On the rear deck of the Lalee-Papu, the navigator's station is forward on a raised platform, while a rear viewing platform is toward the back. Those barrels and crates which somehow were not blasted overboard during the Lalee-Papu's earlier "aerobatic" maneuvers in the magical storm are firmly strapped and tied down … and serve as convenient benches and tables for idle crewmembers during their off-times.
A grumpy-looking black Vartan sits on a cask, looking over his new "shiny". Only those really familiar with Vartan facial expressions could tell how pleased he is with the chitin blade he has retrieved.
A fox waves to the Vartan… "Hey! You found it!"
The hippogryph doesn't even look up. "Too big. I'll make it smaller. Put the little bits in my tail. Shiny, shiny, shiny… " He gazes at the blade dreamily.
Jarik walks over and taps on the Vartans shoulder, "Excuse me… ?"
The hippogryph yanks its head around to hiss at the interruption. He hugs away the blade protectively. "Mine."
Jarik smiles at the Vartan, "Sir… that sword was blown from my grasp back at the waashu… I would like to get it back if that's possible?"
The sun paints the sky shades of red to orange, as it sets over the sandy horizon of the Himaat Desert.
The hippogryph grumbles, "You were leaving it. Mine now." He looks at the blade as it glints in the light of the setting sun. "Shiny … shiny… "
From below deck, a staccato rapraprap of digitigrade feet on steps is heard. A lone Savanite crewhand emerges from the door, and steps on deck, more than a little anxious, fists balled. Ramid squints, and turns his head about, looking for something. He's far from sight of the fox or Vartan.
"Mine," the hippogryph reasserts. There's something precariously feral in his eyes.
Jarik says, "I wasn't leaving it… it was forced from my hand. I had no way to recover it… Yeah, it's shiny. I'd willingly give it to you if I had my old blade. But I don't and I need a sword even if it's chitin." He pats the Vartan's shoulder, "Possibly I could make it up to you if you return it?""
Ramid races about the deck, sure-footed on the shaky buoy of air. He unclenches and balls his fists up, nostrils flaring slightly as he prowls around, trying not to attract the attention of other deckhands.
The hippogryph hisses, "Return it?" His eyes narrow.
Jarik nods, "My path in life is dangerous. A sword at times has been my best friend. That one saved my life soon after I arrived here… "
"MINE NOW!" squawks the Vartan loudly. "MINE MINE MINE!" His hackles are standing straight out, and a low hiss emits from his open beak, as he hops up to turn and face the fox. "FOX LOST IT! MINE NOW!"
Jarik says, "I would be grateful if you returned it. Please. "
The cheetah starts! and sees Jarik from afar. He barrels towards him from behind… and skids to a stop at the sight of the Vartan. With a … shiny sword.
Jarik raises a hand, "Relax… Is there something I could do to get it back?"
A couple of crew hands see the squawking Vartan. They chuckle to themselves and go back to their work.
Jarik doesn't notice the cheetah…
The Vartan's eyes narrow even more to thin slits. "You want back? I GIVE BACK!" With that, he swings the blade at Jarik!
Ramid lunges… and grabs Jarik around the midsection, yanking him backward.
The sword whistles through empty air in a wild arc. The bird is obviously not well-trained in proper use of a sword.
With cheetah speed, Ramid dashes to Jarik's front, hauls him up by the armpits, and pushes him backwards, around a corner, and out of sight.
The hippogryph grunts, poking the tip downward and leaning on the pommel as if this was what he intended all along. "Mine," he grumbles.
Jarik is pulled backward by his surprise… "What the… ?" He notices the cheetah finally, "Thanks… But, I really need to get my sword back. Without it, I'm not much use in a fight… "
The Vartan hisses at Jarik's stubbornness, and spreads out his wings. "Can't have it!" he squawks, and leaps into the air.
Ramid drops Jarik onto his feet again, back to a stack of barrels, far out of sight of any other crew… which he checks again, just to make sure, swiveling his head this way and that.
Jarik eyes the airborne Vartan, "There goes another."
Foreward on the deck, beyond the cargo, hoots and hollers can be heard. "That's tellin' 'im!" "Yah, birdie! KEEP that shiny!" "Woo woo!"
Jarik looks to the cheetah, "Thank you, friend. Now… why did you risk your life for me?"
Ramid turns to Jarik again, and whips out his arm, pointing a finger inches from Jarik's nose. Few gestures more suggest 'hush up' than this.
Jarik nods slightly and says no more…
The black hippogryph is flying loose arcs and figure eights around the vessel, occasionally squawking, "MINE!" when he's within earshot of the deck.
The cheetah steps back, shuddering a bit. It's clear he's still a bit anxious, which isn't normal for him. He usually keeps a level head, especially while working. But not this time. He looks directly into the fox's eyes, demanding his attention…
Jarik looks into the cheetah's eyes, realizing this is important…
The Vartan makes another circle. He squawks something, but he must be losing his voice from all his repeated protests.
Ramid points at Jarik again, then brings up his other hand in a fluid motion… bringing two fingers together at one point, then bringing them straight apart in a line, turning perpendicular corners, drawing two vertical lines, then turning inward again. He points at Jarik again…
Jarik thinks . o O { I have seen this before… Where… ? }
Jarik tilts his head, trying to remember…
The cheetah pulls his hands away, noting Jarik's attention at the drawn rectangle, draws one hand back, and turns the other palm up "behind" the image… as though "holding" it. He balls his other hand to somewhat of a fist, and brings it down to the "rectangle"… "drawing" horizontal lines across it.
Jarik's brow furrows.
Ramid keeps staring at Jarik, waiting for some kind of realization. He finishes with one "line" in the air, pauses, then starts a new "line" a bit farther down… never taking his eye off Jarik.
Jarik hms. "A letter?" he asks…
Ramid's eyes go wide, and he points at Jarik again, then nods. He reaches out, grabs the fox's hand, and puts the "letter" he "wrote" against his palm.
The cheetah puts his finger straight into Jarik's face, pointing to his eye, then draws it back, and points at his own eye, then at the "letter."
Jarik looks suspicious, "The letter from lady Azhtar… you've seen it?"
The cheetah keeps staring at Jarik wide-eyed, and swivels his head side-side, his eyes not moving. He points at his eye, gives his head a shake, then cups one ear, and nods.
Jarik whispers, "She gave it to me before I left… I keep it with me… Why are you interested in it… ?"
Ramid snorts, and thumps his fist against his chest, shaking his head no. He spots an officer walking on deck, reaches out to touch Jarik's cheek, and nudges his head to see.
The wolf officer walks along the side of the deck, and wanders up to one of the crewmen. He whispers something to the crewmember, but only gets a shrug and a head shake in response. He continues, looking around.
The cheetah turns Jarik's head back to face him, points at the officer again, shakes his head, points at Jarik, shakes his head, then turns his palm up, bends over, and lowers it to an inch above the floor…
Jarik blinks…
Jarik watches…
Ramid points at the officer, then lowers his palm again, only a bit higher than the level he gestured before…
Jarik nods slightly, perhaps understanding…
Ramid nervously glances at the wolf officer, then desperately looks Jarik in the eye, holding two fists out, shaking them, then pointing to his eye. He brings his palm out again, and raises it high above his head, directly above where his hand was in reference to Jarik or the officer.
Jarik tilts his head again…
"ACHOO!" A familiar sneezes echoes from forward deck. The cause of the sneeze can't be seen from here, because of the interposing barrels, navigator's station and roofed cabin, but Wynona must have come abovedeck. Only a faint glow is visible now where the sun was, and the stars are blinking into view.
Ramid snorts again, gesturing in quick precision the drawn letter, his eye close to the letter, pointing at Jarik, the wolf officer, and holding his palm out in successive levels, holding the "letter" to his eye again, then holding his palm out at an even higher level.
Jarik says, "He has seen it… ? Or is part of something it mentioned… ?"
A second cheetah lopes by, not noticing the difficult conversation taking place behind the barrels.
Ramid grumbles at the setting sun, and points at the officer again, sensing understanding. He shakes his head quickly, and gestures with his palm above deck, above where Jarik's "level" was… and points to his eye again, gesturing an even higher "level."
Jarik says, "A member high up in what it mentioned… ?"
From foredeck, Wynona's voice can be heard squeaking loudly, "You want me to WHAT? Are you KIDDIN mrmph! PTOO! You didn't have to do THAT… " her voice trails off.
Ramid reaches out and plants his palms against the fox's cheeks, looking straight into his eyes, as though pleading for comprehension.
The second cheetah lopes along, starting the lamps, as the last glow of sunlight fades from the sky.
Jarik's ears droop a bit, "I'm not sure I understand… I know the letter spoke of a group… You are a member? Is the wolf a member?"
The wolf officer reappears again, walking up to the navigator's platform. He says something in a low voice to the raccoon, who begins giggling maniacally. This earns a light whap from the wolf, at which point the raccoon sobers up slightly and mutters something back. The wolf disappears to foredecks again, while the raccoon resumes giggling.
Jarik says, "No… I take it… "
Ramid draws back one hand, puts it to his chest, and shakes his head, then taps his forehead, nodding. He points to the wolf, shaking his head again.
Ramid reaches up to Jarik's shoulder, and plucks something off, showing it to the fox. It's his badge with the star and anchor.
The cheetah holds up a finger, looking up at Jarik, then holds the badge down where he first gestured the "level" for Jarik.
Jarik rubs his neck and watches.
Ramid taps the badge, then gestures with his other palm, raising it directly upwards to his arm's length.
Voices from foredeck can be heard. "Where's the fox?" "You mean me?" "NO!" "The Doc?" "NO, idiot, I mean THAT fox … what's his name. The medic who says he's a knight." "Ohhh. Haven't seen him. Why?"
Jarik thinks of something… he makes the guesture of the star, then the anchor… then the star again… ?
Ramid points at that high level and holds the "letter" out again, raising it to his eye.
Jarik's ears perk? This doesn't sound good…
More shouts. "Turn ABOUT? We're turning ABOUT? But it can't be more'n a DAY to Abu Dhabi." "That's an ORDER!"
Jarik looks at the cheetah, "Am I in trouble for something… ?"
Ramid starts to lose some of his patience, baring his teeth briefly. He drops the badge, letting it clatter to the floor, and points with direct finality at the high level, jabbing at it. He then points to his eye, and then draws the "letter" again.
Crew hands scramble to work, as the ship begins to change direction and altitude, catching a new wind. Wynona's chanting can be heard echoing from the fore.
The cheetah's mind is hardly cognizant of the change in winds, focusing on what he tries to tell Jarik.
Jarik keeps his frustration from making him growl, "Am I being summoned back to the temple by Melchizedek?"
A voice yaps from fore deck, "Did you grab that fox yet? Did you? Get him before he escapes!" "Escapes?" comes a puzzled reply, to which the first speaker yaps, "Well, he's bound to do SOMETHING crafty!"
Jarik blinks at the voices.
Something big, dark and heavy lands on the deck near Ramid and Jarik with a heavy thump. "Mine," comes a hoarse whisper, followed by heavy panting.
Jarik thinks, time is getting short. Something is seriously wrong…
Ramid jumps! at the sound of the Vartan landing.
The lamp-lighter cheetah glances in Ramid's direction. The Savanite rapidly signs something. "Ramid! There you are. Hurry and get to work before someone sees you!"
Jarik says, "Someone of high rank… I understand that much… I think… "
Ramid turns to his fellow, signs back, "Cover me. Not long."
The cheetah turns to Jarik again, eyes wide with anxiety! He nods frantically, and points at that high level, high above his head, as far as he can reach… the back at his eye again.
The lamp-lighter cheetah, Rajah, looks surprised. "I owe you several over, but don't push it. Something's up," the second cheetah signs back. With that, he lopes off again.
Jarik blinks, "The high arch inquisitor… ?
Ramid shakes his head, then stomps his foot on the deck twice, and gestures high in the air again.
Jarik says, "Or… the Astro-nemancer who died recently… ?"
"What?" comes a yapping voice. "Don't let those cheetahs be running around. What we've got three of them? Four? Find them and put them in the brig. We know we can't trust any of them now… "
Ramid points at the deck with his free hand, stomps his foot, and gestures high in the air…
Jarik extends his claws instinctively in frustration…
The cheetah sighs anxiously at the sound of voices, but can't give up…
Jarik says, "The deck… ? Wood? A ship?"
Jarik says, "The captain of this ship… "
Ramid points at Jarik, nodding frantically!
Jarik nods, "Something happened to the captain… ?"
The cheetah draws the letter again, gestures the high level, and points at his eye.
Jarik says, "He saw my letter… ?"
Ramid nods, slapping his hand to his forehead in exhaustion.
Jarik nods… "I take it this is bad… ? I didn't understand all of what it said… Am I in trouble… ?"
Ramid looks about the ship, and sees his time is about up… looks across to a group of Savanite slaves close to his hiding place.
Jarik peeks out, trying to see what is going on…
Ramid turns to Jarik, and in one finalizing gesture, touches Jarik's forehead, then brings it back to his own. He pauses, then dashes, a light gold streak to join his fellow slaves.
The ship is turning about, there are crew members who are scouring about as if looking for someone, and it looks like something's up.
Jarik looks for any way to sneak back to belowdeck…
The Vartan, still lying on the deck, gasps, "Ack … trade you sword … for shiny necklace… (wheeze)"
Jarik whispers to the Vartan, "The gift from the Vykarin… ?" He looks over the necklace…
The second cheetah doing the lamp-lighting has been interrupted in his work, so the deck is still largely shrouded in darkness on the port side, as is the area Jarik is now crouching in.
Jarik thinks over what just happened…
Ramid meets up with the other three Savanites, and returns to deckwork, his heart heavy with the concern over whether the fox understood.
The Vartan nods. "Colorful. Shiny shiny." His eyes twinkle as he gazes at the faint light reflecting off of the shiny necklace, the only hint that there's anything at all behind these barrels.
Jarik eyes widen, he realizes that letter may have put people he cares about in danger…
Jarik takes off the necklace and looks at it in his hands.
The Vartan's beak almost cracks into a smile. "GIMME!" He lets the blade clatter against the wooden deck.
Jarik is hesitant to hand it over… A friend gave it to him… But, he needs a sword. Now more than ever it seems. Something terrible is wrong. He extends his hand with the necklace to the Vartan…
The ship is now fully turned around, bearing the way it had come. The work begins to ease up a bit … and the searchers look about in greater earnest. "Hey! It's night time. Light the lamps, eh?"
The Vartan eagerly swipes the necklace. "Mine mine mine!" He holds it up, catching the faint lamp light from the starboard side. "Shiny, shiny… " His eyes twinkle dreamily at his new prize.
Jarik reaches out with a paw to grasp the sword…
Ramid watches Jarik from out the corner of one eye, concentrating on his work first, his fellows second, the fox third.
Rajah pauses, his work done for now. He signs to Ramid something, with a quizzical expression on his face. The others share his curiosity as well.
Jarik reaches out and takes ahold of the sword. He quietly puts the sword back into it's scabbard. Crouching low to the deck, his eyes scan over the shadowed side, looking for a better place to hide.
There are plenty places to hide, until the lamps are lit. More crates, rigging, the side of the navigator's platform (that is, if he's still distracted, giggling to himself)…
"Hee hee!" Yes, he's still giggling to himself.
Jarik looks at one of the crates… It is big enough to hide in… ?
Yes, it's big enough to hide in … once the contents are emptied, and once the crate is pried open. Not necessarily in that order.
Jarik draws his sword and tries to wedge it into the lid quietly…
Ramid looks up at the other three… nods to them, then glances about, finding one too many prying eyes. He raises his finger, touching it to his other palm, then deftly looks to the side. It's a common sign among the slaves, meaning simply, "I'll speak later."
The weather-weakened wood splinters and gives. Inside are multiple small brown-wrapped parcels.
Jarik thinks better of it after he opens the crate… He looks around for a better place to hide. No place to put these things.
The Vartan, now wearing a shiny necklace around his neck, softly squawks, "What're you doing, foxie?" He peeks over the fox's shoulder.
Jarik shhhhs! to the Vartan…
"Aha! You want to sneak some munchies! I see. Here! I'll help you empty it out." With that, the Vartan grunts and hefts up the crate, and topples it over, spilling out the packets on the deck.
Jarik covers his eyes with his hand, ut oh.
"Shhhhh!" the Vartan shushes loudly, his eyes glimmering with amusement.
Jarik moves away from that spot quicky… Heading for the navigator's location…
The raccoon continues giggling, his body shaking with each chortle, as he stands on his raised platform, hunched over his instruments.
Ramid and the three slaves turn quickly at the sound… and sees the dumped goods, and the fox dashing away. He shakes his head and sighs.
The Vartan picks up one of the packets and goes running after Jarik. "Wait! Don't you want some?"
Jarik looks for a place to hide here, trying to keep out of the raccoon's eyes and away from the Vartan…
The three Savanite workers stare at the scene with wide eyes. One puts his index finger up next to his head and orbits the tip around one ear.
Jarik looks for the belowdeck entrance…
The entrance lies just around the corner, still shadowed, though light can be seen from belowdeck. "HEY!" comes a shout from behind Jarik. Dare he stop to see if it was meant for him?
Jarik stays crouched down, hoping that wasn't for him…
Ramid taps his fellows on the arms and lopes towards the spilled crate, recoiling slightly at the manic Vartan. He cautiously begins coralling the parcels.
The other Savanites pitch in, trying to figure out what's up, and stuffing the packets back into the crate.
"Halt there! Herbir! What do you have there?" comes a voice of a wolf officer.
"Shiny!" the Vartan gleefully chimes in reply.
Jarik stays out of sight. He tries to see if he could make it belowdeck without the officer noticing…
The hippogryph easily has all eyes focused on him. Several crewmembers roll their eyes and shake their heads with a "Here we go again!" expression.
Ramid jumps at the sound of the wolf. He and his fellows toss the remaining parcels back in the crate, heave it upright, and leave it next to the Vartan… then skitter away. Carefully, so they don't get blamed.
The wolf trots on over. "Aha. And are THESE shiny, too?" He crosses his arms, indicating the incriminating evidence with a nod.
The Vartan looks at the brown packet in his hand, then back at the crate. "How did that get there?" he muses at the crate.
Jarik looks to see if the wolf's back is to him and blocking the Vartan from seeing him…
The Vartan pokes his beak into the crate. "Yark!" he calls out, into the crate. "Are you in there?"
The crate still has a nasty crack. Ramid wasn't able to fix that part in time.
Jarik looks back and forth, making sure he can do this without being seen. He tightens his cloak around his body, hoping to obscure his from… { It's now or never… } O o. he thinks. He moves quickly, trying to get around the corner and down the stairs before he's seen…
"Herbir's flipped his beak again," one of the workers laughs to himself, not seeing the fox slip around and belowdecks during the distraction.
Jarik looks around, hoping the the hallway is clear before he decides to go talk to someone… Doc Halla. He's not sure if this is wise… but he needs to know just what is going on… He moves inside the ship, making his way to Halla's office. He doesn't enter just yet… He listens at the door…
The light sound of snoring comes through the door.
Jarik peeks in the door…
Doc Halla is slumped over his desk, head amongst piles of paperwork and studies.
Jarik glides into the room silently. With a swift motion of his hand, he puts it over Doc Halla's muzzle, gently. "Doc… " Jarik whispers…
Rapid thumps of heavy boots against wood pound through the ceiling, this way and that. The doctor stirs, raising his head, and fumbling for his spectacles. "Wha? Ensign?"
Jarik shhhs the Doctor. "I need to ask you something… Please, don't cry out or let anyone know I'm here… okay?"
Doc Halla yawns loudly. "Come now! It can't be that bad, to make ol' Doc Halla cry. Now, what is it?"
Jarik shhhs!
The doctor covers his muzzle, then whispers, "What is it?"
Jarik whispers "Please, stay quiet. We've turned around and are heading back. I'm not sure why… But it has to do with me… They're searching for me with now. Has anyone come asking about me?"
The Doc nods, stifling another yawn, then whispers, "Yes, it seems you must have gotten that pampered brat Kazhir mad again. He wants you locked up. I said I didn't know where you were, and he can find you himself, so far as I'm concerned."
Jarik shakes his head, "I don't think they'd turn the ship around just for that… "
Jarik says, "Is there any place I can hide safely on this ship… ?"
Jarik says, "Or if need be, get off… "
The doctor looks confused. "Turn the ship around?" He fumbles around, and finds a small orb with a floating arrow in it. "Why … you're right! We've turned clear around." He suddenly remembers himself and drops his voice again. "Uhm … well … " He looks about frantically.
Jarik nods, "They've turned the ship. We're going back to Rephidim… I'm not sure why."
The doctor looks utterly baffled.
Jarik thinks for a moment, "Where is the captain?"
"In his quarters, of course," the doctor says. "No sense in keeping him in here for attention."
Jarik nods, "Is he under guard?"
Jarik shakes his head, "I must be insane if I want to try and talk to him… "
"Are you feeling quite all right, Ensign?" the doctor adds, looking concerned.
Jarik nods, "I'm fine… Only worried. I want to know why I'm being hunted… I think it has to do with a letter I got from a friend. I'm not sure WHY that would cause this, though."
The doctor fishes around on his desk, and holds up an inkblot. "Now, tell me, what do you see in this picture?"
Jarik glances at the picture, "A glob of ink… Now, how do I get to the captain's quarters… ?"
A shout comes from abovedeck, almost a scream, "Hey! What are you doing with that fire? If you take it up there, you'll kill us ALL! Wha HE'S INSANE! We're all gonna DIE! DO SOMETHING!"
The older fox looks up. "That doesn't sound very good."
Jarik's ears perk , "No, it doesn't… "
The older fox abruptly grabs his bag and stuffs a few randomly-gathered items in it. "I think I'd best get above. This does not bode well. If you'll excuse me… "
Jarik nods, "Thanks… please don't tell anyone you saw me… ?
The ceiling rattles with rapid pounding of boots on wood, and with the echoes of frantic shouts. "ABANDON SHIP!"
"Certainly," the older fox says, and hurries out of the room.
Jarik blinks at the 'ABANDON SHIP' and forgets his current fugitive position. He runs to the upper deck…
All eyes are focused on a cheetah that is making good time up the rigging the lamp-lighter … and he's carrying his trade tool up to toward the gas bag that suspends the ship. The other cheetahs are on the rigging as well, playing interference with those crewmembers trying vainly to catch up and stop the suicidal cat.
Jarik shouts to the cheetah, "Stop!"
Wynona is still deeply entranced in a spell on the fore of the deck, eyes closed, oblivious to the chaos around her. The raccoon keeps right on giggling, watching the whole spectacle from his station. Herbir the Vartan is happily gazing at his shiny necklace, which he has taken off again to regard more closely.
Jarik heads toward the rigging… He can't let the cheetah kill everyone…
Ramid looks upwards to his fellows with their torches, and closes his eyes as they near the gasbag, his body blocking the way. . o O { We go to the Great Processional, brothers… }
The poodle sees Jarik and yaps, "TRAITOR! There he is! Seize him!" However, nobody seems much inclined to, as focused as they are on certain doom.
The cheetahs are making good time. There's no way that Jarik is going to climb past the jumble of bodies and reach them in time.
Jarik spins and heads over to the poodle. He GRABS the poodle by the neck, "What is going on? What is this traitor nonsense? Why is the cheetah trying to kill us??!?"
The poodle hisses, "Don't play so innocent with me, traitor. Your comrades obviously know that we know about your little conspiracy, and are willing to die rather than let us spread the word to the Temple in time. But I am a Varomanov! I LAUGH in the face of death! Ha ha ha!"
Jarik shouts at the cheetah who spoke with him earlier, "You've got to stop him!"
The cheetah in question hears Jarik, and looks down upon him… a hard stare in his eyes. He looks upwards at the gasbag and swallows.
Jarik tightens his grip and sinks his claws into the poodle's neck, "Listen, what is going on??? I don't know of any consiracy… "
*CRACK*! The poodle's big bulldog bodyguard smashes a meaty fist into Jarik, sending him sprawling.
The poodle dabs at the blood on his neck, looking as if he's about to swoon.
Jarik skids across the deck and holds his jaw… Within moments Jarik is back on his feet and he draws his sword.
Ramid clutches his fist tightly to his chest, serenely kicking at enraged crewmen, even as their daggers sink into his shins. It's yet another traditional sign of the Savan, this one meaning "Protect."
"Your parachute, sir!" a fox comes dashing up to the poodle. The poodle takes it, and straps the bulky backpack on. "Well … I must be going now!" He trots over to the railing.
Jarik looks back up at the cheetah. Finally, he understands. His sword is returned to his sheath and bows to the cheetah, "To each our destiny, my friend. I will not forget you."
The big white smashed-face bulldog, a spiked collar around his neck, flexes his muscles, facing the fox.
Jarik gets an idea… He runs right at the bulldog, full speed… Right before he hits him he drops to the ground and tries to roll between his legs…
The big, slow, brutish bulldog grasps at empty air, as the fox slips between his legs. He curses and stomps to turn around.
Jarik heads right for the poodle… "You're mine you… " He snarls.
The poodle is crouched, preparing to swan dive over the railing. He looks like he hasn't the nerve. He squats again. "Come on! This time for sure!"
Jarik reaches the railing and GRABS onto the poodle. He holds on tightly and looks back to Wynona, "M'lady! Get off this ship… NOW!" He hops up on the rail and is about to jump…
The poodle yelp-yaps, his arms flailing about, as he goes flipping over the edge. "Yiiiiiiiiii!"
The air explodes with a loud "FWOOMPH" and a crack as the Lalee-Papu explodes in a ball of flame!
Jarik hangs onto the poodle. He smiles fangily at him, "We're in this together." He looks back to the ship, his ears drooping, "I'm sorry Wynona, Doc Halla, I'm sorry."
The poodle shrieks, "TRAITOR! MURDERER!"
Jarik snarls at the poodle, "You're lucky I am a knight or I'd gut you bare handed right now. Well perhaps… " His hand reaches for the poodle's chest. Fast and hard, he grabs onto the poodle's chest, pulling something free…
The poodle shrieks!
The cord is pulled… and some of the poodle's shirt and fur.
A white sheet billows out of the bulky backpack, glowing in the light cast by the erupting fireball. With a sudden JERK the descent slows dramatically.
Jarik snarls into the poodle's ear, "But, like I said, I may not like you, but I will save you. You live, this time."
The sand below shines golden and blood red, bathing in the glow of the descending inferno, charred fragments streaking through the sky with tails of flame, screaming like tormented souls as they sail past, striking the ground. One sails too closely past … and knocks a small hole in the parachute. The edges of the hole dance in flame.
"You'll SAVE me? YOU IDIOT!" the poodle shouts. "We weren't far enough away from the ship yet! It isn't going to STAY up there!"
Jarik snarls at the poodle and sinks his claws into his chest, "Shut up or I may consider lightening the load. My friends just died up there, knight or not, I have little compassion for you right now. If you want to live, be quiet!"
The hole begins to burn wider. The sands come quickly. The poodle cries out again in agony, and flails about. More flaming bits of debris these larger streak past.
Jarik looks up at the flaming hole then down as the sands below. "I hope the chute lasts… " He watches the debris fall. o O { And I hope we don't get hit by more… How far are we from the ground… I wonder… }
The hole expands. The sands rush up faster. Too fast. Something hot stings against Jarik's cheek, then more rains against him, burning at his clothes. The poodle screams again. The sands