Another Fine Day in the Bazaar
Actually, the time is moving on toward sundown, but there is still plenty of activity. Lately, many more booths have been springing up, selling everything one could need or want or pretend to want in order to get ready for the upcoming celebration known as Unity Day. Among other things, costumes that purportedly represent the attire of various ethnic cultures abroad are for sale, for those who want to appear globally minded (or for those who just have a compulsion to look like complete buffoons).
Binter's Shack is serving 'em as fast as they can make them. Due to a freak popularity in actually EATING vermites (Who can understand fads?) that has sprung up largely because of nobility who haven't the foggiest notion what a vermite really is rumors of where Binter's Shack gets its fresh meat have actually worked toward its benefit. Binter wisely still doesn't give them any credence, since the winds can always change without warning.
Jynx stands outside the shack, watching the various diners come to and fro from within. Although vermites don't sound very appetizing, he's still a tad curious.
Fenter shuffles down the street in a half daze. He's amazed that for once he's not one of the more 'visible' people. He casually whistles to himself as he strolls past Binter's, feeling more in the mood for some Eee cuisine grampy wanted him to stay away from grease afterall.
According to the signs outside Binter's Shack, they only serve the best in ground rhugrhat, and assorted other more palatable meats than vermite. But then, it doesn't say they DON'T serve vermites, too…
A bat cries out, "Get your Snapperpoppers here! Natural-grown! A whole string of them for just two shekels! It'll make a loud ruckuss on Unity Day, or your shekels back!"
Jynx's hunger finally getting the best of him, he begins to pad towards the shack, avoiding all the colorfully dressed individuals along the way.
"Hey!" squeaks the bat. "HEY! Watch where your steppi "
As Jynx walks along, somehow his tail seems to have snared a couple of strings. And some snapperpoppers.
strrrrrrrrrrrretch! The vine "strings" demonstrate a certain elasticity.
Determined on satisfying his appetite instead of paying attention to his surroundings, Jynx continues to walk on.
s-t-r-e-t-c-h *pangpangpangpang* … *SNAP!*
"AIEEEE!" cries out the bat!
Fenter JUMPS!
"YOW!" screams Jynx as he hits the dirt. o O ( Are we being attacked?! )
The resulting cacophony sends a handful of Bazaargoers diving to the ground while others flap away, dodge, or just stand about in horror.
Fenter attempts to scramble up a pole, he climbs madly… but only manages to get about two feet off the ground.
After the sound subsides, the bat vendor just stares in a daze, as his ears ring incessantly. "Wha? Wha?"
Jynx rolls and takes cover under a wagon, then peers out to learn the cause of the miniature explosions.
Just as Jynx peers out … there's another *snap* this time from a lantern pole holding a raccoon who, fortunately, isn't very far off the ground.
Fenter clutches his pole tenatiously, wondering why the world's gone all crooked all the suddeAIEEEE!!!!
Jynx notices that the pole is strangely headed his way, so with a slight yelp, he darts from under the cart.
What awful luck! The cart is full of more Snapperpoppers! (Insert loud popping sound effects here.)
On the plus side, however, at least all the bubble-like growths make for a nice cushioned landing. Except that, being only two feet off the ground, that doesn't help all that much, as the raccoon's fall mostly just serves to capsize the cart.
Jynx dives once again for cover in a small dry ditch. o O( When did we get to Babel? )
Fenter says, "AAAAHHH!! It's Armageddon! Everything's going all fuzzy! Aieee!"
The cart, knocked free of its chocks, begins to roll … pushing the raccoon along … right into the ditch.
Jynx, seeing no way in which to dodge, shrinks down into the ditch, assuming the crash position. ( Please, oh please… I promise to be a better Khatta, honest!)
Fenter tries to struggle out of the cart. He gets a peek at the ditch and the Khatta, and dives back inside. (More popping noises.)
The cart tips and flips, spilling its contents into the ditch. At least the cart is big enough and the ditch enough small that it ends up bridging across the ditch, rather than crushing the feline and raccoon inside.
Fenter says, "Ahh! It's gone all dark! Funny… I don't feel dead."
Jynx OOFS as as rather heavy raccoon smashes down on him.
There's a ringing, rolling sound … like several glass jars moving across the cobblestones. *tinkle* *crash* *bounce* Some must have broken against the cart. This is followed by many clicking and buzzing noises.
Jynx attempts to push the raccoon off, and in desperation his claws pop out.
Fenter says, "At least I landed soft. This must be my lucky d-YEOWCH!!!"
Fenter shoots upwards, slamming his head into the top of the wagon and then coming back down again.
Something is tickling Fenter's fur. Funny, but the same thing is happening to Jynx, too. And not just "something" several very small somethings with many legs each. *skish* Some of them don't survive Fenter's collision with the top of the wagon.
Jynx receives a momentary breath of air, then OOFS again, as it is harshly push out again. Now, to make things worse, he's beginning to itch…
Outside the ditch, there are many exclamations, and other sounds of turmoil. It would seem that either, by coincidence, some other catastrophes are happening out there, or else some sort of chain reaction has been set off.
Fenter just sits there for a few moments, bobbing his head around. The tickling slowly revives him; he swats at Jynx. "Here now you… stop that poking right this instant!"
"*KAW*! A zhpeereetual deezhturbance!" comes a voice from somewhere outside the wagon. "Bad Karma! *KAW!*"
Jynx, still stuggling underneath the raccoon, wonders if he should try to get out from under the cart, or if it'd be better to stay and hide from the waiting spectators outside…
Jynx's ears perk… there's that "Karma" stuff again…
"Aieeee! There's a whole SWARM of them at the cart!" "There're probably more inside." "Hey! Don't look at me! I'm not going to move it!" "No, only way we're gonna kill 'em all is smoke. Hey, buddy, you got a tinderbox?"
Fenter carefully picks up some of the snapperpoppers and pokes his head out from under the ditch. "You mean these spherical thingies? They explode when you disturb them… Although I think it's more due to pressure than karma."
Shaking his head to get out the cobwebs, Jynx returns to the here and now. "Get off me, you furball!" he says as he claws and pushes at the raccoon again.
Jynx uh ohs … tinderbox?
As the raccoon pokes his head out of the cart, he can see a fluffy tail sticking out from on top or what used to be the bottom. There are some scratching and clicking noises. "Ack! They're on me! But I got it started!" The tail disappears, and a vulpine can be seen running away from the cart, scratching at himself madly.
Fenter jumps and sidesteps.
*crackle* There's a faint smell like … burning wood and burning oil.
Jynx sniffs … ( smoke? Now where wou- ACK! )
"I er… do hope that you're cooking dinner up there, lads," the raccoon says to one of the figures outside.
Outside the cart, several people are running around wildly. Some beasts of burden have gotten loose, and are braying wildly. Quite possibly, some Dromodons got some bugs up their noses. True to nature, one has found a hard surface and started banging its head against it … though the hard surface happens to be a supporting pole of one of the booths.
*crackle* Hmm. It would seem that this broken cart is serving rather nicely as tinder wood.
Jynx looks around for a way out, but finds that the only one is blocked by a certain robed individual.
Also outside the ditch, a black crow in dark blue robes adorned with gaudy stars and strange crescents (My! She must shop at the same place as Fenter!) is dancing about, clucking and cawing, shaking and banging a tambourine as she flaps her wings.
Fenter blinks down at the Khatta. "You should see what's going on out here! I haven't seen this much insanity since Old Geron decided to give his stock away for free!" He scratches his side and steps aside just enough for Jynx to peek out … but not enough to leave.
Several bugs crawl past Fenter and Jynx, escaping the cart … skittering through fur as they go, of course.
Deciding that the temperature is no longer to his liking, Jynx, covered in whatever creepy-crawly things were infesting the cart, charges Fenter full speed, claws out.
Fenter squints at the bug, hoping to recognise it. Hopefully it's one of the more tastier species.
*skish* *crunch*
The cart jolts and bumps as Jynx collides with Fenter. With the senseless and untimely deaths of several more bugs, the black Khatta is out of the cart Just as well, since it is going to be a nice little bonfire pretty soon.
Fenter AIEEEEES! He starts babbling a string of … well, nonsense words, from the sound of it. Vykarian click-pops, Eee squeaks, Vartan squawks, and finally in Rephidim Standard, "Don't kill meeeee!"
Jynx whews light, finally! Then he looks at the strange mass covering his body…
The crow stops her chanting, and points a claw-like, bony finger in Jynx's direction. "Zhu! I BIND zhu! HISSSSSS!" She reaches for a little pouch dangling on a string around her neck, and pulls on it, snapping the string and pulling the talisman free. Behind her, watching, is an armored feline no taller than Jynx.
Fenter starts to shakily struggle to his feet.
Jynx, mind on the bugs and oblivious to the duo in front of him, hits the ground and rolls, trying to get all the vermin off.
"You were right!" exclaims the armored feline. "It's the GHOST!" *shink!* She draws two blades from over her shoulders. The disheveled state of her long hair hints that a few such quick-draws have probably provided some unintended trims in the past.
*splut* *crunch* *skitch* *squish* There's still a lingering itchiness, but at least all the big bugs are now … paste and little crunchy bits.
Jynx stops rolling; he knows that voice…
Fenter taptaptaps Jynx. "Um… pardon me for asking, Mister Khatta, but is the knight with the swords out to kill you or me?"
"NOT YOU AGAIN!" screams Jynx as he jumps up, attempts to run, and then promptly trips over the inquisitive raccoon.
"I BIND zhu!" cries out the crow, as she makes a flinging motion with the hand holding the little pouch, sending a pungent powder spraying into the ditch. The effect is much akin to … sneezing powder, except that it smells worse.
"HALT!" cries the armored Khatta. "In the name of the Temple, undead fiend, I order you to stand still and face judgement! And that goes for your ghoul accomplice as well!"
Fenter cowers behind Jynx. He also sneezes on the back of his shirt … but with all the squished bugs who's going to notice?
Jynx, now face first again in the ditch and sneezing, leaps up and bolts, with Fenter in tow. "If you have any common sense, just run!"
In the background of all this, there are yet more shouts and screams. It seems a booth sporting fresh vegetables has collapsed under the influence of a rampant Dromodon. Barrels are rolling loose. In fact, a few barrels are rolling this way, unnoticed by the crow or the armored Khatta.
"AHA!" cries out the magenta-caped Khatta knight, as she crouches, then springs forward, twin blades flashing in the diminishing sunlight. Even now, the sky has shifted to reddish hues, giving way to violet and black as the stars pop out above to join their brethren in the Procession.
Fenter blinks. He looks in the direction of Jynx and blinks; he looks at the crow and the Khatta lady and blinks; he looks at the barrels and blinks… Then, he jumps out of the ditch and follows fast on Jynx's heels! "Waiiiiit up! Wait for Mister Ghoul Accomplice! Whoa!"
As the two blades arc in symmetrical paths, coming to a deadly close on Jynx's neck … it is evident that the black Khatta is, while possibly badly hexed and occasionally clumsy, still blessed with keen reflexes. Plus, it helps that a barrel, just at this moment, collides with the armored Khatta from behind, spilling both the feline warrioress well as a full load of ripe tomatoes. "AIEEEEEEE!"
Jynx stops momentarily to catch his breath, and looks back at the scene. Enough with the spectating just get out of here! He continues on with his escape.
The crow squawks and caws, a couple of dark feathers fluttering to the ground as she takes to the air to escape the oncoming wooden drums (and their crushable contents).
Fenter just follows behind Jynx. He was the one who started running; he must know where they're going.
What with all the turmoil, few people have the presence of mind to consciously avoid Jynx as he comes dashing through, but the crowd has thinned enough (thanks to fleeing Bazaargoers) that he can make good headway regardless, though it's still not quite open enough for him to go at a full sprint.
Jynx just runs blindly. Maybe the Rath'ani knows where he's going? He slows down to let the raccoon lead the way.
Three more flashes of magenta appear to one side. "AFTER THEM!" cries the tumbled warrioress, and three knights one Khatta and two Katthas draw their weapons and take up the chase. How did they manage to know whom to chase? Well, there's no time to hang around and ask.
Now being chased by a trio of armed warriors, Jynx decides slowing down isn't such a hot idea, and rushes past Fenter once again.
Eventually, the crowd thins out a bit, hinting that Jynx must be reaching the poorly-defined boundaries of the Bazaar. By the fact that the state of disrepair of the buildings is getting WORSE, it would seem that he has dashed into Darkside, rather than Rephidim proper. However, the sounds of his pursuers would indicate that it's probably best not to dwell on that or try to backtrack just yet.
Fenter says, "*pant* This is a *puff* GREAT idea… *gasp* … hiding in *pff* Darkside. Nobody except a complete *pant* IDIOT would follow us *pf* in here!"
Jynx decides that a few muggings are better than having his head chopped off, so he darts deeper into a few Darkside alleyways,
A graying vixen with badly-dyed fur (in a shade which MIGHT look red under bad enough lighting) tries to purr, "In a rush, honey?" and then breaks into a series of hacking coughs.
Fenter catches up and runs alongside the Khatta, "So… *puff*… do you have a hideout here or *pf* something?"
"Very much so, miss! Have a nice day!" says Jynx, now doing his best to sprint.
A few seedy-looking individuals try to size up the runners, but perhaps madly-dashing maniacs covered in bits of vegetables and bug guts don't look like prime pickings.
Jynx is in no mood to answer questions, and just keeps on. After a while, he looks over his shoulder to see his current fortune…
The alleys give way to crumbling streets give way to more alleys give way to … Wow. The buildings are getting WORSE! And this isn't just from that fire damage months ago.
Taking a bit to survey the pursuit … It comes to dawn on Jynx that, aside from the very fleet-of-foot raccoon running with him, there isn't a living soul in evidence in these abandoned streets.
Nor are there any lanterns. It's getting very very dark here.
Jynx skids to a halt, and plops to the street. He doesn't care about the surroundings, he just knows that he's tired and no longer being persued.
Jynx sneezes. Scratch that: He's tired, smells bad, and now has the urge to sneeze repeatedly.
These streets are bathed only by the ever-so-faint starlight. To someone with nightvision, it looks like a bleak and desolate place, full of buildings of very ancient architecture, well-worn by the elements. Leering gargoyles and grotesques peer out from the stonework, many of them worn so badly as to have lost their features entirely … or else having been smoothed and eroded to have a ghostly aspect.
Fenter rushes past Jynx … then jogs backwards to meet up with him. "Whew! That was close; good thinking though, lad. Only a fool would come to the Old City… I mean… only a complete idiot… "
Jynx scowls. "Put a cork in it; I get the point." But the raccoon seems correct, this isn't the most inviting-looking place on Rephidim.
Ahead, the only point of light is a dim flickering flame somewhere within a wider expanse broken up not by full-sized buildings, but rather by stone monoliths, cenotaphs, broken statuary and mausoleums. It would seem that the two are at the edge of the Old Cemetary.
Fenter hmps. "No need to get snippish … Although, speaking of corks… " The Rath'ani digs through a pocket in his robe and pulls out a bottle. "Running can work up quite a thirst, after all… "
With fewer buildings in the way and only a few gnarled and twisted trees to pretend to make up for it the wind that blows across Rephidim howls and whistles as it dances amongst the long-forgotten memorials. Although it's not morning, and there probably aren't any bodies of water nearby, a low mist stubbornly clings to the ground, despite the prodding of the wind.
Looking around, Jynx realizes that he has absolutely no idea where he is. Perhaps he should go to the fire might be some help there.
Fenter's ears perk nervously. He takes a couple of experimental sniffs of the musty air.
Jynx stands, muscles aching. "What's that you're drinking? The name's Feli, by the way."
Jynx looks curiously at the raccoon. "What's wrong?"
Fenter uncorks his bottle. "Nothing, just checking." He takes a swig and swirls the contents around in his mouth. "Hmm… looks like I grabbed the one with the watered-down pinkberry wine. The name is Fenter … a pleasure meeting you, Feli. Even under such … strenuous circumstances."
Jynx nods. "Sorry about the clawings back there, and for the harsh words. It's just that certain, ummm, undesirable acquaintances seemed to be waiting for me back there."
Jynx looks about "Well, I hope you know where we are."
Fenter offers the bottle to the black feline. "Apology accepted. You know… you're the second fellow who those rose ladies in the stuffy suits seem to have it out for."
Jynx sniffs the bottle, then turns it down with a wave of the paw. "Really? Who else are they after?"
Fenter takes a large swig from the bottle, winces, and then places it back in hos robe pocket. "Somewhere deep in Darkside … That's all I know. I tend to avoid these places if I can help it. Perhaps the people at the bonfire over there could lend a hand?"
Jynx nods "I guess we should go over there. Besides, its starting to get a bit chilly."
Fenter pats his robe and starts to trundle off in the direction of the fire. He peeks at shadows and seems to be paying a strange amount of attention to the ground as he walks.
A single *ding* rings across the lonely landscape as if rung on a little metal bell. (Not that either of them has heard too many metal bells, that is… Or perhaps it doesn't really matter whether it was metal or not. Anyway, it's just kind of creepy.)
Jynx starts to pad over towards the fire, brushing of bugs and sneeze dust along the way. His ears perk at the sound, "What was that?"
Fenter continues walking, ( hmmm… no vermites so far… ) "Perhaps it's dinner time f-" He pauses… and starts sniffing at the air again this time a bit more noisily than before.
Jynx freezes; rarely is a sniff of that magnitude a good sign. "Dinner time for wh-what?"
Limned by faint starlight, some streamers formed by tattered cloths perhaps once a bedsheet? flutter in the wind from the tangles of a tree that has overwhelmed a stone cenotaph, such that the stonework now protrudes from within the ancient tree, veering out at an odd angle.
Fenter cranes his neck, hoping to get a look at the source of the fire. "Maybe one of those stone creatures on the buildings… "
Jynx shudders. He'll remember to scratch Darkside off the 'places to visit' list when he gets back home.
With all the intervening structures, the fire source stubbornly eludes direct observation, though enough light can be seen dancing off the stonework that it is probably not much further ahead. Nor are the tattered sheets.
The bell is much closer this time, and the source is just to the right, and a bit above.
Jynx starts walking again, this time with a quicker pace. "Maybe we should hurry?"
Jynx peers at the sheets. o O( Wonder who put those there? )
Fenter sniffs the air a bit more and then makes a puzzled-looking face. He sidesteps and tries to find the bell up in the trees. "We used to do something similar to this in my earlier college days… although we used a special kind of paper… "
Something else moves amongst the sheets. That's no statue! "Dne eht ot netsah tub ey rof, ton yrruh," utters a voice from amongst the gnarled branches belonging to a blindfolded rat-oid who is standing rod-still, holding a little glass bell in one hand, and a little rod in the other.
Jynx stops, and looks back at the raccon
Jynx yipes! "It's the Vermite Queen! RUN!"
Fenter blinks at the Khatta. "Oh, don't be silly! Vermites don't have a queen… They're led by a giant evil Eee bent on taking over the world. Everyone knows that."
Jynx stops again at the voice of the seemingly unafraid Fenter. "Say what?" He ponders the speech of the rat how odd…
Fenter backs away from the rat, "Although I can't place that language very well… I'm usually fairly good at doing that."
The rat solemnly intones, "Htemoc Setimrev fo Drol eht, aey!"
Jynx shakes his head… That speech is odd. But he gets the feeling he's being warned…
*DING* The rat lightly taps the glass bell, which rings across the cemetary.
Fenter says, "I think you should just go back to ringing your little bell and don't worry about all the speaking bits, chap."
"Uhh, mister Fender? Maybe we should leave this nice lady be … " the Khatta interjects.
Fenter blinks at Feli, but tries one more time. "Hello! We friend, run far! Need find direction. Help you us! Yes?"
The rat moans, "Eraweb! Eraweb!"
Jynx says, "Something about a web?" He scratches his head. "Well, maybe we should go to the fire; she's not much help."
The rat cries out, "Tsgna dna eow! Noitcurtsed dna htead! Riapsed dna mood!"
Jynx shivers this rat gives him the creeps. He heads on to the fire alone. "Well, I'll be on my way… "
Fenter frowns. He digs around inside his robe and pulls out a small stuffed Jupani. "Here you go, a little friend to help you ring your bell." He places the toy on the ground and follows after Jynx.
Jynx turns to Fenter. "She must have taken a few too many swigs of the happy juice."
"Sure didn't SEEM very happy to me," Fenter replies.
Approaching the firelight, the scene comes into view, past a few more crumbling monoliths. A small pile of dried wood has been turned into a flickering blaze in the midst of an open spot amongst several broken stone structures, one of which is a collapsed mausoleum, of which remains little more than just one wall. However, it is far from dull, having bright and garish colors splashed and streaked across its surface.
In the flickering flame light, the swirling patterns seem to MOVE. They resemble a tormented landscape from a realm of dream, the very earth crying out in agony, writhing under uncomprehendable stresses, with the twirling vapors of the sky and cosmos wringing themselves out in sympathy. Or maybe it's just a really strange-looking picture.
Jynx blinks, this is odd. (That is, if you consider the series of events that just unfolded a bit earlier normal.)
Fenter says, "Oh dear… it looks like vandals have attacked the corpses."
Fenter says, "Well, at least we know what was wrong with the Skreek… It must not be much of an art lover."
Some of the wild colors move … No! There's someone here! There is a golden-furred, spotted feline, though there are so many colors splashed on him that it takes a moment to guess at his proper hue.
Jynx scratches his head. "Must be an art hater, with all that gibberish."
Fenter JUMPS!
Fenter nervously smoothes his fur down. "Er… it looks like the vandals got more than the corpses… "
The pigment-spattered cheetah looks at the raccoon and feline with wild eyes set ablaze by the reflection of the fire. His gaze is not feral, not civilized something even wilder than any mere beast.
Jynx tail twitches madly, "Must have been a ride-by splattering… "
Jynx whispers to Fenter, "I don't like that gaze… "
Fenter smiles a nervous twitchy smile. The kind that says 'Please don't eat my pancreas… I need it.' "H-h-hello?"
In but a flash that seems timed with the flicker of the flame, such that if one blinked, it would seem the cat had teleported, the cheetah is now much closer to the two who have ventured into this circle. He regards them, looking them over, and slowly reaches forward with one hand a hand clutching a short wooden stick, the end of which has been smashed and frayed to suggest the texture of a brush. By the coloration, it has likely been used as such.
Jynx jumps at the suddeness, and swallows back down his heart. "Uh, hi there… "
The cheetah dabs the stick in a pile of bug goo on Jynx's shoulder. He then gets a glob of it and scrapes it onto a flat piece of slate that would seem to be serving as a palette. Then, he samples a bit more goo from off of Fenter's hat and sleeve. Hmm. Funny. Those bug guts DO come in such bright colors.
Fenter squints, "Oh … a Savanite! I can make out the spots." He drops into handsign. "Hello there … sorry to intrude … er, interesting … medium you use. Bugs … very inventive."
Jynx jolts at the dab, and attempts small-talk. "So, uhhh, you live around here much?"
Jynx just watches the handsign dumbly, not having a clue.
The cheetah darts back to the "painting" on the flat stone surface, and immediately starts applying the goop, making bold sweeps … and smaller, more precise dabs.
The cheetah continues "painting", adding just that RIGHT touch of color with the procured bug guts. The result is … well … disturbing. Maybe the "ahtsy" (that's "ART" pronounced with one's nose upturned) sorts might appreciate it better.
Jynx summons up a bit of courage, and walks up behind the Savanite. "So, practicing aesthetics, huh?"
The way the painting seems to move under the influence of the firelight is positively surreal. Perhaps there are some metallic elements in some of these pigments that reflect the light differently.
Fenter crooks his head sideways at the picture. "Looks a bit like my Uncle Agnes… otherwise like a vermite exploding… "
Jynx hmmms, didn't look at it that way…
Immediately opposite the painting stands one of the few statues that has any features left. It's either a more recent construction, or else made of much sturdier stuff. The statue seems posed perfectly so as to be watching the Savanite and his inscrutable work.
Fenter turns to Jynx. "Perhaps he'll be more in the mood for talkey-talk when he's done painting. I hear artists are sensitive like that… "
In fact, with a bit of imagination and squinting, one might find a shadow within the picture that might suggest the shape of the statue, as if dancing within the mad landscape.
Jynx, tired of standing, looks for a place to sit. Hey, that statue looks nice! He decides to take a seat.
Some fallen stone columns seem to provide the best seating arrangements for facing the painting and away from the still gaze of the statue, from where it stands on its tall marbled-stone pedestal.
Jynx, now noticing the columns, pads over to them instead.
Fenter scoots over to one of the fallen columns and plops down. "That's very interesting … er … sir. Have you ever thought of selling any of your works?"
A few more strokes and splots and splashes, and the spotted (and besplotched) artist lowers his brush-hand and steps away from the stone wall, regarding it. He nods once, without displaying any facial expression. Well, actually, if he did, it'd probably be hard to spot what with all the gunk he has pasted on his face. He then looks toward Fenter, and just … STARES at him.
Jynx says, "It'd be hard to sell, I mean, who would buy just a wall?"
Fenter shrinks down. "Er… nice… painting! Are bugs your normal medium?" he signs, with that twitchy grin still plastered to his face … except it's twitching a great deal more now.
Another flash of movement, and the cheetah is much closer to Fenter, looking at him with that oddly feral stare again, but moving around to this side and that, his expression and inspection of Fenter being perhaps akin to a Trog discovering fire.
Jynx blinks at the odd scene.
Fenter freezes. ( Maybe he's just sizing me up for a portrait… not dinner. Juuust a portrait… )
The cheetah circles Fenter some more, then, with a sudden frenzy of activity, whips out the wooden "brush". *dab dab poke brush sweep plop sweep sweep brush scrape dab dab poke brush brush smooth poke dab* …
Jynx forces back a laugh at the sight of the cheetah 'brushing' the raccoon.
After the whirlwind of activity subsides, the cheetah stands back, regarding his accomplishment. Behold Fenter: Work of Art.
Funny. Some of those bug guts almost seem to glow a yellowish-green in the firelight.
Jynx claps for the artist; this is the first good laugh he's had in a long time!
Fenter just sits there, blinking.
Fenter pulls his bottle out again and takes a rather long draw off of it. "Vandal… hmmph. Good thing it's almost unity day, I won't stand out any more than I usually do."
Jynx says, "Maybe you'll win first prize at the costume parade?"
Arrayed across Fenter's spattered robes are wild patterns that writhe in a way reminiscent of some of those on the "wall painting", but take a different approach. The green is dominant in the fore, forming lines which seem to suggest ethereal vines that stretch out and flow across the raccoon's form, contrasting with the darker hues naturally provided by the cloth, enhanced by subtler splotches of color.
"You understand sign?" Fenter gestures to the cheetah in large exaggerated signs.
As Fenter shifts just the right way, some of the ambient light from the fire makes an interesting effect on the back of the robes Jynx can see for a moment what looks like a stylized eye, in the center of the radiating "vines", staring outward.
The cheetah just looks at Fenter. However, the flick of his eyes betrays to the wary that he must be following Fenter's hands.
Jynx jumps! "Hey Fender, when'd you grow an eye in your back?"
Fenter says, "The name is FEN-TER! A fender is something that gets bumped into a great deal on purpose… something that I feel a bit akin to at the moment."
Jynx ohs, "Sorry."
The cheetah, meanwhile, has walked closer to Jynx, and seems to be taking a keen interest in all the glop on HIS attire…
Fenter points to himself and signs again, "Fenter." He points to the black Khatta, "Feli." He then points to the Savanite and makes a huge questioning sign.
Jynx uh ohs, and braces for what he knows must be coming…
The Savanite pauses from stalking Jynx, long enough to point back at the painting as if that somehow should answer the question.
Fenter tries to look at the eye on his back, he manages to scoot around in circles a few times and make himself dizzy… but can't seem to get a glimpse at the eye.
Fenter blinks at the Savanite, then squints at the painting.
Jynx opens one eye, hoping that maybe the delay means he's safe from the brush accosting…
Fenter squeals! "OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!"
The cheetah might look vaguely offended. Or maybe he's amused. Or maybe he's grinning. Boy, he really needs a bath!
Jynx looks to Fenter, "What is it?"
Fenter says, "Feli! Feli! Don't you know who this guy is? He's THE Kame Ikata! Wow … what an honor … to be covered from head to toe in … garish colors. *ahem* But by a master!"
Fenter looks at his robe. ( I could probably SELL this… )
Jynx thinks for a bit. "But … wasn't he commited to the asylum?"
Fenter says, "I suppose I could ask … Perhaps they're letting the patients run out for a spot of fresh air."
The cheetah has resumed stalking Jynx, scrutinizing him closely.
Jynx starts to crawl away from the Savanite. Artist or not, he's still insane.
Fenter just rocks back and forth on his seat, dreaming about all the money he's going to make…
In a frenzy of activity, Kame goes to work! Tada! It would take a bit of inspection to guess that the Khatta was originally black. Right now, he looks more like … technicolor calico.
Jynx freezes as the rush occurs, then opens his eyes to look at his new appearance. Yikes, he looks like his mother after being attacked by a paint bucket!
Jynx says, "Uhh, thanks… I think."
Fenter whistles, hoping to get the Savanite's attention.
The Savanite obliges, breaking away from studying his handiwork, to look at Fenter.
Jynx sighs and mopes a bit This'll take forever to wash out! But wait, maybe a certain knight won't be able to recognize him now…
"Why you here? Thought you were in Asylum." Fenter signs, again garishly overexaggerated.
Jynx leaps up from his seat in a fit of joy, and rushes over to the Savanite. He grabs the cheetah by the paw and shakes vigorously. "Thank you! Oh, thank you very much!!"
Kame Ikata manages a smile.
Fenter just stares confusedly. He's gotten rather good at that.
Jynx steps back and takes another look at himself. He may smell bad, and have bug guts over him, but he's a different-looking cat now. Besides, the look might catch on.
*DING* A bell rings from just outside the circle of broken stones and statuary.
Fenter says, "Oh dear… It's the squeaker with the little bell again."
Jynx freezes. There it is again… Now, the bright, obvious colors seem to be a curse in this darkness. If he wants to hide, that is.
Sure enough, the rat comes marching into the clearing, still adorned with a blindfold, but fortunately avoiding the fire. Dragging behind the rat is a long train … or, rather, several tattered bedsheets, knotted together. Tucked under one arm is a stuffed Jupani.
Jynx blinks. ( What is that, a leash? )
Fenter says, "OHHHHHHH! I see now." He looks up to Kame. "You escaped, did you? Along with the rat.""
The cheetah looks to Fenter and then grins widely.
The rat intones, "Emoc sah emit eht."
Jynx sits back down on the column. He's just plain weirded out now.
Kame Ikata nods to the rat, and then walks past Jynx and Fenter, up to the statue. He pauses there a time, looking at the stone form, and then places his hands to his chest and executes a slow bow.
Fenter turns around and studies the statue.
Jynx watches, brow furrowed.
The statue is some sort of cenotaph, from times past Due to the ultimately confined nature of Rephidim, despite its wide expanses, a proper cemetary just isn't a reality in this city. By compromise of sorts, the "cemetary" contained many stone monuments to the departed. But now, even space for that is rarely allocated, except by the filthy rich.
Fenter mumbles to Jynx, "For someone that's insane, he apparently has enough of his wits about him to manage."
Jynx just nods quietly, eyes still on the cheetah.
"I wonder who the statue was erected in memory of… " the raccoon wonders.
The image is that of an Aeonian, looking slightly down, a line of sight possibly traced to that wild painting across the way. No inscription provides any explanation.
Jynx hmmms. "It kind of looks like that little Rory kid I met, only bigger."
The cheetah turns and walks out of the circle of forgotten memorials, the bell-carrying Skreek stepping in behind, the trail of bed sheets scraping dangerously close to the fire, but not quite catching it.
Jynx watches them go, then turns to Fenter. "Should we follow them? I mean, I'd like to get out of this place… "
Fenter turns to Jynx. "I'm curious as to where they're going… and a mite concerned. Darkside is NOT the place for a Savanite to be seen walking around. We risk getting our own keisters into trouble by following them … although it's probably only marginally safer here… "
Fenter says, "We might as well follow, if Kame will allow us."
Jynx looks around and nods. "Well, wherever it is they're going, it can't be much worse than this." He stands and begins to pad behind the rat.
Fenter stands up as well, wincing as the half-dried paint makes schlorping noises as it's pulled from the stone of the fallen column.
Kame, being a cheetah, might be capable of making a mad dash, but he seems to have no compulsion to do that just now. Besides, he has that blindfolded Skreek with the trail of bedsheets following him. (The bedsheets make it very easy to tail the two, plus the occasional ring of that bell.)
Jynx sighs. He just wants to get back to the Vile Phial and take a nap. Besides, this paint itches a bit.
The sheets snag and rip here and there, but don't get permanently entangled. As the winding trail continues … more than once it seems that the spotted cat and rat have gone around in a circle, ending up in very familiar territory. (A few scraps of bedsheet found snagged in branches nearby lend credence to this supposition.) But eventually, some more lights loom up ahead … these coming from a large manor in the midst of the decay.
The cemetary gives way to a neglected street, and the street turns up toward a gateway guarded by two stone statues, one on either side, resembling female sphynxes (the leo-taur sort) bearing spears.
Jynx blinks at the sight. He turns to Fenter and whispers, "Who do you suppose would build something like that in this part of town?"
Past the gate is a manor that looks like it was built by an architect who had, as Jynx puts it, "too much happy juice". The walls lean faintly inward, giving the place an illusion from the ground of being much taller than it actually is.
Fenter balks at the sight of the sphynxes. "I-I er… think that this was probably a teeming town at one point. Why it's all run down is beyond me. Perhaps folks think it's haunted."
Jynx stops, "Haunted?"
The rat and spotted cat march past the gateway, into the grounds, and on around the manor, toward the side. The rat rings once on the bell, and then the spotted cat flings one end of the sheet "rope" toward a window. It does not fall back down again someone must have caught the end.
Fenter just shrugs at Jynx. He watches the two figures.
The rat moans, "Ytic Daed eht eugalp stirips eht, aey."
"It LOOKS haunted," the raccoon mumbles.
With that, the spotted cat looks as if he's about to scale the "rope" … but instead ties it around his waist, and ties another loop around the rat's long hairless tail. *DING*
Jynx shakes off the thought, and looks at the duo, "Ummm, I guess we better not follow them in, then… " He backs up.
*YANK* The sheets begin tugging upward, and the rat and spotted cat dangle in a most undignified manner from the tangle of sheets. More than once, they bounce against the wall of the manor. Ow.
*ding* *dingledingle* *BONK* *dingdingding* *BONK* *ding*
Jynx blinks at the odd scene. There's not much to be said for this; it seems the insane must have their own ways of doing things…
A few more tugs, and the artist and bell-ringer disappear into the window, leaving the colorful raccoon and Khatta alone in the courtyard.
Fenter ducks behind one of the sphynxes and peers around at the window wincing at every bump and clutching his own tail as he sees the Skreek dangling by his.
Jynx just stares at where the two were, "My, wasn't that, ummm, interesting." He looks over to Fenter, "I think we better get out of here."
At least, now, the two are at a road again. That's an improvement over the cemetary.
Fenter looks at himself, "Ugh… I need a bath."
Jynx looks at himself as well. He wonders if he should take a bath, since this is a very good (if repulsive) disguise.
Fenter looks around, "The sad thing is … I've not the foggiest notion where we are. We walked around in so many circles to get here that I'm not quite sure which way we need to take to get back."
Jynx looks around for any landmark that might tell him where he is. After all, he's lived in Rephidim his whole life.
The Procession cuts a swath across the sky from east to west. At least that provides a nice help for navigating on Sinai, in lieu of a moon. However, there is the matter of determining which end is east, and which is west. The tall buildings block out sight of any familiar landmarks that would fill in the rest of the blanks, but then there's the great mountain in the center of the sky island, which helps to give at least a rough idea of one's position.
Fenter mumbles to himself, "I wonder if Wyckyd is around… He could probably lead me back… "
Jynx looks to Fenter, "Who?"
"But onwy fuh a pwythe!" comes a deep voice from the shadows.
Jynx swivels around quickly. Where did that lisp eminate from?
Fenter looks around at the shadows, trying to find one with two little glowing red dots in it.
The speaker evidently hasn't chosen to stand in a place that relies only on the darkness to conceal himself. There's no sign of the speaker.
Fenter says, "Not the groveling thing again!"
Jynx covers his ears. That laugh would be almost comical if it weren't so annoying…
Fenter says, "I mean … the paint hasn't dried yet … I'll get mud all over myself. It's expensive to replace a robe you know."
The voice bellows, "I am tiyed of gwovewing. Now I thee you haf met youah doom! Wotht in Dahkthide! How fitting amith the inthane and dead!"
Jynx says, "What did you say? I think you need to stop talking with your mouth full… "
Fenter blinks at Jynx. "He sounds perfectly fine to me… "
"THILENTHE!" bellows the voice. It's probably coming from up in that tree on the other side of one of the Sphynxes. Oh! So THERE are those two glowing red spots! But they blink out again.
Fenter grumbles.
Jynx says, "Who in blazes is that? And what's wrong with his mouth?"
The voice bellows, "Thut up, you FOOWUH! I thpeak Wephidim Thtandahd ath a conthidewation fuh the liketh of you! Thow thome wethpect!"
Fenter says as softly as he can, "That's um… Wyckyd. He's my arch nemesis."
"Arch nemesis?" Jynx begins to wonder if these two belong to that nice little institution in front of them as well…
The bat obligingly laughs in a deep, chilling voice. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!"
Jynx says, "Cripes! Would you stop that? Some of us LIKE our hearing, you know!"
Jynx says, "I mean, you sound worse than my little sister!"
Fenter says, "Um… Wyckyd, we've both been plastered in bug guts and paint by um… someone. You'll have to excuse us for being just a tad bit cranky… "
The bat laughs menacingly, then says, "I thaw the whowe thing. BWAHAHHAHAAAAAA HAA HAAAAAA! (choke) (guffaw!)"
Jynx grumbles, darn right cranky. o O( I've dealt with knights, gypsies, insane painters, and now THIS? )
Fenter scowls. Great … here's something he's never going to live down.
Jynx's natural feline anger begins to rise, and his tail twitches angrily. This has been too long a day.
Wyckyd stops laughing long enough, to gasp-lisp, "They'ww kiw you in Dahkthide. You'w neveh thuhvive the night. Howeveh… "
Fenter says, "You're still sore at me for drinking your perfume, aren't you?"
The red dots appear again. They bob up and down. "Ambegwith wath unimpwethed with the offewing."
Fenter says, "It wouldn't have worked anyhow. The vermites didn't like it."
"Vehmiteth? Thith wath not fuh the vehmiteth. Thith wath fuh Ambehgwith, the motht beautifuh Eeee in aww exithtenthe. Even if the hath a motht unfohtunate name," the bat lisps.
Jynx decides he's had enough, and begins to pad down the street, "When you two are quite done, you can find me down the street looking for a way out of here."
The bat snorts. "No one walkth away fwom … WYCKYD!" He squeaks, "My minionth! THEITHE HIM!"
Fenter says, "Wyckyd, now be a sport and don't sick your vermites on the poor lad. He's had a rough day."
Fenter says, "Oop … too late."
*squeak! squeak squeak squeak!* (pitterpatterpitterpatter)
Jynx stops. ( Great, now what? )
Multitudes of little red pairs of dots appear from the darkness … and converge upon Jynx!
They then halt. The bat says, "Gwovew and athk fowah mehthy."
Fenter rocks back and forth on his heels. "So what must we do to get out of Darkside, oh ruler-of-the-night."
Jynx yikes! He was right, the Queen Vermite MUST live around here somewhere!!
Jynx refrains from his fright, and looks back at the red eyes. He pokes a finger in his ears. They must be stopped up. "Excuse me, ask for what?"
The bat looks to Jynx and repeats, "Mehthy. Dwop on yowah kneeth and go 'Pweathe, pweathe, do not huht me.'" Wyckyd holds the vermites at bay, while he rubs his dark chin. He looks to Fenter and says, "You mutht agwee to a pwedge. You mutht go on a quetht, to find a gift wuhthy of the motht beautifuw Eeee in the wuhhd."
Fenter says, "OHH! Is that all! That'll be easy… I'll just find a nice big fat bug… "
"Murphy? Murky? Make sense!" Jynx grumbles.
Wyckyd bellows, "NO! No bugth. That ith too … clithe."
Fenter says, "Oh… um… hmm… "
Fenter whispers loudly to Jynx. "He's a tad sensitive about his l-i-s-p, Feli."
Wyckyd intones, "You mutht pwedge, or you wiww get no atthithtanthe."
Jynx hmphs, "Yeah? Well my tail is sensitive too, but you don't see me sicking vermin on people every time someone steps on it!"
Fenter says, "Well, he's a bad guy, Feli. Bad guys are supposed to do that. Us good guys let folks splatter us in paint and throw bugs on us without getting too miffed."
Wyckyd nods sagely. "It ith a lotht aht, the aht of being a pwopeh Hewo owah Ahch-Fff … fffff … fff … " He squints, trying to spit it out, then just says, "Bad guy."
Jynx yawns. "Well, I'm not a good guy or a bad guy, I'm a tired and hungry guy. And that guy is getting on my nerves! You wanna tell your pets to go eat some cheese or something, Quinten? I'd like to get out of here."
Wyckyd hmphs. "I think a pwopeh lethon ith in owahdeh." He claps his hands together.
Jynx looks for a way out of the vermites, "Well, maybe you can take a few pointers from that cheetah in there. He's into art it seems. Now if you don't mind… "
*squeeeeeeeak!* A whole army of vermites possibly every one in existence in Rephidim, by the mass of them collapses upon Jynx in a wave!
Fenter shrugs and shuffles back to face Wyckyd. "Okie doke. I pledge to get your girlfriend a nicey nice present if you help us find our way out of Darkside. What do I have to do? Give you a lock of my hair or somethinEEEEK!"
They crawl all around Jynx, squeaking loudly and wriggling all over, in a mad frenzy that has such force as to bear him along!
Jynx AAAAAAACKS!!!! and falls to the ground. "GET EM OFF, GET EM OFF!!"
Fenter says, "Here now! The poor lad's stinky enough!"
Wyckyd says, "Vewy good! Then, fowwoh yowah fwiend. I wiw haf them dwop him off in the thity."
With that, the mass of wriggling bodies scoots along the street, heading eastward.
Fenter says, "Um thanks. By the way, do you think she'd like a painting by the renowned Kame Ikata? Whoop! There goes my ride… we'll talk later."
Wyckyd cackles gleefully, as he spreads his wings and takes flight into the air. "Yeth, my minionth! Onwahd! ONWAHD! BWAHAHAHAHAA!"
Fenter scurries after Jynx and the Vermites.
Jynx sighs inwardly, while still struggling. Vermites stink, even the flying kind.
The swarm of vermites continues, bearing its disoriented passenger toward Darkside. As it enters the seamy streets … even the most cold-blooded of killers thinks the better of getting in the way of a whole swarm of these beasties. The street is clear by the time that Fenter comes running along behind.
With a chorus of squeaks and chitters making it easy to follow the disturbance (and warning the unwary to get OUT OF THE WAY!), the moving heap of fuzzy and chitinous (and very smelly) bodies makes its way out of Darkside, and back to the fringes of the city … at which point, the pile lets out a chorus of squeaks, and immediately disperses, each little body scurrying off in a random direction, leaving the paint-spattered Khatta in a deserted (but lamp-lit) street.
Jynx just lays there, still pondering if what just happened… really happened.
Fenter says, "Whoo! We made it! Huzzah!"
Above and past a few buildings, the clock tower shows the time as midnight. Or noon.
Fenter stoops to help the Khatta up.
Jynx gets to his feet. Pew! Disguise or no, he's gotta get a bath. Looking up he sees the clock tower, and a feeling of relief comes over him.
Jynx rrrrs now. "Who was that sorry excuse for a winged vermite anyways? A friend of yours?"
Fenter says, "The Eee? That was Wyckyd. He's my arch nemesis. He plans to take over the world someday… He actually succeeded once for about fifteen minutes."
Jynx looks for the road to the public baths, "Well, you can save that for a later date. Right now I just want to get washed off."
Fenter says, "And I must go about my quest for finding the perfect gift for a female Eee."
Jynx nods. "Well, I have to go about my quest for some bathwater. So I guess I'll see you later." ( If I want to go insane, that is )
Fenter says, "Take care then, Feli. And you might want to keep your clothing intact … You could probably sell it to some noble for a handy sum. Kame's paintings are all the rage."
Jynx, making all sorts of interesting noises due to the bug guts, vermite hair, sneezing powder and general filth, tromps off to get a bath. ( Yeah, my rage… )
Fenter merrily skips off in the other direction, whistling a perky tune as he goes.