24 Feb 1999. Brishen and Jynx leave Morpheus for Sinai.
(Brishen) (Artifact of Calderas) (Jynx) (Space)
A world of dreams, a world of wonders, a world of oddities. Grey mist swirls lazily about, occasionally revealing shadowy formations in its depths. There is the unmistakable sound of music in the air, and voices whisper softly. There are stars in the sky, brighter than any seen on Sinai, and no Procession. A strange castle floats in the sky above in the distance above the mists; it glitters like a hazy gem and appears to glow faintly. All in all this seems to be a very strange place indeed.

The Khatta, Jynx, and the Eee, Brishen, have returned from rescuing the Savanite cub, Last-Daughter, from 'sleep'. Apparently she is the only survivor in a crew of ten. The strange dream being, Morpheus, is nowhere to be seen and has not made another appearance for several hours. Brishen has vanished to scout around after some loud winds outside rattled the ship, and Last-Daughter has been too busy devouring fruits as though she hadn't eaten in weeks to sign anything.

Finally the cub's pace slows enough for her to respond to hand-signs, although she's managed to thoroughly cover herself with juice from the plants.

Jynx munches on a few of the fruits as well, amused at the hungry antics of the little cub. "Feeling any better yet? You've been eating like a half-crazed, starved Fuff'nar!"

"A what?" Last-Daughter signs, and then shakes her head. "I'm sorry… I just felt so hungry."

The black Khatta smiles, "Don't know what a fuff'nar is? Oh well, never mind. Eat all you want; it may be all we get for a while, since I suppose we'll be heading back to Sinai soon." He stands up and stretches, looking about at the strange interior. "By the way, just what is this place anyhow?"

The Savanite licks some of the juice from her hands. "The Burning Claw, my Daddy's ship." Her ears droop.

Jynx grimaces, not intending to bring back any ill memories for the kitten. He sits back down near one of the larger, tree-like plants, and looks at the cub. "Where are you from? And what was that strange… 'stasis' thing you were in?" He looks around the ship again, "I've never seen anything like this!"

"I'm from The Firestar Colony in the People's Lands," she replies. "Daddy had us all go into stasis while we were waiting to be rescued because he thought we didn't have enough food."

The Khatta looks puzzled by Last-Daughter's reply. "You mean you're not from the Savan? What's the 'People's Lands'? I'm afraid I've never heard of those places."

Last-Daughter bites her lip. "I'm sorry… I don't know what you mean. Justice's-Hand would know… but he's… "

Jynx frowns. It seems no matter what he says, the kitten is reminded of her former crewmates. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He sighs, and signs nothing for quite some time, then ventures a comment out again. "I know what we can do. How about you give me a tour of the ship? We can go get your things, and some decent clothes for you."

"Daddy wouldn't let me move around the ship very much. He said I'd get lost or get into trouble, but he would let me play by the waterfall if I promised to not splash or scare the fish." She pops another piece of fruit in her mouth. "I'm fine."

"Well, do you at least want to go get your things?" signs the Khatta. "We'll most likely be leaving soon, and chances are we aren't coming back anytime soon, if ever. This isn't exactly the most hospitable of worlds." He shrugs, then gives a small smile, "Maybe you can show me the waterfall?"

"Alright. But if I get in trouble… I'm going to tell that it was your idea!" the cheetah signs and pulls herself up to her feet, wiping her hands on her already stained shirt.

Jynx smiles and nods to little girl, but inwardly frowns. She still doesn't realize that everyone except her has passed. He stands, and gives a sweeping gesture, "Lead the way, Madame!"

Last-Daughter lays her ears back nervously and slowly creeps down an open corridor. Glowing vines keep it dimly lit. "Everything looks so different."

The dark feline follows behind, "Well, how long were you asleep? It didn't look too comfortable."

"I don't know. The cheetah signs back. "They say that a hundred years can pass in an eye-blink in stasis."

Jynx stops, a look of bewilderment crossing his face. "A hundred years, are you serious?" He stares open mouthed at the cheetah, "That's impossible! No one can sleep that long, not without some sort of magic anyway!"

The cub wilts. "I'm sorry." She seems to apologize an awful lot.

"Sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." He blinks at Last-Daughter, "I was just saying that I don't see how that could be. I never knew Savanites had such magic."

"Magic? Justice's-Hand always said that magic was something in heretical storybooks. You shouldn't believe in magic; it might get you in trouble with the priests." Last-Daughter taps a panel on the wall and the hallways ahead brighten up a bit as panels in the ceiling start to glow softly.

"What's a 'Savanite'?" she adds.

Jynx looks at the lights in wonder. He thought only the Temple was capable of such feats. "Of course magic is real, and I don't know of any priests that would get on to you for something that you see every day, especially when they depend on it themselves." The last part confuses him, but he can't help but smile. "What do you mean, 'what's a Savanite'? You're one of them, silly spots!"

Last-Daughter stops in her tracks, turns to look at Jynx… and then bursts into tears. She curls up into a ball on the floor as though shielding herself.

The Khatta does a double take, then hurries over to the cub. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! What did I say?" He picks the cheetah up and tries to look her in the face.

The sound of rustling wings, albeit faint, is not hard to hear in the narrow hall – Bree, however, is quiet as she floats into sight. Her satchel is stuffed with fruits and vegetables.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a stupid girl." The cub's fists tremble as she fights to form the signs. "Please don't punish me!"

Brishen's eyes widen slightly as she glances at Feli.

Jynx frowns, and pulls the cub close, "Punish you, what for? You didn't do anything wrong!" He starts as he notices Brishen, and grimaces at her. "And you're not a 'stupid girl', I'm sorry if I scared you. Please don't cry!"

Last-Daughter sniffles. "You said this wasn't a dream… Daddy would have punished me. You're a boy, and Daddy said that boys always knew better… " Her ears lay back, but she finally just clings to Jynx quietly, her sobs fading.

Brishen sets her satchel down, anchoring herself to the floor in the process. Then, she furls her wings and settles gently to the floor. Dark brown eyes peer with concern at Last-Daughter, though she raises a brow ever-so-slightly.

The black Khatta hugs the little cheetah close, stroking her head-fur gently. "Well… he was wrong, somewhat at least." He gives a small wink. "And no, this isn't a dream. He… can't punish you anymore, and I never will." The feline continues to comfort the little cub. "Now then, no need for crying. I still want to see this waterfall of yours."

The cheetah sniffles and nods. She notices Brishen for the first time and makes a sharp mew!

Brishen tilts her head slightly, then mews back. It's really a squeak, though. "Hi. Do you want the crunchy green things, or the bumpy orange ones? I really don't know what any of this fruit is called." She fishes some sort of vegetable from her satchel and hands it to Last-Daughter.

Jynx gives a small smile now that the cub has ceased crying. "I don't know if she's still hungry, with as much as she ate earlier." He winks at the little cheetah.

The cub wipes her face off and swallows. "My cabin is right down here." She points to a row of doors down the hallway.

The black Khatta gets back to his feet, and helps Last-Daughter to do the same. "Lead on, we'll be right by you."

Brishen glances at the proffered fruit, then tucks it away in her satchel. She starts to hum, faintly. Something Eeee kids in Babel or Rephidim would sing to themselves when they'd been deprived of insects for too long. "Bugs. Bugs, bugs, bugs." The former courier (amongst other things), murmurs, "All this fruit and no bugs – Not even one. Not even a little one with five legs."

Last-Daughter counts the doors down the hall until she reaches one with 'Captain' written on it in hand-sign. She taps a panel in the wall and nothing happens. She gives it a good hard WHACK and slowly the door creaks open.

Stale air wafts out from the cabin.

Brishen wrinkles her nose, slightly.

Jynx waves at the bad air, marveling at the automatic door. "See? I told you Savanites were magic." He smiles, and follows behind the cub.

"It's just a door," the cheetah signs, looking quizzically at Jynx. She shrugs, smiles at Brishen and then goes rummaging around the room. There's no dust, but things seem to be in disrepair. There are two beds in the small chambers and a dresser. An adult sized uniform is crisply folded across one of the beds.

Brishen pokes her head in and looks around, casting a few squeaks about before floating into the room.

There's a cloth toy that looks a bit like a plush Vykarin lying on the other bed. Brishen's wing-beats swirl the tattered cloth of the bedding about, making it flare out like grasping hands at any feet near the floor.

Jynx blinks as he enters the room, looking at the beds and around the room. He walks over to the bad, and picks up the toy, looking at it with a puzzled expression.

Brishen glances at the plush Vykarin, then over at Last-Daughter. She grins.

The toy seems to be relatively intact, most of the wear looks to be more due to handling than age. "That's Chomp," Last-Daughter signs to Brishen. "Mommy gave him to me to protect me."

Brishen's hands dart about. "He looks like a Vykarin, sort of."

The black Khatta nods, "He does. I didn't know Savanites had little toys like this."

"It's my shell dog. I wanted one for a pet but Daddy said they were just dumb slaves." Last-Daughter smiles as though the comment were nothing.

Brishen casts a sidelong glance at Feli, then looks back to Last-Daughter. "He's very cute."

"Shell dog?" Jynx asks, but says nothing more. Nor does he say anything about how Last-Daughter's kind are considered as such back home. "Yes, he is. Now, you'd better get what you need; we should probably start off for home soon."

Brishen blinks, once. An ear flicks. "We'll need something to cover our mouths – I don't think I can carry both of you."

The cheetah cub nods and gathers up a few assorted toys, some clothing, and the cloth Vykarin. Her possessions don't amount to all that much and she even has a bag to carry it all in.

The black Khatta eyes all the possessions, "Are you sure that's all you'll need?"

"It's all I have." Last-Daughter shrugs.

Brishen smiles. "I guess it's time to go, then."

Jynx grimaces, and nods. "Yes, we'd better be on our way. Since we can't fly, it might be quite a walk." He makes his way to the door, and waits for his companions.

The cub hoists her pack and follows out.

The trek takes several hours, during which Last-Daughter asks several questions about where Brishen and Jynx are from, and tells them a bit about her own homeland. From what can be pieced together, her mother died several years ago and her father had been a 'starship' captain all his life. The way she calmly signs about things like punishment and slavery seems to hint that these aren't uncommon concepts to her… but most of the people she signs about are on the giving end and not the receiving end like the Savanites of Sinai. Finally they trio makes it to the crystal structure with the help of Brishen's aerial guidance. Everything looks the same as before, although a dark shape sits perched atop the building directly above a window that reflects an image of yellow desert sand… the Himaat.

Brishen leans forward slightly, peering at the window.

Jynx tries to follow the cub's stories until his head hurts. Starships? Savanites as masters? Its all strange to him. He stops as they come to the window, and stares up at the dark shape. "Was that there before?" he says aloud.

"Greetings Feli, Lady Kara," the shadow replies. "I knew you would be coming here eventually… I wished to bid my farewells and offer my thanks before you departed."

The black Khatta's fur stands on end as the cat-bat reveals itself. Needless to say, he had wished they wouldn't meet again. "Y-you're welcome. So I suppose you'll be remaining here?"

Brishen unfurls her wings and curtsies. "Hello, Morpheus. I'm glad we had a chance to meet again."

Last-Daughter peeks under Jynx's arm at the shadow.

Morpheus nods. "I think that this is the only place I am capable of existing. I will be remaining here."

Brishen looks up at Morpheus. "With this the land of dreams, I suspect we'll see each other again." She grins. "You dance well."

Jynx gives the little cheetah a comforting scritch, and nods to Morpheus. "Yeah, I guess we'll be seeing you around. We have to return home, however."

"You probably will not see me again. The only ones who have inadvertently viewed my presence are the dream mages from your world… or those with exceptional abilities. Still, they are not called 'dreams' for nothing, I suppose. Perhaps we will meet again." Morpheus shifts on his gargoyle-like perch on the crystal gateway. "So what will you do once you return home?"

"Hopefully get some time to relax and take my life easy for a change." The Khatta gives a small smirk, then looks down to Last-Daughter. "I need to find her a home as well. I don't think she realizes just yet that she's all that's left."

Brishen casts a thoughtful glance down at her hands, then looks up at Morpheus again. "I think I shall get in more trouble. I appear to be rather good at it." She grins an impish grin.

"Good luck on your journey then," Morpheus murmurs. His eyes glow brightly.

"What do you plan?" asks Jynx. "There doesn't seem much to do here."

The cub looks at Jynx, Brishen, and the shadow creature and rubs her head. "I'll need to learn your language… "

Morpheus shrugs. "I am still exploring. I think I would like to… discover myself… as the phrase goes."

Brishen giggles quietly. A hand darts about. "Don't worry, we'll teach you!"

The cub grins, her shoulders shake as though she were laughing but no sound comes out.

The Khatta nods to Morpheus. "Good luck to you then, I hope you find your calling." He looks down at the cheetah and grins.

Morpheus salutes and flutters up off the ground, vanishing into the mists.

The yellow sands through the gateway swirl in the breeze.

Brishen stretches her wings out, then furls them neatly and sighs. "It was fun being so light. That will change, though."

Jynx looks to Brishen, "Well, that was indeed strange." He shrugs, then starts back towards the gate. "I'd rather be back home with some good food to weigh me down myself. Let's go."

Brishen rests a hand on Feli's shoulder. "Careful, Feli. Remember what kept us from going to the red world? I wouldn't like to bump into those people again."

Last-Daughter clings to Jynx's tail and follows behind.

Jynx doesn't give the tail clinging a second thought, used to Eve doing the same thing when she was little. "I hope we don't either, but it's the only way back." With a shrug and a grin, he picks up Last-Daughter, and makes a leap at the portal. "See you on the other side!" he yells to Brishen as he sails through the air.

Brishen smirks, shaking her head, then takes a deep breath and leaps into the portal as well.

There's a familiar tugging sensation… and then space seems to stretch itself out as the three get sucked into darkness and beyond.


GMed by Zoltan

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