May. 12. Envoy searches for a sky island, then meets with Bridge Officer Nimiss.
(Airship) (Envoy) (Himar) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple)
The Ferocious Invigilator of Truth
For such a large name, this isn't all that large of an airship. But then, it does without many of the luxury accomodations, and is manned by a fairly small crew, as it is merely a patrol ship, its route taking it past regularly-spaced refueling and resupply stations. It is sturdy and solid, though it shows many scars of battle and certain degradation of some of the decor has been left unrepaired in favor of tending to more functional aspects. It flies. That's about all that matters.

The airship has one primary passenger, other than Captain Ironhoof and his crew – and that would be an exile known as Envoy, a curious creature rumored to be some sort of cross between a Solus and some other creature. The name "Aeolun" seems to be the most popular label, though some use the name "Envoy" as if it were a noun not only as a hint of station, but as if it were a race name as well.

The ship sails along, still over the continent of Ai, but venturing further north, past Himar, and daring to dart even further, past the range of convenient refueling stations. But then, there is not much further to go, according to the travel plan.

A wolf in Templar robes walks up to Envoy. "Our charts indicate we should be within visual range any moment now … if it weren't for the clouds, that is."

Envoy says, "Clouds tend to thicken around islands, don't they?"

The wolf says, "Yes, at times, but there is a whole scattering of clouds. It doesn't make our job any easier."

Envoy says, "I'm sorry that this was the closest island indicated by my charts."

Envoy glances over the railing to the landscape below. "Are there any cities this far north?"

The wolf shakes his head. "It's all wilderness up here. Too much further, and we'd be running into Vykarin country … but so much of that is under Forbidden Zone, and it defies easy mapping."

Envoy hmms, and wonders about the links between the floating islands and the Forbidden Zones.

Envoy says, "I would like to visit the Vykarin lands someday. Have you ever been to them?"

The wolf smirks. "Neh. They're cold and dead and featureless, I hear." He points toward the horizon. "Past those mountains, there's just not much to see."

Envoy smiles, "At least we don't have to worry about icebergs up here."

The wolf blinks a couple of times, but can't seem to think of a reply to that.

A couple of bats flutter in, and land on the deck. "Nothing," one of them squeaks, in between gasps.

Envoy looks from the Eeee scouts to the clouds. What if her charts are inaccurate?

The wolf growls, "Keep looking. You know what Ironhoof's temper will be like if we don't turn something up soon."

Envoy blinks, "What will it be like?"

The wolf shrugs. "A big rock floating in the air. Like Rephidim, only much, much smaller."

Envoy says, "Oh… I meant, what will the Captain's temper be like?"

The wolf blinks, then says, "Like a big rock falling on your head."

Envoy blinks three times, but fails to equate that sensation with a personality trait.

The bats protest, but, after using the interlude to catch their breaths, wing out again, zipping about and diving into clouds and popping out the other side, then wheeling and darting about to check the next one.

Envoy says, "Are we in danger of colliding with the island, if it is too small to have a noticeable pressure curtain?"

The wolf answers, "Not likely. We aren't about to go plunging into clouds. That's for the bats. But, frankly, none of these clouds look quite right for hiding sky islands."

Envoy thinks about the descriptions of Paradys.

Envoy says, "What if the island is hidden in some other manner? Perhaps magically?"

Envoy turns her attention back to the ground, looking for un-cloudlike shadows.

The wolf wrenches his mouth. "If it's hidden magically, then I'd say we're in for a real fix, since we haven't a mage to find it."

Envoy examines the far off mountain peaks, looking for any movement or suspicious layers of cloud.

The scene is disappointingly devoid of any such clues.

The ship sails along. The bats come in to report. Nothing. Nothing at all. The clouds begin to disperse. And then they do entirely. It's clear sailing up here. No rocks to run into.

The wolf begins to look more and more agitated, pacing back and forth on the deck. He's stopped sending the bats out. After all, a spyscope can do just as well, and he can't quite accept the notion of some invisible rock floating about here.

Envoy says, "My data does not include recognizeable altitude information, unfortunately. It would simplify the search."

The wolf says, "Sky islands tend to float about the same altitude as Rephidim, so far as I know."

Envoy says, "We are looking for something beyond what is known, however."

There's a loud banging noise … heavy hooves hitting the steps leading up from below-decks. There's a whinnying sound that borders on a roar. "What are you doing here, you worthless kites? Get out there and FIND SOMETHING!" With that, the big black horse grabs up the two bats, one in each hand, and bodily hurls them over the railing!

The Eeee squeak and spin as they go hurtling over the side, but their wings snap out, and they zip off, in opposite directions. Meanwhile, on the deck, the wingless crewmembers subtly back away a few steps, lest the horse think to throw THEM off the side in hopes of finding something.

Envoy blinks at Captain Ironhoof. "Perhaps I should be searching by air as well."

The horse snorts, a flash in his eyes. "That's one DANDY idea!" he shouts.

The horse kicks at a crewman who is too slow to get out of his way, sending the wolf tumbling. "If I thought you all could fly by flapping your arms, I'd send the whole LOT of you out!"

Envoy blinks again, "My name is Envoy, not Dandy." She spreads her wings and drops over the side.

The ship is fairly high in altitude, and the air is crisp and cool. That's part of the reason for the frequent returns by the bats – At this altitude, the air thins, and even though the activity of flying helps to keep one warm, it's not nearly enough for long durations.

Envoy's wings beat hard, pulling for lift against the thin air. For the moment, the chill and lower oxygen level don't seem to affect her.

Wilderness stretches out below, running to the rolling foothills and distant mountains toward the north, and westward – At this altitude, and this close to the coast, the ocean can be seen in the distance that way. And wilderness continues further east, and quite some distance south, until it reaches the relatively civilized lands of Himar.

Envoy struggles for higher altitude, trying to see further…

There are a few spots that can be seen – airships, by the movement, and to the south. But even if Envoy could see a sky island up here, it would be so far off course as to cast great doubt on the usefulness of a chart predicting whereabouts of such.

Envoy searches for more clouds, or any other signs of a pressure differential, before spiraling back towards the airship.

Only a few feathered streaks far up in the sky – beyond a reasonable altitude to fly to – and the band of the Procession break up the endless blue.

Envoy glides down onto the deck on the Invigilator.

The bats have returned. The horse has evidently tired of tossing them out. He grumbles loudly enough that it's almost a shout.

The robed wolf looks to Envoy. "Anything?"

Envoy reports, "I didn't see any indications of an island nearby."

The wolf is quiet for a long time, his brow furrowed. He speaks after a bit, apparently having made a decision, and one he's not happy with. "Turn back. We found nothing. We're heading to Rephidim."

The horse snorts loudly, then starts bellowing orders to the crew, who rush to turn the ship about and take it to a new altitude, with a wind blowing the other direction.

The wolf lets out a loud sigh. And the ship bears back to Rephidim…

Envoy frowns slightly in disappointment, wondering if she'll be allowed to investigate the other routes she plotted.

Nimiss' Office
Records and Procedure Officer Nimiss's office has one of the few windowed views that are available in the vast ceramic-metallic bulk of the Rephidim Temple, a long narrow slit that looks out upon the city of Rephidim in all its tangled and people-choked throughfares and edifices. The gray-brown walls of the old city where Darkside has sprawled are the farthest to be seen, and beyond them, a stretch of green, then the light blue skies of Sinai. The black bat's desk resides at the very center of the bulkhead-cramped space, upon a dais, illuminated by three globes hanging overhead – one went out some long time ago and has yet to be repaired, so only two are left. Nimiss's chair behind it resembles a throne in the quality of the woodworking… and the gold worked into the fittings. His desk is strewn with papers, tangible proof that he is not so high as to elude the necessity of red tape. The small chairs for visitors invite concern as to whether they might collapse at any moment, however…

The young Eeee leads Envoy into Bridge Officer Nimiss's office, where the black bat turns his chair about and stands. "Ah! The young Exile," he says. "Please, do seat yourself. How was your trip?"

Envoy sits down, and says, "Uneventful."

Nimiss nods, sitting and steepling his hands. "It seems that whatever navigation system you employed to devise your charts – some ruined observatory, perhaps? – has proven inaccurate over the passage of years. Unfortunate. No doubt it would have been interesting to see in its full glory, long ago." He pauses, watching Envoy's face.

Envoy says, "There are other possibilities."

Envoy says, "Because I did not have the crystal hands for Rephidim, I was not able to be certain of the dates using astronomical means only."

Envoy says, "The islands may also follow more complicated courses, which do not repeat from year to year."

"Of course. I'm sure that given time, you could refine your calculations, perhaps correct for whatever factors have gone awry. But you understand, the purpose of an auditor – of Records and Procedures, in fact – is not to explore possibilities. It is to see that the rules are being followed." Nimiss raises an eyebrow. "I cannot employ a 'loose sword' as the saying goes."

Envoy blinks three times. "Who makes the rules?"

Nimiss gestures to the right side of the office, where a rotating cabinet stores shelves and shelves of thick, fine-printed manuals. "They are inherited. Much as, for instance, we inherit hair and eye color, so too are rules and regulations handed down through the years, from Bridge Officer to Officer." He smiles tightly. "An interesting legacy, don't you think?"

Envoy blinks. "Are they ever updated or altered?"

"Rarely," Bridge Officer Nimiss says. "That is the purpose of the Bridge. We determine when old rules and regulations are no longer suitable to the contemporary times… But that is very rare. Changes bring confusion, you see. And the Temple must appear dedicated in its purpose – not rudderless." He steeples his fingers and looks at Envoy over them. "Now, what are we to do with you?"

Envoy smiles brightly, "May I read the rules and their amendments? By contrasting current conditions with the old regulations, I may be able to build a model of the Temple's past to better understand which elements have decayed."

The black bat raises a finger. "Now, now, my eager young Exile. You have not yet proven yourself. Perhaps it was not your fault, but then again… Perhaps you are seeking access to the Temple and its resources for some dubious purpose that you have not yet decided to confide in me."

Envoy blinks. "I am applying for a position with the Audit, not the Bridge. How would that put me in a position to abuse the resources of the Temple?"

Envoy says, "Surely, there is no danger in knowing all of the rules and regulations… is there?"

"We are, if you have not noticed, part of the Temple," Nimiss points out dryly. "With unusual discretion and breadth of office. You seem to be quite interested in… information. And information, as you should understand, is valuable."

Envoy says, "That is why I am here. Should I be offering my information to another branch instead?"

Nimiss flashes a white fangy smile to Envoy. "Another branch? Somehow… I do not think so. There is something about the Temple itself that fascinates you. It has led you to encounters with the Keeper of the Inner Mysteries, who jealously guards his secrets, and the Arch-Inquisitor Melchizedek, whose fate seems to have suffered some reversals with your arrival. You have protested that these events are unconnected and unrelated to yourself… But twice is no coincidence, Envoy."

Envoy says, "Twice? Does that mean the failure of the recent expedition to find the sky island does not reflect poorly upon you?"

"Indeed it would… If it appeared on the records. Many things can be… forgotten." Nimiss's eyes hold Envoy's for a moment, and then he leans forward. "And thus you see the true power of Records and Procedures. It is why I must be so cautious about who I employ."

Envoy blinks… "Is it a problem that I cannot forget anything then?"

Nimiss shrugs. "Under the right circumstances, it might be an advantage… If I could trust you."

Envoy says, "Do you trust anybody?"

"Odd as it may sound," the black bat says with a white grin. "Yes. I trust those whom I understand. Some people require very little… Security, money, a little privacy, the occasional help with activities that the Temple might frown upon. Others can be compelled with threats, revelations of information about them that would destroy their career and lives. But you? Information is what you value, and once I have given it to you, I cannot take it back. Then what? You might well swing to another wind that offered more."

Envoy blinks, and smiles, "Is there a better source of information?"

Nimiss raises an eyebrow. "See how quickly your interest turns? You are truly mercenary, Envoy."

"And while I have nothing against those of a mercenary nature… nor do I expect their interests to coincide with mine in the long term," the black bat says. "As much as scold the wind for not being at one's back from start to finish." He smiles briefly.

Envoy says, "My interest has not turned. I will always seek out the best source of information available."

Envoy says, "You seem to imply that I would not be willing to share my information?"

The black bat nods. "Under the circumstances… It seems best that we work with each other only on a contract basis. You may have information useful to me. I am certain that information I control, or have access to, is of interest to you. As long as I know that you desire more information from me… And you are aware that I can destroy any information that you wish… I can trust that you will not work against me."

Envoy hmms. "Does this mean I can apply for work with other branches of the Temple?"

"Of course," Nimiss says with a fangy smile. "And they are likewise, free to reject you for their own reasons. Without a sponsor, most likely, you will only be qualified for the most menial sort of work. Even scholars must have their patrons." He waves off the possibility. "Your Melchizedek is out of favor, that is obvious. This means that a certain doubt will cling to you, whether you played a part in his downfall or not."

Envoy blinks three times in confusion.

Envoy says, "There is no way I can just requisition or buy the information I want?"

"That depends… on what you have to offer," the Eeee says.

Envoy smiles, "I have 100 shekels."

Nimiss raises an eyebrow. "If you were not an Exile, I might take such an offering as an insult. You need to learn the ways of these things, and such learning will not come from books, I think." He stands again and gestures for Envoy to join him looking out the window across Rephidim.

Envoy does so, asking, "Who do I learn this from, then?"

"Perhaps," Nimiss says with humor. "You should tell your mentor, Vielanika, that you sought to bribe a Bridge Officer with an offer of a hundred shekels. She might have somewhat to say to you about the subject."

Envoy blinks, "What is 'bribe'?"

The bat looks across Rephidim to the port lying beyond, where airships have resumed their usual traffic pattern now that it is understood that Shadowspite, the assassin that killed the Captain-Astromancer, has indeed fled beyond the Temple's reach. Though it may be invisible to the outside world, changes are taking place in the Temple's upper reaches… And where things change, there is always opportunity for someone eager to get ahead. "I shall leave that for your Vielanika to explain as well," he says graciously. "But you have not been of no use to me. Allow me to gift you with a small morsel of information… "

Envoy gives Nimiss her full attention.

"As I have mentioned before, the Keeper of the Inner Mysteries has expressed a great interest in your case – Somehow, your activities have stirred ripples that affect his domain." Nimiss glances toward Envoy. "I am given to understand that you have made the acquaintance of a disreputable individual known to you as 'Fenter'… "

Envoy says, "Yes, he is a student mage."

"He is also a relative of Verdigris Nuttenboltschen, the Keeper of whom I speak. As such, he sometimes moves in circles of Temple affairs." Nimiss pauses. "If you bring me more useful information, then I may be able to return the favor… perhaps even grant you access to certain parts of the Temple that are ordinarily sealed off from any outsider's eyes. I alone control these keys – Not even those of the Inner Mysteries are privileged with this ability. However… "

The black bat finishes, "I should not like it if my name were to be raised casually. I prefer to keep my affairs and doings discreet. Do we understand each other?"

Envoy says, "I think so. I understand about keeping secrets."

"Surprising." Nimiss's voice ripples with hidden laughter.

Envoy smiles, "What sort of information would you find of value?"

"The unconventional kind," Nimiss says. "I am replete with all manners of minutae as to the day-to-day doings of the Temple… But things that are hidden, like these dealings with a 'City of Hands', the actions and motives of people that they seek to keep private, such as Melchizedek's meetings with the Temple Knights before he departed… These intrigue me. They are not written into any records, and therefore I have no access to them."

Envoy says, "How do you know they happened, then?"

Nimiss looks slightly pained. "Ah, my trusting, naive child." He pats Envoy's shoulders. "Sometimes, people find it… beneficial to tell me of the things they have seen. In turn, I do them favors. It benefits both of us, and no one needs be hurt."

Envoy thinks on this. "I see. Melchizedek did favors for me, then."

"Yes. This did not go unnoticed, not only by myself, but by others who are less fond of him than I," Nimiss says. "This is in part, why he is out of favor. A pity. He is an excellent officer, and thoroughly loyal to the Temple in his own ways."

Envoy says, "Since you have given me information pertaining to my status with the Inner Mysteries, do I now owe you information regarding your own personal status?"

"Have you any?" Nimiss looks mildly surprised.

Envoy says, "Yes."

The black bat grins at Envoy. "I am… curious."

Envoy says, "Vielanika likes you, and believes that by associating with you she will be exposed to new opportunities."

Nimiss nods. "That does not surprise me," he says. His eyes glance toward the window however, to the northeastern corner of Rephidim where the guild halls are located. "You would not have come to this office if you did not believe you would be exposed to … new opportunities."

Envoy says, "I would have come whether you were an acquaintance of Vielanika or not."

Envoy thinks, figuring the reaction to mean the information was not of suitable value. "Do you own any slaves?"

"I employ a number at my townhouse, yes," the Eeee responds, looking at Envoy askance. Without question, the Exile's values are strange.

Envoy says, "In my opinion, it would be to your benefit to free them before the coming of the New Year."

Nimiss mms. "Interesting advice. Is there more to this?"

Envoy says, "More? I forecast a 78% probability that owning slaves after that time will be detrimental to one's social status and possibly to one's health as well."

The black bat smiles. "One other thing then, you should inquire of your mentor, Vielanika, about. Ask her about 'credibility'." He takes Envoy's arm and leads her to the door. "As always, speaking with you has proven an interesting experience. I look forward to our next conversation, and I trust that you will think on what I have told you, Exile."

"And do give your mentor my regards," Nimiss adds with a smile as he opens the door for her.

Envoy says, "Yes, thank you for your time."

Envoy pauses in the hallway beyond Nimiss's office, and reviews what she's learned. Three seconds later, she turns and heads towards the exit.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)