The Vile Phial opens, catering to a show within a show. (Jan 29)
(Azure) (Darkside) (Jarik) (Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing)

A cold evening, the wind rattling the windowshutters of the Vile Phial, and the newly hung sign creaks, testing its mountings. Azure, the part-owner and tavernkeep, looks out the one open window, down at the street below. 'Maybe it's not a good night to open.', he muses softly. His partner, the khu'an Iaskafa, has long since retired, or is out doing other things.

Azure walks around the room, filling the oil lamps a bit higher. 'What the hey. I've got the musician lined up for the night, maybe he'll drum up some cold company… he's late, for that matter… '

Below on the street, a lone wolf taps his way along the street, calling out in a strange language as he walks with a cane. 'Ne'tar? Be'than' go, 'Vyal Fyall?'

The quiet tapping of boots on cobblestone echos in the rear empty streets. Soon, the rustle of cloth in the wind joins the sounds of someone approaching. In the dim light, a cloaked figure can be seen walking slowly toward the wolf wandering the streets…

Other passerby ignore the wolf, save for one or two street urchins who eye the wolf's case, tucked under one arm and the cloak, not quite enough to ward off the cold, with interest.

The cloaked stranger draws nearer to the wolf. Once he is close enough a gloved hand is placed gently on the wolf's shoulder. "Excuse me… are you lost, sir?" Inquires a soft voice.

Azure watches the oil lamps flicker a little with satisfaction, and then opens the main door to the Tavern.

Azure walks out to the landing of the stairs, and lights the hanging lantern out there, an iron frame holding up a large green flask with a slow-burning candle inside.

The old wolf turns in the direction of the sound and says, "Who's there? And why you want to help?"

Azure mumbles, "We're open.", to the wind, and walks back inside, his shadow casting briefly down the stairs out into the street, behind the wolf's back a ways.

There's a muffled laugh… "No one of importance, sir." The voice replies, I'm a simple traveller who spends his time helping those in need."

The wolf tilts his head in the general direction of the foxes voice and hmms, "Doesn't sound very simple to me lad. Or very unimportant. I'd appreciate it, I'm still learning to get around."

The cloaked stranger chuckles, "Now… You seem to be lost." He glances around the street, "I don't know this area very well either, but, perhaps I can be of some assistance."

Zapan, a rather old, tired wolf, tucks his case more snugly under his arms as he softly notes, "I'm looking for the Vial Phile or some such. Supposed to open tonight. I haven't done that since I lost my… well, that's not important. You see a Tavern about boy?"

With the fall of night, the streets are almost silent; nothing to indicate the presence of a Tavern.

"Hrm." The cloaked traveller mutters and looks around the street again for any signs that could indicate the Tavern location.

Looking around, most of the windows up and down the street are shuttered, save one, which sheds dim light out onto the street. The lower windows of the building in question are quite dark, but a creaking sign catches Jarik's attention- a sign in gray painted wood, with the legend of a flask in bright green.

Zapan's ears perk, trying to listen to his new helper, and for any signs of a crowd to play to, realizing that's probably too much for the old wolf to hope for at this stage.

"Do you know where the Tavern is supposed to be, sir?" The voice asks. "Oh, pardon my manners, I am Jarik." He looks to the sky for a moment, the moonlight highlighing the outline of a slender muzzle and bright amber eyes.

Jarik's head tilts a moment, "Vial phile? Or so you said? I think I may see it up ahead. Well, a sign with a green flask painted on it, anyway." He rests his hand on the wolf's shoulder, "Shall I lead the way?"

Zapan waves his paw in a broad sweep, "Around here somewhere. And I am called Zappan, for those who call me at all. Thank you lad, I'd appreciate. Not safe for an old wolf."

Zapan humms an odd tune to himself, as his eyes stare blankly ahead.

Jarik smiles, "Not safe for anyone to be alone on the streets at night… " He heads toward the sign, hand gently resting on the wolf's shoulder, guiding him along. The fox is careful to point out any obsticles that fill the street…

Zapan seems to wobble a bit more than can be explained by his handicap, but he seems content to let this stranger guide him to his destination.

Zapan muzzle waves around as he inquires, "Do you see it yet lad?"

Jarik looks to the sign ah he approaches before answering, "I think so, yes."

Zapan nods to himself, forgetting that others can see his actions even if he can't.

On closer inspection, the place's stairs, recently swept and retreaded, lead up to a wide open door. Still very quiet.

Zapan says, "I appreciate this lad. Jarik is an odd name. Doesn't sound like it's from this part of town. Odd, I don't hear anyone around?"

Jarik guides Zapan up the staircase. He chuckles, "Tell my mother. It's an old Fireclaw family name. It belonged to my great-grandfather, who my mother loved dearly. When I was born, she named me after him. It's rather fitting, since I inheirited his coloration and looks, or so I'm told."

Zapan frowns slightly as Jarik talks about his appearance, but just nods, not saying anything.

Jarik steps through the doorway and looks around, "Hello… "

Azure looks up from where he's polishing large tankards, behind the bar. In an empty room, chairs and tables set up, but undisturbed, and the fire in the fireplace is burning slightly low. "Greetings and welcome, good sir… "

Azure smiles. "You must be the musician, yes?"

Azure thinks . . o O { A little odd colored for a wolf, though. }

Zapan nods from behind Jarik, "Indeed I am. And good greetings to you good fellow."

Jarik smiles and shakes his head, "Not I… " He steps aside… "I believe he is who you're looking for."

Zapan's ears are twitching this way and that and he finally asks, hoping, "Did you just open for the night?"

Azure nods. "Wonderful. You're right on time… "

Azure narrows his eyes, noting the ears. He watches the wolf's eyes carefully, walking out from behind the bar. "My name's Azure. You can set up over there, near the fire, good sir." He nods at the 'unusually short and odd-colored wolf.' "And you, friend, can have a seat wherever you wish, provided it's not already taken."

Zapan nods, bobbing his head in the direction of the voice, "Fine fine then. Lad, if you could lead me to the chair? "

Jarik pulls his cloak tighter around his form, "Well, it appears we've found the tavern, Zapan." He nods, "Of course." The fox guides Zapan over to the chair next to the fireplace…

Azure thinks . o O { Knew it. By the First ones… } "You sir- th' Zelak- can you move a little to the left, to make room for our esteemed musician?"

Azure clicks his teeth, a fairly good imitation of the Zelak clicking tongue.

Azure mouths to the 'wolf' when he can catch his eye, 'Play along!'

Jarik looks to the bartender, an odd expression on his face.

Zapan finally settles into the chair and opens his case with exaggerated caution, pulling out a worn but well cared for violin and a slightly frizzy bow.

Jarik pulls his hood back. His fur takes on a different shade in the firelight, a deep burgundy. It's obvious now he's no wolf. His muzzle is much thinner and his build is lighter.

Azure wanders out from behind the bar, his hooves oddly making no sounds in the sawdust as he moves to a position to the far right of the violinist. "Ladies and gentlemen, joining us tonight, is the legendary musician Zapan, of the gypsies. We are proud to have him open the Vile Phial in the traditional method, with a song."

Zapan's ears flick at the bug clicks and sighs, they are such a bland audience. He lovingly tweaks the strings a few times, adjusting the tone and the tightness of the bow, before putting the violin on his shoulder.

Azure pulls a bunch of walnut shells out of his pocket, and skips them off of a table, sounding almost, if not quite, like polite applause.

A wave of nostalgia passes over the fox. He looks around the inn/tavern. o O {Of all the wonders… it's so much like… home.} His thoughts drift back to a place long gone.

Azure walks over to Jarik, murmuring quietly, "… and for you sir, our… honored special gate customer of the evening, a drink on the house… "

Jarik blinks a moment, "Hm. Since you offer, what do you have?"

Zapan's hands shake a bit, but after a few moments a relatively jaunty gypsy tune becomes evident, the old wolf seeming to brighten as he hears the sounds of an audience.

Azure smiles. "We have some well-chilled, fresh water, ale on tap, and some fine red wine. For an occasion such as this.'

Azure whispers as he leads the fox back to the bar, "… that musician's playing an honor billet. Thank the Old Ones he's blind, or he'd be heartbroken. If you could help me make him believe there are many folk here, I'd be well in your debt, and I don't give it lightly… "

Jarik nods slightly, "As you request and as he deserves. As for the drink, a small glass of red wine would be appreciated."

Zapan is lost in his music. His unsteady hands add a little bit of waver to his music, but the tune is rather upbeat. The wolf's muzzle breaks into a wry grin, feeling the joys of playing to an audience again, maybe for the last time.

Azure nods, reaching behind the bar to come up with a glass tied with a silver ribbon. "For my first customer.", he whispers in Jarik's ear, filling the glass with the red wine.

Zapan's tune finally winds to an end, and the old wolf puts his bow down.

Azure walks over to that pesky board he hasn't been able to get to stop from being loose; now he's glad of it as he presses his hoof to the one end, pumping it a little; it sets up a soft thumping rhythm, as if someone was tapping their foot fairly near the wolf. He starts clapping softly, in time.

Jarik tilts his head. "First? How long have you been open?" he whispers. Jarik looks toward the musician, "He deserves a true audiance… " he mutters to himself. The fox shrugs and relaxes in the chair…

Azure whispers back, 'about an hour.', he admits, and panickedly fumbles for more walnut shells.

Zapan puts the bow back up and starts right into a very lighthearted tune. He knows some of the wolves and foxes should recognize that he's playing "Cold Wet Nose from Behind", an old favorite.

Azure flicks his ears back and forth, not being familiar with the song, but whistles somewhat tunelessly along, shifting position again, to sound like he's someone else at a different table.

Jarik takes a sip of the wine and listens to the music. He moves from table to table when he notices what the bartender is doing and tries to help out. Foot-tapping at one table, quiet clapping at another…

Zapan's ears flick with each sound from the crowd, and smiles as he warms up to the music again, after so long.

Azure sits in a chair, and scrapes it across the floor (wincing), calling out in a stentorian, yet hushed voice, "Hey, Bartender! 'Nother beer!"

Azure zips silently back over to the bar, clattering a platter. "Right away.", he hisses back… Turning, he tosses a steel plate to Jarik, and points silently at a table.

Zapan realizes with by the third chorus that there must be no wolves around, as he'd expect them to at least pick up the "eeeep!" chorus. Ah well, any audience is better than none.

Light footsteps come up the stairs to the bar. Not boots, which would tread heavily, nor sandals which might sound hollow.

Azure's ears flick at the sound of feet on the stairs, and he hurries to intercept whoever's at the door.

Jarik catches the plate easily in his right hand and taps it on the table, muttering in a gruff voice, not easy for a soft spoken fox, "Ey, One-horn, bring me some more of th house stew, would ya?"

Zapan decides to do one more chorus of "Cold Wet Nose from Behind" and then see if there are any requests.

Azure nods, calling out, "Will do- right away… "

A slim canine red-gold head turns from the stairs as a lady begins to step into the bar. She opens her mouth, about to speak, then catches the 'quiet!' look on his face and raises an eyebrow. Is the musician that good?

Azure hisswhispers, "… he's blind- we need to make him believe he's playing to a good house, for his honor… yer drinks are on the house for the night if you help us." He whirls and heads back behind the bar, to the small kettle of stew on the hearthstones of the cooking alcove.

Azure bustles over to Jarik, ladeling out a generous helping of the stew. "Also on the house.", he murmurs.

Azure thinks . o O { All these oddly colored wolves… }

Jarik continues the table-moving and various attempts at audience-like sounds… He doesn't notice the newcomer at all. He finds it's rather hard to attempt to be a one-fox audience…

The Saluki noble regards the old, blind wolf, eyebrow still quirked. "Interesting," she murmurs. She finishes the walk up the stairs and then in an altogether un-noble cant of voice calls, "Bromthen beer for a sailor out of the Savan! Dagh, but it's dry out there!"

Armani looks over to Jarik as if to ask 'Are you in this charade as well?'

Zapan winds down the last chorus and puts his bow down and calls out, "I agree with our friend. I'd appreciate a drop or two, and if anyone has a favorite piece they'd like to hear, tell me. I've never played this part of town, don't know what you folks want to hear."

Azure pulls the bag of walnuts out of his pocket and leaves them at the fox's table, nodding and heading back towards the bar. "We have that on tap, sir. And welcome to the Vile Phial- have a seat if you can find one." The equine, fox, and wolf are the room's only occupants.

Azure thinks . o O { Yipes! }

Jarik carries the stew with him table to table, taking a bite at each one, then tapping against the plate in various ways to add to the false audience… Whe he catches the shout, he looks over to the new arivee. Her look comes across quite well, he nods to her and motions for her to help out with the fake crowd…

Azure,in a fit of inspiration, skids out beside the bar, and grabs the baking sheet (for biscuits), and drops the empty walnut shells from his other pocket on it, and -shakes- loudly…

Jarik . o O [Ut oh, I don't KNOW any songs from this world… }

Jarik thinkthinkthinks…

Azure calls out, "Do you know, 'Lady Landess'es Lover', old fellow?"

Zapan's ears pick up what sounds like applause and he makes a small bow and then looks expectantly towards where he thinks the bartender is located.

Zapan chuckles, "Aye. Everyone knows that. If the barkeep will be kind and offer this old wolf a drop or two, I'll be happy to play that for you, "young fellow". ;)

Azure chuckles. "We have a fine wine, an ale, Bromthen beer, and pure water, from the depths, if your honorship pleases."

The saluki chuckles and then walks across to the bartender, stopping long enough at another table to murmur in her usual voice, "Bartender, if you please, Chateau de la Triffoli? A '34 Cerbancos would please me." At the bar, she motions for Azure to hand her the beer to bring to Zapan.

Azure nods. "I'll have to go downstairs to get it, but yes, we do."

Zapan says, "The Bromthen sounds best lad. Don't want anything too heavy while playing."

Armani looks over to Jarik, wondering how far this charade can continue. Her tail flickers. An interesting challenge.

Azure thinks . o O { You have good taste, Crista, wherever you are. That's exactly the stuff I ordered. }

bar, pulling a fresh tankard, from the cask under the bar. Talented- he can fill glasses upside down.

Azure hands the saluki the mug, and points at the baking sheet with walnut shells, nodding at her, and then sprints for the stairs leading down into the interior.

Zapan licks his muzzle expectantly, though a moments doubt crosses his face before he thinks . o (Just one beer won't hurt. Just one.)

The red-gold saluki takes the tankard and nods to Azure, then sashays across. As she passes Jarik, with a mischevous grin on her face she suddenly squeals and slaps his shoulder. "Mind your manners!" Armani says in just the voice one might expect from a saucy waitress, before serving the beer up to Zapan.

Jarik does something he'd _never_ do in any other circumstance… He whistles a rather crude 'wolf whistle' if you will, toward the direction of the 'waitress'.

Zapan nearly purrs as he takes the mug from Armani, "Thanks lass. Need to put some warmth in the old frame."

Jarik thinks. o O {Ugh}

Azure returns up the stairs, a bottle tucked under one arm, wrapped in a towel.

Armani flicks her tail against Zapan's side. "You want warmth, I'll stoke the fire higher, old timer," she says with a grin. "Depends on how well you sing Lady Landess's lover, eh?" She walks back to the bar, before taking some more plates to be clattered on tables.

Azure, in a free moment, pours a tall glass, one without the silver ribbon, but just as fine, and leaves it on the bar for the lady.

Zapan's hands seem to lose their shake as the beer hits his system, and, after downing the mug, takes up his bow and says, "Well, that's what an old soul like myself needed. Well Lass, I don't sing, for which you can be thankful, eh? (winks). But lets see if I can stoke the fire by playing Lady Landess'es Lover as it should be. ;)"

Azure calls out in a higher voice, ducking down a little closer to the ground, "This ought ta be good! *chirp!*"

Zapan puts the violin on his shoulder and finds his mark and starts playing the ballad with a great more fire and a lot less warble than the previous songs, the beer obviously having it's effect.

Armani takes the glass and toasts Azure silently, then drinks. Her ears perk a little.

The saluki turns to Jarik and murmurs, "Do you dance, sir?"

Jarik thinks. o O {Eep.} "It's been a long time, but, yes. I do." He mutters…

The old wolf seems to come alive as he plays to his "audience", and the waltzing sounds of "Lady Landess'es Lover" become clearer and livelier.

Azure grins, and heads for Jarik's position, stomping his feet in time, calling out and yipping as he heads over there. "Ah'll dance wi' the Zelak!" He clicks his equine teeth loudly.

Armani . o O ( A vivid imagination Azure has. )

Jarik's ears twitch. o O {Now… how DID dancing go? It's been over a year. *sigh*} He eyes Azure…

"Rafeki, dikta shalimar eliktos," Armani hisses at another table a fair imitation of Himaat desert trader jargon, before stepping lightly up to Jarik from the other side. She extends her hand, waiting for Jarik to lead off…

Azure steps in a pattern, hoof forward, hoof back, hoof left, hoof right, miming dancing with an imaginary partner, nodding at Jarik, before zipping back to the bar, eyeing the open door with a inward sigh.

Zapan is truly in a world of his own, reliving a bit of his past, before he lost his sight, before the drinking, and plays on, listening to the sounds of dancing, his imagination easily filling in the gaps in Azure's charade at this point.

Jarik takes the ladies hand in his. He smiles, "Forgive any mistakes I make… I've never been much of a dancer… " He starts off a simple waltx with the lady, trying to keep he movements timed with the music…

Azure pulls a steel-handled iron pan out from behind the bar, running over to a table to set it up atop a pewter mug, and affixing a string to it, looping it through a chair, and then over across to another table and chair, and sits in it, thumping on it in rhythm.

Azure calls out, in the high pitched voice, 'Thish guy is great! More ale, tender!"

"And do I dream again," Armani murmurs, looking up into Jarik's eyes as she joins him in the area before the musician, her steps following the ones that Azure demonstrated. "Or do I wake for the first time?" Quoting the lyrics perhaps. Her tail swishes by Zapan's knee, close enough to touch.

Azure moves, and responds, 'Right away."

Azure pours another mug of water, and clunks it on the table.

Zapan continues playing the love ballad and grins at the feel of the tail brushing near his leg.

Jarik smiles at Armani and moves gracefully to the music, "Perhaps I remember more than I thought… Of course, it could simply be that I have an excellent dancing partner… "

Zapan taps his right foot gently to help keep the beat as he revels in the sound of dancing around him.

Azure slides into a chair near the fire, talking aloud in a soft, almost feminine voice, "You know, I think I saw him play at the theatre once?"

Armani teases within Zapan's hearing range (or so she judges it), "Rising to the occasion? Such a fine ballad, it's a pity the art of dancing is taught to so few… " She glances at the empty tavern and back at Zapan, wondering how much longer this subterfuge can continue.

Zapan nods towards Armani's voice with a wide grin.

Jarik looks to Azure and mouths, "You need to gather up more guests… we can't keep this up forever… "

Azure nods, panting softly, and moves for the door. "You look like you could use another drink, sir.", he calls out.

Azure stops at the open door, shedding light out, down the stairs of the second-story Tavern, looking out on the woefully empty street below. Worse still, it's beginning to look like rain.

Azure sticks his muzzle out into the cool night breeze, revelling in the cold wind ruffling his mane, for a long moment, eyes closed.

Armani nods to Jarik, then turns her chin to indicate some of the walnuts still strewing the tables: get some for applause.

Azure ducks regretfully back in, and spies the wooden soup spoon lying on the bar.

Zapan's ballad rolls to a loving end, with a look of regret on his face that it had to end.

Jarik nods to Armani and moves toward the table. His path incircles several other tables, hoping the sounds keep up the charade of several people dancing… In a blur of ebony fur, his right hand slides across the table and he gathers up some walnut shells…

Armani tosses the shells one way while Jarik does the other, then turns up to look at the fox with a look of sparkling honeyed-brown eyes…

Jarik tosses the walnut shells, creating a clatter of noise much like applause when the song comes to an end…

Azure ulps and grabs for the spoon, hammering it on the newly sanded wooden bar, and reaching out for the chair-tied-to-the-pan-balanced-on-the-tankard contraption he'd set up earlier, with his tail, hooking it and pulling. The whole assembly clatters down like someone at that table banging plates.

Armani gives Jarik a resounding *smooch!*

Azure whistles loudly, reaching over the bar to rattle the baking sheet with walnut shells piled on it, hard.

Zapan stands slightly and bows to the "audience".

Zapan says, "You are very kind to an old wolf. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Jarik's eyes widen considerably. He looks as if he's in shock. He just stands there, his part in the charade momentarily forgotten…

Azure smiles and says loudly, "I think I speak for all of us present when I say we are honored by your presence, Master Zapan.

Azure smiles. "Will you play us another? Something from your home, perhaps a sung ballad?"

The door swings open, and two figures in uniform enter. A pleasant looking blonde fox in a gold and black uniform, and a taller black furred wolf-fox in a blue and black uniform. "Here we are, Captain." intones the tall wolf.

Zapan bows towards the Azure in appreciation of the compliment.

Azure hurries to greet the newcomers, relieved to have perhaps more relief. "Welcome, welcome… Captain, was it?"

Armani draws back when she's sure that the wolf heard it. ;> She winks up at Jarik. "Save another dance for me later, swish-tail." Her hands linger a moment, and then she's off for another bit of play-pretend, knocking about some dishes to sound like cooking, splashing butter onto a hot stew.

"Thank you Mister Speck." nods the Captain as the two proceed inside.

Azure whispers to the new pair: 'The old gypsy there has to believe he's playing to a full house- it's for his honor's sake. Drinks are on the house if you help us play along… ", he pants softly, looking frayed.

Jarik nods slightly… Then remembers his role and speaks in the direction of Zapan, "Surperb, sir. Simply excellent."

"I'm Captain Burke, of the Airship, Free Enterprise." he smiles to Azure.

Azure smiles. "Ah, good, an airship captain, to help us launch our new venture. Won't you find a seat, I'm sure there are at least one or two left for you and your crewman…

Zapan bows and says, "Thank you again lad. And was that a kiss I heard in your direction? ;) Ah, to be young again."

Jarik is glad the musician can't see just how bright his ears have become…

Captain Burke looks about awkwardly for a moment as he scans the nearly empty room. "I… see." he says in measured tones.

"Ach! More o' the Bromthen?" the Saluki lady, too finely dressed to appear the barmaid she affects, calls to Zapan from the bar. She glances over to Jarik and smiles brilliantly, flashing small white fangs.

Azure smiles at the good Captain. "We have a fine red wine, Bromthen ale, and a homebrew beer, not to mention pure spring water, for your tastes. I believe there's still some stew left, too, if that is your desire.'

Zapan seems to hesitate, then finally succumbs, "A half a mug if you would lass. Just enough to keep my fingers warm."

Mister Speck stands stoically by.

Captain Burke smiles at the mention of drinks, "Ah… " he says, "I… don't… " he thinks for a moment or two while he measures out his words like drops from an eyedropper, "Suppose… you have any… Draconian… Brandy? Do you?

Armani merrily pours a half mug for Zapan. "Your fingers're hot enough t'make me wonder if your fire needs stoking," she compliments the old blind wolf in her raspy voice as hands him the drink.

Zapan grins rather wolfishly for an old fellow as he takes the mug gratefully and sips happily.

Jarik moves around the bar, sliding chairs this way and that, adding a bit more movement and sounds to the room…

Azure thinks about it. "I'm afraid not, Captain… there wasn't much call for it, but I assure you the next time you visit I will have some."

Captain Burke looks up at the ceiling as if wondering what his next line will be, "What about… Some… Romanian… Ale?"

Azure skips backwards on his hooves (now -that's- a trick) and leans over the bar. "That, we have. It's not spiked with mint, however, I'm afraid… "

The saluki eyes the uniformed strangers… Then smiles capriciously. She sidles up alongside the fox. "Oh! The famous Captain Burke! I've always wanted to meet you," she coos in her best debutante voice, her ears flopping forward. She clutches her hands together, looking oh-so-delighted. ;>

Azure says, "And you, Mister Speck? You don't need to stand, there's an extra chair floating over there by the Zelak twins.""

Captain Burke smiles and holds up one finger. He looks to Mister Speck. Mister Speck looks back at the Captain.

Zapan finishes the mug, the warm glow muting his ability to really pay attention to details, which should be appreciated by the small crew helping the old wolf. Finally, he says in a mostly clear voice, "What would you like to hear me sing gentle furs?"

Jarik hmmmms, "Do you know any epic ballads, perhaps?"

Azure hmms softly, sliding back into the near seat by the fire. "How about Misty River's Lullaby? I remember you playing that when I saw you last, Great Zapan."

Azure (said in the semi-feminine voice.)

"I was informed you have some Zelakian soup here as a specialty." intones Mister Speck as if at a funeral. "I would appreciate some, if you please."

Azure thinks … o O { Zelakian soup? Do I have Zelakian soup? }

Armani pantomimes holding up a scroll and a quill. ;> "I would be so grateful, Captain Burke, if you would autograph this for me?"

Azure sniffs the air. . o O { My word. We do. }

Azure clatters down the stairs to the Inn below.

The captain smiles at the Saluki and takes her hand to kiss, "Charmed my dear." his tail waving briefly, "And you are?"

Zapan smiles in spite of himself, his ears flushed, and not just from the alcohol. He chuckles, "I'd swear you were an Inquisitor trying to trick me into telling you something important. But I appreciate the praise. Certainly, Misty River's Lullaby it shall be. Just let me get settled in here."

Azure returns, bearing a medium kettle of pungent-smelling stuff in both hands. . o O { Thank you, Iaskafa. } "Zelak soup, coming up." He passes by Jarik. "Fancy some soup, sir?"

Captain Burke holds up a finger to Zapan before folding his arms behind his back, "Do you… know… 'Beyond Antares'… by any chance?"

Jarik moves back a bit, "No thank you… It's a bit too… rich… for my tastes… "

Armani murmurs, "Lady Armani Finnegan… I'm so grateful, Captain!" She lets her hand be kissed, making a virtually audible blush, then holds a fingertip to her lips in a 'shhh' gesture, then walks quietly over to Jarik and proceeds to get into an argument with him, voice hushed at first, then a little louder. "What do you mean you spent all our money on dreamgrass speculation in the Himaat? Don't you know dreamgrass doesn't grow there?" She puts her hands on her hips and looks mock-anguished.

Azure nods, and gets the pot away from the fox, noting his nose wrinkling.

Azure ladles out a generous portion into a wooden bowl, and puts it on the table nearest Mr. Speck. "Won't you sit down, sir?'

Captain Burke winks at the lady as she walks away, he admires the swing of her tail.

grow there? DOESN'T GROW THERE?!?!? I saw it with my own eyes! Of course it grows there! The Kavi even assured me it was quite commen all over the himaat, not just around that oasis!" He growls in a rough, deep voice.

Mister Speck looks down at the bowl. "Ah yes." he says tonelessly, and sits down.

Zapan frowns and then shakes his head, "I'm afraid not my good fur. For now, I'll do Misty Burke's Lullaby. My apologies, I'll have to find someone who knows that song."

Azure wanders by Jarik's table. "And you trusted the word of a Kavi, sir? Condolences. Here's some fresh biscuits for you and your lady.

Zapan plays a short aria on his violin, then sets it on his lap, lifting his voice quietly in song.

Armani groans audibly, affecting a housewife's voice. "Dear, dear… " And then as Zapan begins, she stage-whispers, "Oh listen! Our song!"

/By the Misty River's warble/

Mister Speck examines the bowl of soup, "This should provide adequate lubricant for our main drive shaft, Captain."

/I would take your hands in mine/

"Excellent. Mister Speck." smiles the Captain.

Captain Burke notices Azure overhearing Speck's analysis, "Ah… The Free Enterprise's engine has been… overheating. Mister Scoot recommended we… lay in some… supplies." he explains

Jarik shouts across the bar, "Ey, there wench, bring me some more of th' bromthen! Can't you see I'm thirsty!?" He covers his eyes and shakes his head slowly. {Crude, but it's for his honor… }

Armani pats Jarik's hand, then slips over to Burke's side. "Oh, that sounds so *technical!*," she burbles in her best airheaded tone.

/And by the song of the river/

/Ask you be with me forever/

/As the river flows to the sea… /

/Endlessly… /

Zapan sways slighty, apparently in time with the tune he's singing.

Captain Burke looks up, and draws himself to his full height, then looks at Armani, "It… is." he agrees.

Jarik gets an idea…

The saluki sighs with a smile, listening to the song. She mutters, "The old wolf really does have a voice," then claps her hands over her mouth, having forgotten to use her airheaded voice. Maybe he'll think it was someone else in the vicinity…

/The river's mist is no match for thee/

/Are those tears I see in your eyes?/

Jarik shouts toward captain Burke in a gutteral tone, "Well now! If it isn't the FAMOUS Captain Burke! Greatest letch in the skies! Everyone KNOWS how you fabricated your tales to sound so impressive!"

Mister Speck nods, "Indeed." He sounds more like a Zelak than a Fox-wolf.

/Will you say, you will be mine?/

/By the river, under the skies?/


Azure blinks at Jarik. . o O { Ut oh? }

The saluki decides this is a good time to edge away from Burke and Jarik…

Captain Burke turns to face Jarik.

Jarik winks at Burke and mouths, "Play along… "

Zapan's ears twitch at Jarik's comment, but the nearly two mugs of beer are having their effect on the old wolf, and it takes all his concentration to keep singing properly.

/And I'll take this cattail from the river/

Captain Burke's left ear flicks. He draws himself up to his full height, unsure how much of this is play and how much real…

/With the hundreds, it won't be missed/

"Oh no," Armani whispers to thin air in that housewifely voice. "I do hope they won't spoil *our* song."

Azure calls out, "Sir, let me refill your drink, perhaps?"

/And with it held between these jaws of mine/

"I don't know… what you… mean… Sir." replies the Captain cooly.

/Will it be wolf, or cat, you've kissed?/

Azure gives Zapan an odd look. That's not a line he remembers…

Captain Burke puts a hand on top of his head as he regard's Jarik. Is he scratching his head, or checking his hair piece. Hard to say.

Jarik continues in the gutteral tone, "Why you… you… slimy spawn of a Zelak! I oughta *hic*" He then falls to the floor, just catching himself with his hands. The sound of someone passing out echos in the tavern. The fox rolls over and looks up at the captain and mouths, "Sorry… Had to get something else to add more people to the charade… "

Zapan's ears splay as he thinks . o O (?… Was that the line? Or was that from the bawdy version. C'mon you old fool, think straight!)

Armani looks at the pans… Then abstracts a few of them from Azure's string, and plays out the sounds of someone being dragged out. She winks to Jarik and mouths, "Good play."

Azure moves over to Burke. "Sorry about that, good Captain. I'm sure your reputation precedes you; perhaps he was a dissatisfied former crewman of yours."

Burke picks up Jarik from the floor by the shirt. Ears folded back. He holds him for a moment, before dumping him down on a bar stool with a THUMP. "Drunk." is all he says in his theatrical voice.

/Endlessly… /

/I would walk with you beside the river… /

/Yes, I'd walk with you, beside the river… /

Armani, looking a little tired by the running about, takes up her goblet of wine and sips it at her table, turning an ear to the wolf.

Zapan seems to regain his confidence for a moment, then… then what comes next? His muzzle wrinkles as he struggles for the next line.

Jarik pats Captain Burke, and notices a slight fur shift on the top of the Captain's head…

Burke looks over at Azure, "No… No crew member of mine." he says quietly, "I think he… might have been… from the Enterprise… D"

Azure joins in, helpfully, /… and take you with me to the sea!/ Forgetting to use the right voice, but his own voice sounds good, a baritone.

Jarik goes back to his table and picks op his silver-bow'ed glass of wine.

Azure wanders by, and refills Jarik's and Armani's glasses. "Well played.", he mouths.

Armani toasts Jarik quietly, then reaches into her pouch and takes out an assortment of shekels and ten-shekels. She mouths, "The bard must be paid his dues so he may pay his in turn." ;>

Armani stretches her gold fingers toward Jarik, to hand him some of the money.

Azure shakes his head, twitching a finger at Armani, making a shooing motion, the 'put your money away.'

Armani blinks toward Azure surprisedly.

Zapan breathes a sigh of relief as Azure fills in the blank and he continues the song, some of his confidence gone though, . o O (Fool, should have stoppe with ONE beer!)

/… to the sea, down the river/

/In a boat floating through the mists/

/Of the Misty River, gai-lil-ly… /

/… Endlessly./

Zapan hides his sigh of relief by bowing his head as he finishes his song.

Azure applauds politely, tapping one hoof on the loose board, and reaching over to shake the baking sheet.

Armani lifts her glass. "Well played, musician," she says in her usual cultured voice, a soft smile wreathing her thin black lips.

Burke applauds by slapping one hand on the table, loudly. Mister Speck's unusually long pointed ears fold slightly as he regards Burke's hand moving.

Azure smiles. "That was wonderful, good Zapan. Perhaps you could use a sit down, now, and a bite to eat?'

Jarik smiles and takes a sip of the wine.

Zapan stands up and bows a few times, hiding his swaying by the motion and then nods, "Very kind of you barkeep. Shouldn't be drinking on a empty gullet at my age."

Azure moves silently back over to Zapan, adopting up the pseudo-feminine voice again, plucking at Zapan's sleeve. "That was wonderful, Great Zapan. Just like I remembered… thank you."

Burke considers reccomending the Zelak soup, but decides that it might finish off the old fellow.

Azure nods and calls out, "Lady-keep! A glass of the fine wine to soothe our bard's throat!"

The saluki looks toward where the imaginary couple would have been… Then tosses a goodly number of walnuts that way. She stands and walks a few steps, motioning to Jarik 'More applause' before cawing, "Right away!" in barmaidese.

Zapan swallows and ahems softly, "Maybe just some… water? Wine is hard on my stomach."

Azure forgets to move. "Of course. 'Make that our good spring water, then.'"

The red-gold canine swishes her tail as she looks for the water. Hmm.

Jarik picks up the walnuts and shakes them, then throws them on the floor creating more 'clapping'. He whistles a couple times for good measure…

Burke nods to Speck. Mister Speck claps awkwardly

Azure walks over to the wolf, helping him to the chair by the fire. "Lest I forget, before the night is out, good sir… ", He plucks a pouch from his pocket that doesn't look at all like it's filled with walnuts, and drops it in the wolf's hand. Which promptly sinks a good inch or four.

Azure looks around. "Perhaps one of you good lords or ladies with musical talent, could supplement our fine bard here, by playing a set while he rests and sups?

Azure moves behind the bar, dishing out a healthy portion of the stew for Zapan.

Zapan nods towards Azure, "Very kind of you barkeep. I hope I've given your fine place a good start?"

Burke turns to Speck, "Mister Speck?"

Speck looks up at the captain, "Yes?"

Azure nods. "You have, sir. I am honored to have you." . o O { Not to mention getting rid of all that gold. }

Burke smiles, "What about that… instrument of yours… ?"

Zapan puts the pouch into his worn cloak, grateful for the chance to rest… and sober up.

Speck looks blankly at Burke, "Instrument, Captain?"

Jarik returns to his table in the corner and sips at his wine…

Burke nods, "Yes… that… that… flute… You carry."

Speck raises an eyebrow, "Oh."

The saluki lifts a chilled bottle from a bucket that rattles with ice. "Ah!" she murmurs, momentarily forgetting her waitress's voice, then coughs and adds, "Spring water for you, old wolf." She pours water into a mug and brings it to Zapan.

Speck reaches under the back of his blue shirt and pulls out a small instrument.

Azure sits down at a far table wearily, brushing his mane out of his eyes, and catching the circlet on his head, knocking it askew. The horn set in the center of the circlet, curiously, doesn't move.

Burke waves a hand to Azure, and motions his attention to Mister Speck.

Armani. He seems to be apprasing her appearance and movements. Perhaps he's trying to learn a bit more about her…

Azure says, "Ah, Mister Speck is a musician. Wonderful. Do you then know the … Beyond 'Anna'taurs' that your Captain asked of?""

"My… first officer… is an accomplished… musician." intones Burke

Zapan nods appreciatively and sips the water and sets in to the food.

Armani motions to Jarik to walk by Burke. If it's a full house, there should be people everywhere.

Armani catches Jarik's look and gives him a fey grin.

"I can but try." says Speck in a toneless voice, and picks up the set of three pipes.

Jarik sets his glass down and stands up again. He moves over towards Burke and Zapan. Sliding chairs around a bit as he moves, the room sounds as if people are moving and milling about…

Azure gets up, following Jarik's cue, sliding a few chairs closer to the fire.

Speck closes his eyes and begins to play a lilting melody

Speck weaves an odd, two and three part harmonic, the triple pipes not unlike panpipes in nature. His long fingers wrap around the instrument, not lovingly, but strangely efficient in their motion.

Zapan's ears focus on the music as he gratefully downs the food, tired, but truly happy for the first time since his accident.

Speck's small flute sounds quietly, but sweetly through the bar, cathing visions of sailing ships drifitng through the air over Sinai

Azure closes his eyes most of the way, ears flicking softly in time, moving a bit slower, but listening as he clatters another mug on a table. "Here you are, sir.", he whispers, as he puts the full mug of ale in front of Captain Burke.

"Beyond Ann'taures" whispers Burke, sotto voce to Zapan, indicating the tune.

Zapan swallows his food and nods, "Indeed. Lovely tune."

The song is long, yet short, poignant, and haunting. Speck plays like someone who's been doing this for years; it's an odd counterpoint to the previous numbers played by the old wolf.

Jarik's movements in the bar slow down as Speck plays the haunting melody…

Azure nods at Burke. "I like it. Is Speck a gypsy, then?"

Captain Burke smiles and accepts the mug. "Nice place you have here." he whispers quietly, "You might stock up on some Draconian Brandy though." he murmurs as an after thought.

Azure nods. "I plan to, sir. I hope you will join us on a less busy night?" He grins.

Burke shakes his head at Azure, "No. He's a… half breed. Raised by Zelaks you know… "

Speck plays the refrain, standing, moving efficiently around the near table, playing perhaps for the benefit of the wolf there.

Burke nods to Azure "Indeed… " he smiles,

"Perhaps someday… When it isn't… Standing room only."

Zapan raises his head and tilts his ears towards Mr. Speck, listening intently, trying to memorize the song as the fog lifts from his mind.

Armani listens distractedly, her tail swishing.

Speck takes the efficient step and a half to his exact spot where he started, playing the walkout, and letting the pipes and his hands fall calmly to his chest.

Azure starts, and claps loudly in appreciation.

Jarik applauds for a brief moment, then he uses the walnut shells to add more applause in the room…

Burke applauds again, slapping his hand on the bar loudly and thumping his foot

Azure runs for the bar, and grabs for the tray of walnuts, accidentally dumping the lot on the floor. Oops.

The old wolf puts his spoon down and also claps, "Well done lad. You have a bright future ahead of you."

"Thank you, Sir." responds Speck respectfully to Zapan.

Azure calls out, "Well done, Mister Speck… ", he calls into the ensuing quiet… "… I don't believe I've seen that instrument before, though. What do you call it?"

Armani looks with dismay at the walnuts, then up at Azure. She waves to get Jarik's attention, then points at the floor.

Speck looks at Azure, and replies impassionately, "They are an instrument from my homeland… they are called, 'a tricorder.'

Jarik continues moving about the room… He notices Armani waving at him, then the pile of Walnts on the floor. {Ut oh… }

Azure chuckles. "Well played. I hope you will play again for us sometime, then."

Armani walks quickly toward Jarik, to join him in clearing a path for Zapan.

Azure grabs up the pushbroom from behind the bar, and starts clearing a path through the walnut shells.

Jarik waves to the floor and takes on a new tone of voice, "Will you look at the floor? I swear, there is just too many people here, look at the mess they made with the walnuts."

Azure smiles, and calls out, "I'll take care of it. Walnuts are easier to get up than peanut shells."

"Urp!" Armani says, faking a deep belch. "Sorry, boys." She drops some coins on the tables, before sliding them off, an imaginary tip for an imaginary slight.

Zapan gets to his feet and nods to Azure, "I realize you don't truly need it barkeep, but I shall tell all my friends in the guild about the fine welcome you give musicians here. More of us will be dropping by to say hello. Thank you all for a wonderful evening for an old wolf."

Azure smiles and walks to the wolf. "Will you be leaving us, now, then?"

The saluki wags her tail. "Shall I walk you back to the Guild Hall then, bard? I know it well," she murmurs in her customary cultured voice.

Burke and Speck stand up, careful not to spill the Zelak soup – Engine lubricant. "Thank you… Sir." calls Burke to Azure as they head out.

Zapan carefully tucks his music case under his arm and nods, "Not up to these long nights anymore. Again, thank you for the kind welcome. Ah, no offense Jarik lad, but I can't pass up a guide like this even when blind. I'd be honored m'lady."

Azure smiles. "You are welcome at our place, sir. Thank you."

Jarik nods, "None taken." He smiles.

Armani offers Zapan an arm. "This way then, sir." She winks over at Jarik and mouths, 'Another dance sometimes.'

Jarik bows, "It was a pleasure to have met you, Lady Armani."

Zapan awkwardly takes Armani's arm and bows, "Lead on m'lady."

Armani walks close with Zapan, arm in arm, down the walnut-free path, and leads him down the stairs to the street. The door closes on her last words to him, "So, do you know 'How much is that doggy in the… '?"

Azure chuckles, and busies himself about, starting to sweep up the walnut shells. "Whoof. Now that was an opening night."

The old wolf is heard to chuckle for a moment, and then they are gone into the night.

Jarik chuckles, "I hope later nights prove to be more profitable… "

Jarik leans on a table for a moment, "Whew."

Azure chuckles softly. "As do I. I planned on giving away free drinks, and a few free meals, but not that many."

Jarik chuckles to himself, "An interesting way to spend my last evening here, to be sure."

Azure pulls up a chair, leaning the pushbroom against the table. "I thought I caught a haunted look in your eyes when you first walked in. Leaving under your own power, or… ?"

Jarik shakes his head, "No. Very little of my life have I ever been able to have much control of. The open road seems to own me, I guess." He offers a fake smile, "Ever the wanderer."

Azure nods, and pours another glass of wine for the fox. "Indeed. You aren't a wolf, are you… ?"

Jarik glances around the bar, "Your place brings back a lot of memories for me." He shakes his head, "They seem like a lifetime ago, now."

Azure nods. "I'm glad I've brought some good times back for you, then." He nods. "I'm a bit of a wanderer, myself, until lately. I'm getting a bit old, and sometimes it's easier to let the world wander in on you."

Jarik chuckles and finds a seat neat the bar, "I'm vulpae. We're a cousin to the wolf, you could say. "

Azure peers at you. "Your eyes are of the cat, though."

Azure sings a snippet… /… have you kissed the wolf, or the cat?/ , with an amused chuckle.

Jarik nods, "We're commonly called 'fox'. I'm no feline, nor am I related to any. Vulpae have eyes like this. Our ansestors were night hunters, it aids our vision at night, or so I've been told."

Jarik touches his lips and chuckles, "That was a surprise… "

Azure nods quietly, seemingly filing that away. "I've never seen your kind before. You aren't from around these parts, are you… " He nods with an amused look. "The gypsies asked for payment in advance for their services- something I couldn't deliver. Caveat emptor, I guess."

Jarik unhooks the cloak he has been wearing and sets it on the bar. His body is clothed in lightweight cloth, a billowy white shirt tucked into durable pants and a shoulderbelt linking to his swordbelt. "No, I'm not from around here." He looks thoughtful, "I'm not from anywhere, to be honest. Originally, I grew up in a world called Crydon, but, there's nothing for me there now."

Azure nods. "And I'd wonder if there was anything for you here, either. What is it you hope for, in this life of yours?"

Azure thinks . o O { Another -world-, did he say? Exile… ? }

Jarik takes a breath, "Hope for? Thats a difficult question to ask me. I haven't thought about what I wanted in a long time. Ever since I lost my home I've worked to make others' lives better. But now, all I truely want is peace. A place where I can rest. I'm tired." He taps on the bar, "The road has made me weary and disheartened. I don't feel anything I've done has made any impact."

Azure folds his hands, and then takes a long pull on one of the mugs of water left on the table from earlier. "Tired of walking? Tired of working? Or tired of helping? You seem like a knight, sir, ever serving your cause. But by your own words, you've lost sight of your own, personal goals."

Azure says, "… and, at least to me, you have made much of an impact tonight. I could not have done this without your aid."

Azure smiles. "There is an Inn downstairs from the Tavern, with nobody staying in the common room or private rooms, save my partner, who lives in the basement. If you wish to stay the night, the place is yours." He pats the fox's hand. "Beds that have never been slept in make for a good night's rest."

Jarik chuckles to himself, "I am, or was, a knight once. Many things recently have made me question what I've done, how I've lived. I once felt that I could spend my entire life on the road, travelling, trying to change the world." He looks up, "I finally realized, the world doesn't want to be changed. I'm just a relic."

Azure covers his mouth and chuckles, softly. "Sorry. I have my reasons for finding that humorous."

Azure thinks . o O { He's a relic? He doesn't look a day over thirty… }

Azure takes a long sip of his water. "The world only doesn't want to be changed as a whole- but each of us, can change it, a little bit at a time."

Azure waves a free hand in the direction of the Temple. "It does nothing for the establishment, but the individual, now… "

Jarik says, "It's funny, my body is a mass of scars now. Yet, I've never once thought about my own mortality until recently. I find myself… afraid. Afraid that once I'm gone, my family, my lineage dies with me."

Jarik chuckles, "The temple wishes me gone. It is they who are forcing me to leave."

Azure nods and looks amused. "I do not run a temple, but I think, with someone of your spiritual coin, you are always welcome here."

Azure comments softly, "They not like having someone of noble heart and courage around them? Imagine that."

Jarik says, "I was too nosy. I didn't follow orders blindly."

Azure says, "Pah! You're a knight, not a soldier. And there hasn't been a king in this land since… well, not for a very long time.""

Azure says, "… or a queen, or an Empress… "

Azure chuckles softly. "Hey. You know, of course, that 'Inquisitor', means 'Questioner?'"

Jarik lays his head on his hands, "I do."

Jarik says, "It seems very few here value life or honor. The two things I hold most dear. Yes, I have taken another's life before. But, I have never done that lightly or without remorse. I remember the faces of all the people I've fought. I remember the look they gave me when they died. I remember the pain I felt each time I've watched them die."

Azure nods thoughtfully. "Then, by extension, they are of questionable nature, yes?" He smiles broadly. "But they don't see the irony."

Jarik tilts his head, "I found one of them honorable in a way, actually."

Azure ahs softly. "That's the difference between a soldier and a knight. The latter abhors killing." He pauses. "I've seen a lot of people die in my life, and I've come here, even though I know I will likely see many more die than if I were home."

Azure nods. "Do they send you where they do, never to return, or is there something you must accomplish?"

Jarik hms, "One of them… he looks like you somewhat, a unicorn. He was honorable."

Azure blinks. "What?!"


Jarik says, "I am being sent away for being… insubordinate."

Jarik says, "But, there is something I wish to do… "

Azure says looking a little shaken, "… and that is?"

Jarik blinks and noticies Azure's silence, "Are you okay… ?"

Jarik says, "I just wish to recover the sword I arrived with. It was a gift from Sir T'Aris when he died. It was stolen from me soon after I arrived."

Azure says, "Sword. What does it look like?"

Azure nods slowly. "I think so. But I have a favor to ask you, I think."

Jarik says, "It was a battered, old, steel sword. Nothing fancy, tarnished and worn with runes on the quillion. It's the legacy of the order of Crydon and has importance to me as that symbol reguardless of it's magical nature."

Jarik nods slightly, "Ask."

Azure nods. "Draw me the symbol. I will do what I can."

Azure quirks an ear. "Steel. I see why it was stolen… "

Azure says, "… steel is valuable in these parts."

Azure says, "… as for the favor… "

Jarik says, "It was about three feet long with a curved brass hilt. The blade was nicked and scratched. The handle was leather-wrapped."

Azure says, "In this city, the Aeonians – 'uni-corns', are things of legend and myth. Nobody has seen one for hundreds of years.""

Azure tips his circlet. "Hence the disguise. I am a horse, nothing more. Perhaps a twitch eccentric."

Azure says, "… and I am an exile of my people. The other Aeonian you mentioned would not take kindly to knowing I am here, even if he himself is an exile.""

Azure says, "I ask, simply, that you not mention I am here."

Jarik nods, "Easy enough."

Jarik shrugs, "I'm from a world of dragons and such. I don't find unicorns so unusual, I guess."

Azure nods. "Thank you. Any other uniquely identifying characteristics of your sword?"

Azure ahhs. "Out of myths. You one of those so called 'Exiles' then?"

Jarik holds his fingers apart and a short blue spark ignites between them. Then he winces in pain, "Magic used to be part of me as well. Now it is dangerous for me to use."

Azure nods. "Everyone has things which are anathema to them- it's the nature of existence. For an existence, there is something endemic to you."

Azure says, "… life and death. Power, and weakness, silk and steel."

Azure looks at you. "Your magic is innate- it is the magic of Sinai itself which is not of your magic. That is why it hurts. Focus within, and it may help."

Jarik nods, "It has one feature I worry could end up in the wrong hands. The sword, in the hands of anyone with magical talent, it can draw upon that talent and amplify it. In my hands, it would ignite with a blue fire and become unbreakable. My talent was healing, so, that was it's varient. In the hands of a necromancer… "

Jarik shivers.

Azure nods. "Alas, I have no magical talent myself. And I don't know that a necromancer would think to wield such a sword, especially not without preknowledge of its abilities, which I assume you keep secret?"

Jarik says, "I hope to study how magic works here someday and perhaps relearn what I once knew. I don't know."

Jarik breathes, "Well, the problem is… if anyone with magic talent comes in contact with it, they will know how to use it. That is very dangerous. " He nods, "I rarely use it's abilities unless it's a dire situation."

Azure nods. "My resources, such as they are, are at your disposal."

Azure says, "How may I find you, once you are away from the city? Will you be returning?"

Jarik nods slightly, "Thank you."

Jarik thinks for a moment…

Azure smiles. "Fight the good fight, and that is all the thanks I need."

Jarik says, "Ask for Sir Fireclaw, last of the Order of Crydon. If they know of me, they may be able to contact me. As for returning, I don't know. Fate seems to have plans for me and doesn't bother to tell me."

Jarik says, "You know what was odd? My sword functioned fine here, even though my talent did not. I wonder why… "

Azure hmms softly. "Where would I find this 'Sir Fireclaw?'

Azure laughs. "Laugh at Fate, and sometimes you get where you want to go."

Jarik says, "That, I do not know. For now, my destination is Himar, where my sword is supposedly headed."

Azure nods. "Think about it. You focus through the sword, as opposed to directly manifesting your magic. No contact, no outward discharge."

Azure nods. "I wish you the best of luck, then. "

Jarik sighs to himself, "I wish I would have worn my armor when I tried to 'gate' off Crydon. I could have sold it here. It was solid steel plate armor. I left it behind."

Azure mms. "You don't know that. You could have easily been waylaid and had it stolen, and lost something else valuable to you, too."

Jarik looks toward the door, "At one time, I might have been able to heal that gypsy. Now… now I can't even sense you. I feel absurdly crippled in a way."

Azure says, "But. Know that you have a friend in this world, and a place by the fire. Can I do anything less for my first customer, eh?""

Jarik smiles, "Thank you again. I do hope our paths will meet again." He thinks for a moment, "I have a favor to ask… If I should fall, I would like you to take the sword and bury it deep within the this planet. Or destroy it. Toss it into a volcano, it can destroy it. So could a dragon if you know one. "

Azure nods. "I know a few places I can get rid of it."

Azure says, "… and the door is open to you. Perhaps you would like to rest now, though?""

Jarik nods, "It's been a long night. Tomorrow I am to leave. I must return to the temple tonight, thank you for the offer, I wish I could take it. Perhaps another day."

Azure nods. "You know where to find me."

Azure smiles tiredly. "Thank you again for coming."

Azure says, "… and good journeys to you.""

Jarik nods, "That I do… " The fox gathers up his cloak. "And good days to you, my friend."

Azure nods, watching the fox go, the door closing behind him with a click. The Aeonian bolts the door, and starts blowing out the oil lamps in the room, hooves occasionally finding walnut shells with a -crunch.-

Azure looks towards the windows letting starlight into the room, listening to the far off gathering storm. "… well, what's one day, one night, and one light into the darkness?", he asks aloud, and blows out the last light.


GMed by Azure

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)