7 Midsummer, 6107 RTR (Mar 17, 2006) Olivia and Amelia seek out Madame Natasha to figure out what to tell Inaya.
(Amelia) (The Legend of Buffy) (Madame Natasha) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (The Return of Valicross)

    Caravan Campsite
    Just across the Milk Run bridge from Stonebarrow, this flat, clear area has been set aside for travelers and merchants. Two freshwater wells are on site, along with a large map of the area and some bathroom facilities next to the swamp (where nobody will notice the smell). A sturdy corral is set up for Dromodons or other drays.

It's several hours after Amelia's little meeting with Deirdre. Afterward, she headed over to the gypsy camp. The usual suspects are milling around. On the far side of the camp Bravil can be seen lifting up a wagon while Djivan slips under it to presumably work on something. Amelia sees someone else she recognizes; Olivia! It looks like the Skeek just arrived too.

The Kadie waves to get Olivia's attention, and heads towards her.

Olivia catches movement out of the corner of her eye and turns to spot Amelia. "Hi there!" she calls. "What brings you out this way today?"

"I wanted to talk to Natasha about her sister and other things," Amelia says. "Mainly to tell her how tricky it will be to meet her sister's requests and still keep the big secret."

Olivia looks thoughtful. "Yeah, that's not going to be easy. But it won't be easy to try and convince her to come out of hiding and see her sister, either. I go back and forth about that myself – sometimes I think it would be a good idea for her to speak with Inaya, then other times I see her point about Inaya not understanding her current situation. I mean, did you hear how she talked about non-College mages?"

"I doubt anything Natasha has done will matter to her sister," Amy says. "Finding her alive, and that she defeated the necromancer that supposedly killed her in the first place… well, okay, there might be some anger… but the more we have to maintain the lie the worse things will fall apart in the end."

Olivia shrugs sadly. "Well, I agree with that last assessment – it'll be hard to lie to Inaya for as long as we'll have to if Natasha doesn't come around. I'd like to hope that a reunion is possible, but try telling that to Natasha. Plus, I don't feel right about forcing her decision one way or another."

"Oooo!" comes the high voice of Liliana from behind the two! And the two are then engulfed by two huge bat wings, pulling them into a hug. "Vhy, if it no' my favorite two town girls!" she beams. "So, vhat brin' vou out here today? I know! Vho both vhat to haf vour good frin' Lili do some fur dyeing, righ'? Vell, I be in jus' de mood!"

"We… eep?" Amy starts to say, before being smothered. "What? Who's dying?"

Olivia jumps at first, then, realizing who it is, hugs back. "Hi Lili! Why don't you try dyeing Amy this time, you've already done me!" Then she grins at Amy's question and stage whispers, "As in, 'dye your fur,' Amelia!"

"My fur is too dark… " Amy starts to protest, before realizing that Lili's own fur is even darker.

"Ya! She be colored like me. So, de fur dye voul' look great!" Liliana says, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Ve coul' make her tail all stripey!"
"My… my TAIL?" Amelia wails, clutching her tail protectively against her chest.

"Ya. Like tiger stripes!" Liliana says, "Voul' take maybe an hour or so to do."

Olivia nudges the bat gently in the ribs and says, "Kadies are pretty particular about their tails – good luck in convincing her of that! Why not arms or legs on her, instead?"

"Stop giving her suggestions, Olivia," Amy hisses. "I've got a big event coming up and can't be looking weird!"

"Oh, sure. Arms, legs, face, vhatever," Liliana says, still grinning. "You no look veird! Vhat, you t'ink I look veird?"

Momentarily distracted from teasing her friend, Olivia asks, "What big event is this? I don't recall any other festivals that are coming up soon… "

"Not for an Eeee you don't," Amy admits to Lili, then whispers to Olivia, "I'm going to be inducted into the Wingnut clan, although it's only honorary… "

"Vell, vou make a good Eee! Bet ve coul' get dat, vhat, Igor person to make vou look more Eee-like," Liliana continues. Persistent bat, she is.

"Err, I don't think I'd want to trust my looks to Igor's sense of aesthetics," Amelia notes.

Olivia's eyes widen to twice their normal size. "Whoa, really?? I thought only certain Millers were able to have that honor bestowed on them - well, outside of other Wingnuts, that is. Congratulations!"

Liliana sniffs. "Vou haf no sense of adventure," she teases.

"Thanks! I have no idea what they're going to do to me though," Amelia says, and just blinks at Lili. "Putting on make-up is adventurous?"

"In dis town, ves," Liliana says flatly. "I see happier graveyards."

"Maybe I'll try something… temporary… that can be washed out," Amy relents. "But… uh… I need to go talk to Natasha about a vampire. A different vampire, I mean."

"Oh, an now vou off to spend time wit other vampires. I no good enough for vou anymore? Ol' Lili borin' now?" Liliana says, trying to sound hurt. She crosses her arms over her chest and sniffs, lifting her nose in the air.

"I guess you're being honored because of how you saved Zahn by killing the necromancer?" Olivia muses out loud. "Well, at any rate, you'll have to tell me all about the ceremony once it's over! It sounds interesting… in a dangerous sort of way. Hey, Zahn's not going to blow up anything to celebrate this, is he? I hope?"

"I haven't told him about it yet," Amy admits, and gives Lili a pat on the shoulder. "It's not like that, Lili, this is a real vampire. The undead kind. Possibly."

"Well, as long as you keep him away from anything combustible, I'm sure you'll be fine!" Olivia beams, sounding as reassuring as she can.

Liliana just sniffs again at the pat. "Oh fin'. I go see Morgan, someone vho appreciat' me," Liliana says, then grins at Amelia and winks. Liliana leans over and licks along Olivia's ear, then slinks back off into the camp.

Olivia rubs her bat-slurped ear for a moment, then replies, "Yeah. That was an experience – she bit me to pierce my ears!"

Amy's own ears turn down at the thought, and she says, "Okay… I'll pass on that then. How has Natasha been since the battle? Is she… I don't know… depressed or anything?"

Olivia shakes her head. "Not that I could see. Why do you ask?"

"Well… I was just wondering what her plans are," Amy says, and starts walking towards Natasha's wagon. "The whole 'I don't want my family to know I'm really alive' thing just confuses me, I guess."

Olivia follows along in Amelia's wake. "From what I understand, part of Natasha's reasoning for that is because she believes her sister won't accept that she had to live with the gypsies and associate with non-College mages in order to survive. Their society sounds really pretty severe and unforgiving on the whole honor issue."

"Well… uh, she could lie again, and say she was using the identity to follow the necromancer – rather than him following her," Amy suggests. "That way, she's the only one twisting the truth."

Olivia hmmms. "Well, you could always suggest that to her and see what she says!"

In short order, the two reach Natasha's wagon. While the two stand outside, they can hear Natasha's voice, "Ah, please enter, Miss Veaver, Miss Blacktail. It is not polite to talk about someone behind dere backs."

As usual, Olivia sighs before she opens the door to the wagon and says, a bit petulantly, "You can call me Olivia now, you know!"

"Sorry, we didn't know which way you'd be facing," Amelia says apologetically before peaking inside. "Are you… ah, busy?"

Natasha is sitting behind the table as usual. She appears to be reclining in  her chair and probably reading a book. Her crystal glows with a faint blue light. She extends her hand over it and mutters a few things. The crystal flares brightly and bathes the room in a ghostly blue. "No, I am just reading. Please, come in," she says and sets aside her book.

Olivia enters the wagon carefully and then waits for Amelia to come inside so she can close the door behind them.

Amy keeps close to Olivia inside the wagon, not having known Natasha on quite the same level the Skeek has.

Natasha's brow goes up. "Vou have vampire troubles, Miss Blacktail?" she asks bluntly as she sits up in her chair.

Once the Skeek has shut the door to the wagon, she pulls up two other chairs for herself and Amelia on the other side of the table and sits, smiling at her friend to do the same.

"Oh, you heard that?" Amy asks, although the answer is obvious. "Well… potentially, yes. I was wondering if you had a way to detect the undead underground. But that's… sort of a minor problem compared to the one your sister presents," she says as she takes her seat.

Natasha shakes her head. "I didn't hear vou," she notes and extends her hand out, motioning to the doorframe behind the two. "Look."

Olivia turns and looks, wondering what is going on… ?

Amelia turns as well.

Intricate runes are carved along the door frame. "Ritual of the mind," she says, dropping the gypsy accent, "to read the surface thoughts of those who pass through. Useful for people who come seeking the advice of a fortune teller. I fear it gives me an unfair advantage over those who enter."

The Kadie eyes the runes, and then asks Natasha, "Just what sort of tricks can you do to a person's mind, anyway? Could you make them forget something that just happened?"

One corner of Olivia's mouth twitches a little. "Well, now I understand how you seemed to know what was bothering me before I ever said anything all those times I visited over the last month!"

"It's possible, yes. But mind alteration is more complicated then simply listening to the surface," Natasha says with a nod. She then grins to Olivia and says, "All part of the mystery, Miss Weaver."

"Ummm," Amy says, folding her hands into her lap, and sounding a bit hesitant. "If you can do that… well… why not let your sister meet you, and if things go bad, make her forget it happened?"

"Ethics. Manipulating the mind of another is dark territory, Miss Blacktail," Natasha notes, "and dangerous. My skills are mainly in the realm of the spirit. Mind was a side sphere I studied off and on."

"Ethics?" Amy asks, looking a bit exasperated. "You're already messing with her mind by letting her think you're dead. And now she wants to meet everyone that was involved in stopping the necromancer. That's a lot of people who'll have to keep up the lie, and there are other security issues as well, like her wanting to meet them at the dam. It's all a big mess, Natasha, and I don't feel good about it. We can't just tell her 'no' either, the mayor and Lord Erik wouldn't dare offend someone like your sister."

Natasha levels her gaze on Amelia, eyes narrow. "You have no understanding of the society from which she and I came, Miss Blacktail. I was sent here to die. It was either that, or they would have suffered. If word came out that I did survive, and not only that, violated the rules of the College … her life now would be over too. The shame would affect her as well," the Khatta says flatly. "You ask me to risk signing their death warrant."

Olivia gives Amelia a sad little 'I-told-you-so' look and shrugs lightly.

"They can't keep a secret then?" Amy asks. "You're asking dozens of people in this society to lie as well. Even the witches, and I'm not going to be the one to ask Isolde to do it. There has to be a compromise, Natasha, even if it just means disguising yourself further so we don't have to pretend you don't exist."

"It won't have long term effects on you or your society, Miss Blacktail. We'll move on and in a year, we won't be remembered," Natasha says and shakes her head slowly. "If they know I'm alive, they'll want to come back, or want me to go with them. Neither should happen. These lands are dangerous and I can't go back."

Amy rubs her forehead, and says, "There are only… what, five or six people that know about your past? If everyone is asked to keep you secret, they'll want to know why. Can't you just be Natasha, the Gypsy sorceress for them? Do some trick to make them not recognize you? I mean, you could just wear a fancy veil or something, can't you?"

"You're asking me to go to my sister, but try to not be recognizable?" Natasha asks, brow furrowed.

"You don't have to go to her, just… don't make us have to work around you," Amelia explains. "Everyone knows you cast a big spell to disable the necromancer so I could kill him, and you were there in the bunker and all, but not that you were a Mage. They just know you're with the Gypsies."

Olivia now looks as if she's considering what Natasha just said. "Actually, having some sort of disguise on hand might not be a bad idea, either – especially if what I think might happen does happen. It may be a good practice run for any such time that Inaya might come calling."

"Well, I was already planning to be disguised, Miss Blacktail, Olivia. I did not intend for any of you to act like Natasha didn't exist," the Khatta says and rubs her forehead lightly.

"Well, I didn't know that," Amy says, meekly. "So, we can just try to do as your sister asks and not worry about it?"

Olivia now massages her own temples. "Well, that's kinda what we've been doing already! We haven't mentioned that a mystic is in the camp at all. We've been dancing around that whole issue!"

"I'm not sure what will happen when your sister finds out she's going to be thanking witches and fortunetellers," Amy notes. "But frankly, I'd like to see her humble herself a little. We may be a backwater, but at least we know how to respect people for who they are."

"Well, then it is my fault for not being clear enough. I am sorry," Natasha says with a sigh. "Just having here here has rattled me. I wish I could see her, by the saints I wish I could talk to her again … hold my niece. Ah, yes. The feelings of the Khatta lands are, well, please forgive her. She does not mean to offend."

"Umm, you are a spirit mage, and this is Sylvania," Amy notes, looking up a bit. "You could fake a seance and conjure your own 'spirit' to talk to them, right? Or… get into their dreams or something? Wouldn't that work just as well?"

"No. Spirits are bound to the place they died. They are an echo in the majic of the land. For me to be conjured here, I would have had to die here," Natasha explains. "Though, I am not certain if my sister knows that, but. If the chance comes, if she asks, I will consider it."

Olivia is struck by a sudden thought and asks abruptly, "Uh, by the way… your sister wouldn't, like, try to do anything to Isolde and Morgan when she finds out they're witches, would she? When Amy and I talked to her, she was a little vehement about non-College magic-users being, er, lower than dirt, as it were."

"That … well, I don't know. I saw her last when she was ten. I do not know how she has grown up," Natasha admits to Olivia.

Olivia nods and then mutters to herself, "Something else to watch out for, then."

"She can't do anything about it, Olivia," Amelia says, with a sudden grin. "See, officially… we're part of Gallis now! And Gallis doesn't really recognize the authority of the Mages Guild because they don't truck with magic."

"I won't allow her to harm anyone," Natasha says flatly.

"Well, I certainly hope she can't," Olivia says, looking slightly relieved. "But that's good to know. I hope if push came to shove, Erik would be willing to stand to that."

"Speaking of your poodle lord, how has he reacted to my sister being in town?" Natasha inquires, brow arched.

"Pshaw, Erik will stand wherever we tell him to," Amy says reassuringly.

Olivia manages a wide smile at that. "That's not exactly what I meant, but I think I see what you're trying to say!"

"I don't know, honestly," the Kadie admits. "I only found out about her earlier today. I can bet his mom will want to meet her though, to share snobbishness or something. I hope she brings the pig if she does."

Natasha muffles a laugh and shakes her head. "Her mother wouldn't have anything to do with us," she notes.

"Gallees and Khattans don't mingle?" Amy asks, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Gypsies, dear. She passed out during Liliana's dance, remember," Natasha reminds the Kadie. "But, now, you were talking about vampires earlier. What is it you are asking of me?"

"Anyway, can we plot out exactly how we're going to handle talking to Inaya from now on?" Olivia asks, getting back to the topic at hand. "Are we now asking Natasha to show up at the dam whenever she wants her little meeting there? And just what do we tell her as to how Natasha was involved in the whole business with the necromancer?"

Natasha chuckles and says, "Or, we can discuss that. Yes, you can mention a Natasha. Yes, I will come when required to do so. Yes I will wear a disguise."

"We just tell the truth! Natasha had a previous run in with this guy but escaped, and he was following the gypsies and using them as cover for his ritual until he got here and we all worked together and stuck him in a box," Amelia says. "That's what everyone else already thinks, even the gypsies."

Natasha nods to Amelia. "Exactly that," she agrees.

Olivia holds up her hands. "Okay, okay, Amelia, I get the idea!" Then she frowns. "Although now I'm going to have to tell Gunther about our change of plans. I just spoke with him a little while ago and asked him not to mention Natasha at all! Boy, is he going to be confused… well, a little more than usual, anyway."

"Now, getting everyone together at the dam… and talking to Bravil… that could be tricky," Amy notes. "I told her that Bravil was still recovering from everything and might not want visitors, especially unfamiliar ones. And as for the dam… well, I just don't know if it'll be possible. There are too many secret locations we just can't give out, and with the dam being repaired and having new techno-whatsits installed, there's no way the Wingnuts will let an outsider that close. Do you think Inaya would settle for something in the town square?"

As an aside to Olivia, Amy whispers, "Getting Gunther to say anything to outsiders will be tricky enough."

Natasha considers that for a bit. "I suppose if you posed it properly, she would. I would recommend just explaining the dam is being repaired and isn't safe for visitors. You say she called this place backwater … well, convince her of the 'shoddiness' of the technology here and she would believe it unsafe," she suggests.

Olivia whispers back, "He doesn't seem to have a problem with shouting, 'Surrender, invading hordes!' at them at every opportunity, though!"

"That'd get me in trouble with Erik though," Amy says. "He wants people to come here and spend their money. He sees your sister as a means to get rich Khattas to come here, probably."

"If he's even seen her," Natasha points out. "Didn't you just say Erik would do what you want, anyway?"

"Well, only if we make him think it was his idea in the first place," Amy says. "He's really into this 'tourism' notion though, and since the mayor is the one who rents out the cabins, and Erik stays at the mayor's Inn… I'd guess he knows about Inaya already."

"Well, I do hope he doesn't make romantic notions towards her," Natasha notes. "I rather doubt her husband would approve."

"We could try talking to Inaya in a day or so after I finish Kalila's play clothes and take them over for her inspection," Olivia suggests to Amelia. "You and I could bring up the topic about not going directly to the dam with her then?"

"Erik? All of his notions are romantic, but not in the physical sense," Amelia laughs. "He's a scholar, for goodness' sake!"

The Kadie nods to Olivia. "That should be fine. It'll give me some time to talk to people. Inaya mentioned a 'reward' but I don't know if it's meant for everyone involved, or what it is, so I'm afraid to tell anyone about it."

Olivia hmms and her brow wrinkles a bit. "Good idea. If it is a good reward for all involved, well, it'll just be a nice surprise for them!"

"And we can hope that Inaya's dislike for witches and sorceresses keeps her from getting too close to Natasha," Amy says, sounding a bit more relieved.

"At any rate, that settles that," Olivia continues. "I'll send a message to you when I'm done with Kalila's clothes and am ready to go and visit her. But I have one last question before I go an work on that… Natasha?" Olivia chooses her next words with care. "I know the necromancer is good and dead this time and your link with him has been severed, but do you receive visions of the future anymore?"

"Ah, a difficult question to answer, Miss Weaver," the Khatta notes and waves her hand lightly over her crystal. The light inside flickers and ripples. "All life affects the magic of the land. The magic of the land affects all life. Those who spend their life in it become more attuned to its flow, its ripples. Those ripples can reveal things yet to be. In a sense, yes, I still do, Miss Weaver. It would be easier to show you. Trying to explain it always comes across as … cryptic."

Olivia leans forward, a deep interest lighting her eyes. "Thank you, Natasha… I would like very much to see," she says quietly.

"It won't be today, though, I am afraid. It requires a ritual that will take some time to prepare," Natasha says, then casts a glance to Amelia. "Are you also interested, Miss Blacktail?"

Amy licks her lips nervously, and then nods. "Sure… enough stuff is coming up that it would be handy to see if there's going to be a disaster… "

"I will be effectively giving you a look into the spirit world. You will see things as well, I sometimes do. In dreams, or moments of magical disturbance. Realize that I will be casting a spell on you," Natasha adds and looks between the two.

Olivia looks to her friend and smiles a little. "I'm game for it if you are," she comments lightly.

"Well, alright," Amelia says, having always wanted to experience magic… even if it still gives her the willies. "It can't be worse than letting Lili paint me."

"Yes, it can," Natasha warns. "It may give you new appreciation for monsters under the bed. I want you to understand that. You need to be ready for things you may see. People long gone. Memories. Traumatic events that occurred in the distant past. A flow of potentials to come. You will glimpse chaos."

"I won't sleep alone then," Amy says. "Err, or should I? What are the chances of me waking up and killing the person next to me?"

"You will be awake for the experience," Natasha explains. "It won't be a dream world. Just expect to see possibly anything and do not become upset. Now that you know, it should hopefully not startle you."

Olivia winces a little at the mention of traumatic memories and people in the past, but the gesture is a quick one, disappearing easily. "If I can take the necromancer forcing his way into my dreams, I hope I'd be able to handle this, too," she says, with perhaps a touch more bravado than she actually feels.

"Will there be any lingering effects afterwards?" Amy asks.

"The chances of that are low," Natasha says. "You may, for a day or so, occasionally see the auras all people have. A reflection of their soul, as it were. Nothing more serious than that. The ritual is, in effect, an aura sense with a lot of power behind it."

"I would advise, however, not looking at Axel for a few days. His is a bit … intense," Natasha notes.

"I bet otters would pay for something like that," Amy says. "If… you know… they paid for anything."

"Aura spells are useful for detecting the undead, or those tainted or in contact with the undead," Natasha also notes. "It's a useful spell in its basic form. Much like the spirit light I commonly use."

Amy's tail perks up at this. "Ah, so I should be able to tell if Clover Chalk is hanging out with a vampire then? Handy!"

"Possibly. Do you know what to look for?" Natasha asks.

"I assume her aura will look different from everyone else's," Amy says. "But otherwise, no, I don't. I never got that far in witchcraft."

Olivia stands up right at this moment and says, "Not to interrupt you two, but I should be getting back to the Weavers'. I do need a bit of a rest first before I start working on those clothes. I'll catch up with you both later."

"Well, everyone's aura looks a little different from the next. The undead, to me, actually look like a hole in the world. Because the spirit force is being used up to animate the body. Those in contact may look faded. Areas touched more so if they've actually been touching an undead," Natasha tries to explain. "I could loan you a book on the theories or auras and practical applications of spells involving them, if you are interested."

"Oh, right, it is getting late," Amy notes to Olivia, and perks up again at the mention of a book. "Really? I can read Standard… "

"It's one of my references from the College. If nothing else, it works wonders on insomnia," Natasha notes with a smile. "But, would your witches approve of you reading such?"

Olivia decides to slip out at this moment and leave the two magic-studiers to their business. She rises and waves briefly to Natasha, then heads for the door.

Natasha smiles and waves to Olivia. "Be well, Miss Weaver," she teases.

Olivia sighs again and says, "It's Olivia, sheesh! We've been through enough together by now – when will you get used to calling me by my given name?" Then she sidles out of the wagon and shuts the door.

"What they don't know won't hurt me," Amelia says, grinning. "Besides, Isolde probably has the same book somewhere… "

"A college book? Doubtful," Natasha remarks dubiously. The Khatta stands and heads to the back of the room. She kneels down and starts rummaging through a chest. "So, you fear a friend of yours is dancing with the undead?"

"Nope," Amelia says. "She's more of an enemy, but I don't want anyone getting hurt because of her."

"Why do you suspect her?" Natasha asks next and returns with a worn, thin, and very dull looking book. On the spine Amelia can just make out: Theories on the Spirit, Practical Cantrips and Beginner Rituals. She offers the book to the Kadie and adds, "Please, do not lose or damage it."

"I'll be careful," Amy promises, taking the book. "Oh… it's just that Clover Chalk has been acting weird, and her sister says she goes down into the deep tunnels by herself, and there's a legend about Buffy still being down there. See, our last landlord, Lord Snapfish, turned into a vampire and ate his family, then turned some of the local girls into vampires too… so, you know, we did the usual burn-at-the-stake, beheading and stuff full of garlic deal with him, but we never found Buffy."

"Mmm. That could be very bad, indeed. Vampires are some of the most dangerous undead. I recommend that you tread very carefully," Natasha warns and settles back into her chair.

"Well, we just have to cure Clover of whatever influence she's under," Amelia says. "We can't go after the vampire itself without causing a lot of problems."

"Why is that?" Natasha asks.

"Well, the Chalk warrens are off limits," Amy says. "Nobody but the Chalks go down there. Although if we really needed to… there are a lot of Chalks in the militia."

"If there could be a vampire down there, my advice would be to send the militia down," Natasha says very matter-of-factly. "You do not want a nest of vampires forming."

"Oh, the Chalks wouldn't let that happen," Amy says, waving it off. "If Buffy is real, they'd be keeping her for a reason. Maybe she can see the future or something."

"Or she's the child of someone important and they refuse to destroy her. People often won't accept that an undead version of their child is not their child anymore," the Khatta notes and shrugs.

"It could be that," Amy agrees. "But, so long as she doesn't hurt anyone, there isn't much that can be done about it."

"That is only a matter of time. A deal with a devil doesn't change the fact it's a devil," Natasha says and shakes her head. "There was a time I would have been duty bound to deal with her."

"You eventually realize you can't deal with every monster in Sylvania," Amelia notes, tail twitching. "The important thing is not to become one yourself."

"Ask the right people and they would tell you I already am one," Natasha counters and then shrugs slightly. "But such is the way of things. Everything depends on the point of reference. Monster to some is friend to another."

"That's the way it is with regular people too!" Amy says, with a bit of a chitter. She looks to the door and then asks, "Can you tell if Lili is still around?"

Natasha closes her eyes and sits still for a bit. Her eyes reopen and she notes, "She isn't in the camp. Or at least, I don't sense her distinctive aura. I imagine she's gone to further corrupt your witch-in-training."

"Hmmm, poor Morgan," Amy says, and then bows to Natasha. "Thank you for clearing things up, Dame Natasha, and making my life a bit easier."

Natasha waves her hand dismissively. "It is my pleasure, Miss Blacktail. If you find that book interesting, I am willing to spend some time with you and determining if you have any capacity for casting," she notes.

"I've been tested for that already," Amy notes, sounding disappointed. "But this should help me figure out what I'm seeing after your ritual at least."

"Well, if you ever wish a second opinion, then, offer stands," Natasha adds. "Just remember the information in that book is reference. There will be variations that come from your own unique 'view' of the world."

"As long as people don't seem to sprout horns and hooves and barbed tails, I should manage!" Amy says, and opens the door a crack to double check the area. Bats are tricky…

"Well, that is how you may see Liliana," Natasha notes with an amused grin. No bat is in sight outside. Seems pretty quiet.

"Thank you again, Natasha," Amelia says as she slips out. "I'll let you know if there's going to be a group meeting with Inaya."

Natasha waves to the departing Amelia. "Strange girl," she comments quietly to herself.

Amy clutches the book to her chest and scurries out of the camp, keeping her eyes open for any suspicious winged shadows. Stripes on my tail! she thinks, and shudders.


GMed by Jared

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Today is 27 days before Unity Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)