17 May 1998. Envoy meets up with Azhtar in the City of Hands.
(Envoy) (City of Hands) (Savan)

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City of Hands
From just outside its borders, it would seem that this narrow canyon has some jumbled ruins, encroaching vegetation, and nothing really of note. But once past the magical barrier, it is quite another matter in reality. Nestled within the rocky shelves of the Xenean Canyon is a Savanite city that has been rebuilt from the ruins of old. A few broken statues and arches remain in testament of its history, untouched as a matter of reverence and preservation of memory of the past. Getting about the City, due to its location, involves navigation of twisting paths and stairways carved into the stone cliffs and ledges. The braver might take shortcuts by climbing for short distances, but cheetah inhabitants might not have so much trouble with a short jog here and there.

After departing from the Palace, there is the whole of the City to wander through. The Exile, although conspicuous in appearance, is largely paid no heed. No heed, that is, until she passes a green-eyed Savanite who is adorned in a white, billowy dress and drape, the latter swirling about her waist and shoulders, up to her neck and about her head to shield her eyes from the sun, though it is not presently an issue, seeing as sunset is not far away, and the canyon is shadowed more quickly than the flatlands.

"Envoy?" sign the hands of the green-eyed cheetah in a flash. A quick glance reveals the identity of the questioner clearly enough as Azhtar, also known as Jade-Eyes, former slave to Melchizedek, but no longer wearing the identifying collar.

Envoy smiles at the familiar face, and signs back, "Yes! Hello Azhtar! Or do you use your birth name now?"

Azhtar smiles, signing, "Either is fine, so long as we are not at some sort of court function. Then, I am 'Jade-Eyes', and it would be a breach of etiquette to call me by my 'slave-name'."

"I will stick to Jade-Eyes then," Envoy signs. "Did you enjoy the Coronation?"

Azhtar's smile mellows a bit, and she pauses noticeably, but at last signs, "I have many worries about what will happen next. But ultimately I am glad things have turned out as well as they have, and not as badly as they easily could have."

Envoy nods, understanding the sentiment. "Did you get to speak with Melchizedek while he was here?"

Azhtar smiles weakly. "Not exactly. But I know that he respects my place here now."

Envoy signs, "It sounds as if the past year hasn't been all that you expected. Do you ever feel sorry that you ever heard of this place?"

Azhtar signs, "Sometimes. But it has offered opportunities that the Underground could have never achieved within my lifetime."

Envoy blinks, then signs, "What is the Underground?"

Azhtar momentarily looks as if a flash of reflexive alarm appears in her ears, then blushes. "Nothing, anymore. Once upon a time, it was an organization to try to ferry our people out of Rephidimite society … and back to the Savan. Also to hinder the activities of slavers, though we were never very successful in that, since it almost always required sacrificial actions on the part of our 'agents' … and so long to put them into a position to make sure their sacrifice would not be wasted."

"It has been disbanded then?" the Aeolun asks. "I do not know how long it will take the Temple to break the news of a Free Savanite Nation to the people of Rephidim. Until then, your Underground might still be needed."

Azhtar frowns. "The Underground was effectively destroyed a long time ago. I helped to revive it with my contacts in the Temple … but I was also responsible for killing it by my own stupidity. In theory, the Underground could be useful. In actuality, it is long dead."

Envoy pauses for a moment, then asks, "What will you do now?"

Azhtar 'signs' her response with a shrug.

"What does a Princess do, anyway?" Envoy asks. She always has a question, it seems. "Do you think you will ever return to Rephidim?"

Azhtar shakes her head. "There is not much for me to do for now. In time, I suppose I shall be called upon to entertain guests when Third-Vision is otherwise occupied. A princess to entertain, if not a queen. But Rephidim is not my home, and never will be, even if spots become no longer a mark of slavery. No matter what edicts are passed, until this generation is gone and several more after it, it will still much be the same." She smiles. "Freedom has spoiled me."

Envoy smiles back. "Being spoiled must be fun. I will probably return to Rephidim soon though. Are there any messages you need delivered, or anything you need sent back?"

Azhtar smiles, as if Envoy has signed something humorous. Then, she shakes her head. "No, not to Rephidim."

Envoy spreads her wings a little, just enough to hide her signs. "I probably will not be allowed back into the City again once I leave. Will you do me a favor?"

Azhtar signs, "Though you have not been recognized for it, you have played an indispensable role in defeating the crazed Priest-King. If it is within my power, I would be willing to do a favor for you, yes."

"Then I would ask you to write down the history of your people, while the past is still fresh in the minds of the Twelve Times Twelve," Envoy signs. "Record everything, so that it will be available when the rest of the world is ready for it, and also so that it can't be lost again if disaster strikes."

Azhtar nods. "It is ironic that you request such a thing of me, Envoy, for it is this very task which interests me. I am in the midst of researching even further into the past of our people. It is only with great reluctance that the Twelve-times-Twelve have surrendered many of the secrets of the City to me."

Envoy signs, "Why would they be reluctant? There is something I would like to have asked them, but I imagine it would be too sensitive an issue with them. I do not understand how so carefully built a spell by the greatest mages of the day could have resulted in the last Priest King's madness."

Azhtar signs, "Even when powerful mages can create spells of much might with relative safety, they are always inclined to push the boundaries, to stretch further and see what more they can do. If it were not for that, we would not have powerful mages. The Priest-King over-extended himself in his greed for power and glory. He wanted to be like his fabled predecessors. But they were just that: fables. Or that is what I thought."

"Fables and legends can sometimes surprise you," the Aeolun signs. "Try to ask the mages if they know of a being called Necropolis from the time of the last Priest King. This being wanted information about the City of Hands for some purpose, and any purpose it has cannot be good."

Azhtar signs, "I have seen that name in careless wigglings. I intercepted a rumor that the Baron of Paradys had mistakenly believed that I was Necropolis." Her ears wiggle in a weak attempt to show amusement, though it's not very convincing.

Envoy doesn't smile in response. "Whatever the creature's name, it has caused me a great deal of… trouble. Even if it is not a threat to the City, I would feel better if the Twelve Times Twelve were prepared."

Azhtar nods. "I hope that something can be done. I know only legends of a witch from across the sea, from a land of the dead. There is no telling how much is fact and how much fiction. Even the Twelve-times-Twelve seem to know little, for it was well before their time."

Envoy frowns. "The story must be far older than I thought then… I only know of it going back a few generations. I urge you to find out all that you can though, even it is for nothing. One insane Priest-King was enough."

Azhtar nods. "That I shall do. One of the Twelve-times-Twelve has told me of a tool that will allow me to access a wealth of knowledge older than the Savanite Empire itself."

Envoy blinks, then signs, "You are one of the most resourceful people I know. I am confident that you can unravel the past. Just don't let the information end with yourself, if possible." With this last comment, Envoy wiggles her ears in an imitation of Savanite laughter.

Azhtar nods, then draws her shawl more closely about her ears. "Certainly, if there is anything to be found," she signs. "It's some sort of ancient machinery, so as likely as not, it will prove to just be impressive … junk."

Envoy refolds her wings again, and signs, "I don't understand machinery very much. I thought the old Palace was beautiful though. Does that make me crazy?" More ear-wiggling.

Azhtar frowns and shakes her head. "No. Only … different. Very well then, I should be moving along, before someone wonders where I went off to."

Envoy nods, and signs, "Thank you for noticing me, Jade-Eyes. I will try to keep you informed of events that might interest you that I learn about."

Azhtar nods. "Thank you. I cannot be sure of the information I receive through … the usual channels anymore. Fair travels, Envoy."

Envoy bows formally from the waist, and says aloud, "Good travels to you, Princess."

Princess Jade-Eyes slips away, furtively glancing about as she draws her shawl about her face, then slips around a corner, heading off toward the older part of the City, quickly disappearing amidst some of the unrefurbished ruins.

Envoy turns back towards the activity of the City, her mood a good bit lighter than it was earlier in the day.


GMed by Greywolf

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