Reckoning 16, 6106 RTR (Jul 12, 2006) Tasha speaks with the leader of Clan Hydron, pitting the fire of youth versus the cool wisdom of age.
(Aaron) (Amazonia) (Tasha)

    Tyche's Suite
    Before the Amazonian conquest of Dianus, these were probably the chambers of the Olympian governor, now belonging to the head of Clan Hydron. Little seems to have changed from the Olympian style – marble pillars and arches hold up the high roof, inlaid with a mosaic depicting the Procession, while fountains and sculpted streams flow throughout the various levels. Each area seems to have its own specific purpose and is separated from the rest by height and the flow of water, with ornately carved wooden bridges linking them. At the lowest level, near the entrance, a marble disc seems to float above a pool of water, rimmed with planters and filled with oversized lounge cushions, chaises and low couches.

Chloe drops Tasha off at the entrance to the suite, and wishes her luck before running off, leaving the half-Vartan alone with Tyche. The brown doe is half-sitting, half-lounging on one of the chaises, which has a similar seat across from it, separated by a small tea table. The cups of tea have already been poured, even. "Aldara," Tyche says, smiling in welcome. "Please come and make yourself comfortable."

Tasha inclines her head a bit, figuring she ought to be polite but uncertain how to do it. 'Unschooled' would be an understatement if one were to rate Tasha's understanding of social grace and propriety. "Lady Tyche," she greets the other woman as she begins forward. The Vartan heads for the seat across from the Head of Hydron, her hooves clip-clopping across the marble floor.

"I hope your visits to the Temple of Abaddon have been enlightening for you?" the doe asks, and picks one of the small porcelain teacups. At least they aren't so small that Tasha would have trouble with them.

After taking a seat, Tasha nods her head. "Aye, they 'ave," she replies. She doesn't lounge yet, feeling uncomfortable in front of the woman Aaron warned her about. Not only did Aaron warn her, Layth did too, in his own way, and Tasha feels far more suspicious of the doe than she did during their last meeting. "I'm done with the ritual prep'ration, an' I can ease off the Milk now. Now I jus' wait," she rambles.

"Have you been feeling any ill effects from the Milk of Ashterroth?" Tyche asks, sounding concerned. "We know very little about how it might affect non-Lapi."

"Moody, 'orny, an' me periods all out o' sorts, among other bits," Tasha answers. It occurs to her a second later that she might have wanted to keep her mental state a secret, but Tyche makes her nervous, and she's never been alone with a queen before. Or, at least, someone close enough to a queen as to make the difference irrelevant. Tyche has more wealth than Tasha has seen in her life time. "I s'pose I'd work the same on me, bu' I don' know, an' no one I've talked to does either. A'leas' I'm no' pregnant."

"Did you want to be pregnant?" Tyche asks, her eyes peering over the edge of her teacup as she has a sip.

Despite trying to be subtle, Tasha finds talking to the other woman a little too easy. When she thinks on it, Tasha never really had to dissemble with anyone before. Not like this. It's intimidating. "I'm no' sure – I thought abou' it. If I did, I wan' a man I could rely on, an' no' some Gladiator's arrangement," she answers.

"I understand that fatherhood is very different outside Amazonia," Tyche comments. "Would you tell me about your mother and father?"

At this point, the Vartan would take talking about her family over talking about potential family. After all, Tasha isn't sure Tyche might want her to get pregnant. "It's dif'rent everywhere you go, outside, an' dif'ren' 'o 'as money an' 'o doesn'. Dif'ren' with people, too." She frowns, then lays back in her chair to stare up at the ceiling tiles. "Me mum's a Vartan. She looks a bit like me, only with a beak," Tasha touches her muzzle, "an' a bit bigger. She's got more feathers than I do, too. 'Er name is Desdemona, bu' everyone calls her Desdi. She owna a bar, now, an' 'as for some time."

"A strong business woman," Tyche comments, with a hint of approval. "Your father works with her?"

"I 'ave no idea who my father is," Tasha admits, quietly. "'E bedded 'er an' left 'er shortly after – long before anyone knew I was in the picture. Cap'n Eyeshine 'elped me mother raise me later, sort 'o, so 'e's kind o' like me father." Biting her lip, Tasha adds, "S'posedly me real father's a noble. I guess 'e looks like me, the upper 'alf o' me, take away the wings."

Tyche's ears perk up in interest at this. "So you were conceived during a single mating?"

Tasha's ears splay – she didn't want to think of 'multiple matings' of her mother and whoever her father was. "Jus' the one," she clarifies. That's how her mother explained it, anyway. Just a night of fun while the airship was in.

"No wonder Calligenia considers you to be good luck," Tyche says, smiling again. "I do not know much about Vartans, but I assumed such a cross-species fertilization would require… more effort. Is it true that Vartans are as big as Amazonian Warriors?"

"You're righ' abou' tha'. Usually we Vartans can 'ave kids by a few o' the other sorts, an' some more than others. Me father was a Jupani, which is rare, bu' I've 'eard o' a few others. Never seen them meself," Tasha explains. She allows herself to slowly slide to the left, rolling over on her side once she's comfortable, and talking as she drops. "Vartans are 'as big – some are bigger or smaller. We all can fly."

"You do not know any other hybrids then, or just none others like yourself?" the doe asks next.

"None like me. There's all kinds o' others aroun' Rephidim. I met a 'alf Rhian, once. Big, big man. There's also quite a lot o' … " Tasha tilts her head, glancing at Tyche warily, "well, you won' like this, bu' 'alf Khattas an' the other sort. Call 'em Sphinxes. A few other sorts, too, like Aquilans."

"But no Lapi hybrids?" Tyche asks, sounding a bit disappointed. "Do Vartans not find does attractive, or is it a matter of size and lifestyle?"

Tasha's ears perk, then splay. "Well, mos' obvious is tha' Lapi outside o' Amazonia are small. Small, like Ar- … Xavier is small. I no' sure it would work, an' if it did, if the mother would even survive it. 'Sides that, Vartans and Lapi don' mix much. Social-like, I mean." She narrows her brows, lifting a hand and counting off as she thinks of various reasons. "Never met a Vartan with a Lapi before. Vartans an' Lapi are jus' so dif'ren', outside 'o 'ere. Lapi are small, timid, work in the city. Vartans are big, no' timid, an' work on airships."

"Our Warriors are big and not timid, would a male Vartan find them attractive?" Tyche asks, swirling the tea in her cup with a finger.

"I don' rightly know. Our customs are dif'ren', though. Some might go for i', some mi' think it was the craziest thing. You'd 'ave to ask, an' it'd be awkward, it would." Tasha laughs a bit, trying to picture asking some of the men on The Rake if they'd bed some does. "Come to think o' it, some would. Some would bed a bucket if it 'ad long air. Thing is, they'd pro'ly no' like 'avin' women in charge, an' makin' a deal o' 'aving kids might spook 'em."

"What about Vartan women?" Tyche asks. "You seem to enjoy sex, or at least appreciate the attention of those skilled in it. Would female Vartans be open to the attentions of a Priapus?"

Tasha opens her mouth, pauses, then tries not to choke. She's never had hr love life stated so plainly before – and especially not by a lady! Reaching over, she takes a cup of tea, sips, then answers slowly. "Tha'd be an' even trickier. I've met a few other Vartan women who knew 'ow to 'ave a good time, bu' they're rarer than men on ships, an' they're more like to stick to other Vartans. At leas', tha's 'ow I see it. Might be someone who'd do it, for the right price, or jus' because. I don' know o' anyone."

"Your mother found a non-Vartan attractive once," Tyche notes. "Are there any young Vartan women on your airship?"

"Jus' me," Tasha answers.

"Do any of the hybrids you know have children?" the doe asks next, looking directly into Tasha's eyes to let her know the question is a serious one.

Tasha blinks, ears laying back. "No' tha' I know," she admits. Her gaze begins to slide away, then suddenly darts back. "You wan' an' army of 'alf-Lapi Warriors, is it?"

"Of course," Tyche admits. "We have no cavalry, no true Warriors or Guardians – those bloodlines are closely guarded. The other Clans have no desire to share that with Hydron. But a population of hybrids would need to be sustainable."

The honesty relieves Tasha, some. Having Tyche's plan flat out on the table takes some of the sinister feel from it, even if it does make Tasha feel uncomfortable. "I don' know if it's even possible," the Vartan admits. "There 'ave been a few. Me mum told me about Paradyse, an' the Sphynxes there. Said she met one, once, an' she 'ad a kid. Others jus' don' seem to work."

"Then pure-blooded Vartans would need be kept," Tyche notes. "A single male could certainly suffice for Warriors, but we have no Warriors and would not wish the Clans to have hybrids. Therefore, we would need a stable of fertile young Vartan women, which will need to be periodically freshened from the outside… "

"I can' say I like tha' idea," Tasha says, voice lowered. "You're talkin' abou' takin' Vartans an' 'olding them for … this," the Vartan waves a hand around herself, indicating Amazonia as a whole. "You migh' convince some, bu' … " Tasha flashes Tyche a wary glance, again, " … you soun' like you'd take if you 'ad to."

"We have no Warriors, Aldara," Tyche reminds Tasha. "By what means could we 'abduct' Vartans? But you do bring up a point… having them here is a bit too troublesome. An outside colony, where offspring could be raised and trained before coming here would be much better. Certainly young Vartans would be interested in a life of luxury, attended to by skilled lovers and surrounded by children, would they not? Had you never come here, but were given such an offer, would you not even consider it?"

Tasha breathes a sigh, nodding. "I can' say it doesn' soun' good – better than wha' a lot o' us get. If they'd agree, I can' rightly tell 'em no. It'd be their choice – bu' it better be there choice." The Vartan catches her threat a little late, being the sort of person to toss about threats casually, and occasionally backing them up. Threatening Tyche, however, seems of a level of danger Tasha isn't used to. She tries to pretend it was a casual remark, and goes on. "It's jus' odd to me, an' I think I'd be odd to them."

Tyche waves a hand, and says, "This is all merely speculation. Until it can be shown that Lapi-Vartan hybrids are viable, it can be nothing but a daydream."

"Aye, tha' it'd be," Tasha agrees. After another sip to calm herself, the Vartan asks, "Was there anythin' else you wan'ed to know?"

"Well… what do Vartan's find attractive… for trading purposes?" Tyche asks, switching tracks only slightly. "The costume you wore when you arrived had many shiny elements, for instance. Is that what Vartans like?"

"We like shekels, too," Tasha insists, trying to veer away from the Vartan weakness. "Gems, gold," Tasha finds the veering isn't working so well as thoughts of various shinies run through her head, "glass, an' … I really like Calli's breastplate. Bronze, we like bronze."

"That is very helpful," Tyche says, nodding. "Is bronze better than skymetal to Vartan tastes?"

"Skymetal?" Tasha's ears perk, even as she inwardly kicks herself for being interested. Tyche just had to figure out Vartan shinylust, the Vartan grummbles in thought.

"Yes, Valkyrian armor is made of it," Tyche explains. "It is very silvery and reflective, but seems to carry a bit of the ice-capped aura of the mountains with it, not the golden warmth of the plains as bronze does. Xavier's friend Lucia Snowshoe has skymetal armor – I believe you've met her."

"Ooo-" Tasha stuffs her muzzle in her tea, forcing herself to drink. Don't think abou' it, don' think abou' it, she mantras while staring in her cup fixedly. Staring at shiny, reflective water. She closes her eyes.

"What sort of bronze items would Vartans be most eager to purchase?" the doe asks, apparently not noticing Tasha's distracted state. "Jewelry? Buttons? Swords?"

Tasha squeezes her eyes shut, laying her ears back. She knows she has to answer sometime, but she holds off for a good ten seconds at least. Shiny swords, buttons, and jewelry dance in her head. "Oi," she complains to no one in particular as her eyes snap open. Sighing, she looks up. "All o' tha', dependin' on who you ask, you see?" The woman shifts to glaring at the ceiling. "We're 'ardier than mos'. Our women might like a sword as much as jewelry. Jewelry's a safe bet, though. Wish I 'ad some skymetal armor … "

"Alas, full armor of skymetal or bronze is extremely expensive, even in Amazonia," Tyche laments. "But jewelry… jewelry we could manage. I will speak with our best crafters about it."

"I better 'ave a look, jus' to be sure." Tasha grins a bit, unable to help herself. Metal jewelry! "Sad abou' the armor, though. Very sad."

"Armor must be custom fit, which is clearly unworkable," Tyche says. "Jewelry also must be made unique to the wearer, but a jeweler is much more mobile than an armorer."

"Tha's true," Tasha says, sounding distracted. If she doesn't change the subject she'll be discussing jewelry all night! "Oh an', oi, did you mention marriage to Layth?" she spits out, going for something important enough to break her shinylust.

"I think we touched on the possibility of him marrying Calligenia," Tyche says, nonchalantly. "I don't suppose you know of any wealthy Vartan traders who might be more suitable?"

Still dazzled by too much shiny-talk, Tasha lets out, "I'd marry Layth," before it sinks in what Tyche is actually asking. Ears up, Tasha's mouth hangs agape briefly, then she quickly adds, "I'd marry Calligenia, too," before laughing nervously and staring in to her tea.

"Is that how the multiple-wives societies work?" Tyche asks, looking seriously interested. "Wives may propose to other potential wives on behalf of the husband?"

Tasha suddenly choke on her tea, sputtering a moment before coughing out, "Ah- wha … ?"

"Or is it that women may marry first, and then pool their resources to attract a shared husband?" the doe asks next, looking thoughtful.

"Um." Tasha cough a few more times, ears flat. Flat, so they hide the redness. This wasn't how this interview was supposed to go! Tasha was going to let Tyche have a piece of her mind! "Oi, um … What?"

"If you were to marry Calligenia," Tyche asks, looking very serious now, "would that improve her chances of attracting a better husband?"

Not at all how this was supposed to go. "Maybe," Tasha answers hazily, still trying to figure a way out of her mistake. Suggesting marriage was one thing, but actually marrying Layth – Or Calli! Star Over Anchor! – is something else, she finds. "No' sure anyone likes me like tha' … aroun' 'ere … "

"The goal would be to attract an outsider," Tyche notes. "A Vartan or Lapi trader who could sire my grandchildren."

"Like Layth?" There, that's a bit more how it's supposed to go, Tasha thinks.

"His standing as a trader is ambiguous, but he does have a desirable lineage," Tyche notes. "He has potential."

"So, if I married Calli, wha' would tha' make me, to the Clan?" Come to think on it, Tasha considers, 'ow could this 'elp the community? She sighs at herself, internally. She was all too easily distracted by marriage and shiny bits. Still, she thinks, this could have potential. It could be just the hold on Amazonia Layth was looking for. "I'm a ship guide, I can 'andle an airship. Layth knows merchants, an' knows travelin'. Calli 'as the shekels to pay it all. If Calli married me … I bet I could get Layth." Tasha grins. See, she tells herself, I can plot, too.

"Well, as outsiders you cannot actually have any status with the Clan, save that which Calligenia chooses to give you by proxy," Tyche notes, rubbing her chin. "Come to think of it, Celosia needs to bear children before she can become a full priestess. I should ask Layth if he would see to that… "

It was worth a try. "'E might. 'E might no'." Plans deflected, Tasha decides to press her advantage. Now's not the time to let Tyche decide what to do with her Lapi. "You see, I'm partial to Layth, meself. 'E might no' wan' to, with Celosia, if 'e knew I didn' like it."

Tyche actually blinks in surprise, although the long lashes make it seem somehow more elegant. "Why would you object?" she asks.

"Because 'e 'asn't settled on anythin', yet. You can' jus' let a man run abou' an' do wha'ever 'e wants. You 'ave to keep 'im by the ears, or else 'e goes off an' marries a Lapi Princess, an' you're the las' to 'ear abou' it," Tasha explains. There, Tasha thinks, I'll let 'er know she 'as to tell me! An' the price for no' doin' so!

"I have no intention of suggesting Celosia marry Layth," Tyche says, laughing. "A Priestess of Ashteroth is married to the community. I merely thought it would be wise for Layth to father her children."

"However, if you wish to negotiate a fee for his services, I'm sure we can come to an agreement," the doe adds.

"No' if 'e doesn' wan' to make me mad," Tasha insists. Fathering Celosia's children wouldn't make Tasha mad, per se, but no need to let Tyche know that. It's best to show that Layth is firmly attached to her, otherwise she may well lose him. "I'm no' in'erested in fees. It's Layth I wan', an' the bes' for the community. Layth 'as no status, an' what abou' 'is children? He won' jus' leave 'em, an' I won' either, 'cause they're 'is. The arrangement is … " Tasha waves a hand vaguely, lacking the word, " … unstable, like."

"Why wouldn't he leave his children?" Tyche asks, curious. "He would not even be around for their birth, if you are to leave again with Calligenia. Are you so certain of what he would or would not do? After all, it is unlikely that you can give him children – but if you can, I would extend my Clan's hospitality for as long as you like."

"Wha' I wan' is a stable family, an' the knowledge they will /all/ be alrigh'. If we're – me an' Layth tha' is – goin' to 'elp you, then this will be /our/ community/. /Ours./" Tasha thumps her free hand in to her leg, for emphasis. "Outsiders this, 'elp Clan Hydron that. You wan' our 'elp, bu' you won' let us in. Tryin' to distract us with … shiny … bits, an' givin' up little else. You said it yourself: you appreciate strong women! So, 'ere it is! If we're to 'ave /anythin'/ do with you, or Calli, then this is /our/ business an' /our/ community. Clan Hydron is /our/ Clan Hydron, Amazonia is /our/ Amazonia. Where ever we go, wha'ever we do. Tha's my demand – an' I wan' a say in it all. So does Layth."

"Blood is thicker than marriage," Tyche notes, not seeming to be put out or surprised by the sudden demands. "Siring Celosia's children would be a bond strong enough to bring Layth into the Clan."

Tasha looks disgruntled when the demands don't phase Tyche. In a way, she expected the elder doe to not be thrown off balance, but it's still a bit disappointing. Even more so, given how much heat and honesty she threw behind it. "Rrr," Tasha grumbles leaning back, "it's more than tha'. You said you don' un'erstand outside customs, so take it tha' this is one 'o 'em. I watch out for Layth, 'cause I love 'im. I'd watch 'is kids, too, if I 'ad to. I won' jus' let 'im sire whatever, to whomever, without bein' a part o' it. Same with Calli. I'd take care of Calli, Calli's kids, Layth – all o' 'em. But it 'as to be solid. We 'ave to be a part o' it all – we an' a say." Glancing towards the door, Tasha adds, quietly. "Unless 'e tells me to beat it."

"Those are fine sentiments, but you would not be part of the Clan, Aldara," Tyche notes. "If we accept Layth, and you bear him children, only then would you be welcomed in as anything more than a slave. Even so, you would be getting unearned privileges. Slaves may become full members of the Clan, but they do so by proving their devotion and showing genuine contributions. This is not something that can be changed or made exception to."

"You wan' a lot, an' you are willin' to discuss it with outsiders to get it. 'Ow often is a Vartan declared Herald o' Abaddon? 'Ow many Clan heads think abou' breedin' with monsters for advantage?" Tasha doesn't let Tyche reply, pressing on. "Doesn' matter. I'm guessin' you're right; you can change some bits, bu' no' others. Mmm." Tasha looks down at her hands, frowning. "If I were … a slave … 'ow would that work? I serve Abaddon, too. An' you'd wan' me to 'elp Layth an' Calli … "

"You can be their personal attendant if you wish," Tyche offers. "While slaves have no direct voice, they do have the ears of those they serve. And Layth and Calligenia would be obligated to see to your health and well-being in return. As for serving a god, many members of Hydron serve in the Temple of Ashtoreth, as many members of other Clans serve in the various Temples. They serve their deities, but they also look out for their Clans."

Tasha bites her lip, thinking. Even the word slave makes her want to shudder, but if it can help Layth, if it can give her a say some day … "I'll 'ave to think on it. I wan' to do what's best for them, an' the community." I don, right? A slave …

"Think on it for some time," Tyche says. "When Calligenia is once again ready to return home from abroad, perhaps by then you will know what you want, and what you are willing to pay for it."

"I'll do tha'," the Vartan agrees. She tries to ignore the way the thought of slavery makes her stomach turn by changing the subject, asking, "Is there anythin' else you wanted to know?"

"I think I have upset you enough for one night, especially since you are still under the influence of Milk," Tyche says, sounding for once like a mother. "You should relax. Find Layth, but do not talk. Let him calm you. Do not dwell on what we have discussed, for it will be a long time before you are ready to seriously consider it. All I can offer to help ease your mind is that if Layth joins the Clan, and you do bear him children, then those children will not be raised as Warriors. Your grandchildren, if there are any, may be, but I will certainly not be around to see that."

As Tasha waits for the woman's reply, she thinks back on Merope and her defeat. The very idea of losing in such a humiliating way, losing the strength invested to you, and being doomed to slavery seemed incomprehensible at the time. The idea still makes her want to shiver; it bothers her on levels she can't even figure out. But, just now, she thought she understood, if maybe just a little, why Merope did what she did. Tasha considers finding Merope, and asking her. Or, at least watching her for a while.

Tasha nods absently as Tyche speaks, only half listening. Despite her mood, the woman isn't quite ready to be pulled in to the mire of dark thoughts that pull at her. Not yet. She has one more thing to ask. "I'd like you to leave Xavier alone."

"But he so much fun to play with," Tyche says, laughing. "So serious always, so paranoid. The outside world has ruined him, I fear. But you needn't worry. I have had my say with Calligenia and she no longer needs Xavier to 'distract' me, not that she ever would have asked him to. He is an overly protective man. He should have been a Guardian."

"I like 'im. I owe 'im some protection," Tasha explains. She rubs her face with her hands, then looks up. "I'm at leas' glad to 'ear you respect 'im."

"He was my first choice to be Calligenia's husband, you know," Tyche says. "He had all of the qualities that could have helped her. They are helping her, actually. I am amazed that he has stayed by her side this long."

"He deserves a lot more than 'e 'as. I used to think 'e was a bit o' a joke – you remember wha' I said abou' Lapis outside o' 'ere – bu' I feel for 'im now. I don' like seein' 'im 'urt. No' by you, or anyone," the Vartan says, letting her tone stay neutral. "I don' exactly trus' you, bu' I think I believe in Calli, an' I can see why Xavier stays with 'er. Maybe Calli doesn' need your influence, to find good friends."

"Oh, I know why Xavier stays with her," Tyche says, smirking. "He is not so hard to read. He fears that if he did not do all that he could to help her, she would get into trouble and then he would feel guilty. He makes himself feel guilty for helping her too, though. It is a strange society you come from to cause such stress."

I can see why Aaron thinks you're a might bit scary, too. Tasha regards Tyche a moment, wondering at what she knows, and all her plans. The review makes Tasha feel sorely lacking, just a girl against a woman who has been manipulating people longer than Tasha has been alive. Unconsciously, Tasha clenches her hand a little tighter. She hates to lose – and she hates knowing she doesn't stand a chance even more. "Well," she begins, scraping her mind for matters she wished to discuss, but finding them having fled some time ago, "are you in'erested in an airship? For Calli, I mean. I can pilot it. I 'ad this whole plan abou' tha', bu' I 'ave other things on me mind now, an' I'll jus' say I could captain 'er in time."

"Our own airship?" Tyche asks, looking intrigued (or else extremely good at faking it). "Do you mean a permanent contract with The Rake?"

"Only Cap'n Eyeshine can decide tha', bu' 'e's thinkin' o' givin' me command some day. If you wan' a permanent contract with 'im, I'd say let me bring 'im some o' those shinies you mentioned. Show 'im Clan Hydron can pay, an' I'll settle it between you," Tasha answers. She has no doubt enough money will turn Captain Eyeshine's head – the question is just how much to ally with a country as risky as Amazonia. If it's enough, he may even be impressed with her. "Like Calli, I 'ave to impress 'im. By bringin' 'im a good contract, 'e'll see I can make deals."

"Otherwise I'd 'ave to 'ave a ship built, which'd take years, or buy one, which'd take shekels I don' 'ave. The Rake's your bes' bet," Tasha adds.

"A good ethic," Tyche says approvingly. "I will mention it to Calligenia. She certainly understands the importance of having trustworthy transport now. The profits from her cargo are hers to invest as she sees fit, but securing The Rake is something she will have to consider, and I'll make sure that she does consider it."

"S'good. The Rake is also part o' me family, bu' even then, it won' wait for me. Withou' it, I can' be sure o' any airship, especially once they know abou' Amazonia. Plus, I'd 'ate to leave 'em for long. I would, bu' it'd 'urt," the Vartan says.

"Then the best solution is not to leave them," Tyche says, with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "That is a very simple decision, and every Lapi knows that family is what supports you. One does not abandon it – one expands it."

Tasha nods. "Tha's why I wan' to keep them aroun', an' work out a deal, besides the the res'," she clarifies. Looking in to her tea, she swirls it, murmuring, "It feels like I can pull it all together, some'ow."

"Gentle pressure helps," the doe advises. "Tug too hard, and the threads pull from the fabric. Do not be hasty, do not act in the heat of the moment, but wait until the passion has cooled and you can plan more thoroughly."

"So I'd better ask me leave then, eh," Tasha looks up, and grins a little. She knows she's outmatched, but she can at least grin in the face of it.

"Of course, thank you for your company tonight," Tyche says, actually getting up first. "And one more little bit of advice – have a contract prepared before you present it to Calligenia. She will want to make changes, but it will show that you are serious and worked out the little details."

Tasha blinks when Tyche stands first, looking up at her. Rather than let the woman tower over her, Tasha quickly stands, as well. "I'll do tha'. I jus' need somethin' to write with. Cap'n Eyeshine taught me enough abou' contracts an' wha' 'e wants." Captain Eyeshine often taught by yelling, in fact. Usually, he yelled about low contracts, bad passangers, or too much to haul. "Thank you for your time, Lady Tyche," Tasha adds, bowing a bit.

Tyche seems genuinely surprised by the bow, and hesitates a moment before bowing back. "Our usual custom is a kiss on the cheek," she explains.

Tasha quirks a brow, then shrugs a little tiredly. That whole conversation wore her out, and she isn't even sure why. "It's wha' Layth does," she explains. Then, leaning over, Tasha puts tries to put her hands on Tyche face so she can kiss the woman's cheek.

The doe helps by turning her head, then returns the kiss on Tasha's opposite cheek. "Do you know the way back, or would you like an escort?"

"If I get los', I'll just jump out a window," the Vartan answers, grinning lopsidedly.

Tyche blinks, then laughs! "Of course, only you could do that!"

Tasha seems stunned by Tyche's sudden laughter. She's so exhausted, she didn't see how funny her remark actually might seem. After a moment, Tasha laughs too.

The way back to the bedroom suite isn't that hard to retrace, even for a sleepy half-Vartan. It's even easier to spot once she gets to the central corridor and sees Aaron pacing back and forth in front of the doorway, muttering to himself in that odd way Lapi sometimes do. However long he's been at it, the marble floor doesn't seem to be wearing away from his efforts.

So serious, so paranoid – she 'ad tha' right, at least. "'Ello, Aaron," Tasha greets the buck, sounding tired.

Aaron nearly jumps, then notices Tasha's exhausted appearance and looks even more alarmed. "Are you alright?" he whispers, coming up to grip Tasha's shoulders, as if she were about to collapse. "What happened?"

"Oi, Tyche's jus' a 'andful. Didn't stand a chance, did I?" Tasha shakes her head, wondering at how she could be so foolish. She really did think she could somehow win out against Tyche, never having done anything like that before. "I see why she scares you, I do."

"She didn't make you agree to anything, did she?" Aaron asks, and nearly sticks his nose into Tasha's mouth before saying, "Breathe on me."

Tasha blinks, but is too tired to argue. She breathes on Aaron before explaining, "No. She jus' asked me a lot, hinted a lot more, an' suggested some bits. Then, she said I ought an' think on it. I think I managed a contract for The Rake, some'ow."

Nose twitching, Aaron pulls back and says, "Hmmm, just tea… and a hint of Milk, but not recent. Contract? You didn't sell her your airship did you?"

"Couldn' if I wan'ed to. I don' own The Rake, Cap'n Eyeshine does. I jus' said I'd work out a contract to provide Calli with trustworthy transport, maybe a permanent one, if it's good for us both," the Vartan answers. She licks the inside of her mouth despite Aaron's words, wondering at poisons.

"Oh," Aaron says, gears turning in his head as he tries to find some hidden trap. "So… just chit-chat right? Or did she ask you about shipping or navigation or something like that?"

"She asked me if Vartans can breed with Lapi. She offered to marry me to Calli, if it'd get 'er a better husband. She tol' me I'd never 'ave a say in Clan Hydron, even if I do marry Calli and Layth, unless I got pregnant or worked up from a slave." Tasha heaves a sigh.

"Why would you ask about joining Clan Hydron?" Aaron asks, his voice nearly squeaking.

Tasha grins a little, shrugging. "If I marry Layth, an' 'e marries Calli, then this'll be my family. I wan' I say in it, I wan' to be a part 'o things, no' jus' some outsider," she explains. Reaching over, she holds Aaron to steady him, now. "Do you un'erstand? 'Ow can I be a part o' this, if no one accepts me? Layth wan's to make a difference 'ere, an' I do, too. If tha's 'ow, then … tha's 'ow."

"So Layth wants to stay now?" Aaron asks in confusion. "Marriage? You're just kids! Don't get sucked into thinking like they do here, Tasha, please."

"'E wants to make a difference, an' 'elp Calli. The priest tol' me I should do wha' I can to 'elp communities. I jus' … " Tasha pulls Aaron close, then hugs on him. "I jus' don' wan' to lose Layth. I don' wan' to be on the outside. I wan' to 'elp the my families – all o' them – an' make them proud o' me." She drops her head in to Aaron's hair, and sighs again. "I'm jus' no' very good at it."

"Mrrrrph!" Aaron says, but does calm down a little. "You can do that outside of Amazonia too," he wheezes.

"I feel like I ought to be 'ere. I 'ave a chance 'ere, 'E gave it to me. If I run, when will I stop?" She lets Aaron breath, leaning back a little.

Aaron's left black ear is flopped down across his face again, but he doesn't bother trying to brush it back. "Keep them from being exploited. Not all of Amazonia is like Hydron – none of it is, really. They're just barbarians that live miserable violent lives and don't know how valuable what little they have really is to the outside world."

"Isn' tha' it, then? Couldn't Layth an' I make somethin' o' that? We could protect Amazonia from the outside an' the outside from Amazonia, an' 'elp both," Tasha asks, looking down at the buck. "The priest said I should live like a person, helpin' people, an' bein' part o' people."

"Being a person means doing what's best for yourself too," Aaron points out looking exhausted now too. "You're young, you've got a lot of opportunities ahead of you if you don't lock yourself down now. Don't end up like me."

"Bu', didn't you chose this, Aaron? You followed Calli because you wan'ed to," Tasha asks. She tilts her head, and adds, "An', isn't this workin' for my future? If I can make this, then it'll grow in time, won' it?"

"I just… don't know," Aaron says. "You're impressionable, Tasha. Tyche, priests… they can mess with your head. And as for me, I hardly ever have any choices – at least, ones that I can live with."

"Bu', didn' you chose what you can live with? Do you really 'ave to help Calli? Layth? Me? You could be back 'ome, with your girl. Seems to me, tha' your 'eart choses," Tasha taps the buck's chest, "for you. A bi' like me, I guess. Ran out 'ere for the adventure, fell for Layth, followin' Abaddon, an' now this. Think I should ignore my 'eart?"

"You're too young to ignore it," Aaron says. "I have to do what I think is right, whether or not it's right for me personally. If I hadn't agreed to mentor Calli, she still would have come to Rephidim, and probably ended up in jail or dead, even with Anisa helping her. And now you're in this, and Aisha is my sort-of-cousin-by-marriage so I couldn't let you get into this mess without some sort of guide. I'm the grown-up… I have to do these things."

"Growin' up sounds a lot like bein' young, jus' dif'ren' worries. I worry with me 'eart, you worry with your 'ead," Tasha remarks, sounding wry.

"Sometimes I worry with my foot too," Aaron admits. "And other bits best left unnamed."

Tasha laughs quietly. "I know abou' some o' those things," she teases, pulling at the bucks ear gently, for old time's sake. "I'm goin' to 'ave to work this out with Layth. I'm no' goin' to tell 'im about the slavery part. 'E'd worry, an' say this an' tha', but tha's my choice. I 'ave time to think on it, anyroad. Seemed to me like Tyche wants us to 'elp Calli still. That'd be good news for you."

"Oh, just great," Aaron mutters. "I was hoping she'd give up and keep Calli home. But honestly, take anything I say with a gallon of salt. I'm a Lapi that's lived alone for most of his life. By Amazonian standards, I'm technically insane."

"Oi, you make a lot o' sense for an insane man," the woman says. She then tilts her head, smiles at him for a moment, and says, "I tol' Tyche to leave you alone."

"Thanks," Aaron says, surprised. "I'm flattered you'd even think of that… "

Tasha smiles a bit more. "She said she would, but not for me. She worked out wha'ever she was workin' out with Calli, an' doesn' need distractin'." The woman shrugs; she tried. "At leas', I think she respects you. A lot."

The buck smiles and seems happy for a moment… but then the old worry comes back, and he asks nervously, "Uh, does that mean you and Tyche were talking about me?"

"A lil'. I think she took pity on me, really. She knew she 'ad me beat, an' tha' my fangs were dull," the Vartan admits.

Whiskers twitching, Aaron nods slowly. "Okay. I won't… worry," he says, more to himself than to Tasha. Although he does start checking out the hallway to see if they're being watched.

Tasha reaches over and ruffles Aaron's head hair, grinning lopsidedly. "I think she's plottin' other ideas, so you're safe. She actually considered tryin' to breed their own Vartan hybrids – said she'd need a 'stock' of young Vartan females! Oi, I think I get this lan' an' somethin' like that sails in." She shakes her head. "Sometimes a think I ought an' jus' flee 'ere." Her wry expression, and matching grin, suggest she doesn't really mean it.

"I feel that way all the time I'm here," Aaron says, then asks, "You're on a lower Milk dosage now, so… are you still feeling… randy?"

"A lil'," Tasha admits.

"A lot less after that talk," the woman adds.

Aaron chews on his lower lip a bit, then says, "I'll risk it. Come sleep with Layth and me in our new room tonight, please? I have this terrible feeling that Tyche will feel sorry for me and throw younger does at me. I need protection!"

Tasha raises a brow, then gives a what-the-heck shrug. "Alrigh'," she agrees. "Tyche did say I should go find Layth, anyway. No talking, bu' she didn' mention talkin' to you." She grins a little. "Will you 'elp me with a contract later? In the mornin'. I'm beat an' tired."

Aaron takes Tasha's hand and starts to lead her to the new room. "I can probably help a little. I have a lawyer friend I usually have explain things to me though," he says. "And if any does show up, just tell them you already wore me out or something, okay?"

"Well, alrigh'. Jus' this once, mind." Taking Aaron's hand, Tasha follows along. "You think it'll all work out? I feel like I 'Erald a lot o' doom, lately."

"I have no idea," Aaron says, sounding miserable. "And gods help me… I think I'm actually going to miss being spooned by Layth tonight… "

Tasha suddenly bursts in to laughter. "At leas' 'e didn' offer you 'release therapy.' I've been wonderin' abou' 'im an those Gladiators … "


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)