Midsummer 16, 6107 RTR (Oct 14, 2009) While waiting in ambush for Djivan, Gunther is with the otter twins when they Level Up.
(Gunther) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania)

Nene and Bebe were thrilled when Gunther returned from the Gnarly Tree with a vial of the nasty 'bowel cleansing oil' that the witches brew. Despite still feeling a bit queasy, Gunther is dragged along by the twins to accomplish the second phase of the assignment: pouring the stuff into Djivan's cheese. They staked out the cheese stand, hidden in a barrel – which was a bit cramped for the three of them, and awkward for Gunther since the girls kept wanted to move around crawl over him to peek outside.

Morning passed into afternoon, and the stomachs of the Otter Scouts in Training began to rumble. There was no sign at all of the gypsy Skreek! "Maybe Emmett was wrong about him coming every day," Bebe suggested. "Nah I bet he doesn't come at all and Emmett is just seeing how long we'll stay in this barrel!" Nene counters.

"He's testing my endurance for being trapped with squirming otters!" Gunther claims and crosses his arms. Well, he would cross his arms, but it's more like he puts the otter twins into headlocks.

"Hey!" "Meep!" This only causes more squirming, until the barrel starts to tip over!

And so the stakeout turns into a squirming mess of wrestling Kadie and otters … even when the barrel tips over and starts to roll away! "Heheeheh!" cackles Gunther. Something seems a bit odd, though, if the otters stop to actually think about it. Gunther isn't actually trying to win.

It's hard for them to really notice this, however, as the barrel rolls over cobblestones until it hits the side of the central fountain and bursts open. This is not so rare an occurrence that people actually pause in their business, though – especially since Gunther and otters are involved.

And the wrestling actually continues on for another minute before Gunther even realizes they're out in the open. And it just so happens he has one of the girl's tails in his mouth where he was in mid (soft) bite. "Mrrrp?" he goes around the tail when he realizes it. He promptly spits out the tail and sits upright! "Nothing to see here!" he blurts.

This cry immediately makes everyone stop and stare. "What is Gunther doing to those girls, mommy?" asks a little Skeek girl. Her mother covers the girls eyes and says, "Don't look honey, or they'll come and steal your toys."

"We were just testing a new transportation mechanism!" Gunther claims, "Needs work!"

"I feel funny," Bebe moans, looking a little queasy. "Yeahhh… what's that smell too?" Nene adds, still laying across Gunther's lap.

Eventually, everyone moves along once it's clear there aren't going to be any exploding clothes like last time.

"Smell?" Gunther says quizzically. He even starts sniffing around, the otters included.

There is something slightly musty about the otters. Mustier than normal, anyway.

"That tickles!" Bebe complains, and pinches Gunther's nose.

"That's weird," Gunther notes and rubs his nose from the pinch. Never one to give up, though, … he practically buries his nose in Nene's neck and snorts loudly this time!

"Ack! Not in public Gunther," the girl replies, nearly falling over backwards into the fountain pool.

"Aha!" Bebe notes, looking smug. "I know what it is!" she proclaims.

Oblivious to any implications, Gunther declares, "The weird smell is you. Have you been playing in a new part of the swamp?"

"What, no, we… " Nene says, then sniffs herself and Bebe. "Oh… you mean… finally?" she whispers to her twin.

The two girls hug in front of Gunther, and shout out in unison, "OUR FIRST ESTRUS!"

Gunther sits there for a moment, jaw half-open in an apparent attempt to say something. Unfortunately all that comes out is "Buh?" After a fire more seconds he finally says, "Ex-Stress? I didn't think Akwavi ever got stressed."

"Don't be a doof!" Nene tells Gunther. "It means we're officially adults now!"

Gunther crosses his arms. "It's not my fault!" he claims.

"Of course it is!" Bebe declares, only to poked by Nene. "It's not your fault, Gunther," Nene notes. "It is a Wonderful Thing that men can't understand."

"It also means we have to report to the witch for that Shrine Maiden thing," Bebe points out.

"It's a wonderful thing to be stinky? My mother would disagree!" Gunther asserts.

"It is for Akwavi," Nene replies with a pout. "And yeah… we have to go appease the river something-or-others."

"We get to wear flowers and frolic naked!" Bebe recalls.

"I like being stinky," Gunther claims, still oblivious to the implication of the whole thing. The Kadie rubs at his left ear a bit as he asks, "Do you need an escort or anything to Isolde? I mean, what if someone tries to steal your ex-stress? Then you would be stressed again… "

"Yes, we need an escort," Nene claims, holding one webbed finger aloft. "And maybe something to eat. We can't go to the fish stand like this though. Emmett will tease us!"

"I could go get you something from the stand," Gunther offers.

"Thank you Gunther!" Bebe says, giving him a big hug. "Don't tell him about this though, okay Gunther?" Nene pleads.

"Why not?" Gunther asks as he's hugging Bebe.

"Because it means we can… you know… " Nene says, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "And have babies."

"Doesn't a baby require another Akwavi?" Gunther asks as he scratches his cheek. He finally detangles himself from the twins and dusts (well, tries to dust), himself off.

"Yes, that's why we don't want them to know!" Nene points out.

"Er, given all of you live close, won't he find out quickly anyway?" Gunther asks.

"We can get this stuff you rub onto… " Bebe starts to say, until Nene shushes her and instead says, "Isolde has stuff to hide the scent."

"Really? So this means … I have blackmail material!" Gunther cackles.

"You don't want to mess with us like that, Gunther," Nene says with a pout.

"Yeah, because we can get moody now," Bebe warns.

"Well, no," Gunther admits, "But it was a funny joke."

Gunther leans in and sniffs Nene again, just because. "It's a weird smell," he admits, " … sort of spicy-musty."

"Well, I'm a very spicy girl!" Nene notes proudly. "And I want a fish."

"What kind?" Gunther asks. "Just wait here and I'll go get 'em."

"Purple," Nene asks, while Bebe says, "Black!"

"Okay. So … where does Emmett keep his lunch at the shack?" Gunther then asks as he gets a wide grin. "Seems a shame to not use the oil… "

"Oooo, look for the box that says 'Emmett's Lunch' on it," Bebe suggests.

"Heheheheh," goes Gunther, "Just wait here, I'll be back!"

Oggton Bote Rentils
Just across the bridge from the gypsy camp is a small pier stretching out into the swamp. A dilapidated shack anchors it on the shore, and a few flat-bottomed swamp boats are moored there as well. A sign above the loose door of the shack reads 'Oggton Bote Rentils.'

As it is nearing noon, the booth is manned by Emmett Oggton, or at least by his feet, which are sticking out over the counter along with his tail.

So … Gunther tries to sneak up on the possibly sleeping otter. Best to poison the lunch before he wakes, after all!

Alas, just as Gunther is reaching for the wobbly looking door – a loud, rude noise erupts from within, followed by the sounds of Emmett stirring. "Oi, that was a good'un," the Akwavi notes, as the fishy flatulence wafts over Gunther. "Wot a waste with no'un else around though!"

Gunther is glad he hasn't eaten or that smell would cause him to lose his lunch. "Gah! That was awful," he complains and then swats Emmett's foot and tail. "You need to stuff a cork in that thing!"

"Hah, tried that with Jeb," Emmett claims, shifting around so he's leaning over the counter now. "Near took out my sister's eye… "

"Here to report on your mission, yeah?" the otter then asks the Kadie.

"You haven't tried a Wingnut cork!" Gunther asserts, "Guaranteed to stop up any leak!" Emmett's question gets a shake of the Kadie's head. "Here to get Nene and Bebe lunch. The rat's been a no show all day," he notes.

"Ah, was wonderin'," Emmett claims, and then asks, "What can I getcha then? Got mealy-cakes, fish… uh… more fish… "

"A black fish and a purple fish," Gunther states. He suddenly realizes Emmett's release may have spared explaining something else … why he smelled like ex-stressing otters. So, he just grins to himself.

"Purple fish, eh?" the otter notes, rubbing his chin. "Must be Nene. She has bold tastes, that one. I might have one back in the bin, hold on a tick." And with that, Emmett leaves the shack to waddle down the pier.

Gunther takes this chance to look for Emmett's lunch!

There is indeed a small wooden box (with many, many stains) with 'Emits Grub' burned into the lid.

Gunther starts to peer under the lid … then thinks better of it and starts examining it for traps, trigger lines, or even stray hairs to make it look untampered.

It's hard to say what could be a trap – the shelf the box sits on is full of junk, fishing lines, old netting and dead bits of bait. There are even a pair of socks next to it, despite Akwavi never wearing any.

"Must be the rat's," Gunther remarks. He looks in the direction Emmett went, and if it looks clear, he tries to pour a little bit of the bowel blasting oil on the food in the box…

No sign of Emmett's return yet. Inside the box is… a simple looking knife, and glob of some sort of meal-cake. It might be grits, or fish eggs – or a wobbly combination of the two. There is no fish, since obviously he can just get one when he needs it.

Gunther tries to pour just a tiny bit of the oil on the cake and smear it around to conceal it…

The stuff sticks to his fingers a bit, but the oil gets worked in eventually. He can hear someone coming back down the pier now as well.

Gunther quickly closes up the box and wipes his hand repeatedly on his shorts. The oil vial goes back into a pocket and the Kadie resumes staring at the socks on the shelf.

The socks sit there, innocently. One is green with purple stripes, and the other is yellow (or maybe it was white once) with red polka-dots.

"What's with the socks?" Gunther calls out.

"What socks?" Emmett calls back, carrying three wiggling fish.

"These socks," Gunther says and points at said socks.

The live fish go on the counter, and Emmett says, "Those aren't socks! What makes you think those are socks?"

"They look like socks," Gunther states.

"Do you wear socks?" Emmett asks the Kadie.

"No," Gunther says.

"Do you know anyone who wears socks?" the otter asks next.

"The rat," Gunther says.

"Well, he has socks," Emmett admits. "I don't know that he actually wears them though."

"Anyway, these are clearly mittens," Emmett claims.

"For what? I guess it's because of your finger-web-stuff," Gunther says as he goes to examine the fish on the counter.

"Fish-mittens, of course," the otter says. There are three fish still flopping about on the counter. A small purple one, a black one… and a golden-brown one with three eyes all on one side of its head.

Gunther wipes his hands again, then tries to pick up the fish. "Why three fish?" the Kadie asks, "There are only two girls… "

Emmett puts the socks on the ends of his hands, makes fists, and proceeds to knock the fish senseless with them. "Oh, the third is for Midge! You can deliver it for me, right? It could be the Right Fish for her! I mean, it's got three eyes, so it's a real looker, get it?"

Gunther actually laughs. "Sure, I can drop it by on the way back," he claims as he gathers up the now senseless (and thankfully not moving), fish. "So Midge is your new conquest?" he asks.

"What? No, of course not," Emmett says, standing up straight. "It's the principle of the thing! I have to compete with that Jack fellow she's been hanging out with."

"Reeaaaally?" Gunther asks with a devious tone in his voice. "You think Jack is a threat? He does wear pants… "

"Yeah, stuff like that makes him… I dunno… 'phisticated or something!" Emmett complains. "Midge is too good for someone like that! She deserves an Oggton."

"You haven't even seen all his treasures," Gunther points out, "Bet the stuff he has is worth a small fortune! And I even hear he somehow bought Aiken from Curiel!"

"Plus, he flirted with my sister too," Emmett grumbles. "Ah, Aiken is a Kadie. You lot are always up to crazy stuff like that! And having treasure is un-Akwavi!"

"You sound jealous of him," Gunther notes.

"He was raised by Kavis I bet," Emmett claims, his whiskers vibrating at the notion of him being jealous of anyone!

"I heard he was even related to you," Gunther claims.

"Distantly," Emmett replies, crossing his arms.

"Then he must be Akwavi! I also heard he's … like … university educated or something," Gunther adds.

"Akwavi learn on their feet, and bums, in the swamp!" Emmett claims, and then snorts through his nose. "I ain't ever even seen him swim. And… he removes all the good bits from a fish before he eats it. I hear he even cooks 'em up. Not a proper fry either, but something weird called pouching or pooching or sumtin'."

"Why don't you challenge him to a test of Akwaviness, then!" Gunther declares, "Like swimming or something."

"Well… fishing and swimming, yeah," Emmett muses, rubbing his chin (with a mitten-sock). "I could do that! I'll get on that. Thanks Gunther! When you need advice on competin', go to a Kadie I say."

"Of course, he might beat you," Gunther points out.

"Unpossible!" Emmett claims, sticking his chest out. "I'm the fastest, bestest there is – at my age!"

"Isn't he older than you?" Gunther asks, "So … if he beat you, wow. You would have to be his servant or something!"

"It don't work like that!" Emmett barks. "These fish won't stay stunned fer'ever you know. What'll you give me for 'em?"

"I'll swipe something from that Jack fellow," Gunther claims, "Maybe something that'll give you an edge against 'em!"

"Okay, but make sure it's shiny," Emmett agrees with a nod of his head.

"You got it!" Gunther says as he darts off. First stop, Midge to give here ol' googly-eye.

Back in town, Midge is manning the Silverfoot vegetable stand, as always. Despite her recent adventures, she still looks kind of bored, and is twirling her tail-tip with her fingers.

"Hey, Midge!" Gunther calls out as he darts up. "Emmett wanted you to have this!" he claims and thrusts the three-eyed fish at her.

"Augh!" Midge startles out of her reverie. "Gunther! Is that for me? Wow, it's got three eyes!" the girl says when she finally focuses on Gunther. "I didn't know you cared! It's a very nice fish, but what would Nene and Bebe think?"

"No-no, it's from Emmett. I'm just delivering it! He's all worried you like that weird Jack fellow," Gunther says hurriedly.

"Ohhh," Midge says, nodding. Then she asks, "What? Jack? Emmett is worried? I haven't, like, snogged him or anything yet… "

"Yeah, but he's sill worried. He's all competitive about 'em," Gunther notes. "You don't like that outsider do you?"

"Oh, Mr. Jack is a sweet fellow, and doesn't even grope or pinch," Midge relates. "I wonder if he's ever been with a girl, since he's so timid. But he sure has nice stuff. He brought me a grass skirt you know… "

"He's still an outsider!" Gunther claims, "Anyway, I gotta see to the twins, they're waiting on their fish an I don't want them getting all moody or something."

"Good luck with them, Gunther," Midge says. "I hope you have sturdy lips."

"Why do I need sturdy lips?" Gunther asks, mid-step.

"Oh… you'll know when it happens," Midge says with a bright, cheery smile.

Gunther darts off back towards the fountains. Akwavi are sure weird. Ex-stressing and needing sturdy lips and all.

The girls are laying on their backs on the edge of the fountain, each with one foot in the water, and moaning in unison. "Sooo hungry… "

"Fish patrol!" Gunther blurts as he runs circles around the fountain! "Just say who's the greatest Kadie in the world and you'll get a treat!"

"Amelia!" Bebe claims, making a dive for Gunther, while Nene, naturally, says, "Gunther is! Because he brings us fish!"

Gunther darts to the side and pirouettes. "Nene gets her fish first," he says, "She answered right!" And so he digs out the purple fish and dangles it just above Nene's nose!

Nene pounces for the fish! "Fishy!" she chirps.

And Gunther lets it go to the pouncing otter! Again the Kadie spins around and eyes Bebe.

Bebe is on all fours, trying to sneak up behind the squirrel.

Gunther taps his toes. "Now is that polite?" he asks. "Maybe I should just eat the fish… " And … he even sticks the tail in his mouth so that the fish is hanging from his teeth against his chin. Of course it's a few seconds after that he realizes the stupidity of that move. The taste just hit him … and his stomach makes an ominous gurgle…

Bebe takes that moment to launch herself right at Gunther's midsection in a tackle attempt.

Gunther goes down like a sack of spuds! Alas the fish only goes further into his mouth and he starts coughing and gagging as he tries to spit it out!

Luckily, Bebe is there to yank on the other end of the fish while sitting on Gunther's chest. "Spit it out!" he yells.

"Pthooie!" goes Gunther and out goes the fish! It doesn't even have any noticeable bite marks.

Once the fish is in Bebe's hands… well, Gunther's face gets a bit splattered with flying bits, and she's still sitting on his chest.

"Ack, ew! Can't you eat without bits going everywhere?" Gunther complains, "I'm going to smell like fish!"

Nene comes over… and starts licking some of the fish bits off of Gunther's face.

"That's a good smell though," Bebe claims, through her full mouth.

"Ack! They're trying to eat me!" Gunther claims.

"So stop complaining so loud," replies a passing Skeek merchant.

"I'm not a fish!" Gunther complains.

Nene finishes quickly, and then kisses Gunther right on the lips! "Thanks for the fish, Gunther," she says. "You're still coming with us to see Isolde too, right?"

Gunther actually stills at being kissed. "I feel weird," he admits when she releases his lips. The question takes a bit longer for him to answer, but he does, "Yes, I said I would."

"We should go then," Bebe says, wiping her mouth off on her forearm. Both girls have made the fish (except for bits of shrapnel) vanish, bones and all.

"You're still sitting on me," Gunther points out, "And, uhm, wow, from, this position I can really smell … er, we had better go!"


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 29 days before Unity Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)