16 Aug. Bassai and Fetiss explore the First Ones site.
(Bassai) (Eye of Madness) (Fetiss) (Nordika)
First Ones Site
This underground complex is cut from solid stone, buried underneath the frigid surface of the Vykarin Wastes. Despite the temperature above, the air here remains a steady "room temperature", just a bit on the chill side, the corridors and chambers lit by pulsating veins of a crystalline substance that run seemingly randomly across the walls in places, then following obscure patterns in others. In some places, a low thrumming can be heard, in time with the irregular pulsations.

The sleds have been moved into the site, and a "camp" set up within its twisting confines. The Rhians stay at the main camp, not inclined to wander off without due cause, and certainly not alone.

Kame Ikata has been less of a handful than usual. All he does is sit and stare.

Bassai slithers into the chamber from the passage that leads to the surface. He is sluggish, despite his protective clothing, but is starting warm up with the ambient temperature. Beside him is his slave Tekki, carrying some of his supplies.

Fetiss takes of his backpack and opens it, checking upon his equipment, especially the water canisters. He might need a lot of clean water if he has to do anything. Seeing that the alcohol bottles are in good order too, he starts packing everything together.

Tekki keeps well clear of the strangely pulsating crystal veins running along the walls, and as close to Bassai as he can without risking tripping on his master's coils.

Fetiss pulls his backpack back up with a soft grunt, and rises a little from the floor. He pulls back his hood and looks around, beating some warmth in his thin arms as he surveys the corridors.

"Excellent Tekki, I'm very impressed with how you handled all the details of travelling here and setting up camp." Very impressed, the Naga's recent boredom is almost a wish that Tekki had been less efficient. "Stay close, Tekki. You radiate some heat, and that is a scarce commodity here."

Fetiss hisses, mostly to himself, but still in common language, "What manner of plasse iss ch'iss?"

Tekki nods and keeps close as ordered. His gaze takes in the features of the corridors … which are, for the most part, quite lacking. The stone is smooth save for where the veins disrupt the surface of the walls. There are no signs of tooling, though there are signs of wear along the floors.

Fetiss turns his head to Bassai, his body only following his movement halfway asks, "How do you feel?"

The archaeologist stands, observing the glowing crystal veins. He fingers a small object hidden under his robes and hanging around his neck. "Kame was excellent; he almost captured this perfectly. I feel like I've already been here. What this is, good Doctor, we are here to determine."

The larger Naga looks down at the small cobra physician, "I feel fine, rather excited to be finally here, and a little tired, why?"

Fetiss whips his hood back up and hisses, "Well, it iss warmer ch'an ch'e outsside, ch'at mach'es it good for me at leasst."

A long crystal vein runs the length of the corridor, larger than most of the smaller crisscrossing ones which seem more like capillaries in comparison. There is a loud hum that starts at one end of the corridor, accompanied by a bright light in the depths of the crystal … then follows as the light traces through the length of it and at last disperses with the noise, the energy dissipating into a number of the smaller glassy channels.

Fetiss says, "The cold might make you feel a little lassy, ass well ass affech'ting your refleksess."

Tekki starts as he notices something, then darts down the corridor, inspecting something on the floor. Bones. He squints his eyes, then looks back to Bassai, shaking his head. "Garbage from the last expedition," he signs.

Fetiss continues, "Ch'iss iss due to dech'reassed ch'ardo vasch'ular ach'tivity, mosstly. You are alsso ch'uite ssenssitive to heatburnss."

Fetiss turns his head and looks after Tekki, then asks Bassai, "What have he found?"

Bassai nods to Fetiss, "I will try and avoid being in the path of falling debris." He continues to gaze around, following the pulse of energy through the crystal veins. "Do be careful, Tekki; thank you for investigating that."

Fetiss keeps within sight of Bassai, mostly because he thinks this is a very unfamiliar surrounding, and Bassai seems to know most about it.

"He's found some refusse from the previous expedition," Bassai says, as he carefully slides closer to the main crystal. "This is almost assuredly a First Ones site; these types of structures are found nowhere else."

While smaller corridors branch off, the main corridor ends at a cul-de-sac, in the center of which is a large, nearly (but not quite) hemispherical crystalline structure, with a complex network of discolored striations running through it. The "capillaries" branch out from the walls, spreading out, then joining with this larger crystal at the very end.

Fetiss asks, "The Firsst Oness. Did ch'ey ch'onsstruch't buildingss?"

The archaeologist follows all the branching threads, and where they all join to the large structure. "Yes, they were approximately the same size as most other Sinai races, and used the odd crystal tech you see around here. I think this may be the chamber Kame was left in. Tekki, can you show me the map?"

Tekki goes through his things, pulling out the map and handing it to Bassai.

Fetiss slithers after the archaeologist, looking puzzled and asks, "Why did ch'ey build ch'is?"

"One of the mysteries yet to be determined my good doctor," Bassai says, unrolling the map. "Yess… this is the place, I believe. Strange… "

Tekki's hands move, signing something to Bassai.

Fetiss looks a little sourly at Bassai, but does not say anything. Instead he beats some more heat into himself.

The archaeologist cautiously slithers partway into the camber, facing away from the great crystal. He observes the walls, "Yes, it is. He never finished rendering that side, but I recognize these other forms." The Naga looks at Tekki.

Fetiss follows Bassai closely, looking over his shoulder, feeling out of place. He looks worriedly at the ceiling.

"We may all be in danger here, Tekki. Please be especially focused on my, and your own condition, and interrupt me if you notice anything occurring," Bassai signs to his slave, as he examines the seemingly random cracks in the wall.

The ceiling peaks high above. Although the corridor leading here was fairly squared off, it widens into this chamber, which becomes almost round, or at least faceted, forming something like a dome above. In the center of the dome high above is another glassy, almost organic growth, as if formed of molten glass.

"Surgeon, does this chamber remind you of anything? It is almost biological in design. AH!" Bassai points, "They are not just random cracks, look at where the veins disappear into the wall, those small fissures, do you see a pattern?"

Fetiss turns to Bassai and says, "Well… Let me ssee."

Tekki nods, working furiously in a sketch-book to take notes of every detail he sees, for his master's later reference. Even though the paintings cover much of the features here, and with the benefit of color, they nonetheless are meant for aesthetic purposes, from the eye of an artist – not that of an engineer or archaeologist. The cheetah is careful to take notes of breaks and lines, and the overall pattern, rather than the "snapshot" effect of Kame's paintings.

Fetiss crawls over to Bassai and asks, "What doess 'fissuress' mean, in Naga that iss."

Fetiss seems to think of something, then nods to himself. Crawling back he eyes the pattern of the wall, now much more interested than before.

"Very good Tekki, very good. Give me a sheet of paper, I will sketch the main crystal and that object on the ceiling." He takes additional materials from the slave, then answers Fetiss in Imperial, "My apologies, the word means 'crack' or 'gap'." Bassai works on his own drawings.

The archaeologist only gets answered with a nod from Fetiss, as he turns around to examine the glass thing in the ceiling.

Sketching away, Bassai warns, "Do not venture to far into thiss chamber just yet, Surgeon. The previous expedition had an accident in this vicinity. There may be some hidden perils."

The conglomerate form in the ceiling is a fair distance above, reaching up perhaps twenty feet. Due to the curvature of the ceiling, scaling the walls to reach it would be rather difficult.

Fetiss stops and looks around nervously, then tries to joke, "Yess, and who would put togech'er ch'e ssurgeon."

"A Savanite or a Rhian, neither ones I think you would wish to do the task," the archaeologist answers, then works away quietly for a time. "I'm nearly finished, Tekki; have you gotten the rest of the chamber yet?"

Tekki looks up, shaking his head, still sketching.

Smiling sharply Fetiss backs over to Bassai again, feeling a little security in his experience.

Fetiss turns to Bassai and asks, "Are you ssure we sch'all dissturb ch'e Firsst Oness? We do not meddle wich' deach', so why meddle wich' ch'e dead."

"Which walls, that one? Yes." Bassai turns another page, and starts rending more of the patterns of the wall crystals. As he works he hisses to the cobra beside him, "Knowledge of course Fetiss, for the glory of the Empire. We must shine light into the darkness of the past, so we can help be a brighter example for all other cultures."

Fetiss looks around and hisses softly, "We are bright enough I ch'inch'." shivering slightly.

The sketching takes some time, with both Bassai and Tekki working away diligently. "I'm afraid a lot of my work is like this, Surgeon. A few amazing discoveries in an instant, and a very long period of time documenting it all. Still, things must be done properly so the findings cannot be disputed."

There's another thrumming, as several points of brighter light dance around the room, scattering amongst the various vessels in the walls in seemingly random directions, before they dissipate again. Tekki jumps at the noise, then hurriedly cleans up the marks he accidentally makes on the paper.

Fetiss hisses and rises another foot, his shield unfolding, pulling his hood over his eyes.

Bassai looks thoughtfully at the increase in noise, and the movement of the light. "I wonder if that is in response to us, or a regular event."

The room goes pitch black … for just an instant. And then the light returns again.

Fetiss grumbles and tries to tear the hood away from his head, missing the black out because of a personal one.

"I think it would be wise to leave the chamber at thiss time," Bassai hisses, "and observe from a distance."

Pointing to the entrance Fetiss asks, "This way?" starting to move over there.

Tekki hastily begins putting his things away, and hops back up, looking ready to leave.

From behind the walls, there is a scraping noise, like stone against stone.

Fetiss stops and turns around, eyeing the walls and looking quite scared.

The archaeologist watches Tekki, to make sure he isn't suffering anything, then says to him and Fetiss, "Yes, that way. Quickly," and slithers to the exit.

Bassai passes Fetiss, who quickly follows, keeping even speed with the bigger Naga.

Tekki sprints after Bassai, his ears flattened back. He clutches his equipment closely, not willing to drop anything behind.

Bassai retreats partway up the corridor, allowing him to still see part of the chamber, "Here is likely to be safe." He pulls out the wooden token around his neck, and examines it. "Be prepared to shield your eyes."

Fetiss covers his eyes with one arm, wondering what Bassai is up to. Sliding in behind Bassai as well.

The lights in the room darken again for a few seconds, though the throbbing continues.

Fetiss hisses sharply, "I do not enjoy ch'iss!" holding the other arm over his head.

Down the center of the chamber beyond, a crackle of energy strikes down like miniature lightning, presumably from the globe in the ceiling, against a spot on the floor.

The archaeologist signs, "You are alright?" to Tekki as he also looks at the device he wears, and the room. "I can't determine if it is responding to our presence… I must find if this was occurring with the other expedition."

Risking a glance over Bassai's shoulder, Fetiss sees this. And grits his teeth.

Tekki's tail is all puffed out, his ears flattened. He looks as if he'd be quite ready to go further away if ordered.

Fetiss backs away slightly from Bassai.

"That… " Bassai says definitively, "… would burn a message in someone's mind."

Fetiss says, "I ssuggesst we do not sstand to ch'lossely."

The archaeologist looks at the talisman in his hand, the Mage's words coming back to him, "Your mind is stronger than the Savanite's." Bassai looks up at the flickering crystal chamber, "It may be necessary."

The light returns to the chamber, the sparks gone for now. The thrumming subsides.

Fetiss eyes swivel over to Bassai in what could best be described an irritated look as he asks, "How ssoo?"

Tekki slowly dares to relax just a little bit as things return to something approximating "normal".

"Record the time Tekki, let us wait and see if this occurs at a regular interval," the Naga orders his slave, then speaks to the surgeon beside him. "This site may respond to living beings… "

Fetiss considers this for almost half a second before he says, "Ah, like we were ssome ch'ind og germss."

Tekki nods, pulling out what looks like a decorated egg, and peering at a glassy surface on one side, writing down something on his notes.

Fetiss starts thinking about how efficient the immune defenses are, and hates himself for that.

"… there is a variety of speculation, on how First Ones' sites operate," the archaeologist continues, "Simply, it may be controlled by a suitably strong will… It is rather difficult for me to sum up all my knowledge, this must sound very confusing. Simply, what destroyed a Savanite's mind, might not destroy mine, and there could be information to be learned."

Bassai concludes, "It is all a big unknown at the moment; that is why I am here to find out."

Fetiss nods, flicks his tongue and says, "I hope you have a sstrong mind arch'itech't."

Tekki waits, keeping track of the passage of time, occasionally glancing to Bassai for any cues.

As the light continues to flicker and play in the distant chamber, something seems faintly familiar about the glassy orb to Bassai – the one set in the wall at the end of the corridor – framed by the opening to this cul-de-sac. A round shape, surrounded by intertwining, organic, twisting shapes, flickering and occasionally changing hue subtly. But … not ENTIRELY familiar.

The archaeologist nods, "That is my hope as well. Here, I will try to cover some of the basics while we wait. Do keep timing Tekki. Now, there are several different theories about the First Ones… " Bassai proceeds into a long and confusing lecture on what is known, speculated, or imagined about First Ones. As he speaks, his awareness grows of the flickering object in the corridor.

"Tekki, Fetiss, do you see that over there?" The ringneck Naga points at the round flickering shape.

Fetiss concentration is more focused on the corridors than on Bassai's lecture.

The corridors branch out in many directions, not following any symmetrical method that Fetiss can discern.

Squinting with one eye, holding a hand over the other, moving his head, Fetiss tries to make out the shape of the object.

There is another loud thrum, as a brighter light traces across some of the crystal vessels set in the wall, dispersing down smaller vessels that run down various corridors.

Moving a little closer to the centre of the corridor, Fetiss follows the pulse of light with his eyes. Then returns his attention to the big light further down the corridor, trying to make out what it is.

The pulsating lights are nothing like the doctor has seen before. While the structures hint at something organic, they are ultimately alien, and none of his extensive training offers him any useful explanation from what little he can see.

Fetiss hisses nervously, his tongue flicking in and out as he asks the archaeologist, "Arch'itech't, what iss ch'iss?"

"I am at as much a loss as you are Surgeon, to the function of these crystalline structures." Bassai hisses, "Tekki, note when we heard that increase in sound, and lets observe if events repeat themselves."

Tekki nods and takes more notes, adding them to his already sizeable collection.

Time passes. On occasion, more "pulses" trace along the vessels in the walls. Tekki dutifully takes more notes, but does not yet find any patterns to report.

Bassai flicks out his tongue, observing the walls and the branching passageways. "It does not seem to be recurring at regular intervals. I'm afraid it is responding to our presence, and that makes this place all the more dangerous." He slithers closer to the flickering orb, attracted to the object that resembles the Eye of Kame.

Fetiss hisses sharply, "It ch'iss iss what I ch'ich'… belive, we are halfway down the Ssunswallower'ss belly!" looking around.

"Please Surgeon, no need for superstition, there is a Savanite present," Bassai hisses, "This may be many things, but I doubt it is that."

The resemblance to the Eye of Kame is there … but not entirely. Whereas the "Eye" was somewhat elliptical in shape, this one is more round. Whereas the "tentacles" in the images appeared like vines that curled and ended in space, these are more like vessels, disappearing into the wall, but all with a sense of connection.

Fetiss follows Bassai, but makes sure the distance increases.

"Watch me Tekki, pull me away if something happens," the ringneck Naga signs, as he examines the glassy, crystalline hemisphere set into the wall at the end of the corridor. He doesn't come close, or touch it. "Interesting… " he hisses.

Various pulsating lights can be seen in the depth of the crystalline form, refracted by faults in what otherwise might appear to be a molten, nearly liquid substance at times.

Fetiss crosses his arms and hisses, "I sstay here, if it iss all rig… akssepptable by you."

Tekki just looks nervous, not having any commentary to offer.

"Yes, yess… of coursse… " Bassai hisses, looking once more at the talisman he wears. It is unchanged. He touches a crystal capillary in the wall, close to the inset sphere; the Naga rubs first with the back of his hand, before turning it to try his fingers.

Touching the capillary, it feels faintly warm to the touch – or, that is, less cold than the air in the chamber. As he touches it, the Naga feels a faintly tingling sensation, almost imperceptible.

Tapping his fingers on his arm, Fetiss stands in the corridor, looking around and being very nervous.

Feeling with his fingertips, the archaeologist says, "It feels warm. There's a tingling sensation… Get this down, Tekki." He brushes along the vein, away from the sphere, trying to touch one of the light pulsations that flow through the wall. "I'm trying to feel the change when there is a flare-up."

The change is perceptible. The point along where the vein is brighter feels correspondingly warmer … and the tingling sensation is likewise stronger.

Fetiss turns his head to one way, then to the other, and decides that curiosity overrules cowardice. He begins to move over to where the archaeologist stands. But still cautiously.

Coming over next to Bassai Fetiss asks, "What have you found, arch'itech't?"

"It tingles, Surgeon, very much like a light electrical current," he says, as he continues to rub along the crystal formation, "Other than shocks and burns, I am not familiar with the more serious medical problems that can be induced. Is there anything I should be aware of?"

Fetiss thinks for a while, trying to recall all he have learned about electricity, and realizes that he had an extremely boring teacher, but he says, "I do not believe you have to worry, much'. Ssmall dossess do not harm you."

Fetiss continues, almost sounding as if he is quoting some material, "Greater elech'trich'al ch'och's… dossess, ch'an induch'e musch'ular sspassmss, internal burnss and sseriouss damage ch'ough… on ch'e och'… whatever!"

"Hmm… Tekki, do you have a piece of wire with you? Run back to the camp and fetch one, and a piece of wood." Bassai muses, "I want to test a few things, before I endanger myself further."

Fetiss removes his glove and carefully touches the veins in the wall, his tongue flicking out nervously, but excitedly. His shield also expands somewhat.

Tekki nods, and sprints back out of the chamber, toward the main camp.

Fetiss quickly withdraws his hand, but as he isn't burned, he tries it again.

The larger Naga nods, listening to the smaller cobra. He observes the refractions of light inside the sphere while he waits for his assistant to return.

Some short while later, Tekki returns swiftly, though not running so quickly back in as he did to depart. He presents the wire and wood to his master.

Trying to take use of what he knows, Fetiss closes his eyes and counts the pulses.

If this were a patient under Fetiss' care, he'd have it under intensive right now. The "pulses" change frequency again and again.

Fetiss points to a place where veins split and suggests, "Perhapss it iss felt sstronger ch'ere."

"Do you feel anything further down the vein when I do this?" Bassai touches the same one Fetiss is, while looking into the crystal globe.

Only using his delicate touch, Fetiss examines the vein.

Fetiss says, "Try applying ssome pressssure on it."

The differences, if any, are too subtle to notice.

The Naga looks over at his slave. "Ah good, Tekki, you're back. Is there something wrong?" he asks, puzzled at the slow return; perhaps the Savanite is just cold.

Tekki pants, his tongue hanging out, slowly shaking his head, and hands over the requested items.

Fetiss haven't even spotted the return of Tekki. He suddenly spins around, fangs at the ready, but relaxes at the sight of someone he knows.

Flashing a smile at Tekki, Fetiss says, "Very good," and returns his attention to the vein, slightly embarrassed.

"Thank you, sit down and rest Tekki, don't touch the walls." Bassai ignores his own advice, and presses more firmly on the crystal line. "Anything Surgeon?"

The crystal line is quite solid to the touch, not giving in the least, despite its faintly molten appearance in some places.

Smiling Fetiss says, "No, noch'ing. But if you were to touch' ch'e ssentre," joking.

Bassai slips back a little distance from the wall. He twists the wire around the end of the wooden shaft, making an arc. "All in good time Fetiss. Come away from the wall." When the cobra is clear he wets the points with his tongue, and touches them to two different veins.

*FRZAP!* Sparks fly, and there's a smell in the air like … ozone?

Fetiss sucks on his finger; he looks around for any hostile action.

The lights in the room flicker and go out entirely.

The ringneck Naga yanks the pole away.

Fetiss says, "Ch'iss iss bad, right?"

There's another sound like stone scraping against stone, and more sounds of crackling from somewhere beyond the walls.

The room is filled with a low rumbling noise … and cracks of light appear in the walls, not corresponding to the positions of the "veins".

"Don't anyone move; I don't want an accident to occur in the dark," Bassai hisses, waiting for the light to return. As it does, he changes his mind, "Back away!"

Using the light as guidance, Fetiss begins to try and get to the entrance, and further, if possible.

The cracks widen, letting in more light … and heat. Heat floods the room, making the temperature suddenly rush from a slowing chill to something approaching that of the Savan at mid-day.

Fetiss drops close to the floor and uses both hands and body to crawl away as quickly as he can.

Nothing obstructs the way to the entrance to the chamber, and there is plenty of room to see it now. The snake makes his way through, into the presently darkened corridor beyond.

Bassai retreats from the increasing heat and light, making sure to push Tekki along with him if he doesn't move. He wants to be away from the glowing wall, and the other chamber seems a safer place to be right now.

The ceiling rises, taking along with it sections of the wall demarcated by the cracks – the same fissures Bassai noticed and documented earlier. Through the walls can be seen a brightly-lit expanse – an area far bigger than this room, filled with noise and heat and light.

The two Nagas and the Savanite hastily retreat, leaving the scene behind, making their way through the corridors as best they can. They overtake a number of alarmed Rhians – who, thankfully, have their own light sources.

"What is happening outside?" Bassai hisses to the Rhians.

One of the horses whinnies, "All the lights went out!" The workers seem intent on following the original intent of the two Nagas (and, no doubt, the Savanite) and rushing back to camp. The only light other than their lanterns is a glow down the corridor from which Bassai and Fetiss came, which also echoes with ominous rumbles and sizzles.

The archaeologist halts, waiting to see if the light and noise increases, or if it staying consistent.

The rumbles rise and lower, reaching a crescendo … but then slowly dying down again. The warmth remains, however … and a foul odor in the air that only slowly begins to disperse.

Fetiss was just about to leave. But as Bassai stops, he does too. Although a little further away from the noise. Flicking his tongue, tasting the air and trying to see if he knows that smells like this, sulfur perhaps.

Bassai flicks out his tongue, tasting the odor, "At least it seems to have stopped. For a moment I was afraid a simple touch destroyed the whole site."

The archaeologist looks at the walls, to see if the glowing crystals have returned, and also checks on the condition of his slave, and the others with him as he does.

Fetiss hmms and says, "Ssmellss like… " then just hisses sharply, mostly to himself.

The crystal vessels still remain darkened.

Tekki is still in one piece, though looking a little sick from the foul odor filling the air.

Trying to look further down the corridor, Fetiss stares at the light.

The light presently looks not to be throbbing, nor constant … but flickering. Faint crackling sounds can be heard. For all the world, it sounds like there's a fire back there.

A hissing noise can be heard, moving behind the walls, like some great Naga burrowing through the stone itself.

Fetiss freezes, and looks around.

"Is the air poisonous, or just foul, Surgeon? I want to see what that is." Bassai starts to slither back, closer to the light. As he does he touches a crystal line on the wall.

The hissing subsides.

*GLORP* *FOOSH* *HISSSS* Several noises emit from further down the corridor, and the light flickers even more, finally going out entirely.

The archaeologist feels nothing from the wall, just residual warmth, "This is not a heartening development."

Fetiss follows Bassai, but carefully as he explains "I do not ch'inch' sso. Sslightly poissonouss, but in ch'osse ch'uantitiess, not lech'al." Then he spins around and says to Tekki, "Mach' yoursself usseful and bring ssome light."

Tekki nods, and goes after the Rhians.

Bassai nods to his slave, waiting for him to return with a lantern, then uses the light to go back and examine the damage he has caused.

Tekki's lantern suffices to light the way as Bassai goes back down the corridor. After some distance, before he reaches the cul-de-sac, his way is blocked by … mounds of light-green semi-liquid foam, some of which have sections of solid crust.

Tasting the air, Fetiss tries to feel if it smells dangerous.

The odors aren't as strong now. The foamy material gives off very little smell at all, but it certainly does not smell like anything encountered before.

Fetiss wonders if it emits heat, or feels cold – not touching it though.

The foam would seem to be faintly cool if one were to touch it – and perhaps just as well not to, for it looks to be fairly sticky.

Bassai just stares at the wreckage, the mounds of green foam blocking his way. "This is not encouraging at all," he quietly hisses. Perhaps he should have just let Tekki explore; he wouldn't have touched anything at least.

Fetiss says, "What in ch'e intesstiness of ch'e Great Ssnach' iss ch'iss?"

"A disaster to rival the destruction of the City of Hands," the archaeologist replies.

*GLORP* Another one of those sounds echoes from somewhere beyond the sticky green obstruction.

Fiddling with one of his satchels, Fetiss fetches a sample jar. With a spoon he begins to take some samples of the foam, taking care not to touch it – not using a metal spoon, in case he would drop it.

Bits of the foam break away, sticking to the utensil. It takes some work to coax and shake and knock the foam into the jar, off of the utensil.

Fetiss smiles and says, "What goess Glorp on ch'e och'er sside… "

Fetiss continues, not waiting for the reply, "Somech'ing we are happy if it keepss on ch'e och'er sside."

Making his best attempt, Fetiss tries to get at least a small sample.

With some more work, and bits of green goo spattered on the floor and a few drops on himself, the doctor manages to get a sample of the messy stuff.

"That remains to be seen," Bassai replies, poking at the mass with the stick, then letting it drop into it. "I was not expecting this at all… I suppose there is nothing to do but set some Savanites to clearing it away."

Tekki frowns at the notion, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the sight of the mess.

Fetiss closes the lid and puts the jar carefully back in his satchel. He looks at the drops of green goo stuck to himself and sees if they do anything. Then he tries to scrape the worst bits off himself.

The drops just smear. They have no particular reaction. They're just … messy.

Fetiss flashes a smile at Bassai and says "Well, it hass been sstanding here, undamaged for ch'oussandss of yearss, and ch'en you ch'ome by and wrech' it in less ch'an a day," quickly dodging any outburst from the archaeologist.

"Don't worry, Tekki, you'll just supervise," the Naga hisses, facing the mess before him. "I would not have thought a simple touch would destroy the whole site. Thank you, Surgeon, that will be all."

Patting his satchel, Fetiss points out, "Perhapss it iss possible to mach' it firm up, ssomehow. I will see to it."

"You may leave now, Surgeon. Tekki, please wait for me further up the hall. I would like to be alone for a moment." Bassai just stares at the green congealing foam in front of him.

Tekki bows and heads further up the hall, leaving the lantern with Bassai, relying upon the ambient light from it and the light sources from the Rhians further along.

Fetiss crawls away back to home camp, curious about what this substance might be.

Bassai remains, staring at the substance in front of him, and the darkened crystals in the walls. The tragedy of what he's done presses in on him. He doesn't move for a very long time. When he does, it is simply to slowly slither back to Tekki, and then back to his heated box. The consequences of this are too tremendous to contemplate, but he does anyhow.


GMed by Greywolf

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Moz Ezley Asylum

Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)