Freedom Park
This park lies within the less used parts of the Crafters' Quarters in the city proper as a walk goes, it's a considerable way from the College Esoterica in the Scholars' Quarter, but it's much easier to find. Within its cozy spaces trees shade people as they walk its maze-like paths. The only pond or indeed, any kind of body of water to be found within is the crickhen pond, where a few passing Kavis and Skeeks stop to give crusts of bread to the small birds with rainbow-colored bat-wings that float serenely on its surface. Statuary sprout up here and there, including a representation of the First Ship believed to have brought the first people to Sinai, and various monuments to once-prominent persons, now long-forgotten, their features (and the inscriptions on the bases) worn smooth.
Travelling away from the site of that little misunderstanding in the Temple Library, two white-furred creatures make their way to Freedom Park, standing out from the crowd, each in their own way Envoy, being instantly recognizable as the curious (in more ways than one) winged Exile, and the little Water Mage Scarlet being far less recognizable, but still making quite a statement in her almost regal apparel.
Some waddling crickhens make a fuss as they clear out of the way of the two strollers, though a multi-colored Creen proves to be far more bold as it swoops down to chatter merrily at Envoy from its perch it takes on a nearby statue.
Envoy chatters right back at the Creen, then asks her companion, "Have you been here before, Scarlet? It's a bit of a ways from the College Esoterica, but there's a good hospital close by in case the occasional riot breaks out."
The Creen, apparently satisfied, leaps off its perch, flies a circle around Envoy, then flutters away, making happy calls.
The little Aelfin watches the Creen for a moment on its Perch, before her attention shifts back to the question-asking Exile. "I have only been by this area once. I do not usually see the city when I am in Rephidim, because I spend most of my time inside the walls of the College. This is a nice place green, unlike home," Scarlet answers with a soft smile, ears wiggling a bit.
The Aeolun sits on the edge of one of the pond-side benches. "Really? What colors do you have in Aelfhem?"
Scarlet follows over beside Envoy and settles down next to her. Of course with all Scarlet is wearing, even sitting down become quite a sight. First she carefully sets a tissue-sized cloth down on the bench before hopping up and settling down with a jingling of baubles. "My home is filled with trees that hold the colors of the clouds when the sun settles across them at sunset: rich pinks you will not find elsewhere at least none that I am aware of. These colors are caused by the sugarfir trees that cover most of our forests." She smiles a bit more and lays her staff across her lap.
Envoy smiles. "Pink leaves! The forest where I was created has white-barked trees with gold leaves. That's why I have the colors I do. Is your race native to Sinai?"
The girl considers the little bit of information for a moment. If Envoy had been born where she was, she wouldhave in fact been pink. This causes her to giggle a bit, likely to the confusion of Envoy. Eventually however, she calms down. "I believe so. In fact, I always assumed it was so. If the Aelfin are not from this world, then no elder I have ever spoken of has mentioned such a thing." A moment to consider, and the girl asks a question of her own. "Where do you come from? Do you have parents, and families, and magic where you came from?"
The Exile gazes out across the park for a moment before answering. "I come from a world called Genesis, in another universe. I have parents, but not in the same way you or others do, so my family relations are a bit difficult to describe. For instance, I might be my own sister, or my own daughter. There used to be lots of magic there, but it's faded out by now. I used to have magic for blood, even."
"Magic … for blood you say? That is … nearly unheard of, save for the most powerful of mystic creatures. I have heard golems may be formed of such powers. I cannot make them myself, yet, but I heard they are magic and the elements. Are you a golem?" Scarlet asks with curious words, her ears perked and pointed towards the destination of that question.
Envoy considers that for a bit. "I suppose I might fit the description. My flesh was molded, and imbued with life. All of my magic was used up after I arrived here though, to adapt my body to live without it, and I have my own mind as well. I guess I'm not a golem anymore."
The Aelfin tilts her head a little to inspect Envoy once Again, in the way one might expect a vendor to inspect rare trinkets. She bites her lip and leans back a little before going back to an amiable smile. "That is very interesting. I never imagined I would meet a real golem, much less a golem from another 'dimension'. I hope the Temple was nice to you? I have heard some stories from the other students about how some Exiles are treated very poorly. Elrich, a Fire Mage friend of mine, said the skeleton in the life science area was an Exile. I think he was just trying to scare me, though," she tells Envoy, although she mentions the word 'dimension' as if it were a foreign term. It most likely is, to her.
The Aeolun blinks three times, then says, "I'd like to see that skeleton someday, I think. I suppose I was treated well. They tell me I got the treatment I deserved, anyway. Did you ever wonder if your land was translocated from another world, since it seems so different than the surrounding regions? Maybe the way the Red Cliffs switched places with Himar?"
At the mention of the Himar region the girl blinks once herself. She seems to mull over the question before she answers. "I do not think so. My home region fits seamlessly with the landscape, unlike the Red Cliffs and the Pit of Himar." She lifts her head a little to study the nearby trees for a moment, lifting a paw to catch a falling leaf before she continues. "You are very well informed, you know. Many who do not come from beyond this world know much less. I would like to ask, what is it you do?"
Envoy swishes her tail and says, "Well, first I was a sideshow freak. Then I was a bard, and an actress. Mostly, though, I observe and try to learn. Right now I don't suppose I have a profession."
The Exile rubs her nose, then adds, "Oh, and I was an honorary Zelak for a little while too."
"Fascinating," Scarlet mentions with hint of a giggle, giggling being something she tends to do around the Exile lately, especially given the subject matter. "I am sure being an honorary Zelak would be an enlightening experience. I try to stay away from the large war-like races, however. They do not seem to give me much in the way of respect and are all too often stepping on or into me. I can say I have met a bard before, but he was a strange fellow, always getting bitten upon the rear and singing disjointed lyrics. You know, you could do what I do. Officially I am a student, but I am more of a scholar of magic: an adventurer, by the standards of my people."
Envoy grins. "I've been an adventurer too, I suppose. I explored the City of Hands back when the Old Priest-King still haunted it, and helped to salvage Little Rephidim West after everyone had been killed by unknown sea creatures. I've had some interesting experiences on Rephidim too. I'd think someone willing to go to another world would count as an adventurer to any people though, wouldn't she? And you want to go to Ashtoreth."
Talking to the little Aelfin's pride certainly seems to have an effect, even if the boost to her ego was unintentional.She perks up a little and sits up straighter. "Oh, why, thank you. I do like to think of myself as different. My people do not adventure so much as other races do. We mostly prefer peace and the comfort of a happy home to a dangerous life on the road. I may have been the same if I did not witness the actions of Wynona and her miracle upon our village. She, along with the great Winterhind, brought peace between our people and the local Eeee. After that, I wanted to be just like her. I even learned Eeee so I could talk to her in her own language." She reaches over and pats one of the baubles on her regal mage robes, smiling proudly. "I hope she is proud of me. I wonder though do you have a hero?"
"A hero is someone one wishes to identify with," Envoy says, "and I'm a little too alien to really identify with many people. Do you see Wynona often? I wonder if she ever got a handle on her sneezing."
Scarlet shakes her head a little. "Wynona is an Eeee, and I am an Aelfin. I would have been considered backwater to her back then, now that I know about the world a little more. I … I think a hero is someone you believe in. I believe in Wynona." The girl lowers her head to study her staff for a moment, rolling it over in her paws before she answers. "I have never met her. I only saw her at a distance a few times. I saw the storm she summoned, too. I had no idea she had been not feeling well."
Envoy blinks. "You've never met her? She is still in Rephidim, I think. Why don't you introduce yourself to her?"
The girl goes to say something, and her mouth moves, but nothing comes out. Her ears flatten at about this time and she twiddles her staff a bit more. "I… I, well, I… " She stutters, seemingly at a loss for words, "I … do not think I could. Wynona, well, I… I just cannot… "
"She's just a regular person," Envoy proclaims. "I mean, in person she is. And she never puts on airs." After a moment, Envoy giggles and adds, "Except the ones she conjures up, of course."
"Maybe… " Scarlet says with a sigh. "Ever since I left my home, I always pictured Wynona to be such a grand thing. A person beyond all other people. Maybe she was a bit more than just something I saw or a heroine. I am not quite sure. Maybe, maybe she was more like what I wanted to be. Maybe that is it. I wanted to be great and respected, to be able to protect and save people who needed me." She stops for a moment to examine the crystal of her staff, moving it back and forth in the light causing the colors to shift in the light before going on. "Maybe I am just not ready to face that yet. Because… because I am not that yet. I have yet to help much of anyone."
Envoy just watches the smaller girl for a few moments, then says, "Helping people is hard. Sometimes they don't want it, or don't want to believe you helped them. It can be very frustrating at times. But you shouldn't try to help people just to be recognized for doing so."
Scarlet nods her head a little, and after a moment, smiles. "You are right. Maybe I have been looking for someone to tell me I helped them. It took a lot of effort just to get a little 'thank you' from Lord Kurai. I think I should help people and not ask for a 'thank you'. Some people do never ask, but you should help them anyway. A few get mad, sometimes, too. But I will keep trying." Her right hand slides over to her pouch, and she rummages through it to remove what looks to be a shard of rusted iron, which she holds up to the light. "Sometimes, thankful people even give money before they give a 'thank you'. But, I do babble so. I had wanted to ask why you were at the library?"
Envoy says, simply, "To read. When they opened up sections for the public, I would go in and read all I could. They got upset by that, though. I can read a lot of books in a relatively short time, and they couldn't put them all back fast enough. That, and I think I scare the Technopriests a little still."
Scarlet muffles a giggle at the mention of scaring Technopriests. "Scare them? Those old cloaked walking wrinkles?" She glances around after her little comment just in case one of the aforementioned walking wrinkles just happens to be standing next to her. Satisfied none are present, she looks back to Envoy. "They scare me, actually. Many do not practice magic, yet they carry around all sorts of tomes and speak eldrich words. I know they work on the artifacts, but those seem so lonely. So unlike the life of magic. Even Bosch has a life to it, no matter how twisted." She smiles uncomfortably and tilts her head a little. "Do you go to the Temple often now? I need to go there. Maybe we could go together."
Envoy nods. "I pretty much work there now. I think they let me so that they can keep an eye on me, as it were. They find me unpredictable, and to them that equates to dangerous. What do you need to do in the Temple, besides get your wand back?"
"I need to talk to whomever handles interplanetary exploration. I doubt they have a specific section devoted to it, given how recent it all came about, so I am not exactly sure where to go. A graduate said she would look into getting me an appointment however," Scarlet answers before scooting a little closer to Envoy and asking her a whispered question, "Would you not tell them I said they were wrinkled? Or scary? Or lonely?"
Envoy giggles. "Oh no, I won't tell them. They aren't allowed to talk to me, I think. It gets old Verdigris very upset if they do. I know a cartographer that's been sent to map the various worlds. At least, the bits near the transit towers. I saw him on Morpheus last, but maybe someone has made a preliminary trip to Ashtoreth by now."
The girl seems quite a bit relieved at the mention she won't be turned into the Temple. Although calling a Technopriest wrinkled may not quite be blasphemy, it might net a few glares or a pinched ear from one of her teachers were they to find out. When you have four ears to pinch, such a fate can be criminal. "Who is Verdigris? A friend of yours? And I rather wanted to be the first to go to Ashtoreth. I hear whomever maps a place can name some of what they find in hopes the Temple will not change it. I … rather wanted to name something important for my people so when my friends look up at the sky they can point at Ashtoreth and say an Aelfin went there, and was the first."
"That sounds adventurous," Envoy smiles. "And no, Verdigris wouldn't be considered a friend of mine. I think he'd be happier if I was pickled and kept in a big jar. I don't have any real influence at the Temple, but if you need my help with your request, I'll be happy to help you."
"You are a nice person. I should fear you, but I do not. No one else took the time to talk to me like this, not even my once-pet dragon. I miss all three of him, but you are better for conversation. He was better at scaring villagers." She grins a bit and scoots over again so that she is sitting closely beside the Exile with obvious fondness. Likely a very odd sight, given their strangeness to this community, and their almost silver and gold appearance. "And you know what? I would not let them pickle you and put you in a jar. Or even bake you and put you on a baker's rack. Though I still do not see why the Temple would pickle Exiles. Do they eat them?"
"I've never seen any being eaten," admits the Exile, "But that's not to say a few haven't been chewed up and spit out."
Noticing the lengthening shadows, Envoy says, "The day is waning. Do you need to be back at the College before dark?"
The girl nods slightly and grins up at the Exile. "I was just joking, about the eating part. I know what you were saying. I am not quite that backwards." She grins a bit more and nods to the questions. "Yes I do. I have some finals I must see to, though I am fairly certain I will do well given my recent experiences. Perhaps sometime if you can get the permission, I could show you around the College itself? I bet you would just love seeing all of our magical studies."
Envoy smiles and nods. "It would be nice to be let back onto the grounds. I've never seen the school for Water. Would you like me to walk you back?"
Scarlet uses her staff to help herself to her feet and dusts Off, despite having sat on a prepared cloth. She then collects the sitting cloth and folds it neatly into a square before tucking it away and then nodding to Envoy. "I would like that. This area of town is safer than most, butI prefer the company of many when walking about at night. And your company is certainly a bonus."
Envoy stands up and fluffs out her wings a bit. "Thank you, Scarlet. Let's be off, to frighten the populace and carve a swath of adventure across the Crafter's Quarter!" She smiles wide and wiggles her ears as well.