28 Unity, 6105 RTR (26 Apr 2001) Envoy visits Caroban, then Xenea.
(Caroban) (Envoy) (Savan) (Spheres of Magic)

Envoy's return to Caroban was not met by a parade or a banquet or any such thing. No, instead, she was shuttled off to private chambers, poked, prodded and examined by representatives of every Sphere that might have something to say about her condition. At last, the mages seemed satisfied that this was, indeed, Envoy and nothing but Envoy, without any hidden spirits tagging along for the ride.

Once that had been accomplished, several of the mages offered some mumbled apologies, and some presented some awkward well-wishes, thanks and/or congratulations for Envoy's "recovery", and her part in the defeat of the Royal Babelite Mages.

Of the snippets of news that Envoy received while in Caroban, most were fairly mundane and trivial, only of import to those obsessed with Caroban's little social circles and internal politics. A few items stood out, though:

First would be that a small delegation of Savanites and Shigai came all the way from the state of Xenea in the Savan – seeking, it seems an opportunity to have shamansamong their number recognized as legitimate spellcasters. The controversy? On the one hand, the College certainly can't tolerate openly practicing hedge wizards, and part of the deal has been an offer by the Xeneans to sponsor their shamans' tuition and Guild membership with the College. On the other, there are more than a few mages unwilling to accept Savanites or their rituals on equal terms.

Second, there is much buzz about a manifestation of the spirit-entity "Sunala" in Rephidim, and how a spirit-possessed girl escaped from the old College grounds (where she was being studied for a possible means to cure her of this possession) with the aid of a renegade Knight Templar and a priestess of Sunala. This has added fuel to two already heated debates:

Should the College take a more aggressive stance against "spirit beings"? After all, there have been increased reports of such beings walking Sinai freely, whereas once upon a time, they would have been targeted for immediate exorcism or banishment.

And, should the College take a more aggressive stance against hedge wizardry? Numerous cases have amassed whereby it seems that rogue spellcasters have been flaunting their powers in defiance of the authority of the College Esoterica, and it has even been called into question whether the Yodh of Babel should be exempt any longer, and whether miracle-working in general should be categorically classified as "sorcery" and thus subject to the usual penalties.

It's a fairly divisive issue, and one that illustrates Caroban's lack of strong, centralized leadership. (Some would call this a good thing. Many are reconsidering this.)

Once it was mentioned that Envoy wished to see Dean Viscoi, however, most conversational topics died away instantly. Envoy had yet to meet with the Cervani mage, but once his name was invoked, it wasn't much longer until Envoy found herself escorted over to the School of Mind, and into a conference room to wait for the mentalist.

Mural Conference Room
This conference room shares the same decor style as the larger library hall that it adjoins: the walls are covered in a flowing mural of images that blend and blur into each other, seemingly unrelated in any sort of theme, though it would seem that wherever one looks, one can see a face … even if that face happens to be composed of individual scribbles that, if focused on individually, are entirely different things. The more one looks, the more one sees, and the whole mural might well work as a sort of giant ink blot test. A thick and heavy wooden table is covered with scratches and stains that echo the effect, and the chairs are formed of twisted wood that, one might suppose, are meant to represent something, but it's just not clear what.

Envoy tries her best to get comfortable in the odd chamber, and thinks a bit about all of the controversies she's heard about. In large part, she thinks, they all depend on the College's ability to enforce it's rules, especially within sovereign nations that may have their own rules about hedge wizards and sorcery.

The chair Envoy is sitting in seems to be just a little wrong for getting properly comfortable. The armrests are slightly asymmetrical, the seat is hard, the back has room for her wings, but just brushes against her feathers in such a way that's a tiny little nuisance.

"I wonder if this room was designed by a Dream or Chaos Mage," the Exile mutters and stands up rather than deal with the awkward chair. She stairs at all of the suggestive shapes, but without Child her imagination isn't what it used to be.

Just then, the door to the study room opens, and in comes a stern-looking deer-like Cervani in the brown robes of a Mind Mage. Dean Viscoi, of course, and his expression seems as dour as ever. "Mage Envoy," he says, with the slightest of nods of his rack of antlers, as he closes the door behind him.

Envoy bows to the stag, but remains standing. "Hello sir. I hope I'm not inconveniencing you."

"Not at all," the stag says, not very convincingly. "It is good to see you in good health – physically, as well as mentally, I am told, but I offer my sympathies regarding your difficulties." Some mages consider it bad etiquette to plainly talk about such things as a mage losing his or her powers. It could be considered a personal matter, after all.

For what it's worth, Dean Viscoi doesn't seem to be inclined to take a chair himself, and paces to the other side of the table, his cloven hooves clicking on the tile floor. (Even the tiles have strange patterns on them in which one might – if one were so creative – find hidden images.)

"I'm sure the High Council is taking up much of your time," Envoy says, sounding apologetic. "I was wondering if you had come to any decisions regarding Morpheus? I haven't heard if things were stable or not yet within the School of Dream."

"Decisions?" Viscoi seems caught off guard by this question. "I am not certain what decisions you might be referring to, Mage Envoy. It is my understanding that matters are greatly improved insofar as the practice of Dream Magic – and, by the way, I extend to you my congratulations for your accomplishment in that regard. We have been through a considerable trial, but hopefully now that will be put behind us, just as I am sure you would like to put behind you certain terrible ordeals you have been subjected to."

Envoy blinks. "Ordeals?" she asks. "I'm afraid my ordeals have just begun, if I'm to repair the damage done to my personality. I just wanted to make sure contact with Morpheus had not been forbidden, since he might be considered a spirit being. I hoped to talk to him and find out just what his attitudes where towards the practice of Dream Magic. He has no reason to trust Dream Mages, after all."

Viscoi's mouth takes on a flat line, and then he says, "That would be a matter of controversy, I am afraid, Mage Envoy. We have grown lax in our treatment of spirit beings, and it has cost us greatly. As of this moment, contact with Morpheus is not 'forbidden' … but neither is it endorsed."

"And as for Morpheus' opinions of dream mages," Viscoi adds, "it would be my sincere hope that he would not interfere with the practice of that Sphere, whatever his 'attitudes' might be."

"I see," the Aeolun says. "Will the rules about spirit beings, whatever they turn out to be, also apply to any artificial beings created by magic?"

"That would depend upon the rules," Viscoi says. "Spell-produced 'elementals' and other constructs of a temporal nature are not nearly such a concern as these various 'god-like' entities active in Sinai's affairs. But to be certain, there are restrictions on the use of those constructs as well."

"Would these restrictions apply to me then?" Envoy asks carefully, watching the Dean's reaction. "I'm an artificial construct myself."

"Yes, as you keep reminding everyone," Viscoi dryly comments. "I believe that you are likely to enjoy a special exemption on the basis that you are an Exile. An Exile might well come from a world on which people are grown like peas in a pod, or where they are carved out of stone. Each Exile must be considered on a case-by-case basis. But what we are concerned about is the nature of spirit-beings on Sinai. And here, we have certain consistent 'themes' to be found in the outcome of such incidents. To put it bluntly, those who deign to be gods or goddesses almost certainly make life troublesome for everyone else."

Envoy nods, "Of course. I just hope the College is careful not to impose regulations it cannot effectively enforce. In any case, I should see who is in charge of the School of Dream now, and see about beginning my therapy. I apologize for taking up your time, but thought I should hear your opinions before doing anything else."

Viscoi nods. "Good. And I am glad to see you back in your right mind. It was a terrible oversight on the Council's part, to allow you to remain possessed by Inala. Be reassured that you are not held responsible for actions that were not of your own choosing." Somehow, his tone of voice just doesn't sound all that soothing.

"I'm sure the Watch has taken action to assure that its monitoring procedures will be more effective in the future," Envoy says. Personally, she still thinks getting an exorcism back then would have resulted in damage almost as bad as what she sustained by breaking the possession herself.

The mind mage nods faintly. "Oh, rest assured, many changes have been made in the Caroban Watch."

"Can you tell me who the acting Dean of Dream is now?" Envoy asks. "I hope that Yffryn is no longer holding the position."

"No, Yffryn is no longer in charge of the Sphere of Dream," Viscoi asserts.

"Who is, then?"

"A final decision has not been made on a permanent Dean of Dreams," Viscoi says, "since the previous holder of that office before the 'Dream Realms' affair … Well, we all know too much about that. In any case, the present acting dean would be Magess Dalia Magritte."

Envoy smiles and bows. "Thank you, Mage Viscoi. If you need me for anything, don't hesitate to call. I will be staying at the School of Earth, of course."

Viscoi nods in return. "Good day, Mage Envoy." He does the gentlemanly thing and opens the door for her.

Leaving the room, Envoy doubts that the Mind Mage would need or seek her help for anything, but she felt that she should make the offer.

Is Envoy pariah or heroine? Perhaps a bit of both. As she encounters various mages, some familiar, many not, she is offered congratulations for her heroics on the part of rescuing the 'Dream Realm' … but at the same time, it seems that no one is terribly eager to stay around her for too long. She doesn't seem to have any particular luck contacting Dean Magritte … the dean is too busy, far too busy, and yes, you could fill in a request for a meeting, but do keep in mind, there are always things coming up, and maybe you should just check back in a few weeks, thank you very much.

Envoy is, however, able to get an audience with Iona. Iona seems a bit nervous about the whole thing, and insists they go somewhere they can speak without being listened in on.

Caroban, Enchanted Cuisine
Featuring an ostentatious display of magic, this restaurant displays tokens from every sphere of the arts – fountains, including pathways of water down the center of the aisles between tables, blazing braziers, stone servants, and exotic plants, to name a few. Despite the dramatic displays of power, the restaurant is quiet, and even calm; most of the patrons are accustomed to the overt signs of magic, and do not fuss over them. The tables dotting the multi-tiered restaurant are solid wood and inscribed with a ring of runes about the edge, with chairs to match.

Iona leans over her cup of mateh, stirring it intently, breathing in the warm fragrant steam that rises from the still-hot drink.

Envoy picks at her salad a bit, and watches her friend. "I'm not contagious, if that is what's making everyone uncomfortable," she says quietly.

The wolf magus sighs. "Listen, it's just … it's been very strange, on many levels. This whole affair has been a challenge to the College's authority over things magical, and even with the Realms gone, that still doesn't seem to be a resolved issue. And then there's the matter of who you are, and who you were … and whether this could happen to any one of us."

"What happened to me was my own fault," Envoy explains. "I didn't get drawn into the conflict as an innocent bystander, after all."

Iona furrows one brow. "Ah … I think you're better off just letting people think you were an innocent bystander, Envoy. It's bad enough as it is."

Envoy frowns. "Should I leave Caroban then, until things settle down? I just want to finish my recovery, but if nobody wants to deal with me here, then there isn't much point in my staying."

Iona shakes her head. "I think, right now, people are still trying to figure out whether it's really you. I'm sure it will pass. I mean … I'm a bit nervous, but that's all it is. Nervousness. We're mages. We think we know how things work. For us, there are no miracles, no true unknowns. Everything ultimately follows some sort of rule, whether we know it for certain or not. But this… " She waves her hands around vaguely. "… These strange incidents, nobody can get a handle on. They don't follow clear-cut rules. And they remind us that we can't predict everything … we can't get everything to fit into neat, tidy little packages. And I think that's what's really unsettling for a lot of the mages."

The Aeolun sighs and chews on some lettuce. Finally, she admits, "Between you and me, I'm not the same as I used to be. Breaking away from Inala cost me a lot more than just the ability to do magic. I need to see Morpheus, because he might be able to help me regain some of what I've lost. But I without Dream Magic, I'd have to go visit him directly. I need a Dream Mage that's willing to work with me."

Iona nods, looking concerned. "Well … Mystico is off in Rephidim, last I heard … but he was there when that Knight Templar broke into the College grounds. I understand he was somewhat traumatized by the whole affair. Especially with that … manifestation."

"I thought about looking into that," Envoy says, looking at her plate. "But I doubt anyone would trust my judgement in the matter. Perhaps I should visit Abu Dhabi for awhile, and visit with Barabbas."

Iona nods. "Well … frankly, I suppose it would depend on what your judgement was. If, for example, you were to start siding with that Knight Templar, you know, that would probably cost you some credibility." Iona tries to smile.

Envoy blinks. "I didn't know that I ever had credibility here on Caroban. If I manage to make a full recovery on my own, how do you think the College will react?"

Iona laughs faintly. "I'm sure they'd feel better if someone can claim credit. But … seriously, I think it's really just a matter of time. This is still fresh on minds, and, well, we've got some pretty shaky standing on some issues. I mean, about a third of our number comes from Nagai, and there's still a good portion from Babel, and enough more from the smaller surface nations to make up maybe a third with 'peculiar' ideas about deities and how magic relates to them."

"Frankly, I think the College should stay out of spirit-hunting, unless someone actually asks for help dealing with one," Envoy whispers. "Let Babel deal with Sunala itself. She's their goddess, after all. They don't want us interfering, and if something bad happens … well, it'll be an example to the rest about what happens when the College doesn't have jurisdiction to police such matters."

Iona frowns. "Well … for a very long time, the College did have jurisdiction. It's just been … an understanding. If you want to use magic, you go through the College."

"That was when everyone trusted the College though," Envoy says. "We aren't as closely tied to the major governments now, so they don't have much cause to cooperate with us. And the ones that do want to cooperate, we insult. I've heard that the Xenean shamans haven't exactly been welcomed."

Iona twists her mouth at this. "Well, that's a touchy matter. Savanites all used to be slaves after all. Some of the Olympian and Babelite mages even still have Savanite slaves back home."

"Ah, but Caroban is neutral, not beholden to the customs and laws of other lands, even though our mages come from them," Envoy mutters. "If we show bias, then that argument is shown to be worthless. All we need to do is set up a Guild Hall in Xenea, and the Savanite Mages can be trained there. We can learn things from them, after all. But then, I'm just a crazy Exile with no homeland to feel allegiance too, so these are probably just empty arguments."

Iona smirks faintly. "Maybe. But it's worth someone saying, I suppose." She sighs.

Envoy pushes her plate away. "It's not worth my saying it though, not in my current state," she says. "I have to fix myself before I turn as bitter and cynical as … as … as any other mortal." She sighs. "Either way, I think I need to distance myself from Caroban just now, or I'll just get into trouble."

Iona frowns, and stirs her drink some more, still not sipping from it. "Is there anything I could do to help? I … I'm not a mind mage or a dream mage, of course. But I'd still like to know."

Envoy rubs the base of her horn, and thinks. "Want to take a sabbatical? I'll probably need to go to Xenea, ironically, to get the help of a Dream Mage. After that,I'll want to see Barabbas, and maybe travel off-world or visit some friends in Nordika. I need to … find myself again."

Iona drums her fingers against her chin thoughtfully. "Do you have any sort of … pull with the Xeneans? I don't suppose their delegation will remain here long. Maybe you could ride back with them. Though I wouldn't suggest making yourself high profile doing that."

"Pull?" Envoy asks. "Not exactly. I'm friends with the Queen, and I have a standing job offer with her, sort of. I think leaving with them is a good idea though, as I'm sure it'll be a big relief to everyone. I'll just say I'm going on a vacation."

"Friends with the Queen?" Iona echoes. "I think that should qualify, yes. In any case … would it help you if I came along to escort you? I wouldn't mind seeing Barabbas myself. It's been a while since I've been to Abu Dhabi … and it's still springtime. Best to go there before it warms up," she says, smiling faintly.

Envoy smiles, "I'd be glad for the company. I don't suppose one of the Xeneans is named Twilight-Wing?"

"I honestly wouldn't know," Iona confesses. "I haven't exactly … socialized with them."

"Do you know where they're staying then?" Envoy asks.

"In the Palace of Spheres," Iona says. "I believe they're staying in the Sphere of Earth, ironically enough."

Envoy smirks. "I wonder if they're done with official business for the day then?"

Iona looks about. "At this hour? I should hope so. Though I understand that their speeches are a bit slow with all that hand-sign, if they want anyone to follow them."

"Let's go see them then," Envoy suggests. "If I know any of them, it will make it easier to bum a ride."

Palace of the Priest-Queen, Safar
The palace of the Priest-Queen does not compare to the grandeur of the old palace in the City of Hands, but it is perhaps more practical for the sort of leadership appropriate to the fledgling state. It is more a manor than a palace – a large house of stone and woodwork, decorated with touches of tribal Savanite art, and artifacts of the Silent-Ones, as well as other tokens of the many splinter cultures of the Savanites that have sprung up over Sinai and beyond. The reception room has plants sprouting from vases and nooks, and hanging from suspended potters, with the burbling of a small fountain and the chittering of a pet Creen on a perch adding to the ambience.

Envoy was, after all, able to get a ride back to Xenea. Being friends with the Priest-Queen has its perks. She was treated as an honored guest, and Iona as well … though Iona was not really able to communicate very well at all with the Savanites, save for a few hand-signs she had managed to pick up somewhere along the way.

At last, Envoy was escorted to the Priest-Queen's residence. And now, attended by a couple of eager Shigai who seem to want to stuff her with a sample of just aboutevery type of hors' d'ouevres that might be found in Xenea, she waits for the Priest-Queen's arrival. Iona, seated nearby, once again has a cup of steaming tea, and focuses intently upon it.

Envoy tries one of the snacks, and smiles to Iona. "It looks like things have come a long way since my last visit. I should take a tour of all the colonies sometime. How's your tea, Iona?"

Iona looks up, smiling nervously. "Fine. Fine, thank you. And, no, thank you, I don't need any bugs to add any more flavor to my tea, thank you, please," she says to the nearest lizard servant, who only bobs his head in response.

The lizards, for their part, must have the idea that their visitors are from Babel, as Envoy certainly doesn't remember insects as being a primary part of Savanite cuisine. But then, it might be said that, yes, one of the visitors is recently come from Babel.

Noticing her companion's nervousness, Envoy asks, "Would you like something else? I'm sure there are meats and fruits as well. Xenea has an incredibly diverse population and cultural makeup, almost like Rephidim."

Iona shakes her head. "I'll be fine."

Just then, a couple of cheetah attendants stride into the room … and a regal Savanite woman – Jade Eyes – steps in. She smiles and inclines her head, signing, "Greetings and welcome, Mages Envoy and Iona." She nods to her attendants, dismissing them, and just one of the lizards stays – standing in a corner, waiting to see if anyone needs a refill or other refreshment.

Envoy stands and bows, and then signs, "It's good to see you again, Your Highness. My friend is not fluent in sign I'm afraid, would you mind if I provided you with a voice for her benefit?"

Jade-Eyes nods. "That would be fine."

"This is Priest-Queen Jade-Eyes, Iona," the Aeolun says, introducing the cheetah to the wolf. "I'll translate for her, so you won't be left out."

Iona bows to the cheetah queen. "A pleasure to meet you."

The Priest-Queen nods, and strolls over to a cushioned chair. "Please, be seated again." She sits down herself, smoothing out the folds of her layered zolken robe, which is comprised of various shades of brown, save for the colorful collarpiece that is fashioned to resemble stylized Creen-feathers radiating out from her neck and draping over her shoulders, and a crown of golden wire that encircles her head and rises at her forehead to form a tiny Creen rising, wings spread and colored with inlaid pieces of colored shell to represent the feathers.

Once Iona hears Envoy's translation, she takes the hint and returns to her seat, adjusting her own sienna-hued robes.

"It seems like ages since I was last here," Envoy tells the Queen after taking her seat again. "It looks like you've made a lot of progress. I take it everything has been well with you?"

"Not everything, I'd dare sign," Jade-Eyes confesses, "but far better than I would have thought, now and then. We are trying to start good relationships with our neighbors … and Caroban is, every once in a while, one of them, hence our visit. That, and I do not like thinking of all of our practitioners of the arcane arts as 'hedge wizards'. Some of them, after all, were practicing magic before the College ever existed."

Envoy sighs after translating. "Caroban is in a bit of a … transitional period right now. I have hopes that they will open a Guild Hall in Xenea though, so that modern and traditional types of magic can be studied for everyone's benefit. I thought it best to take a sabbatical while the College works itself out. That, and I'm not exactly much of a mage at the moment."

Jade-Eyes nods, then furrows one brow. "Not much of a mage?"

"I was possessed by the Babelite goddess Inala for a while," Envoy explains. "Breaking that cost me my ability to use magic, as well as setting me back several years in the personality department."

Jade-Eyes frowns. "That's terrible. I hope this is not permanent?"

"There are ways I can regain my magical abilities, including just retraining myself," Envoy says. "But as for the rest, there is no easy solution. I was going to seek the help of a Dream Mage, but my condition made that a bit difficult to do on Caroban. My status there is a bit … mixed."

"I am sorry to hear that," Jade-Eyes says. "If there is any way that we might be able to assist, please do not hesitate to ask. I cannot guarantee that there is anything we could do for such a condition, but I am certain that we can try."

Envoy smiles. "Thank you. I just need to enter a magically induced dream state, so that I can consult with Morpheus. I don't suppose you have any dream mages available?"

Jade-Eyes' ears wiggle. "You make it sound as if I might go to the cupboard and see if I can find any. But, yes, there are a few practicing dream mages in Safar. I will find one willing to assist you."

"I appreciate your help," Envoy says, perking up a bit. "Is there something I could do for you in return, that doesn't require magic? I'm also looking for ways to redeem myself. I'm not very pleased with some of the things I did in Babel recently."

Jade-Eyes frowns at the mention of Babel, but doesn't press the issue. "I suppose that if you could put in a good word for us with your friends in the College, that would be most helpful. We really do want to be on good terms with the College Esoterica."

Envoy fidgets a bit. "My word at this time probably wouldn't help," she admits. "It'll be a while before they fully trust me, after what I've been through."

The cheetah queen smiles weakly. "Well then, perhaps when it is the proper time. We hope to be here for many years yet. As much as I would like instant results, I would be satisfied to at least know that there is hope for resolution sometime in the future."

"I'm sure there will be," Envoy says. "I think Caroban will need all the allies it can get. It has to deal with politics now."

Jade-Eyes nods. "True. So … what else have you been up to since you last visited?"

Envoy has to actually think about this. "Well, Iona and I went to the Wandering Roams to try and capture a Goliath, and found out quite a bit of history in the process. The School of Life on Caroban is still going through the findings, but we seem to have discovered the origins of several Sinai animal species … including eeps."

"Whew," Iona says, at this. "It was … an adventure, true enough."

"Eeps?" Jade-Eyes repeats in sign. "I thought they were indigenous to Ur, not the Wandering Roams."

"The Temple has put the site under quarantine, of course," Envoy says. "It wasn't a First Ones site, but the technology was certainly dangerous enough to warrant caution."

"The current breed of eeps are descendants of the creatures created thousands of years ago, it seems," the Aeolun explains. "It was due to an ancient Exile expedition to Sinai that had … odd ideas about the manipulation of life forms."

"That would explain a lot," Jade-Eyes muses, nodding.

"Not the sort of people you'd want to watch your pets," Envoy says, grinning a bit. "After that … well, things started to heat up in the High Princess' bid to become a goddess, and it took up most of my time. I got to see a few temples in Babel though, and the famous Undercity. Even got to invent a new sporting event, but I'm not sure it'll catch on."

Jade-Eyes blinks at this.

Iona groans and shields her eyes with one hand.

Jade-Eyes looks to Envoy. "A new sporting event?"

Envoy nods, pursing her lips a bit. "Blakatball. It's a bit … Babelite. I did get to play against Blakat herself though, on Candlemass, and effectively beat her with a team of slaves taken from the Temple of Inala. And yet, I still got on okay with the Yodhblakat afterwards. They are a bit unhinged."

At this, the Priest-Queen's eyebrows rise. "I suspect that this is a 'long story'."

"I suppose, since it started back during the last war," Envoy says. "I saw Morpheus getting abducted by the Royal Mages of Babel, and well … things went downhill from there."

"You have the strangest adventures, Mage Envoy," Jade-Eyes remarks. "Well … I suppose it would be best if I saw to finding a dream mage for you. You are welcome to stay as guests in the palace. I am sure that I can arrange a session for tomorrow, if you are not needing to leave immediately."

"I have nothing but time," Envoy says, grinning. "I'll be happy to tell you the whole story when you have the time. I'd like to know what you have been up to as well?"

Jade-Eyes' ears wiggle. "That will be a long story as well! But all in good time, then. If you will excuse me, I'll round up some of my magical advisors, and I'll have someone see to it that rooms are prepared for you. I do hope you enjoy your stay here." And with that, she rises, and nods to her guests.

Envoy stands and bows to the Queen. "Thank you, Jade-Eyes."

Iona stands and then bows as well. With that, the Priest-Queen leaves, and a couple of lizard-like Shiga servants skitter into the room, eager to tend to their guests' needs.

Envoy smiles to the Jupani mage. "It sure is nice to be back in civilization again, isn't it?"


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)