19 Unity, 6107 RTR (Jan 02, 2005) Olivia goes to the Gypsy camp to speak with Madame Natasha about her vision, and also to visit Djivan
(Gunther) (Madame Natasha) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (The Return of Valicross)

    Olivia's room
    Inside this room are several pieces of well-worn furniture, inherited from past occupants: a bed, a long, squat dresser with a slice of mirror hung above it, and a small desk and chair. The rest of the room is decorated in what can best be described as "controlled chaos." Canvases cover most of the wall space, on which have been glued odd assortments of buttons, twine, bits of colored cloth, autumn leaves, pebbles of varying sizes, etc. Some of this "art" represents recognizable figures but most are unlike anything ever seen before. Overflowing bags stuffed with cloth scraps sit near the doorway, while more cloth, bobbins of thread, yarn, and ribbons cover the surface of the desk. Located next the bed is something that might be a nightstand (judging from the trinkets resting on it), but it too is built from a mish-mash of smaller elements, twisting around and around like a corkscrew and then widening and flattening at the top.

Dawn came far too early for poor Olivia. She probably only got three, maybe four, hours of sleep before the morning noise at the Weaver compound woke her. Still, now she's up whether she likes it or not. Time to face the future! Well, maybe the future. One can never be too sure about these things.

Olivia groans and blinks herself fully awake. "I'll need to go to sleep earlier tonight if I want to make it through the next few days," she yawns, then throws her blankets aside before hopping out of bed. It takes her a bit longer than usual to pull on her clothes (in garish shades of yellows and pinks today, mitigated by a bit of white) but at last she is ready for whatever might come her way. She hopes.

No one really comes to bother Olivia this morning, well, except for the occasional 'woowoo!' being shouted when one of the other Weavers walks by her room. Apparently, they're not going to let her live down last night. It's probably around 8am, and hopefully the gypsies will be awake by now.

"Of course everyone would just have to be listening by their doors last night," Olivia grumbles to herself, letting herself out of her room and making a quick swing by the kitchens for something to eat on the way to the gypsy camp. In about ten more minutes (and several suggestive jokes later by her fellow apprentices) she is munching on a bit of nut bread and a handful of berries as she walks over to visit Djivan and Natasha.

On her way out of town, Olivia spots someone leaning against a tree and looking rather dour. The figure, which is unfortunately Gunther Kettenrad, notices Olivia and pushes himself off the tree and marches toward her. "YOU!" he accuses. "I hear you had a date last night."

Olivia swallows the last of her bread and pops a few berries into her mouth before answering. "So has half of the rest of the town," she says wryly. "But let me guess – you got the information from one of the Oggtons?"

"My informants shall not be named," Gunther retorts as he puts his hands on his hips. "You … you … two-timer!"

Olivia thoughtfully munches on a few more berries before answering, "As usual, Gunther, I have no idea of what you're talking about! Two-timing who?"

"Me!," Gunther declares, puffing up as he has the tendency to do. "Or have you forgotten we went on a date, hmm?"

Olivia blinks at Gunther a few times, then smacks her forehead. "Oh, that's right!" she exclaims. "The dinner over at your parents' house. Well, that was kind of a date but you didn't take it seriously, did you?" She pauses and looks at Gunther's puffed-out fur and indignant look. "Errr, you didn't… did you?"

Gunther sniffs loudly and turns his head in an 'I'm ignoring you' fashion. "I'm hurt," he says indignantly. "You're just like the Akwavi said, you like 'bad boys'. Probably to recruit them for your horde."

"Wait, wait," Olivia says, rubbing one of her temples. "You're telling me… that you have a crush on me? And you took that 'dinner date' seriously? C'mon, Gunther – the only reason you asked me there is because you wanted to keep an eye on me! You said so yourself!"

Gunther waves his hand dismissively. "Feh. You just go enjoy your bad boy," he says and spins on his feet, then starts to walk away. "My plans are my own, hmph!"

Olivia puts the rest of her berries into her pocket (since it appears she won't be finishing them soon) and calls after him, "Gunther, look, I'm sorry things didn't go as you planned. You know, if you really like a girl, you should just tell her that! Then you avoid confusion and can find out for sure whether or not she really likes you."

Gunther stops and looks over his shoulder. "Hmph. I was keeping my eye on you. And, you… you, sneaked off without me knowing it!" he retorts. "I can't believe you were able to do that! You, you!" Boy does he look flustered.

Olivia comes up behind him and very gingerly puts a hand on his shoulder (in case he should try to stalk off again or poke her with some hidden implement). "Well, my date and I wanted to be alone," she explains as gently as she can. "You get pretty good at sneaking when you want a little privacy. I, um, just hope this won't keep us from being friends… well, such as we are. You know, after all this, I'm not quite sure what we are now! But I can tell you for certain that I didn't mean for you to think that we were a couple. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."

Gunther turns and pokes Olivia's nose. "It just means I'll have to keep a closer eye on you. I underestimated your sneakiness," he says, still looking rather puffy. "Who knows what evil you've plotted while I was unaware!"

Olivia rubs her nose and sighs in relief. "There's the Gunther we all know and wonder about," she says, grinning. "Well, anyway, I've got to get going. And I'm sure there are other plots you need to uncover for the safety of all Stonebarrow. Sorry again for the confusion. I'll see ya around!"

"No, you won't! But, I'll still be there!" Gunther declares. And with that, The Kadie bounds off into the forest and disappears.

"No, I think I'll see you one way or another… especially if you keep yelling at me or trying to break down my door!" Olivia laughs to herself. With that, she goes back to eating her breakfast and walking towards the gypsy camp.

Olivia could swear she hears a raspberry as she walks off. The remainder of the trip is uneventful and after another fifteen minutes or so, she's on the outskirts of the camp. A few folks are milling about, so it looks like they are waking up and moving about. Of course, it's at this moment she remembers she doesn't know which wagon is Djivan's…

Olivia looks around the camp and thinks for a moment, to see if she can pick out Liliana's wagon, instead. She should know that one since she was in it to get her ears pierced, after all. If the Eee is awake and there, she could ask her about Djivan's or Natasha's wagon.

That wagon she can find. It's the one with lots of little dangly things hanging off it that blow in the wind. It's just across the way.

Olivia picks her way across the camp to Lili's wagon and knocks tentatively at the door. "Lili, are you there? It's Olivia!" she calls softly. "I hope I'm not waking you up?"

There's some movement within the wagon from the sounds of things. After a moment, the door opens and Olivia finds herself looking into the face of a black furred Eeee with glowing red eyes, but it's not Liliana; as this one is older. There are obvious similarities, though. "Eh? Oh, ves. Liliana is out dis morning, doing a bit o' hunting. Vou must be one o' her town friends, yes?" she asks.

Olivia startles a little before finding her wits again and dropping a curtsy. "Oh! Yes sir, I am. My name is Olivia Weaver, from Stonebarrow. I just wanted to ask Liliana for directions to two other wagons, that's all. I didn't mean to bother anyone."

"Ma'am," the Eee corrects Olivia and smiles, amused, "But, I know it hard to tell with us Eee, ves?" She opens the door and comes out. She dresses more conservatively than Liliana does, that much is apparent, but she moves just like her. "I vould be her mother, Luminitsa. Pleasure to meet vou," she adds. "Vou haven' ; Liliana gets up early and is jus' out. Perhaps I can help vou?"

Olivia grins a bit in embarrassment at her confusion about Eee genders. "Er, yes, ma'am. Sorry about that. You are only the third Eee I've ever seen. It was hard to tell by only your face at first. Anyway… yes, could you please tell me which wagons are Djivan's and Madame Natasha's?"

"Ve are used it it. No harm done," Luminitsa replies and pats Olivia's shoulder. "An' ves, I can help vou," she says and points toward one of the wagons that's slightly further away from all the others, painted in dark colors, and looks the best repaired of the lot. "Dat is Madame Natasha's," she says. She then points toward another wagon, which is a bit faded and worn (and leans slightly to the side). "An dat be Djivan's, the scoundrel."

Olivia thanks the older Eee, but can't help adding, "Djivan, the scoundrel? Is he really as bad as all that?"

"Vell, he like to pretend so, but no," the Eee replies, grinning mischievously. "I jus call him dat. He been Lili's friend forever, seems like. Dey always get each other into trouble."

Olivia thinks about Clover and Parsley Chalk and returns Luminitsa's grin. "Ah, just one half of Double Trouble. I know some others like that! Well, thanks again for the directions. If I have time on the way out of camp, I'll stop by again and say hello to Liliana."

"All righ', have fun. Don' mind de socks on Djivan's walls," Luminitsa says and winks. She turns and heads back up into the wagon and closes the door.

Olivia's grin fades as she settles her shoulders and marches straight over to Natasha's wagon first. Better to get this talk out of the way and then visit with Djivan, who might want to keep her, er, occupied for a while. At the front of the wagon, she raps on that door, too.

"Come in, Miss Weaver," comes the lilting voice of Madame Natasha from somewhere inside. "De door is open."

Olivia starts to ask how Natasha knew it was her, but she thinks the better of it and pushes the door wide to peer inside. "Um, hello, Madame Natasha. I've come to speak with you for a while, if that's all right?"

    Madame Natasha's Wagon
    Dark. Very, very dark. The Khatta seems to prefer to keep the lights low in her somber wagon. The walls are draped in black fabric with arcane silver-ish symbols. In the center of the wagon sits a round table that's about enough to seat three people around it. In the center of the table rests a crystal ball. A few feet behind the table hangs another sheet of dark fabric, presumably for keeping her bedding and personal items away from prying eyes.

On the table is set a small pot of tea and a couple of glasses. "I know," says the black Khatta sitting at the far side of the table. She waves her hand slightly and mumbles something. A few candles in the room flicker to life. Except it's not really flame. No heat can be felt from them, and they flicker a cold, pale, blue. "Please, sit down, an ves, it's fine."

Olivia makes a silent 'oh!' with her mouth before stepping inside the wagon and pulling the door shut behind her. She comes hesitantly to the table and sits in a chair. "Thank you," she says. "I just wanted to ask you a few things about the vision you've had about someone in Stonebarrow. Someone that my friend Amelia Blacktail knows, I think it was?"

"Please, have some tea first," the Khatta says and motions towards the pot. Natasha then closes up a book she was apparently reading. From what little Olivia can see of it, it's ornately bound, and the language on the cover appears to be Standard, not Sylvanian. But, the Khatta puts the book away before Olivia can make out the title.

"Yes, of course. Thank you," Olivia says, then reaches for the pot to pour herself a glass. When she is finished, she looks towards the Khatta as if to ask if she would like her glass refilled?

Natasha waves her hand lightly. "No need, child," she says quietly. The Khatta watches Olivia curiously through half-lidded eyes. "Now, vou vere askin' about a particular vision? Vell, I suspected Djivan vould tell you," she says.

Olivia ahs and puts the pot down, then takes a sip from her own glass to steady her nerves. "Yes, he told me," she answers. "He said that you'd had a vision suggesting someone in Stonebarrow might die, and that it would be someone Amelia knows. And that it involved… falling water?" She looks up at the Khatta with a concerned expression. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to know any other details about this vision. If it concerns someone Amelia knows, it may very well be someone that I know, too, since we have some mutual friends. I don't quite know what someone like me might be able to do to keep this from happening… if it does come to pass, of course… but, well, I don't want to sit back and do nothing."

"Mmm. And how do vou know that your actions might not bring such t'ings to pass?" Madame Natasha asks, leaning forward and watching the mouse with interest. "Knowing de future is a double-edged sword, chil'. Vou may cause dat vhich vou vish to prevent. Still, I vill tell vou vhat I saw. It did, indeed involve falling vater. Ves, an' machines. A dam, I believe. Vou have one of those around here, or so I've heard. But, as vith all visions, much is shadow. Impressions of images, bursts of sound. It vas a night of storms and howls. A singular person, valking upon the falling vater met his end dere. I am fairly sure it vas a male, anyvay."

Olivia gives Natasha a faint smile. "You're right – I don't know if any action I take might bring this to pass. It might. Then again, my inaction might bring it to pass, too. Or someone else's inaction. Djivan told me you said that seeing the future is like seeing just one link in an endless chain of possibilities and I think I understand that. Still, as the saying goes, 'he who holds knowledge holds power.' So I want to be armed with as much knowledge as I can before I try anything at all." She thinks on the Khatta's description of the scene for a moment before asking, "A person was walking on the water? Directly on the water or on a bridge, maybe? And can you tell me anything else about the person, besides that he was most probably male?"

"Shadows bathed the vision, child," Madame Natasha says as a gentle reminder. "The person walked just above the falling water. So, ves, it may have been a bridge, but I cannot confirm dat as I could not see such details. As for de person, I say male because its voice sounded male. He screamed "Amelia," so dat is how I know de person knew Amelia. Righ' before the water swallowed him."

Olivia shudders a little as her own mind's eye shows her a picture of someone falling into rushing waters. Then she says in weak jest, desperately trying to lighten her own mood, "Shadows, right. So I suppose there's no point in asking about the machines you saw?"

The Khatta chuckles and takes a sip from her own glass. "Not really, child," she answers, "Dey were loud, vhich is why they appear at all in de vision. Dat with strong presence is often what appears." She tilts her head and considers something, then says, "Oh, jus' somet'ing you may vant to t'ink over… "

Olivia takes another drink from her glass to warm herself and asks, "Yes, ma'am? What would that be?"

"Was de call of 'Amelia' a call for help, or of surprise of de person who caused his death, hmm? Somet'ing I have been considerin' since I tol' Amelia vhat I saw. Perha'p dat was a mistake on my part," Natasha says, her voice sounding both grim and ominous.

Olivia holds tightly to her glass for more warmth before putting it back on the tabletop. "Or perhaps it was a cry of warning to Amelia to look out for something just before falling to his own death," Olivia whispers. "All possible links in the chain. Makes me wish the shadows hadn't been so prevalent in this vision, so we'd know more." Then the Skeek's voice grows stronger. "All I can say towards Amelia's character is that I don't believe she would harm anyone without good reason for it. It's possible that she could hurt someone through a mistake but then again, so could we all."

"Vou vould know her better than I. All I know of her is dat which de dead tell me," Natasha says and leans back heavily in her chair. She reaches over and plucks off one of the 'flames' from a candle and holds it in her palm. "Are dere any other questions, child?"

"No, ma'am, I think I've learned all that I can from your vision. Thank you for telling it to me." The Skeek takes the last drink from her glass and puts it back down. Standing, she drops a curtsy to Madame Natasha. "I also have to thank you for telling your vision to Amelia first, although I'm sure it has disturbed her more than me." She gives the Khatta a half-smile touched with dark humor. "At least I wasn't the messenger bearing bad news this time!"

The Khatta curls her fingers closed, one by one, and the bluish light she was holding is snuffed from existence. "All righ' child," she says, "if vou have further questions, de dorr is open. Perhap' I shoul' visit the place of my vision someday."

Olivia stops at this. "Does visiting those places help the visions to become clearer?" she asks curiously.

The Khatta shrugs, replying simply, "Sometimes."

Olivia nods. "Then if you would ever like to go there, I would gladly show you where it is – or at least, where I think it is. I'm sure Amelia would do the same, if it would help. Just send a message to me through Liliana or Djivan."

"Ves, vell, de Kadie are a bit on the … territorial side, shall ve say. O don' suspect dey would vant me valking around dere lands," Madame Natasha points out.

Olivia thinks of Gunther as she says, "Well, it's true that some are more paranoid about that than others. But if you had myself or Amelia as an escort, it might not be as bad."

Natasha can't help but smirk and comment, "Some may believe dat vou are recruitin' de nefarious gypsy for vour evil plans." She looks at Olivia knowingly.

Olivia passes a hand across her forehead. "Ah, you mean the Kadie I was with the first time we met, don't you?" she sighs. "That's Gunther Kettenrad. He's one of the more paranoid ones I'm talking about. Paranoid to the point of almost being crazy, if you want my opinion! He, uh, spends a little too much time with the otters, according to his mother. They give him weird ideas."

Natasha chuckles. "I see," she remarks, then takes a drink from her cup. "Good day, Miss Weaver."

"Good day, Madame Natasha," Olivia replies, then climbs out of the wagon and shuts the door behind her. Once back in the fresh air, she takes a few deep breaths before heading over to Djivan's leaning wagon.

The walk over to Djivan's wagon is uneventful. Up close, the wagon still looks pretty shabby (not to mention most people have to resist the urge of commenting 'wow, it leans', when they see it!). There's some talking going on inside and Olivia can't really make it out from where she stands.

Olivia creeps up to the wagon and pauses at the door before knocking, to see if she can make out any of what's being said. If it appears that Djivan is busy, she might just come back another time…

"No, Lili, I did no strike out!" Olivia can hear Djivan saying. A moment later, Liliana's voice can be heard, "But, vou came home alon' last night!" A pause, then Djivan, "So? Dat doesn' mean I struck out! I jus … I didn' feel righ' tryin' t' push t'ings dat fast." An Eeee laugh, then Liliana comments again, "Wow, now, dat is somet'ing I never expected to hear vou say."

Olivia freezes at the door, caught between just going ahead and knocking and staying silent a bit longer. It's clear that they're talking about the date last night, but the part about pushing things that fast… ? Her ears redden, but she listens for just a moment longer.

"Pfft, don' make me stuff a sock in vour nose an' pull it out vour ear, Lili," Djivan comments. Again, the Eee laughs and says, "Vou vould haf to get one of de wall first. It's jus'. I don t'ink I've ever seen you, vell, be careful. Someon' migh' mistake vou for a gentleman." This time Djivan snorts loudly, "Oh, ha ha. Shouldn' vou be goin' home by now, vou troublemaker?"

Oops, I think that's my cue, Olivia thinks hurriedly, then knocks lightly on the door. "Djivan, are you there? It's Olivia," she says.

Olivia is greeted by a high pitched Eee's voice going, "Oooo! Djivan, it's a giiiiirl!" A moment later the same Eee lets out a squeak as if someone just swatted her. The door opens and Djivan sticks his head out. Behind him, Olivia can see Liliana grabbing her muzzle tightly and keeping herself from giggling. "Oh, vou're earlier den I expected, come in, de winged annoyance vas jus' leavin'."

Olivia looks at Lili, then back at the Skreek with an innocent expression. "Liliana? Annoying? Why, whatever do you mean?"

Liliana pokes Djivan and agrees, "Ves, whatever do vou mean, ratboy?" She grins. Djivan just glowers at the Eee and pushes her toward the door. "Out, you pain in de … " he says, but is interrupted by Liliana, grinning ear to ear and saying, "Language!"

Olivia just grins as the Eee passes her on the way out. "Hi, Liliana. Bye, Liliana! Your mom's a very nice lady, by the way. That's how I knew how to find Djivan's wagon. I went to yours first!"

"Vhatever she tol' vou about me, don' believe it!" Liliana calls out to Olivia as she's ushered on by an insistent Skreek. Giggling, Liliana heads back to her wagon, leaving Olivia with Djivan … who practically yanks her inside. Inside looks like … well, a single guy lives here … who doesn't do laundry enough. And yes, there are socks stuck on the wall. Overall, it's bachelor clutter chic.

"Uhm, don' mind de mess," Djivan says lamely.

Olivia has a look around and a good laugh while she's at it. "Well, except for the socks on the wall, it looks… sorta like my place! Although you don't have the artwork lying all over." She bravely pokes at one of the graying pieces of footwear. "Just what are they here for, by the way? To keep out drafts?"

It's stiff. It feels more like a board than a sock. "Er, well, no," Djivan grudgingly admits. "I go drunk one nigh' and threw some socks again' the wall. Dey stuck. I been too afrai' to remove dem."

Olivia hurriedly stops poking at it and discreetly wipes her finger on her skirt. "Ah. Um, well, I guess they add to the decor?" she says, looking suspiciously like she's trying not to laugh again.

"Ah, if vou say so," Djivan remarks and grins. It doesn't take long for the Skreek to have slinked up beside Olivia and to have wrapped his arms around her. "Wasn' expectin' to see vou dis early. But, I no' complainin'," he says.

"Good," Olivia replies mischievously, putting her own arms around his neck. "Because if you did, I might just have to leave again!"

And with that, the Skreek gently eases Olivia back, until she's pinned against the wall. He reaches up and playfully pushes her arms back against the wall as well saying, "Oh, sorry, no. De door 'as a timed lock, vou see. Vou're stuck in here wit' me," he says and waggles his eyebrows.

Olivia tries hard to act horrified but doesn't quite get it right – probably because she can't keep the smile off her face. "Oh no!" she says. "Whatever shall I do?"

"Oh, get snogged, I'd say," Djivan replies, grins wickedly, then does just that.

Olivia kisses him back quite happily but forgets that her hands are pinned and squeaks a little in protest when she tries – and fails – to move them. "Aww, I can't use my hands? No fair," she says lightly.

Djivan nips her ear and comments, "Dat vay you can' pinch me bum." He winks and then lets go. "So, how lon' can vou stay here, anyvay?" he asks.

"Another hour and a half, I'd say," Olivia answers. "I've got kitchen duty today at lunchtime, then I have to work one of the looms until the shop closes. After that, I'll be free for a while again."

Djivan taps his chin, thinking. He then takes Olivia's hands and pulls her over, then wraps his arms back around her. "Ah, vell, in dat case I get vou for a bit," he says, smiling, "An' I'll find vou tonigh' too. Maybe you can show me vour place, yes?"

Olivia's ears redden at this but she says, "Sure. As long as you can stand the comments from my fellow apprentices, that is! It seems they know we're seeing each other. Some of them were, uh, listening at their keyholes last night when you walked me home… " She trails off and shrugs.

Djivan merely smiles. "Ech, let em wonder. I don' care," he replies, "No' ashamed of me, are vou?"

Olivia quirks an eyebrow at him. "If I were, I wouldn't be taking you back to my room, now would I? I just wanted to give you fair warning, that's all." She bites his nose lightly, for emphasis.

Djivan gasps. "I be mortally wounded!" he laments and falls backward into a pile … and pulling Olivia down on top of him. "Oh, woe unto a Skreek, slain before his time!"

Olivia yeeeks! and laughs as she falls over. "You're mortally ridiculous, that's for sure!" she teases him. Pulling a nearby blanket over top of them, she kisses Djivan with so much enthusiasm that he forgets to say anything else.

After a few minutes of utter quiet, he finally manages, "Oh, I t'ink I be gettin' better. But, I need more treatments… " And with that, the two spend the remainder of Olivia's free morning with a mixture of chatting, teasing, and, of course, snogging.


GMed by Jared

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)