18 May 1999. Zoltan, Qing and Envoy are among the guests at a dinner at the estate of Arch-Inquisitor do Varr.
(Rephidim Countryside) (Envoy) (Necropolis) (Qing) (Rephidim) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) (Zoltan)
Grand Hall of the do Varr Estate
Lavishly decorated with imported works of art from Gallis and around the world, this is the primary place of dining and entertainment for the family of Arch-Inquisitor do Varr and his guests. Tall paneled glass windows provide a vista of a finely manicured garden and marble representations (subjective, of course) of the Ark and the First Ones guarding it. Inside, smaller versions of the same statues keep vigil, as a crystal chandelier above provides a warm glow that suffuses the room.

Tonight, there are several guests at the do Varr Estate. The Arch-Inquisitor is present, of course, along with his finely-dressed (and reputedly spoiled) son, and his aloof and over-perfumed wife. There are several of Eustace's poodle friends, who laugh at every joke on cue, and who would probably roll over and play dead if he said the word. (If the Arch-Inquisitor said the same, who knows? They might do it for real.) Not all of those present are poodles, however.

Another Templar, the Brother Azrael (an Arch-Inquisitor, yet he rarely reminds anyone of his title), sits far down the table. He is most probably a Jupani, by the build, mannerisms, and the outline formed by the draped cowl covering his head, but he seems to prefer humility – or privacy? – over peripheral vision. Next to him is his new assistant, a curious winged Exile by the name of Envoy of Lothrhyn.

Closer to the head of the table is the distinguished Zoltan Cambio, a black hippogryph, and there are a few other guests seated about the table – a vixen by the name of 'Jazmine' (she doesn't seem to have a last name), and a fox by the name of Cincaid Canard. Both of the vulpines are stage performers, judging from the chatter buzzing around the table.

Savanite slaves occasionally show up to serve those present, but most of the time they are out of sight – though presumably close by, given how they conveniently pop up at all the right times to serve their master and mistress.

Trying not to stand out, or do anything else to embarrass her new employer, Envoy keeps quiet and doesn't make eye contact with the other guests, thus saving her attention for the cowled Inquisitor.

Zoltan smoothes down a crease in his red robes. He's made a point of keeping up a good appearance for tonight, but still shows hints of being uncomfortable in all the glitter and pomp. The only thing that does seem to fit the Vartan is a sword kept in a decorative scabbard at his side. He chats idly about the weather and chuckles politely at the jokes, but seems distracted somewhat and keeps glancing at the vixen nearby.

The doors to the garden are thrown wide open, and out on the porch, there is an air mage – a light-furred Eeee in sky-blue robes – who is quite obviously engaged in a ritual, rather than being a guest to the dinner. It's not immediately clear just what her purpose is for being here, but it might be for ambiance … The air in the hall seems to be especially fresh and clear, and an occasional breeze tickles at one's ear now and then. One might as well be dining outside on the most perfect of spring days. It must be yet another show of the do Varr family's wealth, being nobility and all that.

Behind Zoltan, and slightly to one side, stands another robed figure, this one dressed in white. The neck of the robe is long, topped with a wide hood in the nobleman's style. It partially shades a similarly pale reptilian face, which also bears a pair of dark spectacles. The robes themselves seem of a formal cut. The symbol of the Spirit stands out in stark black contrast on the front, surrounded by embroidery of Nagai religious icons.

Eustace rambles, "… and so I thought that the best way to present my views on this social issue would be in the form of a play. As an allegorical tale, naturally… " His hangers-on nod enthusiastically at every word.

Envoy spares a few glances towards the young Poodle, remembering him as the one who brought her flowers after her performance as Chi Marie.

A snippet can be heard from the fox actor, Cincaid Canard, seated next to Zoltan. "You know, what I love about my calling is that … I can see the world. I get to be the world." He makes lots of hand-shaking gestures that might be mistaken as some sort of hostile intent in Savanite hand-sign, but it's probably just some sort of "power word" mannerism. "I am not just a fox, on the stage … I am one with all furs! Furs can relate to the adventures of the characters I play … and so … I am a part of them… " He babbles on in mystical terms about just what it means to him to be an actor. (An 'actor', that is, in the way that one might pronounce"ahk-tohr", perhaps).

The Vartan sips frugally from his wineglass, not wanting to let too much get to him and slow him down. He leans back in his seat and politely nods to his host, pausing to glance back at Qing to see how the Witchdoctor is faring.

The Arch-Inquisitor do Varr seems to have nothing at all to say about much of anything, really. He doesn't even give so much as a head nod to any of his son's talk about this play of his, even though Eustace quite often seems to be aiming in his direction. To commoners, this might be rude, but it seems to be well-accepted amongst the social elite to be so aloof even with one's own family.

The Rokuga remains quiet, and fairly still, staring at a point across the hall just slightly above the heads of the seated diners. His middle pair of arms hang at his sides, while the top pair are crossed in front of him, and the bottom pair behind. His head turns just enough to add Zoltan to his field of vision.

Zoltan sets his wineglass down and peers around at the vixen, Jazmine. "Is you an actor as well? Hrr… I means actress."

Jazmine turns her eyes more than her head to look at Zoltan, giving him a sly sideways glance, as an equally sly grin forms on her face. "Why … yes," she says, in a near-purr. "I shall be playing the female lead in Master Eustace's new play." She's not of Zerda blood, evidently … but rather of … Keiltyn, perhaps? Either that or yet another "Exile fox".

"Realies?" the Vartan scrawks. "And whats is this play abouts?"

*bing* A second vixen appears in a flash of golden fur and violet drapery. "Oh! So sorry I'm late!" She hurriedly seats herself at the table, not even allowing one of the Savanite slaves to pull out the chair for her first.

Eustace's attention is instantly won by the Vartan, as he turns his head to regard Zoltan before Jazmine has a chance to reply. "It is a moral play. The tale of the rise and fall of one whose ambitions overreached his station in life. The tale of one who grasped for power not meant to be his … and this, of course, ultimately led to his corruption and destruction."

Eustace's friends politely applaud. "Oh! Well said!" "Yes! You're so talented!"

At the other end of the table, the Aeolun watches each fox in turn, noting down their mannerisms and personalities. It's a bit awkward, since she doesn't want to stare at Zoltan and Qing.

Jazmine looks like she's about to put a word in, but Cincaid Canard cuts her off for the second time. "Really, I think it's about the valiant struggle of the oppressed to change society, although the unfairness of the system causes his struggle to end in tragedy."

Zoltan's ears start to lower, but he forces them back up as he strains to keep his hackles down. "Ahem. This play wouldn't happen to been inspired by certain recent events now, woulds it? Involving a fox?"

Qing's head turns to regard the golden newcomer, and he stares at her intently.

Eustace shakes his head. "Oh! Ho ho ho! No, not in the least! Mere coincidence. This play has been long in the works before now. But … of course … recent events do seem to underscore the ultimate message of my story."

"Which would be?" utters Brother Azrael. Actually, the question mark is almost non-existent.

Envoy arches an eyebrow at Eustace's claim, and refrains from commenting on the motivations of Kitsune. She pays more attention to Brother Azrael's questions for now.

"Well," says Eustace, "the bottom line is that we all know that certain people not of our culture … seem to be predisposed to overturn our way of life. Perhaps it is not in the best interests of society to be quite so … lenient toward those malcontents."

Zoltan takes another sip from his glass. "You been telling us lots about lessons you want you play to teach and the inspiration behinds it… but whats is the plot of it? Or is that secret until you actually have play performed?"

Qing turns his attention back to that fascinating spot on the wall.

Eustace says, "Well … Cincaid Canard here, distinguished actor of world renown, plays the tragic role of Nasniza, an Exile who does not respect the ways of Rephidim."

Cincaid Canard bows his head, smiling, as if he's completely oblivious to any implications this might have for foxhood.

Envoy asks Eustace, "Do you think that events such as Guy Fox Day encourage such malcontent behavior, Master do Varr?"

The Vartan makes a 'mmmm-hmmm' noise, nodding his head. His smile looks absolutely, completely forced.

Eustace continues, gesturing toward the first golden vixen. "This is Jazmine, Flower of the Himaat, who shall play the role of Aschar … the romantic interest, who tries to temper the heart of the villainous Nasniza … but, alas… " He breaks off at Envoy's question. "Well, actually, yes. I believe that such celebration of an anti-authoritarian vulpine personage might encourage copy-Khatta behavior."

Envoy says, "Even though the celebration culminates in the burning of the fox in effigy? It is after all a celebration of his failure. Are you worried that people will actually admire audacity in the face of unbeatable odds?"

Zoltan, for the first time, looks right at Envoy. He then turns his gaze to Eustace.

Eustace shrugs. "Certain people ignore the way things end, and only focus on the parts of the story they like."

Envoy sips from her glass and nods. "Of course, sir. Heroes and martyrs are dangerous to the status quo, since they bring up the idea of change, whether or not they succeed."

Qing lowers his head enough to hide his face with his hood briefly, whispering at his 'employer'. "That is the first thing Eustace has said today in my presence that has made sense."

"Regardless, the original Guy Fox tried to kill the Astromancer. Is nobody I hope anyone looks up to. Murderers are no heroes," Zoltan scrawks, tapping the bottom of his glass lightly with a talon.

Eustace wrinkles his nose, casting Envoy a displeased look, before he makes a wild leap of topic. "Oh! I heard this great fox joke. This fox was riding an airship bound for Gallis, but he had only paid for a third-class seat… "

Jazmine sighs, looking away.

The Rokuga stands up straight again, face unreadable.

The late vixen is cramming much food into her mouth, then nearly drowns herself with an attempt to wash it all down. Table manners are not her strong point.

Zoltan looks sidelong at Qing, an eyebrow arched.

At first, the snake doesn't look back, but then seems to shift a tiny bit. His head swivels to regard the Baron.

Eustace continues his joke, "… well, the first servant went back and tried gently to inform the fox that he was seated in first class and only paid for third class. … 'I'm a Fox, Foxes are the best, and I'm going to Gallis!' … "

Bits of it seem to be lost in the giggles of Eustace's companions, but it's probably not much of a loss.

In response, the Vartan leans forward and whispers something to the snake, hoping his words will be muffled to everyone else by all of the giggling.

Envoy watches the Vartan and Rokuga from the corner of her eye while pretending to listen to the joke.

The reptile's head shakes just barely from side to side, murmuring something in return.

Zoltan seems to relax and leans forward again in his seat. He turns back to Jazmine. "So how dids you come by you part in this play? You act lots?"

Jazmine flutters her eyelashes. "Of course! Plus, I happen to be a beautiful vixen with a Himaatian accent, which the part calls for."

"You from the Himaat? I hears lots of great actors come from theres," Zoltan continues, smiling to the vixen.

Jazmine nods. "Why yes … though not originally. I served in the court of the Emir. But enough about me … how about you? I've heard so much about you. Your wife must be terribly proud of you!"

Envoy can't help but grin a little at the attention Jazmine is giving to Zoltan.

The Vartan manages to smile even more, although perhaps not for the reason intended. "The Emir? What did you do for the Emir? Is must have been glorious." His smile increases by just a fraction. "I have no wife."

Qing takes his attention away from the Vartan, and looks at his favorite spot on the wall again. He mutters to himself, though very little of it makes sense, and reaches up to shift his smoked glasses somewhat farther down his snout.

Jazmine giggles, and says, "Why, I'm a dancer as well. I performed as Zalome, in 'Zalome and the Nine Veils'."

Jazmine clicks imaginary finger-cymbals in a quick mini-pose.

Paying a bit more attention to the Witchdoctor now, Envoy watches for any indications of magic being worked … like the raising of Vartan hackles.

"Will you be dancing for play?" the Vartan scrawks. He doesn't seem to be disturbed in the slightest by Qing's murmuring.

"Why, yes!" says Jazmine, looking positively delighted at the interest. "Though it will have to meet Temple standards, of course."

Qing's muttering ceases, and he resumes doing what he was before… that being, standing there.

Jazmine's smile flickers for a moment, as she casts an uneasy glance in the direction of the muttering Rokuga. She covers it with a giggle, and says, "My understudy is from the Himaat as well … though she's a native, and, alas, a bit backwards. She has a lot of potential, though. Lovely voice. And, of course, she doesn't have to wear fake ears for the role." She giggles again.

"Temple st – " Zoltan snaps his beak shut, deciding not to pursue that particular thread. "Understudy, you says? I… hrr… notice that you no a Zerda, but I felt it rude to point that outs. Who is you understudy? There no many Zerda arounds from whats I understand."

Jazmine says, "Well, really, did you know that Rephidim has the highest concentration of Zerdas on Sinai, next to Abu Dhabi? I read that somewhere."

Qing returns the glance with a cursory look of his own… though it's over the tops of his spectacles, and not through them. His eyes continue their unhurried roving.

Eustace seems to have finished his joke while most weren't paying attention (or able to hear him), as his hangers-on laugh raucously.

"Yet they pick you for the part. Impressive. I wonders how they able to find someone to even hope to serve as you understudy." Zoltan continues to smile, swirling the contents of his glass around.

"Well," giggles Jazmine. "You never know … I might get a bit tipsy at one of those parties darling Eustace throws, right before a showing… " She swirls around some wine in a crystal goblet she daintily holds in one hand, causing it to bubble and sparkle in the light of the chandelier.

Envoy shifts her attention back to Zoltan, and his line of questioning.

Brother Azrael's cowled head shifts as well … though he might be watching Zoltan and Jazmine … or just as easily watching Envoy.

The Vartan takes a sip from his glass, trying to cover up a pause while he gathers his thoughts, "So where you find this understudy? Is someone you perform with the Emir? A budding actress trying to fill you nimble shoes? Most Zerda I know not into acting."

The witchdoctor pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, and leans slightly toward Zoltan again. Some whispered words pass.

"No, actually," says Jazmine, "I've never met her before. Someone darling Eustace picked up recently. But she has promise. I wouldn't doubt his judgment on that."

Envoy glances between Zoltan and Qing, then looks into her glass as if trying to scry something.

Zoltan's ear flicks slightly, "Recently? Ah… what's her name? I been to a few foreign plays; wonder if her name is familiar." He still keeps his gaze on the fox and that smile plastered on his beak, looking for all the world like he's utterly fascinated just to listen to her voice.

Jazmine waves her hand. "Oh, it's some Himaatian name … I forget … but it translates as 'Forever Bloom'. Or something like that. My Khattan is a tad bit weak, I must confess. But isn't that lovely? Of course, it might be a stage name… "

The Vartan's smile cracks just a little. "Will she be joining us for dinner tonights? Not that her company would be more enjoyable than you, Madame."

Cincaid Canard speaks up, "I do say, I love get-togethers like this! Kinsmanship with my fellow furs! All together, without any division of class! One fur all, and all fur one! Ha ha ha!" His glass sloshes a bit. And it's not his first, either.

The Aeolun looks up from her glass to blink at the tipsy vulpine.

Jazmine says, "No, she was rather exhausted after rehearsal this evening. She had to retire for the night. Poor thing."

The Vartan nods. "Do all the actors and understudies reside here on the Estate, or does she gots her own place?"

Jazmine says, "Well, I don't know about darling … ah … Bloom … but I have a rather cozy pad in the Scholar's Quarter. Oh! I have a collection of fine shiny jewelry from the Himaat. Perhaps you'd care to see it?"

The second golden vixen rolls her eyes.

"Tsk. You no keep track of you understudy? How you find her if you suddenly fall ill and needs a replacement?" The Vartan tries very hard to keep his smile on his face.

For a moment, Jazmine's eyes seem a bit hazy. Perhaps the wine is getting to her as well? She shakes her head as if to clear it, then says, "Oh, she's a big girl! She can take care of herself."

Envoy chats to the late-arriving vixen, asking, "Excuse me, but I don't believe you were introduced. I'm Envoy, Brother Azrael's assistant."

The late vixen swishes her tail, making a *bing* sound. "Oh, really, now? Well, I happen to be Maza, yet another actress. You were wonderful in that opera as Chi Marie, Envoy. I love your voice!"

Smiling, the Aeolun asks, "Why thank you. Which voice do you like best?"

Maza giggles. "Voices, I mean! I like them both!"

Qing's head quirks suddenly, and tilts at a slight angle, but he just as quickly levels his head out again. He leans down to whisper nonchalantly to Zoltan once more.

Zoltan scratches at his head and glances over his shoulder at Qing. He seems to be working himself up to say something but is having a small bit of difficulty. Finally, "But how woulds you contact her if… hrrr… you was busy showing me you shinies on a practice night." He leans back and whispers something in response to Qing.

"I'm afraid I haven't been following the theater scene since the opera ended," Envoy admits to Maza. "Aside from young Eustace's project, is anything else in production?"

Jazmine's eyes seem to haze again. "She … would contact … me … if she needed me." She blinks again. "Ugh. This… " She giggles. "This wine is a bit stronger than I expected!"

Qing doesn't raises his head to stand straight again this time. He continues mumbling.

Arch-Inquisitor do Varr casts an annoyed glance in the direction of the muttering Rokuga. "Now, Eustace, I think it is getting late, and I'm feeling rather stuffed. Let us have dessert, and then call it a night, shall we?"

Eustace claps his hands. "Yes, yes! Bring in the dessert!"

"Perhaps you needs a breath of fresh air, Madame?" Zoltan scrawks softly to Jazmine. "I woulds be happy to escort you homes after dessert if you likes."

Jazmine says, "That would be love – " Her eyes start to get hazy again, but she shakes her head, looking annoyed for a moment, as she stares at her glass. She slaps it down, splashing some of the contents. Sounding more firm, she says, "Certainly, Baron Cambio. I'd be delighted."

"So where do you live, Madame," Zoltan scrawks, sounding like he's not quite addressing the vixen anymore.

Qing stands upright again, either having missed or just ignored the senior do Varr's glance. The tip of his tail traces slow circles, the red tassel turning around and around with it.

Savanite servants bring out a large tray, which has some sort of a chilled confection on it, upon which are poised small figures in dramatic poses … a dastardly-looking vulpine in a brightly-colored cloak, a kneeling Zerda in a pleading pose, a sinister-looking (and scantily clad) vulpine in tattered robes … and a poodle in a heroic pose, holding a sword in one hand, looking as if he's challenging the first fox.

Envoy watches Zoltan and Jazmine while still chatting with Maza.

The witchdoctor's mouth twists a tiny bit at the sight of the confections. He looks away from them.

Maza banters with Envoy, then pauses in her chatter as she sees the dessert come up. "OOo! It's … wait … is that the costume I'm going to wear?" Her ears blush, as she points at the "scantily-clad" vixen figure.

"It looks very … flattering," Envoy says, trying to be diplomatic.

Zoltan also shows signs of being somewhat sickened by the dessert. He points at the figures. "Who?" is all he can blurt out.

Eustace smiles. "That's the wicked Nasniza," he says, pointing at the male fox. "And that is Aschar, who tries to turn him from the ways of evil… " as he points at the Zerda. He then points to the vixen in tattered robes, "And that is Nathma-Ra, Goddess of Darkness, the symbolic embodiment of vulpine tendencies toward corrupt ways… " And then he points at the poodle. "And that is, of course, our hero, who vanquishes the villain, before he can destroy the Temple." He grins. "Played by myself."

Arch-Inquisitor do Varr hisses, and throws down his napkin, as he gets up from the table. "This is quite enough. A good night to you all. I am feeling … ill. I shall retire to my chambers now."

Envoy blinks in surprise at the elder poodle's outburst, and looks to Brother Azrael for his own reaction.

Azrael doesn't do anything except sit there, for the time being.

Qing does about the same, seeming not much inclined to pay attention.

Maza grabs a knife, and helps herself to a slice of the frozen confection, rather than waiting for anyone else. In a matter of moments, she's got some of it smeared on her muzzle, the rest gobbled up, and what she missed, she's wiping off with a napkin, in a token attempt at daintiness. "Delicious! But I do need to discuss that costume, Master Eustace… "

"If you will pardon me, I no feel comfortable eating anything that look likes it alive. Is even feel funny eating gingerbread men." Zoltan elbows Qing and rises to his feet, offering Jazmine a hand. "Would you like me to walk you home now, Madame?"

Jazmine nods, standing up, looking a bit tipsy. "Yes … that sounds like a good idea… "

Envoy chews on her lip as Zoltan prepares to leave, and watches to see what the Witchdoctor does.

Cincaid Canard says, "Really, I think the costume looks just fine. It … " He flounders, then steals Envoy's comment."It flatters you, really!" He digs out a large chunk of the confection for himself, oblivious to the elder do Varr's stormy exit.

The Vartan clears his throat a little. "So where do you lives, Madame? Is probably good idea if I knows where I goings. You said Scholar's Quarter?"

The Rokuga grunts as the elbow pokes him, and he casts Zoltan a split-second look of ire before gathering his coils beneath him, slithering back and out of the way. He stands to one side dutifully as the Baron rises.

"The Desert Rose," says Jazmine, looking more lost. "It's … Himaatian-themed, of course."

Zoltan nods and turns to Eustace, "Thank you for you hospitality, Master do Varr. I hope you play is a success. Be sure and invites me to the opening."

Eustace grins widely. "Of course! I'd be honored with your presence! Oop! Spilled a bit… " He fumbles to dab at a spill with a handkerchief.

Envoy looks to Brother Azrael again, to see if he intends to leave as well.

Brother Azrael looks back to Envoy, then nods. "We have seen enough. Let us be going, Citizen Envoy." He rises … and doesn't bother to pay respects to Eustace as he makes his way out of the room.

The Vartan nods to the poodle and then to Qing. "We gets you back home in a snap, Madame Jazmine. I think I know the way to you hotel, although it probably good idea if we walks since flying no good for sick stomach."

Qing inclines his upper half slightly toward Zoltan in some semblance of a bow, looking prepared to follow.

With the vixen in tow, the Vartan turns towards the gardens and heads out at a slow pace.

Envoy quickly follows after her employer, making farewells for him. Outside, she asks if he still needs her for the night.

The witchdoctor slithers quietly along with Zoltan like an escort, slightly to one side and behind.

Azrael nods. "There is much to be done, Citizen Envoy. Let us return to the Temple." And he turns, breaking off from the path being taken by Zoltan, Qing and the tipsy vixen.

Envoy sighs, and follows the cowled Inquisitor…


GMed by Greywolf

Previous Log: Careful Where You Point That Thing!Next Log: Envoy's Impression of Foxes
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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)