Alysin's Opera House
Once a moderate-to-small-sized theatre, then an auction house, then occasionally a theatre again, Alysin's Opera House has changed its colors repeatedly to fit the current need. For now, it is fixed up in somewhat tattered finery, the dying embers of its glorious past fanned to a light flame for the time being. An orchestra pit is before the stage, filled with players of a wide range of instruments, and many balconies overlook the main seating area, allowing some of the audience a more private and exclusive point of view over the proceedings.
The hall is filled tonight, with persons who one might not expect to be the usual sort to attend an opera. But then, this is not quite a normal opera not that Rephidim has seen very many in recent years at all. It is sponsored by the wealthy and many say 'eccentric' Kujaku, Avi Kromo. In his attempts to 'encourage the arts', he has decided to distribute a number of complimentary tickets to a seemly random distribution of Rephidim citizens. Fortunately, it doesn't look like there is much in the way of Darkside rabble in this spot, but you certainly don't see the high and mighty … aside from a few Templars, but they are probably not here just to see the opera.
The leading lady for this particular opera, is a striking young Exile known as "Envoy Lothrhyn," assuming the programs have it spelled correctly. (With Exiles, there's likely to be some difficulty in translation, after all.)
Up in one of the balcony, a few strangers have been grouped together. As fate would have it, a Technopriest named Buran is seated next to a musician named Natilie.
The opera is already underway, so far displaying an impressive selection of finely-made costumes … and the musical score isn't too bad, either. Funny, though the leading man is a bit short for the part.
Natilie wakes herself up with a sudden loud snore. Realizing what had happened, she quickly sits up straight and tries to pay attension to the opera.
Tied to the 'mast' of an enemy airship, Chi Maria (Envoy) sings out her plea for rescue, hoping that her dashing Captain will save her. The Exile's odd double-voice carries clearly over the chorus of Eeee pirates.
Buran leans slightly in Natilie's direction, politely ignoring the latter's inattention. "You'd think," she remarks, "that they could find a taller leading man. This one is almost comical."
There is a flash of orange and pink, as the leading Fox swings in on a conveniently-placed rope, across the deck. Curious … he sounds like he's screaming in panic as he swings across, though his voice is largely drowned out by the dramatic crescendoing music heavy on the percussion.
Envoy sings out, "Oh now you fiends will suffer / For my love is here / To tear you asunder… " Who wrote these lyrics?
Natilie sighs, "This leading man really needs to be drawn and quartered."
The Fox lets go of the rope, and, to his credit, manages to land on his feet. Fairly deftly, actually. Maybe he DOES have his virtues. But he's still short. After a dramatic pause, he begins singing, sword held high. He is charged by the bats … who, as fate would have it, attack him only one at a time.
Buran's right ear perks up a bit. "Funny," she continues, "such realistic screaming."
Natilie just grins to herself.
Since she's not singing at the moment, Envoy makes oooing and awwing faces where appropriate as she watches her hero do battle.
The Templar in blue focuses on the strangely-short Fox, wondering if the oncoming bats will merely stomp him flat rather than even pretending a swordfight.
Natilie smiles brightly, "Envoy is quite good! I believe she is the one who holds this Opera together."
After some fairly dramatic death throes (and amazing backflips) on the part of the pirates, the Eeee villains are vanquished, and the Fox strides over toward his beloved. With a deft slash of his blade So deft that it doesn't even look like his blade TOUCHES the ropes the ropes fall free.
When the anticipated stomping fails to occur, Buran is disappointed though the only outward signs are a sigh and some twitching of whiskers. Still, she watches the Fox carry out his daring rescue of the damsel in distress.
Alas! One of the Eeee is not quite thoroughly vanquished! As the Fox leaps up onto a crate so he's high enough to embrace the taller Aeolun, the Eeee singing in his dying last gasp a bold curse against any who would oppose him lashes out with a dagger glistening with a green fluid. Poison! It pokes the Fox in the tail, causing the Fox's ears to prick up convincingly in alarm and agitation … and then the Eeee breathes his last and slumps to the stage floor, to the accompaniment of percussion that eerily suggests a death rattle.
Envoy grasps the fox to hold him up (and manages to obscure the crate a bit with some of the skirts of her fancy dress), and the pair launch into a moving duet where they pledge their love to eachother for all eternity…
Natilie sniffles.
Natilie breaks out into tears, holding a hankerchif to her nose.
Another individual in the balcony is finding the opera's patriotic theme the most moving himself, though he can't help smiling a bit at his smaller 'cousin's heroics. The individual is a pure-white fox of some sort, though that's hard to tell with the loose linen cloak he seems to wear when out 'on the town'… most would probably assume it's a Jupani. And though it's not apparent, he's certainly here to keep an eye on Envoy as well. Even if it is personal time. Sort of.
Envoy launches into her big love song, singing, "You mean all the world to me / Without you I can't be free / You make me pant considerably… "
Buran mutters, "Oh, really? I hope short men don't cause too much of a problem for you… " The comment is not addressed at anyone in particular, but is probably audible to anyone with good ears.
Kani's muzzle wrinkles a bit at the… lyrics. o O {I wonder if she wrote it herself?}
"I'd not forget you if I tried / You make me all warm inside / Our love's as pure as Naga-hide… "
(Naga-hide? Hmph, those lyrics are certainly risque,) muses a Shiga a few seats over in the balcony. His scales are dull green, tiger-striped with black along his arms. The somewhat overweight looking lizard is dressed in rich finery, an expensively embroidiered cape over a black zolk tunic and riding breeches. (Well, the ticket was free after all, and you get what you pay for.)
Natilie mms and tries to check out the white-furred Jupani, taking more interest in him then on the Opera.
The white-furred individual nods politely back, then idly tucks his cowl up closer around his muzzle, obscuring all but his nose in shadow as he intently watches the opera. Apparently he doesn't much like being stared at.
The foppish Fox sings, "Dearest darling, pala-fruit of my eye / May you be the last I see, before I succumb and die / For but the thought of you, it makes me sigh / And forever, Chi Maria, my spirit … will … be nigh … " And then he slumps, letting out a loud gasp. The music is dominated by strings, the sort of strains that cause the weak-eyed to being crying profusely. Several in the audience demonstrate this, dabbing at their eyes with handkerchiefs or shirt sleeves.
Envoy wails mournfully, and throws herself over the slumped body of the fox.
The winged Templar watches the death scene closely, her healer's training mentally critiquing any inaccuracies there may be. Outwardly, however, she politely applauds the Fox's performance.
Holding the treacherous dagger high, Envoy sings about how she cannot go on without her brave captain, and decides to join him in the Procession. Pricking herself with the poisoned blade, she slumps for a moment, and then spreads her wings as she's lifted up (by a not-quite-hidden rope) and sings again of her love using her second voice to add an angelic echo.
The lizard leans over to whomever is on his left. "Excellent special effects, wouldn't you say?" he murmurs.
Kani, being next to Bambridge, turns slightly to regard him… At a loss for words for a second. "Excellent, yes, quite. What's the actress, part Vartan, Rhian? I've never quite heard an echo like that. Rather nice." He looks forward again, watching the 'ascent' and its rope.
Envoy dangles in space for a moment as the winch gets stuck, then starts rising again.
And then, the symphony plays the dramatic closing melody, a reprise of the melody of Envoy's stirring solo as "Chi Maria" … and the curtains close. Several Kavis skirt about the outer aisles of the main hall, ready to start lighting the wall-mounted candle fixtures.
"I believe she's actually an exile that's been around Rephidim for a while now," replies the Shiga, in a hushed voice so as not to disturb the other patrons. "Caused several stirs, from what I hear… but it would seem worth it. She's an excellent performer."
Buran, meanwhile, is applauding the performance it wasn't perfect, but nevertheless an enjoyable way to spend some time. Especially when there is no cover charge.
The curtains part after the closing melody finishes, and Envoy and the Fox take their bows… the taller exile accidentally knocking the hat off of her shorter costar with her wing.
Kani ahs, and whispers back. "An exile, you say. Always trouble they are, from what I hear. Good performance though, yes." He winces as the hat is knocked off. o O { Not exactly likely to go on world airship tour, thank the First Ones… but at least she's keeping out of trouble. Zeffel will be… amused. } He smiles to himself.
The foppish Fox fumbles for the hat, almost toppling into the orchestra pit … but by sticking his tail back for a counterbalance, he manages to recover … and transform his stumbling into a pirhouette and another fancy bow to the audience.
This provokes a rueful sigh and a shake of the head from Buran.
The Shiga chortles to himself. "Trouble, yes… " He applauds politely, if ineffectively with an opera programme in one hand.
There is much applause from the audience, and the rest of the cast members appear. The Eeee villains get a mixture of applause and rowdy boos and hisses. This, after all, is not the most genteel of audiences.
Envoy watches the fox closely to see when she's supposed to stop bowing.
A Kujaku who looks almost as foppish as the Fox makes his way up to the base of the stage (skirting the band pit) and presents Envoy with a hefty bouquet of flowers. Several more flowers and small bouquets are tossed onto the stage at Envoy's feet.
Envoy blinks and steps back towards the curtain. She was told they wouldn't be throwing things!!
The lights are "brought up", the applause slowly dies, and the audience begins its disorganized and slow vacating of the premises.
Envoy nibbles on her bouquet while the theater empties.
Kani tsk tsks to himself. o O { You'd think this was a Bazaar streetshow by the sound of that crowd. Ah well. Free show, free crowd. } He idly watches the performers a bit more as the audience starts to leave, just… observing.
A few from the audience remain, patiently awaiting to trade words with some of the actors and actresses after the performance whether simply admiring audience members, or perhaps friends or family of the performers.
Buran is in no immediate hurry to leave; she seems lost in thought as she idly watches the activity on the main level below.
The merchant-looking Shiga makes his way down the aisles, excusing himself when he occasionally bumps into patrons. (Drat… I really don't need to do that anymore. Stupid force of habit… ) The reptile slowly makes some progress stage-wards.
Kani, noting Buran's interest focused below, silently rises, then exits. After all, he doesn't exactly need a Templar calling attention to him, even if he is just an Inquisition staffer of some sort out on personal time. It's not his style. He does, however, notice the former next-seat Shiga heading towards the stage, and pauses down near the main doors as if he's waiting for someone… just to watch who exactly speaks to Envoy.
Envoy sits on the edge of the stage and chats with some of the musicians packing up there instruments, offering them flowers now and then.
The reptile finally reaches the edge of the stage, where he directs a short bow at the night's leading lady. "Ahh, Bardess Envoy," he hisses. "I just wanted to offer my congratulations for a remarkable show you've put on. Very dramatic."
Envoy blinks at the reptile, and says, "Thank you sir… but Avi Kromo put on the show, actually."
"Your performance was instrumental to it, however," hisses the Shiga, tapping his programme in one paw. "Those vocal effects were astounding. I imagine this production will fetch you a shiny shekel or two, hmm?"
"I hope so," Envoy says. "I can't pay off my debts with flowers. At least… I don't think I can."
Kani strains to focus on what's being said, on the hopes that the thinning crowd in that area making it a little easier… but it doesn't quite happen. A cough and a loud-talking wandering patron make him swivel his ears away for a moment, and he can't quite make out what they're saying… so he simply watches body language instead.
"Probably not," replies the lizard drily. "Since that's the case, I've brought you a bit of good news from a mutual aquaintance of ours. Do you remember a Shiga by the name of 'Scotch'?" The merchant holds a paw a little above his head. "About this tall, rather thinner than myself?"
Envoy smiles and nods, "Oh yes. I remember everyone I've met."
The lizard smiles in return, his scaley face creasing slightly. "Ahh, good. Well, a little good fortune seems to have befallen him. When I last spoke with Tugsley, he learned I was going to attend this opera. Scotch remembered your need to pay a debt to one Aski Medes, and has forgiven you the silver you owe him, for now, at any rate."
Envoy blinks. "So those people that were beating me up aren't going to beat him up now instead?"
Buran eventually resolves whatever is on her mind and makes her way down from the balcony, past a cleaning crew gathering discarded programs, and is about to leave the auditorium when the notion crosses her mind of complimenting the leading lady. It wouldn't do, she realizes, to simply brush off the generosity of Mr. Kromo. She waits patiently at a discreet distance for the extravagantly clothed chameleon to finish his conversation with the actress.
Kani's ears perk a bit. He thinks he heard a name from the Shiga, 'Tugsley'. It seems almost familiar, though he can't quite place it at the moment. He hears 'Aski', too, and knows well who that is… Aski Medes, an individual quite adept in the study of Exiles.
Kani strains to listen further. o O { She better not be getting in trouble again. }
Envoy says, "How do you know Scotch? Do you go to the Missing Shekel too? Do you know if he has a brother named Woodrow?"
"No, it seems like they won't," hisses the merchant cheerfully. "Mr. Pines went to a lot of trouble, and has managed to extricate himself from the mess. Yes, I know Scotch. No, I don't go to whatever establishment you mentioned. Who's Woodrow?"
Kani hears more names. And at the sound of 'Missing Shekel', he growls softly to himself and moves closer, following a fan around a wing of seats to nearer the side of the stage. The Missing Shekel is trouble.
Envoy smiles, and makes sleight-of-hand type motions with her hands, "Woodrow the Wonderous, of course! He does tricks in the Bazaar, and I saw Scotch do some of them too."
The Keiltyn slips a charcoal stylus from his cloak and subtly scribbles the names being mentioned (or at least what they sound like) onto his opera program, the writing paw hidden behind it as he looks idly in other directions.
The merchant scratches the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable. "Er, no… I don't recall any Woodrow the Wondrous. Scotch just asked me to relay that message. We hope that you'll be able to pay off that unfortunate old Rath'ani soon."
"You really should see him sometime," the Exile advises the Shiga. "It's a very impressive act. And please relay my thanks to Scotch and congratulations on his good fortune."
"I'll be sure to, the next time I see him," hisses the merchant, with a quick bob of his head. "Perhaps you can tell him in person sometime. Again, well done on your opera performance." With that, the Shiga bows curtly, and turns to make his way out of the opera-house, his silver-threaded cape trailing after him.
Envoy almost calls out after the Shiga, but remembers that that's not good manners. She never got his name…
Buran smiles, though says nothing. Some people always seem to be in a hurry no matter what you do …
The end of the nameless merchant's cape disappears through the theatre-hall doorway, on the side closes to where drokkar are hitched.
Envoy looks up, and notices the winged snowleopard…
Kani notices Buran approaching the stage, and so as not to be noticed, quietly turns and exits himself… with a curious list of names to look up.
"Hello!" Envoy smiles. "Have you seen Aski Medes lately?"
As the Keiltyn exits the backstage area, a large Jupani peers at the fox. "Huh were you on stage just now? I loved… " He shakes his head, realizing that Kani is white, not red. "Sorry." He thrusts an autograph book back into his vest pocket.
Buran is taken by surprise. "No… " Her left ear flicks. "I'm sorry. Have we met?"
Envoy blinks, "Why yes… You helped out when Aski had his seizure in the Bazaar… "
One of Buran's whiskers twitches for no apparent reason. "Ah yes," she recalls. "You brought blankets, didn't you?"
Envoy smiles and nods. "I'm the one that caused the seizure, too!"
This renders Buran speechless for a few long minutes. Finally, she manages to ask, "How?" in a quieter-than-normal voice.
Envoy says, "Oh, I think it was because I told him that I was bidding boxes of Temple Scout Cookies against his silver shekels in the auction of an Exile. He blamed me for his financial difficulties."
Once again, the winged snow leopard is taken aback. "Cookies?! That's hardly common practice at auctions!" She sighs. "Yes, I can see how he would have never mind. He is all right now." Silently, Buran adds, I hope… by the First Ones, I hope…
"I'm trying to earn enough to pay him back for what he lost," the Exile explains.
Envoy smiles, "That's good to hear! Were you here for the show, or did you come to have me Diagnosticized?"
Buran takes a deep breath, let's it out, then offers her right hand. "I came to congratulate you, actually. I enjoyed the performance."
Envoy smiles even wider and shakes the Technopriestess' hand. "Thank you! It's nice to know a Technopriest that doesn't hate me for some reason or other."
The Templar continues, "I'm sure you'll be able to repay him soon." Left unsaid, of course, is the simple fact that tact could have averted potential tragedy. "Do you plan to become an actress, then?"
Envoy blinks three times before answering. "I hadn't, no. Do you think I should? I was hoping to be able to join the Inner Mysteries in a few hundred years, once they've learned to trust me. And if they still exist, of course."
Buran's whiskers suddenly twitch a bit more, though she refrains from saying anything unbecoming. While she does know of Envoy's earlier encounter with the Chief Engineer, it's still a shock to hear such things spoken outside of the Temple. "Ma'am," she finally says, "I assure you that they will still exist. But I suggest you concentrate in other areas. You are an accomplished actress, after all."
Envoy blinks yet again. "I am? I've only acted in this production so far though. Unless Lord Titus' fantasy memories count… "
"But he's dead now, and so is the Mind Mage that made them… " Envoy admits, "so I guess those don't count afterall."
Noncommittal nods greet Envoy's words. "Beginner's luck, perhaps. I'm sure you'll keep doing well."
Envoy rubs the side of her muzzle with a finger. "Thank you. I hope the show lasts long enough to help me earn some money. Are you an Exile yourself?"
Buran doesn't look that surprised this time. She received enough similar questions and glances from the Chronotopians, after all. "No," she says simply. "I'm from Rephidim."
Envoy nods, accepting that without any further question. "Do you have any suggestions for how to make the show better?"
"Well, I'm no dramatist, but I'd start with the special effects… " Buran proceeds to describe, in exacting technical detail, possibilities for improving the realism of the special effects. "After all," she points out, "convincing the audience that the story is real is every bit as important as acting."
Envoy listens closely, eyes wide. "That sounds neat!"
A poodle pushes through the crowds, two Gallah manservants carrying bouquets of flowers. "Make way," he yaps. "I, Eustace do Varr, have come to show my proper expression of appreciation for the lovely Envoy's talents! You! Clear out those inferior offerings… " A Gallah moves toward some of the flowers that have been piled about Envoy's dressing room door. "And find a proper place for my own tokens of affection, why don't you?"
Envoy blinks in surprise at the gaggle of noisy Gallahs…
An explanation of jam-resistant pulleys is interrupted. "What in the name of the Star and Anchor?!?" Buran's ears swivel around to face the poodles, moments before she turns to look at whatever is causing the ruckus.
The poodle spreads his arms, coincidentally pushing Buran back. "Ah! Such talent, such magnificent beauty as is yours, dear Envoy, is surely underappreciated here, where the tawdry masses gape at you without understanding what they perceive… Pearls before Bromthen hogs!"
Buran inadvertently yelps in surprise as she is knocked into the first row of seats and collapses, somehow, into one of them. Unfortunately, the chair doesn't fit her wings too well, and one of them looks like it got bent. A pained-sounding groan follows behind the shriek.
A large Zelak steps out of the dressing room. For the past weeks it has been in what can only be described as an insectoid snit, despite the well-known fact that Zelaks do not have emotions. It rasps, "Has scout unit Envoy completed necessary duties to facilitate return to the hive?" and peers down at the noisy poodle.
Eustace stops in mid-speech, looking eye-to-mandible with the Zelak. "I… uh… uh… "
Envoy just blinks at the Poodle… actually speechless. Then she turns to the Zelak and says, "Not yet, Bem. I'm just getting started still… "
Envoy introduces the Poodle to Bem, "This is Mister Eustace do Varr. I think he wants to throw me in front of a Bromthen hog… "
Bem rasps, "Scout unit Envoy is cautioned against acquisition of miscellany not essential to the mission." It pauses, then uses a long wrist-saber to cut the heads off of some of the flowers, then lifts one up and devours it. "Flowers contain nutrients useful to hive. Scout unit Envoy is commended on procurement of useful substance."
A concerned matronly Gallah, dalmation-spotted, ohs! as she sees Buran, and moves forward to help her quickly.
Eustace babbles, "Um, I'll come back later, when you don't have a chaperone, all right? Keep the flowers! They're a gift!" He grabs his manservants by the elbows and backs away quickly, before the Zelak decides he might be a further source of tasty nutrients.
Envoy smiles to Eustace, "Yes… thank you for the flowers for my Zelak." Then she gets up and goes over to check on Buran as well.
Buran gets up (slowly) out of the seat, wincing a little as newly-formed bruises make their presence known. "Of all the … " She folds the damaged wing forward, examining it with her fingertips. "Thank the First Ones," she sighs. "It's not broken."
Envoy apologizes to Buran for the inconvenience. "I see now why my co-star has such a poor opinion of that Eustace fellow."
The Technopriestess hmphs. "I wonder."
The matron smiles. "You should be more careful, lit'un!" Then she strolls toward Envoy, collaring her Envoy remembers her as the singing director for the company. "Now, you were very good for your solos, but your face lacked sincerity. Ai! You must remember to emote for the audience. Show you care!… "
Bem watches silently, then munches on another flower.
Buran watches for a few more moments, then shakes her head and heads out of the theater. It'll be a long walk back to the Temple there's no way she'll risk flying with a bruised wing and she'd better hurry to make it by the dinner hour.
Envoy blinks, "Care about the audience, or… ?"
"When you are on the stage, you are in a world of make-believe," the dalmation-spotted Gallah says with a sigh. "Make the world come alive for your adoring audience, because you believe in it… " She leads Envoy back into the dressing room, presumably there to continue lecturing and answering endless questions.
Envoy nods and follows along, munching on a flower…