8 Landing, 6106 RTR (Jan 28, 2010) Terratown explored, the adventurers return to the ship and discuss several weighty issues.
(Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) (Space) (Tasha)

By the time everyone has regrouped at the motor pool, Fred has managed to get one of the eight-wheeled vehicles working: an open-bed truck with a big glass cab. Into this go the various things collected so far, including the Gauss rifle and a few chairs that Fred scavenged. This made the ride back to the main hangar comfortable (even though Fred controlled the truck remotely so nobody got to actually drive it).

Once they get to the hangar, Fred brings the truck in under the belly of the Bellerophon. One of the vehicle bay doors opens, and beams of light shine down to draw a rectangular outline on the ground that the truck is maneuvered into. Several cable lines begin to descend from the ship, as Fred asks, "Do you want to ride up in the truck, or take the elevator?"

"The trunk is fine," Layth answers from where he's still sitting. "You would not ask if it were dangerous, yes?"

Tasha looks up at the open vehicle bay door, then grins. "I'll try the way I haven't gone before," she answers. "And if I could do this, I'd have just flown into the ship!" She crosses her legs then leans back, resting the massive gin across her lap, with Nora's things carefully folded atop it.

Gabriel hmmm, but shrugs and says, "Okay, we'll ride up then."

Fred nods the helmet of his suit, and the crane begins lifting the truck. It isn't fast, and Fred warns, "Try not to move. This is our first chance to test that the cables are still intact."

The Vartan had gone off with Gabriel for a while to visit his and Nora's apartments, leaving Layth alone to sort through cargo and get used to the cart controls. She seems to have gained a fair addition to her wardrobe from the trip, and looks a good deal more relaxed – even more so than when she usually wanders off with Gabriel. To Layth's eye, something happened, and it may just have something to do with a pin attached to her military vest. A circular pin with a silly looking feline on it in bright colors, tongue sticking out. "You two needs to get wings," she points out to Gabriel and Layth.

"If we die, I will kick your ghost's butt," Layth deadpans. His head tilts a bit so that his lop-ears cant in the direction of one of the cables so he can listen for sounds of snapping or failure. "Unless the doctor can graft on wings, we're out of luck," he says, "So … if you are a true team member, you would sacrifice yours to make us feel better… "

Gabriel chuckles. "It's woven carbon mono-filament," he notes. "A rope made out of diamond, essentially. It's not going to break."

"One wing each would have you flying in circles, Magic Bunny," retorts Tasha with a grin. She looks about to add something else when Gabriel mentions the rope is made out of diamond, causing her to glance up as she tries to spot it. "Diamond? Is that … Oi, never mind! I'm just going to go with that. One step at a time, Tasha." She shakes her head, but still seems interested in seeing it. "So, we're off to Spottytown next? Think I should wait here?"

The cables are black, and not at all shiny it seems. "You're the only one who can read the Formal sign-language," Gabriel points out. "And Dr. Zerachiel wanted to see us about something too, so we should find out what before we head back off."

"Hopefully is is nothing too terrible," Layth remarks. "Doctors worry me."

"That's right; Spotties just make me nervous. I don't think I've ever had a whole group of people I didn't like before, or didn't like me – we're like complete opposites! But no worrying, right? I'll be fine," Tasha replies. She sits up a bit and stretches a hand out, making a few Signs to check her memory. "The Sifran machine is a 'kludge' as Nora put it, who knows what it will do? When we're more, rr, established we'll have to have some people study it in detail."

"I only get worried when they bring out the probes or rubber gloves," Gabriel notes. Darkness surrounds them for a moment as the truck passes through the outer doors, which close beneath it, before the lights of the vehicle bay come on – many of them flashing and spinning in warning like on the elevator platform, but thankfully without the annoying alarm noise.

"You two worry too much," the red woman insists, grinning and trying to softly kick each man with the tip of her hoof. "We're fine."

Docking clamps engage, holding the truck firmly in place. "First floor; chairs, rifles, Popsicles and women's lingerie!" Fred announces.

"I prefer the Lapi priestesses. They have soft hands," Layth offers and even grins. His head rolls a bit so that he's looking at Tasha now. "Just remember that there are no Silent-Ones here now. So, nothing to hate you. And worry too much? You were just fretting over going to the Silent-One section. You're no better!"

"There are female bunny-people too?" Fred asks. "Why didn't you bring any?"

"They're bigger than me," Layth lies, "And of course there are, how else would we reproduce?"

Tasha blinks, laughs, then adds, "Fred is obviously not, nor never has been, fine." The woman stands up, using her wings to balance herself as she picks up her things. "That's different," she mock-insists. With a huff, Tasha shoulders the Gauss rifle – the length being taller than she is – and tucks Nora's things under her free arm. When she hops off the truck and lands, she lands with a loud clack of hooves and a grunt. "I don't like competition," she then answers Fred, grinning and leaning her head against the massive weapon as she looks back at him.

"Too big for you to handle, Fred," Gabriel says, backing up Layth. "And scary."

"Very scary," Layth agrees as he gets off. "The men are the nice ones."

"Want me to stow that in the weapons locker?" Fred asks Tasha.

Tasha, who had been heading for the inner door, pauses. "I can't keep it in my room?" she inquires with a hint of surprise, ears perking in question.

"I… don't know if it can be secured in a cabin," the armored suit notes. "I suppose something could be added to clamp it to though if you want."

"The weapons locker would be safer," Layth agrees.

"You'll need to use the locker to charge it up, actually," Gabriel notes. "But you don't need to stow it until we're ready to launch."

Tasha seems to think about this, then turns around and walks back. "Whatever's safest," she agrees. She extends the butt of the weapon forward so Fred can take it.

"You can visit it between shifts," Layth jokes and even nudges Tasha lightly as she passes by.

The armor easily lifts it, and heads for the lower forward corridor. "I'll put it in the locker outside the bay," he says.

Glancing at Gabriel, Tasha notes, "I'm mostly worried about needing it quickly, but Nora and Fred can probably warn us in time if we're in danger, before it nears the ship, right?" She blinks at Layth's remark, but is unable to swat at him, hands being full. "Maybe I will!"

"Did you get the cell cultures?" Doctor Zerachiel asks, as soon as the bay door is fully opened.

"Well, it's unlikely we'll need it in here. Not much can get close to the ship up here. You would have more than enough time to get to it," Layth adds. And since he's swat-immune right now, she swats her butt, instead.

Now that she's not burdened with the artifact, Tasha rolls her shoulder a little, looking a bit sore. She then yips, staggering a few steps from the swat and rubbing her bottom sorely now, too. "LAYTH could use some culture," she mock-complains, laughing. "Gabriel, I'm under attack here!"

"I know from experience that your position is well fortified on that flank," Gabriel says with a big grin, then turns to the doctor and says, "We found everything on the list – just can't be sure how viable it is yet." He points back to the box full of specimens waiting to be unloaded from the truck… and the Doctor dashes towards them.

"Don't mind him, he's been a bit anxious," the other Dr. Zerachiel says, standing in the entry to one of the bio-labs.

Tasha's eyes widen and mouth gapes a little at Gabriel's support, then she just sighs heavily. "I'm out numbered by men here," she complains. After even the doctor doesn't come to her aid, she coscks her head to the side and yells, "NORA!! How can you watch them pick on me? I brought you things!"

"Is one of them a whip? Otherwise you're on your own as far as controlling your men!" Nora calls back over the collar-com. Another head pokes out of the bio-lab at the outburst though: Mariel, the only other female and unfortunately the youngest and most junior member of the crew.

"I'm sure you can spank Gabriel later for misbehaving, Tasha," Layth says as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "Now … what is the Doctor in such a panic about… ?"

"Oi, wait, I do have a whip!" Tasha glances down and pats her belt, then gives the nearest men a contemplative look before turning and heading Eli and Mariel. "So before I have to show my skills at droving, what did you two want to talk about? Something about our Sifran kludge and the SPF?"

"Oh, he just wants to make sure the cell cultures are okay," the other Eli says. Since the PersoCom's manipulation range ends where the bays begin, it must the recorded version of Zerachiel. "Ah, yeah, the SPM thing. Tell me, what do you know about how 'spirits' work on Sinai?" he asks. Mariel is quiet, but eyes Tasha's whip for a moment.

"According to my mum, everything has a spirit and mages like to steal them. Also, if I was bad, the spirit of the ship would drop me in the ocean. In fact, all the spirit world seemed to either support or work for my mother," Tasha answers with a lopsided grin. She glances at her whip when she notices Mariel looking at it, then unhooks it and shows it to the young-looking projection. "I used to drove animals – I was the navigator and pilot of my airship. It's a bit like this ship, except it's wood, held up by a balloon, the Captain isn't as good, and powered by flying animals." She holds it out for Mariel to take.

The girl takes the whip very carefully, as if it might bite her. "I wish I had one of these at the academy," she says softly.

"For what?" Layth asks the woman. "As for spirits, I heard that they were like, living memories of people, but like water … rippled and indistinct, an incomplete reflection. Not quite the same, but close enough to make them very uncomfortable to be around. I cannot say if it's true, just comments I heard around towns."

"Um, to boss people around with," Mariel replies to Layth.

"Captain Eyeshine didn't give me mine until he was sure I wouldn't try and hit him with it, and then only after Yellowbeak was so drunk he tried to drove from the rear of the ship," Tasha tells Mariel. Glancing up at Eli, she then adds, "Oh, and spirits make ghosts. And zombies, vampires, the Flying Khattaman … " Tasha grins at "bossing people around," telling Mariel, "That's what yelling and hitting are for. Gabriel tells me I can't lead that way anymore, however."

"Ah, well, we think the Sifran field somehow creates those copies automatically," PC Zerachiel notes. "It hadn't occurred to us right away, but it should have, since the PersoCom system doesn't record any physiological data. But we projections look just like we did when we were alive – on Sinai. If we were there long enough for 'spirits' to be made, then those must have been recorded and somehow accessed by the artifacts. We're still running some comparisons, but the longer I'm active, the more I can recall about things that happened after the last PersoCom recording."

"I remember stuff that I didn't encode either," Mariel admits. "Stuff I'd put in my journal, but not into my PersoCom."

"That … that is mildly disturbing," Layth says. The buck's lips curl into a frown and he looks directly at Tasha now and says just two words, "Nora. MOTHER."

Tasha's brows steadily climb at PC Zerachiel's explanation, until she looks quite surprised indeed. "AFTER? I didn't even think that was possible!" She shifts her gaze to stare at Nora's things. "I know, Layth. I know," she tells Layth in a whisper, not meeting his gaze. Taking a deep breath, Tasha looks up again and asks, "Can this process be stopped? At least for certain memories?"

"Huh, those mages on Rephidim did say that necromancers could talk to spirits of the dead, so long as they had some link to the person – or for that matter, even conjure up the spirits of living people," Gabriel says. "One of the Khatta girls said a friend used to do that to embarrass his sister or something."

"Well, I'm not in sync with Eli's current memories," PC Zerachiel notes. "Only up until I was 'conjured' by the machine, and the stuff that wasn't encoded in the PersoCom is pretty fuzzy still. I remember snow, and… coffee? I don't know if the encoded memories themselves are the 'link' that's being used or if it's something else."

"Emotion," Mariel adds. "When I feel embarrassed, I remember embarrassing things from my past more. It's like they just come out of nowhere – like… I didn't know I had the memories."

"Well, to get any real answers, we might have to get one of the mages that came with us to examine the generated PersoCom images," Layth suggests. "And well, forgotten memories are like that … sometimes they just surface."

"All the same, I'm not letting my PersoCom get too chummy with Tasha," Gabriel says. "I don't want him to remember stuff that's… personal."

"I fear what Fred may be remembering," Layth notes.

Tasha winces upon hearing Mariel's input, shooting Layth a worried glance before turning to PC Eli. "If you ever figure out how to make sure certain memories don't return, please let me know. And," here she glances at Gabriel as well, looking increasingly uncomfortable, "please keep an eye on my sister. If something happens, contact us immediately."

"Remembering about what?" Fred asks… or rather, projected Fred asks. The powered armor has returned to wherever it's kept – likely the aft airlock area behind the vehicle bay.

Seeming to just register her mate's remark, Tasha blinks again. "Oi, those memories! I, uh … rr. Well. Well, we should get going," she stammers.

"Things you used to do with others. I saw the photo," Layth remarks to Fred and grins.

"I think they're all good!" Zerachiel calls from the bay, carrying a box full of cell cultures that rattle around as he moves.

"Photo?" Fred asks Layth, his eyebrows raised up. "Now I'm curious!"

"If it moved, you slept with it," Layth says, shrugs, and agrees with Tasha, "We should be going soon."

"I remember that screen," Tasha says, glancing at Fred with sudden curiosity. She watches him for a long moment before turning to the real Zerachiel. "Do you have what you need to begin cloning, or is this for something else?"

"Anyway… I have no idea how to control or stop the process," PC Zerachiel notes, stepping aside so the real one can start unloading things in the lab. "I suppose you do need a magician or exorcist or something. Or at least, something belonging to one so you can use the artifact to conjure them up and ask their spirit."

"I just have to make sure the equipment can handle it, but yes," Zerachiel answers Tasha. "I'll start with something simple, like… meat… "

"The question I would have is … will there come a time when the recreations themselves will become completely real people too? Without help?" Layth asks and then shakes his head a bit. "It makes my head hurt."

"That's not good." Tasha lifts a hand, Signing absently as she stares down at the appendage and thinks. "Maybe I can enter Nora's PersoCom world again and do something to stop certain … Certain memories." Her Signing hand suddenly clamps into a ball, then falls at her side. She looks up and nods to non-PC Eli. "Meat sounds good right now. If it's edible, I'll cook us some soup or make sandwiches. And please, watch out for Nora."

"I don't see how that'd be possible," Fred notes. "I do check the limits of our solidity every few hours, and haven't detected any change in our range to indicate that we are becoming more real. On the other hand, I haven't found a way to turn myself off either."

"Perhaps with enough energy it could make you real," Layth suggests, "But again … we need to ask a mage. We're all, well, morons when it comes to such things."

Tasha's eyes dart towards Fred, her muzzle begins to open, then she closes it and shakes her head. "It's too easy," she tells no one in particular…

"Well, if you don't want her to remember something, just… don't do anything that might remind her?" Mariel suggests. "For me it's emotions, but it could be activity or… anything related to what you don't want her to remember."

The Vartan nods to Mariel. "That's a good idea. Can I access MOTHER from the hall, or any local terminal?"

"Not yet… did you want to do that?" Mariel asks. "I'd have to hook up a projection and monitoring system."

"That's not necessary – I just need to give MOTHER a few commands. My commands can't be overriden right?" Tasha looks contemplative, muzzle pursed as she thinks.

"Uh, not to sound morbid," Gabriel notes, "but should we try to resurrect First Technician with the artifact? We have her remains… "

"Well, Nora could probably override them," Fred notes.

"Oh gods – Layth, can you handle Gabriel's question?" Tasha shoots the buck a strained look, ears back. "I need to deal with this." She turns to Fred and flat out frowns, shaking her head. "That's not workable, I can't have Nora overriding me on this. The Fenris considered me Nora, would that authority remain?" "We could, maybe? It would give us a change to … forgive her? To let her know that some survived?" Layth says. He actually sounds somehow hopeful.

"I don't like that term," both of the Zerachiel's say simultaneously. They look at one another, and then just the real one suggests, "Call it… recover or something other than resurrect?"

"Recover, then. We should try. She died thinking she killed everyone. It may help her rest to know that it did not come to be," Layth says.

"Well… you have the transponder, but… " Fred says. He doesn't know about how Tasha has been re-registered as a separate person within the system now since Nora 'adopted' her as a sister.

"Uh?" Tasha tilts her head, folding her arms so that the clothing and items are held to her chest. She shifts her weight to one leg and stares at Fred. "What would be … Oh, I did declare myself Nora's sister, and MOTHER might have recognized me as separate too, during start up?"

"I don't suppose you could share what it is you're trying to keep Nora from remembering?" Fred asks. "And how it involves MOTHER?"

"If I tell you, you must promise to not tell anyone else," Layth says firmly.

"You PersoComs can share memories, can't you? If I explain, can Nora reach what I tell you? Can she hear me right now?" Tasha gives Fred an unusually hard look, eyes fixed on his face and ears forward.

"Tell anyone else what?" Remiel asks, as his PersoCom arrives. "I got the notice that the cell cultures had arrived… "

"I don't know," Mariel answers. "Nora is better than I am at programming the computers. She might be able to read our PersoCom memories."

"Then you are better off not knowing," Layth says.

"Well… should I finish prepping a power suit for Nora to control?" Fred asks. "That was next on my task list… "

Tasha releases a sigh, holding the clothing to her chest with a free hand as she reaches up to rub the base of her muzzle. "I'll speak with Doctor Zerachiel and Junior Technician PC Mariel about this when we return from Silent Tow- NO!" The woman's head snaps up, hand jerking away. "NO. Do NOT allow Nora ANYWHERE near a POWER SUIT. Not a loader, not a personal suit, not a helmet – NOWHERE NEAR. If I have any authority here, THAT is an ORDER."

Fred actual steps back under the force of the command. "Okay! But… is Nora dangerous?"

"What she said," Layth echoes. "And no, Nora is not dangerous. There are certain events we do not want her to remember that involved a power suit. Fred, it is how she died. That is all you need to know. Leave it at that."

"How she… " Fred starts to say, and this eyes go wide and he clutches the sides of his head. "Die… die… I'M BURNING!" he cries and then collapses to the ground.

"She's … no. No. But, some things are better left forgotten. I had hoped this would never come up again." Tasha shoots a look towards Layth as he mentions the connection, her ears laying back. "Y-yes, that's … That's rig-" When Fred collapses, Tasha sucks in a breath, the load in her failings from her hands. "It's happening," she cries. "We need to secure the PCs – Gabriel!"

"Doctor, get a sedative," Layth actually orders in a somewhat forced-calm tone. The buck then kneels down beside Fred. "I have no idea if it will do anything, but he must be calmed down," he says as he actually takes a firm grip on Fred's shoulders. "Fred, focus on my voice. Listen to me and only me. Ignore that memory and just listen."

"How?" Gabriel asks. "Take apart the projector?"

"Everyone calm down," Layth actually orders from where he holds Fred's shoulders.

Fred squirms on the floor next to Layth, and for a moment he really does burst into flames… but then he's back to normal again, although breathing heavily and keeping his eyes closed.

"I don't know – I thought we could override them as command personnel! Isn't that how they work normally? Nevermind!" Tasha says, suddenly glancing between PC Eli and PC Mariel. "Mariel. PC Eli. How are you feeling?"

"Fred," Layth says, "Can you hear me? You are fine. You are on the floor of the Bellerophon. You are fine." The buck then thinks of something … trigger a different memory instead. So … Layth kisses Fred. On the lips even!

Mariel is trying to hide out of sight of Fred, while PC Eli just looks stunned. "I'm… okay," he says. Mariel is just shaking though.

Fred blinks and focuses on Layth. "I died, you know," he whispers. "I remember… I remember. I remember Nora coming out. We waited so long, and were just next to each other but couldn't talk… "

"Good. Layth will calm Fred – he's good at that sort of thing. Everything will be fine; it's not real. They're just memories." Tasha looks between the two PersoComs, then kneels to pick up her things. "I apologize for over reacting and trying to shut you down; I only want to protect you."

"We can only shut down the versions that exist in the computer," Gabriel says, looking a little shaken up. The real Zerachiel and PC Remiel are trying to comfort Mariel. "I'm dead too, but I don't remember," the youngest Karnor says with a sniffle. "I was asleep."

"I know," Layth says and sits up, "All of you have been through a lot. More than any of us. I cannot begin to understand what you may feel now … but try to think on this: You have been given a second chance. Regardless of what you remember here, it is done and cannot be undone. So … you have to decide between this: Let one moment define you forever more, or rise above it and embrace the second chance." He offers Fred his hand and asks, "What do you choose?"

"That's the nicest way, Mariel. But, oi, it's done. There's no changing the past, but at least we have a good future here. Maybe what happened, it doesn't need to be permanent." Tasha shoots Gabriel awkward, uncomfortable look as she stands, ears askew and tail low. "I wanted to keep this from you, but it's too late now. We need to talk. Come with me." She waves him to follow, then steps aside where she can whisper to him privately.

Fred takes the hand and stands up. "I want to remember more, but… yeah, the future. I want to be alive again, even if it means feeling pain. At least… Now I can put my past behind me."

Gabriel confers with Tasha, his eyes going wide as she whispers to him.

"There is something very different about the PersoCom images and spirits of Sinai. Something I remember being told by a fortune teller in Abu Dhabi," Layth says as he pats Fred's shoulder. "A spirit, a ghost, does not grow beyond what they were in life. All of you have already done that. So … you are more than mere ghosts."

Mariel comes out of the bio-lab, and stands next to Layth looking like she needs a hug.

"As for you, don't think that you died in sleep … just think of it as someone stole your body while you slept and you just need a new one," Layth tells Mariel just before he does actually hug her.

"I like that version," Mariel mutters.

As Tasha relates to her mate, her expression looks increasingly grim, until she has to reach up and rub at here eyes. The woman shakes her head at Gabriel's question, says something else, then nods. By the time they return she's holding his hand. "Nora will eventually find out, probably sooner now that the related memories are in the PersoCom system. What I'd like to do now, is have her meet that memory intentionally. Do you think Eli could arrange for her and I – and you, if you want to be there Gabriel – to meet within the simulation?"

"Within what simulation?" Eli asks, blinking. "Are you saying you want to… be there as Nora relives her own death?"

"I do not think that is a good idea," Layth notes as he slowly lets go of Mariel. "But I also will not stop you."

"Mariel, were you friends at all with the First Technician?" Layth now asks the young Karnor.

"I'm her sister," is all Tasha says in reply to being certain. She glances at Gabriel a moment, then turns back to Eli and says, "It will be safest within the simulation, won't it? If Nora realizes while interacting with a vital system we all could be in danger. And, well, I've made a big fuss about being Nora. I should live up to what that means."

"We were both Omegas, but… I didn't understand her hand signs very well," Mariel notes. "She went fast, and I didn't want to look dumb by having to use a translator, so we didn't talk much."

"Would you want a chance to fix that?" Layth asks. "There was the suggestion to try and recover her memories as well. If not, I understand."

"Well… the issue is that the PersoComs… the real ones… that is… " Zerachiel says, tripping over his tongue. "Okay… we have to differentiate. The walking-around versions aren't PersoComs anymore. They can still interact with their digital versions, but that's just because MOTHER is connected through the artifacts. The ones in the computer system aren't recovering memories – we've compared and that's how he know the projection ones are recovering them. So… going into the PersoCom simulation space won't work since it's the Nora outside of it that will remember everything."

"My suggestion, then, would be to clear one of the crew rooms completely. Make sure there is nothing she can hurt herself on in there, then you go in with her and tell her what happened," Layth suggests.

"I can be there when you try it," Mariel tells Layth.

"That's not good," Tasha breathes. She reaches up and rubs at her forehead, eyes closing as she admits, "I had planned to try and relive it with her, so she wouldn't have to endure the memory alone. The truth is, I'm not exactly Tasha anymore, no more than the PC Nora – the one walking around – is truly the PersoCom of Nora Argentine." She opens her eyes, muzzle creasing in a frown as her gaze roams the flor, as if searching for something. "And, and you can think I'm stupid or whatever you like, but I can't get over Nora's death. Even when I visited her apartment, I ended up talking to myself. I have nightmares. I dream of things I've never seen before, sometimes. Nora and I share memories. We should both deal with this. Because we're both Nora, and because I'm her sister."

"Do you want to share that particular memory with her though?" Gabriel asks softly. "It could… scar you."

Rising a little, Tasha glances at the assembled people and inclines her head. "Gabriel knows this, so does Layth, but … I'd have let Nora have my body. She forced me to kill her memory, so I could revive the crew. This was before I knew what happened to her. Whatever the reason, I can't seem to forget her – I'm not even sure why. Maybe I'm already a little crazy." She turns to look at her mate; he can see the glaze in her eyes, scent her guilt, her worry, and a convoluted mix of other emotions she always seems to carry whenever she dwells on Nora too hard. "There wasn't anything I could do for her then. Let me do this for her now."

"I do think this is a bad idea. You can be there for her, but you should not take part," Layth repeats, "But as I also said, I will not stop you."

"I don't think you can change a memory until… it's remembered," Remiel notes. "For a living person, it's easy to alter a memory, but for one of us, I just don't know. You could probably share it, but you wouldn't be there together."

Tasha nods a little to Layth. "I'm a stupid, reckless person. You know how I am." She then reaches up and taps the raspberry-making cat pin on her vest. "Smile, right?" And she does so. When Remiel speaks up, she glances at him, and nods. "Alone, then?" She takes another breath, and nods. "However it needs to be. Can you please arrange this for when we return? I believe we still have work to do." That smile is turned towards everyone now, Tasha waving her hands for people to move. "Alright, enough looking down, we have things to do! Back to work, and try and cheer up. If you get down, just remind yourself you're not as stupid as Tasha, and I'm cooking later."

"So, more travel rations for me, then," Layth laments and shrugs. "I will tend to the First Technician, then. Should we try to recover her before we head to her former home?"

"She might have things to tell us, like… where to look," Gabriel notes, looking a bit relieved that Tasha doesn't want to handle Nora right away.

"What precisely are we looking for in that section?" Layth asks, "More equipment to weather Sinai's influence?"

"I can cook for you too, Layth," Tasha points out. "I just won't add meat to yours. As for First Technician, will we need time to prepare that?" She seems to consider Layth's question of supplies, then nods again. "Silent-One optical technology, I'd think. They also seemed to like powered armor, which may be good for you. Also, replacements for MOTHER and other Silent-One ship systems."

"There wasn't a lot of room on those shuttles," Gabriel notes. "The Silent-Ones would have had to leave some things behind. If we know what to recover, it could go a long way towards winning over the ones on Abaddon," Gabriel suggests.

"And I need to drool over a Silent-One Titan, so you can make fun of me," Tasha adds.

"I would look odd in armor designed for them, I would think," Layth admits. "As for preparing … I'm not sure what we need to do other than bring her body close to the crystal thing and perhaps ask mother to try to 'access' it somehow. At this point it is guessing."

"Maybe we just need to stick one of her fingers into one of the cheese holes?" Gabriel offers. "That's all the alien did, and the probes from MOTHER are stuck into some."

"Guessing is the primary tool of this expedition," Tasha agrees. "Well, let's get to that." She squeezes Gabriel's hand to show she hasn't missed his concern, then asides to him, "Do you STILL think I'd make a good ambassador?" She grins.

"That's disturbing, but worth trying," Layth agrees, "I will collect her remains from the pod we put them in." The buck bows and then makes his way out of the current room to locate the body.

"Well, nobody would expect you of trying to trick them," Gabriel offers with a wink.

The stasis pod with First Technician's body in it is right where they left it; next door in the other bio-lab. Fred follows Layth to help out.

"Thanks," Tasha replies in a mock-wry tone. She shakes her head, then leans against the captain. "You're not even going to try and stop me, are you? You must have some faith in me, to let me do these things. This isn't fair to you."

Fred also gets swatted on his butt for coming along to help out. "Feeling better?" Layth asks him as he then moves to one end of the pod in order to carry it back to the crystal bay.

"On the contrary," Gabriel claims. "I find it all very entertaining! Abigail was not adventurous at all."

"Feeling at all is feeling better," Fred claims with a laugh, as he takes one end of the pod. "Don't worry about me, Layth. If you want to give someone attention, then Mariel is the better choice."

"I worry about everyone," Layth remarks as he lifts his end. "So I am glad you are feeling better."

"Even if I drive myself completely insane because of undeserved guilt and concern over my departed sister, because I can't accept what happened to someone like her, and think if I share what happened then maybe I'll at least have made what happened a little more … just?" Tasha lets her head rest on Gabriel's arm, giving Mariel, Remiel, and Eli a grin. "And you three, why have you even listened to me all this time? I'm not going to stop, you know. It's just going to get bigger when we return to Abaddon."

"You got me back here," Eli notes with a grin. Remiel says, "You seem nice enough, and managed to put up with the real me, so the undead me can at least help you out." "Ugh, you had to use that term?" PC Zerachiel complains.

It doesn't take long to carry the pod to the room holding the artifact, next to the Avionics Bay. The air in here is charged and yet somehow oily as well, seeming to seep in through fur and skin.

"This room makes me feel the need to bathe," Layth remarks as he sets his end of the pod down near the worrisome artifact. "All those who wish to take part in this join us," he shouts towards the open door as he can't help but rub his left forearm with his right hand due to the oddness of the room sensations. "That includes you, Mariel."

"You know, I like you all more than I have words for – and Nora gave me more words than I know what to do with. Eli, I've wanted to see you happy ever since you revived. I may not be there as much as I could be, but I want you to know that I consider us a kind of family. And, that goes for all of you." Tasha smiles a bit more, even as – perhaps despite of – the coffin's arrival. "And Remy, I have thoughts on something you two may like for the future. All of us. Now come on, let's help Layth recover a wicked Spotty so I can glare at her and she can call me an abomination."

The room become crowded, until people rearrange themselves with half of them in the hallway. Even Nora comes down to see what's going on. Gabriel nods to Layth. "Go ahead, plug her in."

"Oh, hi sister," Tasha greets Nora, giving her a smile. She taps the cat pin on her chest, then turns her gaze towards the Sifran contraption.

"You found Razzy Cat!" Nora says.

"I never thought I would be plugging a body into a crystal," Layth remarks, "Since when did I become a necromancer?" The buck huffs a small laugh and shakes his head as he opens the pod. From there, though, his expression falls to grim pretty quickly when he sees the desiccated remains. There's no further laughter as he carefully moves the stiff corpse and tries to 'plug' one of the fingers into a vacant hole.

"Is that his name? I saw your shampoo, too." Tasha grins widely, keeping her gaze straight ahead. "I have your things in the hall. I think your dress looks better on me, but it's nice to know I'll look good as an old lady."

"Hey!" Nora starts to retort, but a pseudopod extends from the 'cheese' section of the artifact to flow over the offered finger. Nothing happens immediately, but slowly the pod begins to fill with a multicolored mist.

Even as she spies the remains, Tasha continues to grin. It's like her face is stuck that way – perhaps the combined effort of Layth, Gabriel, and, in a way, Nora urging her to stop being so hard on herself and relax has finally sunken in. And perhaps it broke her face. She grins a little wider when Nora reacts, tail wagging.

"I hope that isn't a bad sign," Layth remarks as he starts shuffling backwards from the pod. "Is anyone else worried?"

"I am," Eli notes.

"Why would I be worried? Everything is completely fine," Tasha replies. "Except my sister is a little skinny."

"Or you're a little fat," Layth mutters.

"That's muscle Layth," Tasha insists. "I'm a Vartan. We have muscle. Not fat. Muscle."

The mist coalesces and rises up, taking on the form of a ghostly cheetah. It blinks and looks around, still a bit transparent, and then seems to focus on Tasha. The hands rise up, trailing mist, and begin to sign. It's a little blurry from the trails left by the moving fingers, but the cheetah signs, "Nora, you are an angel now. Am I in Terran Heaven?"

Layth runs a hand over his face and then proceeds to blink repeatedly. "Well … it worked. Maybe?" he mutters to himself as he peers at the ghostly cheetah. "Of course, now how do we explain everything… " he ponders, "If it were me, I am not sure I would believe anything this odd group said."

Tasha lifts her own hands and meets the Silent-One's gaze with, perhaps unexpectedly, a smile. "It's a kind of heaven; welcome back," the red woman Signs right back. She lifts her right hand and waves to the room, indicating all the people around her. "I'm Tasha Argentine; Nora is my sister. This is the Bellerophon – welcome to our family." And then, she wags. "Say hello!"


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)