New 13 6097 RTR (14 Feb 1997) Envoy, Zoltan and Esther arrive at "Base Camp" in the Savan jungle.
(Envoy) (Esther) (City of Hands) (Savan) (Zoltan)

The Savan Queen and the "captured" pirate ship have arrived at the Savan Territories, hovering over the jungle, near a rushing river. Mooring lines have been cast, and there are some workers on the ground already to greet them.

Envoy comes up from belowdeck, having finished cleaning the cabin she shares with Vielanika.

Down below, there is a wide open clearing near the river, with several stone blocks imbedded in the dirt, where the lines are secured. Beyond the clearing, though, the trees soon rise to towering heights, with massive trunks. The canopy of leaves must almost completely block out sunlight within the jungle sheltered below their branches.

Envoy can't help but smile at the jungle, trying to imagine all of the biodiversity around her.

Vielanika yawns and stretches as she walks up alongside Envoy. "Well – Looks like we made it. Quite a sight, isn't it? And quite a difference from nice, cool Rephidim."

Envoy says, "It is a bit more humid. I wonder if any of our crew are from this area?"

Vielanika giggles. "Well – What are we waiting for? We don't have to wait to be lowered down." With that, she winks, and leaps off the edge of the railing, soaring and circling downward toward the clearing.

Envoy waves to Zoltan, and hops over the railing to follow Vielanika.

Vielanika touches down below the airship, avoiding all the crates and bags being moved about by crewmen, a good portion of them winged.

Zoltan staggers sleepily on the deck of the ship, having not quite woken up yet. He blinks as he sees Envoy dissapear off the side of the ship and peeks over the rail down at her.

"Where you going?" Zoltan scrawks.

Envoy calls up, "To the ground!" as she lands besides the bat.

Vielanika strolls toward the edge of the clearing, looking at some of the exotic plantlife. Then she blinks. Something catches her eye. "A blue feather! Just the right color… " She stoops down to inspect.

Vielanika recoils, sucking in her breath, as she steps back.

Envoy turns to look at the bard, "What is it?"

Zoltan shakes his head… ( Ask a silly question. ) He shrugs and leaps over the side as well. Might as well feel something solid under his hooves for a change.

Vielanika pauses a moment, then regains her composure. "I'm sorry. I'm acting like a little child. It's … a skull. And some bones."

Envoy ooos and gets down on hands and knees to look closer.

The hippogryph's wingbeats send down a strong breeze for a few moments as he gently lands on the jungle floor.

Partially covered in the underbrush are some humanoid remains which a wild animal must have gotten to. There is a large blue feather attached to some jewelry which has been pinned to the skull with a tack – hopefully not the way this adornment was worn in life.

Envoy looks closely at the shape of the skull, trying to determine the species.

The species is felinoid, tailed, with digitigrade leg structure.

Zoltan peers down at the bat's findings. He winces as he realizes it was sentient.

Envoy says, "Probably a Savanite. Hard to tell how old it is though." She examines the tack and necklace. "I don't think the necklace is that old though, since the feather hasn't started to rot."

A reddish wolf walks up to the small gathering. "Ah. Sorry. Missed this one. There was a slaughter here, by the looks of it. We tried to clear out the bones so that … ah … his Lordship doesn't see any of it."

Envoy looks up to the wolf, "Is the necklace part of a burial ritual?"

Zoltan looks at Envoy. "Is can you tells what feather from?"

The wolf squints at the feather and jewelry. "No … no, I don't think that's quite how it's supposed to work." He stands up straight again. "Any road, the village is all fixed up. It's a bit rustic – not quite the comforts of home – but it should be safe."

Vielanika looks to the wolf. "Thank you. I don't think I caught your name before – You must be a … reformed pirate?"

The reddish wolf laughs. "Brannon. Just call me if you need anything, eh? But for now, I'd best get back to moving goods. The squeak – er, the bats can't carry it all, you know."

Envoy shrugs to Zoltan. "I don't know enough about the species of this world yet to identify the feather. It might be a flight feather though from a bird."

With that, the wolf heads off, while Vielanika returns her attention to the grisly scene. "There are many colorful birds in these parts. And many Creens – ah … " She looks to Envoy, explaining, "feathered, flying lizards".

Zoltan whews. So it's not a Vartan feather.

Envoy blinks at Vielanika. "Dragons?"

Vielanika hmms. "No, not dragons, per se. Though I imagine that with a bit of imagination you might call them that. Don't worry. You'll see plenty of them once we get into the jungle proper."

Envoy stands up. "I wonder who pinned the necklace to the skull."

( I wonder if the lizards taste good. ) O o . the hippogryph thinks to himself.

Envoy heads towards the village.

A well-beaten path, with some wagon wheel ruts in it of recent creation, bounces along from the clearing and into the jungle. It's quite a walk, going up and down hills, but mostly up. It is quickly much darker, as the leaves far above do indeed block out much of the sun. Fortunately, the sun is high in the air, so there is still enough to see by … but so many shadows for things to hide in! The jungle is filled with the sounds of so many living things, near and far, apparently harmless … and evidences of predators in the distance as well.

Envoy imitates some of the chirps and squeeks and trills she hears. So many animals!

The Creens and birds of paradise soon show themselves, flitting from branch to brance, high above and well out of reach. The birds are like any birds, in a dazzling rainbow of colors. The Creens are in many ways similar, though they only have feathers on their wide-spread wings and their plumed tails. The serpentine lizards perch overhead, snaking their heads down to peer at the passersby while their tails swish back and forth leisurely … and then with a snap of wings, they are startled by something unseen and unheart, and flit away, only to be replaced by others who take their places.

One Creen flits and flaps in front of the travellers, then circles around them, trilling and Skreeking at the strangers.

Zoltan catches up with Envoy, he follows a bit behind. Amazing how she can imitate every sound.

Envoy pauses to watch the lizard, and trills and Skreeks right back at it.

Vielanika only walks along silently. She does not even bother a glance at the beauty around her, or pay attention to the antics of the wildlife. She seems to be brooding, her thoughts company and environment enough.

Zoltan squawks to Envoy, "You sure that good idea? Is might make it attack."

The Creen flits around, Skreeking back at Envoy, and hopping down on the ground a distance in front of her. He spreads out his wing-feathers, and rears back his head. *chirrup!*

Zoltan chuckles at the display.

Envoy spreads her own wings and chirrups back. Then she turns to Zoltan, "I think it is trying to communicate. Or is perhaps seeking a mate or defending its territory."

The feathered-lizard's head dances back and forth. As Envoy's wings spread out – and she chirrups – the creature lets out a loud *SKREEK!*, and flap-flutters into the air in a frenzy, shooting away! "Skreekskreekskreek… "

Envoy blinks three times. "Perhaps it was a dominance challenge. If so, I think I won." She continues on towards the village.

Zoltan grins and pats Envoy on the back.

Vielanika breaks her gloomy expression to grin and shake her head.

Envoy pays little attention to the trail, looking instead at the plethora of symbionts and parasites that cover the trunks of the giant trees.

It is not much further to the village … and before it is in sight, the sounds of voices, strains of music, and the occasional *klunk* of heavy materials being roughly handled reach the ears of the travellers.

The village itself is set up within a ring of gargantuan trees – but not so large a clearing that there is any break in the canopy above.

There are many huts set against and even into the bases of the trees, and a number of wooden platforms that bridge between them far above, with twine ladders providing access to the jungle floor.

Zoltan grins back at Vielanika. "I think you not get much sleep tonights. Little friend probably make bug and bird noises all night."

Envoy asks Vielanika, "Did Savanites build this village?"

In the center of the encampment is a large firepit, which is presently died out. There is also a larger hut toward the center, away from the ring-trees.

Vielanika looks around. "I believe so. I am not entirely sure, for I have not encountered a wild Savanite tribe before, but – yes, that must be what this is."

Zoltan glances up at the canopy. ( They wanted me to be a scout. But I won't be able to see a thing through these trees. )

Envoy looks up at the catwalks, wondering at their purpose.

Brannon, the reddish wolf, sees the group come in, and sets down his load, wiping his brow. "Welcome to Base Camp!" He grins, making sweeping gestures as if to gather in the entire circle of trees.

Zoltan scrawks to Brannon, "Is no Savanites left here?"

Envoy smiles and waves to the wolf. "Which hut is ours?" She gestures to include Vielanika in her request.

The wolf shakes his head, "None save for the few we brought with us. And, really, I wouldn't be surprised if we head back with a few less than we came with. This is, after all, their homeland … Well, except that many of them wouldn't have the slightest idea how to survive in the jungle and probably haven't even SEEN one before." He turns toward one of the near huts. "You and the bard get that one right there. It's pretty barren right now, but we'll get some bedrolls in there soon, and see what we can do with it."

To the Vartan, Brannon says, "Unfortunately, we're somewhat short on huts. At least on ones in good condition. A bunch of us will have one of the larger ones … complete with sunroof." He grumbles.

Envoy looks into the hut. "We might be able to fit more into this one. I can sleep standing up."

"Not that you have to worry about much sun here … but even after it stops raining up there – " the wolf thrusts his hand upward "… the trickle-down lasts a while."

Zoltan squawks back, "That fine. I sleep in woods lots of times. Just as long as I not get any bugs in ears."

"Ah yes. Bugs," the wolf nods. "Actually, the bugs aren't that bad here – but then, you've already noticed that. I can see why someone would settle here. There are some spots out there, though, where they're THICK."

Envoy says, "The local birds and Creens must keep the insect population under control."

Brannon nods, pondering. "Might be. They sure seem to like it here."

Envoy plucks at some moss growing on the hut. "Or perhaps the plants are poisonous. Nothing for insects to eat."

As if to prove the point, Envoy feels something land on her head. A split-second later, and upside-down lizard head is thrusting itself into her face, blinking with liquid black eyes. *chirr?*

Envoy chirrups back to the Creen.

Brannon waves his hands around. "Shoo! Shoo! Get! Get!"

Zoltan folds his wings over his own head… just in case OTHER things fall from the trees.

The Creen spreads its wings and flutters away, leaving a red feather which dances side to side as it drifts to the ground.

Vielanika laughs. "That was a MOST impressive hat you had there, Envoy. It would make quite the fashion statement, with a proper dress."

Envoy picks up the feather and sticks it behind her ear. "They seem friendly."

Brannon sighs. "Any road, it'll be a while before we can expect to make the Big Trip out in search of that city. You see, his Lordship has to find it on the first try. None of this boring bumbling around in the jungle. So … it'll be the scouts to find it first, you see."

Envoy says, "Do the scouts follow predetermined routes?"

"I hear they found something out there, though, so it looks like the lead is going to prove true. Or, at least, I sure hope so. This could be big," says the reddish wolf.

Zoltan bahs, "Is just stupid lizard, they gots very small brains. Only able to have one thought at – OOH!" Zoltan cuts himself off as he spies a shiny rock on the ground, prettyshinyshinyshiny!

"Somewhat," says the wolf. "But it's a tough chore to follow a straight path out here."

Envoy nods, "Just so long as we can know which way to go if a scout doesn't return."

Zoltan squawks to Envoy, "I a scout!"

The "rock" skitters away as Zoltan reaches for it!

Zoltan acks and chases after the rock!

Envoy smiles to Zoltan. "Exactly. You'd want us to be able to find you if you ran into trouble, wouldn't you?"

"Oh yes," says Brannon. "Well, then, you'd best report over there – ah … " He watches the running Vartan. "All in good time, I suppose."

Envoy watches the shiny thing skitter off…

The shiny rock darts side to side, then back between Zoltan's legs, then this way and that, and in seemingly random half-circles.

Envoy asks Vielanika, "What do you think it is that Zoltan is chasing?"

The Vartan doggedly pursues his prey! "Come back, shiny! I put you in tailbraid… you look nice with other shinies!"

Vielanika watches with amusement. "I've no idea."

Envoy follows, looking to see if the object is moving on its own or if it attached to an appendage.

The wolf sighs. "Ah well. Make yourselves at home. Dinner may be rather late – unless you can convince someone to hunt down something for you."

The little "shiny rock" appears to be moving entirely of its own volition … and rather swiftly for a rock.

Envoy decides the 'rock' isn't a lure for some predator, and so doesn't stop the Vartan from chasing it. "Is there fruit here?"

Zoltan tries to pounce the "rock".

Vielanika licks her lips. "I sure HOPE so."

The "rock" slips between Zoltan's fingers, tickling them with tiny little claws as it goes.

The Vartan's fingers begin to itch.

Zoltan acks and begins itching at his hands. The shiny forgotten.

Vielanika watches the little "rock" skitter away. "Hmm. I hope the FRUIT doesn't run away as well. I don't know much about the local flora and fauna. But a bit, at least."

"Rock bit me!" Zoltan exclaims.

"Hmm. Now isn't that an amusing thought," says Vielanika, smirking.

Envoy looks up at the catwalks leading to the upper levels of the canopy. "I think there may be fruit higher up. The platforms and ladders may be used to reach it."

Envoy says, "Are you alright, Zoltan?"

Vielanika looks up. "Hmm. That's a thought. But, of course … I don't NEED catwalks." She winks.

Zoltan holds his hands out to Envoy, showing her his fingers.

The brown bat bard in blue and black spreads her wings and zips up into the air, circling around inside the ring of trees.

Envoy leans in to look at the Vartan's fingers.

The fingers are becoming inflamed and swollen – or, at least, three of the fingers are.

Zoltan itches at his hands a bit more. "Stupid rock poison Zoltan. Hrr… Never meet rock that fight back before."

Envoy casually calls up to Vielanika, "Be careful. There me be predators that specialize in hunting flying prey." She takes Zoltan by the elbow and begins to lead him towards Brannon. "Is there a medical kit? Zoltan needs some disinfectant and salve."

The itching slowly subsides. All the Vartan feels is a noticeable throbbing in the irritated fingers.

Brannon looks around. "Eh?" He looks at the fingers. "Uh oh. Certainly… Come with me!"

Envoy follows along, and asks Zoltan, "Can you regrow your fingers if we cut them off?"

Zoltan follows after Brannon, still holding his hands out.

The reddish wolf heads toward a tent that has been set up, and, judging from the other "patients" lounging around, this must be what passes for an 'infirmary'. Apparently some others have run afoul of some of the wildlife and plantlife as well.

Zoltan erks! "No! Fingers not grow back. Feathers do. but fingers stay gone."

Envoy nods to the Vartan. "That is good to know."

Zoltan blinks at Envoy. "You fingers grow back?"

Inside, a raccoon in white looks at Zoltan, and tsk tsks, shaking his head. "ANOTHER one." He reaches for a readily-available salve and begins applying it to the fingers. It stings at first, but then has a very cold sensation.

The Vartan winces, and for just a moment all his feathers stick out on end. He relaxes as the stinging fades.

Envoy looks at her fingers, and wiggles them. "I think so. They used to."

The raccoon looks up to the Vartan, and sternly says, "If it starts itching again, do NOT scratch! Come to me immediately."

Envoy says, "Based on its evasion patterns, I think the crustacean you were trying to catch is used to being hunted by air. Next time, try to catch it in your beak so it can't scratch you."

Zoltan frowns, but nods understandingly.

Vielanika looks at Envoy, puzzling over the scattered tidbits of stories she's picked up from the "Aeolun". "Let's not try to find out, though – just in case, Envoy."

"About your fingers, that is," the bat clarifies.

"Crust-ate-shon?" The hippogryph asks. "You mean shiny?"

Envoy nods to Vielanika. "That would be best. I have reason to believe my tissues may be poisonous to local lifeforms, and leaving bits around would be irresponsible."

Envoy smiles to Zoltan, "Yes, the shiny thing."

Envoy says, "It may have been a large form of tick. I'll have to catch a specimen to be sure."

Envoy says, "Let me know if you find any attached to your body in the morning."

The bard bat holds up a few sphereoids in her hands. "Anyway, I've come back with some pickings. Lovan fruit. They're mostly tasteless, and I haven't the supplies to prepare them properly … but they're nourishing."

Zoltan nods to envoy. "If I see shiny rock… I have you get it for me."

Zoltan eeechs!

The bat blinks at Zoltan?

The raccoon shoos the group. "Come now! Out now. You're all set – now make some room."

Envoy blinks and exits the infirmary.

Zoltan hustles out of the room, examining his fingers while he walks.

Vielanika shrugs, and walks out of the tent, lovan fruit in hand. She breaks one open. The inside is spongy and light-colored.

Envoy looks at the pulpy fruit. "What else did you find up there? Where did the platforms lead?"

Vielanika hands a half to Envoy. "I found … not much. But something really bad happened here. Let's just leave it at that."

Zoltan thinks, . o O ( Maybe I could catch a couple of those Creen things to eat… although I don't think Envoy would like me eating one of her friends. And they might be poisonous as well. )

Envoy swallows the piece of fruit without tasting it. "Thank you."

Zoltan kneels down and pokes Envoy's shoulder, "You eat meat too, yes?"

The fruit has the texture and consistency of bread, but half the taste.

A brown-winged Solus walks up. "You! Scout! About time I found you… "

Envoy looks back over her shoulder to Zoltan, "I eat anything organic."

Zoltan looks up at the Solus, distracted from Envoy for a moment.

"One of the parties came back – They found something … and left 'something' behind. We seem to be having a bit of trouble communicating priorities to some of our scouts," the Solus grumbles.

Zoltan nods, "You wants me to go get?" He squawks.

"We need a flyer to head back out there. I'm too busy here. All I can spare – other than you – is the one bat from the party," the Solus adds, grumbling again. "He knows the way." He motions toward a scrawny-looking brown bat who is shorter than Vielanika.

Zoltan thinks, . o O ( There goes hunting. ) His stomach protests just a bit.

'Squeaky' squeaks, "Aha! It's the new pirate recruit!" He winks.

Envoy says, "What did the scouts find and leave behind?"

Squeaky says, "We found some junk out there. The Inquisitrix wanted to stay. But, hey, we've got a schedule to follow. And that thing isn't going anywhere."

"As long as I not have to play pirate again." The hippogryph screeks.

Squeaky laughs. "Naw, not pirate. Just come on – Let's get going." He spreads his wings and takes flight, heading out of the camp.

Envoy says, "Esther was left behind in the jungle?"

Vielanika furrows her brow. "Junk? Well, he has ME interested. Mind if I volunteer for 'scout' duty just this time?"

Zoltan rushes after the bat, leaping into the air and following.

Vielanika zips after as well.

Envoy blinks three times, then takes off after her friends.

– * –

Meanwhile, out in the jungle, not terribly far from the camp, there is a semi-clearing, in the center of which is what at first glance appears to be an overgrown trunk of a dead tree.

Some of the vines and mosses have been pried away, however, to reveal broken fragments of ceramic and … rusted metal.

"Whaddya think, huh huh?" lolls Namo. "Must be First Ones, huh? We hit it big time!"

Two other wolves, Garrel and Remuel, silently stand guard, watching the perimeter.

"Just keep drawing, Namo," Esther says distractedly, her eyes wide. "We need to make sure the dimensions are perfect for the records."

Namo nodnodnods, and keeps sketching from his spot on the jungle floor.

The structure seems a mixture of carved stone, corroded metal, ceramic, and other, harder-to-identify materials. By Esther's judgement, the carved stone was a later addition. It would appear that this ruin is ancient indeed, and at some point was incorporated into a shrine.

Esther reaches into her backpack, which rests on the ground, and pulls out a glass lens. She peers through it at the metal, trying to identify it.

Mentally removing the covering moss and vine, the structure – assuming there was not more – would stand tall and cylindrical, about 8 feet in diameter, uniform from the base to the top.

Its original height would be hard to judge. It presently breaks off at a jagged angle, topping at 20 feet above the jungle floor. Preliminary searches have not revealed any other pieces in the clearing which may have once belonged to it.

The metal bits are of an alloy that Esther has encountered before … but even they seem to be of a later addition. This whole structure points to influences from what has been presumed to represent entirely different ages spanning time.

Esther says, "Truly fascinating… this could be big. Really big."

More examination reveals a panel, and several protrusions – some sort of linking outlets? It would take some strong equipment to clean them out properly.

Esther puts away the lens, and after rummaging a bit more, comes out with a small bellows. Esther grimaces. It doesn't look big enough to do the job, but she'll give it a try.

Esther begins squeezing the bellows roughly up against the panel, attempting to blow off the dirt and dust.

The bellows, indeed, doesn't seem to do much … at least, not to the linking ports. There is some very heavy carbon build-up. However, in the process of trying to clean away, she finds evidence of something else … discoloration of what metal is still intact, as if it had experienced overheating from an exterior force.

Esther sighs. She puts the bellows away, and pulls out a cloth bag and some long-handled iron-bladed shears. "Guess I can at least take samples."

There is some movement in the trees. "Hullo!" calls out a high-pitched voice.

Soon thereafter, a scrawny brown bat flits into the clearing, and lands. "We came back," he smiles.

Esther turns around. "Oh, hello again." Then she returns to her work, looking for a clean scrap of metal to clip off.

There looks to be a good spot on a panel that is bent outward slightly, exposing a corner.

Envoy lands on top of the ancient cylinder, and waves down. "Hello Esther!"

Zoltan lands behind the bat, the sound of his landing hooves muffles in the soft jungle floor.

Esther looks up at Envoy. "Hey! Come down here and look at this."

Vielanika lands as well. "Ooo! Is this … " She looks around. "Well, I hope there's more to the city than THIS… "

Envoy hops off the top of the pillar. "What did you find?"

Esther points at the linking panel. "This. I remember you telling me you could speak with the shipmind using only cables. Would that connection be anything like this here?"

Envoy looks at the carbon-filled connectors.

Zoltan follows behind Envoy. Keeping quiet and watching curiously.

Envoy shakes her head. "These are too big. See this carbon soot? I think it is from an electrical arc. This was probably a power coupling."

Envoy sticks her fingers into the remains of the sockets.

There are many prickly bits inside – jagged, broken bits of corroded metal.

Esther hmms. "Power coupling… then this was either a power source, or some big powered device."

Envoy says, "No power now, but perhaps the remains of the coupling."

Envoy looks up at the height of the pillar.

Envoy says, "It may have been a mooring for an airship that used electric motors and batteries."

Esther says, "The Temple techs don't teach us Inquisitors too much about the power systems."

Envoy flies back up to the broken top of the pillar, and starts to clear away the growths.

Vielanika shakes her head. "But down here … technology doesn't work very reliably. I don't know much about it – It's pretty much just another sort of magic to me, once you get past a certain point … but … " She shrugs. "Sorry. Not my field."

The growths go pretty deeply into the center. This structure might have been hollow at one point … but it has since been filled in.

Envoy checks for power conduits or other structures that may have been inside the pillar as she scoops out accumulated soil and biomass.

Esther acknowledges Vielanika, but doesn't face her. "Hm. Well, I would imagine it worked at one time." She goes into her backpack, and this time comes out with a long, thin iron prybar.

Esther says, "Namo, do you have a good picture of this panel yet? I want to make sure it's recorded before I pry it off."

The structures inside that can be discerned seem to be radially symmetric. Multitudes of bars that run length-wise through the inside, with remnants of cables that ran along the cylinder's perimeter.

Namo nods. "Yup! You think there's anything inside? Huh?"

Esther takes a moment to mop her brow with the back of her gloved hand. "Well," she says, applying the prybar to the loose edge of the panel, "we'll see." She applies leverage gradually to the panel front.

Envoy hmms at the odd structures. The stelya-rhyan database is biased towards biologies, not technologies. Still, the structure has the basic requirements of an electrical generator or motor, with the central magnet missing.

The panel is surprisingly resistant to prying at first … but a couple of bolts break free … and at last the whole thing falls free, crashing to the ground.

Envoy returns to the ground. "What is the weather of this region like? Are there seasonal wind currents?"

Dirt pours out of the opening revealed by the panel … and there is a glint of something shiny underneath.

Zoltan scrawks rather loudly. "OHH! Shiny!"

Esther says, "There are regular winds up above the tree canopy, yes. Why?"

Esther roots around in the hole with her prybar, trying to scoop out all the dirt.

Envoy says, "This structure has the elements to be either a motor or a generator, depending on the direction the power was flowing. If it was a generator, it may have been wind powered."

There is something sharp – then more. Corroded strands of metal, some twined together, but which break apart easily. There is also a great deal of rusty powder.

Behind the dirt, however, is a ceramic surface. There are indentations in the surface … symbols.

Envoy rubs the side of her muzzle with one finger. "There is also the possibility that it was a magnetohydrodymanic power system… "

Zoltan just stares dumbly at Envoy. ( Magnetsawhatzits? )

Vielanika sits down, meanwhile, interested in the find … but definitely out of her league to make anything of it.

Esther tries to work that one out. "A magneto moved by water?"

Envoy smiles to Zoltan and shrugs.

Envoy says, "Not quite. It would draw electric power from a moving energetic plasma source."

Esther says, "Now you've lost me, Envoy. I don't know what plasma is."

Envoy says, "It would seem unlikely though. Do we have tools to excavate around the base?""

Zoltan rubs his head. It's starting to ache.

Namo smiles. "I can dig!" He looks at the base. "Might take a while… "

Envoy says, "Plasma is a state of matter consisting of energetic atomic particles and radiation in gaseous form."

Esther blinks at Envoy.

Vielanika shakes her head. "Now, Inquisitrix Esther, you've really gotten her started… "

Esther says, "Er, let's get back to your digging question… "

Esther says, "Do you all have shovels? There's only two among us four Jupani."

Envoy says, "It would be useful to know how far into the ground this structure goes. It would help determine how old it is and whether or not it is part of some larger submerged structure."

Vielanika says, "Shovels? I don't have any, no. Didn't think you'd need any for scouting… and I'm not even a scout!"

Envoy says, "Take the two shovels, and try digging down at intervals of one bodylength in a line away from the pillar."

The bat bard walks over to peek at the interior of the removed panel. "Hmm. Some sort of writing? Nothing I recognize, though. See? On the ceramic. Some sort of symbols."

"All right, people, let's keep our heads on," Esther proclaims, sounding like she's had to say it many times in similar situations. "It will take a lot more than just two people digging around randomly to find anything. We'll do it by the numbers."

Envoy smiles, "Do we have explosive charges?"

Esther says, "Envoy, did you get any better look at this column from the top? If so, have Namo draw what you saw."

Esther turns to Vielanika. "Yes, you're right. Thank you, I'm getting overexcited here."

Envoy nods to Esther and goes over the black wolf to describe the cross section of the pillar.

Namo says, "You want me to climb it? Huh?" He nodnods his head. "I'm good at climbing."

Namo looks to Envoy, then nods and starts sketching … and rubbing out mistakes and making corrections as directed.

Envoy says, "Zoltan could carry you up… "

Esther reaches out to touch the ceramic plate, and tries to use the leather of her gloves to brush off all the dirt so she can read it.

Zoltan looks upwards at the cylinander. then back to Esther.

The symbols look familiar to Esther. No – This is not from the First Ones after all, but it is truly ancient, nonetheless. The symbols have not been deciphered, but this engraving will be an invaluable piece to the puzzle – to attempts to try to explore the workings of this lost language. But there's something else … they're not right-side up.

"Well! Well well." Esther smiles a mile wide. "What have we here!"

Envoy says, "You think it's a well?"

Assuming the studies of the linguists have not been greatly mistaken, it would seem that the direction of the writing has been rotated ninety degrees clockwise from what would properly be "up".

Vielanika slaps herself on the forehead. "Urgh."

Esther goes over to Namo and pulls a blank scroll and an inkpot and brush from his pack.

Namo looks at Esther, then turns to Envoy. "I dunno, but it's gotta be SOMETHING, if Esther's gonna do the picture HERSELF! You think?" He nods his head several times.

Esther unrolls the scroll against the side of the cylinder, then begins carefully drawing each character with the brush.

Envoy asks Namo if she can see his other drawings.

Esther finishes up her transcription, and after making sure the ink is dry enough, rolls up the scroll.

A couple of Creens flit overhead, flying spirals around each other as they pass, chirring and trilling.

Envoy says, "What did you discover, Esther?"

Esther turns to Envoy, rolling the scroll up tightly. "Script very much like I've seen before. This probably isn't from the First Ones, I can tell you that. And it's also sideways."

"But," asks Vielanika, "is it something important, though?"

Esther says, "Important to us, yes. Important to whomever put it here – who knows?"

Esther says, "Are you done for now, Namo?"

Envoy tilts her head to look sideways at the pillar.

Namo nodnodnods his head, hiding the doodle he was drawing of a goofy-looking Creen.

The pillar doesn't look all that much different from Envoy's perspective. Just sideways now.

Envoy says, "Maybe it fell from a flying island then."

Esther clapclaps her hands. "Everybody, let's head back to base camp. We will need to bring a lot more workers out here, and blaze a ground path between here and there. Let's move out."

Vielanika swats at some bugs that have started to discover her. "I have no problem with that."

Zoltan glances upwards. "Looks good for something that fall from so high up."

Envoy wonders out loud, "Is this part of the City of Hands though… "

The Jupani guards pick up, and look ready to blaze a trail back to the camp.

Zoltan scrawks to Envoy. "Maybe giant moving hand put thing here? Haw!" He grins.

Envoy looks at the pillar. "Possibly, Zoltan."

Esther says, "We'll consider that question further tomorrow, Envoy. Come on, let's go."

Zoltan blinks, not expecting his joke to be taken seriously.

Envoy follows the wolves.

Vielanika says, "Well, I'm ready to comply!" With that, she spreads her wings, then stops. "Oh. Well, I suppose we'd better all go together." With that, she starts heading out of the clearing, looking for the plants that have been hacked with the machetes.

Esther says, "Vielanika! Hang back a moment, won't you?"

Vielanika blinks, and pauses, and lets Squeaky go on by her.

Zoltan trudges out behind Envoy.

Garrel and Remuel lope along, though Namo pauses, waiting for Esther to catch up.

Esther reaches into an inner pocket somewhere in her uniform. She takes Vielanika by the hand, and pushes something into it with her other hand. It's the gold coin Vielanika gave her.

Vielanika blinks. "Th – thank you."

Esther begins to walk along behind Namo and the others. "I didn't need that, so when I knew you were on this expedition, I knew I had to give it back. I also want to apologize for being such a problem about Envoy in the beginning. But my life was at stake."

Vielanika heads along, looking surprised. "I … I appreciate that. I've never known a Templar who felt a need to make matters even. At least, well, you know… "

Esther smiles grimly. "Right. I'm certainly well aware of the reputation of this uniform. I hope that someday I can do my part to change that reputation."

The brown bat bard manages a smile, and puts away the coin.

Esther says, "Let's catch up. We don't want to get left behind."

Zoltan watches the ground on the way back. Being wary of any shiny stones that might try to bite him again.

Envoy asks Vielanika to save any bugs that bite her, once she catches up…

Vielanika swats, and holds out a hand to Envoy … with a very flat former bug. "Sure. Any time."


GMed by Greywolf

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