Inquisitor Moffat's Office
The office of the Inquisitor Caesar Moffat is decorated a bit differently from most. The flickering lighting is supplemented by a couple of torch lanterns, but more special is that there are some paintings hanging on the walls adding a touch of decor to contrast the bleary image of what might appear like an operating table (with shackles) next to the desk. There's even a vase of flowers on a table in one corner, and a long couch which is large enough to sleep on. A closed cabinet looks further out of place next to the 'tools of the trade' (various torture implements) hung on a wall-mounted rack.
The Savanite, Leeta, has been running errands all day. Delievering papers, taking notes, fetching coffee and meals… but finally she has been religated to a more plesant task. That of entertaining her master, Arch Inquisitor Moffat, with some music while he goes over his mail.
The stained-eyed poodle goes through his messages, his face going through a wide range of expressions, though most of the time hovering around boredom and disinterest.
Leeta sits, as she usually does, curled over the mandolin resting in her lap. She carefully picks out the notes with her right hand, while her left works the tension in the strings. In her mind, the music sounds much better than it likely is, but still she tries.
The fire-haired Savanite is playing a soft medley that fades easily into the background. Notes that wouldn't be too distracting from important matters of church and state, or vengeance. She plucks away happily, content and trying to put that feeling into her music.
The poodle's eyebrows shoot up, a paragraph into his latest letter. Then, one eyebrow furrows … then goes back up again, as the other one furrows. He sips at his drink, then sets the cup down, pulling the letter a little closer, and peeking over the edge of it at the spotted musician.
Leeta is looking down at the strings, her mane flopped forward and hanging in front of her eyes. Her hair makes a small hood that surrounds her, and keeps her from seeing much beyond the mandolin and a bit of the floor. This way, she can pretend she's alone when she's playing, or at least, be very obvious that she isn't looking at anything important. Her fingers keep pulling at the notes, trying to keep the bland tune moving.
The poodle returns to his letter, then folds it and puts it aside. "Oops," he says, as he pours the contents of his cup into a small wastebin beside his desk. "Please, slave, stop playing that instrument, and fetch me a clean wastebin. I can't have a filthy one such as this."
Moffat puts down the cup. "You can finish your song later."
The slave stops playing, and stands, moving to put the mandolin aside, then pausing. She looks directly at the wastebasket, and plays one final note that rises on the end, making an almost questioning sound. She then puts down the instrument, and takes up the basket.
The poodle makes some "shoo-ing" motions with his hands, toward the door.
Leeta slips quickly out the door, taking the basket with her, better to be moving than standing around, even if she doesn't know where to go.
The fire-haired slave starts off down a corridor, heading towards the offices of the quartermaster. {Hopefully I'll find someone I can ask, but I guess this is the best place to try first. }
Outside in the hallway comes the usual bustle of daily temple life. A troupe of temple scouts march by carrying boxes of cookies, inquisitors and other members of the temple also amble past, chatting to one another, and the occasional Savanite also passes as they go through their daily work routine.
Leeta tries to catch the attention of another slave, preferably one wearing a collar similar to hers. She keeps a careful hold of the basket, ignoring it's contents for the moment.
After a bit of Leeta's searching, a familiar, tall cheetah appears, bearing directly toward her, dressed in garb more appropriate for a noble than for a Savanite slave, her gilded collar identifying her as property of the deMedici family.
The contents for the basket sloshes around as the Savanite walks.
The red-haired slave looks up hopefully as the taller Savanite approaches. She stands so she can be easily seen, and tries to contain her excitement. It wouldn't be proper to be wildly emotional in the hallway again, even if they're racing out of control inside again. {Oh please Long Lope, stop, I need your help, please stop } Leeta holds the basket and waits, watching the other slave approach.
The tall cheetah, Zorah (also known as Long-Lope) has no trouble at all noticing her fire-maned younger sister. "Wandering about, looking lost?" She peers into the wastebasket, and wrinkles her nose.
Leeta puts down the basket and signs: "Master wants a new one, where would I get that?" She smiles, looking up at her taller sister, her tailtip twitching slowly.
Zorah frowns, then snaps her fingers at a passing slave and passes the wastebasket on to the hapless male. "Fetch a replacement, a clean one, at once."
The male slave bows his head, and dashes off, the wastebasket sloshing as he goes.
Leeta gives a small bark, then signs quickly, "The papers! Shouldn't they be destroyed? I don't know if they're important or not."
The Red-haired slave watches the male one dash off with his burden, thinking, {I guess I'll find out the hard way}
Zorah signs, "Do not worry." She certainly doesn't look worried, at least.
Leeta tries not to worry about her paranoid master. Today at least he seemed to be in a good mood, but they can change so swiftly and for such small reasons. She just waits for a new basket, and signs to her sister: "I've been running errands and such today. Nothing special."
The smaller slave signs some more, to fill the awkward waiting period, "It's not too interesting, but I'm doing it well, hopefully I'll get something better soon". She really doesn't know what to sign, and stops trying. Instead imagining the all the exciting things that must fill Zorah's day.
The male returns with the wastebasket … or, that is, one which looks a lot like the one Leeta had, only clean and empty. Zorah takes it from the slave and waves him away, then presents it to Leeta.
She takes it, and signs with one hand, "Thanks" Then pauses, looking at her sister, for something more.
Zorah nods to her sister, then walks on by, head held rather high for a Savanite.
Leeta watches her sister's back recede through the crowd, then she looks down at her empty basket. She keeps her head bowed, as a slave should, then clutching the basket tightly sprints off to her master's room. She stops at the last corner before the door, and lies back against the wall and panting heavily. After she composes herself, she turns the corner and walks into the poodle's office.
Inside the office, the poodle gives an annoyed look at the door, and sets some papers down on his desk. The painting on the wall looks slightly askew. "Good … very good," says the poodle without even a hint of approval in his expression or voice. "Do set that down, and finish that song of yours. In a bit, I think I will have an errand for you."
The red-maned slave sets the basket down in it's proper place, then takes hers and pulls the mandolin into her lap. Hunching over it again, she starts to play once more. Her thoughts wandering with the notes, as she just strums away happily.
The poodle goes to a cabinet along the wall and opens it, revealing an impressive collection of hats, most of them exercises in poor taste.
The Savanite keeps playing a light and wandering tune, almost random notes, her music a little better than the hats.
The poodle shuffles some papers on his desk, mumbling to himself.
The poodle at last looks up. "I hope you have a good memory. I have a very important task for you. Do it right, and I may think of something nice to reward you with. Make any mistakes and … well … I'm sure you have an imagination."
Leeta twangs another note, then stops playing, she nods, standing quickly. Facing her master but keeping her head still downcast, as she watches and listens to his instructions.
The poodle begins instructing the cheetah …
Some time later, Leeta arrives in the tumultuous carnival atmosphere which is the Rephidim Bazaar.
Here and there, garishly colored booths sport all sorts of goods (and not-so-goods) from all parts of Sinai, along with hawkers shouting out their various virtues (and low low low prices).
The red-haired Savanite finds an out of the way corner and pants, resting against the wall. Her legs burn but the run felt so good! {Thank you star, for letting me outside today.} Her breath regained she looks around for a particular shack in the bazaar, a note and coin clenched tightly in one hand.
The smell of grease begins to thicken in the air as Binter's shack slowly comes into view among the booths and rabble of people.
"Try NEW and IMPROVED slurp-away!" shouts a Naga hawker, waving a bottle that seems to contain some kind of powder. "It dries out the tongue… but MOISTENS the skin!"
Leeta smiles, a bounce to her step and her tailtip twitching happily. It's astrange request, but one she'll enjoy fulfilling. She walks over to Binter's shack, and waits for the non-savanites to be served, before trying to get someone's attention.
A few of the waiters and waitresses pass Leeta by without the slightest notice, but finally a young kavi walks up to her. "May I help you?" he asks.
Leeta nods to the kavi, signing, "Yes please. I would like a slice of Bromthen on rye. It has to be cut exactly in half. Would you get that for me sir?"
The kavi just looks at Leeta and rubs his nose. "Er… "
The slave unfolds her tightly clenched note, and holds it for the kavi to read. She checks it herself, to see that it says what she just did, and feels her mouth watering in anticipation.
"OH! I see." He gestures toward a table that sits at the edge of the tent, in full view of the people walking back and forth outside. "Have a seat and I'll be with you in a moment."
A foppish-looking fox walks down the street, a wooden lute slung across his back. He bows to every lady he passes, making his progress all the more slow.
Leeta stands over beside the table, shifting her weight from foot to foot. She looks down at the stained tabletop, waiting patiently. Every once in a while she glances at the passing crowd. She smiles, seeing a foppish fox, with a stringed instrument.
The kavi returns with a Bromthen sandwich cut in half and a glass of lukewarm water to wash it down. "I'll have to accept payment in advance. Three shekels."
The Savanite hands the kavi all the money she was provided. Her palm fur flattened by the solid grip she had on the coins.
Three cloaked Nagas slither down the street, wearing brown robes and cowls that cover their faces, though their forked tongues still flit out and taste the air. The Bazaar-goers give the snakes a wide berth as they pass and disappear again into the crowds.
"Thank you kindly." The kavi places the items on the table after he accepts the coins. "By the way… nice hat"
Leeta's hat shifts on her mane as her ears wiggle at the compliment. She smiles downward at the table and stays in the shade of Binter's shack. Still standing, her tailtip curls nervously through the back of a chair. Mouth watering, she picks up half of the sandwich.
The fire-haired slave resists the temptation to gobble down the whole sandwich in one bite. Its better meat than she's seen in a long time. Instead, she tentatively nibbles the corner, trying her best to appear that she isn't stealing a bite of her master's meal.
The sandwich is a bit on the dry side. The spice shortage has made simple things like mustard an expensive luxury.
Leeta chews slowly trying to make each bite last, smiling to herself. {Master's hat is certainly drawing attention, as if something could possibly stand out any more than I do.} She thinks, taking a sip of water for each dry mouthful.
The crowd of people continue to pass back and forth. Then, a Khattha walks past wearing a blue zolk dress. She glances idly into the tent as she passes, then stops and looks closer at Leeta.
Leeta forces herself to make eye contact with the Khattha, then takes a bite of her sandwich, and looks down at the other half sitting on the table. She picks up the plate, and offers it to the Kattha.
The Khattha walks into the tent. Her fur is mostly beige hite, except for a splash of chocolate brown on her face, hands, and feet. The cat look at the proffered sandwich half and smirks to herself.
"Ah… so generous." the Siamese Khattha purrs. "Yes… I believe I will take it." And with that she sits down in the seat facing the Savanite and accepts the sandwich half.
The Savanite remains standing, and avoids the awkwardness of looking down on the Kattha by focusing instead on her sandwich. She eats her half much more quickly now, anxious to finish it before some other duty is necessary. She drinks some more of the lukewarm water.
The Khattha examines the sandwich. "Bah… I do hate the taste of bromthen, especially so ill prepared, but I do accept it."
The Savanite finishes her sandwich half, wishing she had more opportunity to taste something even this badly prepared. She takes another sip of water, and licks her muzzle, remaining quiet. Her tailtip slides free of the chair, and bobs behind her.
The Khattha rises. "Well, let us be off then. Would you mind accompanying me on a small side venture? There is something in the artisans corner that I would like to purchase."
Leeta nods, signing, "Yes master" and slipping behind the Kattha to follow her. She stays two steps behind the Kattha as they walk.
A cart pulled by a team of two Dromodons clops by, bearing a shaggy-looking wolf and several wooden crates filled with fuzzy little creatures called "yiffles".
The cat wraps up the sandwich and pockets it, a grimace on her face. She quietly leads the Savanite out of the food vender's area and into the artisans corner. Beautiful sculptures and other delicately crafted items line the booths.
The fire-haired Savanite follows the Kattha, glancing at the delicate items, but keeping her gaze on the back of the Siamese. Leeta watches for any cue that might indicate a direction, and tries to stay as close as possible without running into the cat.
"Ah! Lilith, a pleasure to see you again!" a Rhian jeweler says to the Khattha. "Come to finally get that copper necklace?"
Leeta looks curiously at the booth that the Kattha has been called towards.
The Savanite adjusts the gaudy hat resting on her fire-colored hair, brushing strands off her face and tucking them behind one ear. Then she waits quietly, hands together in her lap, her only motion a slow side to side wave of her tail.
Lilith says, "Indeed. I still have a silver or two to spend." She looks back at Leeta to make sure she's still there. "Allow me to try it on again."
Leeta is standing exactly where she should be, her hands folded in front of her.
The Rhian reaches under a table in his booth and pulls out a glittering copper necklace with semi-previous gemstones set in the chain and a large red jewel set into its center. "Just as I promised… I've been holding it for you."
The Savanite looks at some of the smaller pieces, {Would I ever get one of those? Zorah has some. Maybe if I entertain really well… }. Her eyes widen at the large jeweled copper setting, and then she looks down before her stare is noticed.
Lilith reaches out and takes the necklace as eagerly as a child accepting a piece of candy. She gingerly clasps the necklace to her throat and looks at her reflection in the mirror. "Beautiful, if I do say so myself. Yes… I believe I will buy it today. Three coppers I believe the price was?"
"A silver." the Rhian corrects.
Leeta listens to the exchange and wonders how much she was worth to her late master. {Myself and the mandolin} She corrects herself, {I hope I balanced a large debt for him}. The Savanite looks again at the jewelry she can never afford, memorizing its beautiful shape.
Lilith smiles, flashing pearly white teeth. "I had to try. Very well. An iron and a copper."
The Rhian yawns. "An iron and three, and that's my final offer. Genoh?"
Leeta looks at some of the smaller pieces on the display, and their prices. These ones she might be able to get, eventually.
Lilith groans. "Oh… very well. Genoh." She digs around in her pocket and hands the coins to the Rhian. "Well, I appreciate the trinket. If work goes well, perhaps I can buy more." The Khattha looks at Leeta. "Very well slave… let us go now."
The red-maned Savanite nods and steps out of the Khattha's way, ready to follow her as soon as she starts walking again.
The Siamese Khattha, wearing her new trinket, walks in the direction of the temple.
Leeta takes one last glance at the cheaper trinkets, then follows Lilith, keeping close to her back and moving quietly.
The Savanite burns to sprint all the way home. Inside the temple she can't run properly. The passages are too short and crowded, and it just isn't the same. She just swallows her desire to run till her legs throb, and walks behind the Khattha, matching her pace.
Strangely, when they reach the temple, Lilith does not go in by the main entrance. She walks into a smaller side door after mumbling something to one of the guards and enters.
"Okay, slave." Lilith says to Leeta. "Take me to your master."
Leeta nods, trying to remember or guess a way back to the Arch Inquisitor's room from this other entrance. She concentrates, biting her lower lip, one hand making meaningless signs as she works out a route.
The Savanite starts off, leading the Khattha. She walks confidently to hide her uncertainty. Soon this deception becomes apparent, as some wrong turns place her someplace she is sure aren't right.
The sound of the bustle around the Quartermaster's office can be heard nearby. Calculating the route from there shouldn't be too hard.
Leeta signs, "Sorry master" and retraces her steps until she finds a recognizable section of the quartermaster's area. From there, the route back to the Arch Inquisitor's office is well known to her. It was not the most direct route, but Leeta does lead Lilith to Moffat.
As they reach the office, Lilith steps ahead of the Savanite and knocks on the Arch Inquisitor's door.
The Savanite takes her place behind Lilith, thinking {Oh, that was a mistake. I should have remembered to show her, instead of trying to rush her along at the pace I wanted to take.}. It isn't hard for her to keep her head respectfully downcast now.
Leeta takes off her gaudy hat, and holds it in front of her.
The door opens, revealing the familiar (and disagreeable) poodle within. His probing, leering gaze passes from Leeta to Lilith. "Oh! Please … do come in."
The poodle snatches the hat out of Leeta's grasp. "And thank you, slave, for returning my hat in one piece."
The Siamese Khattha bows and quietly enters the office.
The red-maned Savanite bows to her master, and follows Lilith into the room. She stands in her usual spot, taking up her mandolin so she has something to hold, and keep between the poodle's gaze and herself.
The poodle welcomes Lilith in, but turns to Leeta. "You may go," he says. "I will summon you when you are needed." He gestures toward the mandolin. "And take this with you."
Leeta turns and takes one step to leave, then remembers to grab the mandolin case as well. She quickly takes both of them and herself out of the room, closing the door behind her.
"Now then," says the poodle, his voice dying away as the door closes. "Let us discuss some business… "
{I keep forgetting this} Leeta thinks, as she crouches and opens the case, sliding the mandolin into it. Her ears flick back at her master's business, but she forces them forward and ignores the noises. {I'm really glad Nartak got this to me, it will make the mandolin survive much better.} Leeta slings the case over her shoulder on the strap, then jogs for her quarters.
The case does indeed protect the instrument during the Savanites run, and soon they are all safely stored away in a tiny room deep beneath the temple.