lifted from her shoulders. She signs, "No… those were the only dangers… "

Melchizedek nods. "Since you seem to know much of the City of Hands, I will advise her to check with you about what preparations will be needed. If you were not a child, and if there were not such dangers to be found there, I would see about borrowing you from Lord Titus to serve as a guide."

Kaela blinks at Melchizedek. Since when did Inquisitors worry about sending slaves (child or not) into danger? Lost in that particular train of thought, she totally forgets to reply to him.

Melchizedek smirks, as he looks at Kaela. It was not a question anyway.

Kaela slowly signs, "You… would not send me into danger?"

As if on cue, the door slides open, revealing Azhtar, with a tray. She kneels down beside Melchizedek and pours a cup of tea for him from a pitcher.

Melchizedek takes a sip of the tea, and then says out loud (for he doesn't seem to be inclined to bother with signing with one hand if he can help it), "Unless you believe it would better serve the interests of the Temple to take such risks."

Kaela doesn't look quite certain of how to respond. She had been all ready to volunteer to act as a guide, but she hadn't anticipated this particular objection. She glances over to Azhtar for help. Can she trust Melchizedek?

Azhtar looks at a loss, having walked into the middle of this conversation.

Kaela finally signs, "Well… I don't know, sir… it… it isn't my place… "

Melchizedek signs, "As a matter of fact, it is your 'place'. An odd coincidence, that Lord Titus should have obtained you – and your mother and father – from that very region. Right along the edge of a Forbidden Zone. One would almost suppose your own father might be a valuable guide … if only Lord Titus hadn't shuffled him off to the frigid north at that First Ones site where the artist lost his mind years ago. … What possessed him to return to that accursed place, one can only surmise."

Azhtar gives a questioning look to Melchizedek.

The unicorn looks back to Azhtar. "Go ahead and pour some tea for yourself and our guest," he says aloud. "I can see your mouth is getting dry."

Azhtar's ears blush faintly, and she pours a cup of tea for Kaela and then for herself.

Kaela shakes her head quickly. "We never went there," she signs. "It is a cursed place."

Melchizedek leisurely sips at his tea.

Kaela fidgets some, staring into her tea. "Mama and Papa… always said to stay away… the buildings would grab people who went there… and eat them… "

Melchizedek finishes his tea, and waves off a refill from Azhtar. He hmms to himself.

Kaela sits quietly, just watching the opaque liquid in her cup…

"Ah well," Melchizedek says aloud, "you know how legends are. They evolve on their own. I should know. I am much older than I look, after all."

Kaela looks up at Melchizedek, blinking slowly, but not replying.

"Your tea will get cold," Melchizedek says.

Kaela quickly lifts the cup of tea and takes a sip of the hot liquid.

Azhtar sips her tea as well. It would seem hers was in just as much danger of getting cold.

Melchizedek says, "Do keep me up to date on your mother. I like to know that I'm getting my shekel's worth. Now … if there's nothing further you have to tell me about the City of Hands? Or to ask of me?"

Kaela fidgets, torn. "I… can't tell you any more… "

"Very well then," Melchizedek says. "I will return to my work." With that, he stands, and walks over the desk, and returns to writing a letter.

Kaela glances over to Azhtar. With very small motions, concealed from Melchizedek, she signs, "How much can I tell him?"

Azhtar signs back, glancing warily over to Melchizedek's turned back, "He knows more than he reveals. But what, I do not know. He is lawful, and loyal to the Temple. Be careful of making him change his mind about the quarantine."

Kaela nods softly. She slowly stands and makes her way towards the door, glancing to see if Azhtar is going to follow her.

Azhtar does so. She does not seem inclined to remain in here for any longer than necessary … and certainly Melchizedek does not expect her to say "Bye" before leaving. She slides the door open to let Kaela through.

Kaela steps out into the hallway, then heads towards Azhtar's quarters.

Azhtar closes the door to Melchizedek's quarters, and then heads to her own, opening the door, and taking the tray inside.

Kaela pads in after Azhtar, closing the door behind herself. Once safely alone, she signs to Azhtar, "He is going to send you to the City of Hands. To double-check."

Azhtar starts at this, doing nothing but blinking for a few moments, then puts the tray away, and comes back into the main room to collapse on a cushion, pondering this.

"How did you react when he said this?" Azhtar signs.

Kaela thinks for a few moments. "I… don't remember. He said he would have sent me as a guide, if I wasn't so little and it wasn't so dangerous… "

Azhtar puts a hand up to her muzzle. "He was testing you. He was watching you, to see if you were anxious or disappointed or surprised at the notion."

Kaela swallows hard. "What does that mean?"

"That means that I am going to the City of Hands," Azhtar signs. "Test or no, he does not lie."

Kaela pauses a moment. "He will send others with you?"

Azhtar signs, "What did he say was his reason for sending me?"

Kaela signs, "He said that you were one of the only ones he fully trusted… "

Azhtar nods. "Then he will expect me to choose who will go with me, and to keep it quiet," she signs.

Kaela fidgets. "It's safe now… but… if he doesn't think it's still dangerous, he won't quarantine it… and we won't be able to return there, ever."

Azhtar looks up to Kaela. "I was wrong," she signs. "If I go to the City of Hands, I will be coming back. But what I will report to him … I cannot tell him bald-faced lies. He will see right through me."

Kaela looks down. "But if we tell him the truth," she signs, "we'll all be slaves all our lives… "

Azhtar looks to Kaela. "But what if what you have told me is true? What if these Twelve-times-Twelve are real? What if they can be freed? Even if Melchizedek learns the truth … surely one hundred and forty-four wizards older than him would be able to stand their own ground… "

"Maybe he knows that there is something there we want. But how could he possibly guess at this?" Azhtar signs. "What pictures on the walls, or what did anyone observe? Surely no one else shared your strange dreams."

Kaela signs, "I don't know how to free them… and Princess Emerald Eyes doesn't appear in my dreams any more… I hoped… that maybe if I went there, I'd see her again… and could ask her how… "

Kaela suddenly freezes and swallows hard. Very hard.

"What is wrong?" Azhtar signs.

Kaela slowly signs, "Jezebel said she shared my dreams. That she knew about them."

"Surely you don't mean Jezebel … could have gone to Melchizedek?" Azhtar signs, jaw agape.

Kaela signs, "She sold us into slavery before… she… may have betrayed us again… "

Azhtar frowns. "If so … I have not seen her set foot in this Temple even once."

Kaela shakes her head. "You wouldn't. She is marked… and has magic abilities… "

Azhtar signs, "So, what do you suggest? I am going to the City of Hands. I have no choice in the matter. If you wish to go – and be able to return – this will be as good a chance as any."

Kaela nods a little bit. "I… I don't know… I have to think about it… "

Azhtar reaches over to put a reassuring hand on Kaela's shoulder. With her free hand, she signs, "Take your time. Melchizedek will give me plenty of time to prepare. If necessary, I can buy time."

Kaela nods a little bit, sighing. "Maybe," she signs, "we could escape before the trip… then you wouldn't have to lie to him… "

Azhtar pats Kaela's shoulder. "I will explore all possible options," she signs.

Kaela nods a few times. "Please let me know before you decide… "

Azhtar smiles. "Of course," she signs with a nod.

Kaela reaches to give her a little hug.

Azhtar embraces Kaela, smiling.

Kaela clings to her fur softly, closing her eyes for a few moments.

Kaela finally moves back a bit. "They'll be expecting me at home," she signs. "I'd better go."

Azhtar nods. "Travel safely," she signs, "and take heart."

Kaela nods a few times before leaving Azhtar's quarters and beginning the journey back to Lord Titus' townhouse.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)