The Bazaar
In the bright mid-day, the air is cool and crisp and full of the sounds and smells of a bustling street lined on each side with booths, vendors and customers some loudly haggling over prices of the displayed wares. Occasionally a Zelak patrol wanders by to keep the peace and to keep a lookout for those with sticky fingers … and, to be sure, there are plenty shady sorts lurking in the shadows, regarding the passersby with hungry eyes. Or perhaps that's just a peddler over there, begging for a scrap of bread. In any case, it's a barrage on the senses exciting and exhilirating, full of life and action.
Arcadia smiles singing softly to herself as she sets the last of her set of seven beautiful glass gardening pots upon her tables. There are of course, as usual many other baubles and actual useful glass items for the varied patrons to ooh and aah at, and hopefully purchase. She swings her tail a little, her tall ears high and swiveling.
The Savanite known as Haji reads the note from his master again. "This slave requires five ornamental flowerpots for the displaying of assorted plants. They must be of the highest quailty. Please include a receipt when he purchases them, for my records." It's unsigned, curiously.
Bambridge casually winds his way through the bustling crowd, occasionally hissing Nagai invectives at street urchins who tug his cloak, laughing. His face is impassive, his hood drawn low, but his eyes constantly rove for easy marks. He bumps into a fellow, muttering, "Excuse me," and sliding past.
A deep hood and cloak of dark gray engulfs the frame of this odd creature, a scaley green snout with three horns on it protruding from the cowl, in the depths of which two large eyes glisten, rimmed with wrinkled skin. A pair of scaley paws, bony and long-fingered, tipped with climbing claws, hang from gangly arms. Oddly shaped bits of bone and chitin poke out of pockets within the inner part of Bambridge's cape, their purposes difficult to guess at.
Haji whips his green cloak around him. The wind seems to be picking up as he notices a nearby booth with a dragon behind it. The glassware seems good enough, from what he can see, so he walks toward it. As he heads forward, a gust blows up around him, ripping the note from his hand! His eyes go wide as he tries to chase it down.
Arcadia glaces at the little Savanite who suddenly takes off running. She shrugs and sits back on her haunches to rest and watch the furs who come and go around her tables and wagon.
The scrap of paper tumbles through the crowd, between careless feet. It comes to an abrupt stop beneath one of Bambridge's scaley footpads. The reptile smiles slightly at Haji from across the crowd, and stoops to pick it up.
At a nearby booth, a few Rath'ani argue about the price of wigs with a black-furred female poodle.
Haji runs up to the Naga, batting down his cloak with one hand while tring to sign with the other. He looks after the paper intently. "Excuse me . . .flummin' cloak, uh wise sir! That is my note, may I have it please?"
Bambridge rolls the scrap of parchment between thumb and forefinger thoughtfully. "Certainly, my friend, certainly. But prices here are exhorbitant. Surely you wouldn't mind saving a shekel or two, ah? Your master wouldn't have to know."
Arcadia glances her keen eyes about… and dusts off a simply exquisite planter. it's beautiful… oh what's that she's got written on that sign… Sale?
Haji looks at the fellow warily, but he doesn't have much of a choice, "Kind sir, I would be forever grateful if you could help me. I'm not very good with prices."
Bambridge licks one of his eyes, grinning. "Relax, my spotty comrade," he silently signs. "I'll get you the best price to be had in the bazaar since Crazy Henklemeyer's fire sale. But I'm… out of stock. Why don't you point me to a stand with something pretty, so I can have an example of what you wish?"
Haji looks around and sees the booth with the dragon, "Over there, the place with the bowls."
Arcadia contiues to smile and happily helps some other customer buy some pretty necklace baubles.
The Rath'ani walk by Arcadia's booth, one with a blonde wig under her arm that doesn't match in the least with her fur. The poodle grins, muttering to herself, "Like boots forr a Naga… "
Bambridge rubs his scalepaws together, a crafty look crossing his face for a split second. "Ahh, excellent taste, my friend, truely excellent. That merchant looks quite rich… er, skilled… at glasswork. Yes, yes, let's see now… " He rubs his chin, deep in thought.
Arcadia smiles again, tail waving farewell to the gentlefur who has just purchaced a few wonderful things and one of the garden pots only 6 left now…
The Rath'ani with the wig browse a bit at Arcadia's booth, but soon walk off.
Haji furrows his brow at the 'expert', "She seems to be selling fast. May we hurry along, wise sir?"
Bambridge draws his cloak in around him, and flattens his lower half to the ground, pressing his feet close to his body. Only his tail protrudes from the back of his cloak, and his hands issue from slits in the front. He becomes a slatey gray hue, and begins slithering toward Arcadia's booth. "Fall in behind me, Savanite," he whispers.
Arcadia's ears flick up as she hears the approch of another possible patron. She turns to look towards the sound and offers her brightest smile. "Good evening gentlefur, how may I help you? "
Haji pads in behind the creature, looking anxiously about. o O(I just hope I get those bowls somehow. Or I shant ever bother returning.)
Bambridge sniffs imperiously. "I will perhapsss bring my business to you, merchant," he hisses, with a thick Nagai accent. "If your quality standards meet mine. We are looking for flowerpots, that would highlight my prized garden specimensss. We will be requiring two of them, my sssslave here shall carry them."
Bambridge draws back his hood a little to see better. He starts to hiss something even more pompous, but gets a good look at Arcadia finally. His words die in his throat, and he trails off with a strangled gurgle. "Dr… druh… "
Haji nudges the hooded-one, "Five pots! I need five!"
Arcadia smiles looking the scaled one over. She shakes her head and speaks softly "You have nothing to fear from me or my goods you shall find them to be of the higest quality in all the lands. I assure you. I make all my wares… and each one is a work of perfection. If they were not I wouldn't sell them." She bows her tall head a little.
Haji looks over the wares . o O{I think the 'Boss' will like these, indeed.}
Arcadia is an perfectionist… and surely she's not boasting here, each one is definitely a work of true inspiration.
Bambridge regains some composure, managing to continue, "Dr… uh… drop not the pots, slave! They are delicate, clumsy oaf." He flashes an uncertain smile at Haji, and silent-signs, "Not to worry… "
Arcadia tries not to let her ears fold back at the harsh words towards the slave… but then again perhaps it's just she's tired of holding them up.
Bambridge hisses, "We shall see, shopkeeper. I would like to look at the one over there. Bring it to me." The "nagai" points at a pot across the stall, behind Arcadia.
Bambridge waits for Arcadia to turn her back, his pawfingers crossed…
Arcadia nods polietly, turning her head and taking only one step she takes the pot in her hands. Her eyes, however, keep a sharp look out in the mirror-like surfaces of the myriad of pots, vases, and other items along the tables. If it wasnt so cliched, she surely does have eyes in back of her head.
Bambridge blanches, and signs at Haji, a worried expression on his face. "This may not be as easy as I thought. I need a distraction. "
Haji lays back his ears . o O{Oh dear.}
Arcadia slowly turns around, her wings tightly held at her back so she doesn't knock anything over. She smiles again sitting on her haunches and tail to look upon the 'nagai' and the Savanite. "Here we go. Is this the one you'd like to see?" She holds it out before placing it ont he table before them.
Haji looks around wildly . o O{He's going to get me arrested! Or worse! Gads!}
Bambridge accepts the vase, and looks it over with a critical eye. "Give me a moment, I must appraise it," he hisses, as thoughts rush through his mind. Dragon, dragon, where did he hear about a dragon?
Haji frets and frets . . .and then falls straight on his back, out like a lantern.
Arcadia smiles happily and makes sure that all her pieces are where they are supposed to be. She picks up a set of cups and puts them an inch from where they were. there perfectly set now. "They are of the highest quality, I've traveled far and am welcome most every where I go. Surely You have heard of me. I am Arcadia the glass blower. If these pots aren't to your liking, perhaps you'd like to commission me to do a few more to your liking?"
Arcadia blinks, her ears going straight up, her wings jerking a little "Goodness! Is he alright??
Bambridge curses under his breath as the poor spotty passes out. "Damn! I must have forgotten to feed him again! Good shopkeeper, I pray my arms are too thin and weak to move this lug. You are obviously capable of moving the little fur-bag… if you would be so kind as to pull him off to one side, and into the shade, so he isn't trampled, I would gladly buy three vases here."
Haji signs just ot of Arcadia's view, "FIVE! FIVE!"
Arcadia mrrrrrps! Glaring at the Nagai "Forgot to feed him, how could you! He serves you well and this is how you treat such a fine beast. Forget it! I cannot sell to such a cruel one! You'd likly treat my wares much worse!" She begins to step around from her tables… for what… who knows!!
Haji peeks an eye, sees the dragon, and nearly passes out.
Bambridge recoils in surprise, his scaled paws in front of his face, placating. "E-easy now! Easy!" he stammers, glancing around hurriedly. Where's a patrol when he finally, actually needs one? "If it means that much to you, you'll help me move him! I promise, good… " he turns his head away for a moment, "DRAGON", (he turns back), "… that I'll care for my servants more… uh… responsibly! And still buy some vases! Yes!"
Haji whisper signs, "You better get five!"
Haji makes feeble attempts at trying to 'revive', but still lays 'passed out' on the ground.
Bambridge's paws feign fluttering, signing, "We can focus on keeping our hides for the moment! The pots aren't going anywhere, and I want to keep from being stuffed in one. It's all under control! I hope… "
Arcadia shakes her head, she snorts a bit… of smoke? It curls about her head and frills like clouds about a mountain top. She leans down to pick up the poor Savanite. "Sir… the locals all know me well enough, So do stop making that racket. " She rolls her eyes "the nerve of some!" She grabs a cup with a bit of water and splashes the Savanite with the water. "Wake up now spotted kit… wakey!" Her eyes dark look over then to Bambridge "And NO I'll not sell to you!"
Haji sputters and coughs, eyes wide. He 'weakly' tries to sign, "Must . . .must get five pots . . .or else . . . . "
Bambridge waits until Arcadia's attention is firmly focused on Haji. Oppourtunity is a fickle thing, and passes quickly. Now! He opens his maw, and his tongue snakes out, adhering to an iridescent specimen across the counter…
Haji continues, ". .need five or . .or they'll . . .they'll kill me . . ."
Bambridge's tongue jerks back, and the glittering vessel arcs through the air, disappearing into the folds of the 'nagai's' volumnous cloak. He glances around surreptitiously, a slight smile creasing his features.
Arcadia contiues to try and wake up the poor Savanite "C'mon you poor thing. Wake up."
Haji holds up his head a little, "Need . . .water. . .the poison. . . "
Arcadia blinks blankly "He's saying somthing I think… What is it? " she looks to the Nagai.
Bambridge falters. "Umm… uhh… he wants you to… uhh… rub his ears! He really loves that!"
Haji thinks to himself. o O{I haven't felt this low since the encounter with that Wyckyd fellow.}
Bambridge eyes another vase, a nice wide mauve specimen. Perfect. He gauges the distance…
Haji opens his eyes and gives the big dragon the biggest helpless look he can muster.
Arcadia blinks "Rub his ears… Now listen here *sir* You come over here right this moment and you take your Savanite home and fix him up right. He may be a slave but he deserves to be treated well! If he wants his ears rubbed you can do it. "
Haji looks at the hooded one helplessly.
Bambridge swallows hard. "Oh, I'll treat him like my own son, I promise! Really, you've opened my eyes, miss! Upon my honor, he'll be the comfiest savan in Rephedim. Really! He so does love the garden, won't you please reconsider selling us those pots? We'll… ahh… we'll even buy three! One more than the last offer!"
Haji whisper signs, "Five! Five!"
"They really are quite beautiful, you know. The purple sets off your fur perfectly!" fawns the lizard, with a bright smile and pleading eyes. "No more gruffness, promise!"
Haji adds, "And the one with a pretty green lattice, it's very nice."
Arcadia sighs and shrugs a little she moves back towards her tables "Fine… But only because the little one seems… " she stops… there's somthing wrong… what is it? "Seems very content on getting them… " she stares at her table. Whats wrong with this picture?
Haji coughs horrendously, trying to catch his breath!
A chill runs down Bambridge's spine as he watches the agitated dragoness. "I better make this fast… one to go… oh please oh please powers on high… let this happen and I'll become a priest!"
Haji clutches his midsection with one hand while signing with the other, "My liver, my liver!"
Bambridge hisses, "What's wrong, my servant? I'd better take him out of here right away! Okay, okay, four pots! I'll buy them and take the poor thing to a healer, honest!"
Bambridge hisses, "I'll even give him the one with the green lattice!"
By now, a crowd has started to gather, staring at the strange scene. Mostly Kavi, but a few poodles, Rath'ani… and is that a Zelak?
Arcadia narrows her eyes… Theres somthing very strange going on… She scritches her purple chin. Her tail tip taps… slightly thumping the ground. thrump thrump thrump! A poor twig gets caught under weight. it's snaps and it utterly crushed under her huge tail.
Haji struggles feebly, trying to keep his ears from wiggling.
Bambridge manages to keep from smacking his forehead. A zelak guardsman. Just what he /doesn't/ need! But wait… hmmm…
Bambridge rushes to the side of his fallen 'servant'. "A-heh, well, good merchant, it'd be best if I got poor Dingle here to a healer. I'll shape up, really I will. No cause for alarm. Oh, look!" He waves at the Zelak frantically, a desperate plan forming in his head. "Maybe he can help me! Hey, guardsman! Over here!"
The Zelak clacks his mandibles, heading for the chameleon.
Haji peeks an eye at the hooded fellow and whisper signs, "You better know what you're doing!"
Arcadia blinks! BING! She turns around… her face still and calm… untill she sees the Zelak… she blinks again… though less calm… she backs up a large step and then manages to calm down to glare at Bambridge. "Did you just HAPPEN to see where my pot went. there were 6 now there are 5." She lets a long whisp of smoke curl out of her lips.
Haji coughs, but this time from a whisp of smoke . o O{Oh dear, now we've gone and done it.}
Bambridge stretches the neck of his cloak with one claw. Is it getting hot out here? "Ah, well, the guardsman is just in time, good DRAGONess." He jerks his head at the shopkeeper meaningfully, his eyes fixed on the insectoid.
The Zelak rasps, "State reason for summons." to Bambridge, emotionlessly.
Bambridge hisses, "I think I saw someone brush by your stall, keeper! Guardsman, would you kindly look the stall over?" (And the proprietor in it) he prays…
"This poor DRAGON may have been the victim of some hooliganry!" he says, trying to prop Haji up.
The Zelak looks, head rotating but otherwise unmoving, for twenty seconds. "Done." He does not move further.
Arcadia steps closer to Bambridge… She eyes him supiciously , she glaces about for odd vase shaped bludges. "Yess… some one has stolen one of my wares… Would you mind describeing this person who brushed my stall… and why you didn't metion it before… considering YOU were the one who wished to buy that particular pot?"
Haji tries to get up and nearly falls over trying not to earwiggle at 'hooliganry'.
Bambridge pales beneath his scales just slightly, recalling that subtlety, even the sledgehammer variety, is lost on Zelaks… think, man, think!
Bambridge stands to his full height, unimpressive by the dragon's. He might be caught, so this might be the best ace he can muster. "Constable!" he barks, trying to keep his resolve. "That is the dragon you have been looking for! I'm certain of it!" He tries to palm the vase, and slip it to Haji behind his back.
Haji squints in 'pain' as he feels something in his paw. o O{Oh he better not have.}
The crowd gasps… this is the dragon that's been terrorizing darkside? Some of the Kavi run quickly away…
Arcadia snorts. "That is absurd! That dragon looks nothing like me! You little charlatan… you are trying to swindle me! You'd best even up right now or you will definatly regret… um… " she stops sounding quite so upset… she takes a deep breath. "Now please give me back my pot and i shall forget this little misunderstanding… " she curls her tail up and trys not to look like a big mean bad dragon.
The Zelak examines the indicated dragon. "This one has no orders regarding subject Arcadia. She is not the lawbreaker."
Haji grasps at his cloak, pulling it tighter around him and hiding his other paw that's holding something.
Bambridge looks indignant. "You're calling me a thief? ME? Perhaps I was mistaken about you being the dragon so many rumours have been jumping about. But I'm no common thief!" With a dramatic flourish, he holds out a corner of his cape, bare as anyone can see.
Arcadia stares long and hard at Bambridge and then shoots an accusingly glance at the Savanite… She stands up tall, no longer trying to be compact. "It is a shame then… I'll sell no more wares today then. " she turns and begins to put things up… including the last few plant pots.
Arcadia sighs "Sad place… so few honests left in this world… sad sad sad… " she just shakes her head and contiues to put things back in her wagon.
The Zelak stays unmoving near Bambridge.
Haji sits up slowly, looking pained and helpless. He leans aganst the booth, keeping his cloak around him.
Haji whisper-signs with his free hand to the hooded one, "Let's get OUT of here!"
Bambridge disguises the sign-words, "Get that thing out of here!" as shooing motions to Haji. He then plants his paws firmly on the counter. "Not so fast… Arcadia, was it? Would you happen to /know/ anything about that rampant dragon?"
Arcadia shakes her head. "No I'm afraid I don't… I'm an honest and friendly dragon. I sell my work to all… and it's not very expensive either. But soome, feel the need to be evil and wicked… and to them, all just desserts shall come… and I strongly believe in that. " she sighs soundly. Soon the last of the pots are safely in her wagon.
Haji stands up on 'shaky' legs and slowly scoots behind the robed-fellow.
Arcadia sighs "I just hope somthing BAD doesnt happen to whoever stole my pot… that would be ever so HORRIBLE now wouldn't it?
Bambridge rubs his temples. "Fine then! You merchants are all alike! 'My wares' this, and 'bottom line' that! We'll just be taking our business elsewhere, then. Guardsman, you are dismissed!" He throws half his cape around Haji, whisper-hissing apologetically, "It seemed like a sure thing! Don't worry and stick with me! We'll get you those pots for sure." He grins. "One down, four to go! How hard could it be?"
Haji whisper-signs, "I think I'll just pay you for the vase . . .and my note."
The Zelak wanders off into the bazaar, back to patrolling.
Bambridge unfolds the note sheepishly and hands it back to Haji as they leave the stand. "Well, you win some and you lose some. Forget the pay, my friend, its yours. Didn't I promise you I'd save you some shekels? The others stands are probably just as good anyway." He ignores his growling stomach, and pats Haji on the back.
Arcadia tucks the last of her wares and tables into the wagon and closes it up. … lock and key. . She sits down, rather well, dragon like before it … hoarding and protecting her treasures.
Haji pauses a moment. "Wait. You did save me some money, although my nerves are certainly shot. Here's a few shekels for your trouble. May it serve you better than I." He hands the hooded one a few ceramic coins and winks as he heads back down the street.
Bambridge's skin slowly returns to its former greenish hue as he watches Haji disappear back into the crowds. He rolls a shekel across his knuckles, musing, "Any day you can end with dinner is never a loss." The reptile's scales darken, and he slips into an alley, planning another day's work.