Midsummer 11, 6107 RTR (May 01, 2007) Aiken wakes up in a dress, and decides to become Jack's apprentice.
(Aiken) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania)

    Adventurer's Cabin
    The 'delux' adventurer's cabin in Stonebarrow is actually furnised quite nicely. It's several rooms, meeting/kitchen, sleeping, and bathing. Recent renovations have even added /internal plumbing/ to the cabin, making the bathing room equipped with running water. Hot water is provided by a second ceramic fireplace quipped with a water reservoir. Needless to say, it wakes a while t actually get a warm bath. The hot springs are still faster.

Sleep is a welcome break from the torments of being chased by a needy statue. It comes quick and hard on the exhausted Kadie. At first is is quiet, but then the dreams start. They're fragmented and few, but seem to involve a super-sized vermite ripping off his clothing and slowly closing in. It would be horrifying … if it wasn't for the gigantic kissy lips that make a wet, smacking, sound as they approach. Somewhere in the distance, a voice breaks in to the macabre seduction of doom, a high, squeaky voice going, "Wakey, wakey!" as something pokes on his chest. The lips fade and sparks of light start making it through his closed eyelids.

Aiken lays there for a few moments yet, the haze of the strange nightmares slowly lifting as he comes to. Hmm, his bed feels much stiffer than usual – and what's with that Dagh blasted poking? "Wha… what- hey, stoppit!" The squirrel waves his paws at the poker, slowly opening his eyes to a squint. "Wait, this ain't home… oh yeah… "

It takes a moment for Aiken's eyes to focus in on the offending poker … it's that blastest statue again. Of course this time there's an arm attached to a hand that's holding it. pokepokepoke it goes. "Wakey!"

Aiken's fur stands on end as he spies the statue, but he represses a bolt once he realizes its being held by someone else. He slowly sits up, swatting at the statue. "Hey, cutitout! I'm awake! Dagh, my head… " The Kadie clutches his forehead, with a paw. Funny, the sleeves on his shirt feel different.

More comes into focus and Aiken can make out a bleary-eyed, but grinning widely, Jack. "Aww. I was hoping to see you stick to the ceiling," the otter comments as he draws away the stature and drops it back into the box. "And hey, I appreciate the effort and all with the dress … but you're married and I'm just not that kinda guy. Maybe if I was super drunk, but I'm not … so. Anyway, it was a cute attempt," he says, barely able to keep from falling over, laughing.

"Dress? What in the First Ones' names are you talking… about… " The squirrel looks down at himself, and after a brief pause of incomprehension – trying to determine if he's still dreaming or not – the Kadie springs to his feet, giving a squeak of alarm. The dress makes an obligatory swishing noise at his movement. "What the… what happened to my clothes?!"

"Don't look at me. I just got here," Jack says with a shrug as he slips the box up onto the shelf. "I'm not quite sure white is your color. Maybe a lovely red or deep azure," the otter adds. "Sure looks like you had as wild an evening as I did."

Still staring at the dress with a disgusted look, Aiken starts to pace the room, searching for his missing clothes with arms outstretched as though they were covered in goop. "You have no idea, Mister Jack," he says, eyeing the box warily as the otter puts it away.

Aiken's clothing is nowhere to be found. "Just couldn't keep your hands off my stuff, eh?" Jack teases as he tries to pick up a bit around the room. "Didn't get much sleep m'self. That Maggie kept me up all night. Shameless, she is. She kept flattering me to get me to tell her more stories about my exciting life and all. Not a bad looker, mind you."

Aiken's tail twitches in agitation, and he starts to slip the dress off over his head like a shirt. "So did things get worked out between you and Granny? And er, if you don't mind my askin'… isn't Maggie your cousin?"

"Eh, distant cousin. As for Granny, not yet. Didn't get a chance; Maggie wouldn't leave me alone," Jack says with a small shrug as he glances towards the Kadie. "Going to walk around with no clothing? Well, that ought to be a hoot to see you dart through town."

Free of the dress, but still placing it strategically so as to preserve his modesty, Aiken frowns at Jack. "You wouldn't happen to have a pair of pants I could borrow, would you? And maybe a belt?" Quickly, the Kadie swaps out his tail for the dress, setting the garment aside on a crate. "So are you gonna meet with Granny again tonight?"

"Uh, don't think otter pants will fit a Kadie. Legs are shorter and all, you know," Jack points out, still grinning like mad at the be-tailed squirrel, "Could loan you my hat, though… " Pausing to laugh, he finally answers the second question, "And yeah, I'll have to deal with Granny tonight. That is, if Maggie will give me some peace. I think I agreed to a date. I don't quite remember, though. Too much o' their nasty drink."

"That's what the belt was for," Aiken grumbles, continuing to search the cabin for any fitting clothing. "The Oggton's scumble is notorious. Dagh, last night it knocked me for a loop! I thought that vermite statue of your's came alive, it was strange. Guess it was all a nightmare though."

"Hah! Statues can't live. You musta had more than me. I'm going to have to work on your endurance if you're going to be my apprentice and all," Jack comments offhandedly. "Why doncha just wear back the sarong you picked out for your wife?"

Aiken glares at Jack, snatching up the box containing the aforementioned garment. "I think I'd rather go in just my tail." Slipping the box under his arm, the Kadie marches determinedly into Jack's room, and pulls the top sheet off of the bed. "This'll do," he says, wrapping the cloth around him, making what almost passes as a makeshift toga. "Your apprentice? Since when am I that?"

"Since you swiped that little pebble outa my box last night," Jack comments calmly as he watches the Kadie grab his bedsheet. A wry grin creeps over his face as he adds, "You've got the desire and drive. You just need someone to help direct it a bit."

Aiken cringes, his tail drooping at Jack's words. "So you… saw that, did ya?" He turns to face the otter, fidgeting with the box in his paws. "I mean, I thought it was just some little pebble is all… not anything that important."

"If it wasn't so important, then why did you take it?" Jack asks as he walks closer to the Kadie. He taps lightly on Aiken's nosetip. "Now, can you honestly tell me you don't have a desire to discover new things and see places that haven't been seen by others for a very long time?"

Aiken wrinkles his nose as the otter taps it, surpressing a sneeze as he readjusts his makeshift toga. "Well… of course I have a desire to see stuff like that, I never said otherwise. I just don't know if I can. As for the pebble… " The squirrel furrows his brow – was last night a dream, or something else?

"And why can't you?" Jack asks, whiskers twitching in amusement. "There are a lot more interesting things out there than that pebble." The otter slinks away curling back momentarily to make a 'come hither' finger curl to the Kadie.

"Because I have a family to provide for – Mister Jack, we've been over this!" The squirrel sighs wistfully, then starts over to the Akwavi, trying not to trip over the bedsheet that trails at his feet. "And that pebble was… well, it was more interesting than it seems."

"Who says you can't provide for your family and have fun too. Since when does being responsible mean being boring? Look at me; I'm responsible!" the otter claims. He pulls out a smaller hinged and locked box from under the sofa in the livingroom and starts to unlock it. "And if you think a little carved pebble is facinating … you really need to get out more."

Aiken makes no comment about Jack's responsibility – or lack thereof - but nevertheless pads closer to the box, peering at it curiously. "But how, Mister Jack? If I'm not around, who'll tend to the vinyard? Who'll press the grapes? I can't just go galavantin' around and leave it all up to Curiel!"

"Do what all aspiring heros do; hire a buff, yet chaste, guy to look after your home while you're gone, of course," Jack asserts. Whether he's joking or not, who knows? He flips the last latch on the box and lifts the lid back. While most of Jack's stuff has tended to be beat up or worn; the stuff in this box is not. Inside are perfectly preserved pots with pictures painted in vibrant colors painted on the side. Flawless marble busts of feline faces, several neatly bound books, and even some old weapons such as daggers made of brass and obsidian are inside. "You can't tell me you wouldn't want to learn more about what existed on our wold in the ages past, can you? Could you walk away from this?"

The squirrel's eyes go wide as he gazes into the box, leaning over it with his paws braced on the side (leaving his temporary robe to slide down a tad, bunched over his tail.) "I don't… I don't know… "

Jack walks around and leans over the Kadie, whispering in his ear, "There are things out there that are so amazing they defy description. Some you would not even need to go far to find. Look around you; you live in a place of history. There are many legends about this place."

"You mean the Necromancers? Everyone knows about them," Aiken says, twitching his ear as Jack gets a little too close. "But there's not much left of them to be found, is there?"

"There are things far older than the necromancers from around here," Jack says as he pulls back. "Far older and far more amazing. Legends of a great civilization." Jack extends a foot and eases the chest closed. "But, I suppose a good rule abiding, family man, wouldn't have any interest in that," he adds.

Aiken's tail wilts as Jack closes the chest, his eyes following the lid in its arc. "Well… if it's not very far, then of course he'd have interest! I mean, just going into your back yard isn't far… is it?"

Click, click, click, goes the latches and locks on the chest. "Oh, I don't know. I mean, who would tend to the vinyards if he took time off to go exploring, even if it wasn't very far," Jack says absently. "And hey, what did you do with that stone, anyway?"

The squirrel bites his lip, frowning as the latches audibly enter their homes. "Well, I guess he could get someone in the clan to look after things for a while… and he has worked for years without a vacation." The squirrel's shoulders slump. "Dagh… fine, Mister Jack, you've got yourself an apprentice. But you'll have to give me time to make arrangements." Flicking his tail in a mix of determination and irritation, Aiken gathers the bedsheets back up around his shoulders. ""The stone? I think I put it back in my pocket… my pants' pocket, wherever it is."

Jack chuckles. "Oh, not so fast. I've got to be sure it's what you really want. I mean, it could be the scumble still talking. I won't be leaving town for a bit, so you have some time to really think it over," he notes. At explanation of the stone, Jack looks momentarily annoyed, but then shrugs it off. "Eh, oh well. Maybe it'll turn up with your pants, then. Not that it was all that important anyway." And taking pity on the poor bedsheet clad Kadie, Jack says, "And gah, you look sad in that sheet. C'mon, let's see if any of my pants will work well enough to get you home."

"Scumble makes men brave, but not that brave," Aiken says, tumbling along behind Jack. "I just worry about leaving Curiel and Kiona on their own. I'll have to talk it over with her, you know. She probably won't be happy."

"Think you can take that?" Jack asks and looks over his shoulder at the Kadie. "When you look into her eyes as they pool up with tears … can you hold your resolve?"

Aiken freezes where he stands, obviously thinking it over with no amount of comfort. "I don't know," he says after several moments, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"Well, one thing is for certain," Jack comments, "You have got to wear the pants in the family if you're going to make it." He pauses to eye the Kadie a bit more, then grins, "And I mean that literally. You need some pants." Going to his cache of clothing, the Akwavi starts digging.

Aiken's ears flush furiously at the comment as stumbles over beside the otter. "Curiel and I have more of a partnership, you know. I think she'll understand – heck, maybe she'll want to come along!"

"Gah! You don't bring women on adventures! Sheesh! Some future hero you are. Don't you know that they always just get kidnapped? And what's worse, if you get kidnapped and they rescue you, well, you'll never hear the end of it," Jack admonishes the Kadie. He also tosses him a pait of pants. They smell … well, mostly clean.

Aiken wrinkles his nose at the trousers, but since beggars can't be choosers, he slips them on under the bedsheet. He grins micheviously at Jack. "Speakin' from experience there, are you? So, who was it that rescued you?" Pulling the sheets from off around his shoulders, the Kadie steps out from under it. The pants – while keeping him covered – are, alas, a bit too long, with the tips of his toes just barely peeking out from the cuffs.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Jack says curtly. "So, want to to go charm your wife into letting you go or think you can handle it yourself?"

Still grinning at Jack, Aiken kneels down to roll the pants up to his ankles. "I'll handle it myself. If she gets angry and knew you had a paw in all this, well… lets just say Dagh hath no fury like a Kadie wife scorned. Besides, it'll probably take time to convince her."

"Bah. Flowers dear, boy, flowers and some wooing will win everytime. Nothing like a good bribe," Jack advises the Kadie and pats him on the back. "Good luck with her."

Using his paw to hold up the pants, Aiken makes his way to the front door – stumbling almost as much as he did with the bedsheet. "Thanks, Star knows I'll need it. Do you need me to come back tonight, since you're goin' back to Granny's?"

"Well, that's up to you. I'm sure I can manage something if you can't. I'm sure my little pet would miss you, though," Jack says with another grin.

A chill runs down Aiken's spine. "Um, that's okay. I think I'll stay home tonight then."

"Man, if you're going to be a hero, you have to quit being afraid of statues. It's not like they're going to bite," Jack teases the Kadie. "Now, go, shoo. I have some cataloging and translations to do."

The walk back is fortunately without much incident. Aiken has been able to make it home by keeping to the brush and woods, so not many saw him in is oversized pants. Of course, when Aiken reaches home, he now has to explain what happened to his clothing. And if he'll tell Curiel he went to the boathouse without her.

Slowly, Aiken creaks the front door to the tree open, and as quietly as he can manage, tiptoes up the spiral staircase to he and his wife's room. Dagh, I hope she's busy…

By miracle of miracles, Aiken misses stepping on the squeaky stair as he makes his way upward. As he passes the living room, he can just see inside. Curiel is asleep in a rocking chair with Kiona cradled in her arms.

The squirrel heaves a sigh of relief, and slips into the bedroom. Making a beeline for the closet, he quickly pulls out a set of his own clothes, and changes into them, tossing the sarong box onto the bed.

Once changed, Aiken takes the oversized pants and tosses them into the dirty clothes hamper, making sure to bury them under various bits and pieces of clothing. He takes a seat on the bed, and heaves yet another sigh, this time one that results from him working up the nerve to ask what he needs to ask. Finally, the squirrel gets up, and – box in paw – makes his way back downstairs to the living room, peering in at his girls as they sleep.

And there Curiel still sleeps. Sunlight has creeped into the room and bathes the two in almost an etherial light as they sleep. Kiona stretches out a bit and yawns widely, then licks her lips lazily.

A small smile crosses Aiken's face as he watches the two silently for a few moments more. Then, quietly as he can, thr Kadie slips into the room, giving his wife a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Curiel's eyes blink open slowly. "Hey handsome," she says sleepily, "Back already? Or is it morning already?" In her arms, Kiona stirs and reaches up for Aiken. "Da," she says, beaming.

"Did you sleep here all night?" Aiken reaches down for Kiona, lifting her up into his free arm, and up on his shoulders. "I wouldn't think that'd be very comfortable, although lil' bit here might disagree."

"She fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her," Curiel says as she releases their daughter. Yawning again, she asks, "So, how did it go? Did that Akwavi fill your head with all sorts of crazy ideas?"

"It was… eventful," Aiken replies, steadying the little girl in his arms as he brings the box around into view. "Mister Jack had all sorts of interesting things, like this. For you." He grins, offering the box to his wife.

Curiel takes the box and turns it over in her hands. "So … what did you do wrong?" she asks with a playful grin creeping on her face.

Kiona, for her part, occupies herself with playfully tugging on Aiken's ears and babbling to herself. She seems to be trying to stretch them upwards a bit while commenting, "Lapi, Lapi, Lapi."

"Wrong? What're you talkin' about? Can't a man just get his girl something nice once in a while?" Aiken grins mischeviously, although his ears turn a slight shade of crimson – and not from Kiona's tugging.

"Yes, but more often than not, it means they either want something, did something wrong, or forgot something," Curiel counters with her own grin. Still, she opens the box and pulls out the colorful sarong and flower lei that was tucked inside. She peers at it oddly, then asks, "Is it some sort of dress?"

With Kiona safely perched on his shoulders, Aiken goes to stand behind Curiel, leaning down to wrap his arms around her in a playful embrace. "Something like that, although dresses tend to hide a bit more. Which is a shame, really, when you get right down to it."

"It doesn't have a top," Curiel observes and arches her brow. Grinning when she hugs her, she adds, "Well, this is an unexpected side of you, Aiky. I don't think you've made such an overt offer. Well, not since our wedding night. You must have really missed me. I should let you out for a night more often."

"Of course I missed you," Aiken replies, giving his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. "And, um, about 'letting me out' more often… I have something to ask you concerning that."

Curiel's expression darkens slightly. "See, I knew it," she comments, "Aiken Briar Silverfoot, just what are you up to?"

"Up to? Nothing! Honest!" The Kadie holds his paws up defensively, looking down at Curiel sheepishly. "It's just that, well, and offer has come up, and I'd be crazy to pass it by. But I wanted to talk to you about it first."

"Mmmmhmmm," Curiel says and puts her fingertips together and peers over the tops of them. "Well, let's hear it, then… "

Aiken reaches around to rub the back of his head – but finds Kiona instead. "Well, Mister Jack'll be heading off soon, and he needs a helper to go with him – an apprentice of sorts – and he said that I'd be perfect for the spot. It'd only be for a little while – and we'd still be in Sylvania, its just that… "

"Ahah! I knew it. That otter has filled your head with stories of adventure and excitement again," Curiel says with a sigh and starts rubbing her temples. She closes her eyes for a bit and then peers up up her husband, eyes and ears drooping a bit. "I always thought you finally decided we were treasure and adventure enough for you."

"Curi, you two are more valuable to me than my own life!" Aiken says, his voice reaching an almost pleading pitch as he looks into his wife's eyes. "You know that! But the grape vines will always be here - Stonebarrow will always be here! A chance like this, well, it won't!" Pulling Kiona from his shoulders and into his arms, the squirrel takes a seat on the sofa, giving a sigh. "You know how much I've always wanted to see what's out there. It's not like I'm going to Rephidim or Nagai or Babel, it won't be for long. I have to do this, or I'll regret it the rest of my life!"

"But … what if you get killed? What if you find someone else? You might not come back, Aiken," Curiel replies in an equally pleading tone. "I can't stand the thought of losing you. The world outside our town isn't safe. You know that. You can see what their actions in the past has done to our town." She stops there and leans forward, rubbing her fingertips lightly over her closed eyelids. "Will it make you happy if you go?"

"Someone else?" At this, Aiken almost looks angry, but the feeling subsides quick as his face melts back into a softer tone. Placing Kiona aside on the sofa, the Kadie gets up and walks over to Curiel, sliding down into the chair beside her as he wraps his arm around her waist, and his tail around her's. "I could never find anyone else, Chestnut, you know better than that. And yeah, I could die, but I could also die from falling out of the tree, or gettin' ran over by one of the Chalks' runaway carts. I don't know if goin' with Jack'll make me happy or not, but I know not goin' will eat away at me as long as I live. I have to do this, Curi, I just gotta know what its like."

"Where will you be going, then?" ccomes Curiel's answer, "And for how long?" Maybe she can't just directly say yes; but it's close. She turns a bit to the side and leans heavily against him and buries her face into his neck.

"We'll still be in Sylvania," Aiken says, resting his chin on top of Curiel's head, "but I don't know exactly where yet, and it probably won't be for long. It won't be for another few days, so I'm sure Mister Jack'll tell me more before we leave. I promise, if he pulls a fast one and we go further, I'll come directly home." Pulling his head back, he presses his forehead against her's, and smiles. "And I promise to write you and Kiona constantly – I hear Duchess Kurai set up a postal service on her rail line, and those spotties that work for her brother can deliver a letter faster than a Khatta on a hot tin roof."


GMed by Jared

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)