19 Dec. Jezebel has much news for Zoltan.
(Rephidim) (Zoltan)
Nicodemus' Shiny Shoppe
Perhaps none but a Vartan could fully appreciate this strange little store nestled in the Scholar's Quarter of Rephidim City. From the street, one can see a few windows of polished horn (with a look of amber), and others with stained glass patterns of Vartans in heroic poses, holding up glittering jewels, the captions in reverse from the street. A sign identifies the proprietor of this store as Nicodemus, and anyone who knows him expects a strange Cervani-Vartan crossbreed … purportedly just enough Vartan to be able to appreciate their particular interests, but just enough Cervani to be able to part with the shiny baubles (and useful tools and implements) he sells to his almost exclusively Vartan clientele. It's a bit of a specialized market, admittedly, but none caters to it better than he. Inside, the shop is a marvel of glittering trinkets, not necessarily of any material value, but of a wide range of colors and appropriate sizes, catching the light just like so.

The chimes on the front door jangle noisily, but not noisily enough to cover up the sound of an enthusiastic squeal of a young kitten who bursts in, adorned in the uniform of a very young member of the Temple Scouts, Pouncer. She immediately makes a bee-line toward a shelf that holds no goods for sale, but rather her much-beloved (and demonstrably durable) stuffed bug, which she has lovingly named –


Pouncer demonstrates by giving the bug a crushing hug, which causes its stuffed eyes to "bug out" and its "tongue" to similarly inflate, making a rather unpleasant noise. But Pouncer loves it all the same, and hugs it again and again. "Gish! Gish! GISH!"

An elderly Vartan couple looking at some crystal hangings nearby turn, and smile at the enthusiastic little spotted feline. To many, Pouncer elicits bewildered reactions, but to the regular clientele of the shop, the spotted – and noisy – kitten is a common sight. So is her brother, who pads up and gives Pouncer a brotherly greeting – namely, by grabbing her tail and yanking it as hard as he can.

Pouncer YOWLS, then spins around, but not in time to catch the perpetrator, who scampers off, giggling, for the back room.

A black-feathered head pops out of the curtain at the sound of the noise. He looks at the cub running towards him, and then casts another glance at his sister. "Think of it this way," he squawks to Pouncer. "If he pulls on your tail enough it might stretch out do you can lasso him with it when he runs away."

Pouncer glowers … but despite her best efforts, she can't maintain her wall of kittenly seriousness against the absurd image that Zoltan's suggestion evokes. She snorts, then begins giggling, as Gish's eyes bug in and out with each laughing convulsion.

Zoltan grins and emerges from out of the curtained room. He kneels down and pats his knee, "So… tell me how the Scouts went for you today. Any more secret missions? Oop… sorry, I forgot."

The door opens again, as a Savanite slips in. Outside, the sky is already growing dark, as night comes all that much more quickly at this time of year when Rephidim has drifted this far north, even though it's not all that long since Pouncer's classes let out. The Savanite wears a black cloak and hood, and a collar that identifies her as property of Zoltan. She smiles faintly as she comes across the Vartan and cub.

Pouncer, not noticing the new arrival just yet, bounds over to Zoltan, and starts squawking in chopped and often unintelligible attempts at sentences. Only with a great deal of imagination can any semblance of the day's adventures be picked out, but by the choice of words, a great deal of imagination has already gone into it regardless.

Zoltan makes a few 'ooooh!' and 'ahhhhh!' faces for Pouncer's benefit, inwardly happy that the cub is happy in the Scouts. He smiles at Jezebel and gently sets the jaguar cub back on the floor. "Go play with your brother," he whispers to Pouncer. "And try not to squish his Fuff'nar too much."

By the prominence of certain words, it would seem that smashing bugs senseless SOMEHOW got worked into every activity of the day, though surely the Temple doesn't have that sort of a pest problem. Though, perhaps the Scouts went on an outing. However, considering how enthusiastically Pouncer hugs Zoltan's leg and then bounds off to play with (or torment) her little brother, it probably wasn't a field trip, or the cub would have been ready to head off for a nap right away. She stops to wave vigorously, and then darts in behind the curtain.

Jezebel approaches as Pouncer departs, bowing her head to Zoltan. She waits until the elderly Vartan couple has moved a bit further on to look at more shiny crystal hangings, then signs, with a serious expression on her face, "Much is happening in the City. Twilight-Wing has been unable to reach Moon-Brow, as he wished, but I am needed in the Savan."

The black Vartan keeps smiling until Pouncer vanishes behind the curtain, then his expression turns much more somber. He looks back to the Savanite, "Why he been unable to reach her?" he signs.

Jezebel frowns, looks around again, then signs, "He has traced her to the Dome. Of that he is certain. But the Friend, as the master of that place is called, is well-protected against the intrusions of users of magic – even one of Twilight-Wing's power, as he is acting alone. The risk of discovery is too great." She pauses, then signs, "I can be certain that my sister must not be a user of magic, or else she would have been discovered and dealt with by now."

Zoltan mirrors Jezebel's expression and motions to the curtained room. "Private… better," he signs.

The Savanite lets out a breath, relieved to be in more private surroundings. She sits down on a large cushion, massaging her legs a bit. After a bit, she begins signing again. "Not all the rumors of the Savan are true, but enough of them are. There are many changes taking place. A Nagai noble has, as a boon, asked of the Emperor-Potentate that Savanites be recognized as having certain rights, and possibly even freedom, so long as they each receive a mark."

"The Emperor of the Nagai," Jezebel signs, looking at Zoltan directly, "has seen fit to grant these requests. It has made many Nagai angry. I hear there have been riots, and a number of 'accidents' that cost the lives of many Savanites. There is much hope, but also much turmoil."

Zoltan sits himself across from Jezebel, adjusting his wings a bit for comfort. "Seems like Naga scheme to me. I not trust it entirely."

Jezebel nods. "Nor do I. But I do not know what to think. Neither do my people."

"Maybe they fear slave revolt, or want to ruin slave market for everyone and make it so Empire only place to get slaves," Zoltan continues, the feathers on his neck bristling a bit. "Sweet words from snake mouth not mean that there not poison fangs hiding inside somewheres."

Zoltan shakes his head, clearing his mind of such thoughts for the moment. "Would you like me to fly to Faraon's Dome and try and get Moon-Brow? How you think she react if I tell her I taking her to see you?"

Jezebel winces. "I do not think she would be happy. To rescue her from the Dome, I am sure you would need her full cooperation. It is too dangerous."

Nonetheless, Jezebel seems deep in thought after the suggestion, gazing away for a moment at nothing in particular.

"But you say she have no magic then? That mean it must have been Necropolis that give Fire-Mane that… thing that attack you." An angry sounding snort comes from the Vartan's nose as he recalls the thought of some evil magic thing in his house, attacking his children and his closest friend.

Jezebel shudders, but then signs, "That was certainly not Moon-Brow. It must have been the monster."

The dark-haired Savanite absently reaches up with one hand, in between signing, rubbing lightly with it against her throat and collar.

Grumbling a bit more, Zoltan continues to sign. "I been trying to get information on Necropolis, trying to find out if there some way I can at least rid Rephidim of her influence so I know Pouncer be alrights when we go to Savan. His ears perk at Jezebel's gesture, "Have you healed alrights?"

Jezebel nods. "I have healed fine, though I will always have reminders." She smirks mirthlessly. "But what is another scar among so many?"

Zoltan nods his head, signing, "How Twilight-Wing plan to get us to Savan anyhow? Is no like we can just hop on airship and ask to go to City of Hands."

Jezebel smirks. "Well, actually, that's what I'm planning on doing. I intend to use some rumors to my advantage."

"Do tell… " Zoltan signs, making an earflick gesture that is somewhat equivalent to arching an eyebrow.

Jezebel signs, "As with anything, it's risky, and I want to work out a contingency plan in case of dismal failure. But it seems there are several nervous people who are worrying about what may happen – hypothesizing that somehow suddenly all Savanites will be declared free. There are many people totally ignorant about how laws work, and that the Emperor's whim in Nagai has no real effect on laws here."

Jezebel continues, looking to Zoltan as if for approval, "Twilight-Wing can play upon these fears. He can make the improbable seem reasonable, given impressionable minds … and hopefully for just long enough to pull off the biggest Savanite exodus from Rephidim yet."

The dark-haired Savanite digs through her robes, pulling out a leather packet that she opens, revealing a sheaf of certificates.

"Sounds like a good plan. I was afraid you was going to have Twilight-Wing zap ship full of people and make them think they going on pleasure cruise to Abu Dhabi." The Vartan balks a bit, then resumes signing. "I think I still going to try and take a trip to Faraon's Dome to get you sister… at very least, I fear that Necropolis knows about her being here and might take her wrath against us out on her when we leave."

Zoltan leans forward to examine the certificates.

Jezebel, despite herself, can't help but smile a bit at the 'pleasure cruise' suggestion, but she looks more serious at the mention of Necropolis. "If that is what you wish to do, I will assist you however possible. I do not wish for my sister to remain in that place. Twilight-WIng has learned that she is a gardener – She works with plants that have medicinal properties … and which are used for largely 'recreational' purposes." Jezebel frowns.

Remembering herself, Jezebel breaks off from that line of thought, and hands over the sheaf. "Congratulations," she signs. "You are now the proud owner of Rephidim's largest private collection of Savanites."

"Do you know if she an addict?" his signs quickly trail off as he looks over the papers. He smirks a bit, "I not going to have the Audit come and take Master's shop because someone put it up as collateral for the slaves, is I?"

Jezebel seems to miss the first question, but smirks at the second. "No, actually, you put up an airship as collateral – a slaver ship of very questionable construction. And your name is Cambios Herbir, I'm afraid. A Vartan that hasn't been seen in quite some time, but who happens to almost match your description, and has a slightly similar name."

"And how, Zoltan signs, smirking, "did you gets you hands on slave ship? Or is I better off not knowing?"

Zoltan ponders that name; it's the same Wynona called him by. Hmm, well, if Wynona knew him then he probably isn't that bad of a guy.

"Actually," signs Jezebel, "I didn't. But Cambios Herbir somehow did, just never had the funds to get it out of dry dock. It happens to have attached to it a great deal of debt, but it will be a while before that comes up, I think – since the creditors have no idea they'll be able to collect, since they think Cambios Herbir was burned up over the Himaat."

"Of course," Jezebel signs, "this has taken quite a bit of foot-work. It helps to have so many contacts – many of whom are here thanks to Cambios Herbir – that benefit directly from any help and information they give me."

The black Vartan sighs a bit. "Here thanks to him? I not going to have to worry about getting throat cut in sleep when I go with you, is I?"

Jezebel rolls her eyes, smirking. "Not at all. This is a ruse, of course. You are putting on a show for the Rephidimites – not the Savanites you are liberating. You're the hero, not the villain. I think I can get that point across to my new subjects."

Zoltan drums his fingers nervously against his beak before raising his hands to sign, "Cambios not his real first name, was it?"

Jezebel nods. "Yes. Cambios Herbir. It's a first name, not a last name like yours, though."

Every feather on Zoltan's body suddenly sticks out.

"I figure," Jezebel signs, "If anybody recognizes you, you can do some verbal juggling so that they'll just think there was a case of mistaken identity. Zoltan CAMBIOS … CAMBIOS Herbir … two black Vartans. That sort of thing."

"H-how old was he?" Zoltan says softly, his hands clenched too tightly to sign.

Jezebel shrugs. "I have no idea, really. I gather he'd been in the business for quite a long time, considering the age of some of the slaves who were captured by him."

"From what I learned," Jezebel signs, "He was a bit … unstable. Not a fellow you would want to get to know very well for very long."

Zoltan doesn't seem to be looking at Jezebel's signs anymore; he's staring blankly at a spot near her feet.

Jezebel frowns, stooping down, waving her hands in an attempt that unofficially means "Hello? Anybody in there?" more or less.

Zoltan abruptly stands up and starts mechanically walking toward the the doorway that leads to the alley behind the shop, oblivious to the fact that the door is closed. "I… think I need some air… lots and lots of air."

Jezebel leaps up, sprinting to the door, opening it for the Vartan in the nick of time.

Staggering outside, Zoltan waits until he's sure he's out of the line of sight of his cubs – he then promptly collapses to his knees and starts slamming his fists against the ground. ( No… no… no… not father! You were so perfect… I was the bad one! No no no… )

Jezebel's ears flatten back. Her tail poofs out. Her eyes show fear. The sky islands may have just as well thrown themselves from the sky, for the surprise in her expression. She drops to her knees as well, visibly torn about what to do.

The Vartan eventually tires himself and just lies in the alley, hugging his bleeding fists around his shoulders. "Not him," he sobs. "Can't be… couldn't be… "

Jezebel crawls over to the Vartan, touching his shoulder, then just hugging him – something like how she would hug one of the cubs, except for the obvious fact that Zoltan is big enough to crush Jezebel like Gish.

Zoltan practically melts into Jezebel's arms. "Cambios was my father's name… " he says softly, then lets his voice break into more gasping sobs.

Jezebel's expression is confused. Since her arms are full, she can't elaborate on it, but perhaps she wouldn't have much to 'say' anyway.

Zoltan sniffs, trying to put himself back together after being 'shattered', so to speak. "Father left when I was very very young. I thought he died… " he wipes at his wet cheek with a hand, smearing blood across his face. "With Vartans… last name comes from father's first name. Cambios Herbir… Zoltan Cambios… "

Jezebel's ears pale as the realization sinks in. She keeps her arms around the big Vartan, though (or as far as they'll reach), rather than freeing them. She leans her head against his feathers.

He screws his eyes tightly shut for a moment, takes a deep breath and then gently pushes Jezebel away, just far enough so she can read his signs. "Tell me about him. Keep nothing back… I want to know truth."

Jezebel takes a moment to try to regain her own composure, then signs, "He was a crew member on the Rotten Eye." She pauses.

Zoltan feels woozy for a moment, but the biting pain in his hands manage to keep him focused. He just nods and makes a 'go on', motion with one hand.

Jezebel sighs, then signs, "When I tricked Speaker and sent him away to the Rotten Eye with our captured enemies … and their families … " Her gaze drops in shame. "… and when Speaker led a revolt on the ship, only some of the fliers escaped, Herbir being one of them. According to the survivors, it was Herbir who ripped open the envelope so that the ship would crash. Over half of the slaves died."

"How did he die?" Zoltan says slowly, his stomach starting to twist.

"Later," Jezebel signs, "He signed onto a Temple-aligned airship headed to Abu Dhabi, owned by a noble, commanded by his son, Kazhir." She seems to put a special emphasis on the phonetic sign for the name "Kazhir".

Zoltan, seemingly numb, just nods again.

Jezebel signs, "The ship exploded over the Himaat Desert. At first, there were believed to be no survivors, but there were, in fact, three: an Exile Fox, Kazhir, and the ship's air mage. According to the mage, the ship was destroyed by a group of Savanites who put flame to the envelope of the ship to destroy it, sealing their own doom as well as the rest on board the ship. The air mage did not see any fliers escape the explosion. She herself was carried away by some magical effect of a spell she was casting."

"I believe the story," Jezebel signs, "because of what I have indirectly learned from those close to Azhtar. She wrote a letter to the Exile Fox, for some reason being smitten with him, and believing him to be a great hero. Her letter instructed him how to contact Savanites in Abu Dhabi, part of the 'underground', so that he might help them." Jezebel's face wrinkles into a frown of scorn.

"She was blinded, of course," Jezebel comments. "She assumed that he would destroy the letter upon reading its secrets. Instead, he kept it as a keepsake. Somehow, Kazhir, the young noble, must have come to possess it. I can only guess that perhaps some of the slaves learned of this and decided to take matters into their own hands to protect the secrets so carelessly revealed."

The Vartan suddenly bolts up and shoves his head into one of the empty crates, the emotions too much to bear for his stomach. He chokes, gags, and then slumps down to the ground again. "I m-met The fox and Kazhir, touched the letter with own hands… had no idea then that I touched thing that killed my father." His face grimaces again, as though his stomach was about to protest again, but he manages to hold it down. "A pirate… he died a murdering pirate… "

Jezebel jerks back, kicking at the ground with her feet, then catches her nerves again. She signs, "Kazhir do Varomanov. His father owns one of the largest airship merchant fleets in Rephidim – and Sinai at large. … He made some sort of bargain with a Khattan Lord, to blackmail Azhtar and her allies, with this information. She's been forced to play lackey to them, using her contacts to spy for them."

Jezebel's steam runs out, as she finishes signing the abbreviated story, which the Vartan might not even be watching anyway. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"I almost killed him. Had my hands around poodle's throat." Zoltan half laughs and half cries. He takes another deep breath and raises his shaky hands to sign, "Azhtar… now she gone, blackmail not done anymore?"

Jezebel shakes her head, then answers, "No. She's not free. There are too many who would suffer if she tried to escape the 'contract'. I would very much like to neutralize this threat, but the Khattan Lord is a Himaatian wanderer."

Jezebel shakes her head. "Don't punish yourself, Zoltan. You had no way of knowing any of this."

Zoltan nods, pausing to spit out some of the sickly taste from his mouth. "But… I not remember him like that. He was perfect, wasn't a pirate… " He lets his signs trail off for a moment as his mind starts to race.

Jezebel signs, "Maybe it wasn't the same Vartan. Just a case of mistaken identity. A coincidence."

"How many black Vartans you know of with name Cambio? You learn with Shokar about how rare my colors are… almost as rare as you." He reaches up and taps a spot on the middle of his forehead, equivalent to the spot where Jezebel's third eye is.

Jezebel's gaze drops. "I did not realize I would hurt you so badly, Zoltan. You don't deserve that – not after all you've done for me. Please forgive me."

"No… you not done anything wrong," Zoltan says, reaching out to pat Jezebel's shoulder. "Is rather I hear this from a friend than an enemy… " He takes in another deep breath. "I'll atone for him," he signs, squeezing every bit of clarity he can out of his handsigns, as if he was making some kind of formal proclamation. "You know I've been training; mentally and physically. I'm stronger then I've ever been in my whole lif. My instructor at the range says I might be good enough to hold my own with one of the Champions if I was stupid enough to try. I'll atone for everything, by freeing every Savanite he ever enslaved and protecting all of you from people who walk in his ways. I swear this to you."

Jezebel hugs the Vartan again, closing her eyes as she presses her head against his feathers.

The Vartan pulls himself back up to his feet – one hand rests on Jezebel's shoulder as if for support, although he'd probably sent the both of them tumbling down if he actually put his weight down. "Now then," he says, heading back inside. "Let's talk abouts our travel plans. I want to make sure I gots enough time to do some important things in Rephidim first… "


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)