1 Harvest, 6104 RTR (14 Dec 2000) Elijah receives a dream vision warning of a possible future.
(Elijah's Quest) (Necropolis) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur)
The Saskanar River winds its way in a roughly southeasterly direction here, cutting through the Ashdod Region and skirting the lands that were once considered part of the Ashdod Territories dominated by the city-state of Babel. To the south and west, however, the forested hills and rolling plains of tall grass give way to a dramatic change in the earth. The vegetation becomes more sparse, and irregular stone pillars rise from the ground, some toppled, some swaying to one side or the other far enough to merge with another column, or branching into others. It has the appearance of a strange forest of colossal barren trees turned to stone. The sky in that direction seems forever lost in some sort of strange storm – The exact details are hazy, but the clouds have a liquid look to them, and glow faintly. Despite the strangeness, a port town has been built on the bank, at the "entrance" to the alien forest.

With the dawning of a new day, the town of Wyrmwood – its population temporarily expanded by the number of travelers lodging here – has come to life again, as townsfolk bustle about, adding preparations for Harvest Tide to their usual routine. At the Wyrmwood Wayside Inn, those who rented floor (or rafter) space have been shooed out unless they're having breakfast, and the Aelfin family running the inn has been hastily cleaning up rooms as soon as they're vacated, so that nocturnal guests can use them for the daylight hours.

Outside, the barge of the Lady of Shadows has undergone something of a transformation, as a large section of the deck – and the cabin in which Elijah visited the Lady in the wee hours – has been removed, and now stands on wheels near the docks, its size and excessive decor suggesting one of the grand caravan wagons of the merchant families of Himar. A canopy has been spread over the deck of the barge, and the Lady's feline servants can be seen tending to preparations for their journey, though the requisite beasts to pull the wagon haven't yet been procured.

Tents are set up just outside the town, in empty fields, and townsfolk and visitors alike help to hang up and set up decorations. Stalls are hastily set up, as vendors sell articles for celebrants who didn't come properly prepared for the local customs, and kitchens across the town radiate aromas of fresh bread and other baked goods, and slow-roasting hocks of Rughrat being prepared early for the evening feast. Bards and minstrels get a head start on the festivities, strolling the streets or forming small bands, to perform traditional songs – and a few new ones – in exchange for offerings from passers-by, and some early samples from the bakers.

Inri, Watches-Quietly, Srinala and Bhuz have breakfast in the common hall. It looks like Watches-Quietly has used up the rest of her fur dye, turning Srinala's hair ink black – and that Srinala has also acquired a pair of chitin goggles. With her wings tucked back and bundled up, she doesn't stand out quite she otherwise would – A diligent or paranoid observer might possibly deduce that she has something to hide, but many travelers do, and if anything the Lady of Shadows said was true, their first assumption shouldn't be that this is a Srinala awakened and walking about incognito.

Elijah walks up to the table, looking groggy, as if he's hardly gotten any sleep, but nonetheless cleaned up for the day's adventure. One of the felines, Kagesa, walks up to Elijah and his companions, and can be overheard inviting them to dinner with the Lady at sundown. A few words are exchanged, and then the feline leaves.

As the group digs in to breakfast, Bhuz loudly praising the food in words that may well have never existed before this moment, a second Elijah watches from across the room. Standing next to him is a man in robes of the color of amber, with a smooth mask covering his features – a mask made of the material that the robes suggest. He holds a long staff in one hand, the top twisting into loops, and from these loops hang rings that chime against each other when he abruptly shakes the staff. The chimes seem to echo through the room, but no one pays any heed, save for the double of Elijah, whose eyes snap open as if suddenly awakened.

"Well met, traveler," says the man behind the amber mask. "I have been looking forward to your visit, but there has been a great convergence of power in this seemingly insignificant place, and I have been troubled by visions. In itself, this is a rarity for me, for I do not possess quite the same insight as my predecessor. Nonetheless, with the assistance of a practitioner of the arcane arts – who shall remain anonymous for now – and at no small risk, I am attempting to give you advance warning, for this prophesy will be of little use to you, being told to you at the Sanctuary after the event it would have foretold had already transpired. Even more so … if you would not come here at all."

One of the Aelfin innkeeper's daughters trundles by, carrying a tray, but she pays no notice to the two observers. She does not pass through them, nor step around them … It is as if they aren't precisely occupying any space here, but as if the interior of the inn were a stage, and they were watching from the front row of seats, in some vaguely defined, nonexistent location, separate and apart from the play that unfolds before them.

"For the sake of introductions, I am the new Champion of Amber – an appointment made out of necessity, though I have not fully risen to the demands of the position," the masked human says, "and you are Elijah. Though every precaution has been taken, there is still a risk that an outsider may observe what transpires here. It is only because of the gravity of what is about to unfold that I take such a risk. What you are about to see is a possible future. In this possible future, however, Elijah has had a fitful night, but he has not been visited by visions of the future, and anyone using magical means to observe him would notice nothing unusual about his sleep."

"Therefore," the warrior-prophet says, "from the very start, events are unlikely to unfold as you see here. Keep that in mind as you observe. Also, I am afraid that my communication with you is one-sided, as a necessary concession to ensure secrecy and not to endanger you any further. Any questions you may have shall have to wait until we are able to meet in person. I have no commentary to offer, save that you take careful note of what transpires here."

And then, the dreaming Elijah's point of view shifts, and he is one with the Elijah that is seated at the table, having a pleasant and well-cooked breakfast, including a surprisingly good attempt at Vartan tea for this part of the globe.

The seated Vartan sips at his tea, attempting to coax his insides to start working their way up to full speed. Waking up has taken a little bit longer as the years have gone by, but he's not old and feeble yet. "Good morning to you, ladies. I hope the beds were comfortable enough."

Inri and Watches-Quietly nod. Srinala frowns. "It was too soft." Watches-Quietly frowns at this and rolls her eyes, but her mouth quirks in a faint smirk.

Bhuz says, "I'll be missing you palamaizhas, but it'll be a groopling kalapalooza tonight, with kazils of face-filling grubolas!" He grins.

Watches-Quietly signs, "If you're going to have dinner with the Lady, does that mean I have to come, too? Bhuz offered to show me the fun. Her, too," she adds, gesturing to Srinala, "unless you think that'd be unwise."

"We'll try to get you a firmer mattress when we can," Elijah grins. "We also need to start considering what we need to bring for the trip into Shabar. Any supplies you can think of, be sure and pass word along to me. Just be nice to my coinpurse if you can." He laughs at Bhuz. "A bunch of drunken bats and tourists. Too much like Rephidim for my tastes."

Inri nods. "I'll do some shopping today. This is a large enough town that the older merchants are used to dealing with Savanite servants."

"We'd best get our breakfast down and see if Madame needs help with her barge, then. I do not feel like traveling at night or getting stuck here when the partying starts if it can be helped." The Vartan swallows a chunk of a breakfast roll.

Watches-Quietly looks disappointed, but she nods agreement.

Elijah shrugs sympathetically to Watches-Quietly and starts to tuck into his breakfast a bit more greedily – while, unnoticed in a corner of the room, his observer side watching the odd vision simply continues to watch.

There's a very limited amount of banter for the rest of the meal, since two of the eaters would have to free hands to sign (or, at least, the one who has hands to spare isn't about to show them in mixed company), Bhuz is hardly intelligible, and Srinala doesn't seem to have anything to contribute at the moment. Watches-Quietly finds a moment to ask, however, "During the day, who should she be with?"

"I'm not sure. The two of you get along very well, but I'd rather keep a third guardian with you just in case. Either myself or Inri, depending on who happens to be free, unless you've a plan you'd like to suggest. You're an equal partner in this team after all." Elijah winks and gulps down the remainder of the tea in his mug before refilling it again from the pot.

"I'd be fine with either," Watches-Quietly signs. "I don't want to arbitrarily complicate plans to get ready to go."

The Vartan nods. "Alright then. Do you think you're strong enough to carry her if need be?"

"Oh sure," Watches-Quietly asserts. "I've had to do it a few times before. She's really light."

"Very good." He glances at the Eeee. "Make sure she eats her breakfast. She'll probably need every last scrap of energy for the trip to come."

Watches-Quietly nods, and glances to the bat, then taps her on the shoulder, then taps on the fork and the plate for emphasis. Srinala, momentarily just staring off, starts moving again, and slowly works on her breakfast, with nibbling bites. She isn't quite as voracious as she was when first waking.

The dream-Elijah continues to watch, somewhat confused. ( Is this a prophecy telling me that I need to be wary of Srinala? That I need to trust my daughter more? That I shouldn't trust the Lady of Shadows? )

The events unfold at a seemingly faster pace, as the otherElijah goes through the mundane chores of the day. The townsfolk continue to get ready for the celebration, though some express concern over the cloudy weather, and some wonder whether there will be another freak storm. There is a bit of drizzle in the afternoon, but it doesn't last long, and it looks as if all will be fine for the evening … and, just in case, that's why there are tents.

At last, it looks like the wagon is more or less ready to go by early afternoon, and Kagesa summons Elijah and his companions for the afternoon meal. According to local tradition, it is now Harvest Eve, and the start of the time to celebrate, though what "celebration" there is now is only a prelude to the feasting and the real attractions at sundown. Right now, it's just music and a few games for the children who won't be allowed to stay up past their bedtimes.

Bhuz comes by to try to lead Watches-Quietly off to catch some of the games, but she, through a great deal of pantomime, manages to convey that she feels obliged to watch Srinala, and not go running off, when they'll be leaving soon. Bhuz, looking disappointed, nods acquiescence, and heads off, sticking with a non-Gigi crowd, of course.

On the barge, the canopy has been set up over the area that the "wagon" section previously occupied, and inside is set out a miniature version of a Harvest Tide feast, replete with local delicacies and 'comfort' foods. There is a low table running the length of the oblong area marked off as the dining portion, and it appears that the Lady has enough coinage to hire some of the locals to tend, allowing her own personal servants to be seated on cushions about the table, dining in south-Nordikan style.

Inri, Elijah, Watches-Quietly and Srinala are seated together on one side, with the four dark felines on the other – Kagesa seated closest to the Lady. The Lady sits at the far end … and a white Kattha in the robes of a mage or priestess or some sort of important functionary sits at the remote side of the table.

By all indications, the Lady has hired local folk who don't know Rephidim Standard – that is, a few Fnerf herders who must have come along with the Rughrat that has been aplenty here. However, they understand Babelite, and so does the Lady, among others.

Elijah looks back and forth between the felines as he settles into his seat. "Is this a common custom in Olympia for Harvest Tide? I suppose it would be… Every harvest deserves a feast in celebration."

For whatever reason, the Lady of Shadows is no longer obscured behind a curtain. Rather, she wears an elaborate gown of layered diaphanous material – purple, overlaid with twining sigils of black. She looks fairly young for being a terribly talented mage – in her twenties, it seems. The white feline is fairly young to be wearing such fancy attire, and Elijah has not noticed her before. She has the sigil of the "spirit" on her robes, which are a bright contrast to the Lady and her servants. She seems to be in her early teens at the latest, and has a headdress of considerable size … perhaps to make her seem taller than she actually is.

The Lady nods. "It's a yearly tradition in Parthos, though my travels usually take me far from there."

The observer-Elijah quirks an eyebrow, leaning against one of the posts holding the canopy up. "At least I know you have a face now," he muses to himself.

"Better than some of the traditions I've heard of over Harvest-Tide. Loss of inhibitions and all that. It disgusts me, which is part of the reason why I am glad to have gotten a chance to enjoy the company of a much smaller audience instead this evening." The Vartan grins and tries to get Srinala to sample some of the sweeter dishes laid out. "How have you managed in renting animals to pull the carriage?"

For just a moment, it seems as if the Lady turns to regard the Elijah who isn't really there … but she holds up her glass, and a Fnerf servant passes by the observer to refill her glass. "Yes, about five years ago, we had something of a problem like that in Parthos… " The Lady takes a sip, then answers, "We've made arrangements." She quirks a grin.

Elijah smirks and points to one of the Fnerfs. "Not… "

"Can you see me, dream woman? Have you something to add to this prophecy?" The observer folds his arms against his chest and rustles his wings, stirring up a slight breeze that goes unfelt by the seated patrons.

The Lady just hides her grin with another sip from the cup, then passes her gaze down to the end of the table. She blinks once, then in a regal voice, asks, "What are you doing?"

From his seat at the table, Elijah cranes his neck to see who the lady is addressing. "Madame?"

The appetizers have been delivered, and the main dishes have just been set out. The almost-kitten across the table has her hands clasped together, posed as if to pray – an act quite familiar to the household of Elijah. She opens an eye, however, peeking over her hands. "Hmm?"

Watches-Quietly mouths an "oh!" and adopts a similar pose.

The observer smirks. "A spirit mage who prays. Most of the ones I know ultimately do not believe in any deity … save sister Shade."

Elijah squawks softly and also folds his hands in front of him. All this excitement and he's forgotten the blessing.

The spirit mage kitten waits until about half the table now have their hands clasped together (including Srinala, who has been introduced to the custom by now, but still looks perplexed), and then she goes through a well-rehearsed thanks to the Star for the meal. "So be it," she mews at the end. And then she promptly tucks into her food, before most have even had a chance to open their eyes. The Lady, however, looks aghast.

"Have we offended you, Madame?" Elijah seems a bit perplexed at how a servant praying would cause such a reaction. Maybe she's new?

The spirit mage gives the Lady several innocent-looking blinks, slowly munching her food, occasionally pausing to make delighted little "Mmmmm!" noises and eye-rolls. She nods approval of the food.

The Lady keeps her gaze on the near-kitten. "Just what was that?"

A few more chews, then the girl replies, "Just gave thanks."

"She seems a bit happy for a spirit mage as well. Most of the ones I know are dour, and that includes sister Shade." The observer chuckles and moves over to get a closer look at the girl.

The Lady narrows her eyes. The girl continues to look innocent, but Elijah's senses have been fine-tuned by raising children. The girl may be putting on a face, but she's aware that she's done something amiss, and seems to be just trying to put on a cute expression to push her way through the situation.

Suddenly, the girl mouths an "Ohhhh," and wipes her mouth with a napkin daintily. "You must have heard about what happened in Parthos? Well, that was all just a misunderstanding. I mean, the nerve of them! Excommunicating me! The high priestess! But I've got that covered. I reinstated myself. But they won't let me preside over the feasts now. Don't worry. They'll forget about it soon enough, I'm sure."

The Lady of Shadows narrows her eyes even further, as if to shut something out, and murrs, "I'm sure," then starts nibbling on her food.

Inri, meanwhile, looks back and forth, then turns sideways to give Elijah a "what's up here?" look.

Elijah scratches at his neck, also curious about the exchange. "Madame, if it is not rude of me to ask… what occurred in Parthos? This confuses me somewhat… talk of the child being a high priestess, yet… " He looks over to the white kitten. "You were praying to the Star, were you not? Or is it that our prayers simply look similar?"

The observer nods, also curious about the answer to this question.

The girl nods several times. "Oh yes, the Star. Sorry I wasn't speaking loud enough. The priestesses at the Temple of Ariel in Parthos weren't too pleased about it, either. They got really upset, and some of them were going to toss themselves off the cliff, but I knocked them out first. They really made such a big fuss. I tried to explain, but Aesia – and she was crying a storm, really – told me to just go away. So, well, I did."

The Lady of Shadows looks at the girl with a blank expression, mechanically nibbling on her food.

"But if you no longer worship Ariel, why re-instate yourself as her high priestess?" Elijah tilts his head.

The Observer's gaze is firmly focused on the Lady of Shadows, studying her expression in all of this. Maybe one who isn't used to showing their face in public may be less rehearsed in hiding their emotions.

The girl ponders this, chewing thoughtfully, then shrugs. "Well, I like being a high priestess. And, well, my job is to still tell them the will of Ariel, and I'm still pretty good at doing that."

The Lady of Shadows casts a warning glare in the direction of the white-furred Kattha girl. Everyone else at the table may be looking the other way, but she obviously doesn't notice the observer.

Elijah simply looks confused. "How can you speak the will of a god… or a goddess … that you no longer follow? Or do you worship both now? I've heard enough about the Olympian Pantheon to know that they have multiple gods, so I suppose the practice wouldn't be unheard of… "

The white-furred girl looks to Elijah, and has a matter-of-fact expression on her face as she starts to talk … but while her mouth moves, no sound comes out. She has a surprised expression for a moment, then glances down the table and makes a pouty face at the Lady of Shadows.

The observer frowns, none of this settling right with him very well.

"My apologies, Madame." The seated Vartan bows his head apologetically to the Lady. "I do not mean to pry, but all this talk of gods and goddesses has made me curious. As long as your secrets do not endanger my companions, I will leave you to them – but I have to confess that I have a grudging uneasiness about it. I'm sure you can understand."

"She is a bit … eccentric," the Lady of Shadows says. "Please don't be alarmed. I asked her if she could lend some assistance in the Sphere of Spirit, given the problem that we discussed last night about one of your companions. I did not expect that she would come in person, but rather that she might send one of her servants. Now, I see why not."

"If she truly is a follower of the Star, I would prefer her over any other mage on Sinai." Elijah glances at the kitten. "You seem rather young for a spirit mage, though. I would think you to be an apprentice… No offense meant, Lady of White."

The kitten tries to reply, but she's still muted by what must be a spell of shadow focused on the sense of sound. Her kittenish pout is soon replaced with a new expression as she brightens as if struck with an idea. She wiggles her nose, and a little wisp of steam rises from her cup, forming an image that looks like a child's crayon drawing of a kitten face, done in white lines. It speaks in a high-pitched voice, "You can call me Ar – " And then it disappears in a purplish pop.

"What is the purpose of all of this secrecy?" The observer growls. "Surely a child can't be all that dangerous." Unsure if he can really feel out anything in a vision, he kneels down behind the young kitten and holds his hands over her, trying to see if his senses can pick up any odd magical aura.

He himself doesn't seem to observe anything in this regard, but the dream-Elijah picks up a good deal of magic being tossed about, and the observer is able to sense this as well. Most conspicuous, however, is that not a single cantrip has been cast, and the kitten was able to cast a spell even while silenced – and she certainly didn't do a soft-shoe number.

The observer shrinks back, reeling at this realization. "And Madame apparently snuffed the spell without a word or a gesture as well, and I'll bet the silence was the same. It couldn't be the servants, as I don't see them doing anything magical either… " He settles down to ponder this a bit more.

Elijah simply looks sheepish and focuses on his meal. "So, Madame, what do you call your barge? I've never come across one so modular before? If it flies as well, I'll have to get the name of its builder sometime."

The Lady's warning look at the kitten fades in an instant, the moment Elijah is looking back at her. "Nothing terribly imaginative. It is only the Ark of Shadows. And, no, alas, it does not fly, though it has been equipped to be easily accommodated by most standard cargo airships."

A Fnerf passes by, refilling Elijah's cup. The Fnerfs seem completely oblivious to any melodramatic turns to the conversation at the dinner table.

The feline servants seem to be fairly inactive during this whole time, keeping their eyes low ever since the conversation took a less cordial turn.

"A plain name is often the best. Better than something big and pompous." Elijah tips his newly filled glass to the black Kattha. "How soon can we be off?"

A little mist rises behind the Lady, keeping behind her range of sight. It looks like another crayon-drawn kitten face, wearing an oversized hat roughly like the one the Lady of White wears. It winks conspiratorially at Elijah, then materializes a hand that it uses to thumb its nose at the Lady of Shadows' back. Oblivious to this, the Lady says, "We'll move out immediately once the meal is done, and things are put away. We'll be out well before sundown. I prefer private celebrations over the more popular ones. I enjoy some measure of control." The white outline sticks out a tongue.

Elijah does an amazing job at keeping a stoic looking facethroughout this, although the edges of his beak quiver. Meanwhile the Observer is laughing himself silly. "Well, that's one point in their favor. If these were evil mages, I'd assume a lot worse in retaliation."

The Lady of Shadows quirks an eyebrow when she regards the Vartan's quivering beak, and then she sees the kitten guffawing – noiselessly. She seems at first to pretend to ignore whatever might be happening, but she holds up a polished spoon … and glowers as it shows a reflection of the apparition. There is another puff of purple, but apparently there was enough of a lapse in her attention for the kitten to break through the silence, as her laughter suddenly becomes quite audible. Watches-Quietly fakes a case of the sniffles, pulling out a handkerchief for her nose, while Inri shows great interest in her food. Srinala, however, just looks around in utter confusion. Apparently her echo-location doesn't pick up ethereal apparitions.

The observer contemplates for a moment and tries to think a little bit outside the box presented to him. He walks over to the barge and wonders if there might be a way he could sneak inside and get a look around while dinner was going on. Maybe he could find more definite answers that way.

When the Observer looks away from areas seen by the dream-Elijah, things seem more distinct … fuzzy … shadowy. However, he's not gone blind, and it does appear that he can "walk" around. There does, however, appear to be a possibility of a limit of how far he can go from the dream-Vartan and still observe anything … and areas that the Vartan has actually visited seem more definite, more solid. In any case, it looks like, yes, he could search around a bit. The most obvious exit would be the portal leading into the canopy, though there's also an exit leading back to the area the Fnerfs use for holding extra food and drink, and the dishes.

With a bit of thought, the observer chooses to visit the area where the Fnerfs are first. They're the strangers in this equation and that area is also probably less likely to be warded at the moment. His alternate self continues chatting about the trip, commenting about the clouds overhead, and complimenting the food and drink.

A couple of Fnerfs mill about, exchanging comments to each other in Babelite. "All this magery makes me nervous. What if they turn us into Rughrats?" "Don't be absurd! They're paying us good coin." "Hmph. Well, if they do turn us into Rughrats … don't say I didn't warn you."

The Observer stays and watches for a little bit, keeping an eye on the Fnerfs as they work and occasionally glancing back towards the table to make sure he's not missing anything blatant. If explosions occur or suchlike though, he'll hopefully be able to hear it from his vantage point.

There's a loud giggle, and then the near-kitten mews, "Well, looks like you're out of the bag!"

"Amber, if you can possibly hear this in your wisdom … next time give me some hint as to the nature of what I'm looking out for. When left to my own devices, I worry about assassination attempts and magical curses or suchlike." The observer looks around one last time and then goes to check on the table again.

The Lady of Shadows has her face covered with one hand. "You are in no danger, I assure you, Elijah."

The kitten mews, "Well, of course not. But you didn't tell me specifically not to call you by name, Kassy. And if you didn't tell me, then you can't just assume that I'll figure it out on my own!"

There are various looks of shock … save for Inri. She waves a hand to try to get Elijah's attention.

The Observer strides back in, curious as to what just occurred in his absence.

Inri signs to Elijah, "They are friends – relatives, even – of Lady Willow of Dack. They aren't like Amenlichtli, I assure you! I trust Lady Willow. She rescued me at no small risk to herself and even her family."

"I just hadn't actually met them in person," the cheetah adds, "hence I did not recognize them at first."

"Relatives? How can someone be a relative to a god?" Elijah's feathers are a-bristle and he looks half ready to grab up the two Savanites and the Eeee and bolt. He looks at the white kitten. "And how can a goddess worship the Star?" Inri's trust in them appears to be the only thing keeping him from falling over the edge at the moment.

The white kitten shrinks down until only her eyes and her hat peek up over the edge of the table. The Lady of Shadows casts a simmering gaze down the table at the cowering kitten, then mrowls, "Your second question is a very good one indeed, and one that I'm certain is being asked all over Parthos by now, given Ariel's lack of subtlety. But as for myself, I was once mortal. I had no children of my own, but I am still part of the same bloodline that has passed down the generations to the present-day House of Dack. I was one of the first true mages of Sinai, so I was not lying to you when I agreed with your description of me as a mage. I simply chose to keep certain things unspoken."

The Vartan looks at Inri again for reassurance before focusing on the Black Lady again. "Then why the interest in the growth of the activity of the supposed gods? I would think the answer would be plain to someone involved in the middle of it."

"I'm sure we'd make a fine ladies' club," the Black Ladymurrs in annoyance, "but at present, no, we don't invite each other over for tea and crumpets. Omniscience is not one of my attributes. Keeping things hidden, is, but I've had to compromise that in order to go about and actually try to learn something myself."

The White Kitten mews, "I'm really, really sorry. I don't mean to scare you. I just thought it'd be a hoot to see the look on your faces, when … " She sniffles.

The Observer simply stares in shock. The prospect of rooting around in the ship is pretty much forgotten now.

"I'm not really a goddess," the White Kitten mews, "at least, not any more so than anyone else is. Lady Willow thinks I really shouldn't put on airs, but … " She bites her lip. "It's fun to pretend."

Elijah lightens a few degrees. "Please understand my position in this. A large portion of my life has been devoted to fighting people who claimed to work for dark gods, or trying to protect my family from other gods who had bad intentions towards them." He tries to get his feathers to lie back down. "I suppose I do not react wellto surprises. I am sorry, Lady Ariel."

The kitten immediately sits up, brightening. "You forgive me? Oh, thank you!" Then, as if nothing at all had happened, she starts tucking back into her meal again.

"Um… they're not… are they?" Elijah points to the quiet servants, wondering if they might be masquerading gods as well.

The Black Lady shakes her head. "They are my priestesses. They are entrusted with my Ark, and ferry me about from place to place, and tend to my needs on the holidays, when I manifest myself in the mortal world."

"That explains the shadow-play," the Observer says with a smirk.

Ariel mews, "I really like holidays! The Dacks are having a really nice festival back in Kroz. I'm there, too. Lady Willow has no idea why Kassy is glaring daggers at me over the dinner table."

The Vartan calms down a few shades more. "Well now that the secret is out… may I know why you really want to make this long trek? Are you just wanting to seek out more information about it worldwide or do you have something specific you wish to know?"

Kasaris murrs, "I told you the truth about my intent. I am trying to find out the nature of these gods and goddesses, and whether there is a changing trend in the world. I have found it easier to have more of an effect upon the physical plane. Normally, I would have to wait until sundown, when it is traditional that the eve of a holiday starts, but I have already manifested before then. It is already quite late in Kroz, and I have been there for some time. It is a recurring legend that the spirit world and thematerial world draw closer on holidays – some more so than others. I am not certain whether this phenomenon is the source of the legend … or whether it is the belief of the people that makes the legend true. Such are things beyond my understanding … at present."

Elijah nods. "I believe that if you had evil intentions that you would have expressed them by now. Although shocking, this news does not change my plans. And I am still quite interested in knowing what Ariel can learn of… the young lady Eeee with us."

Kasaris nods toward Ariel. "If she won't be distracted before the holiday ends, hopefully she will be so kind as to assist in that matter."

Ariel mews, "What matter?"

"Perhaps we should tend to it after dinner while she rests. I'd prefer privacy." Elijah absently nods in the direction of one of the Fnerfs.

Kasaris nods. "A good idea." She resumes her meal.

Watches-Quietly mechanically returns to her food, keeping her head lowered a few degrees. Srinala just as a faintly intrigued expression on her face.

The observer folds his arms again. "I suppose that two goddesses would constitute as a convergence of power in a way." He nods and rubs his head, trying to focus on waking up from the vision. "Pleasant dreams."

As the dream starts to fade away, the scene shifts… The observer gets an impression of the passage of time, as the vision begins to lose its grip on him.

The observer notes the passage of time. "There's more then?" He stops trying to break the image and allows himself to slip back into the vision.

The image shimmers. Alas, he seems to have missed whatever transpired during Ariel's examination of Srinala, but it doesn't appear that it resulted in the dream-Elijah going into fits. Still, it looks as if there has been some sort of delay. It's quickly darkening, as the clouds blot out the sun prematurely. The wagon is ready to go, and the Fnerfs - decked out in fine attire for fox'taurs – are set to pull it, but Watches-Quietly had rushed off for just a moment to say goodbye to Bhuz, since he hasn't shown up since before the dinner. She was gone for only a moment, and then a strange sensation washed over the group … a feeling of ecstatic pleasure. The dream-Elijah is unaffected, save for a shudder … and the same can be said for Inri, Srinala and the two "goddesses". However, the Fnerfs start moaning and looking all too pleased, until Kasaris casts them a scrutinizing glare – They are released, it seems, to stand there looking confused and ashamed.

Inri looks worriedly to Elijah. "I sensed a spell being released – a powerful one!"

Elijah's first reaction is to grab his sword. His daughter went out to say goodbye to a member of the opposite sex, and then this spell hit the group. "I'll go find Watches-Quietly. Back in a couple of wingbeats." and in instant later he's up in the air trying to spot the golden fur of the young spotted girl.

Kasaris shouts orders to her priestesses in Olympian, and daggers flash in their hands, as they rush to the side of the wagon. Inri grabs for Srinala, while the Vartan clears the buildings in but a few powerful strokes of his mighty wings. He can see the torches illuminating the carnival, and it doesn't look good. It looks like a riot is going on, though the music is still playing.

( Oh Star … protect her, and protect Bhuz as well. ) The Vartan's wings beat wildly as he circles over the crowd. "Watches-Quietly!!! Bhuz!!! Can you hear me?" His voice is a half scream, designed more to carry than anything else.

Despite the dim light, keen Vartan eyes quickly pick out spotted fur … and mottled fur. It has only been but a few instants, and it looks like there is as much trouble as his first inclination warned. There are white-furred bats dancing and writhing about, with some trappings that seem to suggest some connection to the priesthood, and many people are gobbling down wine from a trough, and basically acting as if they've gone stark raving mad, and having a wonderful time – for the most part. There are a few that cry out in anguish, and shouts of, "Stop! You're going mad!" "In the name of the First Ones, I command you, cease this – !" "NOOOOO!" A wave of fear and anguish washes over the Vartan, with more potency than the first sensation. He manages to catch sight of Watches-Quietly, wrestling with an amorous Bhuz. She decks him across the jaw, but this only seems to encourage him. She makes an attempt at a knee-kick, but then her scream …

It echoes with the screams of those nearby, as a wave seems to rush outward. There is a high-pitched Eeee shriek that echoes through the fields, and the music abruptly stops. Left and right, the madness halts … as people fall to the ground, then trash about in convulsions.

The air is ablaze with magic. Dark magic.

Elijah drops like a stone as well. His sword is back in his belt in an instant and he flies to pluck the two felines up in one swoop. "NO!"

In a moment, he has both of them. Watches-Quietly, in a panic, beats and kicks against the Vartan, but to no effect. Bhuz, however, dangles lifelessly, eyes open and staring blankly into space.

Elijah hugs the both of them to his chest; the cub could be stabbing him with a dagger and he wouldn't let go. He starts to dart back towards the carriage, focusing on the crowd in his pass and trying to pinpoint the source of the magic.

There is a great deal of magic reverberating back and forth. There is not only one source. It is as if there is not a single drop upon a pond, causing circles which one might trace back to the source, but ripple upon ripple, to the point that the pond now crashes with chaotic waves. Down below, back around the carriage, he can see a shimmering wall of dark violet, and another of wispy white, behind which cower several villagers who had not gone out to the festivities. He also sees flitting shadows racing across the fields … they look ragged, torn, broken, but move as if alive, and they radiate a tangible malevolence as they descend upon the bodies strewn about the fields.

The Vartan lands and rushes the two spotted felines to the carriage. "What is happening? I've never seen such chaos raised even by the best necromancers and mind mages of Nagai?" He shakes Bhuz, worrying about whether the cat is still alive or not.

He flops about lifelessly, and there is a trickle of black that runs from the corner of his mouth … and then, a shadow quickly overtakes the Vartan, as if it will collide … but it abruptly vanishes. Just then, the Gigi's eyes open, and his mouth curls into a grin. He looks to Watches-Quietly and says, "My, what a splendid job you've done," in flawless Aeztepan.

Elijah's reaction is swift and instinctive. The arm curled around Watches-Quietly abruptly lets go and he grabs Bhuz's head in his hand … then he squeezes. "Star curse you for using his shell… "

The problem is swiftly and brutally dealt with, and Bhuz's body flops to the ground, lifeless once again. Inri has dropped all pretenses of her disguise at this point, rushing along with Srinala – crying and screaming – crammed under three arms.

The Observer looks away, wishing he could hide the image from the girl.

Elijah likewise picks up Watches-Quietly. He's shaking like a leaf as he tries to bundle her into the carriage and get the few villagers who haven't gone mad to clamber in as well. "This isn't just the Sisters, it's her. We have to get out of here now."

Watches-Quietly cries out, in gut-wrenching chokes, "They're dead! They're all DEAD!" It doesn't help when the carnival-goers start getting up … and jerking along in the fashion of a child's toy, defying gravity and any sense of balance as they pace onward. From over the tree-line, an airship rises … an airship with an envelope fashioned from a gargantuan husk of some monster from the depths of the Stygian Sea that shouldn't see the light of day.

"Close your eyes, Shinyfur. Just close your eyes and pray." The Vartan rushes to the front of the carriage, grabs one of the harnesses meant for the Fnerfs and starts to pull.

Kasaris nods agreement. "We can't fit them all on the wagon … I suggest the barges – downstream!" Her priestesses wave strange artifacts, uttering chants. Their efforts seem to reinforce the shadow barrier.

With heroic strength and – for the moment – level ground, the Vartan manages to get the wagon to start to move. One of the Fnerfs, having recovered his senses, stumbles over to lend his own shoulders to the effort, loudly praying in Babelite for mercy and to avert the eyes of the deities from them.

The Observer looks at Bhuz's body and feels his insides heave. He looks up at the airship, trying to place its make.

"Barges… got it." Elijah leans on the ropes and starts turning the wagon towards the stream.

The airship can only have been fashioned from a nightmare. A bloated corpse of a great fish, its puggish jaw-line extending almost vertically upward, lifts the undercarriage, which seems fashioned of bones and stretched skins of mammoth beings of unknown species. Tattered sails flutter on bony frames. If there is any one style of construction that comes to mind, the last ship the Vartan saw with anything resembling this sort of make was back on Paradys – and even that was not quite so awful, or so defiant of the laws of physics.

The wagon, having the advantage of going downhill now, rolls down to the docks, and to a stop. The villagers, having heard Kasaris' admonition, pile out, while others try to catch up, running down from the town. A few boatmen try to lend some direction, lest the flight break down in total chaos.

The observer feels his stomach wrench a second time. "I get the point, Amber. I don't want to see anymore… " On one side are the shambling corpses, at his feet is the body of his friend killed by his own hands, and in the air is a nightmare made real. He closes his eyes and tries to will the vision away.

This time, it fades … to be replaced by the room in the inn. Sunlight filters in through the shutters, and the Vartan lies on the floor, his bedroll and sheets drenched with sweat. There are no screams, no sensations of evil magic in the air. Just the chatter of the morning, down in the main room.

Elijah jerks up with a start and puts an arm over his stomach, trying to quell it. His free hand flails out towards Inri.

Inri isn't there. It looks as if the others have gotten up, and let the Vartan sleep late. Judging by the angle of the sun through the shutters, and the sounds and smells of breakfast being served, it can't be too late, though.

The Vartan hastily gets dressed, not wanting to utterly shock the people downstairs by appearing in the dining hall in his pajamas. He splashes water on his face enough to slick the sweaty feathers back down and then all but runs downstairs.

An Aelfin maid carrying fresh sheets hops out of the way with a squeak, but there are no mishaps on the way down. The others are gathered at the table, with a spot saved for Elijah, just like it was at the start of the dream. Bhuz is there, and he looks like his usual, innocently goofy self, without a shred of malice evident in his frame. Srinala, Watches-Quietly and Inri similarly look free of any trace of the horrors from the nightmare.

There are people milling about who were dead in the dream … faces the Vartan would not have otherwise thought to pick out from the usual milling crowd of anonymous strangers that passes through his life on a daily basis. But they're alive here.

( I can't just tell everyone that they'll die tonight if they stay, they won't believe me… but I also have a few tools at hand. ) The Vartan rubs some of his feathers down again as he addresses his dining family. "All of you, get up now and follow me. I know this is harsh and abrupt, but it is extremely urgent and I don't have time to answer questions." He looks at Bhuz. "That means you too. All of you, now."

There are various looks of surprise and alarm, but Inri gauges the serious look on Elijah's face, and knows he means business. She nods to the others, and when Bhuz tries to shovel down a bit more of his grub, she pinches him on the ear, then encourages him up and out of his chair. She smiles apologetically to the innkeeper – but at a place like this, with this many travelers, the food is paid for first, so there are no coins to hastily count out before leaving.

Elijah heads straight for Kasaris' barge, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to see if his family is still following behind.

Some are following a little more closely than others, but he still has them in tow. A short walk down to the barge … and he encounters Kagesa on the way, no doubt en route to issue the invitation that had been delivered in his dream in the inn. She pauses on the way, and gives a quick bow, purring, "Good morning, Elijah."

"Good morning. I must speak with your mistress now. It is extremely urgent." The Vartan just about barks the words out.

Kagesa's expression is largely unreadable, thanks to the veil, save for an even more surprised look in her eyes, and a flick of her ears. Nonetheless, she comes to a quick decision, and turns, leading the Vartan to the barge. It looks as if the other priestesses are in the process of rolling the wagon section out from the partially grounded barge at the moment, with the help of some Fnerfs.

Elijah swiftly follows behind, his eyes never leave the doorway where Kasaris' room is located.

As Elijah is led to the cabin, Kagesa says, "She is not expecting a visitor yet. It may take a moment before she responds to your presence." Then, she goes through the ritual opening of the door, sliding it to one side, revealing a tangible darkness behind that is just as solid even in the morning light.

"There is a shadow ward on the door. Mind yourself upon entering," the Vartan scrawks to his companions before ducking through the door himself.

Kagesa starts to say something else, but it is quickly lost as he passes through a wave of darkness and silence. A moment later, he is back in the audience chamber of Kasaris. Inri follows behind him, leading a stumbling Watches-Quietly and Srinala by the hands, while Bhuz staggers and falls unceremoniously on his face through the magical barrier.

"Madame, I am very sorry to barge in here with my family unannounced, but we have very little time and I am in dire need of your aid." Elijah walks over to the curtain and brushes his hand against it, although he doesn't make any motion to open it.

There is a moment during which there is no sound save for Bhuz' clumsy attempts to get back on his feet, complicated by the fact that his legs, still back in the sensory barrier, seem to be so affected as to have gone numb. By the time Inri and Watches-Quietly haul him back up to his feet, a shadow rises from silhouettes of pillows visible beneath the curtain. "You are early. I had instructed Kagesa to invite you for dinner, not breakfast," she mrowls.

"Plans have changed. I have no time for charades or formalities." Elijah reaches up and pulls his eyepatch off. "I am Elijah, formerly the Champion of Shadows, and I am in exile until I see fit to resume my duties. You are Kasaris, one of the Olympian goddesses. And tonight, unless we do something, then all but a handful of the people inthis village will die at the hands of Amenlichtli. If we are to do anything, it must be now."


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)